Broadband Forum

Device:2 Root Data Model definition [USP]




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Data Types

The Parameters defined in this specification make use of a limited subset of the default SOAP data types [SOAP1.1]. These data types and the named data types used by this specification are described below.

Note: A Parameter that is defined to be one of the named data types is reported as such at the beginning of the Parameter’s description via a reference back to the associated data type definition (e.g. [MACAddress]). However, such parameters still indicate their SOAP data types.

Data Type Base Type Description
base64 -

Base64 encoded binary (no line-length limitation).

A minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form base64(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum length in characters before Base64 encoding. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in base64(Max). Multiple comma-separate ranges can be specified, in which case the length MUST be in one of the ranges.

boolean - Boolean, where the allowed values are 0 or 1 (or equivalently, true or false).
dateTime - The subset of the ISO 8601 date-time format defined by the SOAP dateTime type [SOAP1.1].
decimal -

Decimal number, with optional sign and optional fractional part.

For some decimal types, a value range is given using the form decimal(Min:Max) or decimal(Min:Max step Step) where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1.0. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

hexBinary -

Hex encoded binary.

A minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form hexBinary(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum length in characters before Hex Binary encoding. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in hexBinary(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the length MUST be in one of the ranges.

int -

Integer in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647, inclusive.

For some int types, a value range is given using the form int(Min:Max) or int(Min:Max step Step) where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

long -

Long integer in the range -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807, inclusive.

For some long types, a value range is given using the form long(Min:Max) or long(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

string - For strings, a minimum and maximum allowed length can be indicated using the form string(Min:Max), where Min and Max are the minimum and maximum string length in characters. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit, and if Min is missing the colon can also be omitted, as in string(Max). Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the string length will be in one of the ranges.
unsignedInt -

Unsigned integer in the range 0 to 4294967295, inclusive.

For some unsignedInt types, a value range is given using the form unsignedInt(Min:Max) or unsigned(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

unsignedLong -

Unsigned long integer in the range 0 to 18446744073709551615, inclusive.

For some unsignedLong types, a value range is given using the form unsignedLong(Min:Max) or unsignedLong(Min:Max step Step), where the Min and Max values are inclusive. If either Min or Max are missing, this indicates no limit. If Step is missing, this indicates a step of 1. Multiple comma-separated ranges can be specified, in which case the value will be in one of the ranges.

Alias string(:64)

A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.
AmplitudeData hexBinary(0,2:4116)

This data type represents a sequence of spectral amplitudes. Each spectral amplitude value corresponds to a bin. The format of the bin measurement is as follows.

Sequence of:

4 bytes: ChCenterFreq
The center frequency of the upstream channel.
4 bytes: FreqSpan
The width in Hz of the band across which the spectral amplitudes characterizing the channel are measured.
4 bytes: NumberOfBins
The number of data points or bins that compose the spectral data. The leftmost bin corresponds to the lower band edge, the rightmost bin corresponds to the upper band edge, and the middle bin center is aligned with the center frequency of the analysis span.
4 bytes:
BinSpacing The frequency separation between adjacent bin centers. It is derived from the frequency span and the number of bins or data points. The bin spacing is computed as:
BinSpacing = FrequencySpan/(NumberOfBins -1)
The larger the number of bins the finer the resolution.
4 bytes: ResolutionBW
The resolution bandwidth or equivalent noise bandwidth of each bin. If spectral windowing is used (based on vendor implementation), the bin spacing and resolution bandwidth would not generally be the same.
n bytes: Amplitude (2 bytes * NumberOfBins)
A sequence of two byte elements. Each element represents the spectral amplitudes in relation to the expected received signal power of a bin, in units of 0.01dB. That is, a test CMTS input signal with square-root raised-cosine spectrum, bandwidth equal to the expected received signal bandwidth, and power equal to the expected received signal power, which is present for the entire spectrum sampling period, will exhibit a spectrum measurement of 0 dB average power in each bin of the signal passband. Each bin element amplitude value format is 2’s complement which provides a range of -327.68 dB to 327.67 dB amplitude value for the bin measurement.
CmRegState string

This data type defines the CM connectivity state as reported by the CM.

Enumeration of:

  • Other (indicates any state not described below)
  • NotReady (indicates that the CM has not started the registration process yet)
  • NotSynchronized (indicates that the CM has not initiated or completed the synchronization of the downstream physical layer)
  • PhySynchronized (indicates that the CM has completed the synchronization of the downstream physical layer)
  • UsParametersAcquired (indicates that the CM has completed the upstream parameters acquisition or have completed the downstream and upstream service groups resolution, whether the CM is registering in a pre-3.0 or a 3.0 CMTS)
  • RangingComplete (indicates that the CM has completed initial ranging and received a Ranging Status of success from the CMTS in the RNG-RSP message)
  • DHCPv4Complete (indicates that the CM has received a DHCPv4 ACK message from the CMTS)
  • ToDEstablished (indicates that the CM has successfully acquired time of day. If the ToD is acquired after the CM is operational, this value should not be reported)
  • SecurityEstablished (indicates that the CM has successfully completed the BPI initialization process)
  • ConfigFileDownloadComplete (indicates that the CM has completed the config file download process)
  • RegistrationComplete (indicates that the CM has successfully completed the Registration process with the CMTS)
  • Operational (indicates that the CM has completed all necessary initialization steps and is operational)
  • AccessDenied (indicates that the CM has received a registration aborted notification from the CMTS)
  • EAEInProgress (indicates that the CM has sent an Auth Info message for EAE)
  • DHCPv4InProgress (indicates that the CM has sent a DHCPv4 DISCOVER to gain IP connectivity)
  • DHCPv6InProgress (indicates that the CM has sent an DHCPv6 Solicit message)
  • DHCPv6Complete (indicates that the CM has received a DHCPv6 Reply message from the CMTS)
  • RegistrationInProgress (indicates that the CM has sent a Registration Request (REG-REQ or REG-REQ-MP))
  • BPIInit (indicates that the CM has started the BPI initialization process as indicated in the CM config file. If the CM already performed EAE, this state is skipped by the CM)
  • ForwardingDisabled (indicates that the registration process was completed, but the network access option in the received configuration file prohibits forwarding)
  • DsTopologyResolutionInProgress (indicates that the CM is attempting to determine its MD-DS-SG)
  • RangingInProgress (indicates that the CM has initiated the ranging process)
  • RFMuteAll (indicates that the CM is instructed to mute all channels in the CM-CTRL-REQ message from CMTS)

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Cable Modem - CMTS Interaction.

Dbm1000 int The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.
DocsEqualizerData hexBinary(0,36:260)

This data type represents the equalizer data as measured at the receiver interface. The format of the equalizer follows the structure of the Transmit Equalization Adjust RNG-RSP TLV of DOCSIS RFI v2.0.

The equalizer coefficients are considered signed 16-bit integers in the range from -32768 (0x8000) to 32767 (0x7FFF).

DOCSIS specifications require up to a maximum of 64 equalizer taps (n + m); therefore, this object size can be up to 260 bytes (4 + 4x64). The minimum object size (other than zero) for a t-spaced tap with a minimum of 8 symbols will be 36 (4 + 4x8).

See [Figure 8-23/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

DocsisUpstreamType string

Indicates the DOCSIS Upstream Channel Type.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown (Information not available)
  • TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
  • ATDMA (Advanced Time Division Multiple Access)
  • SCDMA (Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access)
  • TDMAAndATDMA (Simultaneous support of TDMA and A-TDMA modes)
IEEE_EUI64 string(:23)

The IEEE EUI 64-bit identifier as defined in [IEEE_EUI64]. The IEEE defined 64-bit extended unique identifier (EUI-64) is a concatenation of:

  • The 24-bit (OUI-24) or 36-bit (OUI-36) company_id value assigned by the IEEE Registration Authority (IEEE-RA), and
  • The extension identifier (40 bits for OUI-24 or 28 bits for OUI-36) assigned by the organization with that company_id assignment.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • ([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])
IPAddress string(:45)

IP address, i.e. IPv4 address (or IPv4 subnet mask) or IPv6 address.

All IPv4 addresses and subnet masks MUST be represented as strings in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. Here are some examples of valid IPv4 address textual representations:


All IPv6 addresses MUST be represented using any of the 3 standard textual representations defined in [RFC4291] Sections 2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. Both lower-case and upper-case letters can be used, but use of lower-case letters is RECOMMENDED. Here are some examples of valid IPv6 address textual representations:

  • 1080:0:0:800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 1080::800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd
  • 0:0:0:0:0:0:

IPv6 addresses MUST NOT include zone identifiers. Zone identifiers are discussed in [Section 6/RFC4007].

Unspecified or inapplicable addresses (or IPv4 subnet masks) MUST be represented as empty strings unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.

IPPrefix string(:49)

IPv4 or IPv6 routing prefix in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation [RFC4632]. This is specified as an IP address followed by an appended “/n” suffix, where n (the prefix size) is an integer in the range 0-32 (for IPv4) or 0-128 (for IPv6) that indicates the number of (leftmost) ‘1’ bits of the routing prefix.

  • IPv4 example:
  • IPv6 example: 2001:edff:fe6a:f76::/64

This notation can also represent individual addresses by specifying all bits.

  • IPv4 example:
  • IPv6 example: 2001:edff:fe6a:f76::1/128

If the IP address part is unspecified or inapplicable, it MUST be an empty string unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition. In this case the IP prefix will be of the form “/n”.

If the entire IP prefix is unspecified or inapplicable, it MUST be an empty string unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.

IPv4Address IPAddress(:45)

IPv4 address (or subnet mask).

Can be any IPv4 address that is permitted by the IPAddress data type.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • ((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])
IPv4Prefix IPPrefix(:49)

IPv4 address prefix.

Can be any IPv4 prefix that is permitted by the IPPrefix data type.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • /(3[0-2]|[012]?[0-9])
  • ((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])/(3[0-2]|[012]?[0-9])
IPv6Address IPAddress(:45)

IPv6 address.

Can be any IPv6 address that is permitted by the IPAddress data type.

IPv6Prefix IPPrefix(:49)

IPv6 address prefix.

Can be any IPv6 prefix that is permitted by the IPPrefix data type.

IoTDeviceType string

Describes the type of Device that the object instance is representing. Enumeration of:

  • Alarm
  • AntiTheft
  • Bell
  • Clock
  • Door
  • Fan
  • GarageDoor
  • HVAC
  • Light
  • Lock
  • Meter
  • Motor
  • Oven
  • PowerStrip
  • Sensor
  • SensorStrip
  • Siren
  • Thermostat
IoTEnumControlType string

Describes the type of IoT Enum Controller that the object instance is representing. Enumeration of:

  • AlarmMode
  • DoorMode
  • FanMode
  • LockMode
  • OperatingMode
  • TemperatureMode
  • ThermostatMode
IoTEnumSensorType string

Describes the type of IoT Enum Sensor that the object instance is representing. Enumeration of:

  • AlarmState
  • DoorState
  • FanState
  • LockState
  • OperatingState
  • TemperatureState
  • ThermostatFanState
IoTLevelType string

Describes the type of IoT Level Controller or Sensor that the object instance is representing. Enumeration of:

  • Acceleration
  • Area
  • Battery
  • Brightness
  • Concentration
  • Conductivity
  • Distance
  • Energy
  • Flow
  • Humidity
  • Intensity
  • Luminance
  • Meter
  • Motion
  • Position
  • Power
  • Pressure
  • Radiation
  • Speed
  • Temperature
  • Volume (Amount of space that an object or substance occupies)
  • Weight
  • Depth
  • Counter
IoTUnitType string

Possible Unit types used for decimal values. Enumeration of:

  • - (Dimensionless quantity)
  • % (Percent)
  • deg (Decimal degrees)
  • degC (Celsius)
  • degF (Fahrenheit)
  • K (Kelvin [SI])
  • km (Kilometer [SI])
  • m (Meter [SI])
  • cm (Centimeter [SI])
  • mm (Millimeter [SI])
  • h (Hour)
  • min (Minute)
  • s (Second [SI])
  • ms (Millisecond)
  • sq-km (Square kilometer)
  • sq-m (Square meter)
  • sq-cm (Square cm)
  • cu-m (Cubic meter)
  • l (Liter [SI])
  • cl (Centiliter [SI])
  • ml (Milliliter [SI])
  • kg (Kilogram [SI])
  • g (Gram [SI])
  • mg (Milligram [SI])
  • Wh (Watt hour)
  • kWh (Kilowatt hour)
  • W (Watt [SI])
  • A (Ampere [SI])
  • Hz (Hertz [SI])
  • V (Volt [SI])
  • N (Newton [SI])
  • Pa (Pascal [SI])
  • C (Coulomb [SI])
  • F (Farad [SI])
  • ohm (Ohm [SI])
  • S (Siemens [SI])
  • Wb (Weber [SI])
  • T (Tesla [SI])
  • H (Henry [SI])
  • lm (Lumen [SI])
  • lx (Lux [SI])
  • mps (Meter per second)
  • cd (Candela [SI])
  • mol (Mole [SI])
  • UV (Ultraviolet index)
  • RGB (RGB color, encoded as integer value between 0 (usually represented as 0x000000) and 16777215 (usually represented as 0xFFFFFF), e.g. Blue would be 255 (usually represented as 0x0000FF))
  • ppm (Parts per million (Alternative use percent: 1ppm = 0.0001%))
  • Sv (Sievert (J/kg) [SI])
  • J (Joule [SI])
  • rpm (Rotations per minute)
  • pps (Pulses per second)
  • cu-m/s (Cubic meters per second)
  • liter/s (Liters per second)
JSONObject string A JSON Object as defined in [Section 4/RFC7159].
MACAddress string(:17)

All MAC addresses are represented as strings of 12 hexadecimal digits (digits 0-9, letters A-F or a-f) displayed as six pairs of digits separated by colons. Unspecified or inapplicable MAC addresses MUST be represented as empty strings unless otherwise specified by the parameter definition.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • ([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]:){5}([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])
MocaBand string[]

Represents the MoCA Bands and sub-bands the device is configured to operate in or that the device supports. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • reserved (READONLY)
  • bandFCBL
  • bandFSAT
  • bandE
  • bandExD
  • bandDH
  • bandDL
  • noBand

See [Section 15/MoCAv2.0].

MocaChannelIndex string

Represents the MoCA 2.0 primary or secondary channel, or MoCA 2.5 first, second, third, fourth, or fifth channel.

Enumeration of:

  • primary
  • secondary
  • m25first
  • m25second
  • m25third
  • m25fourth
  • m25fifth
MocaChannelMask hexBinary(8)

Represents one or more MoCA channel RF center frequencies using a hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask.

Bit 63 (the leftmost bit of the leftmost character) is the most significant bit (highest frequency), and bit 0 (the rightmost bit of the rightmost character) is the least significant bit (lowest frequency). Not all bits are valid MoCA channels.

Each bit represents 25 MHz of spectrum, but the mapping from bits to frequencies varies with the MoCA version:

  • MoCA 1.0 and MoCA 1.1: bits 63 through 32 are not used, bit 31 represents 1575 MHz and bit 0 represents 800 MHz
  • MoCA 2.0 and MoCA 2.5: bit 63 represents 1975 MHz and bit 0 represents 400 MHz

For example, a MoCA 1.0 or MoCA 1.1 interface would use 0x000000001FFFC000 to represent 1150 MHz through 1500 MHz.

Note that the MoCA version is indicated by the HighestVersion parameter.

MocaDB unsignedInt Represents one decibel or 1 dB.
MocaDBm int

Represents a measure of power in mW expressed in decibels, and calculated as follows:

power = 10*log10( Vrms^2 / R * 1000 )

where Vrms is the root-mean-square Voltage of the received waveform and R is 75 ohms.

MocaFlowIngrClassRule string

Represents the MoCA 2.0 PQOS Ingress Classification Rule.

Enumeration of:

  • ruleDAVLANtag4or5
  • ruleDAonly
  • ruleDAandDSCPnoVLAN
  • ruleDAandVLANignoreDSCP
  • ruleDAandVLANorDSCP
MocaMacRate unsignedInt Represents the MAC throughput in Kbps.
MocaNodeID unsignedInt(0:15)

Represents a MoCA Node ID.

  • MoCA 1.0 network can have a maximum of 8 MoCA Nodes, so Node ID is 0 to 7.
  • MoCA 1.1, MoCA 2.0, or MoCA 2.5 network can have a maximum of 16 MoCA Nodes, so Node ID is 0 to 15.
MocaPhyRate unsignedInt(0:2048) Represents the transmit PHY rate in Mbps.
MocaPowerState string

Represents the Power State defined by the MoCA2.0 specification.

Enumeration of:

  • m0Active (Power State M0: Active)
  • m1LowPowerIdle (Power State M1: Low Power Idle)
  • m2Standby (Power State M2: Standby)
  • m3Sleep (Power State M3: Sleep)

See [Section 12/MoCAv2.0].

MocaPrivacy string

Represents a type of MoCA Privacy.

Enumeration of:

  • mocaReserved5
  • mocaReserved4
  • mocaReserved3
  • mocaReserved2
  • mocaReserved1
  • moca2EnhancedPrivacy
  • moca20Privacy
  • moca1Privacy
MocaScMod hexBinary

Represents the subcarrier modulation.

Binary string array (array of two hexadecimal characters) with 1 byte for each subcarrier. The value of each byte represents the subcarrier modulation for the corresponding subcarrier.

See [Section] and [Appendix A/MOCA20-MIB] for the encoding of this parameter.

Order unsignedInt(1:)

Position of the object entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a object instance is created, or when an existing parameter value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the parameter values for the existing entry and all lower parameter entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes parameter values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no parameter value is supplied on creation of a object instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

PSDBreakPointIndexAndLevel unsignedInt[2:2]
  1. the Power Spectral Density (PSD) breakpoint sub-carrier index in the range [0:49152] with Df = 4.3125 kHz frequency spacing, and
  2. the value of the level of the PSD at this sub-carrier expressed in 0.1 dBm/Hz with an offset of -200 dBm/Hz. The range of valid values for PSD is -30 to -200 dBm/Hz.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

PSMBreakPointIndexAndLevel unsignedInt[2:2]
  1. The PSM breakpoint sub-carrier index in the range [0:4095], and
  2. the value of the level of the PSM at this sub-carrier expressed in 0.1 dBm/Hz with an offset of -140 dBm/Hz.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

[Clause 5.2/G.9964] defines limits on PSM breakpoint levels.

RangingState string

This data type defines the CM ranging state as reported by the CMTS. The enumerated values associated with the RangingState are:

Enumeration of:

  • Other (indicates any state not described below)
  • Aborted (indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging abort)
  • RetriesExceeded (indicates that the CM ranging retry limit has exceeded)
  • Success (indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging success in the ranging response)
  • Continue (indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging continue in the ranging response)
  • TimeoutT4 (indicates that the T4 timer expired on the CM)

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Cable Modem - CMTS Interaction.

RowStatus string

Cut-down version of SNMP RowStatus that supports only its “status” values, not its “control” values.

Enumeration of:

  • active (The row is available for use by the managed device)
  • notInService (The row exists in the Agent, but is unavailable for use by the managed device (see NOTE below); “notInService” has no implication regarding the internal consistency of the row, availability of resources, or consistency with the current state of the managed device)
  • notReady (The row exists in the Agent, but is missing information necessary in order to be available for use by the managed device, i.e., one or more required parameter in the row have not been populated)
  • createAndGo (Not used)
  • createAndWait (Not used)
  • destroy (Not used)
SELTPAttenuationCharacteristicsIndexAndTFlog unsignedInt[2:2]
  1. The paired frequency spacing index in the range [0:8191], and
  2. The transfer function log value, i.e. [i, TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df)], where the reference frequency spacing Df = 4.3125 kHz, the index i valid range is 0 to 8191, and TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df) spans a range from +6.0 dB down to -96.2 dB with units of 0.1 dB.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

SST string

Service Slice Type (SST). Enumeration of:

  • eMBB (5G Enhanced Mobile Broadband)
  • URLLC (Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications)
  • MIoT (Massive IoT)
  • V2X (Vehicle to Everything)

See [Clause].

SpectrumAnalysisWindowFunction string

This object controls the windowing function which will be used when performing the discrete Fourier transform for the analysis. Note that all window functions may not be supported by all devices. If an attempt is made to set the object to an unsupported window function, an error of inconsistentValue will be returned.

Enumeration of:

  • Other
  • Hann
  • BlackmanHarris
  • Rectangular
  • Hamming
  • FlatTop
  • Gaussian
  • Chebyshev
StatsCounter32 unsignedInt

A 32-bit statistics parameter, e.g. a byte counter.

This data type SHOULD NOT be used for statistics parameters whose values might become greater than the maximum value that can be represented as an unsignedInt (i.e. 0xffffffff, referred to below as maxval). StatsCounter64 SHOULD be used for such parameters.

The value maxval indicates that no data is available for this parameter. In the unlikely event that the actual value of the statistic is maxval, the CPE SHOULD return maxval - 1.

The actual value of the statistic might be greater than maxval. Such values SHOULD wrap around through zero.

The term packet is to be interpreted as the transmission unit appropriate to the protocol layer in question, e.g. an IP packet or an Ethernet frame.

StatsCounter64 unsignedLong

A 64-bit statistics parameter, e.g. a byte counter.

This data type SHOULD be used for all statistics parameters whose values might become greater than the maximum value that can be represented as an unsignedInt.

The maximum value that can be represented as an unsignedLong (i.e. 0xffffffffffffffff) indicates that no data is available for this parameter.

The term packet is to be interpreted as the transmission unit appropriate to the protocol layer in question, e.g. an IP packet or an Ethernet frame.

TLV8 hexBinary(0,2:255)

This data type represents a single TLV encoding. This first octet represents the Type of the TLV. The second octet represents an unsigned 8-bit Length of the subsequent Value part of the TLV. The remaining octets represent the value. The Value could be an atomic value or a sequence of one or more sub-TLVs.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Common Radio Frequency Interface Encodings Annex.

TenthdB int This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dB. Units are in tenths of a dB; for example, 5.1 dB will be represented as 51.
TenthdBmV int This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dBmV. Units are in tenths of a dBmV; for example, 5.1 dBmV will be represented as 51.
UERComplex int[2:2]

Pair of 32-bit signed integers a(i),b(i) with each pair representing a complex component of the uncalibrated echo response (UER);

  1. Real UER component, a(i)
  2. Imaginary UER component, b(i)

for values of i starting at i=0. Both values are represented as signed integers.

The interpretation of the UER value is as defined in [Clause A.2.2.1/G.996.2].

URI string(:2048) Uniform Resource Identifier. See [RFC3986].
URL URI(:2048) Uniform Resource Locator. See [RFC3986] (URI), [IANA-uri-schemes], and individual URI scheme RFCs such as [RFC7252] (coap, coaps) and [RFC7230] (http, https).
UUID string(36)

Universally Unique Identifier. See [RFC4122].

Possible patterns:

  • [A-Fa-f0-9]{8}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}-[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}
ZigBeeNetworkAddress string(:4)

The ZigBee 16-bit network address (NWK) as defined in [ZigBee2007]. The address is assigned to a device by the network layer and used by the network layer for routing messages between devices.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • ([0-9A-Fa-f]){4}


[3GPP-HSPA] High Speed Packet data Access (HSPA), 3GPP.
[3GPP-TS.23.003] 3GPP TS 23.003, Numbering, addressing and identification, 3GPP CT WG4.
[3GPP-TS.23.501] 3GPP TS 23.501, System architecture for the 5G System (5GS); Stage 2, 3GPP SA WG2.
[3GPP-TS.24.008] 3GPP TS 24.008, Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core network protocols; Stage 3, 3GPP CT WG1.
[3GPP-TS.24.301] 3GPP TS 24.301, Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for Evolved Packet System (EPS); Stage 3, 3GPP CT WG1.
[3GPP-TS.24.501] 3GPP TS 24.501, Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for 5G System (5GS); Stage 3, 3GPP CT WG1.
[3GPP-TS.24.526] 3GPP TS 24.526, User Equipment (UE) policies for 5G System (5GS); Stage 3, 3GPP CT WG1.
[3GPP-TS.25.171] 3GPP TS 25.171, Requirements for support of Assisted Global Positioning System (A-GPS), 3GPP RAN WG4.
[3GPP-TS.27.007] 3GPP TS 24.007, AT command set for User Equipment (UE), 3GPP CT WG1.
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[OUI] Organizationally Unique Identifiers (OUIs).
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[RFC2097] RFC 2097, The PPP NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol (NBFCP), IETF, 1997.
[RFC2104] RFC 2104, HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication, IETF, 1997.
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[RFC2132] RFC 2132, DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions, IETF.
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[RFC2364] RFC 2364, PPP Over AAL5, IETF, 1998.
[RFC2397] RFC 2397, The “data” URL scheme, IETF, 1998.
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[RFC2582] RFC 2582, The NewReno Modification to TCP’s Fast Recovery Algorithm, IETF, April 1999.
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[RFC2684] RFC 2684, Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation Layer 5, IETF.
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[RFC2698] RFC 2698, A Two Rate Three Color Marker, IETF.
[RFC2782] RFC 2782, A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV), IETF, 2000.
[RFC2784] RFC 2784, Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), IETF, November 2000.
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[RFC2819] RFC 2819, Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base, IETF, 2000.
[RFC2863] RFC 2863, The Interfaces Group MIB, IETF, 2000.
[RFC2865] RFC 2865, Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS), IETF, 2000.
[RFC2866] RFC 2866, RADIUS Accounting, IETF, 2000.
[RFC2869] RFC 2869, RADIUS Extensions, IETF, 2000.
[RFC2890] RFC 2890, Key and Sequence Number Extensions to GRE, IETF, November 2000.
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[RFC3174] RFC 3174, US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1), IETF, September, 2001.
[RFC3232] RFC 3232, “Assigned Numbers: RFC 1700 is Replaced by an On-line Database”, IETF, 2002.
[RFC3339] RFC 3339, Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps, IETF, July, 2002.
[RFC3596] RFC 3596, DDNS Extensions to Support IP Version 6, IETF, 2003.
[RFC3646] RFC 3646, DNS Configuration options for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6), IETF, 2003.
[RFC3775] RFC 3775, Mobility Support in IPv6, IETF, 2004.
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[RFC3927] RFC 3927, Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses, IETF, 2005.
[RFC3931] RFC 3931, Layer Two Tunneling Protocol - Version 3 (L2TPv3), IETF, March 2005.
[RFC3948] RFC 3948, UDP Encapsulation of IPsec ESP Packets, IETF, January 2005.
[RFC3986] RFC 3986, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, IETF.
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[RFC4122] RFC 4122, A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace, IETF, 2005.
[RFC4180] RFC4180, Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files, IETF, October 2005.
[RFC4191] RFC 4191, Default Router Preferences and More-Specific Routes, IETF, 2005.
[RFC4193] RFC 4193, Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses, IETF, 2005.
[RFC4242] RFC 4242, Information Refresh Time Option for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6), IETF, 2005.
[RFC4291] RFC 4291, IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture, IETF, 2006.
[RFC4292] RFC 4292, IP Forwarding Table MIB, IETF, 2006.
[RFC4293] RFC 4293, Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol (IP), IETF, 2006.
[RFC4301] RFC 4301, Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol, IETF, December 2005.
[RFC4302] RFC 4302, IP Authentication Header, IETF, December 2005.
[RFC4303] RFC 4303, IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), IETF, December 2005.
[RFC4389] RFC 4389, Neighbor Discovery Proxies (ND Proxy), IETF, 2006.
[RFC4443] RFC 4443, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification, IETF, March 2006.
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[RFC4861] RFC 4861, Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6), IETF, 2007.
[RFC4862] RFC 4862, IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration, IETF, 2007.
[RFC4868] RFC 4868, Using HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, and HMAC-SHA-512 with IPsec, IETF, 2007.
[RFC5072] RFC 5072, IP Version 6 over PPP, IETF, 2007.
[RFC5139] RFC 5139, Revised Civic Location Format For Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO), IETF, February 2008.
[RFC5280] RFC 5280, Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile, IETF, May 2008.
[RFC5424] RFC 5424, The Syslog Protocol, IETF, May 2009.
[RFC5425] RFC 5425, Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Mapping for Syslog, IETF, May 2009.
[RFC5426] RFC 5426, Transmission of Syslog Messages over UDP, IETF, May 2009.
[RFC5491] RFC 5491, GEOPRIV Presence Information Data Format Location Object (PIDF-LO) Usage Clarification, Considerations, and Recommendations, IETF, March 2009.
[RFC5625] RFC 5625, DNS Proxy Implementation Guidelines, IETF, 2009.
[RFC5905] RFC 5905, Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification, IETF, 2010.
[RFC5969] RFC 5969, IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd) - Protocol Specification, IETF, 2010.
[RFC5996] RFC 5996, Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2), IETF, September 2010.
[RFC6106] RFC 6106, IPv6 Router Advertisement Option for DNS Configuration, IETF, 2010.
[RFC6120] RFC 6120, Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) : Core, IETF, 2011.
[RFC6234] RFC 6234, US Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA and SHA-based HMAC and HKDF), IETF, May, 2011.
[RFC6455] RFC 6455, The WebSocket Protocol, IETF, December 2011.
[RFC6587] RFC 6587, Transmission of Syslog Messages over TCP, IETF, April 2012.
[RFC6762] RFC 6762, Multicast DNS, IETF, February 2013.
[RFC6838] RFC 6838, Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures, IETF, January 2013.
[RFC6887] RFC 6887, Port Control Protocol (PCP), IETF, 2013.
[RFC6970] RFC 6970, Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Internet Gateway Device (IGD) - Port Control Protocol (PCP) Interworking Function, IETF, 2013.
[RFC7159] RFC7159, The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format, IETF, March 2014.
[RFC7230] RFC 7230, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing, IETF, June 2014.
[RFC7252] RFC 7252, The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), IETF, June 2014.
[RFC7291] RFC 7291, DHCP Options for the Port Control Protocol (PCP), IETF, 2014.
[RFC7348] RFC 7348, Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN), IETF, August 2014.
[RFC7395] RFC 7395, An Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) Subprotocol for WebSocket, IETF, October 2014.
[RFC7398] RFC 7398, A Reference Path and Measurement Points for Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance, IETF, February 2015.
[RFC7468] RFC 7468, Textual Encoding of PKIX, PKCS, and CMS Structures, IETF, April 2015.
[RFC7594] RFC 7594, A Framework for Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance (LMAP), IETF, September 2015.
[RFC7597] RFC 7597, Mapping of Address and Port with Encapsulation (MAP), IETF, July 2015.
[RFC7598] RFC 7598, DHCPv6 Options for configuration of Softwire Address and Port Mapped Clients, IETF, July 2015.
[RFC7599] RFC 7599, Mapping of Address and Port using Translation (MAP-T), IETF, July 2015.
[RFC7616] RFC 7616, HTTP Digest Access Authentication, IETF, September 2015.
[RFC7617] RFC 7617, The ‘Basic’ HTTP Authentication Scheme, IETF, September 2015.
[RFC7693] RFC 7693, The BLAKE2 Cryptographic Hash and Message Authentication Code (MAC), IETF, November 2015.
[RFC792] RFC 792, Internet Control Message Protocol, IETF, September 1981.
[RFC793] RFC 793, Transmission Control Protocol, IETF, September 1981.
[RFC8089] RFC 8089, The “file” URI Scheme, IETF, February 2017.
[RFC8106] RFC 8106, IPv6 Router Advertisement Options for DNS Configuration, IETF, March 2017.
[RFC8141] RFC 8141, Uniform Resource Names (URNs), IETF, April 2017.
[RFC8325] RFC 8325, Mapping Diffserv to IEEE 802.11, IETF, February 2018.
[RFC8349] RFC 8349, A YANG Data Model for Routing Management (NMDA Version), IETF, March 2018.
[RFC8415] RFC 8415, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6), IETF, November 2018.
[RFC862] RFC 862, Echo Protocol, IETF, 1983.
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[RFC8966] RFC 8966, The Babel Routing Protocol, IETF, January 2021.
[RFC8967] RFC 8967, MAC Authentication for the Babel Routing Protocol, IETF, January 2021.
[RFC8968] RFC 8968, Babel Routing Protocol over Datagram Transport Layer Security, IETF, January 2021.
[RFC9046] RFC 9046, Babel Information Model, IETF, June 2021.
[RFC9110] RFC 9110, HTTP Semantics, IETF, June 2022.
[RFC9249] RFC 9249, A YANG Data Model for NTP, IETF, July 2022.
[RFC959] RFC 959, File Transfer Protocol, IETF, 1985.
[SFF-8024] SFF-8024, SFF Module Management Reference Code Tables, SNIA, May 2021.
[SFF-8472] SFF-8472, Management Interface for SFP+, SNIA, March 2021.
[SOAP1.1] Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1, W3C.
[STOMP1.2] STOMP Protocol Specification, STOMP Protocol Specification, Version 1.2.
[TR-064] TR-064 Corrigendum 1, LAN-Side DSL CPE Configuration Specification, Broadband Forum, August 2015.
[TR-069] TR-069 Amendment 6, CPE WAN Management Protocol, Broadband Forum, April 2018.
[TR-106] TR-106 Amendment 8, Data Model Template for CWMP Endpoints and USP Agents, Broadband Forum, May 2018.
[TR-124i5] TR-124 Issue 5, Functional Requirements for Broadband Residential Gateway Devices, Broadband Forum, July 2016.
[TR-124i6] TR-124 Issue 6, Functional Requirements for Broadband Residential Gateway Devices, Broadband Forum, July 2020.
[TR-143] TR-143 Amendment 1 Corrigendum 1, Enabling Network Throughput Performance Tests and Statistical Monitoring, Broadband Forum, August 2015.
[TR-159] TR-159, Management Framework for xDSL Bonding, Broadband Forum, December 2008.
[TR-181i2] TR-181 Issue 2 Amendment 15, Device Data Model, Broadband Forum, January 2022.
[TR-232] TR-232, Bulk Data Collection, Broadband Forum, May 2012.
[TR-262] TR-262, Femto Component Objects, Broadband Forum, November 2011.
[TR-304] TR-304, Broadband Access Service Attributes and Performance Metrics, Broadband Forum, February 2015.
[TR-369] TR-369 Issue 1 Amendment 2, User Services Platform, Broadband Forum, January 2022.
[TR-390] TR-390, Performance Measurement from Customer Equipment to IP Edge, Broadband Forum, May 2017.
[TR-471] TR-471, Maximum IP-Layer Capacity Metric, Related Metrics, and Measurements, Broadband Forum, December 2023.
[UPA-PLC] Universal Powerline Association, UPA.
[UPnP-DAv1] UPnP Device Architecture, UPnP Device Architecture 1.0, UPnP Forum, April 2008.
[UPnP-DAv11] UPnP Device Architecture 1.1, UPnP Device Architecture 1.1, UPnP Forum, October, 2008.
[UPnP-DM:1] UPnP Device Management:1, UPnP Device Management v1.
[UPnP-IGD:1] UPnP InternetGatewayDevice:1, InternetGatewayDevice:1 Device Template Version 1.01, UPnP, 2001.
[UPnP-IGD:2] UPnP InternetGatewayDevice:2, InternetGatewayDevice:2 Device Template Version 1.01, UPnP, 2010.
[USB1.0] USB 1.0, USB 1.0 Specification, USB-IF, January 1996.
[USB2.0] USB 2.0, USB 2.0 Specification, USB-IF, April 2000.
[USB3.0] USB 3.0, USB 3.0 Specification, USB-IF, November 2008.
[WMM] Wi-Fi Multimedia Technical Specification, Wi-Fi Multimedia Technical Specification, Wi-Fi Alliance, May 2012.
[WPA3v3.0] WPA3v3.0, Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 Specification Version 3.0.x, Wi-Fi Alliance.
[WPS 2.0] WSC 2.0, Wi-Fi Simple Configuration Technical Specification Version 2.0.x, Wi-Fi Alliance.
[WPSv1.0] Wi-Fi Protected Setup Specification Version 1.0h, Wi-Fi Alliance, 2006.
[YANGSYSLOG] draft-ietf-netmod-syslog-model, A YANG Data Model for Syslog Configuration, IETF, April 2023.
[Z-Wave] Z-Wave, Z-Wave website.
[ZigBee] ZigBee, ZigBee Alliance website.
[ZigBee2007] ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee 2007 Specification, ZigBee Alliance, October 2007.


