Broadband Forum

STBService:1.4 Service Object definition [USP]




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  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


The above license is used as a license under copyright only. Please reference the Forum IPR Policy for patent licensing terms

Any moral rights which are necessary to exercise under the above license grant are also deemed granted under this license.

Data Types

The Parameters defined in this specification make use of a limited subset of the default SOAP data types [SOAP1.1]. These data types and the named data types used by this specification are described below.

Note: A Parameter that is defined to be one of the named data types is reported as such at the beginning of the Parameter’s description via a reference back to the associated data type definition (e.g. [MACAddress]). However, such parameters still indicate their SOAP data types.

Data Type Base Type Description
boolean - Boolean, where the allowed values are 0 or 1 (or equivalently, true or false).
dateTime - The subset of the ISO 8601 date-time format defined by the SOAP dateTime type [SOAP1.1].
hexBinary -

Hex encoded binary.

A minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form hexBinary(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum length in characters before Hex Binary encoding. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in hexBinary(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the length MUST be in one of the ranges.

int -

Integer in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647, inclusive.

For some int types, a value range is given using the form int(Min:Max) or int(Min:Max step Step) where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

string - For strings, a minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form string(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum string length in characters. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in string(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the string length will be in one of the ranges.
unsignedInt -

Unsigned integer in the range 0 to 4294967295, inclusive.

For some unsignedInt types, a value range is given using the form unsignedInt(Min:Max) or unsigned(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

Alias string(:64)

A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.
IPAddress string(:45)

IP address, i.e. IPv4 address (or IPv4 subnet mask) or IPv6 address.

All IPv4 addresses and subnet masks MUST be represented as strings in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. Here are some examples of valid IPv4 address textual representations:


All IPv6 addresses MUST be represented using any of the 3 standard textual representations defined in [RFC4291] Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. Both lower-case and upper-case letters can be used, but use of lower-case letters is RECOMMENDED. Here are some examples of valid IPv6 address textual representations:

  • 1080:0:0:800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 1080::800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 0:0:0:0:0:0:

IPv6 addresses MUST NOT include zone identifiers. Zone identifiers are discussed in [Section 6/RFC4007].

Unspecified or inapplicable addresses (or IPv4 subnet masks) MUST be represented as empty strings unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.

UUID string(36)

Universally Unique Identifier. See [RFC4122].

Possible patterns:

  • [A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}


[AC-3] E-AC-3, Digital Audio Compression (AC-3) Standard, Rev. B, document number A/52B, ATSC, June 2005.
[D-Book] DGTVi D-Book v1.0, Compatible receivers for the Italian market, Sep 2004.
[HDMI] HDMI, High-Definition Multimedia Interface 1.4a, March 2010.
[IANA-uri-schemes] IANA Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes Registry, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes, IANA.
[IEEE_EUI64] Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority, Guidelines for 64-bit Global Identifier (EUI-64) Registration Authority, IEEE, March 1997.
[ISO/IEC11172-1] ISO/IEC 11172-1 (1993), Information Technology - Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to about 1.5 Mbit/s - Part 1: System, ISO/IEC, 1993.
[ISO/IEC11172-3] ISO/IEC 11172-3 (1993), Information Technology - Coding of moving pictures and associated audio for digital storage media at up to about 1.5 Mbit/s - Part 3: Audio, ISO/IEC, 1993.
[ISO/IEC13818-1] ISO/IEC 13818-1 (2nd edition, 2000), Information technology - Generic coding of moving picture and associated audio information: Systems, ISO/IEC, 2000.
[ISO/IEC13818-3] ISO/IEC 13818-3 (2nd edition, 1998), Information technology - Generic coding of moving picture and associated audio information: Audio, ISO/IEC, 1998.
[ISO/IEC13818-6] ISO/IEC 13818-6 (2nd edition, 1998), Information technology - Generic coding of moving picture and associated audio information: Extensions for DSM-CC, ISO/IEC, 1998.
[ISO/IEC14496-10] ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10:2004/AM 1, Part 10, Advanced Video Coding AMENDMENT 1: AVC fidelity range extensions, ISO/IEC, 2004.
[ISO/IEC14496-3] ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001, Information technology - Coding of Audio-Visual objects - Part 3: Audio, ISO/IEC, 2001.
[ISO/IEC23003-1] ISO/IEC 23003-1:2007, Information technology - MPEG audio technologies - Part 1: MPEG Surround, ISO/IEC, 2007.
[RFC1350] RFC 1350, The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2), IETF.
[RFC2228] RFC 2228, FTP Security Extensions, IETF.
[RFC2326] RFC 2326, Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP), IETF.
[RFC2960] RFC 2960, Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), IETF.
[RFC3066] RFC 3066, Tags for the Identification of Languages, IETF.
[RFC3376] RFC 3376, Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Version 3, IETF.
[RFC3550] RFC 3550, RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications, IETF, July 2003.
[RFC3986] RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, IETF.
[RFC4007] RFC 4007, IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture, IETF.
[RFC4078] RFC 4078, The TV-Anytime Content Reference Identifier (CRID), IETF.
[RFC4122] RFC 4122, A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace, IETF, 2005.
[RFC4291] RFC 4291, IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture, IETF, 2006.
[RFC4340] RFC 4340, Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP), IETF.
[RFC4585] RFC 4585, Extended RTP Profile for Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP)-Based Feedback (RTP/AVPF), IETF.
[RFC4588] RFC 4588, RTP Retransmission Packet Format, IETF.
[RFC4632] RFC 4632, Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR): The Internet Address Assignment and Aggregation Plan, IETF, 2006.
[RFC7159] RFC7159, The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, IETF, March 2014.
[RFC7230] RFC 7230, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing, IETF, June 2014.
[RFC7252] RFC 7252, The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), IETF, June 2014.
[RFC8141] RFC 8141, Uniform Resource Names (URNs), IETF, April 2017.
[SMPTE20022-1] SMPTE 20022-1 Application Layer Forward Error Correction.
[SOAP1.1] Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1, W3C.
[SPDIF] S/PDIF, Sony/Philips Digital InterFace IEC-958, IEC.
[SSH-FTP] SSH File Transfer Protocol.
[TR-069] TR-069 Amendment 6, CPE WAN Management Protocol, Broadband Forum, April 2018.
[TR-106a1] TR-106 Amendment 1, Data Model Template for TR-069-Enabled Devices, Broadband Forum, November 2006.
[TR-135] TR-135 Amendment 3, Data Model for a TR-069 Enabled STB, Broadband Forum, November 2012.
[TR-140] TR-140, TR-069 Data Model for Storage Service Devices, Broadband Forum.
[TS102034] ETSI TS 102 034, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Transport of MPEG-2 Based DVB Services, ETSI.
[TS102323] ETSI TS 102 323, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Carriage and signalling of TV-Anytime information in DVB transport streams, ETSI.
[VC-1] SMPTE VC-1, Compressed Video Bitstream Format and Decoding Process, document number 421M, SMPTE, Television, 2006.
[ZigBee2007] ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee Alliance, October 2007.


Object definition.
Mount point definition.
Parameter definition.
Command or Event definition.
Command Input / Output Arguments container.
Command or Event Object Input / Output Argument definition.
Command or Event Parameter Input / Output Argument definition.

STBService:1.4 Data Model

For a given implementation of this data model, the Agent MUST indicate support for the highest version number of any object or parameter that it supports. For example, even if the Agent supports only a single parameter that was introduced in version 1.4, then it will indicate support for version 1.4. The version number associated with each object and parameter is shown in the Version column.

Name Type Write Description Object Default Version
STBServiceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of entries in the STBService table. - 1.0
STBService.{i}. object(0:) R

The top-level object for an STB CPE.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this STBService instance. - 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
STBService.{i}.Capabilities. object R The overall capabilities of the STB CPE. This is a constant read-only object, meaning that only a firmware update will cause these values to be altered. - 1.0
MaxActiveAVStreams int(-1:) R Maximum number of simultaneously active AV streams supported by the STB. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of active streams. A value of 0, while not strictly illegal, would indicate an STB that doesn’t support AV streams, which is extremely unlikely. - 1.0
MaxActiveAVPlayers int(-1:) R Maximum number of simultaneously active AV players supported by the STB. An AV player is associated with a presentation device (such as a TV set). Note that this is the strict maximum but, depending on the AV streams to be decoded, a given STB may not always have the resources to run all of these AV players, e.g. it might be able to decode one main picture and one PIP in standard definition, but just a main picture and no PIP in high definition. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of active players. A value of 0, while not strictly illegal, would indicate an STB that doesn’t support AV players, which is extremely unlikely. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.FrontEnd. object R Front-end capabilities. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.FrontEnd.DVBT. object R Capabilities of the DVB-T receiver. - 1.0
MaxActiveDVBTStreams int(-1:) R Maximum number of simultaneous active AV streams supported by the DVB-T FrontEnd. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of active streams. - 1.0
MaxLogicalChannels int(-1:) R Maximum number of logical channels that can be contained in a Service List Database. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of logical channels. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.FrontEnd.IP. object R IP front-end capabilities. - 1.0
MaxActiveIPStreams int(-1:) R Maximum number of simultaneous active AV streams supported by the IP FrontEnd. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of active streams. - 1.0
MaxActiveInboundIPStreams int(-1:) R Maximum number of simultaneous active Inbound AV streams supported by the IP FrontEnd. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of active streams. - 1.0
MaxActiveOutboundIPStreams int(-1:) R Maximum number of simultaneous active Outbound AV streams supported by the IP FrontEnd. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of active streams. - 1.0
StreamingControlProtocols string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported streaming control protocols.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • RTSP (supports RTSP [RFC2326])
  • IGMP (supports IGMPv1 [RFC3376])
  • IGMPv2 (supports IGMPv2 and lower versions [RFC3376])
  • IGMPv3 (supports IGMPv3 and lower versions [RFC3376])
  • DSM-CC (supports DSM-CC [ISO/IEC13818-6])
- 1.0
StreamingTransportProtocols string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Network protocols supported for AV streaming.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 1.0
StreamingTransportControlProtocols string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Transport control protocols supported for AV streaming in combination with RTP.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 1.0
DownloadTransportProtocols string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Network protocols supported for AV download.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 1.0
MultiplexTypes string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. AV multiplex types supported by the front end.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 1.0
MaxDejitteringBufferSize int(-1:) R Describes the maximum de-jittering buffer size, in bytes, supported by the STB. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the buffer size. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.PVR. object R PVR capabilities. - 1.0
MaxIOStreams int(-1:) R Maximum number of AV streams that the PVR can simultaneously record and playback. For example a time shift, consisting of a record and a play back is considered as 2 streams. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of streams. - 1.0
MaxRecordingStreams int(-1:) R Maximum number of AV streams that the PVR can simultaneously record. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of streams. - 1.0
MaxPlaybackStreams int(-1:) R Maximum number of AV streams that the PVR can simultaneously play back. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of streams. - 1.0
MaxTimeDelay int(-1:) R Maximum time delay, in seconds, that the PVR time-shift mode can support. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the time delay. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.AudioDecoder. object R Audio decoder capabilities. - 1.0
AudioStandards string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Audio standards supported by this STB.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder. object R Video decoder capabilities. - 1.0
VideoStandards string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Video standards supported by this STB.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG2Part2. object R Object describing the set of supported MPEG2 profiles and levels for this STB. It also describes the set of audio standards supported when MPEG2 Part 2 is used as the video standard. - 1.0
AudioStandards string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.AudioDecoder.AudioStandards parameter. Audio Standards supported by the Player when associated with MPEG2 Part 2 Video. - 1.0
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of instances of ProfileLevel. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG2Part2.ProfileLevel.{i}. object(0:) R Table to describe the set of profiles and levels combinations supported by the STB when MPEG2 Part 2 is used as video standard. At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both Profile and Level, or with a given value for Alias. The table MUST include a distinct entry for each supported combination of these parameters. - 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Profile string R

Identifier of the MPEG2 Part 2 profile.

Enumeration of:

  • SP (Simple Profile)
  • MP (Main Profile)
  • SNR (SNR Scalable)
  • Spt (Spatially Scalable)
  • HP (High Profile)
  • 4:2:2
- 1.0
Level string R

Identifier of the MPEG2 part 2 level.

Enumeration of:

  • LL (Low Level)
  • ML (Main Level)
  • H-14 (High-1440)
  • HL (High Level)
- 1.0
MaximumDecodingCapability unsignedInt R The maximum decoding capability for this video standard in Kilobits per second. This strictly depends on the profile and level selected. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part2. object R Object describing the set of supported profiles and levels for this STB. It also describes the set of audio standards supported when MPEG4 Part 2 is used as the video standard. - 1.0
AudioStandards string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.AudioDecoder.AudioStandards parameter. Audio Standards supported by the Player when associated with MPEG4 Part 2 video. - 1.0
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of instances of ProfileLevel. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part2.ProfileLevel.{i}. object(0:) R Table to describe the set of profiles and levels combinations supported by the STB when MPEG4 Part 2 is used as video standard. At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both Profile and Level, or with a given value for Alias. The table MUST include a distinct entry for each supported combination of these parameters. - 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Profile string R

Identifier of the MPEG4 Part 2 profile.

Enumeration of:

  • CORE
  • MAIN
  • N-BIT
- 1.0
Level string R

Identifier of the MPEG4 Part 2 level.

Enumeration of:

  • L5
  • L4
  • L4a
  • L3b
  • L3
  • L2
  • L1
  • L0
- 1.0
MaximumDecodingCapability unsignedInt R The maximum decoding capability for this video standard in Kilobits per second. This strictly depends on the profile and level selected. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part10. object R Object describing the set of supported profiles and levels for this STB. It also describes the set of audio standards supported when MPEG4 Part 10 is used as the video standard. - 1.0
AudioStandards string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.AudioDecoder.AudioStandards parameter. Audio Standards supported by the Player when associated with MPEG4 Part 10 video. - 1.0
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of instances of ProfileLevel. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part10.ProfileLevel.{i}. object(0:) R Table to describe the set of profiles and levels combinations supported by the STB when MPEG4 Part 10 is used as video standard. At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both Profile and Level, or with a given value for Alias. The table MUST include a distinct entry for each supported combination of these parameters. - 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Profile string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported MPEG4 Part 10 profiles.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • MAIN
  • HIGH
  • HIGH 10
  • HIGH 4:2:2
  • HIGH 4:4:4
- 1.0
Level string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported MPEG4 Part 10 Levels.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 1
  • 1b
  • 1.1
  • 1.2
  • 1.3
  • 2
  • 2.1
  • 2.2
  • 3
  • 3.1
  • 3.2
  • 4
  • 4.1
  • 4.2
  • 5
  • 5.1
- 1.0
MaximumDecodingCapability unsignedInt R The maximum decoding capability for this video standard in Kilobits per second. This strictly depends on the profile and level selected. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.SMPTEVC1. object R Object describing the set of supported SMPTE-VC-1 profiles and levels for this STB. It also describes the set of audio standards supported when SMPTE-VC-1 is used as the video standard. - 1.0
AudioStandards string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.AudioDecoder.AudioStandards parameter. Audio Standards supported by the Player when associated with SMPTE-VC-1 video. - 1.0
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of instances of ProfileLevel. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.SMPTEVC1.ProfileLevel.{i}. object(0:) R Table to describe the set of profiles and levels combinations supported by the STB when SMPTE-VC-1 is used as video standard. At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both Profile and Level, or with a given value for Alias. The table MUST include a distinct entry for each supported combination of these parameters. - 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Profile string R

Identifier of the SMPTE-VC-1 profile.