Object definition.
Mount point definition.
Parameter definition.
Command or Event definition.
Command Input / Output Arguments container.
Command or Event Object Input / Output Argument definition.
Command or Event Parameter Input / Output Argument definition.

Device:2.18 Data Model

For a given implementation of this data model, the Agent MUST indicate support for the highest version number of any object or parameter that it supports. For example, even if the Agent supports only a single parameter that was introduced in version 1.4, then it will indicate support for version 1.4. The version number associated with each object and parameter is shown in the Version column.

Name Type Write Description Object Default Version
Device. object R The top-level object for a Device. - 2.0
RootDataModelVersion string(:32) R

Root data model version, e.g. 2.4. For a vendor-defined root data model, this is the standard Broadband Forum model on which the vendor-defined model is based.

Possible patterns:

  • 2\.\d+
- 2.4
InterfaceStackNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceStack table. - 2.0
ProxiedDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ProxiedDevice table. - 2.12
CollectionDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CollectionDevice table. - 2.16
Reboot() command - Reboot the entity associated with the containing Device. - 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Cause string W

The cause that will be contained within the Boot! Event. By default the Device SHOULD set this value to RemoteReboot.

Enumeration of:

  • LocalReboot (A Device. Event that was the result of a reboot triggered locally on the Device (NOT as a result of a Reboot() Command triggered by a remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol)}})
  • RemoteReboot (A Device. Event that was the result of a reboot triggered via the Reboot()} Command or other remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol)
- 2.18
Reason string W

The reason of the boot (e.g. power on reset, watchdog, overheat, FAN fault, web userinterface, …).

When absent the implementation must set Reason to ‘Unknown’.

- 2.18
Boot! event - Boot event indicating that the Device was rebooted. - 2.12
CommandKey string R The command_key supplied when requesting the boot, or an empty string if the boot was not requested via a USP operation. - 2.12
Cause string R

The cause of the boot.

Enumeration of:

  • LocalReboot (A Device. Event that was the result of a reboot triggered locally on the Device (NOT as a result of a Reboot() Command triggered by a remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol)}})
  • RemoteReboot (A Device. Event that was the result of a reboot triggered via the Reboot()} Command or other remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol)
  • FactoryReset (A Device. Event that was the result of a factory reset triggered locally on the Device or remotely (as a result of a FactoryReset()} Command or other remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol), which is to be used when the Agent cannot differentiate between local and remote, added in 2.15)
  • LocalFactoryReset (A Device. Event that was the result of a factory reset triggered locally on the Device (NOT as a result of a FactoryReset()} Command triggered by a remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol))
  • RemoteFactoryReset (A Device. Event that was the result of a factory reset triggered via the FactoryReset() Command or other remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol)
- 2.12
Reason string R The reason of the boot (e.g. power on reset, watchdog, overheat, FAN fault, web userinterface, …). - 2.18
FirmwareUpdated boolean R true if the firmware was updated as a result of the boot that caused this Event Notification; otherwise false. - 2.12
ParameterMap string R

Boot parameters configured via the recipient Controller’s LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.BootParameter table.

Formatted as a [JSONObject] A JSON Object as defined in [Section 4/RFC7159].

- 2.12
FactoryReset() command - Factory reset the entity associated with the containing Device. - 2.0
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Cause string W

The cause that will be contained within the Boot! Event. By default the Device SHOULD set this value to RemoteFactoryReset.

Enumeration of:

  • LocalFactoryReset (A Device. Event that was the result of a factory reset triggered locally on the Device (NOT as a result of a FactoryReset()} Command trigger by a remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol))
  • RemoteFactoryReset (A Device. Event that was the result of a factory reset triggered via the FactoryReset() Command or other remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol)
- 2.18
Reason string W

The reason of the boot (e.g. power on reset, watchdog, overheat, FAN fault, web userinterface, …).

When absent the implementation must set Reason to ‘Unknown’.

- 2.18
SelfTestDiagnostics() command - [ASYNC] This diagnostics test is vendor-specific and MAY include testing hardware, software, and/or firmware. - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Complete
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
Results string(:1024) R Results of self-test (vendor specific). - 2.12
PacketCaptureDiagnostics() command - [ASYNC] This diagnostic command is used to record packet capture data on a valid (layer 2 or above) interface in libpcap or pcapng format. - 2.13
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. A reference to a (layer 2 or above) interface object that will be the target of this packet capture diagnostic. - 2.13
Format string W

This indicates whether the network trace will be recorded in libpcap [LIBPCAP] or pcapng format, and is dependent on the underlying method of performing a network trace.

Enumeration of:

  • libpcap (The packet data is recorded in libpcap [LIBPCAP] format)
  • pcapng (The packet data is recorded in pcapng format)
- 2.13
Duration unsignedInt(1:) W The duration in seconds to copy packets to the file target. The diagnostic completes when either the Duration, PacketCount, or ByteCount conditions are met. - 2.13
PacketCount unsignedInt W The maximum number of packets to record to the file target. A value of zero (0) indicates no limit. The diagnostic completes when the Duration, ByteCount, or PacketCount conditions are met. - 2.13
ByteCount unsignedInt W The maximum number of bytes to record to the file target. A value of zero (0) indicates no limit. The diagnostic completes when Duration, PacketCount or ByteCount conditions are met. - 2.13
FileTarget string(:2048) W The [URL] specifying the destination file location. The HTTPS transport MUST be supported, and the HTTP transport MAY be supported. Other transports MAY also be supported. - 2.13
FilterExpression string(:256) W A ([BPF]) formatted expression used to restrict the types of network packets that are recorded to FileTarget. - 2.13
Username string(:256) W Username to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file location. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 2.13
Password string(:256) W

Password to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file location. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.13
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
PacketCaptureResult.{i}. object(0:) R

Results for individual packet capture diagnostics. Packet capture files whose FileLocation is local to the system SHOULD be deleted when the next diagnostic is run, or upon a system reboot.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.13
FileLocation string(:2048) R The [URL] specifying the resulting file location of the packet capture record that triggered this result. This MAY be different than the location specified in FileTarget. - 2.13
StartTime dateTime R The local system time at which the capture was started. - 2.13
EndTime dateTime R The local system time at which the capture was completed. - 2.13
Count unsignedInt R The number of packets recorded to the file target. - 2.13
ScheduleTimer() command -

[ASYNC] Schedule an async timer operation. A scheduled timer MUST persist across reboots.

NOTE: This command changed from synchronous to asynchronous in version 2.14.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
DelaySeconds unsignedInt(1:) W [MANDATORY] The number of seconds from the time this command is invoked until the Agent responds with an OperationComplete Event notification (based on the associated subscriptions). - 2.12
IoTCapabilityNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IoTCapability table. - 2.13
NodeNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Node table. - 2.13
Device.Services. object R This object contains general services information. - 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo. object R This object contains general device information. - 2.0
DeviceCategory string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is a device category (e.g. “AV_TV” and “AV_Recorder”), or the value is an empty string if no such element is provided by the device.

Note: It is assumed that this list might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. Standard HTIP device categories are defined in [JJ-300.01]. In this case, the maximum length of the list is 127 and of each item is 31, and any non-HTIP device categories SHOULD NOT conflict with standard HTIP device categories.

- 2.8
Manufacturer string(:64) R The manufacturer of the CPE (human readable string). - 2.0
ManufacturerOUI string(6) R

Organizationally unique identifier of the device manufacturer. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}

The value MUST be a valid OUI as defined in [OUI].

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

Any change would indicate that it’s a new Agent and would therefore require a Boot! Event with a LocalFactoryReset enumerated value in the Boot!.Cause argument.

- 2.0
CID string(6) R

Company identifier assigned and registered by the IEEE Registration Authority to the entity responsible for this Agent. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the Agent, including across firmware updates. Any change would indicate that it’s a new Agent and would therefore require a Boot! Event with a LocalFactoryReset enumerated value in the Boot!.Cause argument.

- 2.0
ModelName string(:64) R Model name of the CPE (human readable string). - 2.0
ModelNumber string(:64) R

The model number of the device (human readable string), or an empty string if no model number is provided by the device.

Note: It is assumed that this string might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. In this case, the maximum length of the string is 31.

- 2.8
Description string(:256) R A full description of the CPE device (human readable string). - 2.0
ProductClass string(:64) R

Identifier of the class of product for which the serial number applies. That is, for a given manufacturer, this parameter is used to identify the product or class of product over which the SerialNumber parameter is unique.

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

- 2.0
SerialNumber string(:64) R

Identifier of the particular device that is unique for the indicated class of product and manufacturer.

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

- 2.0
HardwareVersion string(:64) R A string identifying the particular CPE model and version. - 2.0
SoftwareVersion string(:64) R

A string identifying the software version currently installed in the CPE (i.e. version of the overall CPE firmware).

To allow version comparisons, this element SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 3.0.21 where the components mean: Major.Minor.Build.

- 2.0
ActiveFirmwareImage string R A full path reference to the row in the FirmwareImage table representing the currently running firmware image. - 2.12
BootFirmwareImage string W

A full path reference to the row in the FirmwareImage table of the firmware image that is to be loaded the next time the device boots.

This parameter value cannot be empty and must point to a valid and enabled FirmwareImage object where the (FirmwareImage.{i}.Available parameter is set to ‘true’). Out of the factory, this parameter should be set to point to the firmware image the CPE will attempt to boot when first powered on.

The firmware image instance referenced by this parameter must also have an Available parameter value of ‘true’. Attempting to set this parameter to point to a non-enabled firmware image MUST result in the CPE responding with a CWMP fault (9007).

In situations where the CPE cannot boot the firmware image specified by this parameter and manages to boot a different firmware image, the CPE MUST NOT modify this value to point to the alternate firmware image that is currently active.

- 2.12
AdditionalHardwareVersion string[](:64) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 64) of strings. Each entry is an additional version. Represents any additional hardware version information the vendor might wish to supply. - 2.0
AdditionalSoftwareVersion string[](:64) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 64) of strings. Each entry is an additional version. Represents any additional software version information the vendor might wish to supply. - 2.0
ProvisioningCode string(:64) W Identifier of the primary service provider and other provisioning information, which MAY be used by the ACS to determine service provider-specific customization and provisioning parameters. - 2.0
UpTime unsignedInt R

Time in seconds since the CPE was last restarted.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
FirstUseDate dateTime R

Date and time in UTC that the CPE first both successfully established an IP-layer network connection and acquired an absolute time reference using NTP or equivalent over that network connection. The CPE MAY reset this date after a factory reset.

If NTP or equivalent is not available, this parameter, if present, SHOULD be set to the Unknown Time value.

- 2.0
HostName string(:255) W The hostname of the device [Section 2 General issues/RFC1123]. This can be either a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or just the first component of an FQDN. For example, myhgw, myhgw.home,, - 2.16
FirmwareImageNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FirmwareImage table. - 2.12
VendorConfigFileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VendorConfigFile table. - 2.0
ProcessorNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the Processor table.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because the only contained parameter, Processor.{i}.Architecture, is no longer relevant for modern devices.
- 2.1
LogRotateNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the LogRotate table. - 2.17
VendorLogFileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VendorLogFile table. - 2.1
LocationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Location table. - 2.4
DeviceImageNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DeviceImageFile table. - 2.11
FriendlyName string(:32) W

The friendly name of the device.

In [TR-369] the friendly name is used during the advertisement of an endpoint - see section IANA-Registered USP Service Names of [TR-369].

- 2.0
PEN string(:10) R

Private Enterprise Number assigned and registered by IANA to the entity responsible for this Agent. Represented as a decimal encoding of the IANA-assigned number.

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the Agent, including across firmware updates. Any change would indicate that it’s a new Agent and would therefore require a Boot! Event with a LocalFactoryReset enumerated value in the Boot!.Cause argument.

- 2.0
MaxNumberOfActivateTimeWindows unsignedInt(1:5) R The maximum number of time windows in a FirmwareImage.{i}.Activate() Command that the Device supports. - 2.16
Device.DeviceInfo.VendorConfigFile.{i}. object(0:) R

Every instance of this object is a Vendor Configuration File, and contains parameters associated with the Vendor Configuration File.

This table of Vendor Configuration Files is for information only and does not allow the Controller to operate on these files in any way.

Whenever the Agent successfully restores a configuration file as a result of the Restore() Command, the Agent MUST update this Object.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

Name of the vendor configuration file.

If the CPE is able to obtain the name of the configuration file from the file itself, then the value of this parameter MUST be set to that name.

Otherwise, if the CPE can extract the file name from the URL used to download the configuration file, then the value of this parameter MUST be set to that name.

Otherwise, the value of this parameter MUST be set to the value of the Command input argument Restore().Input.TargetFileName used to restore this configuration file.

- 2.0
Version string(:16) R

A string identifying the configuration file version currently used in the CPE.

If the CPE is able to obtain the version of the configuration file from the file itself, then the value of this parameter MUST be set to the obtained value.

Otherwise, the value of this parameter MUST be an empty string.

- 2.0
Date dateTime R Date and time when the content of the current version of this vendor configuration file was first applied by the CPE. - 2.0
Description string(:256) R A description of the vendor configuration file (human-readable string). - 2.0
UseForBackupRestore boolean R

When true, this parameter indicates that this VendorConfigFile instance is to be used for backup and restoration purposes.

Note: The backup and restore operations may require the use of multiple VendorConfigFile instances. In this scenario the mechanism for determining the order and combination of VendorConfigFile instances used for backup and restoration purposes is implementation specific.

- 2.7
Backup() command -

[ASYNC] This command is issued to upload the configuration file specified by this VendorConfigFile instance.

All results of the actual upload will be contained within the LocalAgent.TransferComplete! event.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
URL string(:2048) W

[MANDATORY] The [URL] specifying the destination file location. The HTTPS transport MUST be supported, and the HTTP transport MAY be supported.

This argument specifies only the destination file location, and does not indicate in any way the name or location of the local file to be uploaded.

If the Agent receives multiple upload requests with the same URL, the Agent MUST perform each upload as requested, and MUST NOT assume that the content of the file to be uploaded is the same each time.

This URL MUST NOT include the “userinfo” component, as defined in [RFC3986].

- 2.12
Username string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Username to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 2.12
Password string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Password to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 2.12
Restore() command -

[ASYNC] This command is issued to download a configuration file into this VendorConfigFile instance.

All results of the actual download will be contained within the LocalAgent.TransferComplete! event.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
URL string(:2048) W

[MANDATORY] The [URL] specifying the source file location. The HTTPS transport MUST be supported, and the HTTP transport MAY be supported.

If the Agent receives multiple download requests with the same source URL, the Agent MUST perform each download as requested, and MUST NOT assume that the content of the file to be downloaded is the same each time.

This URL MUST NOT include the “userinfo” component, as defined in [RFC3986].

- 2.12
Username string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Username to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 2.12
Password string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Password to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 2.12
FileSize unsignedInt W

The size of the file to be downloaded in bytes.

The FileSize argument is intended as a hint to the Agent, which the Agent MAY use to determine if it has sufficient space for the file to be downloaded, or to prepare space to accept the file.

The Controller MAY set this value to zero. The Agent MUST interpret a zero value to mean that that the Controller has provided no information about the file size. In this case, the Agent MUST attempt to proceed with the download under the presumption that sufficient space is available, though during the course of download, the Agent might determine otherwise.

The Controller SHOULD set the value of this Parameter to the exact size of the file to be downloaded. If the value is non-zero, the Agent MAY reject the ScheduleDownload request on the basis of insufficient space.

If the Agent attempts to proceed with the download based on the value of this argument, but the actual file size differs from the value of this argument, this could result in a failure of the download. However, the Agent MUST NOT cause the download to fail solely because it determines that the value of this argument is inaccurate.

- 2.12
TargetFileName string(:256) W

The name of the file to be used on the target file system. This argument MAY be an empty string if the target file name can be extracted from the downloaded file itself, or from the URL argument, or if no target file name is needed.

If this argument is specified, but the target file name is also indicated by another source (for example, if it is extracted from the downloaded file itself), this argument MUST be ignored.

If the target file name is used, the downloaded file would replace any existing file of the same name (whether or not the Agent archives the replaced file is a local matter).

If present, this Parameter is treated as an opaque string with no specific requirements for its format. That is, the TargetFileName value is to be interpreted based on the Agent’s vendor-specific file naming conventions.

Note that this specification does not preclude the use of a file naming convention in which the file’s path can be specified as part of the file name.

- 2.12
CheckSumAlgorithm string W

The hash algorithm to use when performing a checksum validation of the downloaded file.

If the CheckSum input argument is specified, the Agent MUST validate the integrity of the downloaded file by comparing the value contained in the CheckSum input argument against a hash of the downloaded file.

Enumeration of:

  • SHA-1 (As specified in [RFC3174])
  • SHA-224 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-256 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-384 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-512 (As specified in [RFC6234])
- 2.12
CheckSum hexBinary W

The hash value of the downloaded file used to validate the integrity of the downloaded file.

If this argument is specified, the Agent MUST validate the integrity of the downloaded file by comparing the provided value against a hash of the downloaded file using the hashing algorithm specified in the CheckSumAlgorithm input argument.

If this argument is an empty string, the Agent MUST NOT perform a checksum validation of the downloaded file.

- 2.12
Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus. object R Status of the device’s physical memory. - 2.0
Total unsignedInt R The total physical volatile RAM, in KiB, installed on the device. - 2.0
Free unsignedInt R

The free physical volatile RAM, in KiB, currently available on the device.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TotalPersistent unsignedInt R The sum total physical Non-Volatile Memory (NVM), in KiB, installed on the device. This memory persists across reboots and can be used by the system, applications, or users. - 2.15
FreePersistent unsignedInt R

The sum total free physical Non-Volatile Memory (NVM), in KiB, currently available on the device. This memory persists across reboots and is available for use by the system, applications, or users.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus.MemoryMonitor. object R This object specifies information that the device has obtained via sampling the memory utilization (RAM) on the device. - 2.18
Enable boolean W

Indicates whether or not memory monitoring is enabled.

The default value SHOULD be false.

- 2.18
MemUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R Memory utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent, is the percentage of memory used by the system which cannot be spontaneously reclaimed or repurposed by the system in case it is required. This metric is collected at the PollingInterval. This value is used to determine if a critical condition is reached i.e., the memory utilization exceeds CriticalRiseThreshold. - 2.18
PollingInterval unsignedInt W

The interval, measured in seconds, in which the device polls the memory utilization.

If the value is 0 then the device selects its own polling interval.

If the value is greater than 0 then the device MUST use this value as the polling interval.

- 2.18
CriticalRiseThreshold unsignedInt(:100) W

Memory utilization rise threshold percent value. If the MemUtilization exceeds the rise threshold value, and the CriticalFallTimeStamp is greater than CriticalRiseTimeStamp (indicating that critical condition is reached), the following takes place:

The default value SHOULD be 80.

- 2.18
CriticalFallThreshold unsignedInt(:100) W

Memory utilization fall threshold percent value. If the MemUtilization falls below the fall threshold value and CriticalRiseTimeStamp is greater than CriticalFallTimeStamp (indicating that the critical condition is no longer present), the following takes place:

The default value SHOULD be 60.

- 2.18
CriticalRiseTimeStamp dateTime R Last date and time when the critical condition was reached. See CriticalRiseThreshold description for more details. - 2.18
CriticalFallTimeStamp dateTime R Last date and time when the critical condition was no longer present. See CriticalFallThreshold description for more details. - 2.18
EnableCriticalLog boolean W

This parameter indicates whether a critical log needs to be generated in the vendor log file.

  • If the value of EnableCriticalLog is true, then a critical log is generated in the vendor log file.
  • If the value of EnableCriticalLog is false, then no critical log is generated in the vendor log file.

The default value SHOULD be false.

- 2.18
VendorLogFileRef string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The reference to DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile is automatically constructed and the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile is populated with the information based on FilePath.

E.g. When FilePath = file:///var/log/messages. The following entry is automatically added to DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile: file:///var/log/messages.

- 2.18
FilePath string W Destination path and filename of where to create and keep the log files which MUST use the file URI scheme [The file URI Scheme/RFC8089]. This file is related to EnableCriticalLog. - 2.18
MemoryCriticalState! event - This event is generated indicating critical condition is reached i.e., when MemUtilization exceeds the rise threshold, the event is generated. - 2.18
MemUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R Memory utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent, collected at the polling interval. - 2.18
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus. object R Status of the processes on the device. - 2.0
CPUUsage unsignedInt(:100) R

The total amount of the CPU, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent. In the case that multiple CPU are present, this value represents the average of all CPU.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ProcessNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Process table. - 2.0
CPUNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CPU table. - 2.18
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.CPU.{i}. object(0:) R

Each instance in the table represents a CPU on this device. Here CPU can imply main CPU (where system software is executed) or hardware/network acceleration CPU (responsible for data plane traffic).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.18
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.18
Name string(:256) R Name of this CPU. This text MUST be sufficient to distinguish this CPU from other CPUs. - 2.18
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the CPU utilization monitoring.

The default value SHOULD be false.

- 2.18
UpTime unsignedInt R Time in seconds since the CPU was last restarted. - 2.18
UserModeUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R

CPU utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent, while executing at the user level. This includes utilization across all cores.

This value is calculated the same way as CPUUtilization. See CPUUtilization description for more details.

- 2.18
SystemModeUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R

CPU utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent, while executing at the system/kernel level. Note that this includes the time spent servicing interrupts as well. This includes utilization across all cores.

This value is calculated the same way as CPUUtilization. See CPUUtilization description for more details.

- 2.18
IdleModeUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R

CPU utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent, while the CPU was idle.

This value is calculated the same way as CPUUtilization. See CPUUtilization description for more details.

- 2.18
CPUUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R

CPU utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent. The CPU Utilization is calculated as a moving window average of NumSamples CPU utilization samples collected at the PollInterval.

For example, the CPU utilization is calculated as follows: CPU Utilization = (sample1 + sample2 + … + sampleN)/N where N is the number of CPU usage samples as represented by NumSamples and sample1, sample2, …, sampleN are CPU usage samples collected at every PollInterval seconds.

This parameter, which reflects system and user mode CPU utilization, is used to determine if the CPU is in critical condition. This value includes system mode and user mode utilization i.e., everything except idle mode utilization.

- 2.18
PollInterval unsignedInt W

The interval, measured in seconds, over which the CPU usage is polled.

If the value is 0 then the device selects its own polling interval.

If the value is greater than 0 then the device MUST use this value as the poll interval.

The default value SHOULD be 5.

- 2.18
NumSamples unsignedInt(1:300) W

This parameter indicates the number of CPU usage samples that is needed to calculate the average CPU utilization and populate the CPUUtilization

The default value SHOULD be 30.

- 2.18
CriticalRiseThreshold unsignedInt(:100) W

CPU utilization rise threshold percent value. If the CPUUtilization exceeds the rise threshold value and the CriticalFallTimeStamp is greater than CriticalRiseTimeStamp (indicating that critical condition is reached), the following takes place:

The default value SHOULD be 80.

- 2.18
CriticalFallThreshold unsignedInt(:100) W

CPU utilization fall threshold percent value. If the CPUUtilization falls below fall threshold value and CriticalRiseTimeStamp is greater than CriticalFallTimeStamp (indicating that critical condition is no longer present), the following takes place:

The default value SHOULD be 60.

- 2.18
CriticalRiseTimeStamp dateTime R Last date and time when the critical condition was reached. See CriticalRiseThreshold description for more details. - 2.18
CriticalFallTimeStamp dateTime R Last date and time when the critical condition is no longer present. See CriticalFallThreshold description for more details. - 2.18
EnableCriticalLog boolean W

This parameter indicates whether a critical log needs to be generated in the vendor log file.

  • If the value of EnableCriticalLog is true, then a critical log is generated in the vendor log file.
  • If the value of EnableCriticalLog is false, then no critical log is generated in the vendor log file.

The default value SHOULD be false.

- 2.18
VendorLogFileRef string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The reference to DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile is automatically constructed and the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile is populated with the information based on FilePath.

E.g. When FilePath = file:///var/log/messages. The following entry is automatically added to DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile: file:///var/log/messages.

- 2.18
FilePath string W Destination path and filename of where to create and keep the log files which MUST use the uri scheme file [The file URI Scheme/RFC8089]. This file is related to EnableCriticalLog. - 2.18
CPUCriticalState! event - This event is generated indicating critical condition is reached i.e., when the rise threshold is crossed, the event is generated. - 2.18
CPUUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R CPU utilization, in percent, rounded to the nearest whole percent. - 2.18
Name string(:256) R Name of this CPU. This text MUST be sufficient to distinguish this CPU from other CPUs. - 2.18
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.Process.{i}. object(0:) R

List of all processes running on the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for PID.

- 2.0
PID unsignedInt R The Process Identifier. - 2.0
Command string(:256) R The name of the command that has caused the process to exist. - 2.0
Size unsignedInt R

The size in KiB of the memory occupied by the process.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Priority unsignedInt(:99) R The priority of the process where 0 is highest. - 2.0
CPUTime unsignedInt R

The amount of time in milliseconds that the process has spent taking up CPU time since the process was started.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
State string R

The current state that the process is in.

Enumeration of:

  • Running
  • Sleeping
  • Stopped
  • Idle (OPTIONAL)
  • Uninterruptible (OPTIONAL)
  • Zombie (OPTIONAL)

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus. object R Status of the temperature of the device. - 2.0
TemperatureSensorNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the TemperatureSensor table. - 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus.TemperatureSensor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents information that the device has obtained via sampling an internal temperature sensor.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.3
Enable boolean W Indicates whether or not the temperature sensor is enabled. - 2.0
Status string R

The status of this temperature sensor.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (The sensor is not currently sampling the temperature)
  • Enabled (The sensor is currently sampling the temperature)
  • Error (The sensor error currently prevents sampling the temperature)
- 2.0
Reset() command - Resets the temperature sensor. - 2.12
ResetTime dateTime R

The time at which this temperature sensor was reset.

Reset can be caused by:

  • Status transition from Disabled to Enabled
  • Reset() command is invoked.
  • An internal reset of the temperature sensor (including a reboot of the device).

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates that this temperature sensor has never been reset, which can only happen if it has never been enabled.

- 2.0
Name string(:256) R Name of this temperature sensor. This text MUST be sufficient to distinguish this temperature sensor from other temperature sensors. - 2.0
Value int(-274:) R

This temperature sensor’s last good reading in degrees celsius.

A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LastUpdate dateTime R

The time at which this temperature sensor’s last good reading was obtained.

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MinValue int(-274:) R

This temperature sensor’s lowest value reading in degrees celsius since last reset.

A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

- 2.0
MinTime dateTime R

The time at which this temperature sensor’s lowest value was read.

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

- 2.0
MaxValue int(-274:) R

This temperature sensor’s highest value reading in degrees celsius since last reset.

A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

- 2.0
MaxTime dateTime R

The time at which this temperature sensor’s highest value was read.

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates a good reading has not been obtained since last reset.

- 2.0
LowAlarmValue int(-274:) W

This temperature sensor’s low alarm value in degrees celsius.

A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a non configured value.

A change to this value will cause LowAlarmTime to be reset.

- 2.0
LowAlarmTime dateTime R

Initial time at which this temperature sensor’s LowAlarmValue was encountered.

This value is only set the first time the alarm is seen and not changed until the next reset.

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates that an alarm has not been encountered since the last reset.

- 2.0
HighAlarmValue int(-274:) W

This temperature sensor’s high alarm value in degrees celsius.

A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a non configured value.

A change to this value will cause HighAlarmTime to be reset.

- 2.0
PollingInterval unsignedInt W

The interval, measured in seconds, in which the device polls this TemperatureSensor.

If the value is 0 then the device selects its own polling interval.

If the value is greater than 0 then the device MUST use this value as the polling interval.

- 2.1
HighAlarmTime dateTime R

Initial time at which this temperature sensor’s HighAlarmValue was encountered.

This value is only set the first time the alarm is seen and not changed until the next reset.

The Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106], indicates that an alarm has not been encountered since the last reset.