Enumeration of:

  • SP (Simple Profile)
  • MP (Main Profile)
  • AP (Advanced Profile)
- 1.0
Level string R

Identifier of the SMPTE-VC-1 level.

Enumeration of:

  • LL (Low Level)
  • ML (Medium Level)
  • HL (High Level)
  • L0 (Advanced Profile only)
  • L1 (Advanced Profile only)
  • L2 (Advanced Profile only)
  • L3 (Advanced Profile only)
  • L4 (Advanced Profile only)
- 1.0
MaximumDecodingCapability unsignedInt R The maximum decoding capability for this video standard in Kilobits per second. This strictly depends on the profile and level selected. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.AudioOutput. object R Audio output capabilities. The audio output stage may include selecting output formats, selecting output connectors, and copy protection. - 1.0
AudioFormats string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported audio output formats. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • HDMI
  • RF (modulated analog signals on coax) Note that these refer to supported output formats and not to physical connectors.
- 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoOutput. object R Video output capabilities. The video output stage may include selecting output formats, selecting output connectors, and copy protection. - 1.0
CompositeVideoStandards string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Analog composite video standards supported for video output. This applies only to CVBS video output.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • NTSC-J
  • NTSC-M
  • PAL-B
  • PAL-D
  • PAL-G
  • PAL-H
  • PAL-I
  • PAL-N
  • PAL-M
  • SECAM-K1
- 1.0
VideoFormats string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported video output formats. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • CVBS
  • S-Video (same as Y/C)
  • YPrPb
  • RGsB (RGB with Sync on Green)
  • RGB (RGB with external Sync)
  • HDMI
  • DVI
  • RF (modulated analog signals on coax) Note that these refer to supported output formats and not to physical connectors.
- 1.0
Macrovision string(:32) R Supported version of Macrovision digital content protection standard. - 1.0
HDCP string(:32) R Supported version of HDCP digital content protection standard. - 1.0
DisplayFormats string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry is a supported display format and MUST be in the form of “x:y”, such as for example “4:3, 16:9, 14:9“. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.HDMI. object R This object describes the characteristics of the HDMI interface, if any. - 1.1
SupportedResolutions string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Video resolutions supported for the HDMI video output. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 640x480p/60Hz
  • 1280x720p/60Hz
  • 1920x1080i/60Hz
  • 720x480p/60Hz
  • 720(1440)x480i/60Hz
  • 1280x720p/50Hz
  • 1920x1080i/50Hz
  • 720x576p/50Hz
  • 720(1440)x240p/60Hz
  • 2880x480i/60Hz
  • 2880x240p/60Hz
  • 1440x480p/60Hz
  • 1920x1080p/60Hz
  • 720(1440)x288p/50Hz
  • 2880x576i/50Hz
  • 2880x288p/50Hz
  • 1440x576p/50Hz
  • 1920x1080p/50Hz
  • 1920x1080p/24Hz
  • 1920x1080p/25Hz
  • 1920x1080p/30Hz
  • 2880x480p/60Hz
  • 2880x576p/50Hz
  • 1920x1080i (1250 total)/50Hz
  • 720(1440)x480i/120Hz
  • 720x480p/120Hz
  • 1920x1080i/120Hz
  • 1280x720p/120Hz
  • 720(1440)x480i/240Hz
  • 720x480p/240Hz
  • 720(1440)x576i/100Hz
  • 720x576p/100Hz
  • 1920x1080i/100Hz
  • 1280x720p/100Hz
  • 720(1440)x576i/200Hz
  • 720x576p/200Hz
  • 1280x720p/24Hz
  • 1280x720p/25Hz
  • 1280x720p/30Hz
  • 1920x1080p/120Hz
  • 1920x1080p/100Hz
- 1.1
CECSupport boolean R Indicates whether the STB is supporting HDMI-CEC features as described in [HDMI]. - 1.1
HDMI3D boolean R Indicates whether the STB is supporting the 3D video formats mandated by [HDMI]. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.CDS. object R This object describes the characteristics of the Content Download System, if any. - 1.1
PushCapable boolean R Capability of providing a CDS Push service for the operator initiated download of content items to local storage via a broadband IP connection. - 1.1
PullCapable boolean R Capability of providing a CDS Pull service for the user initiated download of content items to a local storage via a broadband IP connection. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.CA. object R This object describes the characteristics of the Conditional Access, if any. - 1.0
CASystems string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Unique identifiers (e.g. commercial names) of supported CA systems. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.DRM. object R This object describes the characteristics of the Digital Rights Management, if any. - 1.0
DRMSystems string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Unique identifiers (e.g. commercial names) of supported DRM systems. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.ServiceMonitoring. object R This object describes the capabilities of the ServiceMonitoring object. - 1.0
ServiceTypes string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported service types, each of which relates to an AV stream source. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • IPTV (WAN-sourced IPTV stream)
  • VoD (WAN-sourced VoD stream)
  • IP (WAN-sourced IP stream (includes IPTV and VoD)
  • TEST (WAN-sourced Force monitoring IP stream from Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.ForceMonitor.URI (either IPTV or VoD))
  • IP-All (Any WAN-sourced IP stream (includes user and force monitoring streams, IPTV and VoD))
  • CAB (Cable, e.g. DVB-C, Front End stream)
  • DTT (DTT, e.g. DVB-T, Front End stream)
  • SAT (Satellite, e.g. DVB-S, Front End stream)
  • PVR (PVR play-out stream) Note that none of the standard service types cover LAN-sourced IP streams.
- 1.0
MaxEventsPerSampleInterval int(-1:) R Maximum number of events of each applicable statistic that the STB is able to store for each sample interval. A value of -1 indicates no specific maximum number of events. - 1.1
MaxActiveMainStreams int(-1:) R Maximum number of AV Main streams for which the STB can simultaneously collect statistics. A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of active streams. - 1.0
MinSampleInterval int(-1:) R Minimum sample interval in seconds that the STB MUST be able to support. A value of -1 indicates no specific minimum sample interval. - 1.0
MaxReportSamples int(-1:) R Maximum number of samples of each statistic that the STB is able to store and report. A value of -1 indicates no specific maximum number of samples. - 1.0
HighLevelMetricNames string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. The names of the supported high-level metrics. If a metric produces several different scores (e.g. an audio, a video, and an audiovisual score), then they MUST be explicitly named. Example (using “XYZ” as the name of the base metric): “XYZAudio,XYZVideo,XYZAudiovisual”. - 1.0
MaxMainStreamEventLogEntries unsignedInt R Maximum number of event log entries that the STB is able to record for a MainStream object instance. - 1.4
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.AudienceStats. object R This object describes the capabilities of the Applications.AudienceStats object. - 1.0
MaxAudienceStatsChannels int(-1:) R Maximum number of channels that the STB MUST support in the Applications.AudienceStats object A value of -1 indicates no specific limit on the number of channels. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components. object R Details of STB logical or physical internal components. Unlike the Capabilities object, which is read-only and which doesn’t describe individual instances, this object contains some writeable parameters. - 1.0
FrontEndNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FrontEnd table. - 1.0
AudioDecoderNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AudioDecoder table. - 1.0
VideoDecoderNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VideoDecoder table. - 1.0
AudioOutputNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AudioOutput table. - 1.0
VideoOutputNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VideoOutput table. - 1.0
SCARTNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SCART table. - 1.0
CANumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CA table. - 1.0
DRMNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DRM table. - 1.0
HDMINumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the HDMI table. - 1.1
SPDIFNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SPDIF table. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}. object(0:) R

FrontEnd instance table. Each front-end instance, including vendor-specific front-end types, will normally have a sub-object that corresponds to the front-end type (e.g. DVB-T or IP).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this front-end. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of this front-end. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R

Human-readable name associated with this front-end.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT. object R DVB-T front-end details. This object will normally be present if and only if this front-end is a DVB-T front-end. Parameters are taken from the DGTVi D-Book [D-Book]. - 1.0
InstallProgress unsignedInt(0:100) R

Progression in % of the current scan. The value is undefined when a scan is not in progress.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Install() command - [ASYNC] DVB-T service list database installation. Supports maintenance of the service list database by scanning frequencies in order to detect services. The service list database is in Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT.ServiceListDatabase. - 1.0
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
StartFrequency unsignedInt W Frequency (in kHz) at which to start the scanning process. - 1.0
StopFrequency unsignedInt W Frequency (in kHz) at which to stop the scanning process. - 1.0
LogicalChannelConnect() command - Connect to a DVB-T logical channel. - 1.0
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
LogicalChannelNumber unsignedInt W Logical channel number to connect to (the logical channel’s preferred service will be connected to). If a ServiceMonitoring.MainStream instance with ServiceType = DTT is currently enabled, the STB MUST ensure that performance data for this service is collected in that instance. - 1.0
ServiceConnect() command - Connect to a DVB-T service. - 1.0
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
DvbId string(:12) W DvbId of the service to connect to. If a ServiceMonitoring.MainStream instance with ServiceType = DTT is currently enabled, the STB MUST ensure that performance data for this service is collected in that instance. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT.Modulation. object R DVB-T modulation details. - 1.0
Frequency unsignedInt W

Indicates the current frequency in kHz.

The value of this parameter is undefined while installing the service list (see Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT.Install()).

- 1.0
ChannelBandwidth string W

Indicates the channel bandwidth in use.

Enumeration of:

  • 8MHz
  • 7MHz
  • 6MHz
- 1.0
Constellation string W

Indicates the current constellation in use.

Enumeration of:

  • QPSK
  • 16QAM
  • 64QAM
- 1.0
HierarchicalInformation string W

Hierarchical parameter alpha. The higher the value of alpha, the more noise-immune the High Priority Modulation is.

Enumeration of:

  • 0 (no hierarchy)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
- 1.0
CodeRateHP string W

Indicates the current code rate in use. Code rate applies to HP in case of hierarchical coding.

Enumeration of:

  • 1/2
  • 2/3
  • 3/4
  • 5/6
  • 7/8
- 1.0
CodeRateLP string W

Indicates the current code rate in use. Code rate applies to LP in case of hierarchical coding.

Enumeration of:

  • 0 (Coding is not hierarchical)
  • 1/2
  • 2/3
  • 3/4
  • 5/6
  • 7/8
- 1.0
GuardInterval string W

Indicates the current guard interval in use.

Enumeration of:

  • 1/32
  • 1/16
  • 1/8
  • 1/4
- 1.0
TransmissionMode string W

Indicates the number of carriers in an OFDM frame.

Enumeration of:

  • 2k
  • 8k
- 1.0
SNR unsignedInt R

Signal/Noise ratio in the carrier band, measured in dB.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
BER unsignedInt R

Bit Error Ratio before correction, expressed in multiples of 1e-6.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
CBER unsignedInt R

Bit Error Ratio after correction, expressed in multiples of 1e-9.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Locked boolean R Indicates whether or not the tuner is locked on a frequency. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT.Service. object R DVB-T Current service details. - 1.1
CurrentLogicalChannel string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ServiceListDatabase.LogicalChannel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. It represents the logical channel object instance for the current service, For example: .Components.FrontEnd.1.DVBT.-ServiceListDatabase.LogicalChannel.12. - 1.1
CurrentService string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ServiceListDatabase.LogicalChannel.{i}.Service. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. It represents the service object instance for the current service. For example: .Components.FrontEnd.1.DVBT.ServiceListDatabase.LogicalChannel.12.Service.1. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT.ServiceListDatabase. object R DVB-T service list database. - 1.0
Reset() command - Resets the service list database. - 1.0
TotalServices unsignedInt R Total number of services defined in the service list database, i.e. the number of different DvbIds in the database. - 1.0
LogicalChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of logical channels in the service list database. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT.ServiceListDatabase.LogicalChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

DVB-T logical channel information.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for LogicalChannelNumber, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
LogicalChannelNumber unsignedInt R Logical channel number. - 1.0
ServiceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of services associated with this logical channel. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT.ServiceListDatabase.LogicalChannel.{i}.Service.{i}. object(0:) R

DVB-T service information.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for DvbId, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R Human-readable name associated with this service, e.g. read from the DVB service information metadata. - 1.1
DvbId string(:12) R DVB Triplet [TS102034] that uniquely identifies the service in the service list database. The DVB Triplet is a 12-byte string that is a concatenation of 4 hexadecimal characters for each of the following: Original Network Id, Transport Stream Id, Service Id. For example:
  • OriginalNetworkId = 8442 = 0x20FA
  • TransportStreamId = 4 = 0x0004
  • ServiceId = 257 = 0x0101 -> DvbId = 20FA00040101
- 1.0
Frequency unsignedInt R Transmitter frequency (in kHz) for this service. - 1.0
BER unsignedInt R

Bit Error Ratio before correction, expressed in multiples of 1e-6 (indicates the quality of this service).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
CBER unsignedInt R

Bit Error Ratio after correction, expressed in multiples of 1e-9 (indicates the quality of this service).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.1
SNR unsignedInt R

Signal/Noise ratio in the carrier band, measured in dB (indicates the quality of this service).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.1
Preferred boolean W When set to true, identifies this as the preferred service for this logical channel and automatically sets Preferred to false for other services associated with this logical channel. When set to false, cancels this service’s preferred status and causes the service with the lowest BER (best received quality) to become the preferred service for this logical channel. Whenever frequencies are re-scanned, all Preferred parameters are implicitly reset to false, i.e. a re-scan will always use the BER to determine preferred services, and will discard any past explicit overrides. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP. object R IP front-end details. This object will normally be present if and only if the front-end is an IP front-end. - 1.0
InboundNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of Inbound instances. - 1.0
OutboundNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of Outbound instances. - 1.0
ActiveInboundIPStreams unsignedInt R Number of Inbound AV streams currently active (i.e. with Status != Disabled, which means audio or AV data are being processed). - 1.0
ActiveOutboundIPStreams unsignedInt R Number of Outbound AV streams currently active (i.e. with Status != Disabled, which means audio or AV data are being processed). - 1.0
ServiceConnect() command - Force connection to a dedicated IP stream for test purposes. - 1.0
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
URI string(:256) W RFC 3986 URI that describes the service to connect to in the form: - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.RTCP. object R Parameters related to RTCP receiver report generation as defined in [RFC3550]. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables RTCP receiver report generation. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of RTCP receiver report generation. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
TxRepeatInterval unsignedInt(1:) W Transmission repeat interval, in milliseconds. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.RTPAVPF. object R Parameters related to RTP AVPF configuration as defined in [RFC4585] and [RFC4588]. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables RTP/AVPF receiver report generation. When set to true, enables the error correction operation, immediately (Forced mode) or automatically when necessary (Auto mode). When set to false, disables the error correction operation. - 1.0
OperationMode string W

The operation mode of the Error Correction mechanism. Enumeration of:

  • Auto
  • Forced In Auto mode, when Error Correction is enabled, the STB decides whether or not to run the Error Correction operation (e.g. after an error analysis). In Forced mode, when Error Correction is enabled the STB MUST run the Error Correction operation.
- 1.1
ECOperationStatus string R

The status of RTP/AVPF operation. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Auto mode EC On (Auto mode and EC is running)
  • Auto mode EC Off without buffering (Auto mode and EC is not running and EC data are not buffered). Note: this is equivalent of “Disabled” but this “Disabled” state is caused by STB under auto mode, not be set by operator)
  • Auto mode EC Off with buffering (Auto mode and EC is not running but EC data are buffered)
  • Forced mode EC On (Forced mode and Enabled)
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.1
Status string R

The status of RTP/AVPF receiver report generation. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
RetransmitTimeout unsignedInt W Time in milliseconds the receiver shall wait for a retransmitted packet before considering it to be lost. - 1.0
MinLossPackets unsignedInt W Minimum number of lost packets the receiver shall wait for before generating a retransmission request. - 1.0
MaxReportTime unsignedInt W Maximum time in milliseconds the receiver shall wait between a lost packet and the generation of a retransmission request. - 1.0
MaxLossBurst unsignedInt W Maximum number of consecutive lost packets for which the receiver shall attempt recovery. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.FEC. object R Parameters related to AL-FEC configuration as defined in [SMPTE20022-1]. - 1.1
Enable boolean W Enables or disables FEC decoder operation. When set to true, enables the FEC decoder operation, immediately (Forced mode) or automatically when necessary (Auto mode). When set to false, disables the FEC decoder operation. - 1.1
OperationMode string W

The operation mode of the FEC decoder. Enumeration of:

  • Auto
  • Forced In Auto mode, when Error Correction is enabled the STB decides whether or not to run the AL_FEC decoding (e.g. after an error analysis). In Forced mode, when Error Correction is enabled the STB MUST run the FEC decoding.
- 1.1
ECOperationStatus string R

The status of FEC decoder operation. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Auto mode EC On (Auto mode and EC is running)
  • Auto mode EC Off without buffering (Auto mode and EC is not running and EC data are not buffered). Note: this is equivalent of “Disabled”, but this “Disabled” state is caused by STB under auto mode, not be set by operator)
  • Auto mode EC Off with buffering (Auto mode and EC is not running but EC data are buffered)
  • Forced mode EC On (Forced mode and Enabled)
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.1
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP. object R Parameters that are specific to IGMP clients when changing channels. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables all IGMP support on the receiver side of the CPE. - 1.0
Status string R

Status of IGMP support on the receiver side of the CPE. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
MaximumNumberOfConcurrentGroups unsignedInt R Maximum number of group memberships allowed simultaneously. For example, this would need to be at least 2 in order to support a Multicast-delivered main picture and a Multicast-delivered PIP. - 1.0
MaximumNumberOfTrackedGroups unsignedInt R Maximum number of groups for which statistics will be tracked. This relates only to the maintenance of statistics, and does not affect the operation of the STB. - 1.0
LoggingEnable boolean W Controls logging of IGMP traffic. The CPE MAY choose to throttle log entries, e.g. if joins and leaves are occurring at an excessive rate. - 1.0
DSCPMark unsignedInt(0:63) W Diffserv code point to be used for outgoing IGMP packets. - 1.0
VLANIDMark int(-1:) W VLAN ID (as defined in 802.1Q) to be used for outgoing IGMP packets. A value of -1 indicates the default value is to be used. If either the VLANIDMark or EthernetPriorityMark is greater than zero, then the outgoing frames MUST be tagged. Otherwise, the outgoing frames MAY be tagged or untagged. - 1.0
EthernetPriorityMark int(-1:) W Ethernet priority code (as defined in 802.1D) to be used for outgoing IGMP packets. A value of -1 indicates the default value is to be used. If either the VLANIDMark or EthernetPriorityMark are greater than zero, then the outgoing frames MUST be tagged. Otherwise, the outgoing frames MAY be tagged or untagged. - 1.0
ClientVersion string R

The highest IGMP version supported by the IGMP Client.

Enumeration of:

  • v1
  • v2
  • v3
- 1.0
ClientRobustness unsignedInt W Robustness is a way of indicating how vulnerable the network is to lost packets. IGMP can recover from robustness minus 1 lost IGMP packets. RFC 3376 specifies a default of 2. - 1.0
ClientUnsolicitedReportInterval unsignedInt(1:25) W The number of seconds between repetitions of a host’s initial report of membership in a group. RFC 3376 specifies a default of 1s. - 1.0
ClientGroupNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of entries in the ClientGroup table. - 1.0
ClientGroupStatsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of entries in the ClientGroupStats table. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP.ClientGroup.{i}. object(0:) R

IGMP Group table. This is the database that is maintained by the IGMP client to reflect the current group membership. The CPE MUST support at least MaximumNumberOfConcurrentGroups table entries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for GroupAddress, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
GroupAddress string(:45) R

[IPAddress] The IP multicast group address for which this entry contains information.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.0
UpTime unsignedInt R

Time elapsed in seconds since the multicast group has been a member on this interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP.ClientGroupStats.{i}. object(0:) R

IGMP Group statistics table. This stores per-group historical statistical data. The CPE MUST support at least MaximumNumberOfTrackedGroups table entries. The CPE MAY reclaim entries based on the oldest membership reports.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for GroupAddress, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
GroupAddress string(:45) R

[IPAddress] The IP multicast group address for which this entry contains information.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.0
TotalStart unsignedInt R

Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of Total statistics. Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this may not always be possible.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
CurrentDayStart unsignedInt R

Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of CurrentDay statistics. The CPE MAY align the beginning of each CurrentDay interval with days in the UTC time zone, but is not required to do so. Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this may not always be possible.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
QuarterHourStart unsignedInt R

Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of QuarterHour statistics. The CPE MAY align the beginning of each QuarterHour interval with real-time quarter-hour intervals, but is not required to do so. Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this may not always be possible.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP.ClientGroupStats.{i}.Total. object R Total statistics for this multicast group. - 1.0
NumberOfJoins unsignedInt R

Number of IGMP joins during this period.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
NumberOfLeaves unsignedInt R

Number of IGMP leaves during this period.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxJoinDelay unsignedInt R Maximum latency delay, in milliseconds, from the sending of a Join message for this group to the arrival of the first IP packet for this group during this period. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP.ClientGroupStats.{i}.CurrentDay. object R Current day statistics for this multicast group. - 1.0
NumberOfJoins unsignedInt R

Number of IGMP joins during this period.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
NumberOfLeaves unsignedInt R

Number of IGMP leaves during this period.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxJoinDelay unsignedInt R Maximum latency delay, in milliseconds, from the sending of a Join message for this group to the arrival of the first IP packet for this group during this period. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP.ClientGroupStats.{i}.QuarterHour. object R Current quarter hour statistics for this multicast group. - 1.0
NumberOfJoins unsignedInt R

Number of IGMP joins during this period.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
NumberOfLeaves unsignedInt R

Number of IGMP leaves during this period.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
MaxJoinDelay unsignedInt R Maximum latency delay, in milliseconds, from the sending of a Join message for this group to the arrival of the first IP packet for this group during this period. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.Dejittering. object R Parameters related to the de-jittering buffer configuration for all inbound IP streams. - 1.0
BufferSize unsignedInt W De-jittering buffer size, measured in milliseconds, on the receiver side of the CPE. The STB is responsible for converting this into the actual buffer size in bytes. - 1.0
BufferInitialLevel unsignedInt W Describes the number of milliseconds worth of data that should be in the receiver side dejittering buffer before play-out can start. Typically this would be half of the buffer size. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.Inbound.{i}. object(0:) R

Inbound IP streams currently entering the STB via this front-end.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Status string R

The status of this Inbound stream. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R

Unique human-readable name associated with this inbound IP instance.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.1
StreamingControlProtocol string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.FrontEnd.IP.StreamingControlProtocols parameter, or else be an empty string. Network protocol currently used for controlling streaming of the source content, or an empty string if the content is not being streamed or is being streamed but is not being controlled. - 1.0
StreamingTransportProtocol string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.FrontEnd.IP.StreamingTransportProtocols parameter, or else be an empty string. Network protocol currently used for streaming the source content, or an empty string if the content is not being streamed. - 1.0
StreamingTransportControlProtocol string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.FrontEnd.IP.StreamingTransportControlProtocols parameter, or else be an empty string. Transport control protocol currently used for streaming the source content, or an empty string if the content is not being streamed. - 1.0
MultiplexType string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.FrontEnd.IP.MultiplexTypes parameter, or else be an empty string. AV multiplex type currently used for the source content, or an empty string if the content is not being demultiplexed. - 1.0
DownloadTransportProtocol string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.FrontEnd.IP.DownloadTransportProtocols parameter, or else be an empty string. Network protocol currently used for downloading the source content, or an empty string if the content is not being downloaded. - 1.0
SourceAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] IP address of the source of the current stream content. - 1.0
SourcePort unsignedInt(0:65535) R TCP or UDP port number of the source of the current stream content, or 0 if the content is not being delivered via IP or if not applicable. - 1.0
DestinationAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] IP address of the destination of the current stream content, or an empty string if the content is not being delivered via IP. - 1.0
DestinationPort unsignedInt(0:65535) R TCP or UDP port number of the destination of the current stream content, or 0 if the content is not being delivered via IP or if not applicable. - 1.0
URI string(:256) R RFC 3986 URI that indicates the current source (possibly including Multicast group and port, if relevant) of the stream content, or an empty string if the source is not known or cannot be represented as a URI. For example, for a WAN-delivered stream this might be a content provider’s URL, or for a LAN-delivered stream it might be an UPnP AV URN. If specified, the URI MUST be consistent with the other source-related parameters. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.Outbound.{i}. object(0:) R

Parameters related to an outbound IP stream.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Status string R

The status of this Outbound stream. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R

Unique human-readable name associated with this outbound IP instance.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.1
MultiplexType string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.FrontEnd.IP.MultiplexTypes parameter, or else be an empty string. AV multiplex type currently used for the destination content, or an empty string if the content is not being demultiplexed. - 1.0
URI string(:256) R RFC 3986 URI that indicates the current destination (possibly including Multicast group and port, if relevant) of the stream content, or an empty string if the destination is not known or cannot be represented as a URI. For example, this might be an UPnP AV URN. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.ForceMonitor. object R Parameters used to describe the force monitoring operation. When running in the force monitoring mode, the STB MUST automatically connect to a test URI defined by the URI parameter whenever it detects that the IP tuner is not not receiving any data from the WAN. When running in normal mode, the STB does not perform any action when it does not receive any data from the IP tuner coming from the WAN. The force monitor mode allows to maintain an active stream coming from the network so as to keep collecting statistics. - 1.1
Enable boolean W When set to true, forces the operation mode in ForceMonitor mode When set to false, forces operation mode in Normal mode. - 1.1
Status string R

Indicates the status of the statistic mode of operation. Enumeration of:

  • Normal
  • Force Monitor
- 1.1
URI string(:256) W

Describes the service to connect to for force monitoring purposes with the same syntax as ServiceConnect().URI.

If a ServiceMonitoring.MainStream instance with ServiceType = TEST or IP-All is currently enabled, the STB MUST ensure that performance data for this service is collected in that instance. The value when read is not specified and need not be the value that was most recently written.

- 1.1
STBService.{i}.Components.PVR. object R PVR details. This is a read-only object that exists only to reference PVR storage objects. - 1.0
StorageNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of Storage instances. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.PVR.Storage.{i}. object(0:) R

PVR storage table. There MUST be an instance for each storage object that can be accessed by the PVR. Entries MAY be dynamically created and deleted as storage devices become available and unavailable.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R

Unique human-readable name associated with this storage instance.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.1
Reference string(:256) R References the corresponding StorageService [TR-140] instance, or an object contained within such an instance, e.g. a PhysicalMedium, LogicalVolume or Folder instance. The value is the full hierarchical name of the corresponding object. Example: Device.Services.StorageService.1 - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.AudioDecoder.{i}. object(0:) R

Audio decoder instance table. It contains data representing the current status of the Audio decoder.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this audio decoder. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of this audio decoder. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R

Human-readable name associated with this audio decoder.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.0
AudioStandard string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.AudioDecoder.AudioStandards parameter, or else be an empty string. Audio standard currently being processed by this audio decoder, or an empty string if no audio standard is currently being processed. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.VideoDecoder.{i}. object(0:) R

Video decoder instance table. It contains data representing the current status of the video decoder.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this video decoder. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of this video decoder. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R

Human-readable name associated with this video decoder.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.0
MPEG2Part2 string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG2Part2.ProfileLevel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. MPEG2 Part 2 profile and level object instance, or an empty string if MPEG2 Part 2 is not used. For example: .Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG2Part2.ProfileLevel.2 - 1.0
MPEG4Part2 string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part2.ProfileLevel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. MPEG4 Part 2 profile and level object instance, or an empty string if MPEG4 Part 2 is not used). For example: .Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part2.ProfileLevel.2 - 1.0
MPEG4Part10 string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part10.ProfileLevel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. MPEG4 Part 10 profile and level object instance, or an empty string if MPEG4 Part 10 is not used. For example: .Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part10.ProfileLevel.2 - 1.0
SMPTEVC1 string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Capabilities.VideoDecoder.SMPTEVC1.ProfileLevel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. SMPTE-VC-1 profile and level object instance, or an empty string if SMPTE-VC-1 is not used. For example: .Capabilities.VideoDecoder.SMPTEVC1.ProfileLevel.2 - 1.0
ContentAspectRatio string R

Indicates the native aspect ratio of the content available at this decoder.