- 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.NetworkProperties. object R This object defines the parameters that describe how the device handles network traffic. - 2.0
MaxTCPWindowSize unsignedInt R The maximum number of bytes of outstanding data a sender can send on a particular connection prior to an acknowledgment [RFC793]. Any scaling factor SHOULD be included in this parameter [RFC1323]. - 2.0
TCPImplementation string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the TCP congestion control mechanism(s) implemented. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Tahoe (Represents the base TCP implementation in [RFC793] and elements of [RFC2582])
  • Reno (Represents the base TCP implementation in [RFC793] with the additional algorithms defined in [RFC2581])
  • New Reno (Described as a modification to the Reno algorithms in [RFC2582])
  • Vegas (An emerging TCP congestion control mechanism)

Tahoe, Reno, and New Reno are defined in [RFC2582]

- 2.0
Device.DeviceInfo.Processor.{i}. object(0:) R
Each table entry represents a hardware or virtual processor that resides on this device.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because the only contained parameter, Architecture, is no longer relevant for modern devices.
At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.
- 2.1
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.3
Architecture string R

The architecture of the processor on the underlying hardware. Enumeration of:

  • arm
  • i386
  • m68010
  • m68k
  • mipseb (big-endian)
  • mipsel (little-endian)
  • powerpc
  • sh3eb (big-endian)
  • sh3el (little-endian)
  • x86_64

For processor architectures not included in this list, the vendor MAY include vendor-specific values, which MUST use the format defined in [Section 3.3/TR-106].

- 2.1
Device.DeviceInfo.LogRotate.{i}. object(0:) W

This Object details the available rotation settings for vendor log file rotation.

Based on [A YANG Data Model for Syslog Configuration/YANGSYSLOG].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the log rotation functionality for this item. - 2.17
Name string W

Specifies the full path and filename of the log file that must be rotated. Which MUST use the uri scheme file [The file URI Scheme/RFC8089].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
NumberOfFiles unsignedInt(1:) W

Specifies the maximum number of log files retained. When during log rotation the maximum number of log files is reached, the oldest log file will be deleted.

Specify 1 for implementations that only support one log file.

- 2.17
MaxFileSize unsignedInt W Specifies the maximum log file size in KiB. Log events that arrive after the maximum file size is reached will cause the current log file to be closed and a new log file to be opened. - 2.17
RollOver unsignedInt W Specifies the length of time, in minutes, that log events should be written to a specific log file. Log events that arrive after the rollover period cause the current log file to be closed and a new log file to be opened. - 2.17
Retention unsignedInt W Specifies the length of time, in minutes, that completed/closed log event files should be stored in the file system before they are removed. - 2.17
Compression string W

Specifies the post-rotation compression method that must be applied exclusively on the initial log file in a rotation sequence.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • GZIP
  • BZIP2
  • LZO
  • XZ
  • ZSTD
None 2.17
LogFileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the LogFile table. - 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.LogRotate.{i}.LogFile.{i}. object(0:) R

Each table entry represents a Log File.

This table of log files is informational only and does not allow the Controller to operate on these files in any way.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
Name string(:64) R Name of the rotated log file stored within the same directory that Name is specified. Which MUST use the uri scheme file [The file URI Scheme/RFC8089]. - 2.17
Size unsignedInt R The size of the log file in bytes. If the device doesn’t know the file size then Size will be 0. - 2.17
LastChange dateTime R

Last modification date of the file specified by Name.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile.{i}. object(0:) R

Each table entry represents a Vendor Log File.

This table of log files is informational only and does not allow the Controller to operate on these files in any way.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.1
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.1
Name string(:64) R

Name of the log file.

Typically this will be the full file system path, but provided that it is guaranteed to be unique across current and future log files, it MAY be a shorter name derived from the file system path, or be derived via another mechanism.

- 2.1
MaximumSize unsignedInt R The maximum size of the log file in bytes. If the device doesn’t know the maximum file size then MaximumSize will be 0. - 2.1
Persistent boolean R

When true, the log file contents are preserved across a device reboot.

When false, the log file contents will be purged when the device is rebooted.

- 2.1
Upload() command -

[ASYNC] This command is issued to upload the log file specified by this Vendor Log File instance.

All results of the actual upload will be contained within the LocalAgent.TransferComplete! event.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
URL string(:2048) W

[MANDATORY] The [URL] specifying the destination file location. The HTTPS transport MUST be supported, and the HTTP transport MAY be supported.

This argument specifies only the destination file location, and does not indicate in any way the name or location of the local file to be uploaded.

If the Agent receives multiple upload requests with the same URL, the Agent MUST perform each upload as requested, and MUST NOT assume that the content of the file to be uploaded is the same each time.

This URL MUST NOT include the “userinfo” component, as defined in [RFC3986].

- 2.12
Username string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Username to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 2.12
Password string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Password to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 2.12
Device.DeviceInfo.Location.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains Location information.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both Source and ExternalSource. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for ExternalSource such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.4
Source string R

Identifies the source of the location data.

Enumeration of:

  • GPS
  • AGPS
  • Manual
  • External
External 2.4
AcquiredTime dateTime R The time when the location was acquired. - 2.4
ExternalSource string R

URL, MAC address, or other identifier that identifies an “External” source of this location.

Meaningful only if Source has a value of External, otherwise it MUST be an empty string.

If ExternalProtocol has a value of CWMP, this is the URL or IP address of the Controller.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.4
ExternalProtocol string R

Protocol used to acquire a location from an “External” source. Enumeration of:

  • <Empty> (An empty string)
  • CWMP
  • USP (Added in 2.13)
  • OMA-DM
  • SNMP
  • UPnP
  • HELD
  • DHCPv4
  • DHCPv6
  • MLP
  • Other

Meaningful only if Source has a value of External, otherwise it MUST be an empty string.

CWMP 2.4
DataObject string(:1200) W

The currently valid location information.

Writable only when ExternalProtocol has a value of CWMP or USP.

If obtained through the local GPS/AGPS then the location information is formatted according to [RFC5491].

If manually configured then location information will be XML-formatted according to [RFC5491] (geographical information) and [RFC5139] (civic addresses).

If obtained by an external source this is the location information as received.

If it’s an XML document (e.g. CWMP, OMA-DM, UPnP, HELD, MLP) the location information will be represented as-is, otherwise it will be converted to base64.

CWMP or USP configured location information will be XML-formatted according to [RFC5491] (geographical information) and [RFC5139] (civic addresses).

Only zero or one Location object instance with value CWMP or USP MUST exist at any given time.

- 2.4
Device.DeviceInfo.DeviceImageFile.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes an image of the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Location, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.11
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.11
Location string R

The location of the device that represents the image as the user looks at the front of the device in its typical orientation (e.g., on-end, flat).

Enumeration of:

  • Front
  • Back
  • Left
  • Right
  • Top
  • Bottom
- 2.11
Image base64 R The device image in PNG, JPEG or GIF format. - 2.11
Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.{i}. object(0:) R

Top-level object for mapping firmware images.

This is a static table – the number of object instances in this table is defined by the firmware that is currently running.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Name string(:64) R

Firmware/software image name. Descriptive text of the image or filename.

The value of Name is an empty string if Status is anything other than Active, Available, InstallationFailed, or ActivationFailed.

- 2.12
Version string(:64) R

A string identifying the version of the firmware image represented by this FirmwareImage. Whenever this firmware image is active (ie, the device has booted this firmware image), the value of the SoftwareVersion parameter MUST be the same as the value contained in this parameter.

To allow version comparisons, this element SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 3.0.21 where the components mean: Major.Minor.Build.

The value of Version is an empty string if Status is anything other than Available, InstallationFailed, or ActivationFailed.

- 2.12
Available boolean W

Specifies whether or not this particular firmware image can be used by the Agent. An Agent will only attempt to boot this particular firmware image if this parameter value is set to true.

This value MUST be set to true by the device whenever a new firmware image is installed.

This value cannot be set to false if the firmware image is active or is referenced by the BootFirmwareImage parameter.

Firmware image instances cannot be deleted, so a Controller MAY use this parameter to subsequently mark a particular firmware as being invalid, which will prevent the Agent from attempting to boot it.

- 2.12
Status string R

Status of the firmware image, as determined by the Agent. Enumeration of:

  • NoImage (This Firmware Image instance is empty. This value could happen on an Agent that supports multiple firmware images, but only has a single image installed)
  • Active (This Firmware Image instance is the currently active image, added in 2.14)
  • Downloading (This Firmware Image instance is being downloaded)
  • Validating (This Firmware Image instance has been downloaded, and is in the process of being validated)
  • Available (This Firmware Image instance has been downloaded, validated, and installed, and is ready to be activated)
  • DownloadFailed (The Agent has attempted to download this Firmware Image instance, but ultimately failed while retrieving it from the source URL)
  • ValidationFailed (The Agent has attempted to validate a Firmware Image downloaded to this instance, but ultimately failed while validating it)
  • InstallationFailed (The Agent has attempted to install a Firmware Image downloaded and validated to this instance, but ultimately failed while installing it)
  • ActivationFailed (The Agent has attempted to activate this Firmware Image instance, but ultimately the activation failed)
- 2.12
BootFailureLog string R

If the Agent is unable to boot into this firmware image, when specified, the Agent can use this parameter to record some information as to why the boot failed.

If the Agent successfully boots into this firmware, the value of this parameter SHOULD be an empty string. When a new firmware image is installed into this object instance, this parameter MUST be cleared.

The length of this string is defined as implementation-specific by the Agent.

- 2.12
Download() command -

[ASYNC] This command is issued to download a firmware into this Firmware Image instance.

All results of the actual download will be contained within the LocalAgent.TransferComplete! event.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
URL string(:2048) W

[MANDATORY] The [URL] specifying the source file location. The HTTPS transport MUST be supported, and the HTTP transport MAY be supported.

If the Agent receives multiple download requests with the same source URL, the Agent MUST perform each download as requested, and MUST NOT assume that the content of the file to be downloaded is the same each time.

This URL MUST NOT include the “userinfo” component, as defined in [RFC3986].

- 2.12
AutoActivate boolean W

[MANDATORY] If true the Agent MUST automatically activate the firmware once it is successfully downloaded.

If false the Agent MUST NOT activate the firmware until explicitly instructed to do so by either invoking Activate() or setting BootFirmwareImage and rebooting the Agent.

- 2.12
Username string(:256) W Username to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This argument is omitted if no authentication is required. - 2.12
Password string(:256) W Password to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This argument is omitted if no authentication is required. - 2.12
FileSize unsignedInt W

The size of the file to be downloaded in bytes.

The FileSize argument is intended as a hint to the Agent, which the Agent MAY use to determine if it has sufficient space for the file to be downloaded, or to prepare space to accept the file.

The Controller MAY set this value to zero. The Agent MUST interpret a zero value to mean that that the Controller has provided no information about the file size. In this case, the Agent MUST attempt to proceed with the download under the presumption that sufficient space is available, though during the course of download, the Agent might determine otherwise.

The Controller SHOULD set the value of this Parameter to the exact size of the file to be downloaded. If the value is non-zero, the Agent MAY reject the ScheduleDownload request on the basis of insufficient space.

If the Agent attempts to proceed with the download based on the value of this argument, but the actual file size differs from the value of this argument, this could result in a failure of the download. However, the Agent MUST NOT cause the download to fail solely because it determines that the value of this argument is inaccurate.

- 2.12
CheckSumAlgorithm string W

The hash algorithm to use when performing a checksum validation of the downloaded file.

If the CheckSum input argument is specified, the Agent MUST validate the integrity of the downloaded file by comparing the value contained in the CheckSum input argument against a hash of the downloaded file.

Enumeration of:

  • SHA-1 (As specified in [RFC3174])
  • SHA-224 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-256 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-384 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-512 (As specified in [RFC6234])
- 2.12
CheckSum hexBinary W

The hash value of the downloaded file used to validate the integrity of the downloaded file.

If this argument is specified, the Agent MUST validate the integrity of the downloaded file by comparing the provided value against a hash of the downloaded file using the hashing algorithm specified in the CheckSumAlgorithm input argument.

If this argument is an empty string, the Agent MUST NOT perform a checksum validation of the downloaded file.

- 2.12
Activate() command -

[ASYNC] This command is issued to activate this FirmwareImage instance.

A FirmwareImage instance can also be activated by setting the BootFirmwareImage parameter and causing the Agent to reboot.

A successful activation will result in a reboot of the device with this FirmwareImage as the currently running firmware image. Furthermore, this FirmwareImage will be referenced by the ActiveFirmwareImage parameter.

A failed activation will result in this FirmwareImage instance’s BootFailureLog being updated.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
TimeWindow.{i}. object(1:5) W

The time window(s) that dictate when the Agent activates the firmware image.

An Agent MUST be able to accept a request with either one or two TimeWindow instances.

The time windows MUST NOT overlap, i.e. if there are two time windows, the second window’s Start value has to be greater than or equal to the first window’s End value.

This table MUST contain at least 1 and at most 5 entries. This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.12
Start unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] Start of this time window as an offset in seconds after invoking the command. An offset is used in order to avoid a dependence on absolute time. - 2.12
End unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] End of this time window as an offset in seconds after invoking the command. An offset is used in order to avoid a dependence on absolute time. - 2.12
Mode string W

[MANDATORY] Specifies when within this time window the Agent is permitted to activate the specified firmware image.

Enumeration of:

  • AnyTime (The Agent MAY activate the firmware image at any time during the time window even if this results in interruption of service for the subscriber)
  • Immediately (The Agent MUST activate the firmware image immediately at the start of the time window even if this results in interruption of service for the subscriber)
  • WhenIdle (The Agent MUST NOT cause an interruption of service from the subscriber’s standpoint while activating the firmware image during the time window. How the Agent determines this is outside the scope of this specification)
  • ConfirmationNeeded (The Agent MUST ask for and receive confirmation before activating the firmware image. It is outside the scope of this specification how the Agent asks for and receives this confirmation. If confirmation is not received, this time window MUST NOT be used)
- 2.12
UserMessage string W

A message that informs the user of a request to activate a new firmware image.

The Agent MAY use this message when seeking confirmation from the user, e.g. when Mode is ConfirmationNeeded.

When there is no need for such a message, it SHOULD be an empty string and MUST be ignored.

- 2.12
MaxRetries int(-1:10) W

The maximum number of retries for activating the firmware image before regarding the transfer as having failed. Refers only to this time window (each time window can specify its own value).

A value of 0 means “No retries are permitted”. A value of -1 means “the Agent determines the number of retries”, i.e. that the Agent can use its own retry policy, not that it has to retry forever.

Only applicable when the Mode input argument is ConfirmationNeeded, otherwise this input argument MUST be ignored.

- 2.12
Device.DeviceInfo.KernelFaults. object R A fault in the context of the Kernel refers to a situation where the kernel encounters a critical error or a bug that it cannot recover from. When this happens, the kernel generates a “fault message” or “kernel panic”, which provides information about the error, the state of the system at the time of the error, and a stack trace of function calls leading up to the error. - 2.17
StoragePath string R Path where the Kernel faults logs must be stored. - 2.17
LastUpgradeCount unsignedInt R Total number of Kernel faults which occurred since last firmware upgrade. - 2.17
PreviousBootCount unsignedInt R The number of Kernel faults which occurred during the previous boot cycle. - 2.17
MinFreeSpace unsignedInt W Minimum free space in KiB on the device that must be free before attempting to create a KernelFault instance. This setting does not affect the counting of Kernel faults. - 2.17
MaxKernelFaultEntries unsignedInt W

The maximum number of entries available in the KernelFault table. Defines the maximum number of KernelFault instances that can be stored on the device.

If this limit is hit, No new KernelFault instances will be created until sufficient Kernel fault instances are removed. Set this parameter to 0 to completely disable the creation of KernelFault instances.

Reducing the MaxKernelFaultEntries will cause for the implementation to delete the oldest KernelFault instances.

This setting does not affect the counting of Kernel faults.

- 2.17
KernelFaultNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the KernelFault table. - 2.17
RemoveAllKernelFaults() command - [ASYNC] This command removes all the KernelFault.{i}. from the device, together with all the associated Kernel fault data stored on the device. - 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.KernelFaults.KernelFault.{i}. object(0:) R

Each table entry represents a Kernel fault that is stored on the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
FaultLocation string R Specifies the location of where to create and keep the logs. Can either be a relative path or file within the StoragePath location. - 2.17
LastInstruction string R The last instruction executed when the Kernel fault was triggered. - 2.17
TimeStamp dateTime R The time when the Kernel fault was registered. - 2.17
FirmwareVersion string R The firmware version that triggered the Kernel fault. - 2.17
ProcessName string R The name of the process that was active while the kernel fault occurred. - 2.17
Reason string R The reason why the kernel fault occurred. - 2.17
Upload() command -

[ASYNC] This command is issued to upload the Kernel fault information specified by this KernelFault instance.

All results of the actual upload will be contained within the LocalAgent.TransferComplete! event.

- 2.17
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
URL string(:2048) W

[MANDATORY] The [URL] specifying the destination file location. The HTTPS transport MUST be supported, and the HTTP transport MAY be supported.

This argument specifies only the destination file location, and does not indicate in any way the name or location of the local file to be uploaded.

If the Agent receives multiple upload requests with the same URL, the Agent MUST perform each upload as requested, and MUST NOT assume that the content of the file to be uploaded is the same each time.

This URL MUST NOT include the “userinfo” component, as defined in [RFC3986].

- 2.17
Username string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Username to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 2.17
Password string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Password to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 2.17
Remove() command - [ASYNC] Remove this row from the table, together with the associated Kernel fault data stored on the device. - 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessFaults. object R Monitoring process faults and configuring the operating system to generate crash dumps and core files is essential for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues with applications and processes. - 2.17
StoragePath string R Path where the process fault logs must be stored. - 2.17
LastUpgradeCount unsignedInt R Total number of process faults which occurred since last firmware upgrade. - 2.17
PreviousBootCount unsignedInt R The number of process faults which occurred during the previous boot cycle. - 2.17
MinFreeSpace unsignedInt W Minimum free space in KiB on the device that must be free before attempting to create a ProcessFault instance. This setting does not affect the counting of process faults. - 2.17
MaxProcessFaultEntries unsignedInt W

The maximum number of entries available in the ProcessFault table. Defines the maximum number of ProcessFault instances that can be stored on the device.

If this limit is hit, No new ProcessFault instances will be created until sufficient process fault instances are removed. Set this parameter to 0 to completely disable the creation of ProcessFault instances.

Reducing the MaxProcessFaultEntries will cause for the implementation to delete the oldest ProcessFault instances.

This setting does not affect the counting of process faults.

- 2.17
ProcessFaultNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ProcessFault table. - 2.17
RemoveAllProcessFaults() command - [ASYNC] This command removes all the ProcessFault.{i}. from the device, together with all the associated faulty data stored on the device. - 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessFaults.ProcessFault.{i}. object(0:) R

Each table entry represents a process fault that is stored on the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
ProcessID string R Process ID of the process that crashed. - 2.17
ProcessName string R Process Name of the process that crashed. - 2.17
FaultLocation string R Specifies the location of where to create and keep the process fault logs. Can either be a relative path or file within the StoragePath location. - 2.17
TimeStamp dateTime R The time when the process fault occurred. - 2.17
FirmwareVersion string R The firmware version that triggered the process fault. - 2.17
Arguments string R The command arguments that were used to start to the process. - 2.17
Reason string R The reason why the process fault occurred. - 2.17
Upload() command -

[ASYNC] This command is issued to upload the Fault information specified by this Fault instance.

All results of the actual upload will be contained within the LocalAgent.TransferComplete! event.

- 2.17
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
URL string(:2048) W

[MANDATORY] The [URL] specifying the destination file location. The HTTPS transport MUST be supported, and the HTTP transport MAY be supported.

This argument specifies only the destination file location, and does not indicate in any way the name or location of the local file to be uploaded.

If the Agent receives multiple upload requests with the same URL, the Agent MUST perform each upload as requested, and MUST NOT assume that the content of the file to be uploaded is the same each time.

This URL MUST NOT include the “userinfo” component, as defined in [RFC3986].

- 2.17
Username string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Username to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 2.17
Password string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Password to be used by the Agent to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is required. - 2.17
Remove() command - [ASYNC] Remove this row from the table, together with the associated faulty data stored on the device. - 2.17
Device.DeviceInfo.Reboots. object R The monitoring of reboot reasons is essential for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues with applications and processes running on the Device. - 2.18
BootCount unsignedInt R The number of times the device has rebooted since the last factory reset. - 2.18
CurrentVersionBootCount unsignedInt R The number of times the device has rebooted since the latest firmware update. - 2.18
WatchdogBootCount unsignedInt R

The number of times the device has rebooted by a sw/hw watchdog since the last factory reset.

The watchdog is a component within the operating system kernel or Device responsible for monitoring user-space activities. If it detects non-responsiveness in user-space processes, it triggers a reboot of the device.

- 2.18
ColdBootCount unsignedInt R The number of times the device has cold rebooted since the last factory reset. - 2.18
WarmBootCount unsignedInt R The number of times the device has warm rebooted since the last factory reset. - 2.18
MaxRebootEntries int(-1:) W

The maximum number of entries available in the Reboot table. Defines the maximum number of Reboot instances that can be stored on the device.

When the maximum Reboot entries as indicated by MaxRebootEntries are reached, the next boot entry overrides the object with the oldest Reboot.{i}.TimeStamp.

Set this parameter to 0 to completely disable the creation of Reboot instances.

Set this parameter to -1 to leave it open to the implementation to decide the maximum number of Reboot instances that may be stored on the device.

Reducing the MaxRebootEntries will cause for the implementation to delete the oldest Reboot instances.

This setting does not affect the counting of reboots.

- 2.18
RebootNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Reboot table. - 2.18
RemoveAllReboots() command - [ASYNC] Removes all the Reboot.{i}. instances from the device, together with the associated data stored on the device. - 2.18
Device.DeviceInfo.Reboots.Reboot.{i}. object(0:) R

Each table entry represents a reboot reason that is stored on the device.

When the maximum Reboot entries as indicated by MaxRebootEntries are reached, the next boot entry overrides the object with the oldest TimeStamp.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for TimeStamp.

- 2.18
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.18
TimeStamp dateTime R The time when the reboot occurred. - 2.18
FirmwareUpdated boolean R true if the Device was rebooted as a result of a firmware update; otherwise false. - 2.18
Cause string R

The cause of the boot.

Enumeration of:

  • LocalReboot (A Device. Event that was the result of a reboot triggered locally on the Device (NOT as a result of a Reboot() Command triggered by a remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol)}})
  • RemoteReboot (A Device. Event that was the result of a reboot triggered via the Reboot()} Command or other remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol)
  • FactoryReset (A Device. Event that was the result of a factory reset triggered locally on the Device or remotely (as a result of a FactoryReset()} Command or other remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol), which is to be used when the Agent cannot differentiate between local and remote, added in 2.18)
  • LocalFactoryReset (A Device. Event that was the result of a factory reset triggered locally on the Device (NOT as a result of a FactoryReset()} Command triggered by a remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol))
  • RemoteFactoryReset (A Device. Event that was the result of a factory reset triggered via the FactoryReset() Command or other remote trigger, e.g. another remote management protocol)
- 2.18
Reason string R

The reason of the boot (e.g. power on reset, watchdog, overheat, FAN fault, web userinterface, …).

The default value SHOULD be Unknown.

- 2.18
Remove() command - [ASYNC] Remove this row from the table, together with the associated data stored on the device. - 2.18
Device.Time. object R

This object contains global parameters relating to the NTP time clients and or servers that are active in the device. This object can be used to model SNTP and NTP clients and servers.

Both NTP and SNTP have identical packet formats and use the same mathematical operations to calculate client time, clock offset, and roundtrip delay. From the perspective of an NTP or SNTP server, there is no difference between NTP and SNTP clients, and from the perspective of an NTP or SNTP client, there is no difference between NTP and SNTP servers. SNTP servers are stateless like NTP servers in non-symmetric modes and can handle numerous clients, but SNTP clients usually operate with only one server at a time, unlike most NTP clients.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables all the time clients and servers. - 2.0
Status string R

Reflects the global time synchronisation status of the CPE. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the CPE’s time client services are disabled)
  • Unsynchronized (Indicates that the CPE’s absolute time has not yet been set by any of the configured time clients)
  • Synchronized (Indicates that the CPE has acquired accurate absolute time; its current time is accurate. One or more time client was able to configure the time of the CPE)
  • Error_FailedToSynchronize (This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client. This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.18)
  • Error (MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition. None of the configured Time clients were able to synchronize the time, OPTIONAL)
- 2.0
NTPServer1 string(:64) W
First NTP timeserver. Either a host name or IP address.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
NTPServer2 string(:64) W
Second NTP timeserver. Either a host name or IP address.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
NTPServer3 string(:64) W
Third NTP timeserver. Either a host name or IP address.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
NTPServer4 string(:64) W
Fourth NTP timeserver. Either a host name or IP address.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
NTPServer5 string(:64) W
Fifth NTP timeserver. Either a host name or IP address.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of Client.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
CurrentLocalTime dateTime R

The current date and time in the CPE’s local time zone.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LocalTimeZone string(:256) W

The local time zone definition, encoded according to IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX). The following is an example value:

EST+5 EDT,M4.1.0/2,M10.5.0/2
- 2.0
ClientNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Client table. - 2.16
ServerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Server table. - 2.16
Device.Time.Client.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to an time client instance.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the time client. - 2.16
Status string R

Status of Time support for this client. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the time client service is being disabled)
  • Unsynchronized (Indicates that the time client absolute time has not yet been set)
  • Synchronized (Indicates that the time client has acquired accurate absolute time; its current time is accurate)
  • Error (MAY be used by the time client to indicate a locally defined error condition, OPTIONAL)
- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Mode string W

Specifies in which mode the NTP client must be run. Enumeration of:

  • Unicast (Support for the NTP client in unicast mode)
  • Broadcast (Support for the NTP client in broadcast mode)
  • Multicast (Support for the NTP client in multicast mode)
  • Manycast (Support for the NTP client in manycast mode)
- 2.16
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W Specify the port used to send NTP packets. [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 123 2.16
Version unsignedInt(1:4) W Specifies the supported NTP version. Possible versions are 1-4. 4 2.16
Servers string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Points to a CSV list of NTP servers or pools. A NTP server can either be specified as an IP address or a host name. It is expected that the NTP client resolves multiple addresses which can change over time when ResolveAddresses is enabled. <Empty> 2.16
ResolveAddresses boolean W When this option is enabled the NTP client must resolve the multiple addresses associated with the host name(s) that are specified in the Servers field. false 2.16
ResolveMaxAddresses unsignedInt W When ResolveAddresses is enabled, This parameter specifies the maximum number of IP addresses that the NTP client can resolve. 0 means that all addresses must be resolved. 6 2.16
Peer boolean W Use symmetric active association mode. This device may provide synchronization to the configured NTP server. - 2.16
MinPoll unsignedInt W This is the minimum polling interval, in seconds to the power of two, allowed by any peer of the Internet system, currently set to 6 (64 seconds). [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 6 2.16
MaxPoll unsignedInt W This is the maximum polling interval, in seconds to the power of two, allowed by any peer of the Internet system, currently set to 10 (1024 seconds) [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 10 2.16
IBurst boolean W If the IBurst parameter is enabled, and this is the first packet sent when the server has been unreachable, the client sends a burst. This is useful to quickly reduce the synchronization distance below the distance threshold and synchronize the clock. [RFC5905]. - 2.16
Burst unsignedInt W If the Burst parameter is enabled and the server is reachable and a valid source of synchronization is available, the client sends a burst of BCOUNT (8) packets at each poll interval. The interval between packets in the burst is two seconds. This is useful to accurately measure jitter with long poll intervals. [RFC5905]. 8 2.16
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the Client entry. <Empty> 2.16
BindType string W

Specifies how the client sockets are bound. Enumeration of:

  • Address (The client sockets are bound to a local IP address)
  • Device (The client sockets are bound to a network device. This can be useful when the local address is dynamic)
- 2.16
Device.Time.Client.{i}.Authentication. object R This object contains parameters relating to enabling security for the time client. - 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables authentication of the time client. false 2.16
Certificate string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Security.Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Points to the certificate that must be used by the NTS-KE client. <Empty> 2.16
NTSPort unsignedInt(1:65535) W On this port the NTS Key Establishment protocol is being provided. 4460 2.16
Device.Time.Client.{i}.Stats. object R This object specifies the statistic parameters for the time client. [Chapter 8 NTP Yang Module/RFC9249] - 2.16
PacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that have been successfully sent from the NTP client to the NTP server. - 2.16
PacketsSentFailed unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that were not successfully sent to the NTP server. - 2.16
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that have been successfully received by the NTP client from the NTP server. - 2.16
PacketsDropped unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that were received by the NTP client but were not successfully processed or handled due to errors or other issues. - 2.16
Device.Time.Server.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to an time server instance.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the time server. - 2.16
Status string R

Status of Time server instance. Enumeration of:

  • Up (Indicates that the NTP server instance is enabled and working)
  • Down (Indicates that the NTP server instance is disabled and thus not working)
  • Error (MAY be used by the NTP server instance to indicate a locally defined error condition, OPTIONAL)
- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Mode string W

Specifies in which mode the NTP server must be ran. Enumeration of:

  • Unicast (Support for the NTP server in unicast mode)
  • Broadcast (Support for the NTP server in broadcast mode)
  • Multicast (Support for the NTP server in multicast mode)
  • Manycast (Support for the NTP server in manycast mode)
- 2.16
Version unsignedInt(1:4) W Specifies the supported NTP version. Possible versions are 1-4. 4 2.16
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W Specify the port used to receive NTP packets. [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 123 2.16
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the Server entry. <Empty> 2.16
BindType string W

Specifies how the client sockets must be bounded. Enumeration of:

  • Address (The server sockets are bound to a local IP address)
  • Device (The server sockets are bound to a network device. This can be useful when the local address is dynamic)
- 2.16
MinPoll unsignedInt W This is the minimum polling interval, in seconds to the power of two, allowed by any peer of the Internet system, currently set to 6 (64 seconds). [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 6 2.16
MaxPoll unsignedInt W This is the maximum polling interval, in seconds to the power of two, allowed by any peer of the Internet system, currently set to 10 (1024 seconds) [Section 7.2/RFC5905] 10 2.16
TTL unsignedInt(1:255) W Specifies the time to live (TTL) for a broadcast/multicast packet. [Section 3.1/RFC5905] 255 2.16
Device.Time.Server.{i}.Authentication. object R This object contains parameters relating to enabling security for the NTP Server. - 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables authentication of the NTP server. false 2.16
Certificate string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Security.Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Points to the certificate that must be used by the NTS-KE client. <Empty> 2.16
NTSNTPServer string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Points to a CSV list of NTP servers. A NTP server can either be specified as an IP address or a host name. When used the NTS-KE server will tell the remote NTS-KE client the NTP hostname or address of the NTP server(s) that should be used. This allows to separate the NTP server and NTS-KE server implementation. <Empty> 2.16
Device.Time.Server.{i}.Stats. object R This object specifies the statistic parameters for the NTP server. [Chapter 8 NTP Yang Module/RFC9249] - 2.16
PacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that have been successfully sent from the NTP server to the NTP client. - 2.16
PacketsSentFailed unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that were not successfully sent to the NTP client. - 2.16
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that have been successfully received by the NTP server from a NTP client. - 2.16
PacketsDropped unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Specifies the number of packets that were received by the NTP server but were not successfully processed or handled due to errors or other issues. - 2.16
Device.UserInterface. object R This object contains parameters relating to the user interface of the CPE. - 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables and disables the CPE’s user interface.

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 2.11
PasswordRequired boolean W

Present only if the CPE provides a password-protected LAN-side user interface.

Indicates whether or not the local user interface MUST require a password to be chosen by the user. If false, the choice of whether or not a password is used is left to the user.

- 2.0
PasswordUserSelectable boolean W

Present only if the CPE provides a password-protected LAN-side user interface and supports LAN-side Auto-Configuration.

Indicates whether or not a password to protect the local user interface of the CPE MAY be selected by the user directly (i.e. Users.User.{i}.Password), or MUST be equal to the password used by the LAN-side Auto-Configuration protocol (i.e. LANConfigSecurity.ConfigPassword).

- 2.0
PasswordReset() command -

Present only if the Agent provides a password-protected LAN-side user interface and supports LAN-side Auto-Configuration.

Reset LANConfigSecurity.ConfigPassword to its factory value.

- 2.12
UpgradeAvailable boolean W Indicates that a CPE upgrade is available, allowing the CPE to display this information to the user. - 2.0
WarrantyDate dateTime W Indicates the date and time in UTC that the warranty associated with the CPE is to expire. - 2.0
ISPName string(:64) W The name of the customer’s ISP. - 2.0
ISPHelpDesk string(:32) W The help desk phone number of the ISP. - 2.0
ISPHomePage string(:2048) W The [URL] of the ISP’s home page. - 2.0
ISPHelpPage string(:2048) W The [URL] of the ISP’s on-line support page. - 2.0
base64(0:4095) W Base64 encoded GIF or JPEG image. The binary image is constrained to 4095 bytes or less. - 2.0
ISPLogoSize unsignedInt(0:4095) W

Un-encoded binary image size in bytes.

If ISPLogoSize input value is 0 then the ISPLogo is cleared.

ISPLogoSize can also be used as a check to verify correct transfer and conversion of Base64 string to image size.

- 2.0
ISPMailServer string(:2048) W The [URL] of the ISP’s mail server. - 2.0
ISPNewsServer string(:2048) W The [URL] of the ISP’s news server. - 2.0
TextColor hexBinary(3) W The color of text on the GUI screens in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.0
BackgroundColor hexBinary(3) W The color of the GUI screen backgrounds in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.0
ButtonColor hexBinary(3) W The color of buttons on the GUI screens in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.0
ButtonTextColor hexBinary(3) W The color of text on buttons on the GUI screens in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.0
AutoUpdateServer string(:256) W The server the CPE can check to see if an update is available for direct download to it. - 2.0
UserUpdateServer string(:256) W The server where a user can check via a web browser if an update is available for download to a PC. - 2.0
AvailableLanguages string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. List items represent user-interface languages that are available, where each language is specified according to [RFC3066]. - 2.0
CurrentLanguage string(:16) W Current user-interface language, specified according to [RFC3066]. The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the AvailableLanguages parameter. - 2.0
HTTPAccessSupportedProtocols string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the protocols that are supported by the CPE for the purpose of remotely accessing the user interface.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.16
HTTPAccessNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the HTTPAccess table. - 2.16
Device.UserInterface.HTTPAccess.{i}. object(0:) W

HTTPAccess is used for modeling the different web interfaces that may be either locally or remotely available in the device. For example with Software Modules it is possible to install multiple services that embed a web interface like a Video service or Photo service.

An instance of the HTTPAccess can model a web interface that is embedded in the device firmware or installed through a Software Modules management system.

Access to the web interface MAY require user authentication. To have access authentication the device MUST support a Users.User. object with at least one instance and an assigned relevant role in Users.User.{i}.RoleParticipation.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables/disables web interface. - 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the HTTPAccess entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a HTTPAccess instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a HTTPAccess instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each incoming connection, the highest ordered entry that matches the Host: HTTP header and path prefix is applied. All lower Order entries are ignored.

- 2.16
Status string R

Status of web interface.

Enumeration of:

  • Up (Indicates that the web interface is enabled and working)
  • Down (Indicates that the web interface is disabled and thus not working)
  • Error (MAY be used by the web interface to indicate a locally defined error condition, OPTIONAL)
- 2.16
AccessType string W

This parameter describes the possible access types.

Enumeration of:

  • RemoteAccess (Indicates that the web interface should be used for remote access. Remote access is defined as any entity not on a local subnet attempting to connect to the device)
  • LocalAccess (Indicates that the web interface should be used for local access)
LocalAccess 2.16
AllowedRoles string(:256)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Users.Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Only allow users, defined in Users.User., to access the web instance represented by this HTTPAccess instance that have the following roles assigned that are defined in Users.Role.. <Empty> 2.16
Certificate string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Security.Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Points to the server certificate to be presented by the web interface. Only required when Protocol is set to HTTPS. <Empty> 2.16
CACertificate string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Security.Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Points to the CA certificate that must be used by the web interface. The CACertificate is used to validate the web client certificate. Protocol MUST be set to HTTPS. <Empty> 2.16
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The IP or Logical Interface associated with the HTTPAccess entry. Example:

  • Device.IP.Interface.1
  • Device.Logical.Interface.1

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

<Empty> 2.16
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W Listen port number. 443 2.16
Protocol string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the HTTPAccessSupportedProtocols parameter. Protocol being used. - 2.16
AllowedHosts string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Specifies which hostnames are permitted to be served by the web interface.

This could be done by comparing the Host: HTTP header in an incoming request which will result in the request being routed to this instance, in the case that the device supports Virtual Hosting.

If this string is empty then this instance acts as a “default” host, i.e. it will handle requests for which the Host header does not match any other instance.

- 2.16
AllowedPathPrefixes string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each string must be a partial path which will result in an incoming request being routed to this instance. / 2.16
AllowAllIPv4 boolean W Allow access from any IPv4 address. The source prefixes defined in IPv4AllowedSourcePrefix will be ignored. false 2.18
IPv4AllowedSourcePrefix string[]() W

Comma-separated list (length ) of strings. Allow only access from the provided list of IPv4 prefixes.

When IPv4AllowedSourcePrefix is set to an empty string and AllowAllIPv4 is set to false, no incoming connections are allowed. When AllowAllIPv4 is set true, IPv4AllowedSourcePrefix is ignored.

- 2.18
AllowAllIPv6 boolean W Allow access from any IPv6 address. The source prefixes defined in IPv6AllowedSourcePrefix will be ignored. false 2.18
IPv6AllowedSourcePrefix string[]() W

Comma-separated list (length ) of strings. Allow only access from the provided list of IPv6 prefixes.

When IPv6AllowedSourcePrefix is set to an empty string and AllowAllIPv6 is set to false, no incoming connections are allowed. When AllowAllIPv6 is set true, IPv6AllowedSourcePrefix is ignored.

- 2.18
AutoDisableDuration unsignedInt W

Indicates in seconds when the web interface will be automatically disabled. When 0 is specified, the web interface will not be automatically disabled.

For example if the web interface is to be active for only 30 minutes, then this parameter would be set to 1800 seconds.

0 2.16
TimeLeft unsignedInt R

The number of seconds remaining before the web interface will be disabled. 0 means that the web interface is disabled or no AutoDisableDuration was specified.

Example: The AutoDisableDuration parameter has been set to 1800 seconds and the web interface was enabled 600 seconds ago. This means that the TimeLeft will return 1200 seconds, which is the remaining time before the web interface will be disabled.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
ActivationDate dateTime R Indicates when the web interface was enabled. - 2.16
SessionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Session table. - 2.16
CreateWebSession() command - This command creates a time-limited web session. The web session will be terminated when the life time of the session exceeds AbsoluteTimeout or when no data is transmitted or received for IdleTimeout. - 2.16
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
AbsoluteTimeout unsignedInt W AbsoluteTimeout in seconds specifies the amount of time that a session is may be active. When 0 is specified this feature is disabled. - 2.16
IdleTimeout unsignedInt W IdleTimeout in seconds specifies the amount of time that a session may be idle before it is automatically terminated. When 0 is specified this feature is disabled. - 2.16
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
SessionID string(:4096) R [MANDATORY] Session identifier. - 2.16
Path string R Absolute path component as defined in [Section 3.3/RFC3986] that can be used to access the session on the web interface. - 2.16
Device.UserInterface.HTTPAccess.{i}.Session.{i}. object(0:) R

Web server session list.

Note: This parameter was demoted to readOnly in the Device:2.17 version.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SessionID.

- 2.16
SessionID string(:4096) R

Session identifier.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
User string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Users.User. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The user to whom the session belongs. When the user is unknown an empty string string SHOULD be used.

Note: This parameter was demoted to readOnly in the Device:2.17 version.

- 2.16
IPAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] The IP address of the remote web client, connected to the web interface. - 2.16
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) R Port number of the remote web client, connected to the web interface. - 2.16
Protocol string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the HTTPAccessSupportedProtocols parameter. Protocol being used. - 2.16
StartDate dateTime R Indicates when the session was created. - 2.16
Delete() command - This terminates an active session ahead of any configured timeouts. - 2.16
Device.UserInterface.RemoteAccess. object R
This object contains parameters relating to remotely accessing the CPE’s user interface.
Remote access is defined as any entity not of a local subnet attempting to connect to the CPE.
Remote access requires user authentication. To provide remote access authentication the CPE MUST support a “User” table with at least one instance that has “RemoteAccessCapable” set to true.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of HTTPAccess.
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables/Disables remotely accessing the CPE’s user interface. - 2.0
Port unsignedInt(:65535) W Destination TCP port required for remote access connection. - 2.0
SupportedProtocols string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the protocols that are supported by the CPE for the purpose of remotely accessing the user interface.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.0
Protocol string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedProtocols parameter. This is the protocol currently being used for remote access. - 2.0
Device.UserInterface.LocalDisplay. object R This object describes how to remotely manage the initial positioning of a user interface on a device’s local display. - 2.0
Movable boolean W Controls whether the user is allowed to change the GUI window position on the local CPE’s display. - 2.0
Resizable boolean W Controls whether the user is allowed to resize the GUI window on the local CPE’s display. - 2.0
PosX int W The horizontal position of the User Interface’s top left corner within the local CPE’s display measured from the top left corner, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
PosY int W The vertical position of the User Interface’s top left corner within the local CPE’s display measured from the top left corner, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
Width unsignedInt W The width of the user interface within the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
Height unsignedInt W The height of the user interface within the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
DisplayWidth unsignedInt R The width of the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
DisplayHeight unsignedInt R The height of the local CPE’s display, expressed in pixels. - 2.0
Device.UserInterface.Messages. object R Definition of user information message displays. - 2.11
Enable boolean W

Enables and displays the user information message.

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 2.11
Title string(:128) W Message title to be displayed. - 2.11
SubTitle string(:128) W Message sub title to be displayed. - 2.11
Text string W Message text. - 2.11
IconType string W

Icon to be displayed.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Greeting
  • Information
  • Warning
  • Important
  • Urgent
  • Advertisement
- 2.11
MessageColor hexBinary(3) W The color of message text in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.11
BackgroundColor hexBinary(3) W The color of the message screen background in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.11
TitleColor hexBinary(3) W The color of the message title in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.11
SubTitleColor hexBinary(3) W The color of the sub title in RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088). - 2.11
RequestedNumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt W The number of times the device SHOULD repeat the message. - 2.11
ExecutedNumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt R The number of times the device repeated the message. - 2.11
Device.InterfaceStack.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains information about the relationships between the multiple layers of interface objects ([Section 4.3/TR-181i2]). In particular, it contains information on which interfaces run on top of which other interfaces.

This table is auto-generated by the CPE based on the LowerLayers parameters on individual interface objects.

Each table row represents a “link” between two interface objects, a higher-layer interface object (referenced by HigherLayer) and a lower-layer interface object (referenced by LowerLayer). Consequently, if a referenced interface object is deleted, the CPE MUST delete the corresponding InterfaceStack row(s) that had referenced it.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both HigherLayer and LowerLayer, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.3
HigherLayer string(:256) R

A reference to the interface object corresponding to the higher layer of the relationship, i.e. the interface which runs on top of the interface identified by the corresponding instance of LowerLayer.

When the referenced higher layer interface is deleted, the CPE MUST delete the table row.

- 2.0
LowerLayer string(:256) R

A reference to the interface object corresponding to the lower layer of the relationship, i.e. the interface which runs below the interface identified by the corresponding instance of HigherLayer.

When the referenced lower layer interface is deleted, the CPE MUST delete the table row.

- 2.0
HigherAlias string(:64) R The value of the Alias parameter for the interface object referenced by HigherLayer. - 2.0
LowerAlias string(:64) R The value of the Alias parameter for the interface object referenced by LowerLayer. - 2.0
Device.DSL. object R This object models DSL lines, DSL channels, DSL bonding, and DSL diagnostics. The specific interface objects defined here are Line, Channel, and BondingGroup. Each Line models a layer 1 DSL Line interface, and each Channel models a layer 1 DSL Channel interface where multiple channels can run over a DSL line. In the case where bonding is configured, it is expected that BondingGroup is stacked above the Channel instances within its group. - 2.0
LineNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Line table. - 2.0
ChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Channel table. - 2.0
BondingGroupNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the BondingGroup table. - 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}. object(0:) R

DSL Line table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

This table models physical DSL lines.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the DSL line.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
EnableDataGathering boolean W Enables or disables data gathering on the DSL line. - 2.8
Status string R

The current operational state of the DSL line (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the DSL line as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the DSL line entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Line is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R A string identifying the version of the modem firmware currently installed for this interface. This is applicable only when the modem firmware is separable from the overall CPE software. - 2.0
LinkStatus string R

Status of the DSL physical link. Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Initializing
  • EstablishingLink
  • NoSignal
  • Disabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When LinkStatus is Up, Status is expected to be Up. When LinkStatus is Initializing or EstablishingLink or NoSignal or Disabled, Status is expected to be Down.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.0
StandardsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which DSL standards and recommendations are supported by the Line instance. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • G.992.1_Annex_A
  • G.992.1_Annex_B
  • G.992.1_Annex_C
  • T1.413
  • T1.413i2
  • ETSI_101_388
  • G.992.2
  • G.992.3_Annex_A
  • G.992.3_Annex_B
  • G.992.3_Annex_C
  • G.992.3_Annex_I
  • G.992.3_Annex_J
  • G.992.3_Annex_L
  • G.992.3_Annex_M
  • G.992.4
  • G.992.5_Annex_A
  • G.992.5_Annex_B
  • G.992.5_Annex_C
  • G.992.5_Annex_I
  • G.992.5_Annex_J
  • G.992.5_Annex_M
  • G.993.1
  • G.993.1_Annex_A
  • G.993.2_Annex_A
  • G.993.2_Annex_B
  • G.993.2_Annex_C
Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “xDSL Transmission system capabilities”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.8 because its entries are out-of-date; XTSE points to a current list. Therefore its value MAY be an empty string if (and only if) XTSE is supported.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.
- 2.0
XTSE hexBinary(8) R

This configuration parameter defines the transmission system types to be allowed by the xTU on this Line instance. Each bit is 0 if not allowed or 1 if allowed, as defined for the xTU transmission system enabling (XTSE) in ITU-T G.997.1.

Note: This parameter is defined as xDSL Transmission system enabling (XTSE) in ITU-T G.997.1. For a full definition, see Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
StandardUsed string R
The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the StandardsSupported parameter. Indicates the standard that the Line instance is using for the connection.
Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “xDSL Transmission system”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.8 because its entries are out-of-date; XTSE points to a current list. Therefore its value MAY be an empty string if (and only if) XTSUsed is supported.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.
- 2.0
XTSUsed hexBinary(8) R This parameter indicates which DSL standard and recommendation are currently in use by the Line instance. Only one bit is set, as defined for the xTU transmission system enabling (XTSE) in ITU-T G.997.1. - 2.8
LineEncoding string R

The line encoding method used in establishing the Layer 1 DSL connection between the CPE and the DSLAM. Enumeration of:

  • DMT
  • CAP
  • 2B1Q
  • 43BT
  • PAM
  • QAM

Note: Generally speaking, this variable does not change after provisioning.

- 2.0
AllowedProfiles string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which VDSL2 profiles are allowed on the line. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 8a
  • 8b
  • 8c
  • 8d
  • 12a
  • 12b
  • 17a
  • 17b (This enumeration was DELETED in 2.12 because the value is not defined in G997.1)
  • 30a
  • 35b

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called PROFILES. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.0
CurrentProfile string R

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the AllowedProfiles parameter, or else be an empty string. Indicates which VDSL2 profile is currently in use on the line.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.0
PowerManagementState string R

The power management state of the line. Enumeration of:

  • L0
  • L1
  • L2
  • L3
  • L4

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
SuccessFailureCause unsignedInt(0:6) R

The success failure cause of the initialization. An enumeration of the following integer values:

  • 0: Successful
  • 1: Configuration error. This error occurs with inconsistencies in configuration parameters, e.g. when the line is initialized in an xDSL Transmission system where an xTU does not support the configured Maximum Delay or the configured Minimum or Maximum Data Rate for one or more bearer channels.
  • 2: Configuration not feasible on the line. This error occurs if the Minimum Data Rate cannot be reached on the line with the Minimum Noise Margin, Maximum PSD level, Maximum Delay and Maximum Bit Error Ratio for one or more bearer channels.
  • 3: Communication problem. This error occurs, for example, due to corrupted messages or bad syntax messages or if no common mode can be selected in the G.994.1 handshaking procedure or due to a timeout.
  • 4: No peer xTU detected. This error occurs if the peer xTU is not powered or not connected or if the line is too long to allow detection of a peer xTU.
  • 5: Any other or unknown Initialization Failure cause.
  • 6: ITU T G.998.4 retransmission mode was not selected while RTX_MODE = FORCED or with RTX_MODE = RTX_TESTMODE.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “Initialization success/failure cause”. See Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
UPBOKLER unsignedInt(0:1280) R

This parameter contains the estimated electrical loop length estimated by the VTU-R expressed in 0.1 dB at 1MHz (see O-UPDATE in section The value is coded as an unsignedInt in the range 0 (coded as 0) to 128 dB (coded as 1280) in steps of 0.1 dB.

Note: This parameter is defined as UPBOKLE-R in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
UPBOKLEPb unsignedInt(0:1280,2047)[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 1280, or 2047). VTU-O estimated upstream power back-off electrical length per band.

This parameter is a vector of UPBO electrical length per-band estimates for each supported downstream band, expressed in 0.1 dB at 1 MHz (kl0) calculated by the VTU-R, based on separate measurements in the supported upstream bands. The value of each list element ranges from 0 to 128 dB in steps of 0.1 dB, with special value 204.7 which indicates that the estimate is greater than 128 dB. This parameter is required for the alternative electrical length estimation method (ELE-M1).

Note: This parameter is defined as UPBOKLE-pb in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
UPBOKLERPb unsignedInt(0:1280,2047)[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 1280, or 2047). VTU-R estimated upstream power back-off electrical length per band.

This parameter is a vector of UPBO electrical length per-band estimates for each supported downstream band, expressed in 0.1 dB at 1 MHz (kl0) calculated by the VTU-R, based on separate measurements in the supported downstream bands. The value of each list element ranges from 0 to 128 dB in steps of 0.1 dB, with special value 204.7 which indicates that the estimate is greater than 128 dB. This parameter is required for the alternative electrical length estimation method (ELE-M1).

The value of each list element is coded as an unsigned 16 bit number in the range 0 (coded as 0) to 128 dB (coded as 1280) in steps of 0.1 dB.

Note: This parameter is defined as UPBOKLE-R-pb in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
RXTHRSHds int(-640:0) R

UPBO downstream receiver signal level threshold.

This parameter reports the downstream received signal level threshold value used in the alternative electrical length estimation method (ELE-M1). This parameter represents an offset from -100 dBm/Hz, and ranges from -64 dB to 0 dB in steps of 0.1 dB.

The value is coded as a 16 bit number in the range -64 (coded as -640) to 0 dB (coded as 0) in steps of 0.1 dB.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ACTRAMODEds unsignedInt(1:4) R

This parameter indicates the actual active rate adaptation mode in the downstream direction.

  • If ACTRAMODEds equals 1, the link is operating in RA-MODE 1 (MANUAL).
  • If ACTRAMODEds equals 2, the link is operating in RA-MODE 2 (AT_INIT).
  • If ACTRAMODEds equals 3, the link is operating in RA-MODE 3 (DYNAMIC).
  • If ACTRAMODEds equals 4, the link is operating in RA-MODE 4 (DYNAMIC with SOS).

Note: This parameter is defined as ACT-RA-MODEds in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ACTRAMODEus unsignedInt(1:4) R

This parameter indicates the actual active rate adaptation mode in the upstream direction.

  • If ACTRAMODEus equals 1, the link is operating in RA-MODE 1 (MANUAL).
  • If ACTRAMODEus equals 2, the link is operating in RA-MODE 2 (AT_INIT).
  • If ACTRAMODEus equals 3, the link is operating in RA-MODE 3 (DYNAMIC).
  • If ACTRAMODEus equals 4, the link is operating in RA-MODE 4 (DYNAMIC with SOS).

Note: This parameter is defined as ACT-RA-MODEus in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ACTINPROCds unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the actual impulse noise protection (INP) of the robust overhead channel (ROC) in the downstream direction. The format and usage is identical to the channel status parameter Channel.{i}.ACTINP.

Note: This parameter is defined as ACTINP-ROC-ds in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ACTINPROCus unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the actual impulse noise protection (INP) of the robust overhead channel (ROC) in the upstream direction. The format and usage is identical to the channel status parameter Channel.{i}.ACTINP.

Note: This parameter is defined as ACTINP-ROC-us in Clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
SNRMROCds unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the actual signal-to-noise margin of the robust overhead channel (ROC) in the downstream direction (expressed in 0.1 dB). The format is identical to the format of the line status parameter SNRM margin DownstreamNoiseMargin.

Note: This parameter is defined as SNRM-ROC-ds in Clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
SNRMROCus unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the actual signal-to-noise margin of the robust overhead channel (ROC) in the upstream direction (expressed in 0.1 dB). The format is identical to the format of the line status parameter SNRM margin (UpstreamNoiseMargin).

Note: This parameter is defined as SNRM-ROC-us in Clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
LastStateTransmittedDownstream unsignedInt R

This parameter represents the last successful transmitted initialization state in the downstream direction in the last full initialization performed on the line. Initialization states are defined in the individual xDSL Recommendations and are counted from 0 (if G.994.1 is used) or 1 (if G.994.1 is not used) up to Showtime. This parameter needs to be interpreted along with the xDSL Transmission System.

This parameter is available only when, after a failed full initialization, the line diagnostics procedures are activated on the line.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
LastStateTransmittedUpstream unsignedInt R

This parameter represents the last successful transmitted initialization state in the upstream direction in the last full initialization performed on the line. Initialization states are defined in the individual xDSL Recommendations and are counted from 0 (if G.994.1 is used) or 1 (if G.994.1 is not used) up to Showtime. This parameter needs to be interpreted along with the xDSL Transmission System.

This parameter is available only when, after a failed full initialization, the line diagnostics procedures are activated on the line.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
UPBOKLE unsignedInt(0:1280) R

This parameter contains the estimated electrical loop length expressed in 0.1dB at 1MHz (see O-UPDATE in section The value SHALL be coded as an unsigned 16 bit number in the range 0 (coded as 0) to 128 dB (coded as 1280) in steps of 0.1 dB.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
MREFPSDds base64(0:145) R

This parameter SHALL contain the set of breakpoints exchanged in the MREFPSDds fields of the O-PRM message of G.993.2. Base64 encoded of the binary representation defined in Table 12-19/G.993.2 (maximum length is 145 octets, which requires 196 bytes for Base64 encoding).

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
MREFPSDus base64(0:145) R

This parameter SHALL contain the set of breakpoints exchanged in the MREFPSDus fields of the R-PRM message of G.993.2. Base64 encoded of the binary representation defined in Table 12-19/G.993.2 (maximum length is 145 octets, which requires 196 bytes for Base64 encoding).

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
LIMITMASK unsignedInt R

Indicates the enabled VDSL2 Limit PSD mask of the selected PSD mask class. Bit mask as specified in ITU-T Recommendation G.997.1.

Note: For a VDSL2-capable multimode device operating in a mode other than VDSL2, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
US0MASK unsignedInt R

Indicates the allowed VDSL2 US0 PSD masks for Annex A operation. Bit mask as specified in see ITU-T Recommendation G.997.1.

Note: For a VDSL2-capable multimode device operating in a mode other than VDSL2, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0

Reports whether trellis coding is enabled in the downstream direction. A value of 1 indicates that trellis coding is in use, and a value of 0 indicates that the trellis is disabled.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0

Reports whether trellis coding is enabled in the upstream direction. A value of 1 indicates that trellis coding is in use, and a value of 0 indicates that the trellis is disabled.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0
ACTSNRMODEds unsignedInt R

Reports whether the OPTIONAL virtual noise mechanism is in use in the downstream direction. A value of 1 indicates the virtual noise mechanism is not in use, and a value of 2 indicates the virtual noise mechanism is in use.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.0
ACTSNRMODEus unsignedInt R

Reports whether the OPTIONAL virtual noise mechanism is in use in the upstream direction. A value of 1 indicates the virtual noise mechanism is not in use, and a value of 2 indicates the virtual noise mechanism is in use.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.0
VirtualNoisePSDds base64(0:97) R

Reports the virtual noise PSD for the downstream direction. Base64 encoded of the binary representation defined in G.997.1 by the parameter called TXREFVNds (maximum length is 97 octets, which requires 132 bytes for Base64 encoding).

See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to an empty string.

- 2.0
VirtualNoisePSDus base64(0:49) R

Reports the virtual noise PSD for the upstream direction. Base64 encoded of the binary representation defined in G.997.1by the parameter called TXREFVNus (maximum length is 49 octets, which requires 68 bytes for Base64 encoding).

See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to an empty string.

- 2.0
ACTUALCE unsignedInt R

Reports the actual cyclic extension, as the value of m, in use for the connection.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 99.

- 2.0
LineNumber int(1:) R Signifies the line pair that the modem is using to connection. LineNumber = 1 is the innermost pair. - 2.0
UpstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R

The current maximum attainable data rate upstream (expressed in Kbps).

Note: This parameter is related to the G.997.1 parameter ATTNDRus, which is measured in bits/s. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
DownstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R

The current maximum attainable data rate downstream (expressed in Kbps).

Note: This parameter is related to the G.997.1 parameter ATTNDRds, which is measured in bits/s. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
UpstreamNoiseMargin int R

The current signal-to-noise ratio margin (expressed in 0.1dB) in the upstream direction.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called SNRMus. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DownstreamNoiseMargin int R

The current signal-to-noise ratio margin (expressed in 0.1dB) in the downstream direction.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called SNRMds. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRMpbus string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. Indicates the current signal-to-noise ratio margin of each upstream band. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
SNRMpbds string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. Indicates the current signal-to-noise ratio margin of each band. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
INMIATOds unsignedInt(3:511) R

The Impulse Noise Monitoring (INM) Inter Arrival Time (IAT) Offset, measured in DMT symbols, that the xTU receiver uses to determine in which bin of the IAT histogram the IAT is reported.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called INMIATO. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
INMIATSds unsignedInt(0:7) R

The Impulse Noise Monitoring (INM) Inter Arrival Time (IAT) Step that the xTU receiver uses to determine in which bin of the IAT histogram the IAT is reported.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called INMIATS. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
INMCCds unsignedInt(0:64) R

The Impulse Noise Monitoring (INM) Cluster Continuation value, measured in DMT symbols, that the xTU receiver uses in the cluster indication process.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called INMCC. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
INMINPEQMODEds unsignedInt(0:3) R

The Impulse Noise Monitoring (INM) Equivalent Impulse Noise Protection (INP) Mode that the xTU receiver uses in the computation of the Equivalent INP.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called INM_INPEQ_MODE. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
UpstreamAttenuation int R

The current upstream signal loss (expressed in 0.1dB).

Doesn’t apply to VDSL2 [G.993.2]. Otherwise has the same value as the single element of TestParams.SATNus.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DownstreamAttenuation int R

The current downstream signal loss (expressed in 0.1dB).

Doesn’t apply to VDSL2 [G.993.2]. Otherwise has the same value as the single element of TestParams.SATNds.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UpstreamPower int R

The current output power at the CPE’s DSL line (expressed in 0.1dBmV).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DownstreamPower int R

The current received power at the CPE’s DSL line (expressed in 0.1dBmV).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURVersion string(:16) R xTU-R version field as defined in [Section 7.4.6/G.997.1]. It shall contain the xTU-R firmware version and the xTU-R model, encoded in this order and separated by a space character, i.e., ‘(xTU-R firmware version) (xTU-R model)’. - 2.17
XTURSerial string(:32) R xTU-R serial number as defined in [Section 7.4.8/G.997.1]. It shall contain the equipment serial number, the equipment model and the equipment firmware version. All shall be encoded in this order and separated by space characters, i.e., ‘(equipment serial number) (equipment model) (equipment firmware version)’. - 2.17
XTURVendor hexBinary(4) R

xTU-R vendor identifier as defined in G.994.1 and T1.413. In the case of G.994.1 this corresponds to the four-octet provider code, which MUST be represented as eight hexadecimal digits.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “00000000”.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “xTU-R G.994.1 Vendor ID”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
XTURVendorSpecific hexBinary(2) R

xTU-R vendor-specific information as defined in [G.994.1]. This corresponds to the two-octet vendor-specific information, which MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “0000”.

Note: In [G.997.1], this parameter is called “xTU-R G.994.1 Vendor ID”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.17
XTURCountry hexBinary(2) R

T.35 country code of the xTU-R vendor as defined in G.994.1, where the two-octet value defined in G.994.1 MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “0000”.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “xTU-R G.994.1 Vendor ID”. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0
XTURSystemVendor hexBinary(4) R xTU-R system vendor identifier as defined in [Section 7.4.4/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the four-octet provider code, which MUST be represented as eight hexadecimal digits as defined in [G.994.1] as Vendor ID. - 2.17
XTURSystemVendorSpecific hexBinary(2) R

xTU-R system vendor-specific information as defined in [Section 7.4.4/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the two-octet vendor-specific information, which MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits as defined in [G.994.1] as Vendor ID.

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “0000”.

- 2.17
XTURSystemCountry hexBinary(2) R T.35 country code of the xTU-R system vendor as defined in [Section 7.4.4/G.997.1], where the two-octet value defined in [G.997.1] MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits. - 2.17
XTURANSIStd unsignedInt R

xTU-R T1.413 Revision Number as defined in T1.413 Issue 2.

When T1.413 modulation is not in use, the parameter value SHOULD be 0.

- 2.0
XTURANSIRev unsignedInt R

xTU-R Vendor Revision Number as defined in T1.413 Issue 2.

When T1.413 modulation is not in use, the parameter value SHOULD be 0.

- 2.0
XTUCVersion hexBinary(16) R The xTU-C version number is the version number as inserted by the xTU-C in the overhead messages ([G.992.3], [G.992.4], [G.992.5] and [G.993.2]). It is for version control and is vendor specific information. It consists of up to 16 binary octets. - 2.17
XTUCSerial string(:32) R xTU-C serial number as defined in [Section 7.4.7/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the equipment serial number. - 2.17
XTUCVendor hexBinary(4) R

xTU-C vendor identifier as defined in G.994.1 and T1.413. In the case of G.994.1 this corresponds to the four-octet provider code, which MUST be represented as eight hexadecimal digits.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “00000000”.

- 2.0
XTUCVendorSpecific hexBinary(2) R xTU-C vendor-specific information as defined in [Section 7.4.3/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the two-octet vendor-specific information, which MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits as defined in G.994.1 as Vendor ID. - 2.17
XTUCCountry hexBinary(2) R

T.35 country code of the xTU-C vendor as defined in G.994.1, where the two-octet value defined in G.994.1 MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits.

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “0000”.

- 2.0
XTUCSystemVendor hexBinary(4) R xTU-C system vendor identifier as defined in [Section 7.4.3/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the four-octet provider code, which MUST be represented as eight hexadecimal digits as defined in [G.994.1] as Vendor ID.. - 2.17
XTUCSystemVendorSpecific hexBinary(2) R

xTU-C system vendor-specific information as defined in [Section 7.4.4/G.997.1]. This corresponds to the two-octet vendor-specific information, which MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits as defined in [G.994.1] as Vendor ID..

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value “0000”.

- 2.17
XTUCSystemCountry hexBinary(2) R T.35 country code of the xTU-C system vendor as defined in [Section 7.4.4/G.997.1], where the two-octet value defined in G.997.1 MUST be represented as four hexadecimal digits. - 2.17
XTUCANSIStd unsignedInt R

xTU-C T1.413 Revision Number as defined in T1.413 Issue 2.

When T1.413 modulation is not in use, the parameter value SHOULD be 0.

- 2.0
XTUCANSIRev unsignedInt R

xTU-C Vendor Revision Number as defined in T1.413 Issue 2.

When T1.413 modulation is not in use, the parameter value SHOULD be 0.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TotalStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of Total statistics.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: TotalStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the most recent DSL Showtime - the beginning of the period used for collection of Showtime statistics.

Showtime is defined as successful completion of the DSL link establishment process. The Showtime statistics are those collected since the most recent establishment of the DSL link.

Note: ShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LastShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime-the beginning of the period used for collection of LastShowtime statistics.

If the CPE has not retained information about the second most recent Showtime (e.g., on reboot), the start of LastShowtime statistics MAY temporarily coincide with the start of Showtime statistics.

Note: LastShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
CurrentDayStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of CurrentDay statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each CurrentDay interval with days in the UTC time zone, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: CurrentDayStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QuarterHourStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of QuarterHour statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each QuarterHour interval with real-time quarter-hour intervals, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: QuarterHourStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.Total. object R

This object contains DSL line total statistics. See [Chapter 7.2.6/G.997.1].