Enumeration of:

  • 4:3
  • 16:9
- 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.AudioOutput.{i}. object(0:) R

Audio output instance table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this audio output. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of this audio output. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Muted (i.e. Enabled and Muted)
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R

Human-readable name associated with this audio output.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.0
AudioFormat string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.AudioOutput.AudioFormats parameter, or else be an empty string. Currently active audio output format, or an empty string if no audio output format is currently active. Note that this parameter refers to output formats and not to physical connectors. - 1.0
AudioLevel unsignedInt(0:100) W The audio level on this audio output in % (0 is quietest and 100 is loudest). This setting is independent of the mute status. For some audio formats, the audio level is not meaningful, in which case this parameter SHOULD have a fixed value of 0. - 1.0
CancelMute() command - Cancels this audio output’s mute status. - 1.0
SCARTs string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Components.SCART. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. SCART object instances associated with this audio output, or an empty string if not associated with any SCART object instances. For example:
  • .Components.SCART.2
  • .Components.SCART.2,.Components.SCART.3
- 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.SPDIF.{i}. object(0:) R

S/PDIF output instance table configuration. This object, if present, is connected to the audio ouput instance currently delivering S/PDIF audio format as described in [SPDIF].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.1
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the S/PDIF output. - 1.1
Status string R

The status of this S/PDIF output. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.1
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R Human-readable name associated with this output. - 1.1
ForcePCM boolean W When set to true, forces the audio format over S/PDIF to be in PCM mode. When set to false, let the compressed audio format be carried over S/PDIF (passthrough). - 1.1
Passthrough boolean R When in Passthrough mode, the STB sends the audio stream over S/PDIF without decoding it. - 1.1
AudioDelay unsignedInt R Audio delay value, in milliseconds, currently being applied to the audio stream on the S/PDIF interface. The audio delay is entered by the user via his local UI, when necessary for correcting the lipsync. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Components.VideoOutput.{i}. object(0:) R

Video output instance table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this video output. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of this video output. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • ColorbarEnabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
ColorbarEnable boolean W Enables or disables the color bar display. When set to true, the CPE MUST suspend the running service currently using the video output (e.g. IPTV broadcast reception) and MUST display the color bar. When set to false, the CPE MUST resume the previousely running service. This parameter MUST be always initialized with the value false on STB boot. - 1.1
Name string(:256) R

Human-readable name associated with this Video output.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.0
CompositeVideoStandard string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.VideoOutput.CompositeVideoStandards parameter, or else be an empty string. The type of analog video standard currently in use or an empty string if no analog video standard is currently in use. Note that this parameter applies only to the CVBS output format. - 1.0
VideoFormat string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.VideoOutput.VideoFormats parameter, or else be an empty string. Currently active video output format, or an empty string if no video output format is currently active. Note that this parameter refers to output formats and not to physical connectors. - 1.0
AspectRatioBehaviour string R

Indicates the aspect ratio behaviour for display on monitors with an aspect ratio different from that of the content, which is specified in Components.VideoDecoder.{i}.ContentAspectRatio.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Letterbox (DEPRECATED and replaced by following values)
  • 16:9 Letterbox
  • 14:9 Letterbox
  • CenterCutOut
  • Combined (DEPRECATED and replaced by following values)
  • Combined 16:9 Letterbox and CenterCutOut
  • Combined 14:9 Letterbox and CenterCutOut
- 1.0
DisplayFormat string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.VideoOutput.DisplayFormats parameter, or else be an empty string. Display format being connected to this VideoOutput. This parameter is used by the STB to determine whether an aspect ratio conversion is required. - 1.1
Macrovision boolean R Indicates whether Macrovision analog protection is being used on this video output. The Macrovision version supported is indicated in Capabilities.VideoOutput.Macrovision. - 1.0
HDCP boolean R Indicates whether HDCP is being used on this video output. The HDCP version supported is indicated in Capabilities.VideoOutput.HDCP. - 1.0
SCARTs string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Components.SCART. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. SCART object instances associated with this video output, or an empty string if not associated with any SCART object instances. For example:
  • .Components.SCART.2
  • .Components.SCART.2,.Components.SCART.3
- 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.SCART.{i}. object(0:) R

SCART configuration. This object allows configuration of the STB’s AV switching.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this SCART connector. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of this SCART connector. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R

Human-readable name associated with this connector.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.0
Presence boolean W Enables or disables the Presence control signal (pin 8 of the SCART connector), an output from the STB to control the display device connected to the SCART. When enabled (set to true) the STB MUST drive pin 8 to the appropriate level to indicate the output video format (SD or HD) to the connected device. When disabled (set to false) the STB MUST NOT drive pin 8. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.HDMI.{i}. object(0:) R

HDMI instance table. This object allows configuration of the STB’s HDMI output.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.1
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the HDMI output. - 1.1
Status string R

The status of HDMI output. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.1
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R Human-readable name associated with this output. - 1.1
ResolutionMode string W

The resolution mode of the HDMI output. In Auto mode, the resolution is automatically set at the best format via HDMI protocols. In Manual mode, the resolution to be applied to the HDMI output is given by the ResolutionValue parameter.

Enumeration of:

  • Auto
  • Manual
- 1.1
ResolutionValue string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.HDMI.SupportedResolutions parameter, or else be an empty string. When ResolutionMode is set to Manual mode, a write action configures the resolution to be applied to the HDMI output, When ResolutionMode is set to Auto, a write action as no effect. A read action provides the current resolution of the HDMI output. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Components.HDMI.{i}.DisplayDevice. object(0:1) R

HDMI connected display device configuration. This object provides parameters from the HDMI connected device if any.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 1.1
Status string R

The status of the connected HDMI Display device. Enumeration of:

  • Present
  • None
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.1
Name string(:256) R Human-readable name associated with this display device. - 1.1
EEDID hexBinary(:256) R Enhanced Extended Display Information Data (E-EDID) retrieved from the connected HDMI device. - 1.1
SupportedResolutions string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry is a supported resolution of the connected HDMI device and MUST be one element of Capabilities.HDMI.SupportedResolutions. - 1.1
PreferredResolution string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.HDMI.SupportedResolutions parameter. Preferred connected HDMI device resolution format. - 1.1
VideoLatency unsignedInt R Video latency, in milliseconds, being applied in the connected HDMI device. This parameter is extracted from the E-EDID and can be used to compensate the video latency to preserve lipsync. - 1.1
CECSupport boolean R When set to true, indicates the connected HDMI device is supporting HDMI-CEC features. When set to false, indicates the connected HDMI device does not support HDMI CEC. - 1.1
AutoLipSyncSupport boolean R When set to true, indicates the connected display device supports auto lip synchronization. This mode consists in communicating over HDMI, the delay to be applied by the STB to the audio in order to preserve the lip sync. - 1.1
HDMI3DPresent boolean R When set to true, indicates the connected display device supports the 3D video formats mandated by [HDMI]. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Components.CA.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the characteristics of the Conditional Access, if any.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this CA system. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of this CA system. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.CA.CASystems parameter. Indicates a unique identifier (e.g. the commercial name: La 7 piu, Mediaset Premium) for this CA system. - 1.0
SmartCardReader string(:256) R Path name of the smart card reader object instance containing the smart card (if any) associated with this CA system. The value MUST be an empty string (if not associated with a smart card) or else be the full path name of the corresponding smart card reader object. For example: Device.SmartCardReader.1 - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Components.DRM.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the characteristics of the Digital Rights Management, if any.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this DRM system. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of this DRM system. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.DRM.DRMSystems parameter. Indicates a unique identifier (e.g. the commercial name: La 7 piu, Mediaset Premium) for this DRM system. - 1.0
SmartCardReader string(:256) R Path name of the smart card reader object instance containing the smart card (if any) associated with this DRM system. The value MUST be an empty string (if not associated with a smart card) or else be the full path name of the corresponding smart card reader object. For example: Device.SmartCardReader.1 - 1.0
STBService.{i}.AVStreams. object R AV Streams object. If more than one AV stream can be active at a time, it may contain several AVStream instances. - 1.0
ActiveAVStreams unsignedInt R Number of AV streams currently active (i.e. with Status != Disabled, which means audio or AV data are being processed). - 1.0
AVStreamNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of AVStream instances. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.AVStreams.AVStream.{i}. object(0:) R

Details of each AVStream. AV streams are created statically. Each AV stream corresponds to a valid {FrontEnd, AudioDecoder, VideoDecoder} instance combination (although if the PVR is active for this stream, only {FrontEnd} or {AudioDecoder, VideoDecoder} will be in use).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Status string R

The status of this AV stream. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_PVRWriteFailure
  • Error_PVRReadFailure
  • Error (Unspecified error, OPTIONAL) An AV stream is disabled if any of the referenced objects are disabled. If an AV stream is disabled then the values of other AV stream parameters are not significant. The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R

Human-readable name associated with this stream, e.g. read from the DVB service information metadata.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.0
PVRState string R

Indicates whether this stream is using the PVR and, if so, the PVR state. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (PVR not used by this stream)
  • Stopped (PVR playback not active)
  • Play (PVR playback active (and playing))
  • Paused (PVR playback active (paused))
  • FastForward (PVR playback active (fast forward))
  • Rewind (PVR playback active (rewind)) PVR record state can be inferred from whether the stream has an input FrontEnd: if so and PVRState is not Disabled, the PVR is recording.
- 1.0
FrontEnd string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Components.FrontEnd. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Input FrontEnd object instance associated with this AV stream, or an empty string if not associated with a FrontEnd object). For example: .Components.FrontEnd.2 - 1.0
Inbound string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.Inbound. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Inbound IP stream object instance associated with the FrontEnd for this AV stream, or an empty string if the inbound stream is not delivered over IP. For example: .Components.FrontEnd.2.IP.Inbound.3 - 1.0
Outbound string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.Outbound. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Outbound IP stream object instance associated with the output FrontEnd for this AV stream (which is always the IP FrontEnd), or an empty string if the outbound stream is not delivered over IP. For example: .Components.FrontEnd.2.IP.Outbound.3 - 1.0
AudioDecoder string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Components.AudioDecoder. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Audio Decoder object instance associated with this AV stream, or an empty string if not associated with an Audio Decoder object. For example: .Components.AudioDecoder.2 - 1.0
VideoDecoder string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Components.VideoDecoder. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Video Decoder object instance associated with this AV stream, or an empty string if not associated with a Video Decoder object. For example: .Components.VideoDecoder.2 - 1.0
CA string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Components.CA. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. CA system object instance associated with this AV stream, or an empty string if not associated with a CA object. For example: .Components.CA.2 - 1.0
DRM string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Components.DRM. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. DRM system object instance associated with this AV stream, or an empty string if not associated with a DRM object. For example: .Components.DRM.2 - 1.0
STBService.{i}.AVPlayers. object R AV Players object. If more than one AV player can be active at a time, it may contain several AVPlayer instances. AV players are created statically. Each AV player corresponds to a combination of several AV streams (one main screen video, several PIP, one audio) being connected to an AV presentation device (such as a TV set). There is no guarantee that the STB has the resources to enable all of its AV players at the same time. - 1.0
ActiveAVPlayers unsignedInt R Number of AV players currently active (i.e. with Status != Disabled, which means the AVPlayer is processing an audio or AV stream). - 1.0
AVPlayerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of AVPlayer instances. - 1.0
PreferredAudioLanguage string(:64) W Human-readable string, as specified in [RFC3066], describing the audio language that SHOULD be used by the STB when receiving a multi-language audio multiplex. An empty string indicates that there is no preferred audio language. - 1.0
PreferredSubtitlingLanguage string(:64) W Human-readable string, as specified in [RFC3066], describing the subtitling language that SHOULD be used by the STB when receiving multi-language subtitling. A value of None indicates that no subtitling is required. An empty string indicates that there is no preferred subtitling language. - 1.0
PreferredBehaviour string(:64) W Aspect ratio behaviour preference for display on monitor. If non-empty, the string MUST be one of the .Components.VideoOutput.{i}. AspectRatioBehaviour values. - 1.1
ResetPINCode() command - Resets the STB’s master PIN code to 0000. It is not recommended that this be set to true without the user’s permission. No data on the device such as PVR recordings are to be cleared as a result of resetting the PIN code. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.AVPlayers.AVPlayer.{i}. object(0:) R

List of AV Player objects. Each item is one particular AV player being processed by the STB.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this AV player. - 1.0
Status string R

The status of this AV player. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) If an AV player is disabled then the values of other AV player parameters are not significant. The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R

Human-readable name associated with this AV player.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.0
AudioLanguage string(:64) R Human-readable string, as specified in [RFC3066], describing the audio language being currently processed by the AV player. - 1.0
SubtitlingStatus string R

The status of subtitling for this AV player. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) Subtitles are assumed to be shown only on the main screen. The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
SubtitlingLanguage string(:64) R Human-readable string, as specified in [RFC3066], describing the subtitling language being currently processed by the AV player. Subtitles are assumed to be shown only on the main screen. - 1.0
AudioOutputs string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Components.AudioOutput. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Audio output object instances associated with this AV player, or an empty string if not associated with any audio output object instances. For example: .Components.AudioOutput.2 - 1.0
VideoOutputs string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Components.VideoOutput. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Video output object instances associated with this AV player, or an empty string if not associated with any video output object instances. For example: .Components.VideoOutput.2 - 1.0
MainStream string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the AVStreams.AVStream. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. AV stream object instance associated with this AV player that is being sent to the main screen, or an empty string if not associated with an AV stream object. For example: .AVStreams.AVStream.2 - 1.0
PIPStreams string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the AVStreams.AVStream. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. AV stream object instances associated with this AV player that are being displayed as Picture In Picture (PIP), or an empty string if not associated with any PIP AV stream objects. For example:
  • .AVStreams.AVStream.2
  • .AVStreams.AVStream.2,.AVStreams.AVStream.3
- 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring. object R Records events and collects QoS / QoE related statistics for Main AV streams. These statistics are broken down into categories, e.g. de-jittering and RTP, and for each category there are two types of statistics:
  • Total statistics, which count the number of occurrences of something.
  • Sample statistics, which are measured over a sample interval, and are made available to the ACS as a list of the most recent n samples. Total statistics are always collected (collection cannot be disabled, but the values can be reset). For Sample statistics, an STB uses a single sample interval and number of samples (n) for all MainStream instances. The sample interval can be aligned with absolute time. When Sample statistics collection is enabled, statistics collection MUST proceed regardless of whether there are any active Main AV streams. For example, even when the STB is not receiving any data, sample intervals will continue to be timed as normal. Refer to [I.3/TR-135] for non-normative explanation of the operation of the ServiceMonitoring object.
- 1.0
SampleEnable boolean W Enables or disables collection of Sample statistics. When collection of Sample statistics is enabled, any stored samples are discarded, and the first sample interval begins immediately. - 1.0
SampleState string R