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds (ES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds (SES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.Showtime. object R

This object contains DSL line statistics accumulated since the most recent DSL Showtime. See [Chapter 7.2.6/G.997.1].

Note: The Showtime parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of errored seconds since the most recent DSL Showtime (ES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of severely errored seconds since the most recent DSL Showtime (SES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.LastShowtime. object R

This object contains DSL line statistics accumulated since the second most recent DSL Showtime. See [Chapter 7.2.6/G.997.1].

Note: The LastShowtime parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (ES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of severely errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (SES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.CurrentDay. object R

This object contains DSL line statistics accumulated during the current day. See [Chapter 7.2.6/G.997.1].

Note: The CurrentDay parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (ES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of severely errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (SES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.QuarterHour. object R

This object contains DSL line statistics accumulated during the current quarter hour. See [Chapter 7.2.6/G.997.1].

Note: The QuarterHour parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (ES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Number of severely errored seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime (SES-L as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: This parameter is OPTIONAL at the G and S/T interfaces in G.997.1 Amendment 1. If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.TestParams. object R This object contains the DSL line test parameters that are available during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. - 2.0
HLOGGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for HLOGpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for HLOGpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGpsds string[](:2559) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2559) of strings. Indicates the downstream logarithmic line characteristics per sub-carrier group. The maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, and 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of HLOGGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: HLOGpsds is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGpsus string[](:2559) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2559) of strings. Indicates the upstream logarithmic line characteristics per sub-carrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3 and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of HLOGGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: HLOGpsus is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which HLOGpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HLOGMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which HLOGpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for QLNpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for QLNpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNpsds int[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of integers. Indicates the downstream quiet line noise per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3 and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of QLNGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: QLNpsds is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNpsus string[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of strings. Indicates the upstream quiet line noise per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3 and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of QLNGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: QLNpsus is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which QLNpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QLNMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which QLNpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for SNRpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for SNRpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRpsds int[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of integers. Indicates the downstream SNR per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, and 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: SNRpsds is first measured during initialization and is updated during Showtime.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRpsus string[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of strings. Indicates the upstream SNR per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3 and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: SNRpsus is first measured during initialization and is updated during Showtime.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which SNRpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SNRMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which SNRpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LATNds string[](:35) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 35) of strings. Indicates the downstream line attenuation averaged across all sub-carriers in the frequency band, as computed during initialization. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for ITU-T G.993.2. Interpretation of LATNds is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LATNus string[](:35) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 35) of strings. Indicates the upstream line attenuation averaged across all sub-carriers in the frequency band, as computed during initialization. Number of elements is dependent on the number of upstream bands but will exceed one only for ITU-T G.993.2. Interpretation of LATNus is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SATNds string[](:35) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 35) of strings. Indicates the downstream signal attenuation averaged across all active sub-carriers in the frequency band, as computed during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for ITU-T G.993.2. Interpretation of SATNds is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SATNus string[](:35) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 35) of strings. Indicates the upstream signal attenuation averaged across all active sub-carriers in the frequency band, as computed during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for ITU-T G.993.2. Interpretation of SATNus is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.DataGathering. object R

This object models the DSL data gathering function at the VTU-R. This only applies to VDSL2.

Note: see ITU-T Recommendation [G.993.2].

- 2.8
LoggingDepthR unsignedInt R

This parameter is the maximum depth of the entire data gathering event buffer at the VTU-R, in number of records, where each of the records consists of 6 bytes indicating a data gathering event as defined in [G.993.2].

Note: This parameter is defined as LOGGING_DEPTH_R in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ActLoggingDepthReportingR unsignedInt R

This parameter is actual logging depth that is used for reporting the VTU-R event trace buffer over the eoc channel, in number of records, where each of the records consists of 6 bytes indicating a data gathering event as defined in [G.993.2].

Note: This parameter is defined as ACT_LOGGING_DEPTH_REPORTING_R in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
EventTraceBufferR string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This parameter identifies the log file of the the data gathering event trace buffer containing the event records that originated at the VTU-R.

This indicates the table entry that represents a Vendor Log File that contains the data gathering buffer at the VTU-R in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile table.

This data gathering buffer MAY be retrieved wia an upload RPC of the identified Vendor Log File.

Note: This parameter is defined as EVENT_TRACE_BUFFER_R in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1] and Clause 11.5 of ITU-T Recommendation [G.993.2].

- 2.8
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}. object(0:) R

DSL Channel table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

This table models DSL channel(s) on top of physical DSL lines.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the channel.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the channel (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the channel as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the channel entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.0
LinkEncapsulationSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which link encapsulation standards and recommendations are supported by the Channel instance.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • G.992.3_Annex_K_ATM
  • G.992.3_Annex_K_PTM
  • G.993.2_Annex_K_ATM
  • G.993.2_Annex_K_PTM
  • G.994.1 (Auto)
- 2.0
LinkEncapsulationUsed string R

Indicates the link encapsulation standard that the Channel instance is using for the connection. Enumeration of:

  • G.992.3_Annex_K_ATM
  • G.992.3_Annex_K_PTM
  • G.993.2_Annex_K_ATM
  • G.993.2_Annex_K_PTM

When ATM encapsulation is identified then an upper-layer ATM.Link interface MUST be used.

When PTM encapsulation is identified then an upper-layer PTM.Link interface MUST be used.

- 2.0
LPATH unsignedInt(:3) R

Reports the index of the latency path supporting the bearer channel.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [Section].

- 2.0
INTLVDEPTH unsignedInt R

Reports the interleaver depth D for the latency path indicated in LPATH.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.0

Reports the interleaver block length in use on the latency path indicated in LPATH.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0
ActualInterleavingDelay unsignedInt R

Reports the actual delay, in milliseconds, of the latency path due to interleaving.

Note: In G.997.1, this parameter is called “Actual Interleaving Delay.” See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.0

Reports the actual impulse noise protection (INP) provided by the latency path indicated in LPATH. The value is the actual INP in the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0

Reports whether the value reported in ACTINP was computed assuming the receiver does not use erasure decoding. Valid values are 0 (computed per the formula assuming no erasure decoding) and 1 (computed by taking into account erasure decoding capabilities of receiver).

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to false.

- 2.0
NFEC int R

Reports the size, in octets, of the Reed-Solomon codeword in use on the latency path indicated in LPATH.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0
RFEC int R

Reports the number of redundancy bytes per Reed-Solomon codeword on the latency path indicated in LPATH.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0

Reports the number of bits per symbol assigned to the latency path indicated in LPATH. This value does not include overhead due to trellis coding.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to -1.

- 2.0
UpstreamCurrRate unsignedInt R

The current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the upstream DSL connection.

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DownstreamCurrRate unsignedInt R

The current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the downstream DSL connection.

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, it MUST have the value 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ACTNDR unsignedInt R

Actual net data rate expressed in Kbps. Independent whether retransmission is used or not in a given transmit direction:

  • In L0 state, this parameter reports the net data rate (as specified in [ITU T G.992.3], [ITU T G.992.5] or [ITU T G.993.2]) at which the bearer channel is operating.
  • In L2 state, the parameter contains the net data rate (as specified in [ITU T G.992.3], [ITU T G.992.5] or [ITU T G.993.2]) in the previous L0 state.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
ACTINPREIN unsignedInt(0:255) R

Actual impulse noise protection against REIN, expressed in 0.1 DMT symbols.

If retransmission is used in a given transmit direction, this parameter reports the actual impulse noise protection (INP) against REIN (under specific conditions detailed in [ITU T G.998.4]) on the bearer channel in the L0 state. In the L2 state, the parameter contains the INP in the previous L0 state.

The value is coded in fractions of DMT symbols with a granularity of 0.1 symbols.

The range is from 0 to 25.4. A special value of 25.5 indicates an ACTINP_REIN of 25.5 or higher.

Note: This parameter is defined as ACTINP_REIN in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.8
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TotalStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of Total statistics.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: TotalStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the most recent DSL Showtime - the beginning of the period used for collection of Showtime statistics.

Showtime is defined as successful completion of the DSL link establishment process. The Showtime statistics are those collected since the most recent establishment of the DSL link.

Note: ShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LastShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime-the beginning of the period used for collection of LastShowtime statistics.

If the CPE has not retained information about the second most recent Showtime (e.g., on reboot), the start of LastShowtime statistics MAY temporarily coincide with the start of Showtime statistics.

Note: LastShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
CurrentDayStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of CurrentDay statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each CurrentDay interval with days in the UTC time zone, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: CurrentDayStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QuarterHourStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of QuarterHour statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each QuarterHour interval with real-time quarter-hour intervals, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: QuarterHourStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.Total. object R

This object contains DSL channel total statistics [G.997.1].

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
XTURFECErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of FEC errors detected (FEC-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCFECErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of FEC errors detected by the ATU-C (FEC-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURHECErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of HEC errors detected (HEC-P as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCHECErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of HEC errors detected by the ATU-C (HEC-PFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of CRC errors detected (CV-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Total number of CRC errors detected by the ATU-C (CV-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.Showtime. object R

This object contains DSL channel statistics accumulated since the most recent DSL Showtime [G.997.1].

Note: The Showtime parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
XTURFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected since the most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected since the most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-P as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-PFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected since the most recent DSL Showtime (CV-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected by the ATU-C since the most recent DSL Showtime (CV-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.LastShowtime. object R

This object contains DSL channel statistics accumulated since the second most recent DSL Showtime [G.997.1].

Note: The LastShowtime parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
XTURFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-P as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-PFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.CurrentDay. object R

This object contains DSL channel statistics accumulated during the current day [G.997.1].

Note: The CurrentDay parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
XTURFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-P as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-PFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.QuarterHour. object R

This object contains DSL channel statistics accumulated during the current quarter hour [G.997.1].

Note: The QuarterHour parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
XTURFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCFECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of FEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (FEC-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-P as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCHECErrors unsignedInt R

Number of HEC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (HEC-PFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTURCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-C as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
XTUCCRCErrors unsignedInt R

Number of CRC errors detected by the ATU-C since the second most recent DSL Showtime (CV-CFE as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]).

Note: If the parameter is implemented but no value is available, its value MUST be 4294967295 (the maximum for its data type).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}. object(0:) R

DSL bonding group table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Each instance is a bonding group, and is expected to be stacked above a Channel instance or a FAST.Line instance for each bonded channel in the group.

Many of the parameters within this object, including LowerLayers, are read-only because bonding is not expected to be configured by a Controller.

The DSL bonding data model is closely aligned with [TR-159]. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name, or with a given value for GroupID.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the bonding group.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the bonding group (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the bonding group as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the bonding group entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

LowerLayers is read-only for this object because bonding is expected to be configured by the CPE, not by the Controller.

- 2.0
GroupStatus string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the current fault status of the DSL bonding group. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • NoPeer (Peer physical layer is unreachable)
  • PeerPowerLoss (Local device received a “dying gasp” message (preceding a loss-of-power) from the peer device)
  • PeerBondSchemeMismatch (Operating bonding scheme of the peer port is different from the local one)
  • LowRate (Upstream or downstream data rate is at or below threshold)

Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupStatus.

- 2.0
GroupID unsignedInt R DSL bonding group ID. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupID. - 2.0
BondSchemesSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported DSL bonding schemes. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • ATM ([G.998.1] ATM-based bonding)
  • Ethernet ([G.998.2] Ethernet-based bonding)
  • TDIM ([G.998.3] TDIM-based bonding)

Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupBondSchemesSupported.

- 2.0
BondScheme string R

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the BondSchemesSupported parameter. Currently operating bonding scheme. Corresponds to [TR-159] aGroupOperBondScheme.

This parameter discriminates between the Ethernet union objects.

- 2.0
GroupCapacity unsignedInt(1:32) R DSL bonding group capacity, i.e. the maximum number of channels that can be bonded in this group. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupCapacity. - 2.0
RunningTime unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds for which this bonding group has been operationally up. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Running Time.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TargetUpRate unsignedInt R Desired upstream data rate in bits per second for this DSL bonding group (zero indicates best effort). Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupTargetUpRate. - 2.0
TargetDownRate unsignedInt R Desired downstream data rate in bits per second for DSL bonding group (zero indicates best effort). Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupTargetDownRate. - 2.0
ThreshLowUpRate unsignedInt R Threshold upstream data rate in bits per second for this DSL bonding group. GroupStatus will include LowRate whenever the upstream rate is less than this threshold. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupThreshLowUpRate. - 2.0
ThreshLowDownRate unsignedInt R Threshold downstream data rate in bits per second for this DSL bonding group. GroupStatus will include LowRate whenever the downstream rate is less than this threshold. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupThreshLowDownRate. - 2.0
UpstreamDifferentialDelayTolerance unsignedInt R The maximum upstream differential delay in milliseconds among member links in a bonding group. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.1/G.998.1] Differential Delay Tolerance. - 2.0
DownstreamDifferentialDelayTolerance unsignedInt R The maximum downstream differential delay in milliseconds among member links in a bonding group. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.1/G.998.1] Differential Delay Tolerance. - 2.0
BondedChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt(1:32) R The number of entries in the BondedChannel table. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupNumChannels. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.BondedChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

DSL bonded channel table. Each table entry represents a bonded channel within the bonding group, and is associated with exactly one Channel instance or one FAST.Line instance. There MUST be an instance of BondedChannel for each DSL channel or FAST line that is bonded.

When a Channel or FAST.Line is no longer bonded, then the CPE MUST delete the corresponding BondedChannel instance. However, when a bonded Channel or FAST.Line becomes disabled, the channel remains bonded and so the corresponding BondedChannel instance MUST NOT be deleted.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Channel.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Channel string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Channel. or FAST.Line. tables. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.This is the channel that is being bonded.

This is read-only because bonding is expected to be configured by the CPE, not by the Controller.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.BondedChannel.{i}.Ethernet. object R Per-channel [G.998.2] Ethernet-based bonding parameters. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.BondedChannel.{i}.Ethernet.Stats. object R

Per-channel [G.998.2] Ethernet-based bonding statistics.

These relate to the [G.998.2] PME (Physical Medium Entity) Aggregation Function (PAF) lower layer (per-channel) interfaces.

The CPE MUST reset the Stats parameters either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
UnderflowErrorsSent unsignedInt R Number of underflow errors sent, i.e. on the transmit side of the interface. - 2.0
CRCErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of CRC errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
AlignmentErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of alignment errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
ShortPacketsReceived unsignedInt R Number of short packets received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
LongPacketsReceived unsignedInt R Number of long packets received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
OverflowErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of overflow errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
PauseFramesReceived unsignedInt R Number of pause frames received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
FramesDropped unsignedInt R Number of frames dropped, e.g. because the receive queue is full. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TotalStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of Total statistics.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: TotalStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
CurrentDayStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of CurrentDay statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each CurrentDay interval with days in the UTC time zone, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: CurrentDayStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
QuarterHourStart unsignedInt R

DSL-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of QuarterHour statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each QuarterHour interval with real-time quarter-hour intervals, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: QuarterHourStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats.Total. object R

Total statistics for this bonding group.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
FailureReasons string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the failure conditions that have occurred during the accumulation period. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • LowRate (Minimum data rate not met)
  • ExcessiveDelay (Differential delay tolerance exceeded)
  • InsufficientBuffers (Insufficient buffers on receiver)
  • Other (Other failure occurred)

Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Current Group Failure Reason.

- 2.0
UpstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved upstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
DownstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved downstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
UpstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of upstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
DownstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of downstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
UpstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved upstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
DownstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved downstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
FailureCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Group Failure Count. - 2.0
ErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Errored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**ES. - 2.0
SeverelyErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared SeverelyErrored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**SES. - 2.0
UnavailableSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**UAS. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats.CurrentDay. object R

Current day statistics for this bonding group.

Note: The CurrentDay parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
FailureReasons string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the failure conditions that have occurred during the accumulation period. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • LowRate (Minimum data rate not met)
  • ExcessiveDelay (Differential delay tolerance exceeded)
  • InsufficientBuffers (Insufficient buffers on receiver)
  • Other (Other failure occurred)

Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Current Group Failure Reason.

- 2.0
UpstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved upstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
DownstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved downstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
UpstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of upstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
DownstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of downstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
UpstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved upstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
DownstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved downstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
FailureCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Group Failure Count. - 2.0
ErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Errored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**ES. - 2.0
SeverelyErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared SeverelyErrored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**SES. - 2.0
UnavailableSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**UAS. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats.QuarterHour. object R

Current quarter hour statistics for this bonding group.

Note: The QuarterHour parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.0
FailureReasons string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the failure conditions that have occurred during the accumulation period. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • LowRate (Minimum data rate not met)
  • ExcessiveDelay (Differential delay tolerance exceeded)
  • InsufficientBuffers (Insufficient buffers on receiver)
  • Other (Other failure occurred)

Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Current Group Failure Reason.

- 2.0
UpstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved upstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
DownstreamRate unsignedInt R The achieved downstream data rate in bits per second (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Achieved Aggregate Data Rate. - 2.0
UpstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of upstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
DownstreamPacketLoss unsignedInt R The total number of downstream packets that were lost at aggregation output from a bonding group during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.2/G.998.1] Group Rx Cell Loss Count. - 2.0
UpstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved upstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
DownstreamDifferentialDelay unsignedInt R The achieved downstream differential delay in milliseconds (which might change subject to dynamic link usage conditions). - 2.0
FailureCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [Section 11.4.3/G.998.1] Group Failure Count. - 2.0
ErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Errored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**ES. - 2.0
SeverelyErroredSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared SeverelyErrored during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**SES. - 2.0
UnavailableSeconds unsignedInt R The time in seconds during which the group was declared Unavailable during the accumulation period. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondingGroup.aGroupPerf**UAS. - 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Ethernet. object(0:1) R

Ethernet-based bonding parameters [G.998.2].

This object MUST be present if, and only if, BondScheme is Ethernet.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.0
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Ethernet.Stats. object R

[G.998.2] Ethernet-based bonding statistics.

These relate to the [G.998.2] PME (Physical Medium Entity) Aggregation Function (PAF) and to its upper layer interface. PAF lower layer interface statistics are in the BondedChannel.{i}.Ethernet.Stats objects.

The CPE MUST reset the Stats parameters either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
PAFErrors unsignedInt R Number of PAF errors. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxErrors. - 2.0
PAFSmallFragments unsignedInt R Number of PAF Small Fragment events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxSmallFragments. - 2.0
PAFLargeFragments unsignedInt R Number of PAF Large Fragment events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxLargeFragments. - 2.0
PAFBadFragments unsignedInt R Number of PAF Bad Fragment events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxBadFragments. - 2.0
PAFLostFragments unsignedInt R Number of PAF Lost Fragment events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxLostFragments. - 2.0
PAFLateFragments unsignedInt R Number of PAF Late Fragment events. - 2.0
PAFLostStarts unsignedInt R Number of PAF Lost Start events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxLostStarts. - 2.0
PAFLostEnds unsignedInt R Number of PAF Lost End events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxLostEnds. - 2.0
PAFOverflows unsignedInt R Number of PAF Overflow events. Corresponds to [TR-159] oBondETH.aEthRxOverflows. - 2.0
PauseFramesSent unsignedInt R Number of pause frames sent, i.e. on the transmit side of the interface. - 2.0
CRCErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of CRC errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
AlignmentErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of alignment errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
ShortPacketsReceived unsignedInt R Number of short packets received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
LongPacketsReceived unsignedInt R Number of long packets received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
OverflowErrorsReceived unsignedInt R Number of overflow errors received, i.e. on the receive side of the interface. - 2.0
FramesDropped unsignedInt R Number of frames dropped, e.g. because the receive queue is full. - 2.0
Device.DSL.Diagnostics. object R The DSL Diagnostics object. - 2.0
ADSLLineTest() command - [ASYNC] This command is to provide diagnostic information for a CPE with an ADSL2 or ADSL2+ modem WAN interface, but MAY also be used for ADSL. - 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DSL.Channel. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
ACTPSDds int R

Downstream actual power spectral density. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.12
ACTPSDus int R

Upstream actual power spectral density. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.12
ACTATPds int R

Downstream actual aggregate transmitter power. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.12
ACTATPus int R

Upstream actual aggregate transmitter power. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.12
HLINSCds int R

Downstream linear representation scale. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.12
HLINSCus int R

Scaling used to represent the upstream linear channel characteristics. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.12
HLINGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for HLINpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

- 2.12
HLINGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for HLINpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

- 2.12
HLOGGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for HLOGpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

- 2.12
HLOGGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for HLOGpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

- 2.12
HLOGpsds string[](:2559) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2559) of strings. List items represent downstream logarithmic channel characteristics per sub-carrier group. The maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, and 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of HLOGGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: HLOGpsds is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

- 2.12
HLOGpsus string[](:2559) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2559) of strings. List items represent upstream logarithmic channel characteristics per sub-carrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3 and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of HLOGGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

Note: HLOGpsus is measured during initialization and is not updated during Showtime.

- 2.12
HLOGMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which HLOGpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.12
HLOGMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which HLOGpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.12
LATNpbds string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. List items represent downstream line attenuation per usable band, as computed during initialization. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for G.993.2. Interpretation of LATNpbds is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.12
LATNpbus string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. List items represent upstream line attenuation per usable band, as computed during initialization. Number of elements is dependent on the number of upstream bands but will exceed one only for G.993.2. Interpretation of LATNpbus is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.12
SATNds string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. List items represent downstream signal attenuation per usable band, as computed during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for G.993.2. Interpretation of SATNds is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.12
SATNus string[](:24) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 24) of strings. List items represent upstream signal attenuation per usable band, as computed during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. Number of elements is dependent on the number of downstream bands but will exceed one only for G.993.2. Interpretation of SATNus is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1].

- 2.12
HLINpsds int[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of integers. List items represent downstream linear channel characteristics per subcarrier group. Maximum number of complex pairs is 256 for G.992.3, and 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of pairs will depend on the value of HLINGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: HLIN is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

- 2.12
HLINpsus string[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of strings. List items represent upstream linear channel characteristics per sub-carrier group. Maximum number of complex pairs is 64 for G.992.3, and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of pairs will depend on the value of HLINGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: HLIN is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

- 2.12
QLNGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for QLNpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

- 2.12
QLNGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for QLNpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

- 2.12
QLNpsds int[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of integers. List items represent downstream quiet line noise per subcarrier group. Maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of QLNGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: QLN is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

- 2.12
QLNpsus string[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of strings. List items represent upstream quiet line noise per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3, and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of QLNGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: QLN is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

- 2.12
QLNMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which QLNpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.12
QLNMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which QLNpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.12
SNRGds unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the downstream direction for SNRpsds. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

- 2.12
SNRGus unsignedInt R

Number of sub-carriers per sub-carrier group in the upstream direction for SNRpsus. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 1.

- 2.12
SNRpsds int[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of integers. List items represent downstream SNR per subcarrier group. Maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, 512 for G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGds but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: SNRps is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

- 2.12
SNRpsus string[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of strings. List items represent upstream SNR per subcarrier group. The maximum number of elements is 64 for G.992.3, and G.992.5. For G.993.2, the number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGus but will not exceed 512. Interpretation of the values is as defined in ITU-T Rec. G.997.1.

Note: SNRps is not applicable in PLOAM for G.992.1 or G.992.2.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to None.

- 2.12
SNRMTds unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which SNRpsds was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.12
SNRMTus unsignedInt R

Indicates the number of symbols over which SNRpsus was measured.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.1]. For a multimode device operating in a mode in which this parameter does not apply, the value of this parameter SHOULD be set to 0.

- 2.12
BITSpsds int[](:61430) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of integers. List items represent downstream bit allocation per subcarrier group. Maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, 512 for G.992.5. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]. - 2.12
BITSpsus string[](:61430) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of strings. List items represent upstream bit allocation per subcarrier group. Maximum number of elements is 256 for G.992.3, 512 for G.992.5. Interpretation of the value is as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.1]. - 2.12
SELTUER() command -

[ASYNC] This command performs a DSL Single Ended Line Test - Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER).

This command is for the CPE, aka the Transmission Unit - Remote end (TU-R).

Reference: ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2, SELT-PMD management entity/G.996.2].

- 2.13
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DSL.Line. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.13
UERMaxMeasurementDuration unsignedInt(5:240) W

This parameter is the SELT UER maximum measurement duration (MMD) measured in seconds.

This parameter is defined as SELT_UER_MMD_R in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.1.1/G.996.2].

- 2.13
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
ExtendedBandwidthOperation boolean R

This parameter indicates if the option for extended bandwidth SELT is applied (true) or not applied (false).

If the option for extended bandwidth SELT is applied to UER, then UERGroupSize has three valid values: 1, 2 and 12.

If the option for extended bandwidth SELT is not applied to UER, then UERGroupSize has two valid values: 1 and 2.

UERGroupSize is reported if the option for extended bandwidth UER SELT is supported; otherwise, reporting of the group size is optional.

- 2.13
UER int[2:2][1:4096] R

The Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) [a(0),b(0)], [a(1),b(1)], …

Comma-separated list (1 to 4096 items) of UERComplexs, with each list item consisting of the following.

[UERComplex] Pair of 32-bit signed integers a(i),b(i) with each pair representing a complex component of the uncalibrated echo response (UER);

  1. Real UER component, a(i)
  2. Imaginary UER component, b(i)

for values of i starting at i=0. Both values are represented as signed integers.

The interpretation of the UER value is as defined in [Clause A.2.2.1/G.996.2].

The value of UER at frequency i*UERGroupSizeDf = (UERScaleFactor/(231))(a(i)+j*b(i))/(231) where Df = 4.3125 kHz.

This parameter is defined as CPE SELT uncalibrated echo response (SELT-UER-R) in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.2.1/G.996.2].

- 2.13
UERScaleFactor unsignedInt R

The Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) scale factor.

This parameter is defined as part of the CPE SELT uncalibrated echo response (SELT-UER-R) in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.2.1/G.996.2].

Note that the scale factor is chosen such that max(abs(a(i)), abs(b(i))) over all i is equal to 231 - 1, which doesn’t allow UERScaleFactor to be zero.

- 2.13
UERGroupSize unsignedInt(1:2,12) R

The Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) group size, UER_G. In units of subcarriers.

This parameter is defined as part of the CPE SELT uncalibrated echo response (SELT-UER-R) in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.2.2/G.996.2].

- 2.13
UERVar int[0:4096] R

Comma-separated list (0 to 4096 items) of integers. This parameter represents the variance of the UER. List items represent v(i), for values of i starting at i=0. The variance of the uncalibrated echo response for frequency i*UERGroupSizeDf is VAR(iUERGroupSize*Df) = 3 - v(i)/2 dB where Df = 4.3125 kHz.

This parameter is defined as SELT variance of uncalibrated echo response R (SELT UER-VAR-R) in [Clause A.2.2.2/G.996.2].

- 2.13
SELTQLN() command -

[ASYNC] This command performs a DSL Single Ended Line Test - Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) Quiet Line Noise (QLN).

This command is for the CPE, aka the Transmission Unit - Remote end (TU-R).

Reference: ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2, SELT-PMD management entity/G.996.2].

- 2.13
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DSL.Line. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.13
QLNMaxMeasurementDuration unsignedInt(1:240) W

This parameter is the SELT QLN maximum measurement duration (MMD) measured in seconds.

This parameter is defined as SELT_QLN_MMD_R in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.1.2/G.996.2].

- 2.13
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
ExtendedBandwidthOperation boolean R

This parameter indicates if the option for extended bandwidth SELT is applied (true) or not applied (false).

If the option for extended bandwidth SELT is applied to QLN, then QLNGroupSize has three valid values: 1, 2 and 12.

If the option for extended bandwidth SELT is not applied to QLN, then QLNGroupSize has two valid values: 1 and 2.

QLNGroupSize is reported if the option for extended bandwidth QLN SELT is supported; otherwise, reporting of the group size is optional.

- 2.13
QLN int[](:61430) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 61430) of integers. List items represent SELT quiet line noise (QLN) per subcarrier group.

Each list element is n(i), with i starting at 0. The value of QLN at frequency i*QLNGroupSizeDf with Df=4.3125 kHz is defined as QLN(iQLNGroupSize*Df) = -23 - (n(i)/2) dBm/Hz. This data format supports a QLN granularity of 0.5 dB and an dynamic range of -150 to -23 dBm/Hz.

Interpretation of the SELT_QLN_R value is defined in [Clause A.2.2.3/G.996.2].

- 2.13
QLNGroupSize unsignedInt(1:2,12) R

This parameter represents the Quiet Line Noise (QLN) group size. In units of subcarriers.

This parameter is defined as part of the SELT_QLN_R in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause A.2.2.4/G.996.2].

- 2.13
SELTP() command -

[ASYNC] This command performs a DSL Single-Ended Line Test - Processed (SELT-P).

This command is for the CPE, aka the Transmission Unit - Remote end (TU-R).

Reference: ITU-T Recommendation [G.996.2].

- 2.13
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DSL.Line. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.13
CapacityEstimateEnabling boolean W

Capacity estimate calculation enabling: This parameter is expressed as a boolean and takes the value false if xDSL performance estimation is not required, true otherwise.

The capacity estimate calculation enabling parameter is defined in [Clause B.2.1.1/G.996.2].

- 2.13
CapacitySignalPSD unsignedInt[2:2][1:48] W

The capacity estimate signal Power Spectral Density (PSD):

Comma-separated list (1 to 48 items) of PSDBreak Point Index And Levels, with each list item consisting of the following.

[PSDBreakPointIndexAndLevel] 1. the Power Spectral Density (PSD) breakpoint sub-carrier index in the range [0:49152] with Df = 4.3125 kHz frequency spacing, and

  1. the value of the level of the PSD at this sub-carrier expressed in 0.1 dBm/Hz with an offset of -200 dBm/Hz. The range of valid values for PSD is -30 to -200 dBm/Hz.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

This capacity estimate signal PSD parameter is defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.2.1.2/G.996.2].

- 2.13
CapacityNoisePSD unsignedInt[2:2][1:48] W

The capacity estimate noise Power Spectral Density (PSD):

Comma-separated list (1 to 48 items) of PSDBreak Point Index And Levels, with each list item consisting of the following.

[PSDBreakPointIndexAndLevel] 1. the Power Spectral Density (PSD) breakpoint sub-carrier index in the range [0:49152] with Df = 4.3125 kHz frequency spacing, and

  1. the value of the level of the PSD at this sub-carrier expressed in 0.1 dBm/Hz with an offset of -200 dBm/Hz. The range of valid values for PSD is -30 to -200 dBm/Hz.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

This capacity estimate noise PSD parameter is defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.2.1.3/G.996.2].

- 2.13
CapacityTargetMargin unsignedInt(0:310) W

The capacity estimate target noise margin. The range of valid values is 0 to 31 dB, in steps of 0.1 dB.

This capacity estimate target noise margin parameter is defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.2.1.4/G.996.2].

- 2.13
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
LoopTermination string R

Loop termination indicator. Enumeration of:

  • Open
  • Short
  • Powered on DSLAM/DPU (This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.14 because it’s been removed from the ITU-T Recommendation. This enumeration was DELETED in 2.16)
  • Powered on CPE
  • Unknown

This parameter is defined as LOOP-TERM in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.1.1.1/G.996.2].

- 2.13
LoopLength unsignedInt(0:16383) R

This parameter is the loop length with units of meters.

This parameter is defined as the loop length parameter LOOP_LEN in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.1.1.2/G.996.2].

- 2.13
LoopTopology string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. List items represent paired parameters [LOOP_SEG_LEN, LOOP_SEG_BTAP] representing a concatenation of loop segment types, where LOOP_SEG_LEN represents the length of the segment in meters; and LOOP_SEG_BTAP is a string that identifies the segment type as either “in series” or “bridged tap”.

The first loop segment in the list shall be the segment connected to the SELT-PMD block, subsequent loop segments in the list shall describe the loop in the direction toward the far-end loop termination.

This Loop Topology parameter is defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.1.1.3/G.996.2].

- 2.13
AttenuationCharacteristics unsignedInt[2:2][0:8191] R

Specifies the list of attenuation characteristics.

Comma-separated list (0 to 8191 items) of SELTPAttenuation Characteristics Index And TFlogs, with each list item consisting of the following.