Indicates availability of Sample statistics. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Collection is disabled)
  • Enabled (Collection is enabled)
  • Trigger (Collection is enabled and the ACS should now fetch the collected data) The Trigger value is only used for triggering the ACS to fetch the collected data and can only be used when FetchSamples is in the range [1:ReportSamples]. The transition from Enabled -> Trigger -> Enabled MUST be instantaneous and so will result in only a single value change for notification purposes.
- 1.0
SampleInterval unsignedInt(1:) W The sample interval in seconds. Each statistic is measured over this sample interval. The STB MAY reject a request to set SampleInterval to less than Capabilities.ServiceMonitoring.MinSampleInterval. Sample intervals MUST begin every SampleInterval seconds, with no delay between samples. If SampleInterval is changed while collection of Sample statistics is enabled, any stored samples are discarded, and the first sample interval begins immediately. For example, if ReportSamples is 24 and SampleInterval is 3600 (an hour), the STB can store up to a day’s worth of samples for each statistic. - 1.0
ReportSamples unsignedInt(1:) W The number of samples that the STB can store and report for each statistic. The STB MUST permit ReportSamples to be set to any value in the range from 1 to Capabilities.ServiceMonitoring.MaxReportSamples. If ReportSamples is changed while collection of Sample statistics is enabled, the STB will truncate or extend its statistics buffers as appropriate, but statistics collection MUST NOT otherwise be affected. For example, if ReportSamples is 24 and SampleInterval is 3600 (an hour), the STB can store up to a day’s worth of samples for each statistic. - 1.0
EventsPerSampleInterval unsignedInt(1:) W The number of event measurements of each applicable statistic that the STB is able to store for each sample interval. The STB MUST permit EventsPerSampleInterval to be set to any value in the range from 1 to Capabilities.ServiceMonitoring.MaxEventsPerSampleInterval. If EventsPerSampleInterval is changed while collection of Sample statistic is enabled, the STB will truncate or extend its event measurement buffers as appropriate, but event measurement collection MUST NOT otherwise be affected. For example, if ReportSamples is 24 and SampleInterval is 3600 (an hour), and EventsPerSampleInterval is 60, the STB can store up 60 event measurements per hour, or in total 1440 event measurements per day. - 1.1
FetchSamples unsignedInt W If collection of Sample statistics is enabled and FetchSamples is in the range [1:ReportSamples] then SampleState MUST transition from Enabled -> Trigger -> Enabled on completion of every FetchSamples sample intervals. Otherwise, this transition MUST NOT occur. For example, if ReportSamples is 25 and FetchSamples is 24, then the STB will store 25 values for each statistic and the above SampleState transition will occur every 24 sample intervals, which means that the ACS could delay for up to two sample intervals before reading the stored values and would still not miss any samples (see also {{param: non-existent ForceSample}}). - 1.0
TimeReference dateTime W An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when sample intervals will complete. Each sample interval MUST complete at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of SampleInterval. This time reference also determines when the SampleState Enabled -> Trigger -> Enabled transitions that are controlled by FetchSamples will occur. If collection of Sample statistics is enabled and FetchSamples is in the range [1:ReportSamples] then each such SampleState transition MUST occur at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of FetchSamples * SampleInterval (the fetch interval). TimeReference is used only to set the “phase” of the sample and fetch intervals. The actual value of TimeReference can be arbitrarily far into the past or future. If TimeReference is changed while collection of Sample statistics is enabled, any stored samples are discarded, and the first sample interval begins immediately. The Unknown Time value defined in [TR-106a1] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the STB MAY locally choose the time reference, and is required only to adhere to the specified sample and fetch intervals. If absolute time is not available to the STB, its sample and fetch interval behavior MUST be the same as if the TimeReference parameter was set to the Unknown Time value. For example, if SampleInterval is 3600 (an hour) and if TimeReference is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then sample intervals will complete on each UTC hour (00:00, 01:00, 02:00 etc). If, in addition, FetchSamples is 24, then the fetch interval is 86400 (a day) and SampleState Enabled -> Trigger -> Enabled transitions will occur every day at UTC midnight. Note that, if TimeReference is set to a time other than the Unknown Time, the first sample interval (which has to begin immediately) will almost certainly be shorter than SampleInterval). This is why TimeReference is defined in terms of when sample intervals complete rather than start. - 1.0
ForceSample() command - Forces statistics for the current sample to be calculated and updated in the data model. If this is the first time that ForceSample() has been invoked during the current sample interval, this MUST cause a new value to be added to each of the Sample statistics comma-separated list parameters, and the ReportEndTime and all SampleSeconds parameters MUST be updated accordingly. If this is not the first time that ForceSample() has been invoked during the current sample interval, then the new values that were added as described in the previous paragraph, and the ReportEndTime and all SampleSeconds parameters, MUST be updated accordingly. Note that ForceSample() just provides a sneak preview of the current sample. It does not create a new sample and it does not interfere with the sample interval schedule. At the end of each sample interval, if ForceSample() was invoked during the sample interval then the new values that were added as described above, and the ReportEndTime and all SampleSeconds parameters, will be updated accordingly. In other words, the partial sample data that was created when ForceSample() was invoked will be updated one last time at the end of the sample interval. - 1.0
ReportStartTime dateTime R The absolute time at which the sample interval for the first stored sample (for each statistic) started. - 1.0
ReportEndTime dateTime R The absolute time at which the sample interval for the last stored sample (for each statistic) ended. If {{param: non-existent ForceSample}} has been used to force statistics for the current sample to be calculated and updated in the data model, then ReportEndTime MUST be updated to reflect the actual time over which stored data was collected. - 1.0
MainStreamNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of MainStream instances. - 1.0
EventCollectionEnable boolean W Enables or disables the collection of the events for all main streams. When the collection of events is enabled, any previously collected events are discarded and the collection of new events begins immediately. - 1.4
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}. object(0:) R

List of Main AV stream objects. Each instance is associated with a specified service type and will collect statistics only for the main stream that matches that service type. Note that this means that streams that do not match an instance’s service type MUST NOT contribute to the instance’s Total and Sample statistics. It is up to the STB to determine which AV stream should be regarded as the Main AV stream for a given service type at any given time. For example, if two active streams are associated with the same service type, the STB might prefer streams that are associated with an AV player, or if more than one stream is associated with an AV player, the STB might prefer a player that is outputting a DVI stream to a player that is outputting an RF stream.

Note that some parameters, e.g. Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.ServiceConnect().URI, include requirements that restrict the STB’s freedom to determine which AV stream should be regarded as the Main AV stream for a given service.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ServiceType, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables collection of Total and Sample statistics and events for this object instance. The collection of events requires the value of this parameter to be true and the value of the ServiceMonitoring.EventCollectionEnable to be true. - 1.0
Status string R

Total and Sample statistics and event collection status for this object instance. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.0
SessionId string(36) R [UUID] Time based UUID [Section 4.2/RFC4122] that is the identifier for the associated AVStream parameter when available to the device. - 1.4
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
ServiceType string W

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.ServiceMonitoring.ServiceTypes parameter, or else be an empty string. Service type associated with this main stream instance, or an empty string if this instance is disabled. The STB MUST reject a request that would result in a given AV stream contributing to more than one ServiceMonitoring.MainStream instance, e.g. it would reject a request to enable simultaneous collection of both IPTV and IP statistics, or to collect IPTV statistics on more than one instance.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 1.0
AVStream string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the AVStreams.AVStream. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Main AV stream object instance currently associated with this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. For example: .AVStreams.AVStream.2 Note that, during the period of time over which Sample statistics are stored, this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance might be associated with many different AVStream instances. This parameter just provides information about which AVStream is currently being monitored. - 1.0
Gmin unsignedInt W Minimum number of consecutive received packets after the end of an RTP Loss Event. A Loss Event is defined as as a sequence of lost packets, possibly including islands of received packets. Each island consists of up to (Gmin - 1) received packets (a sequence of Gmin received packets terminates the Loss Event, and so is not an island). - 1.0
SevereLossMinDistance unsignedInt W The minimum distance required between error events before an RTP Loss Event is considered severe. Used in the calculation of SevereLossIndexCount and SevereLossIndexCountBeforeEC. - 1.0
SevereLossMinLength unsignedInt W The minimum value for the count of lost packets per RTP Loss Event before the count of lost packets is considered severe. Used in the calculation of SevereLossLengthCount and SevereLossLengthCountBeforeEC. - 1.0
ChannelChangeFailureTimeout unsignedInt W Time period, in seconds, between a user channel change request (defined as the instant of transmission of the relevant control protocol message (IGMP JOIN or RTSP SETUP) or a tuner command in case of DTT), and the display of the first I frame for the current AVStream, above which a channel change is considered as failed. - 1.1
PacketsLostByEventHistogramIntervals unsignedInt(1:)[] W Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (at least 1). Definition of the histogram intervals for counting loss events according to their size (in packets). Each value indicates the maximum value of the interval. For example, “1,2,4,8,” defines the five intervals: 1 packet lost, 2 packets, 3 or 4 packets, 5 to 8 packets and 9 or more packets. (No value after the last comma means no upper bound.) If this parameter is set to an empty string, no PacketsLostByEvent stats will be collected. - 1.3
DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogramIntervals unsignedInt(1:)[] W Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (at least 1). Definition of the histogram intervals for counting loss events according to their delay (in milliseconds) after the preceding loss event. Each value indicates the maximum value of the interval. For example, “10,20,50,100,1000,60000,3600000,” defines the intervals up to 10 ms, to 20 ms, to 50 ms, to 100 ms, to 1 s, to 1 mn, to 1 h and more than 1 h. (No value after the last comma means no upper bound.) If this parameter is set to an empty string, no DelayBetweenLossEvents stats will be collected. - 1.3
DurationSevereLossEventsHistogramIntervals unsignedInt(1:)[] W Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (at least 1). Definition of the histogram intervals for counting severe loss events according to their duration (in milliseconds). Each value indicates the maximum value of the interval. For example, “50,100,500,1000,2000,5000,10000,120000,” defines the intervals up to 50 ms, to 100 ms, to 500 ms, to 1 s, to 2 s etc. (No value after the last comma means no upper bound.) If this parameter is set to an empty string, no DurationSevereLossEvents stats will be collected. - 1.3
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total. object R Total statistics since this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance was last enabled or Total statistics were last reset. - 1.0
TotalSeconds unsignedInt R The number of seconds during which data was collected for this AV stream since last reset Each statistics category (Dejittering, RTP etc) has its own TotalSeconds parameter, which indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for that statistics category since last reset. Individual TotalSeconds values can be less than the ResetTime, for several reasons, including the STB was not receiving any data (Standby mode without force monitoring). - 1.1
Reset() command - Resets Total statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.0
ResetTime unsignedInt R

Number of seconds since the Total statistics were last enabled or reset for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.DejitteringStats. object R Total de-jittering statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.0
TotalSeconds unsignedInt R The number of seconds during which data was collected for this AV stream since last reset Each statistics category (Dejittering, RTP etc) has its own TotalSeconds parameter, which indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for that statistics category since last reset. Individual TotalSeconds values can be less than ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.ResetTime, for several reasons, including: - 1.1
EmptyBufferTime unsignedInt R Total time, in milliseconds, for which the playout was stopped due to buffer issues (empty or too low level) for this AV stream. - 1.1
Overruns unsignedInt R

Total number of times the receive jitter buffer has overrun for this AV stream.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
Underruns unsignedInt R

Total number of times the receive jitter buffer has underrun for this AV stream.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.TCPStats. object R Total TCP statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.1
TotalSeconds unsignedInt R The number of seconds during which data was collected for this AV stream since last reset Each statistics category (Dejittering, RTP etc) has its own TotalSeconds parameter, which indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for that statistics category since last reset. Individual TotalSeconds values can be less than ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.ResetTime, for several reasons, including: - 1.1
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R

Total number of TCP packets correctly received for this AV stream.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.1
PacketsRetransmitted unsignedInt R

Total number of TCP packets being retransmitted for this AV stream.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.1
BytesReceived unsignedInt R

Total number of bytes received for this AV stream.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.1
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.RTPStats. object R Total RTP statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. If no EC is applied the BeforeEC statistics provide the same values as the corresponding statistics, e.g. when there is no EC, PacketsReceivedBeforeEC = PacketsReceived. - 1.0
TotalSeconds unsignedInt R The number of seconds during which data was collected for this AV stream since last reset Each statistics category (Dejittering, RTP etc) has its own TotalSeconds parameter, which indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for that statistics category since last reset. Individual TotalSeconds values can be less than ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.ResetTime, for several reasons, including: - 1.1
PacketsExpected unsignedInt R

Total number of RTP packets expected for this AV stream as described in [A.3/RFC3550].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PacketsDiscarded unsignedInt R Total number of packets discarded at the RTP layer for this AV stream because they were too late for playout, regardless of their being out of sequence or not. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
PacketsOutOfSequence unsignedInt R Total number of packets out of sequence at the RTP level for this AV stream, regardless of their being too late for playout or not. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R

Total number of RTP packets received for this AV stream. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PacketsReceivedBeforeEC unsignedInt R

Total number of RTP packets received for this AV stream. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PacketsLost unsignedInt R Total number of RTP packets lost for this stream. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
PacketsLostBeforeEC unsignedInt R Total number of RTP packets lost for this stream. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
PacketsLostByEventHistogram unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Total number of loss events counted by their length in packets (1 packet, 2 packets, etc.) according to the intervals defined by PacketsLostByEventHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.3
PacketsLostByEventHistogramBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Total number of loss events counted by their length in packets (1 packet, 2 packets, etc.) according to the intervals defined by PacketsLostByEventHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.3
LossEvents unsignedInt R Total number of Loss Events for this stream. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
LossEventsBeforeEC unsignedInt R Total number of Loss Events for this stream. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogram unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Total number of times that the delay (in milliseconds) between two consecutive loss events belongs to each time interval defined by DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.3
DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogramBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Total number of times that the delay (in milliseconds) between two consecutive loss events belongs to each time interval defined by DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.3
SevereLossIndexCount unsignedInt R Total number of Loss Events closer than SevereLossMinDistance. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
SevereLossIndexCountBeforeEC unsignedInt R Total number of Loss Events closer than SevereLossMinDistance. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
SevereLossLengthCount unsignedInt R Total number of Loss Events longer than SevereLossMinLength. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
SevereLossLengthCountBeforeEC unsignedInt R Total number of Loss Events longer than SevereLossMinLength. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
DurationSevereLossEventsHistogram unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Total number of severe loss events counted by their duration (in milliseconds) according to the intervals defined by DurationSevereLossEventsHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.3
DurationSevereLossEventsHistogramBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Total number of severe loss events counted by their duration (in milliseconds) according to the intervals defined by DurationSevereLossEventsHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.3
RetransmitTimeouts unsignedInt R Total number of RTP/AVPF retransmission timeouts ([RFC4585], [RFC4588]) If RTP/AVPF is not used this parameter does not increment - 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.MPEG2TSStats. object R Total MPEG2-TS statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.0
TotalSeconds unsignedInt R The number of seconds during which data was collected for this AV stream since last reset Each statistics category (Dejittering, RTP etc) has its own TotalSeconds parameter, which indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for that statistics category since last reset. Individual TotalSeconds values can be less than ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.ResetTime, for several reasons, including: - 1.1
TSPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

Total number of MPEG2-TS packets received for this AV stream.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
TSSyncByteErrorCount unsignedInt R Total number of MPEG2-TS packets with an invalid transport sync byte received for this AV stream. Not meaningful when MPEG2-TS is transported over IP. - 1.0
TSSyncLossCount unsignedInt R Total number of MPEG2-TS Loss of Synchronization Events for this AV stream. Not meaningful when MPEG2-TS is transported over IP. - 1.0
PacketDiscontinuityCounter unsignedInt R Total number of MPEG2-TS Discontinuity errors that have been captured for this AV stream. This parameter accumulates all of the discontinuities observed for all currently monitored PIDs. These statistics are collected when no CA decryption scheme is in use or after any CA decryption if in use. - 1.0
PacketDiscontinuityCounterBeforeCA unsignedInt R Total number of MPEG2-TS Discontinuity errors that have been captured for this AV stream. This parameter accumulates all of the discontinuities observed for all currently monitored PIDs. These statistics are collected before any CA decryption scheme, if used, is applied. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.VideoDecoderStats. object R Total video decoder application layer statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.0
TotalSeconds unsignedInt R The number of seconds during which data was collected for this AV stream since last reset Each statistics category (Dejittering, RTP etc) has its own TotalSeconds parameter, which indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for that statistics category since last reset. Individual TotalSeconds values can be less than ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.ResetTime, for several reasons, including: - 1.1
FrameRate unsignedInt R The latest frame rate at which the STB played out the video content for this AV stream. Also the reported rate will be rounded off to the nearest integer. - 1.0
DecodedFrames unsignedInt R

The number of video frames that were decoded completely (errorless frames) or partially (corrupted frames) for this AV stream.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
LostFrames unsignedInt R The number of video frames that could not be reproduced by the STB for this AV stream. - 1.0
ConcealedFrames unsignedInt R The number of video frames that were reproduced by the STB for which some information was missing and loss concealment was applied for this AV stream. - 1.0
IDecodedFrames unsignedInt R

The number of I frames that were decoded completely (errorless frames) or partially (corrupted frames) for this AV stream.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ILostFrames unsignedInt R The number of I frames that could not be reproduced by the STB for this AV stream. - 1.0
IConcealedFrames unsignedInt R The number of I frames that were reproduced by the STB for which some information was missing and loss concealment applied for this AV stream. - 1.0
PDecodedFrames unsignedInt R

The number of P frames that were decoded completely (errorless frames) or partially (corrupted frames) for this AV stream.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
PLostFrames unsignedInt R The number of P frames that could not be reproduced by the STB for this AV stream. - 1.0
PConcealedFrames unsignedInt R The number of P frames that were reproduced by the STB for which some information was missing and loss concealment applied for this AV stream. - 1.0
BDecodedFrames unsignedInt R

The number of B frames that were decoded completely (errorless frames) or partially (corrupted frames) for this AV stream.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
BLostFrames unsignedInt R The number of B frames that could not be reproduced by the STB for this AV stream. - 1.0
BConcealedFrames unsignedInt R The number of B frames that were reproduced by the STB for which some information was missing and loss concealment applied for this AV stream. - 1.0
AVResynchCounter unsignedInt R The number of AV resynchronizations that were performed by the STB for this AV stream. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.AudioDecoderStats. object R Total audio decoder application layer statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.0
TotalSeconds unsignedInt R The number of seconds during which data was collected for this AV stream since last reset Each statistics category (Dejittering, RTP etc) has its own TotalSeconds parameter, which indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for that statistics category since last reset. Individual TotalSeconds values can be less than ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.ResetTime, for several reasons, including: - 1.1
DecodedFrames unsignedInt R

The number of audio frames that were decoded completely (errorless frames) or partially (corrupted frames) for this AV stream.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
DecodingErrors unsignedInt R The number of audio decoding errors detected for this AV stream. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.VideoResponseStats. object R Total video response statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.0
TotalSeconds unsignedInt R The number of seconds during which data was collected for this AV stream since last reset Each statistics category (Dejittering, RTP etc) has its own TotalSeconds parameter, which indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for that statistics category since last reset. Individual TotalSeconds values can be less than ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.ResetTime, for several reasons, including: - 1.1
ChannelChangeFailures unsignedInt R Number of channel change failures. A channel change is considered as failed when the time period between a user channel change request and the display of the first I frame for this AVStream is above ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.ChannelChangeFailureTimeout. - 1.1
ChannelFailures string[:10] R Comma-separated list (up to 10 items) of strings. Each entry represents a channel for which a channel change failed. Channels MAY be described as IP address, URL or Service names as appropriate. Only last 10 failures are required to be reported. - 1.1
MinimumVoDControlResponse unsignedInt R Minimum time period, in milliseconds, between the instant of transmitting a RTSP PLAY command to start playing stream, and displaying the first I frame of unicast stream. Only measured when started from a non-play state, i.e. either idle or paused. - 1.1
MaximumVoDControlResponse unsignedInt R Maximum time period, in milliseconds, between the instant of transmitting a RTSP PLAY command to start playing stream, and displaying the first I-frame of unicast stream. Only measured when started from a non-play state, i.e. either idle or paused. - 1.1
RequestedTransactions unsignedInt R Total number of RTSP protocol requests to start a VoD program display. Only meaningful for VoD. - 1.1
AccessSuccesses unsignedInt R Total number of successful VoD attempts. An attempt is considered successful when the first I-frame is displayed by the client. Only meaningful for VoD. - 1.1
CompletionCount unsignedInt R Total number of completed VoD requests. An attempt is defined successful if it continues until a RTSP protocol request to end the session is sent by the STB. Only meaningful for VoD. - 1.1
MinimumVideoSystemResponse unsignedInt R Minimum time period (in milliseconds) between the instant of transmitting an IGMP JOIN command or an RTSP SETUP command, and the display of the first I frame for this AV stream. - 1.0
MaximumVideoSystemResponse unsignedInt R Maximum time period (in milliseconds) between the instant of transmitting an IGMP JOIN command or an RTSP SETUP command, and the display of the first I frame for this AV stream. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample. object R Sample statistics collected since collection was last enabled or reset. Most of the parameters in this object are comma-separated lists of individual statistics values, each of which corresponds to a sample interval. The statistics values in these comma-separated lists MUST be in time order, with the oldest one first and the most recent one last. Each comma-separated list can contain up to ReportSamples statistics values. When the list is full, each new value causes the oldest one to be discarded. Some comma-separated lists contain terms that are comma-separated lists themselves and are used to store measurements on an event basis. These sub-lists can contain up to Capabilities.ServiceMonitoring.MaxEventsPerSampleInterval values. If no data was collected for a statistic during a sample interval then the value for that sample interval MUST be zero unless otherwise specified in the description of the individual statistics parameter. - 1.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of seconds during which data was collected for this AV stream during the sample interval. Each statistics category (Dejittering, RTP etc) has its own SampleSeconds parameter, which indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for that statistics category during the sample interval. Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than the SampleInterval, for several reasons, including:
  • The STB was not receiving any data for the corresponding ServiceType for all or part of the sample interval.
  • TimeReference has been set to a time other than the Unknown Time and the current sample interval started part of the way through a scheduled sample interval.
  • ForceSample has been used to force statistics for the current sample to be calculated and updated in the data model.
- 1.0
SignificantChanges unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of times that a channel change (or other potentially disruptive event) occurred for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
PVRTimeShift boolean[] R Comma-separated list of booleans. Each entry is a Boolean that indicates whether the PVR, with a non-zero time-shift, was used at any time for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
HighLevelMetricStatsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of HighLevelMetricStats instances. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.DejitteringStats. object R De-jittering Sample statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of seconds during which de-jittering data was collected for this AV stream during the sample interval. Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than the sample interval, for several reasons, including: - 1.0
Overruns unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of times the receive jitter buffer has overrun for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
Underruns unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of times the receive jitter buffer has underrun for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
EmptyBufferTime unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the time period, in milliseconds, for which the playout was stopped due to buffer issues (empty or too low level) for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.TCPStats. object R TCP sample statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.1
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of seconds during which de-jittering data was collected for this AV stream during the sample interval. Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than the sample interval, for several reasons, including: - 1.1
PacketsReceived unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of TCP packets received for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.1
PacketsRetransmitted unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of TCP packets being retransmitted this AV stream.during the sample interval. - 1.1
BytesReceived unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of bytes received for this AV stream.during the sample interval. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.RTPStats. object R RTP Sample statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. If no EC is applied the BeforeEC statistics provide the same values as the corresponding statistics, e.g. when there is no EC, PacketsReceivedBeforeEC = PacketsReceived. - 1.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of seconds during which RTP data was collected for this AV stream during the sample interval. Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than the sample interval, for several reasons, including: - 1.0
PacketsExpected unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of RTP packets expected for this AV stream during the sample interval as described in [A.3/RFC3550]. - 1.0
PacketsDiscarded unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of packets that were discarded at the RTP layer for this AV stream during the sample interval because they were too late for playout, regardless of their being out of sequence or not. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
PacketsOutOfSequence unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of packets out of sequence at the RTP level for this AV stream during the sample interval, regardless of their being too late for playout or not. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
PacketsReceived unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of RTP packets received for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
PacketsReceivedBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of RTP packets received for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
RetransmitTimeouts unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of RTP/AVPF retransmission timeouts ([RFC4585], [RFC4588]) for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
PacketsLost unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of RTP packets lost for this AV stream during the sample interval. Calculated by looking for missing RTP sequence headers. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
PacketsLostBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of RTP packets lost for this AV stream during the sample interval. Calculated by looking for missing RTP sequence headers. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
PacketsLostByEventHistogram string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is a comma-separated list of unsigned integers that represents, for a sample interval, a histogram of loss events counted by their length in packets (1 packet, 2 packets, etc.) according to the intervals defined by PacketsLostByEventHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.3
PacketsLostByEventHistogramBeforeEC string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is a comma-separated list of unsigned integers that represents, for a sample interval, a histogram of loss events counted by their length in packets (1 packet, 2 packets, etc.) according to the intervals defined by PacketsLostByEventHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.3
LossEvents unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of Loss Events for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
LossEventsBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of Loss Events for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogram string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is a comma-separated list of unsigned integers that represents, for a sample interval, a histogram of the number of times that the delay (in milliseconds) between two consecutive loss events belongs to each time interval defined by DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.3
DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogramBeforeEC string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is a comma-separated list of unsigned integers that represents, for a sample interval, a histogram of the number of times that the delay (in milliseconds) between two consecutive loss events belongs to each time interval defined by DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.3
SevereLossIndexCount unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of Loss Events that occurred at a distance shorter than SevereLossMinDistance from the previous Loss Event for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
SevereLossIndexCountBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of Loss Events that occurred at a distance shorter than SevereLossMinDistance from the previous Loss Event for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
AverageLossDistance unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the average distance in RTP packets between consecutive Loss Events for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
AverageLossDistanceBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the average distance in RTP packets between consecutive loss events for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
MinimumLossDistance unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the length in RTP packets of the shortest distance between consecutive Loss Events for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
MinimumLossDistanceBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the length in RTP packets of the shortest distance between consecutive Loss Events for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
SevereLossLengthCount unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of Loss Events with length in RTP packets greater than SevereLossMinLength for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
SevereLossLengthCountBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of Loss Events with length in RTP packets greater than SevereLossMinLength for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
DurationSevereLossEventsHistogram string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is a comma-separated list of unsigned integers that represents, for a sample interval, a histogram of the number of severe loss events counted by their duration (in milliseconds) according to the intervals defined by DurationSevereLossEventsHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.3
DurationSevereLossEventsHistogramBeforeEC string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is a comma-separated list of unsigned integers that represents, for a sample interval, a histogram of the number of severe loss events counted by their duration (in milliseconds) according to the intervals defined by DurationSevereLossEventsHistogramIntervals. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.3
MaximumLossPeriod unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the length in RTP packets of the longest Loss Event for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
MaximumLossPeriodBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the length in RTP packets of the longest Loss Event for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
AverageLossPeriod unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the average length in RTP packets of Loss Events for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
AverageLossPeriodBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the average length in RTP packets of Loss Events for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
MinimumLossPeriod unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the length in RTP packets of the shortest RTP Loss Event for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected when no EC is applied or after any EC if available. - 1.0
MinimumLossPeriodBeforeEC unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the length in RTP packets of the shortest RTP Loss Event for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected before any EC, if available, is applied. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.MPEG2TSStats. object R MPEG2-TS Sample statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of seconds during which MPEG2-TS data was collected for this AV stream during the sample interval. Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than the sample interval, for several reasons, including: - 1.0
TSPacketsReceived unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of MPEG2-TS packets received for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
TSPacketsDrained unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of good MPEG2-TS packets removed from the buffer for this AV stream during the sample interval. Packets received minus packets drained provides an indication how close the buffer came to over or under running during the sample interval. - 1.0
TSSyncByteErrorCount unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of MPEG2-TS packets with an invalid transport sync byte for this AV stream during the sample interval. Not meaningful when MPEG2-TS is transported over IP. - 1.0
TSSyncLossCount unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of MPEG2-TS Loss of Synchronization Events for this AV stream during the sample interval. Not meaningful when MPEG2-TS is transported over IP. - 1.0
PacketDiscontinuityCounter unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of MPEG2-TS Discontinuity errors that were captured for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected when no CA decryption scheme is in use or after any CA decryption if in use. - 1.0
PacketDiscontinuityCounterBeforeCA unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the total number of MPEG2-TS Discontinuity errors that were captured for this AV stream during the sample interval. These statistics are collected before any CA decryption scheme, if used, is applied. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.VideoDecoderStats. object R Video decoder Sample statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of seconds during which video decoder data was collected for this AV stream during the sample interval. Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than the sample interval, for several reasons, including: - 1.0
FrameRate unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the last frame rate at which the STB played out the video content for this AV stream during the sample interval. . Also the reported rate will be rounded off to the nearest integer. - 1.0
DecodedFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of video frames that were decoded completely (errorless frames) or partially (corrupted frames) by the STB for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
LostFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of video frames that could not be reproduced by the STB for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
ConcealedFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of video frames that were reproduced by the STB for which some information was missing for this AV stream during the sample interval and loss concealment was applied. - 1.0
IDecodedFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of I frames that were decoded completely (errorless frames) or partially (corrupted frames) by the STB for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
ILostFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of I frames that could not be reproduced by the STB for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
IConcealedFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of I frames that were reproduced by the STB for which some information was missing for this AV stream during the sample interval and loss concealment applied. - 1.0
PDecodedFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of P frames that were decoded completely (errorless frames) or partially (corrupted frames) by the STB for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
PLostFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of P frames that could not be reproduced by the STB for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
PConcealedFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of P frames that were reproduced by the STB for which some information was missing for this AV stream during the sample interval and loss concealment applied. - 1.0
BDecodedFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of B frames that were decoded completely (errorless frames) or partially (corrupted frames) by the STB for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
BLostFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of B frames that could not be reproduced by the STB for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
BConcealedFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of B frames that were reproduced by the STB for which some information was missing for this AV stream during the sample interval and loss concealment applied. - 1.0
AVResynchCounter unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of AV resynchronizations that were performed by the STB for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.AudioDecoderStats. object R Audio decoder Sample statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of seconds during which audio decoder data was collected for this AV stream during the sample interval. Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than the sample interval, for several reasons, including: - 1.0
DecodedFrames unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of audio frames that were decoded completely (errorless frames) or partially (corrupted frames) by the STB for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
DecodingErrors unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of audio decoding errors detected by the STB for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.VideoResponseStats. object R Video response Sample statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. - 1.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of seconds during which video response data was collected for this AV stream during the sample interval. Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than the sample interval, for several reasons, including: - 1.0
AverageVideoSystemResponse unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the time period (in milliseconds) between the instant of transmitting an IGMP JOIN or an RTSP SETUP command and the display of the first I frame, computed as the average of the VideoSystemResponse events that occured for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
MinimumVideoSystemResponse unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the minimum time period (in milliseconds) between the instant of transmitting an IGMP JOIN or an RTSP SETUP command and the display of the first I frame for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
MaximumVideoSystemResponse unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the maximum time period (in milliseconds) between the instant of transmitting an IGMP JOIN or an RTSP SETUP command and the display of the first I frame for this AV stream during the sample interval. - 1.0
AverageVoDControlResponse unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the time period, in milliseconds, between the instant of transmitting a RTSP PLAY command to start playing stream, and displaying the first I-frame of unicast stream, computed as the average of the VoDControlResponse events that occured for this AV stream during the sample interval. Only measured when started from a non-play state, i.e. either idle or paused. - 1.1
MinimumVoDControlResponse unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the minimum time period, in milliseconds, between the instant of transmitting a RTSP PLAY command to start playing stream, and displaying the first I-frame of unicast stream. Only measured when started from a non-play state, i.e. either idle or paused. - 1.1
MaximumVoDControlResponse unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the maximum time period, in milliseconds, between the instant of transmitting a RTSP PLAY command to start playing stream, and displaying the first I-frame of unicast stream. Only measured when started from a non-play state, i.e. either idle or paused. - 1.1
VoDControlResponse string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry is a colon separated list of time periods in milliseconds between the instant of transmitting a RTSP PLAY command to start playing stream, and displaying the first I-frame of unicast stream. Only measured when started from a non-play state, i.e. either idle or paused. A comma separates measurements made in different sample intervals, while a colon separates individual measurements within a specific sample interval. If no VoDControlResponse measurements were made during a specific sample interval then this MUST be represented by an empty string. Example: ,837:453:1234,759,,,923:698,,,1284 Here there were no measurements during first sample interval, three during the second, one during the third, etc. The statistics values in this list MUST be in time order, with the oldest one first and the most recent one last. This applies both to sample intervals and to individual measurements during a specific sample interval. - 1.1
VideoSystemResponse string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry is a colon separated list of time periods in milliseconds between the instant of transmitting an IGMP JOIN or an RTSP SETUP command and the display of the first I frame that occurred for this AV stream during the sample interval. A comma separates measurements made in different sample intervals, while a colon separates individual measurements within a specific sample interval. If no VideoSystemResponse measurements were made during a specific sample interval then this MUST be represented by an empty string. Example: ,837:453:1234,759,,,923:698,,,1284 Here there were no measurements during first sample interval, three during the second, one during the third, etc. The statistics values in this list MUST be in time order, with the oldest one first and the most recent one last. This applies both to sample intervals and to individual measurements during a specific sample interval. - 1.1
RequestedTransactions unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of RTSP protocol requests to start a VoD program display during the sample interval. Only meaningful for VoD. - 1.1
AccessSuccesses unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of successful VoD attempts during the sample interval. An attempt is considered successful when the first I-frame is displayed by the client. Only meaningful for VoD. - 1.1
CompletionCount unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of completed VoD requests during the sample interval. An attempt is defined successful if it continues until a RTSP protocol request to end the session is sent by the STB. Only meaningful for VoD. - 1.1
ChannelChangeFailures unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of channel change failures. A channel change is considered as failed when the time period between a user channel change request and the display of the first I frame for this AVStream is above ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.ChannelChangeFailureTimeout. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.HighLevelMetricStats.{i}. object(0:) R