[SELTPAttenuationCharacteristicsIndexAndTFlog] 1. The paired frequency spacing index in the range [0:8191], and

  1. The transfer function log value, i.e. [i, TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df)], where the reference frequency spacing Df = 4.3125 kHz, the index i valid range is 0 to 8191, and TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df) spans a range from +6.0 dB down to -96.2 dB with units of 0.1 dB.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df) is represented by an integer k, 0 <= k <= 1022, where TFlog(i * TFlogGroupSize * Df) = 6.0 - k * 0.1. The special value of k of 1023 is used to indicate that no measurement could be done for this subcarrier because the attenuation is out of the range that can be represented.

The attenuation characteristics TFlog(f) parameter is defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.1.1.6/G.996.2].

- 2.13
TFlogGroupSize unsignedInt(1:2,12) R

This parameter represents the Transfer Function Log (TFlog) group size. In units of subcarriers.

This parameter is defined as part of the SELT attenuation characteristics, AttenuationCharacteristics, defined in ITU-T Recommendation [Clause B.1.1.6/G.996.2].

- 2.14
MissingFilter boolean R

Missing micro-filter or splitter: This parameter is a binary indication of a missing or incorrectly installed splitter or micro-filter at the U-R reference point. A value of true represents a missing splitter.

The missing micro-filter or splitter parameter is defined in [Clause B.1.1.4/G.996.2].

- 2.13
CapacityEstimate unsignedInt[1:2] R

Capacity Estimate: Comma-separated list (1 to 2 items) of unsigned integers. This parameter represents the downstream and/or upstream capacity estimates in kbit/s.

If only one value is supplied, then it’s not specified whether it’s the downstream value, the upstream value or some combination of the two. If two values are supplied, then the first is the downstream value and the second is the upstream value.

The capacity estimate parameters are defined in [Clause B.1.1.7/G.996.2].

- 2.13
Device.FAST. object R This object models FAST (defined in ITU Recommendation [G.9701]) lines. Each Line models a layer 1 FAST Line interface. - 2.11
LineNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Line table. - 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}. object(0:) R

FAST Line table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

This table models physical FAST lines.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.11
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the FAST line. This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863]. - 2.11
Status string R

The current operational state of the FAST line (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.11
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.11
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the FAST line as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.11
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the FAST line entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Line is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.11
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.11
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R A string identifying the version of the modem firmware currently installed for this interface. This is applicable only when the modem firmware is separable from the overall CPE software. - 2.11
LinkStatus string R

Status of the FAST physical link. Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Initializing
  • EstablishingLink
  • NoSignal
  • Disabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When LinkStatus is Up, Status is expected to be Up. When LinkStatus is Initializing or EstablishingLink or NoSignal or Disabled, Status is expected to be Down.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.11
AllowedProfiles string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which FAST profiles are allowed on the line. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 106a
  • 212a

Note: In G.997.2, this parameter is called PROFILES. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
CurrentProfile string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the AllowedProfiles parameter, or else be an empty string. Indicates which FAST profile is currently in use on the line. - 2.11
PowerManagementState string R

The power management state of the line. Enumeration of:

  • L0
  • L2.1
  • L2.2
  • L3

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.9701].

- 2.11
SuccessFailureCause unsignedInt(0:5) R

The success failure cause of the initialization. An enumeration of the following integer values:

  • 0: Successful
  • 1: Configuration error. Configuration error. This error occurs if the line cannot reach L0 state due to a mismatch of configuration and FTU capabilities.
  • 2: Configuration not feasible on the line. This error occurs if the line cannot reach the L0 state due to a mismatch of configuration of line and noise characteristics.
  • 3: Communication problem. This error occurs, for example, due to corrupted messages or bad syntax messages or if no common mode can be selected in the G.994.1 handshaking procedure or due to a timeout.
  • 4: No far-end FTU detected. This error occurs if the far-end FTU is not powered or not connected or if the line is too long to allow detection of a far-end FTU.
  • 5: Any other or unknown initialization failure cause.

Note: In G.997.2, this parameter is called “Initialization success/failure cause”. See Clause of ITU-T

Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
UPBOKLER unsignedInt(0:1280) R

This parameter reports the estimate of the electrical length expressed in 0.1 dB, as determined by the FTU-R (see clause[G.9701]) and conveyed in the R-MSG1 initialization message (see clause[G.9701]). The value is coded as an unsignedInt in the range 0 (coded as 0) to 128 dB (coded as 1280) in steps of 0.1 dB.

Note: This parameter is defined as UPBOKLE-R in Clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
LastTransmittedDownstreamSignal unsignedInt(0:21) R

This parameter reports the downstream signal count of the last transmitted initialization signal in the last full or short initialization performed on the line. The valid values are 0..21. The downstream signal count is defined in clause 12.3.1/[G.9701].

Note: See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
LastTransmittedUpstreamSignal unsignedInt(0:21) R

This parameter reports the upstream signal count of the last transmitted initialization signal in the last full or short initialization performed on the line. The valid values are 0..21. The upstream signal count is defined in clause 12.3.1/[G.9701].

Note: See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
UPBOKLE unsignedInt(0:1280) R

This parameter reports the electrical length expressed in 0.1dB, that would have been sent from the FTU-O to the FTU-R if the electrical length was not forced by the DPU-MIB. If the electrical length is not forced by the DPU-MIB, then this object reports the final electrical length, as determined by the FTU-O (see clause[G.9701]) and conveyed in the O-UPDATE initialization message (see clause[G.9701]).

Note: See clause in ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
LineNumber int(1:) R Signifies the line pair that the modem is using to connection. LineNumber = 1 is the innermost pair. - 2.11
UpstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the attainable net data rate expressed in Kbps as defined in clause[G.9701].

Note: This parameter is related to the G.997.2 parameter ATTNDRus. See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
DownstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the attainable net data rate expressed in Kbps as defined in clause[G.9701].

Note: This parameter is related to the G.997.2 parameter ATTNDRds. See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

- 2.11
UpstreamNoiseMargin int R

This parameter reports the signal-to-noise ratio margin (as defined in clause[G.9701] and[G.9701]) in the upstream direction. A special value indicates that the signal-to-noise ratio margin is out of the range to be represented. The parameter is expressed in 0.1dB.

Note: In G.997.2, this parameter is called SNRMus. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DownstreamNoiseMargin int R

This parameter reports the signal-to-noise ratio margin (as defined in clause[G.9701] and[G.9701]) in the upstream direction. A special value indicates that the signal-to-noise ratio margin is out of the range to be represented. The parameter is expressed in 0.1dB.

Note: In G.997.2, this parameter is called SNRMds. See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UpstreamAttenuation int R

The current upstream signal loss (expressed in 0.1dB).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DownstreamAttenuation int R

The current downstream signal loss (expressed in 0.1dB).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UpstreamPower int R

The current output power at the CPE’s FAST line (expressed in 0.1dBmV).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DownstreamPower int R

The current received power at the CPE’s FAST line (expressed in 0.1dBmV).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11

This parameter reports the signal-to-noise margin for the robust management channel (RMC) in the downstream direction (express in 0.1dB). A special value (-512) indicates that the signal-to-noise ratio margin for the RMC is out of the range to be represented. This parameter is defined in clauses of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11

This parameter reports the signal-to-noise margin for the robust management channel (RMC) in the upstream direction (express in 0.1dB). A special value (-512) indicates that the signal-to-noise ratio margin for the RMC is out of the range to be represented. This parameter is defined in clauses of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
BITSRMCpsds int[](:4610) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 4610) of integers. List items report the bit allocation values on RMC sub-carriers in RMC symbols in the downstream direction. Each pair composes of a sub-carrier index from 0..4095 and an 8 bit allocation value. There are maximum 512 pairs. This parameter is defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
BITSRMCpsus int[](:4610) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 4610) of integers. List items report the bit allocation values on RMC sub-carriers in RMC symbols in the upstream direction. Each pair composes of a sub-carrier index from 0..4095 and an 8 bit allocation value. There are maximum 512 pairs. This parameter is defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
FEXTCANCELds boolean R This indicates whether FEXT cancellation in the downstream direction from all the other vectored lines into the line in the vectored group is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE). This parameter is defined as FEXT_TO_CANCEL_ENABLEds in clause of ITU Recommendation [G.997.2]. - 2.11
FEXTCANCELus boolean R This indicates whether FEXT cancellation in the upstream direction from all the other vectored lines into the line in the vectored group is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE). This parameter is defined as FEXT_TO_CANCEL_ENABLEds in clause of ITU Recommendation [G.997.2]. - 2.11
ETRds unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the expected throughput rate expressed in Kbps as defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2]

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ETRus unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the expected throughput rate expressed in Kbps as defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2]

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ATTETRds unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the attainable expected throughput expressed in Kbps as defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2]

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ATTETRus unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the attainable expected throughput expressed in Kbps as defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2]

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
MINEFTR unsignedInt R

This parameter reports the minimum error free throughput value expressed in Kbps computed from power up as defined in clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.9701]

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.11
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
TotalStart unsignedInt R

FAST-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of Total statistics.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: TotalStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

FAST-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the most recent DSL Showtime - the beginning of the period used for collection of Showtime statistics.

Showtime is defined as successful completion of the DSL link establishment process. The Showtime statistics are those collected since the most recent establishment of the DSL link.

Note: ShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LastShowtimeStart unsignedInt R

FAST-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the second most recent DSL Showtime-the beginning of the period used for collection of LastShowtime statistics.

If the CPE has not retained information about the second most recent Showtime (e.g., on reboot), the start of LastShowtime statistics MAY temporarily coincide with the start of Showtime statistics.

Note: LastShowtimeStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
CurrentDayStart unsignedInt R

FAST-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of CurrentDay statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each CurrentDay interval with days in the UTC time zone, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: CurrentDayStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
QuarterHourStart unsignedInt R

FAST-specific statistic. The Number of seconds since the beginning of the period used for collection of QuarterHour statistics.

The CPE MAY align the beginning of each QuarterHour interval with real-time quarter-hour intervals, but is not required to do so.

Statistics SHOULD continue to be accumulated across CPE reboots, though this might not always be possible.

Note: QuarterHourStart SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats.Total. object R

This object contains DSL line total statistics.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.11
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. An errored second (ES) is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more crc anomalies, or one or more los defects, or one or more lor defects, or one or more lpr primitives.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LOSS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of signal seconds (LOSS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LOSS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more los defects.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LORS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of RMC seconds (LORS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LORS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more lor defects.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UAS unsignedInt R

Total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXUC unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of uncorrected DTU anomalies (rtx_uc). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.5 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXTX unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of retransmitted DTU anomalies (rtx_tx). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.6 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessBSW unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful bit swap (BSW) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_BSW in clause 7.7.20 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessSRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful autonomous SRA (seamless rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_SRA in clause 7.7.21 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessFRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful FRA (fast rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_FRA in clause 7.7.22 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessRPA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful RPA (RMC parameter adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_RPA in clause 7.7.23 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessTIGA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful TIGA (transmitter initiated gain adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_TIGA in clause 7.7.24 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats.Showtime. object R

This object contains FAST line statistics since the most recent showtime.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.11
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. An errored second (ES) is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more crc anomalies, or one or more los defects, or one or more lor defects, or one or more lpr primitives.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LOSS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of signal seconds (LOSS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LOSS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more los defects.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LORS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of RMC seconds (LORS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LORS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more lor defects.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UAS unsignedInt R

Total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXUC unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of uncorrected DTU anomalies (rtx_uc). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.5 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXTX unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of retransmitted DTU anomalies (rtx_tx). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.6 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessBSW unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful bit swap (BSW) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_BSW in clause 7.7.20 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessSRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful autonomous SRA (seamless rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_SRA in clause 7.7.21 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessFRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful FRA (fast rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_FRA in clause 7.7.22 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessRPA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful RPA (RMC parameter adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_RPA in clause 7.7.23 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessTIGA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful TIGA (transmitter initiated gain adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_TIGA in clause 7.7.24 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats.LastShowtime. object R

This object contains FAST line statistics since the second most recent showtime.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.11
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. An errored second (ES) is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more crc anomalies, or one or more los defects, or one or more lor defects, or one or more lpr primitives.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LOSS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of signal seconds (LOSS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LOSS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more los defects.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LORS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of RMC seconds (LORS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LORS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more lor defects.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UAS unsignedInt R

Total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXUC unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of uncorrected DTU anomalies (rtx_uc). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.5 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXTX unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of retransmitted DTU anomalies (rtx_tx). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.6 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessBSW unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful bit swap (BSW) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_BSW in clause 7.7.20 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessSRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful autonomous SRA (seamless rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_SRA in clause 7.7.21 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessFRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful FRA (fast rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_FRA in clause 7.7.22 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessRPA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful RPA (RMC parameter adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_RPA in clause 7.7.23 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessTIGA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful TIGA (transmitter initiated gain adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_TIGA in clause 7.7.24 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats.CurrentDay. object R

This object contains FAST line statistics accumulated during the current day.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.11
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. An errored second (ES) is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more crc anomalies, or one or more los defects, or one or more lor defects, or one or more lpr primitives.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LOSS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of signal seconds (LOSS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LOSS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more los defects.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LORS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of RMC seconds (LORS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LORS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more lor defects.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UAS unsignedInt R

Total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXUC unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of uncorrected DTU anomalies (rtx_uc). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.5 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXTX unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of retransmitted DTU anomalies (rtx_tx). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.6 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessBSW unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful bit swap (BSW) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_BSW in clause 7.7.20 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessSRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful autonomous SRA (seamless rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_SRA in clause 7.7.21 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessFRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful FRA (fast rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_FRA in clause 7.7.22 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessRPA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful RPA (RMC parameter adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_RPA in clause 7.7.23 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessTIGA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful TIGA (transmitter initiated gain adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_TIGA in clause 7.7.24 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats.QuarterHour. object R

This object contains FAST line statistics accumulated during the current quarter hour.

Note: The Total parameters SHOULD NOT be reset when the interface statistics are reset via an interface disable / enable cycle.

- 2.11
ErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. An errored second (ES) is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more crc anomalies, or one or more los defects, or one or more lor defects, or one or more lpr primitives.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SeverelyErroredSecs unsignedInt R

Total number of severely errored seconds as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LOSS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of signal seconds (LOSS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LOSS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more los defects.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
LORS unsignedInt R

Total number of loss of RMC seconds (LORS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2]. A LORS is declared if, during a 1-second interval, there are one or more lor defects.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UAS unsignedInt R

Total number of unavailable seconds (UAS) as defined in ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXUC unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of uncorrected DTU anomalies (rtx_uc). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.5 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RTXTX unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of retransmitted DTU anomalies (rtx_tx). This parameter is defined in clause 7.8.6 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessBSW unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful bit swap (BSW) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_BSW in clause 7.7.20 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessSRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful autonomous SRA (seamless rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_SRA in clause 7.7.21 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessFRA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful FRA (fast rate adaptation) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_FRA in clause 7.7.22 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessRPA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful RPA (RMC parameter adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_RPA in clause 7.7.23 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SuccessTIGA unsignedInt R

This parameter reports a count of the successful TIGA (transmitter initiated gain adjustment) primitives. This parameter is defined as success_TIGA in clause 7.7.24 of ITU-T Rec. [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.TestParams. object R This object contains the FAST line test parameters that are available during the L0 (i.e., Showtime) state. - 2.11
SNRGds unsignedInt R

Reports the number of sub-carriers in any one sub-carrier group used to represent the downstream SNR(f) values. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: In ITU-T G.9701-2014, the only valid value is G = 1. See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SNRGus unsignedInt R

Reports the number of sub-carriers in any one sub-carrier group used to represent the upstream SNR(f) values. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Note: In ITU-T G.9701-2014, the only valid value is G = 1. See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SNRpsds int[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of integers. Reports the downstream SNR(f) values. A special value indicates that no measurement could be done for this sub-carrier group because it is out of the downstream MEDLEY set or its transmit power is zero. The number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGds. Interpretation of the values is as defined in clause ITU-T Rec. [G.9701].

Note: See clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SNRpsus string[](:2047) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 2047) of strings. Reports the upstream SNR(f) values. A special value indicates that no measurement could be done for this sub-carrier group because it is out of the downstream MEDLEY set or its transmit power is zero. The number of elements will depend on the value of SNRGds. Interpretation of the values is as defined in clause ITU-T Rec. [G.9701].

Note: See clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SNRMTds unsignedInt R

Reports the number of symbols used to measure the downstream SNR(f) values. The valid values 0..65535.

Note: See clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
SNRMTus unsignedInt R

Reports the number of symbols used to measure the upstream SNR(f) values. The valid values 0..65535.

Note: See clause of ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ACTINP unsignedInt R

Reports the actual INP against SHINE as defined in clause[G.9701]. A special value indicates an actual INP against SHINE of 2047 symbols or higher. The valid values are 0..2046 and 2047 is the special value.

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
NFEC unsignedInt R

Reports the DTU FEC codeword length (expressed in 1 byte unit) as defined in clause 9.3/[G.9701]. The valid range is 32..255.

Note: See clause ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
RFEC int R

Reports the DTU FEC codeword redundancy as defined in clause 9.3/[G.9701].

Note: See ITU-T Recommendation [G.997.2].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
UpstreamCurrRate unsignedInt R

Reports the current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the upstream FAST as defined in clause[G.9701].

The current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the upstream FAST connection. The valid values are 0..4294967295(0 to 232-1 kbit/s).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
DownstreamCurrRate unsignedInt R

Reports the current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the upstream FAST as defined in clause[G.9701].

The current physical layer aggregate data rate (expressed in Kbps) of the downstream FAST connection. The valid values are 0..4294967295(0 to 232-1 kbit/s).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
ACTINPREIN unsignedInt R

Reports the actual INP against REIN as defined in clause[G.9701]. A special value indicates an actual INP against REIN of 63 symbols or higher. The valid range is 0..62 symbols, and 63 is the special value.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.Optical. object R

This object models a generic optical interface. It defines an Interface object that models a layer 1 optical interface that is capable of transporting Ethernet packets. For historical reasons, the data model definition is based on parts of [G.988]. However, it is not intended to model anything specific to IEEE PON or ITU-T PON technologies.

Note that this object is not intended to model the optical transceiver either.

- 2.4
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.4
Device.Optical.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

Optical interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models physical optical interfaces.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.4
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the optical interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.4
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.4
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.4
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.4
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.4
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.4
MaxBitRate int(-1:) W

The maximum upstream and downstream PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of -1 indicates automatic selection of the maximum bit rate.

- 2.18
OpticalSignalLevel int R

Current measurement of total downstream optical signal level.

[Dbm1000] The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.

Valid values are -65.536 dBm (coded as -65536), to 65.534 dBm (coded as 65534) in 0.002 dB increments.

This parameter is based on Optical signal level from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].

- 2.4
LowerOpticalThreshold int R
Optical level that is used to declare the downstream low received optical power alarm.
[Dbm1000] ::: hide The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.


Valid values are -127.5 dBm (coded as -127500) to 0 dBm (coded as 0) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -127500 indicates the device’s internal policy.
This parameter is based on Lower optical threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.4
UpperOpticalThreshold int R
Optical level that is used to declare the downstream high received optical power alarm.
[Dbm1000] ::: hide The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.


Valid values are -127.5 dBm (coded as -127500) to 0 dBm (coded as 0) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -127500 indicates the device’s internal policy.
This parameter is based on Upper optical threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.4
TransmitOpticalLevel int R

Current measurement of mean optical launch power.

[Dbm1000] The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.

Valid values are -65.536 dBm (coded as -65536), to 65.534 dBm (coded as 65534) in 0.002 dB increments.

This parameter is based on Transmit optical level from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].

- 2.4
LowerTransmitPowerThreshold int R
Minimum mean optical launch power that is used to declare the low transmit optical power alarm.
[Dbm1000] ::: hide The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.


Valid values are -63.5 dBm (coded as -63500) to +63.5 dBm (coded as 63500) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -63500 indicates the device’s internal policy.
This parameter is based on Lower transmit power threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.4
UpperTransmitPowerThreshold int R
Maximum mean optical launch power that is used to declare the high transmit optical power alarm.
[Dbm1000] ::: hide The value is measured in dBm/1000, i.e. the value divided by 1000 is dB relative to 1 mW. For example, -12345 means -12.345 dBm, 0 means 0 dBm (1 mW) and 12345 means 12.345 dBm.


Valid values are -63.5 dBm (coded as -63500) to +63.5 dBm (coded as 63500) in 0.5 dB increments. The value -63500 indicates the device’s internal policy.
This parameter is based on Upper transmit power threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not intended for the device to raise an optical power alarm.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.4
Device.Optical.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.4
Reset() command - Reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
Device.Cellular. object R This object models cellular interfaces and access points. - 2.8
RoamingEnabled boolean W Enables or disables roaming. - 2.8
RoamingStatus string R

Current roaming status.

Enumeration of:

  • Home
  • Roaming
- 2.8
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.8
AccessPointNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AccessPoint table. - 2.8
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

Cellular interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Each instance of this object models a cellular modem with a single radio and a single USIM.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.8
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up (Corresponds to GPRS, UMTS, LTE etc ATTACHED status)
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent (Corresponds to GPRS, UMTS, LTE etc DETACHED status)
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status

  • SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic.
  • SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed)
  • SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface
  • SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

Because the interface includes layer 1 the LowerLayerDown value SHOULD never be used.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.8
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.8
IMEI string(15) R

International Mobile Station Equipment Identity number, represented as a 15 digit string (digits 0-9).

Possible patterns:

  • [0-9]{15,15}
- 2.8
SupportedAccessTechnologies string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Access technologies supported by the interface.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • GPRS (GSM with GPRS)
  • EDGE (GSM with EDGE)
  • UMTS
  • UMTSHSPA (UMTS with High Speed Packet Access (HSPA [3GPP-HSPA]))
  • CDMA2000OneX
  • CDMA2000HRPD
  • LTE
  • NR (5G New Radio, added in 2.14)
- 2.8
PreferredAccessTechnology string W

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedAccessTechnologies parameter, or else be Auto. Preferred access technology.

The factory default value MUST be Auto.

- 2.8
CurrentAccessTechnology string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedAccessTechnologies parameter. Access technology that is currently in use. - 2.8
AvailableNetworks string(:64)[] R

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 64). List of available networks.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
NetworkRequested string(:64) W

Name of the network which will be used, or an empty string if the network is selected automatically.

The factory default value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.8
NetworkInUse string(:64) R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the AvailableNetworks parameter, or else be an empty string. The value is an empty string if no network is found, or if the network specified in NetworkRequested is not found. - 2.8
RSSI int R

The received signal strength in dBm. The allowed values depend on CurrentAccessTechnology:

  • For GPRS, EDGE the range is -111 dBm to -49 dBm
  • For UMTS, UMTSHSPA the range is -117 dBm to -54 dBm
  • For LTE, NR the range is -117 dBm to -25 dBm

Note: An undetectable signal is indicated by the appropriate lower limit, e.g. -117 dBm for LTE.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
RSRP int R

The Reference Signal Received Power in dBm for LTE, NR values of CurrentAccessTechnology:

  • The valid range of RSRP values from worst to best is -140 dBm to -44 dBm

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
RSRQ int R

The Reference Signal Received Quality in dBm for LTE, NR values of CurrentAccessTechnology:

  • RSRQ is calculated using RSSI and RSRP values using RSRQ = (N*RSRP)/RSSI where N is the number of resource blocks (bandwidth).
  • The valid range of RSRP values from worst to best is -20 dBm to -3 dBm

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
UpstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R The current maximum attainable data rate upstream (expressed in Kbps). - 2.8
DownstreamMaxBitRate unsignedInt R The current maximum attainable data rate downstream (expressed in Kbps). - 2.8
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.USIM. object R USIM (Universal Subscriber Identity Module or SIM card) parameters for the interface. - 2.8
Status string R

The current status of the USIM card.

Enumeration of:

  • None (No card available)
  • Available (Card is available but not verified)
  • Valid (Card can be used; either valid PIN was entered, or PIN check is deactivated)
  • Blocked (USIM is blocked because the maximum number of invalid PIN entries was exceeded)
  • Error (An error was detected with the card, OPTIONAL)
- 2.8
IMSI string(14:15) R

International Mobile Subscriber Identity represented as a string with either 14 or 15 digits (digits 0-9). The first 3 digits are the mobile country code (MCC), which are followed by the mobile network code (MNC), either 2 digits (European standard) or 3 digits (North American standard), followed by the mobile subscription identification number (MSIN).

Possible patterns:

  • [0-9]{14,15}
- 2.8
ICCID string(6:20) R

Integrated Circuit Card Identifier represented as a string of up to 20 digits (digits 0-9). The number is composed of the following parts:

  • Major industry identifier (MII), 2 fixed digits, 89 for telecommunication purposes.
  • Country code, 1–3 digits, as defined by ITU-T recommendation [ITU-E.164].
  • identifier, 1–4 digits.
  • Individual account identification number. Its length is variable, but every number under one IIN will have the same length.
  • Single check digit calculated from the other digits using the Luhn algorithm.

For cards using an ICCID according to [ITU-E.118] the maximum length is 19 Digits, for GSM cards 20 digits.

Possible patterns:

  • [0-9]{6,20}
- 2.8
MSISDN string(14:15) R

Mobile Subscriber Integrated Service Digital Network Number, a number uniquely identifying a subscription in a GSM, UMTS, or LTE mobile network. [ITU-E.164]

Possible patterns:

  • [0-9]{14,15}
- 2.8
PINCheck string W

Controls the PIN verification of the USIM card.

Enumeration of:

  • OnNetworkAccess (Check the PIN with each access to a new network)
  • Reboot (Check the PIN with first access after (re)boot)
  • Off (Disable the PIN check)
- 2.8
PIN string(:4) W

Allows the Controller to change the USIM PIN used for SIM card activation.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.8
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.8
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
ErrorsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
ErrorsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
Device.Cellular.AccessPoint.{i}. object(0:) W

Cellular Access Point table. Each entry is identified by an APN (Access Point Name) that identifies a gateway between the mobile network and another computer network.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for APN, or with a given value for Interface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, APN and Interface such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the Access Point. - 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
APN string(:64) W

Access Point Name.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Username string(:256) W Username used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the Access Point. - 2.8
Password string(:256) W

Password used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the Access Point.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.8
Proxy string(:45) W [IPAddress] Proxy server IP address. - 2.8
ProxyPort unsignedInt(1:65535) W Proxy server port. - 2.8
Interface string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Interface. table. Reference to the interface with which the access point is associated.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Device.ATM. object R Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) object that contains the Link interface and Diagnostics.F5Loopback() diagnostics. - 2.0
LinkNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Link table. - 2.0
Device.ATM.Link.{i}. object(0:) W

ATM link-layer table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Models an ATM PVC virtual circuit and the ATM Adaption Layer (AAL). An ATM Link entry is typically stacked on top of either a DSL.Channel or a DSL.BondingGroup object.

When an ATM Link interface is used, a lower-layer DSL.Channel interface MUST be configured with ATM encapsulation (see DSL.Channel.{i}.LinkEncapsulationUsed).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
LinkType string W

Indicates the type of connection and refers to the complete stack of protocol used for this connection.

Enumeration of:

  • EoA ([RFC2684] bridged Ethernet over ATM)
  • IPoA ([RFC2684] routed IP over ATM)
  • PPPoA ([RFC2364] PPP over ATM)
  • CIP ([RFC2225] Classical IP over ATM)
  • Unconfigured
- 2.0
AutoConfig boolean R Indicates if the CPE is currently using some auto configuration mechanisms for this connection. If this variable is true, all writable variables in this connection instance become read-only. Any attempt to change one of these variables SHOULD fail and an error SHOULD be returned. - 2.0
DestinationAddress string(:256) W

Destination address of this link, in the form “VPI/VCI” (e.g. “8/23” or “0/35”).

Possible patterns:

  • \d+/\d+
- 2.0
Encapsulation string W

Identifies the connection encapsulation that will be used.

Enumeration of:

  • LLC
- 2.0
FCSPreserved boolean W This flag tells if a checksum SHOULD be added in the ATM payload. It does not refer to the checksum of one of the ATM cells or AALX packets. In case of LLC or VCMUX encapsulation, this ATM checksum is the FCS field described in [RFC2684]. It is only applicable in the upstream direction. - 2.0
VCSearchList string[](:256) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Ordered list of VPI/VCI pairs to search if a link using the DestinationAddress cannot be established. In the form “VPI1/VCI1, VPI2/VCI2, …”. Each list item matches one of:

  • \d+/\d+


0/35, 8/35, 1/35
- 2.0
AAL string R

Describes the ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL) currently in use on the PVC.

Enumeration of:

  • AAL1
  • AAL2
  • AAL3
  • AAL4
  • AAL5
- 2.0
Device.ATM.Link.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
Reset() command - Reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TransmittedBlocks unsignedInt R

The current count of successfully transmitted cells.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ReceivedBlocks unsignedInt R

The current count of successfully received cells.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
CRCErrors unsignedInt R

Count of the ATM layer cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors.

This refers to CRC errors at the ATM adaptation layer (AAL). The AAL in use is indicated by the AAL parameter. The value of the CRCErrors parameter MUST be 0 for AAL types that have no CRCs.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
HECErrors unsignedInt R

Count of the number of Header Error Check related errors at the ATM layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.ATM.Link.{i}.QoS. object R The ATM Link QoS object. - 2.0
QoSClass string W

Describes the ATM Quality Of Service (QoS) being used on the VC.

Enumeration of:

  • UBR
  • CBR
  • GFR
  • VBR-nrt
  • VBR-rt
  • UBR+
  • ABR
- 2.0
PeakCellRate unsignedInt W Specifies the upstream peak cell rate in cells per second. - 2.0
MaximumBurstSize unsignedInt W Specifies the upstream maximum burst size in cells. - 2.0
SustainableCellRate unsignedInt W Specifies the upstream sustainable cell rate, in cells per second. - 2.0
Device.ATM.Diagnostics. object R The ATM Diagnostics object. - 2.0
F5Loopback() command - [ASYNC] This command provides access to an ATM-layer F5 OAM loopback test. - 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ATM.Link. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.12
NumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt(1:) W [MANDATORY] Number of repetitions of the ping test to perform before reporting the results. - 2.12
Timeout unsignedInt(1:) W [MANDATORY] Timeout in milliseconds for the ping test. - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
SuccessCount unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the number of successful pings (those in which a successful response was received prior to the timeout) in the most recent ping test. - 2.12
FailureCount unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the number of failed pings in the most recent ping test. - 2.12
AverageResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the average response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
MinimumResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the minimum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
MaximumResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the maximum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
Device.DOCSIS. object R DOCSIS object. This object models the DOCSIS 3.x cable interface objects. - 2.15
CapabilitiesReq hexBinary(0,2:255) R

[docsIf3CmCapabilitiesReq/] [TLV8] This attribute contains the TLV encoding for TLV-5 sent in a REG-REQ. The first byte of this encoding is expected to be 0x05.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Modem Capabilities Encoding in the Common Radio Frequency Interface Encodings Annex.

- 2.15
CapabilitiesRsp hexBinary(0,2:255) R

[docsIf3CmCapabilitiesRsp/] [TLV8] This attribute contains the TLV encoding for TLV-5 received in a REG-RSP. The first byte of this encoding is expected to be 0x05.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Modem Capabilities Encoding in the Common Radio Frequency Interface Encodings Annex.

- 2.15
DownstreamNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Downstream table. - 2.15
UpstreamNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Upstream table. - 2.15
DownstreamChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DownstreamChannel table. - 2.15
UpstreamChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the UpstreamChannel table. - 2.15
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Downstream.{i}. object(0:) R

DOCSIS Downstream interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the PHY DOCSIS Downstream interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Downstream is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.15
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.15
MaxBitRate int(-1:) W

The maximum upstream and downstream PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of -1 indicates automatic selection of the maximum bit rate.

- 2.15
CurrentBitRate unsignedInt R

The current upstream and downstream PHY bit rate on this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of 0 indicates that the current bit rate is unknown.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DownstreamChannelList string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DownstreamChannel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Downstream Channels associated with this Downstream interface. - 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Downstream.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.15
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Upstream.{i}. object(0:) R

DOCSIS Upstream interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the PHY DOCSIS Upstream interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Upstream is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.15
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.15
MaxBitRate int(-1:) W

The maximum upstream and downstream PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of -1 indicates automatic selection of the maximum bit rate.

- 2.15
CurrentBitRate unsignedInt R

The current upstream and downstream PHY bit rate on this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of 0 indicates that the current bit rate is unknown.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UpstreamChannelList string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the UpstreamChannel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Upstream Channels associated with this Upstream interface. - 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Upstream.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.15
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.DownstreamChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

[docsIfDownstreamChannelTable/] This table describes the attributes of downstream channels (frequency bands).