High-level metric Sample statistics for this ServiceMonitoring main stream instance. One or more different high-level metrics can be supported; this is specified by ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.HighLevelMetricStatsNumberOfEntries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MetricName, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Metric instance. - 1.1
Status string R

The status of this Metric instance. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.
- 1.1
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
MetricName string(:256) R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.ServiceMonitoring.HighLevelMetricNames parameter. Indicates a unique identifier for this high-level metric. - 1.0
Metric1Threshold unsignedInt(0:65535) W This parameter is DEPRECATED and replaced by the MetricThreshold parameter and, if needed, several instances of ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.HighLevelMetricStats.. - 1.0
Metric2Threshold unsignedInt(0:65535) W This parameter is DEPRECATED and replaced by the MetricThreshold parameter and, if needed, several instances of ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.HighLevelMetricStats.. - 1.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the number of seconds during which this high-level metric’s data was collected for this AV stream during the sample interval. Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than the sample interval, for several reasons, including: - 1.0
Metric1 unsignedInt(0:65535)[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 65535). This parameter is DEPRECATED and replaced by the Metric parameter and, if needed, several instances of ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.HighLevelMetricStats.. - 1.0
Metric2 unsignedInt(0:65535)[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 65535). This parameter is DEPRECATED and replaced by the Metric parameter and, if needed, several instances of ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.HighLevelMetricStats.. - 1.0
Metric1Failures unsignedInt R This parameter is DEPRECATED and replaced by the MetricFailures parameter and, if needed, several instances of ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.HighLevelMetricStats.. - 1.0
Metric2Failures unsignedInt R This parameter is DEPRECATED and replaced by the MetricFailures parameter and, if needed, several instances of ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.HighLevelMetricStats.. - 1.0
MetricSampleInterval unsignedInt W A time period measured in seconds. A new value for the high level metric is calculated every MetricSampleInterval seconds. The value for MetricSampleInterval MUST be less than, or equal to, ServiceMonitoring.SampleInterval. MetricSampleInterval SHOULD be chosen such that ServiceMonitoring.SampleInterval is an integer multiple of MetricSampleInterval. If not, the last metric sample interval in each sample interval MUST be shortened so that the last metric sample interval ends when the sample interval ends. The value for MetricSampleInterval is algorithm-specific. - 1.1
MetricThreshold unsignedInt(0:65535) W The threshold value that controls the calculation of the MetricFailures parameter. - 1.1
Metric unsignedInt(0:65535)[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 65535). Each entry is a high-level metric calculated for this AV stream during the sample interval as the average of the high level metric values calculated on a metric sample interval basis. The length of the metric sample interval is given by MetricSampleInterval. The interpretation of the metric values is algorithm-specific; the only constraints are that values have to be numeric, in the range [0:65535] and that lower values indicate worse QoE than do higher values. - 1.1
MetricFailures unsignedInt R Counts the number of times (since the last time this MainStream and Sample statistics collection were both enabled) that a newly-calculated value of high-level metric Metric was less than or equal to MetricThreshold. This parameter can be incremented at any time during a sample interval, and might be incremented more than once during a single sample interval. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.EventLog. object R This object represents the log entries of events recorded by the MainStream object instance. When the number of log entries in the EventLog exceeds the value of the Capabilities.ServiceMonitoring.MaxMainStreamEventLogEntries parameter, the Entry object with the lowest SequenceNumber value is replaced by the new EventLog Entry object. Log entries are persisted across reboots of the CPE. - 1.4
Reset() command - Clears the events from the event log and the value of Entry.{i}.SequenceNumber parameter is reset to the parameter’s minimum value. - 1.4
EntryNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Entry table. - 1.4
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.EventLog.Entry.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents an entry (e.g., start session, channel change) in the event log.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SequenceNumber.

- 1.4
SequenceNumber unsignedInt(1:) R The sequence number of the event within the EventLog. This parameter is incremented by one (1) for each entry within the EventLog. When the value of the parameter exceeds the maximium range, the lowest value of this parameter that is not contained in current EventLog entries is used. - 1.4
Type string R Type of the event. The values for this parameter are vendor specific. - 1.4
Time dateTime R Timestamp of the event. - 1.4
ParameterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Parameter table. - 1.4
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.EventLog.Entry.{i}.Parameter.{i}. object(0:) R This object represents an instance of a parameter that is associated with the Entry object Instance. - 1.4
Name string R Name of the parameter (vendor-specific). - 1.4
Value string R Value of the parameter. - 1.4
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.GlobalOperation. object R Global operations statistics. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.GlobalOperation.Total. object R Global operations total statistics. - 1.1
ServiceAccessTime unsignedInt R The time period in, milliseconds, between the first message (e.g. DHCP Discover) sent by the STB during boot-up and the first multicast I-frame for the default channel displayed by the STB. - 1.1
MinimumPortalResponse unsignedInt R Minimum portal latency defined as the minimum time period, in milliseconds, between the instant of transmitting TCP SYN (the three way handshake) prior to first HTTP message, and receiving the last HTTP message carrying the information. - 1.1
MaximumPortalResponse unsignedInt R Maximum portal latency defined as the maximum time period, in milliseconds, between the instant of transmitting TCP SYN (the three way handshake) prior to first HTTP message, and receiving the last HTTP message carrying the information. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.GlobalOperation.Sample. object R Global operations sample statistics. - 1.1
MinimumPortalResponse unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the minimum portal latency defined as the minimum time period, in milliseconds, between the instant of transmitting TCP SYN (the three way handshake) prior to first HTTP message, and receiving the last HTTP message carrying the information during the sample interval. - 1.1
MaximumPortalResponse unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry is the maximum portal latency defined as the maximum time period, in milliseconds, between the instant of transmitting TCP SYN (the three way handshake) prior to first HTTP message, and receiving the last HTTP message carrying the information during the sample interval. - 1.1
PortalResponse string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry is a colon separated list of time periods (in milliseconds) between the instant of transmitting TCP SYN (the three way handshake) prior to first HTTP message, and receiving the last HTTP message carrying the information. A comma separates measurements made in different sample intervals, while a colon separates individual measurements within a specific sample interval. If no PortalResponse measurements were made during a specific sample interval then this MUST be represented by an empty string. Example: ,837:453:1234,759,,,923:698,,,1284 Here there were no measurements during first sample interval, three during the second, one during the third, etc. The statistics values in this list MUST be in time order, with the oldest one first and the most recent one last. This applies both to sample intervals and to individual measurements during a specific sample interval. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Applications. object R Applications. - 1.0
ServiceProviderNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of Service Provider instances. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Applications.AudienceStats. object R Audience viewing statistics. - 1.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables collection of viewing statistics. Enabling collection of viewing statistics also resets the viewing statistics table. - 1.0
Reset() command - Resets the viewing statistics table. Resetting statistics MUST reset all Channel.{i}.Duration parameters. - 1.0
ResetTime unsignedInt R

Number of seconds since the Audience statistics were last enabled or reset.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
ChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R Number of instances of Channel. - 1.0
STBService.{i}.Applications.AudienceStats.Channel.{i}. object(0:) R

Table to record what the STB has been receiving. Time durations are recorded only for an AVPlayer’s main AVStream (i.e. for TV channels being displayed in the main screen). Each entry corresponds to a given TV channel and is indexed by channel name (the instance number is chosen by the STB and is not related to the channel number).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.0
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) R String describing the TV channel being displayed in the main screen. MUST be the value of the corresponding AVStreams.AVStream.{i}.Name parameter. - 1.0
Duration unsignedInt R

The cumulative duration of this channel in seconds.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.0
STBService.{i}.Applications.CDSPush. object R Details of STB CDS Push logical internal parameters. - 1.1
Reference string(:256) R None of the possible target objects exist in this data model, so the parameter value MUST be an empty string. It references the object instance dedicated to the CDS Push service. Example: “Device.Services.StorageService.1.LogicalVolume.1.Folder.1”. - 1.1
ContentItemNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ContentItem table. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Applications.CDSPush.ContentItem.{i}. object(0:) R

Content Item instance table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ContentReferenceId, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.1
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
ContentReferenceId string R Unique Content Item reference as defined in [TS102323], or [RFC4078]. - 1.1
VersionNumber unsignedInt(0:255) R Version number of the stored content item (a content item could be updated with a new version e.g. in case of errors in the video preventing the play out). - 1.1
DeleteItem() command - Deletes this Content Item instance. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Applications.CDSPull. object R Details of STB CDS Pull logical internal component. This object is present only if the user allowed (via his local STB UI) the remote management of the CDS Pull service. - 1.1
Reference string(:256) R None of the possible target objects exist in this data model, so the parameter value MUST be an empty string. It references the object instance dedicated to the CDS Pull service. Example: “Device.Services.StorageService.1.LogicalVolume.1.Folder.1”. - 1.1
ContentItemNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ContentItem table. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Applications.CDSPull.ContentItem.{i}. object(0:) R

Content Item instance table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ContentReferenceId, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.1
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
ContentReferenceId string R Unique Content Item reference as defined in [TS102323], or [RFC4078]. - 1.1
VersionNumber unsignedInt(0:255) R Version number of the stored content item (a content item could be updated with a new version e.g. in case of errors in the video preventing the play out). - 1.1
DeleteItem() command - Deletes this Content Item instance. - 1.1
STBService.{i}.Applications.ServiceProvider.{i}. object(0:) R

Service Provider instance table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 1.1
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 1.2
Name string(:256) W Service Provider name. - 1.1
Domain string(:256) W Service Provider domain URI. - 1.1
ServiceDiscoveryServer string(:256) W Service Provider’s Service Discovery Server. It MAY be configured in the format of IMS Public Service Identifier, or IP address or URL. - 1.1
ActiveBCGServers string(:1024) R Comma separated list of the BCG (Broadband Content Guide) server URLs the STB is currently retrieving IPTV service information from. - 1.1

Notification Requirements

Parameters for which Value Change Notification MAY be Denied


Profile Definitions


The following abbreviations are used to specify profile requirements:

Abbreviation Description
R Read support is REQUIRED.
W Both Read and Write support is REQUIRED. This MUST NOT be specified for a parameter that is defined as read-only.
P The object is REQUIRED to be present.
C Creation and deletion of instances of the object is REQUIRED.
A Creation of instances of the object is REQUIRED, but deletion is not REQUIRED.
D Deletion of instances of the object is REQUIRED, but creation is not REQUIRED.