See [Tables 6-16, and 6-17/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
ID unsignedInt(0:255) R [docsIfDownChannelId/] The Cable Modem Termination System identification of the downstream channel within this particular MAC interface. if the interface is down, the object returns the most current value. If the downstream channel ID is unknown, this object returns a value of 0. - 2.15
Frequency int(0:1000000000) R

[docsIfDownChannelFrequency/] The center of the downstream frequency associated with this channel. This object will return the current tuner frequency, measured in Hz.

See [Section 6.3.3/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Width int(0:16000000) R

[docsIfDownChannelWidth/] The bandwidth in Hz of this downstream channel. Most implementations are expected to support a channel width of 6 MHz (North America) and/or 8 MHz (Europe).

See [Table 6-17/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Modulation string R

[docsIfDownChannelModulation/] The modulation type associated with this downstream channel. If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (from the CMTS), the most current value (from the CM), or the value of Unknown. See the reference for specifics on the modulation profiles implied by QAM64 and QAM256.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Other
  • QAM64
  • QAM256

See [Table 6-17./CM-SP-RFIv2.0]

- 2.15
Interleave string R

[docsIfDownChannelInterleave/] The Forward Error Correction (FEC) interleaving used for this downstream channel.

The value Taps12increment17 is supported by EuroDOCSIS cable systems only, and the others by DOCSIS cable systems.

If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (from the CMTS), the most current value (from the CM), or the value of Unknown. The value of Other is returned if the interleave is known but not defined in the above list. See the reference for the FEC configuration described by the setting of this object.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Other
  • Taps8Increment16 (Protection 5.9/4.1 usec, latency .22/.15 msec)
  • Taps16Increment8 (Protection 12/8.2 usec, latency .48/.33 msec)
  • Taps32Increment4 (Protection 24/16 usec, latency .98/.68 msec)
  • Taps64Increment2 (Protection 47/33 usec, latency 2/1.4 msec)
  • Taps128Increment1 (Protection 95/66 usec, latency 4/2.8 msec)
  • Taps12increment17 (Protection 18/14 usec, latency 0.43/0.32 msec)

See [Table 6-15/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Power int R

[docsIfDownChannelPower/] [TenthdBmV] The received power level. If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (from the CMTS), the most current value (from the CM) or the value of 0. See the reference for recommended and required power levels.

See [Tables 6-16, 6-17/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Annex string R

[docsIfDownChannelAnnex/] The value of this object indicates the conformance of the implementation to important regional cable standards.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Other
  • AnnexA (Annex A from ITU-T J.83 is used (equivalent to EN 300 429))
  • AnnexB (Annex B from ITU-T J.83 is used)
  • AnnexC (Annex C from ITU-T J.83 is used)

See [Sections 6.3.1, and H.3.1/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.DownstreamChannel.{i}.SignalQuality. object R [docsIfSignalQualityTable/] Describes the PHY signal quality of downstream channels. - 2.15
SignalNoise int R

[docsIfSigQSignalNoise/] [TenthdB] Signal/Noise ratio as perceived for this channel. Describes the Signal/Noise of the downstream channel, measured in TenthdB.

See [Tables 4-1 and 4-2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Microreflections int(0:255) R

[docsIfSigQMicroreflections/] Microreflections, including in-channel response as perceived on this interface, measured in -dBc (i.e., dBc below the signal level). This object is not assumed to return an absolutely accurate value, but it gives a rough indication of microreflections received on this interface. It is up to the implementer to provide information as accurately as possible.

See [Tables 4-1 and 4-2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
EqualizationData hexBinary(0,36:260) R

[docsIfSigQEqualizationData/] [DocsEqualizerData] Returns the equalization data for the downstream channel.

  • An equalization value indicating an equalization average for the upstream channel. Those values have vendor-dependent interpretations.
  • Return a zero-length OCTET STRING to indicate that the value is unknown or if there is no equalization data available or defined.

See [Figure 6-23/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
ExtUnerroreds unsignedLong R

[docsIfSigQExtUnerroreds/] [StatsCounter64] Codewords received on this channel without error. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system.

See [Sections 6.2.4, and 6.3.6/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
ExtCorrecteds unsignedLong R

[docsIfSigQExtCorrecteds/] [StatsCounter64] Codewords received on this channel with correctable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system.

See [Sections 6.2.4, and 6.3.6/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
ExtUncorrectables unsignedLong R

[docsIfSigQExtUncorrectables/] [StatsCounter64] Codewords received on this channel with uncorrectable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at reinitialization of the managed system.

See [Sections 6.2.4, 6.3.6/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.DownstreamChannel.{i}.SignalQualityExt. object R [docsIf3SignalQualityExtTable/] Describes the received modulation error ratio of each downstream channel. - 2.15
RxMER int R

[docsIf3SignalQualityExtRxMER/] [TenthdB] RxMER provides an in-channel received Modulation Error Ratio (MER), measured in TenthdB. RxMER is defined as an estimate, provided by the demodulator, of the ratio: (average constellation energy with equally likely symbols) / (average squared magnitude of error vector)

RxMER is measured just prior to FEC (trellis/Reed-Solomon) decoding. RxMER includes the effects of the HFC channel as well as implementation effects of the modulator and demodulator. Error vector estimation may vary among demodulator implementations. In the case of S-CDMA mode, RxMER is measured on the de-spread signal.

- 2.15
RxMerSamples unsignedInt R [docsIf3SignalQualityExtRxMerSamples/] RxMerSamples is a statistically significant number of symbols processed to arrive at the RxMER value. - 2.15
FbeNormalizationCoefficient int R [docsIf3SignalQualityExtFbeNormalizationCoefficient/] The Downstream Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) is implemented as a Feedforward Equalizer (FFE) and a Feedback Equalizer (FBE). In order to evaluate the composite DFE response it is necessary to normalize the FBE coefficients to 1 and then evaluate the FFT(hffe)/FFT(1,hfbe), where the hfbe coefficients have been normalized to 1 using FbeNormalizationCoefficient. The complex data representing the hffe and hfbe coefficients is contained in the EqualizationData MIB. It is possible to implement the DFE such that the response is evaluated as FFT(hffe)/FFT(1,-hfbe). In this case the FbeNormalizationCoefficient will be reported as a negative number and the response will be evaluated as FFT(hffe)/FFT(1,hfbe). - 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.UpstreamChannel.{i}. object(0:) W

[docsIfUpstreamChannelTable/] This table describes the attributes of attached upstream channels.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
ID int(0:255) R [docsIfUpChannelId/] The CMTS identification of the upstream channel. - 2.15
Frequency int(0:1000000000) R

[docsIfUpChannelFrequency/] The center of the frequency band associated with this upstream interface. This object returns 0 if the frequency is undefined or unknown. Minimum permitted upstream frequency is 5,000,000 Hz for current technology.

See [Table 4-2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Width int(0:64000000) R

[docsIfUpChannelWidth/] The bandwidth in Hz of this upstream interface. This object returns 0 if the interface width is undefined or unknown. Minimum permitted interface width is currently 200,000 Hz.

See [Table 6-5/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
SlotSize unsignedInt R

[docsIfUpChannelSlotSize/] Applicable to TDMA and ATDMA channel types only. The number of 6.25 microsecond ticks in each upstream mini-slot. Returns zero if the value is undefined or unknown or in case of an SCDMA channel.

See [Section].

- 2.15
TxTimingOffset unsignedInt R

[docsIfUpChannelTxTimingOffset/] A measure of the current round trip time obtained from the ranging offset (initial ranging offset + ranging offset adjustments). Used for timing of CM upstream transmissions to ensure synchronized arrivals at the CMTS. Units are one 64th fraction of 6.25 microseconds.

See [Section 6.2.19/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
RangingBackoffStart int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffStart/] The initial random backoff window to use when retrying Ranging Requests. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Sections 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
RangingBackoffEnd int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffEnd/] The final random backoff window to use when retrying Ranging Requests. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Section 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
TxBackoffStart int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffStart/] The initial random backoff window to use when retrying transmissions. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Section 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
TxBackoffEnd int(0:16) R

[docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffEnd/] The final random backoff window to use when retrying transmissions. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used.

See [Section 8.3.4, and 9.4/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.UpstreamChannel.{i}.Status. object R [docsIf3CmStatusUsTable/] This object provides Upstream channel information previously available in the SNMP table docsIfCmStatusTable. - 2.15
TxPower int R [docsIf3CmStatusUsTxPower/] [TenthdBmV] This attribute represents the operational CM transmit power for this SC-QAM upstream channel, in TenthdBmV. In order for this attribute to provide consistent information under all circumstances, a 3.1 CM will report the average total power for the SC-QAM channel the same as was done for DOCSIS 3.0, regardless of whether it is operating with a 3.1 or a 3.0 CMTS. The value that is reported was referred to as Pr in the DOCSIS 3.0 PHY Spec. - 2.15
T3Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsT3Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T3 expired in the CM for this upstream channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
T4Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsT4Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T4 expired in the CM for this upstream channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
RangingAborteds unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsRangingAborteds/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the ranging process was aborted by the CMTS. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
ModulationType string R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsModulationType/] [DocsisUpstreamType] This attribute indicates modulation type status currently used by the CM for this upstream channel. Since this object specifically identifies PHY Layer mode, the shared upstream channel type “tdmaAndAtdma” is not permitted.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
EqData hexBinary(0,36:260) R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsEqData/] [DocsEqualizerData] This attribute indicates the pre-equalization data for the specified upstream Channel on this CM after convolution with data indicated in the RNG-RSP. This data is valid when docsIfUpChannelPreEqEnable RFC 4546 is set to true.

See [RFC2863] and [RFC4546].

- 2.15
T3Exceededs unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsT3Exceededs/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times for excessive T3 timeouts. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
IsMuted boolean R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsIsMuted/] This attribute denotes whether the upstream channel is muted.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Media Access Control specification.

- 2.15
RangingStatus string R

[docsIf3CmStatusUsRangingStatus/] [RangingState] This attribute denotes the ranging state of the CM.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Media Access Control specification.

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

DOCSIS Layer 2 (MAC) interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the MAC level DOCSIS interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.15
MACAddress string R The MAC Address of the interface. - 2.15
CMTSAddress string(:17) R

[docsIfCmCmtsAddress/] [MACAddress] Identifies the CMTS that is believed to control this MAC domain. This will be the source address from SYNC, MAP, and other MAC-layer messages. If the CMTS is unknown, returns 00-00-00-00-00-00.

See [Section 8.2.2/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

- 2.15
Capabilities string[] R

[docsIfCmCapabilities/] Comma-separated list of strings. Identifies the capabilities of the MAC implementation at this interface. Note that packet transmission is always supported. Therefore, there is no specific bit required to explicitly indicate this capability.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • ATMCells
  • Concatenation
- 2.15
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R A string identifying the version of the modem firmware currently installed for this interface. This is applicable only when the modem firmware is separable from the overall CPE software. - 2.15
DOCSISVersion string R

[docsIfDocsisBaseCapability/] Indication of the DOCSIS capability of the device.

See [Annex G/CM-SP-RFIv2.0].

Enumeration of:

  • DOCSIS10
  • DOCSIS11
  • DOCSIS20
  • DOCSIS30
  • DOCSIS31
- 2.15
MdCfgIpProvMode string R

[docsIf3CmMdCfgIpProvMode/] MdCfgIpProvMode specifies how the IP provisioning mode is configured. The CM relies upon the CMTS to facilitate the successful IP address acquisition independently of the MDD.

Enumeration of:

  • IPv4Only (The Cable Modem will initiate the acquisition of a single IPv4 address for the Cable Modem management stack)
  • IPv6Only (The Cable Modem will initiate the acquisition of a single IPv6 address for the Cable Modem management stack)
  • HonorMDD (The Cable Modem will initiate the acquisition of an IPv6 or IPv4 address as directed by the MDD message for provisioning and operation)

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], IP Initialization Parameters TLV Section.

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.15
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.Interface.{i}.ConnectivityStatus. object R

[docsIf3CmStatusTable/] This object defines attributes of the CM connectivity status. This object provides CM connectivity status information of the CM previously available in the SNMP table docsIfCmStatusTable.

See [RFC4546].

- 2.15
Value string R

[docsIf3CmStatusValue/] [CmRegState] This attribute denotes the current CM connectivity state. For the case of IP acquisition related states, this attribute reflects states for the current CM provisioning mode, not the Other DHCP process associated with dual stack operation.

See [CM-SP-MULPIv3.0], Establishing IP Connectivity.

- 2.15
StatusCode string(0,5:7) R

[docsIf3CmStatusCode/] This attribute denotes the status code for CM as defined in the OSSI Specification. The status code consists of a single character indicating error groups, followed by a two-or three-digit number indicating the status condition, followed by a decimal. An example of a returned value could be “T101.0”. The zero-length hex string indicates no status code yet registered.

See [CM-SP-OSSIv3.0], Format and Content for Event, Syslog, and SNMP Notification Annex.

- 2.15
Resets unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusResets/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM reset or initialized this interface. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
LostSyncs unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusLostSyncs/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM lost synchronization with the downstream channel. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
InvalidMaps unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidMaps/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid MAP messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
InvalidUcds unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidUcds/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid UCD messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
InvalidRangingRsps unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidRangingRsps/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid ranging response messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
InvalidRegRsps unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusInvalidRegRsps/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times the CM received invalid registration response messages. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
T1Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusT1Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T1 expired in the CM. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
T2Timeouts unsignedInt R

[docsIf3CmStatusT2Timeouts/] [StatsCounter32] This attribute denotes the number of times counter T2 expired in the CM. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the managed system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the CM MAC Domain interface.

See [RFC2863].

- 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.SpectrumAnalysis. object R - 2.15
Enable boolean W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdEnable/] This attribute is used to enable or disable the spectrum analyzer feature. Setting this attribute to true triggers the CM to initiate measurements for the spectrum analyzer feature based on the other configuration attributes for the feature. By default, the feature is disabled unless explicitly enabled.

Note that the feature may be disabled by the system under certain circumstances if the spectrum analyzer would affect critical services. In such a case, the attribute will return false when read, and will reject sets to true with an error. Once the feature is enabled, any change to this object’s configuration might not be effective until the feature is re-enabled again.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.15
InactivityTimeout int(0:86400) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdInactivityTimeout/] This attribute controls the length of time (in seconds) after the last spectrum analysis measurement before the feature is automatically disabled. If set to a value of 0, the feature will remain enabled until it is explicitly disabled.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 300.

- 2.15
FirstSegmentCenterFrequency unsignedInt W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdFirstSegmentCenterFrequency/] This attribute controls the center frequency (in Hz) of the first segment for the spectrum analysis measurement. The frequency bins for this segment lie symmetrically to the left and right of this center frequency.

If the number of bins in a segment is odd, the segment center frequency lies directly on the center bin.

If the number of bins in a segment is even, the segment center frequency lies halfway between two bins.

Changing the value of this attribute may result in changes to the Result table. Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 93000000.

- 2.15
LastSegmentCenterFrequency unsignedInt W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdLastSegmentCenterFrequency/] This attribute controls the center frequency (in Hz) of the last segment of the spectrum analysis measurement.

The frequency bins for this segment lie symmetrically to the left and right of this center frequency. If the number of bins in a segment is odd, the segment center frequency lies directly on the center bin. If the number of bins in a segment is even, the segment center frequency lies halfway between two bins.

The value of the LastSegmentCenterFrequency should be equal to the FirstSegmentCenterFrequency plus and integer number of segment spans as determined by the SegmentFrequencySpan.

Changing the value of this attribute may result in changes to the Result table.

Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 993000000.

- 2.15
SegmentFrequencySpan unsignedInt(1000000:900000000) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdSegmentFrequencySpan/] This attribute controls the frequency span (in Hz) of each segment (instance) of the Result.{i} table.

If set to a value of 0, then a default span will be chosen based on the hardware capabilities of the device. Segments are contiguous from the FirstSegmentCenterFrequency to the LastSegmentCenterFrequency and the center frequency for each successive segment is incremented by the SegmentFrequencySpan. The number of segments is (LastSegmentCenterFrequency - FirstSegmentCenterFrequency)/SegmentFrequencySpan + 1. A segment is equivalent to an instance in the Result table. The chosen SegmentFrequencySpan affects the number of entries in Result table. A more granular SegmentFrequencySpan may adversely affect the amount of time needed to query the table entries in addition to possibly increasing the acquisition time.

Changing the value of this attribute may result in changes to Result table.

Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 7500000.

- 2.15
NumBinsPerSegment unsignedInt(2:2048) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdNumBinsPerSegment/] This parameter controls the number of bins collected by the measurement performed for each segment (instance) in the Result table.

Note that if this parameter is set to an invalid value, the device may return an error, or may adjust the value of the parameter to the closest valid value.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 256.

- 2.15
EquivalentNoiseBandwidth unsignedInt(50:500) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdEquivalentNoiseBandwidth/] This parameter allows the user to request an equivalent noise bandwidth (measured in hundredthsbin) for the resolution bandwidth filter used in the spectrum analysis. This corresponds to the spectral width of the window function used when performing a discrete Fourier transform for the analysis.

The window function which corresponds to a value written to this parameter may be obtained by reading the value of WindowFunction.

If an unsupported value is requested, the device may return an error, or choose the closest valid value to the one which is requested. If the closest value is chosen, then a subsequent read of this parameter will return the actual value which is in use.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 150.

- 2.15
WindowFunction string W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdWindowFunction/] [SpectrumAnalysisWindowFunction] This parameter controls or indicates the windowing function which will be used when performing the discrete Fourier transform for the analysis. The WindowFunction and the Equivalent Noise Bandwidth are related. If a particular WindowFunction is selected, then the EquivalentNoiseBandwidth for the function which is in use, will be reported by the EquivalentNoiseBandwidth parameter. Alternatively if an EquivalentNoiseBandwidth value is chosen then if a WindowFunction function representing that EquivalentNoiseBandwidth is defined in the CM, that value will be reported in WindowFunction, or a value of Other will be reported. Use of “modern” windowing functions not yet defined will likely be reported as Other.

Enumeration of:

  • Other
  • Hann
  • BlackmanHarris
  • Rectangular
  • Hamming
  • FlatTop
  • Gaussian
  • Chebyshev

Note that all window functions may not be supported by all devices. If an attempt is made to set the object to an unsupported window function, or if writing of the WindowFunction is not supported, an error will be returned.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

- 2.15
NumberOfAverages unsignedInt(1:1000) W

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisCtrlCmdNumberOfAverages/] This parameter controls the number of averages that will be performed on spectral bins. The average will be computed using the ‘leaky integrator’ method, where: reported bin value = alpha*accumulated bin values + (1-alpha)*current bin value.

Alpha is one minus the reciprocal of the number of averages. For example, if N=25, then alpha = 0.96. A value of 1 indicates no averaging. Re-writing the number of averages will restart the averaging process. If there are no accumulated values, the accumulators are made equal to the first measured bin amplitudes.

If an attempt is made to set the parameter to an unsupported number of averages, an error will be returned.

See [CM-SP-CM-OSSIv3.1], Proactive Network Maintenance Information Model.

The factory default value MUST be 1.

- 2.15
ResultNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Result table. - 2.15
Device.DOCSIS.SpectrumAnalysis.Result.{i}. object(0:) R

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasTable/] This table provides a list of spectral analysis measurements as performed across a range of center frequencies. The table is capable of representing a full scan of the spectrum.

Each Result instance represents the spectral analysis around a single center frequency point in the spectrum.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Frequency.

- 2.15
Frequency int(-2147483648:2147483647) R [docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasFrequency/] The center frequency (in Hz) of the spectral analysis span which is represented by this instance. - 2.15
AmplitudeData hexBinary(0,2:4116) R

[docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasAmplitudeData/] [AmplitudeData] This parameter provides a list of the spectral amplitudes as measured at the center frequency specified by the Frequency.

The frequency bins are ordered from lowest to highest frequencies covering the frequency span. Information about the center frequency, frequency span, number of bins and resolution bandwidth are included to provide context to the measurement point.

- 2.15
TotalSegmentPower int R [docsIf3CmSpectrumAnalysisMeasTotalSegmentPower/] [TenthdB] This parameter provides the total RF power present in the segment with the center frequency equal to the Frequency and the span equal to the SegmentFrequencySpan. The value represents the sum of the spectrum power in all of the associated bins. The value is computed by summing power (not dB) values and converting the final sum to TenthdB. - 2.15
Device.PTM. object R Packet Transfer Mode ([Annex H/G.993.1]). This object contains the Link interface. - 2.0
LinkNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Link table. - 2.0
Device.PTM.Link.{i}. object(0:) W

PTM link-layer table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Models a layer 2 variable-sized packet interface. A PTM Link entry is typically stacked on top of either a FAST.Line, DSL.Channel, or a DSL.BondingGroup object.

When a PTM Link interface is used, a lower-layer DSL.Channel interface MUST be configured with PTM encapsulation (see DSL.Channel.{i}.LinkEncapsulationUsed).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the link.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the link (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the link as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the link entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC Address of the interface.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address, which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter.

- 2.0
Device.PTM.Link.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.Ethernet. object R Ethernet object. This object models several Ethernet interface objects, each representing a different stack layer, including: Interface, Link, and VLANTermination. Interface is media-specific and models a port, the PHY layer, and the Channel Access Method (CAM) part of the MAC layer. Link is media-independent and models the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. An “outer” VLANTermination, when present, is expected to be stacked on top of Link objects to receive and send frames with a configured VLANID. - 2.0
WoLSupported boolean R Indicates that WoL (Wake on LAN) over Ethernet is supported. - 2.13
FlowControlSupported boolean R Indicates that Flow Control over Ethernet is supported, as per [802.3-2015]. - 2.14
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.0
LinkNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Link table. - 2.0
VLANTerminationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VLANTermination table. - 2.0
LAGNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the LAG table. - 2.12
RMONStatsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the RMONStats table. - 2.4
Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

Ethernet interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models physical Ethernet ports, but in terms of the interface stack it only models the PHY and Connection Access Method of the Ethernet interface MAC. A Link is also required to model a full Ethernet device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
MaxBitRate int(-1:) W

The maximum upstream and downstream PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of -1 indicates automatic selection of the maximum bit rate.

- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The unique manufacturer-assigned Ethernet hardware address of the interface, also referred to as burned-in MAC address.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the MAC address used for higher-level protocols, which is modeled via the Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter. Its main purpose is the identification of a specific Ethernet interface; the information can also can be used to perform Wake on LAN.

- 2.0
SupportedLinkModes unsignedInt[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Reports the supported link modes. MUST be reported in a compliant way as defined in [IANAifMauTypeListBits/IANAMauMIB]. For example, IANAifMauTypeListBits defines the following link mode types:

  • 16 (100BASE-TX full duplex mode)
  • 26 (1000BASE-SX full duplex mode)
  • 30 (1000BASE-T full duplex mode)
  • 54 (10GBASE-T)
  • 103 (2.5GBASE-T)
  • 104 (5GBASE-T)
- 2.16
CurrentBitRate unsignedInt R

The current upstream and downstream PHY bit rate on this interface (expressed in Mbps).

A value of 0 indicates that the current bit rate is unknown.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
DuplexMode string W

The duplex mode requested for this connection.

Enumeration of:

  • Half
  • Full
  • Auto
- 2.0
CurrentDuplexMode string R

The duplex mode currently in use by this connection.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Half
  • Full
- 2.18
EEECapability boolean R Indicates whether this physical ethernet port supports Energy Efficient Ethernet as specified in [Section 78/802.3-2012_section6]. - 2.8
EEEEnable boolean W Whether Energy Efficient Ethernet [Section 78/802.3-2012_section6] support is currently enabled. When enabled, this ethernet port will be capable of entering or exiting Low Power Idle (LPI) mode. - 2.8
EEEStatus string R

Indicates the active state of Energy Efficient Ethernet [Section 78/802.3-2012_section6].

The Disabled value indicates that EEEEnable is disabled.

The Active value indicates that EEEEnable is enabled and that EEE support has been negotiated with the link partner. In this state EEE will be used.

The Inactive value indicates that EEEEnable is disabled, or that EEE support has not been negotiated with the link partner, either because the link parter is not EEE capable, or its support for EEE is disabled.

The Unsupported value indicates that this physical interface does not support EEE. In which case EEECapability will be false.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Unsupported
- 2.17
MDIX string W

Configure the Medium Dependent Interface crossover functionality on the interface.

Enumeration of:

  • Auto
  • On
  • Off

The factory default value MUST be Auto.

- 2.18
CurrentMDIX string R

The current Medium Dependent Interface crossover setting in use on the interface.

Enumeration of:

  • Unsupported
  • Unknown
  • On
  • Off
- 2.18
Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
Reset() command - Reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Collisions unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of collisions on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.18
Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}. object(0:) W

Ethernet link layer table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Table entries model the Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. It is expected that an Ethernet Link interface can be stacked above any lower-layer interface object capable of carrying Ethernet frames.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name, or with a given value for MACAddress. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, Name and MACAddress such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
MTU unsignedInt W Maximum Transmission Unit for this interface (expressed in bytes). - 2.18
MACAddress string(:17) W

[MACAddress] The MAC address used for packets sent via this interface. Provides the source MAC address for outgoing traffic and the destination MAC address for incoming traffic.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
PriorityTagging boolean W

Enables or disables priority tagging on this Ethernet Link.

When true, egress frames leaving this interface will be priority tagged with the frame’s associated priority value, which will either be derived directly from the ingress frame or else set via QoS.Classification.{i}.EthernetPriorityMark or QoS.Classification.{i}.InnerEthernetPriorityMark.

When false, egress frames leaving this interface will be untagged.

The parameter does not affect reception of ingress frames.

false 2.0
FlowControl boolean W Configures Flow Control on given Ethernet port. When set to true, it activates the exchange of pause-resume flow control frames. false 2.14
NoARP boolean W Disables or enables sending of ARP messages on the Ethernet link. If true, the kernel will not send ARP requests and won’t send ARP replies. false 2.18
Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
Reset() command - Reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PausePacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet pause frames sent on the link.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.18
PausePacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet pause frames received on the link.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.18
Device.Ethernet.VLANTermination.{i}. object(0:) W

VLAN Termination table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). A VLAN Termination entry is typically stacked on top of a Link object to receive and send frames with the configured VLANID.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
VLANID unsignedInt(1:4094) W The VLAN ID for this VLANTermination entry (as defined in [802.1Q-2011]). Only ingress frames with this VLAN ID will be passed to higher protocol layers; frames sent from higher protocol layers will be tagged with this VLAN ID. - 2.0
VLANPriority int(-1:7) W

The VLAN Priority for this VLANTermination entry, also known as 802.1p Priority, is a 3-bit field used to indicate the priority of network traffic within a VLAN.

A value of -1 indicates that the VLAN priority should not be changed for this VLANTermination.

- 2.18
TPID unsignedInt W

The Tag Protocol Identifier (TPID) assigned to this VLANTermination. The TPID is an EtherType value used to identify the frame as a tagged frame.

Standard [Table 9.1/802.1Q-2011] TPID values are:

*S-TAG 0x88A8 = 34984

*C-TAG 0x8100 = 33024

Non-Standard TPID values are:

*S-TAG 0x9100 = 37120

33024 2.7
Device.Ethernet.VLANTermination.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
Reset() command - Reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.Ethernet.LAG.{i}. object(0:) W

Ethernet Link Aggregation Group (LAG) table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Table entries model the Link Aggregation Sub-Layer as defined in [802.3-2015] and [802.1AX-2014]. It is expected that a LAG interface can only be stacked above Interface interfaces. The CPE can reject creation of additional LAG instances if this would exceed its capabilities.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name, or with a given value for MACAddress. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, Name and MACAddress such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.12
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

LowerLayers must reference to Device.Ethernet.Interface instances where Link Aggregation Group is configured by the CPE.

For example, “Device.Ethernet.Interface.1, Device.Ethernet.Interface.2”

<Empty> 2.12
MACAddress string(:17) W

[MACAddress] MAC address of the Link Aggregation Interface.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Device.Ethernet.LAG.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.12
Reset() command - Reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. - 2.12
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.12
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Device.Ethernet.RMONStats.{i}. object(0:) W

Ethernet statistics based on the [RFC2819] RMON-MIB etherStatsTable, with some extensions inspired by [Section 9.3.32/G.988].

Each instance is associated with an interface capable of transporting Ethernet-encapsulated packets, and contains a set of unidirectional Ethernet statistics.

The statistics are sampled either on ingress or on egress. This is determined as follows:

  • If the instance is associated with an egress queue (or queues) via the Queue parameter or by setting AllQueues to true then data is sampled on egress. In this case Bytes etc measure the data that has been sent on the interface, possibly filtered by Queue or VLANID.
  • Otherwise data is sampled on ingress. In this case Bytes etc measure the data that has been received on the interface, possibly filtered by VLANID.

When sampling on egress, the term received means received by the queuing sub-system.

Multiple instances can be associated with a single interface: individual instances can be configured to collect data associated with the entire interface, or with a particular VLAN and/or queue.

The CPE MUST reset each instances’s Stats parameters whenever the instance is disabled and re-enabled. Whether this reset occurs when the instance becomes operationally disabled (Status = Disabled) or administratively enabled (Enable = true) is a local matter to the CPE. This is similar to the behavior of interface statistics, e.g. as specified for Interface.{i}.Stats. Furthermore, this instance’s Stats parameters MUST be reset whenever the referenced interface’s Stats parameters are reset, or when the referenced queue or VLAN is disabled and re-enabled.

For enabled table entries, if Interface references an interface that is not capable of transporting Ethernet-encapsulated packets, or if Queue references a queue that is not instantiated on Interface, or if Queue is not a valid reference and AllQueues is false, the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The RMONStats table includes unique key parameters that are strong references. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated RMONStats row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending RMONStats row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for all of Interface, VLANID and Queue. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.4
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this instance. false 2.4
Status string R

The status of this instance. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.4
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.4
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the RMONStats entry as assigned by the CPE. - 2.4
Interface string W

The interface associated with this instance. The value MUST be the Path Name of an interface that is capable of transporting Ethernet-encapsulated packets.

The term “capable of transporting Ethernet-encapsulated packets” means “has an Ethernet header” and therefore refers to any interface that is at or below an Ethernet.Link instance in the interface stack.

<Empty> 2.4
VLANID unsignedInt(0:4094) W

Filter criterion.

The VLAN ID for which statistics are to be collected.

A zero value indicates that all packets, whether or not they have a VLAN header, will be considered.

A non-zero value indicates that only packets that have the the specified VLAN ID will be considered.

0 2.4
Queue string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the QoS.Queue. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Filter criterion.

The egress queue with which this instance is associated.

Only packets that are sent to the referenced queue will be considered.

<Empty> 2.4
AllQueues boolean W Indicates whether this instance applies to all queues. If true, the value of Queue is ignored since all egress queues are indicated. false 2.4
DropEvents unsignedInt R

The total number of events in which packets were dropped due to lack of resources. Note that this number is not necessarily the number of packets dropped; it is just the number of times this condition has been detected.

This parameter is based on etherStatsDropEvents from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes (including those in bad packets) received (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsOctets from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets, and multicast packets) received.

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
BroadcastPackets unsignedLong R

The total number of good packets received that were directed to the broadcast address. Note that this does not include multicast packets.

This parameter is based on etherStatsBroadcastPkts from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
MulticastPackets unsignedLong R

The total number of good packets received that were directed to a multicast address. Note that this number does not include packets directed to the broadcast address.

This parameter is based on etherStatsMulticastPkts from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
CRCErroredPackets unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS bytes) of between 64 and 1518 bytes, inclusive, but had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of bytes (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of bytes (Alignment Error).

This parameter is based on etherStatsCRCAlignErrors from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
UndersizePackets unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received that were less than 64 bytes long (excluding framing bits, but including FCS bytes) and were otherwise well formed.

This parameter is based on etherStatsUndersizePkts from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
OversizePackets unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received that were longer than 1518 bytes (excluding framing bits, but including FCS bytes) and were otherwise well formed.

This parameter is based on etherStatsOversizePkts from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets64Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were 64 bytes in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts64Octets from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets65to127Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 65 and 127 bytes in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts65to127Octets from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets128to255Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 128 and 255 bytes in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts6128to255Octets from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets256to511Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 256 and 511 bytes in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts256to511Octets from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets512to1023Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 512 and 1023 bytes in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Packets1024to1518Bytes unsignedLong R

The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 1024 and 1518 bytes in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS bytes).