PVR:1 Profile

This table defines the PVR:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components.PVR. P
StorageNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Components.PVR.Storage.{i}. P
Reference R
STBService.{i}.AVStreams.AVStream.{i}. P
PVRState R

RTCP:1 Profile

This table defines the RTCP:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.RTCP. P
Enable W
Status R
TxRepeatInterval W

RTPAVPF:1 Profile

This table defines the RTPAVPF:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.RTPAVPF. P
Enable W
Status R
RetransmitTimeout W
MinLossPackets W
MaxReportTime W
MaxLossBurst W

RTPAVPFConfig:1 Profile

This table defines the RTPAVPFConfig:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.1.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.RTPAVPF. P
Enable ?readWrite ?
OperationMode ?readWrite ?
ECOperationStatus R

FECConfig:1 Profile

This table defines the FECConfig:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.1.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.FEC. P
Enable W
OperationMode W
ECOperationStatus R

ForceMonitoring:1 Profile

This table defines the ForceMonitoring:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.1.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.ForceMonitor. P
Enable ?readWrite ?
Status R

IPTVHomeNetwork:1 Profile

This table defines the IPTVHomeNetwork:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP. P
OutboundNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.Outbound.{i}. P
MultiplexType R
STBService.{i}.AVStreams.AVStream.{i}. P
Outbound R

IGMP:1 Profile

This table defines the IGMP:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP. P
Enable R
Status R
MaximumNumberOfTrackedGroups R
LoggingEnable W
EthernetPriorityMark W
ClientVersion R
ClientRobustness W
ClientUnsolicitedReportInterval W
ClientGroupNumberOfEntries R
ClientGroupStatsNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP.ClientGroup.{i}. P
GroupAddress R
UpTime R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP.ClientGroupStats.{i}. P
GroupAddress R
TotalStart R
CurrentDayStart R
QuarterHourStart R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP.ClientGroupStats.{i}.Total. P
NumberOfJoins R
NumberOfLeaves R
MaxJoinDelay R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP.ClientGroupStats.{i}.CurrentDay. P
NumberOfJoins R
NumberOfLeaves R
MaxJoinDelay R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP.ClientGroupStats.{i}.QuarterHour. P
NumberOfJoins R
NumberOfLeaves R
MaxJoinDelay R

ECPerfMon:1 Profile

This table defines the ECPerfMon:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.RTPStats. P
PacketsReceivedBeforeEC R
RetransmitTimeouts R
PacketsLostBeforeEC R
LossEventsBeforeEC R
SevereLossIndexCountBeforeEC R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.RTPStats. P
SampleSeconds R
PacketsReceivedBeforeEC R
RetransmitTimeouts R
PacketsLostBeforeEC R
LossEventsBeforeEC R
SevereLossIndexCountBeforeEC R
MinimumLossDistance R
MinimumLossDistanceBeforeEC R
MaximumLossPeriod R
MaximumLossPeriodBeforeEC R

HistoECPerfMon:1 Profile

This table defines the HistoECPerfMon:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.3.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.RTPStats. P
SevereLossLengthCountBeforeEC R
PacketsLostByEventHistogramBeforeEC R
DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogramBeforeEC R
DurationSevereLossEventsHistogramBeforeEC R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.RTPStats. P
SevereLossLengthCountBeforeEC R
PacketsLostByEventHistogramBeforeEC R
DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogramBeforeEC R
DurationSevereLossEventsHistogramBeforeEC R

VideoPerfMon:1 Profile

This table defines the VideoPerfMon:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.VideoDecoderStats. P
FrameRate R
LostFrames R
DecodedFrames R
IDecodedFrames R
ConcealedFrames R
IConcealedFrames R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample. P
HighLevelMetricStatsNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.DejitteringStats. P
SampleSeconds R
EmptyBufferTime R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.VideoDecoderStats. P
SampleSeconds R
FrameRate R
LostFrames R
DecodedFrames R
IDecodedFrames R
ConcealedFrames R
IConcealedFrames R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.HighLevelMetricStats.{i}. -
SampleSeconds R
MetricName R
Metric1Threshold W
Metric1 R

AudioPerfMon:1 Profile

This table defines the AudioPerfMon:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.AudioDecoderStats. P
DecodedFrames R
DecodingErrors R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.AudioDecoderStats. P
SampleSeconds R
DecodedFrames R
DecodingErrors R

DiagPerfMon:1 Profile

This table defines the DiagPerfMon:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.1.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.ServiceMonitoring. P
HighLevelMetricNames R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.GlobalOperation.Total. P
ServiceAccessTime R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.GlobalOperation.Sample. P
PortalResponse R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.VideoResponseStats. P
AccessSuccesses R
RequestedTransactions R
CompletionCount R
VideoSystemResponse R
VoDControlResponse R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.HighLevelMetricStats.{i}. P
MetricName R
SampleSeconds R
MetricSampleInterval R
Metric R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.RTPStats. P
PacketsExpected R
PacketsReceived R

AnalogOutput:1 Profile

This table defines the AnalogOutput:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components. P
SCARTNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Components.VideoOutput.{i}. P
VideoFormat W
Macrovision R
STBService.{i}.Components.SCART.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
Presence R

DigitalOutput:1 Profile

This table defines the DigitalOutput:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components.VideoOutput.{i}. P

CA:1 Profile

This table defines the CA:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components. P
CANumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Components.CA.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
SmartCardReader R
STBService.{i}.AVStreams.AVStream.{i}. P

DRM:1 Profile

This table defines the DRM:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components. P
DRMNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Components.DRM.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
SmartCardReader R
STBService.{i}.AVStreams.AVStream.{i}. P

HistoPerfMon:1 Profile

This table defines the HistoPerfMon:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.3.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}. P
SevereLossMinLength W
PacketsLostByEventHistogramIntervals W
DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogramIntervals W
DurationSevereLossEventsHistogramIntervals W
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.RTPStats. P
SevereLossLengthCount R
PacketsLostByEventHistogram R
DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogram R
DurationSevereLossEventsHistogram R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.RTPStats. P
SevereLossLengthCount R
PacketsLostByEventHistogram R
DelayBetweenLossEventsHistogram R
DurationSevereLossEventsHistogram R

DigitalOutput:2 Profile

The DigitalOutput:2 profile for the STBService:1 data model is defined as the union of the DigitalOutput:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.1.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.HDMI. P
SupportedResolutions R
CECSupport R
STBService.{i}.Components.HDMI.{i}. P
ResolutionMode W
ResolutionValue W
STBService.{i}.Components.HDMI.{i}.DisplayDevice. P
SupportedResolutions R
PreferredResolution R
VideoLatency R
CECSupport R
AutoLipSyncSupport R
STBService.{i}.Components.SPDIF.{i}. P
ForcePCM R
Passthrough R
AudioDelay R

DigitalOutput:3 Profile

The DigitalOutput:3 profile for the STBService:1 data model is defined as the union of the DigitalOutput:2 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.3.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Components. P
HDMINumberOfEntries R
SPDIFNumberOfEntries R

Baseline:1 Profile

This table defines the Baseline:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Capabilities. P
MaxActiveAVStreams R
MaxActiveAVPlayers R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.PVR. P
MaxIOStreams R
MaxRecordingStreams R
MaxPlaybackStreams R
MaxTimeDelay R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.AudioDecoder. P
AudioStandards R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder. P
VideoStandards R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG2Part2. P
AudioStandards R
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG2Part2.ProfileLevel.{i}. P
Profile R
Level R
MaximumDecodingCapability R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part2. P
AudioStandards R
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part2.ProfileLevel.{i}. P
Profile R
Level R
MaximumDecodingCapability R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part10. P
AudioStandards R
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part10.ProfileLevel.{i}. P
Profile R
Level R
MaximumDecodingCapability R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.SMPTEVC1. P
AudioStandards R
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.SMPTEVC1.ProfileLevel.{i}. P
Profile R
Level R
MaximumDecodingCapability R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.AudioOutput. P
AudioFormats R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoOutput. P
CompositeVideoStandards R
VideoFormats R
Macrovision R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.CA. P
CASystems R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.DRM. P
DRMSystems R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.ServiceMonitoring. P
MaxActiveMainStreams R
MinSampleInterval R
MaxReportSamples R
HighLevelMetricNames R
STBService.{i}.Components. P
FrontEndNumberOfEntries R
AudioDecoderNumberOfEntries R
VideoDecoderNumberOfEntries R
AudioOutputNumberOfEntries R
VideoOutputNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
STBService.{i}.Components.AudioDecoder.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
AudioStandard R
STBService.{i}.Components.VideoDecoder.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
MPEG2Part2 R
MPEG4Part2 R
MPEG4Part10 R
ContentAspectRatio R
STBService.{i}.Components.AudioOutput.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
AudioFormat R
AudioLevel R
STBService.{i}.Components.VideoOutput.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
CompositeVideoStandard R
VideoFormat R
AspectRatioBehaviour R
STBService.{i}.AVStreams. P
ActiveAVStreams R
AVStreamNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.AVStreams.AVStream.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
FrontEnd R
AudioDecoder R
VideoDecoder R
STBService.{i}.AVPlayers. P
ActiveAVPlayers R
AVPlayerNumberOfEntries R
PreferredAudioLanguage W
PreferredSubtitlingLanguage W
STBService.{i}.AVPlayers.AVPlayer.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
AudioLanguage R
SubtitlingStatus R
SubtitlingLanguage R
AudioOutputs R
VideoOutputs R
MainStream R
PIPStreams R
CancelMute() -

DTT:1 Profile

This table defines the DTT:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.FrontEnd.DVBT. P
MaxActiveDVBTStreams R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT.Modulation. P
Frequency W
ChannelBandwidth W
Constellation W
HierarchicalInformation W
CodeRateHP W
CodeRateLP W
GuardInterval W
TransmissionMode W
Locked R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT.ServiceListDatabase. P
TotalServices R
LogicalChannelNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT.ServiceListDatabase.LogicalChannel.{i}. P
LogicalChannelNumber R
ServiceNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT.ServiceListDatabase.LogicalChannel.{i}.Service.{i}. P
DvbId R
Frequency R
Preferred R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.DVBT. P
InstallProgress R
Install() -
Input. -
StartFrequency -
StopFrequency -
LogicalChannelConnect() -
Input. -
LogicalChannelNumber -
ServiceConnect() -
Input. -
DvbId -
Reset() -

IPTVBaseline:1 Profile

This table defines the IPTVBaseline:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.FrontEnd.IP. P
StreamingControlProtocols R
StreamingTransportProtocols R
StreamingTransportControlProtocols R
DownloadTransportProtocols R
MultiplexTypes R
MaxDejitteringBufferSize R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP. P
InboundNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.IGMP. P
Status R
MaximumNumberOfConcurrentGroups R
ClientVersion R
ClientUnsolicitedReportInterval W
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.Dejittering. P
BufferSize W
BufferInitialLevel W
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}.IP.Inbound.{i}. P
StreamingControlProtocol R
StreamingTransportProtocol R
StreamingTransportControlProtocol R
MultiplexType R
DownloadTransportProtocol R
SourceAddress R
SourcePort R
DestinationAddress R
DestinationPort R
STBService.{i}.AVStreams.AVStream.{i}. P
Inbound R
ServiceConnect() -
Input. -

BasicPerfMon:1 Profile

This table defines the BasicPerfMon:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring. P
SampleEnable W
SampleState R
SampleInterval W
ReportSamples W
TimeReference W
ReportStartTime R
ReportEndTime R
MainStreamNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
ServiceType W
AVStream R
Gmin W
SevereLossMinDistance W
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total. P
ResetTime R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.DejitteringStats. P
Overruns R
Underruns R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.RTPStats. P
PacketsReceived R
PacketsLost R
LossEvents R
SevereLossIndexCount R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.MPEG2TSStats. P
TSPacketsReceived R
PacketDiscontinuityCounter R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.VideoDecoderStats. P
ILostFrames R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Total.VideoResponseStats. P
MinimumVideoSystemResponse R
MaximumVideoSystemResponse R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample. P
SampleSeconds R
SignificantChanges R
PVRTimeShift R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.DejitteringStats. P
SampleSeconds R
Overruns R
Underruns R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.RTPStats. P
SampleSeconds R
PacketsReceived R
PacketsExpected R
PacketsLost R
PacketsLostBeforeEC R
LossEvents R
SevereLossIndexCount R
MaximumLossPeriod R
MinimumLossDistance R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.MPEG2TSStats. P
SampleSeconds R
TSPacketsReceived R
TSPacketsDrained R
PacketDiscontinuityCounter R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.VideoDecoderStats. P
SampleSeconds R
ILostFrames R
STBService.{i}.ServiceMonitoring.MainStream.{i}.Sample.VideoResponseStats. P
SampleSeconds R
AverageVideoSystemResponse R
MinimumVideoSystemResponse R
MaximumVideoSystemResponse R
Reset() -

AudienceStats:1 Profile

This table defines the AudienceStats:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.0.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Applications.AudienceStats. P
Enable W
ResetTime R
ChannelNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Applications.AudienceStats.Channel.{i}. P
Name R
Duration R
Reset() -

CDS:1 Profile

This table defines the CDS:1 profile for the STBService:1 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.1.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.CDS. P
PushCapable R
PullCapable R
STBService.{i}.Applications.CDSPush. P
Reference R
ContentItemNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Applications.CDSPush.ContentItem.{i}. P
ContentReferenceId R
VersionNumber R
STBService.{i}.Applications.CDSPull. P
Reference R
ContentItemNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Applications.CDSPull.ContentItem.{i}. P
ContentReferenceId R
VersionNumber R
DeleteItem() -
DeleteItem() -

Baseline:2 Profile

The Baseline:2 profile for the STBService:1 data model is defined as the union of the Baseline:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is STBService:1.3.

Name Requirement
STBService.{i}.Capabilities. P
MaxActiveAVStreams R
MaxActiveAVPlayers R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.PVR. P
MaxIOStreams R
MaxRecordingStreams R
MaxPlaybackStreams R
MaxTimeDelay R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.AudioDecoder. P
AudioStandards R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder. P
VideoStandards R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG2Part2. P
AudioStandards R
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG2Part2.ProfileLevel.{i}. P
Profile R
Level R
MaximumDecodingCapability R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part2. P
AudioStandards R
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part2.ProfileLevel.{i}. P
Profile R
Level R
MaximumDecodingCapability R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part10. P
AudioStandards R
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.MPEG4Part10.ProfileLevel.{i}. P
Profile R
Level R
MaximumDecodingCapability R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.SMPTEVC1. P
AudioStandards R
ProfileLevelNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoDecoder.SMPTEVC1.ProfileLevel.{i}. P
Profile R
Level R
MaximumDecodingCapability R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.AudioOutput. P
AudioFormats R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.VideoOutput. P
CompositeVideoStandards R
VideoFormats R
Macrovision R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.CA. P
CASystems R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.DRM. P
DRMSystems R
STBService.{i}.Capabilities.ServiceMonitoring. P
MaxActiveMainStreams R
MinSampleInterval R
MaxReportSamples R
HighLevelMetricNames R
STBService.{i}.Components. P
FrontEndNumberOfEntries R
AudioDecoderNumberOfEntries R
VideoDecoderNumberOfEntries R
AudioOutputNumberOfEntries R
VideoOutputNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.Components.FrontEnd.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
STBService.{i}.Components.AudioDecoder.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
AudioStandard R
STBService.{i}.Components.VideoDecoder.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
MPEG2Part2 R
MPEG4Part2 R
MPEG4Part10 R
ContentAspectRatio R
STBService.{i}.Components.AudioOutput.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
AudioFormat R
AudioLevel R
STBService.{i}.Components.VideoOutput.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
CompositeVideoStandard R
VideoFormat R
AspectRatioBehaviour R
STBService.{i}.AVStreams. P
ActiveAVStreams R
AVStreamNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}.AVStreams.AVStream.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
FrontEnd R
AudioDecoder R
VideoDecoder R
STBService.{i}.AVPlayers. P
ActiveAVPlayers R
AVPlayerNumberOfEntries R
PreferredAudioLanguage W
PreferredSubtitlingLanguage W
STBService.{i}.AVPlayers.AVPlayer.{i}. P
Status R
Name R
AudioLanguage R
SubtitlingStatus R
SubtitlingLanguage R
AudioOutputs R
VideoOutputs R
MainStream R
PIPStreams R
STBServiceNumberOfEntries R
STBService.{i}. P
Enable W

Generated by Broadband Forum bbfreport v2.2.0 (2024-07-23 version) on 2024-09-04 at 09:51:51 UTC. –output –format markdown tr-135-1-4-1-usp.xml

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