This parameter is based on etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets from [RFC2819].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.4
Device.Ethernet.WoL. object R This object provides access to the WoL (Wake on LAN) functionality. - 2.13
SendMagicPacket() command - This command sends a magic packet over the CPE active Ethernet interfaces. - 2.13
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
MACAddress string(:17) W [MACAddress] MAC address target of the magic packet. - 2.13
Password string W The SecureOn password. The parameter value can be empty or, if present, can contain either 4 bytes or 6 bytes. - 2.13
Device.USB. object R Universal Serial Bus ([USB1.0], [USB2.0], [USB3.0]). This object contains the Interface, Port, and USBHosts objects. - 2.0
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.0
PortNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Port table. - 2.0
Device.USB.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

USB interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models master and slave USB physical interfaces that support carrying Ethernet frames, e.g. via the USB Communication Device Class.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC Address of the interface.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address, which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter.

- 2.0
MaxBitRate unsignedInt R The maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps). - 2.0
Port string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Port. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is the USB port associated with this interface object. - 2.0
Device.USB.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.USB.Port.{i}. object(0:) R

USB Port table. This table models master and slave USB physical ports on the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the port. - 2.0
Standard string(:4) R USB specification version supported by the Port. Example: “1.1” - 2.0
Type string R

Type of the USB connection.

Enumeration of:

  • Host
  • Hub
  • Device
- 2.0
Receptacle string R

Receptacle of the port.

Enumeration of:

  • Standard-A
  • Standard-B
  • Powered-B
  • Micro-AB
  • Micro-B
- 2.0
Rate string R

Current speed of the USB connection. Enumeration of:

  • Low (1.5 Mbits/sec (187.5 KB/sec) defined in [USB1.0])
  • Full (12 Mbits/sec (1.5 MB/sec) defined in [USB1.0])
  • High (480 Mbits/sec (60 MB/sec) defined in [USB2.0])
  • Super (5.0 Gbits/sec (625 MB/sec) defined in [USB3.0])
- 2.0
Power string R

Power configuration of the USB connection. Enumeration of:

  • Self
  • Bus
  • Unknown

Only applies when Type is Device. In other cases value is Unknown.

- 2.0
Device.USB.USBHosts. object R

This object models the CPE’s USB Host controllers.

See [Appendix XVII/TR-181i2] for Theory of Operation.

- 2.0
HostNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Host table. - 2.0
Device.USB.USBHosts.Host.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of CPE USB Host controllers.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.3
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the USB Host controller. - 2.0
Name string(:64) R User-readable host controller name. - 2.0
Type string R

Type of USB Host

Enumeration of:

  • OHCI (Open Host Controller Interface)
  • EHCI (Enhanced Host Controller Interface)
  • UHCI (Universal Host Controller Interface)
  • xHCI (Extensible Host Controller Interface)
- 2.0
Reset() command - Reset the Host Controller and apply the reset signaling (see [Chapter]) to all of the Host Controller Hub downstream ports. - 2.12
PowerManagementEnable boolean W

When set to true, PowerManagementEnable enables the Host Controller to invoke Power Management policy, i.e. controlled Suspend (see [USB2.0], Chapters 4.3.2,, and 11.9).

When set to false PowerManagementEnable immediately disables the Host controller Power Management policy.

- 2.0
USBVersion string(:4) R USB specification version with which the controller complies. Example: “1.1” - 2.0
DeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Device table. - 2.0
Device.USB.USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of connected USB devices.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for DeviceNumber.

- 2.0
DeviceNumber unsignedInt R Device number on USB bus. - 2.0
USBVersion string(:4) R USB specification version with which the device complies. Example: “1.1” - 2.0
DeviceClass hexBinary(:1) R

Class Code as assigned by USB-IF.

When 0x00, each device specifies its own class code. When 0xFF, the class code is vendor specified.

- 2.0
DeviceSubClass hexBinary(:1) R Subclass code (assigned by USB-IF). - 2.0
DeviceVersion unsignedInt(:65535) R Device release number. - 2.0
DeviceProtocol hexBinary(:1) R Protocol code (assigned by USB-IF). - 2.0
ProductID unsignedInt(:65535) R Product ID (assigned by manufacturer). - 2.0
VendorID unsignedInt(:65535) R Vendor ID (assigned by USB-IF). - 2.0
Manufacturer string(:64) R Device Manufacturer string descriptor. - 2.0
ProductClass string(:64) R Device Product Class string descriptor. - 2.0
SerialNumber string(:64) R Device SerialNumber string descriptor. - 2.0
Port unsignedInt(:255) R

Hub port on parent device.

0 when no parent.

- 2.0
USBPort string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Port. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is a reference to the USB host device to which this (external) USB device is connected. - 2.0
Rate string R

Speed of the USB device. Enumeration of:

  • Low (1.5 Mbits/sec (187.5 KB/sec) defined in [USB1.0])
  • Full (12 Mbits/sec (1.5 MB/sec) defined in [USB1.0])
  • High (480 Mbits/sec (60 MB/sec) defined in [USB2.0])
  • Super (5.0 Gbits/sec (625 MB/sec) defined in [USB3.0])

Internal signaling between the connected USB device and the USB Host Controller provide the information needed to determine the negotiated rate.

- 2.0
Parent string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Device. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is a reference to the parent USB device (e.g. hub device).

This is an empty string for a device connected to the Host controller (root hub).

- 2.0
MaxChildren unsignedInt R Number of ports. Only applies for hub device, equal to 0 for other devices. - 2.0
IsSuspended boolean R

When true the associated Device is in a suspended (i.e. low-power) state (see [Chapter 11.9/USB2.0]).

When false the associated Device is in any of the other states specified by the USB 2.0 Device State Machine (see [Chapter 9.1.1/USB2.0]).

- 2.0
IsSelfPowered boolean R

When true the associated device is at least partly powered by a local source (see [Chapter 9.4.5/USB2.0]).

When false the associated device draws all the current it needs from the USB bus.

- 2.0
ConfigurationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Configuration table. - 2.0
Device.USB.USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}.Configuration.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of device configurations.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ConfigurationNumber.

- 2.0
ConfigurationNumber unsignedInt R The identifier for each Device Configuration. - 2.0
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.0
Device.USB.USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}.Configuration.{i}.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of device interface descriptors.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for InterfaceNumber.

- 2.0
InterfaceNumber unsignedInt(:255) R Number of this interface (from USB interface descriptor). - 2.0
InterfaceClass hexBinary(:1) R

Class Code as assigned by USB-IF.

When 0x00, each interface specifies its own class code. When 0xFF, the class code is vendor specified.

- 2.0
InterfaceSubClass hexBinary(:1) R Subclass code (assigned by USB-IF). - 2.0
InterfaceProtocol hexBinary(:1) R Protocol code (assigned by USB-IF). - 2.0
Device.HPNA. object R HPNA object that contains the Interface and Diagnostics objects. The HPNA (also known as HomePNA) industry standard [G.9954] defines peer to peer communication for home networking over existing coax cables and telephone wiring within the home. - 2.0
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.0
Device.HPNA.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

HPNA interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Each table entry models the PHY and MAC levels of an HPNA interface [G.9954].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC Address of the interface.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address, which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter.

- 2.0
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R This interface’s firmware version. - 2.0
NodeID unsignedInt R The Node ID of this interface. - 2.0
IsMaster boolean R Whether this interface is the HPNA network master. - 2.0
Synced boolean R Whether this interface is synchronized with the HPNA network master. If this interface is the HPNA network master, Synced MUST be true. - 2.0
TotalSyncTime unsignedInt R

Total time in seconds (since device reset) that this interface has been up and synchronized to the HPNA network master.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MaxBitRate unsignedInt R The maximum HPNA PHY bit rate (expressed in Mbps) of this interface. - 2.0
NetworkUtilization unsignedInt(0:1000) R Current HPNA network utilization (expressed in 0.1%). - 2.0
PossibleConnectionTypes string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate the types of connections possible for this interface. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Phone
  • Coax
- 2.0
ConnectionType string[] W Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the PossibleConnectionTypes parameter. Comma-separated list of strings. Connection type(s) for which the HPNA protocol is active. - 2.0
PossibleSpectralModes string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate the spectral modes possible for this interface. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • A (4-20MHz - Phone / Coax)
  • B (12-28MHz - Phone / Coax)
  • C (36-52MHz - Coax only)
  • D (4-36MHz - Coax only)
- 2.0
SpectralMode string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the PossibleSpectralModes parameter. Spectral mode for which the HPNA protocol is active. - 2.0
MTU unsignedInt W Maximum Transmission Unit for this HPNA interface (expressed in bytes). - 2.0
NoiseMargin unsignedInt W The desired noise margin for which the local HPNA interface has been configured (expressed in 0.1dB). - 2.0
DefaultNonLARQPER unsignedInt W The desired packet error rate for which the local HPNA interface has been configured (expressed in 1E-8, e.g. PER of 1.27E-6 will be presented as 127). - 2.0
LARQEnable boolean W Enable or disable the Limited Automatic Repeat Request (LARQ) mechanism. - 2.0
MinMulticastRate unsignedInt W The minimum multicast (and broadcast) rate that can be negotiated on the HPNA network directly accessible via this interface (expressed in Mbps). - 2.0
NegMulticastRate unsignedInt R The negotiated multicast (and broadcast) rate on the HPNA network directly accessible via this interface (expressed in Mbps). - 2.0
MasterSelectionMode string W

Master selection mode. Enumeration of:

  • Automatic (Automatic master selection)
  • ForceEndpoint (Force local HPNA interface to be end point)
  • ForceMaster (Force local HPNA interface to be master)
- 2.0
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table. This is the number of HPNA nodes that are directly accessible via this interface. - 2.0
Device.HPNA.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.HPNA.Interface.{i}.QoS. object R QoS configuration object. - 2.0
FlowSpecNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FlowSpec table. - 2.0
Device.HPNA.Interface.{i}.QoS.FlowSpec.{i}. object(0:) W

Flow specification table.

The QoS.Classification table is used to classify ingress traffic, where QoS.Classification.{i}.TrafficClass is one of the classification result outputs. This TrafficClass value can be used to look up the appropriate FlowSpec entry (i.e. the FlowSpec entry whose TrafficClasses list contains a matching traffic class).

For enabled table entries, if TrafficClasses is an empty string then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the table entry. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
TrafficClasses unsignedInt[](:256) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of unsigned integers. This list identifies the set of traffic classes associated with this flow spec. <Empty> 2.0
FlowType string W

Flow type. Enumeration of:

  • CBR (Constant Bit Rate)
  • VBR (Variable Bit Rate)
  • VBR-NRT (Variable Bit Rate - Non Real Time)
  • BE (Best Effort)
BE 2.0
Priority unsignedInt(0:7) W

Flow queue network priority.

Priority 0 is the lowest priority.

0 2.0
Latency unsignedInt(0:999) W

Maximum latency of the flow (expressed in milliseconds).

Value 0 means no latency requirements.

0 2.0
Jitter unsignedInt(0:999) W

Maximum jitter of the flow (expressed in milliseconds).

Value 0 means no jitter requirements.

0 2.0
PacketSize unsignedInt(0:) W

Typical packet size.

Value 0 means undefined packet size.

0 2.0
MinRate unsignedInt W

Minimum required rate in Kbps.

Value 0 means no MinRate requirements.

0 2.0
AvgRate unsignedInt W

Average required rate in Kbps.

Value 0 means no AvgRate requirements.

0 2.0
MaxRate unsignedInt W

Maximum required rate in Kbps.

Value 0 means no MaxRate requirements.

0 2.0
PER unsignedInt W

The desired packet error rate (expressed in 1E-8, e.g. PER of 1.27E-6 will be presented as 127).

Value 0 means no PER requirements.

0 2.0
Timeout unsignedInt W

Flow inactivity tear down timeout (expressed in milliseconds).

Value 0 means unlimited timeout.

0 2.0
Device.HPNA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

This table provides information about other HPNA devices that are directly accessible via this HPNA interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The physical address of this node. - 2.0
NodeID unsignedInt R The Node ID of this node. - 2.0
IsMaster boolean R Whether this node is the HPNA network master. - 2.0
Synced boolean R Whether this node is synchronized with the HPNA network master. If this node is the HPNA network master, Synced MUST be true. - 2.0
TotalSyncTime unsignedInt R

Total time in seconds (since device reset) that this node has been up and synchronized to the HPNA network master.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MaxBitRate unsignedInt R This node’s maximum HPNA PHY bit rate (expressed in Mbps). - 2.0
PHYDiagnosticsEnable boolean W Enable / disable PHY throughput diagnostics mode on this node. All devices that are enabled will participate in the HPNA network PHY throughput diagnostics process. - 2.0
Active boolean R

Whether or not this node is currently present in the HPNA network.

The ability to list inactive nodes is OPTIONAL. If the CPE includes inactive nodes in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive node. The length of time an inactive node remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.0
Device.HPNA.Diagnostics. object R The HPNA Diagnostics object. - 2.0
PHYThroughput() command -

[ASYNC] HPNA PHY throughput diagnostics configuration and results.

When diagnostics are requested, all HPNA nodes for which the Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.PHYDiagnosticsEnable parameter is set enter PHY diagnostics mode.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the HPNA.Interface. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.12
NumPacketsInBurst unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] Number of test packet in burst to be send during PHY diagnostics test from each HPNA device to other HPNA device in the HPNA network. - 2.12
BurstInterval unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] Test packet burst interval length (expressed in milliseconds). - 2.12
TestPacketPayloadLength unsignedInt(0:1480) W [MANDATORY] Payload length in the test packets. - 2.12
PayloadEncoding unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] HPNA payload encoding in PHY diagnostics. 0 is used for negotiated payload between devices according to line conditions. - 2.12
PayloadDataGen unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] Test packets payload data generator value. - 2.12
PayloadType string W

[MANDATORY] Test packets payload type. Enumeration of:

  • Pattern
  • IncrementByte

In Pattern mode the PayloadDataGen value is repeated pattern in the payload.

In IncrementByte mode LSByte in PayloadDataGen is used as first payload and next bytes in payload are incremented.

- 2.12
PriorityLevel unsignedInt(0:7) W [MANDATORY] Priority level of PHY diagnostics packets (0 lowest -7 highest). - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
  • Error_FailToEnableCert
  • Error_CertCmdTimeout
  • Error_UnknownErr
  • Error_UnsupportedOpcode
  • Error_InvalidParam
  • Error_UnsupportedCmdSegment
  • Error_UnsupportedDataGen
  • Error_InvalidSequence
  • Error_InvalidFrame
  • Eror_InvalidOpcode

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
Result.{i}. object(0:) R

PHY throughput diagnostics results.

Each result object corresponds to unidirectional traffic between two PHY diagnostics-enabled nodes (so there are two such objects for each such pair).

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both SrcMACAddress and DestMACAddress.

- 2.12
SrcMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] HPNA source MAC address. - 2.12
DestMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] HPNA destination MAC address. - 2.12
PHYRate unsignedInt R PHY diagnostics HPNA PHY rate (expressed in Mbps). - 2.12
BaudRate unsignedInt R PHY Baud rate (expressed in Kbaud). - 2.12
SNR unsignedInt R PHY diagnostics SNR (expressed in 0.1dB). - 2.12
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R Number of received packets in PHY diagnostics mode. - 2.12
Attenuation unsignedInt R Measured attenuation (expressed in 0.1dB). - 2.12
PerformanceMonitoring() command -

[ASYNC] HPNA performance monitoring configuration and results.

Performance monitoring results are sampled from all nodes in the HPNA network. All packet related counters are sampled synchronized at all nodes in the HPNA network in order to derive packet loss calculations in the HPNA network.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the HPNA.Interface. table. This is the interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.12
SampleInterval unsignedInt W

[MANDATORY] Time in seconds between automatic collection of performance monitoring data. A value of zero disables automatic collection of data.

The CPE MAY impose a minimum sample interval, in which case an attempt to set a (non-zero) interval that is less than this minimum MUST set the interval to the minimum and MUST NOT be regarded as an error.

If SampleInterval is a simple fraction of a day, e.g. 900 (a quarter of an hour) or 3600 (an hour), the CPE MAY choose to align sample intervals with time of day, but is not required to do so.

- 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
  • Error_SampleIntervalTooSmall

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
Nodes. object R

Per-node HPNA performance monitoring results.

When automatic collection is enabled, i.e. SampleInterval is non-zero, the “current” interval is defined by the most recent automatic sample and the most recent subsequent manual sample, if any.

When automatic collection is disabled, i.e. SampleInterval is zero, the “current” interval is defined by the three most recent manual samples.

Note: Packets in statistics counters are Ethernet packets.

- 2.12
CurrentStart dateTime R

Start time for the current interval.

When automatic collection is enabled, i.e. SampleInterval is non-zero, the current interval started at the most recent automatic sample.

When automatic collection is disabled, i.e. SampleInterval is zero, the current interval started two manual samples ago.

- 2.12
CurrentEnd dateTime R

End time for the current interval.

When automatic collection is enabled, i.e. SampleInterval is non-zero, the current interval ended at the most recent manual sample since the most recent automatic sample. If there has been no such manual sample, the current interval is empty.

When automatic collection is disabled, i.e. SampleInterval is zero, the current interval ended at the most recent manual sample.

- 2.12
Nodes.Node.{i}. object(1:) R

Per-node HPNA performance monitoring results during the current sample interval. Each table entry contains the results collected between an HPNA node (as indicated by MACAddress) and the local HPNA interface (as indicated by Interface).

Note: Packet counters indicate the number of packets received between CurrentStart and CurrentEnd.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry. This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.12
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC address of the HPNA node. - 2.12
BytesSent unsignedLong R The total number of bytes sent by host equipment for transmission on the HPNA interface. - 2.12
BytesReceived unsignedLong R The total number of received bytes on the HPNA interface destined for the host equipment. - 2.12
PacketsSent unsignedLong R The total number of packets sent by host equipment for transmission on the HPNA interface. Number includes also short error packets and control packets. - 2.12
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R The total number of good packets received on the HPNA interface destined for the host equipment. - 2.12
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R The number of broadcast packets transmitted on the HPNA interface. - 2.12
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R The number of broadcast packets received on the HPNA interface. - 2.12
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R The number of multicast packets transmitted on the HPNA interface. - 2.12
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R The number of multicast packets received on the HPNA interface. - 2.12
PacketsCrcErrored unsignedInt R The number of packets received on the HPNA interface with CRC errors. - 2.12
PacketsCrcErroredHost unsignedInt R The number of CRC error packets received on the HPNA interface destined for the host equipment. - 2.12
PacketsShortErrored unsignedInt R The number of packets received on the HPNA interface that are too short to be valid. - 2.12
PacketsShortErroredHost unsignedInt R The number packets sent by the host equipment that are too short to be valid. - 2.12
RxPacketsDropped unsignedInt R The number of received packets dropped due to lack of resources. - 2.12
TxPacketsDropped unsignedInt R The number packets sent by the host equipment for transmission on the HPNA interface but dropped due to lack of resources. - 2.12
ControlRequestLocal unsignedInt R The number of HPNA control request packets from local host. - 2.12
ControlReplyLocal unsignedInt R The number of HPNA control reply packets to local host. - 2.12
ControlRequestRemote unsignedInt R The number of HPNA control request packets from remote host. - 2.12
ControlReplyRemote unsignedInt R The number of HPNA control reply packets to remote host. - 2.12
PacketsSentWire unsignedLong R The total number of packets transmitted to wire. - 2.12
BroadcastPacketsSentWire unsignedLong R The total number of broadcast packets transmitted to wire. - 2.12
MulticastPacketsSentWire unsignedLong R The total number of multicast packets transmitted to wire. - 2.12
PacketsInternalControl unsignedInt R The number of HPNA control request packets from internal node. - 2.12
BroadcastPacketsInternalControl unsignedInt R The number of HPNA broadcast control request packets from internal node. - 2.12
PacketsReceivedQueued unsignedInt R The number of received packets queued on host output queues. - 2.12
PacketsReceivedForwardUnknown unsignedInt R The number of packets received and forwarded to unknown hosts. - 2.12
NodeUtilization unsignedInt(0:1000) R The node utilization (expressed in 0.1%). - 2.12
Channels. object R

Per-channel HPNA performance monitoring results.

Note: channels are unidirectional.

- 2.12
TimeStamp dateTime R Time at which channel data was last collected. - 2.12
Channels.Channel.{i}. object(0:) R

Per-channel HPNA performance monitoring results.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both HostSrcMACAddress and HostDestMACAddress.

- 2.12
HostSrcMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The host source MAC address associated with the channel. - 2.12
HostDestMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The host destination MAC address associated with the channel. - 2.12
HPNASrcMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The HPNA source MAC address associated with the channel. - 2.12
HPNADestMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The HPNA destination MAC address associated with the channel. - 2.12
PHYRate unsignedInt R Channel PHY rate (expressed in Mbps). - 2.12
BaudRate unsignedInt R PHY Baud rate (expressed in Kbaud). - 2.12
SNR unsignedInt R Channel actual SNR measured in receiver side (expressed in 0.1dB). - 2.12
PacketsSent unsignedInt R Number of packets sent in the channel. - 2.12
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R Pre-LARQ number of packets received in the channel. - 2.12
LARQPacketsReceived unsignedInt R Post-LARQ number of packets received in the channel. Valid only if LARQ is enabled. - 2.12
FlowSpec string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the HPNA.Interface.{i}.QoS.FlowSpec. table. Identifies the FlowSpec associated with the channel. This parameter is only used for channels that correspond to egress traffic from the local HPNA interface.

An empty string means that the channel is not associated with any specified flow specification in the QoS object.

- 2.12
Device.MoCA. object R MoCA object that contains the Interface table [MoCAv1.0] [MoCAv1.1]. - 2.0
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.0
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

MoCA interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Each table entry models the PHY and MAC levels of a MoCA interface [MoCAv1.0] [MoCAv1.1].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
AccessControlNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AccessControl table. - 2.17
RlapmNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Rlapm table. - 2.17
SapmNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Sapm table. - 2.17
MeshNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Mesh table. - 2.17
BridgeNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Bridge table. - 2.17
MeshScModNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MeshScMod table. - 2.17
Enable boolean W

[mocaIfEnable/] Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 2.0
Status string R

[mocaIfStatus/] The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

[mocaIfName/] The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

[mocaIfStatus/] The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[mocaIfMacAddress/] [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the interface.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address, which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter.

- 2.0
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R

[mocaIfSoftwareVersion/] This interface’s firmware version.

This parameter is based on mocaIfSoftwareVersion from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
MaxBitRate unsignedInt R

The maximum MoCA PHY bit rate (expressed in Mbps).

This parameter MUST NOT be implemented for MoCA 2.0 because it doesn’t map to a MIB object.

- 2.0
MaxIngressBW unsignedInt R

[mocaIfMaxIngressNodeThroughput/] [MocaMacRate] The maximum bandwidth of this interface for flows onto the MoCA network.

This parameter is based on mocaIfMaxIngressNodeBw from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
MaxEgressBW unsignedInt R

[mocaIfMaxEgressNodeThroughput/] [MocaMacRate] The maximum bandwidth of this interface for flows from the MoCA network.

This parameter is based on mocaIfMaxEgressNodeBw from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
HighestVersion string(:64) R

Identifies the highest MoCA version that this interface supports.

This element MUST be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 1.0, where the components mean major.minor revision number. Possible patterns:

  • \d+(\.\d+)*

This parameter is based on mocaIfMocaVersion from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
CurrentVersion string(:64) R

[mocaIfNetworkVersion/] Identifies the MoCA version that the MoCA network is currently running.

This element MUST be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 1.0, where the components mean major.minor revision number. Possible patterns:

  • \d+(\.\d+)*

This parameter is based on mocaIfNetworkVersion from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
NetworkCoordinator unsignedInt(0:15) R

[mocaIfNC/] [MocaNodeID] The Node ID of the current Network Coordinator (NC) for the MoCA network.

This parameter is based on mocaIfNC from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
NodeID unsignedInt(0:15) R

[mocaIfNodeID/] [MocaNodeID] The Node ID of this interface.

This parameter is based on mocaIfNodeID from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
MaxNodes boolean R

The maximum network node capability supported by the interface. If MaxNodes is true then the interface supports 16 nodes (the maximum for a MoCA 1.1 network). If MaxNodes is false then the interface supports 8 nodes (the maximum for a MoCA 1.0 network).

This parameter MUST NOT be implemented for MoCA 2.0 because it doesn’t map to a MIB object.

- 2.0
NumNodes unsignedInt(0:16) R

[mocaIfNumNodes/] The numbers of 1’s in the GCD_BITMASK field reported in Type I Probe Reports. This value corresponds to the number of MoCA Nodes that this MoCA Node communicates to in the MoCA network.

This value may be smaller than the number of MoCA Nodes reported by the NC Node.

See [Section].

- 2.17
PreferredNC boolean W

[mocaIfPreferredNC/] Whether this interface is a preferred Network Coordinator (NC).

This parameter is based on mocaIfPreferredNC from [MOCA11-MIB].

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.0
BackupNC unsignedInt(0:15) R

[mocaIfBackupNC/] [MocaNodeID] The Node ID of the backup Network Coordinator node.

This parameter is based on mocaIfBackupNC from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
PrivacyEnabledSetting boolean W

[mocaIfPrivacyEnable/] The configured privacy mode. This indicates whether link-layer security is enabled (true) or disabled (false) for network admission.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.0
PrivacyEnabled boolean R
[mocaIfPrivacyEnable/] Indicates whether link-layer security is enabled or disabled.
This parameter is based on mocaIfPrivacyEnable from [MOCA11-MIB].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 because it and PrivacyEnabledSetting are associated with the same underlying MIB object and it is therefore unnecessary. If implemented, it MUST return the same value as PrivacyEnabledSetting.
- 2.0
AccessControlEnable boolean W

[mocaIfAccessEnable/] Enable MAC address access control on the MoCA interface if this value is true. Disable MAC address access control on the MoCA interface if this value is false.

Access control applies to subsequent MoCA Node admission.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
PhyThreshold unsignedInt(0:2048) W

[mocaIfPhyThreshold/] [MocaPhyRate] The minimum PHY rate.

If transmit PHY rate between all pairs of MoCA Nodes are greater than or equal to this value, and subsequently the transmit PHY rate of one pair of MoCA Nodes is less than this value, send BelowPhyThresholdTrap! if PhyThresholdTrapEnable is true.

If transmit PHY rate between one or more pairs of MoCA Nodes are less than this value, and subsequently the transmit PHY rate between all pairs of MoCA Nodes are greater than or equal to this value, send AbovePhyThresholdTrap! if PhyThresholdTrapEnable is true.

See [Section 3, Unusable Link definition/MoCAv2.0].

The factory default value MUST be 123.

- 2.17
PhyThresholdTrapEnable boolean W

[mocaIfPhyThresholdEnable/] If transmit PHY rate between all pairs of MoCA Nodes are greater than or equal to PhyThreshold, and subsequently the transmit PHY rate of one pair of MoCA Node is less than PhyThreshold, send BelowPhyThresholdTrap! if this value is true, do not send BelowPhyThresholdTrap! if this value is false.

If transmit PHY rate between one or more pairs of MoCA Nodes are less than PhyThreshold, and subsequently the transmit PHY rate between all pairs of MoCA Nodes are greater than or equal to PhyThreshold, send AbovePhyThresholdTrap! if this value is true, do not send AbovePhyThresholdTrap! if this value is false.

Only one MoCA Node in the MoCA network should set PhyThresholdTrapEnable to true.

Only one MoCA Node in the MoCA network should set PhyThresholdTrapEnable to true.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
StatusChangeEnable boolean W

[mocaIfStatusChangeEnable/] If StatusChangeEnable is true and Status changes, then the trap StatusChangeTrap! is sent.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
NumNodesChangeEnable boolean W

[mocaIfNumNodesChangeEnable/] If NumNodesChangeEnable is true and NumNodes changes, then the trap NumNodesChangeTrap! is sent.

Only one MoCA Node in the MoCA network should set NumNodesChangeEnable to true.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
TpcTargetRateNper unsignedInt(0:2048) W [mocaIfTpcTargetRateNper/] [MocaPhyRate] The Target PHY Rate of the receiving MoCA 2.0 Node in order to optimize the long-term PHY rate and transmit power level between the transmitting and receiving MoCA Nodes when TPC is enabled and PERMODE = NPER. - 2.17
Band string[] W [mocaIfBand/] [MocaBand] Configure the band or sub-band for the MoCA Node to operate in (BND Managed Parameter). See [Section 15/MoCAv2.0]. - 2.17
LastOperFreqUpdateEnable boolean W [mocaIfLofUpdateEnable/] Controls whether the LOF is updated when joining a network (LOF_UPDATE_EN Managed Parameter). See [Section 8.1.1, and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.0]. - 2.17
FreqCapabilityMask hexBinary(8) R

[mocaIfChannelSupport/] The frequencies that the interface supports. [MocaChannelMask] Represents one or more MoCA channel RF center frequencies using a hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask.

Bit 63 (the leftmost bit of the leftmost character) is the most significant bit (highest frequency), and bit 0 (the rightmost bit of the rightmost character) is the least significant bit (lowest frequency). Not all bits are valid MoCA channels.

Each bit represents 25 MHz of spectrum, but the mapping from bits to frequencies varies with the MoCA version:

  • MoCA 1.0 and MoCA 1.1: bits 63 through 32 are not used, bit 31 represents 1575 MHz and bit 0 represents 800 MHz
  • MoCA 2.0 and MoCA 2.5: bit 63 represents 1975 MHz and bit 0 represents 400 MHz

For example, a MoCA 1.0 or MoCA 1.1 interface would use 0x000000001FFFC000 to represent 1150 MHz through 1500 MHz.

Note that the MoCA version is indicated by the HighestVersion parameter.

- 2.0
FreqCurrentMaskSetting hexBinary(8) W

[mocaIfChannelMask/] The enabled frequencies that the interface supports for network admission.

[MocaChannelMask] Represents one or more MoCA channel RF center frequencies using a hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask.

Bit 63 (the leftmost bit of the leftmost character) is the most significant bit (highest frequency), and bit 0 (the rightmost bit of the rightmost character) is the least significant bit (lowest frequency). Not all bits are valid MoCA channels.

Each bit represents 25 MHz of spectrum, but the mapping from bits to frequencies varies with the MoCA version:

  • MoCA 1.0 and MoCA 1.1: bits 63 through 32 are not used, bit 31 represents 1575 MHz and bit 0 represents 800 MHz
  • MoCA 2.0 and MoCA 2.5: bit 63 represents 1975 MHz and bit 0 represents 400 MHz

For example, a MoCA 1.0 or MoCA 1.1 interface would use 0x000000001FFFC000 to represent 1150 MHz through 1500 MHz.

Note that the MoCA version is indicated by the HighestVersion parameter.

The configured frequencies might not match the current operational state (FreqCurrentMask), since this setting is only applied during network formation or admission.

- 2.0
FreqCurrentMask hexBinary(8) R

[mocaIfChannelSupport/] The frequencies that can be used. This is a subset of the FreqCapabilityMask frequencies.

[MocaChannelMask] Represents one or more MoCA channel RF center frequencies using a hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask.

Bit 63 (the leftmost bit of the leftmost character) is the most significant bit (highest frequency), and bit 0 (the rightmost bit of the rightmost character) is the least significant bit (lowest frequency). Not all bits are valid MoCA channels.

Each bit represents 25 MHz of spectrum, but the mapping from bits to frequencies varies with the MoCA version:

  • MoCA 1.0 and MoCA 1.1: bits 63 through 32 are not used, bit 31 represents 1575 MHz and bit 0 represents 800 MHz
  • MoCA 2.0 and MoCA 2.5: bit 63 represents 1975 MHz and bit 0 represents 400 MHz

For example, a MoCA 1.0 or MoCA 1.1 interface would use 0x000000001FFFC000 to represent 1150 MHz through 1500 MHz.

Note that the MoCA version is indicated by the HighestVersion parameter.

- 2.0
CurrentOperFreq unsignedInt R

[mocaIfRFChannel/] Current Operational Frequency. The RF frequency in Hz to which the MoCA interface is currently tuned. This parameter is only valid when Status is Up.

This parameter is based on mocaIfRFChannel from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
LastOperFreq unsignedInt W

[mocaIfLof/] Last Operational Frequency. The RF frequency in Hz to which the MoCA interface was tuned when last in the Up state.

This parameter is based on mocaIfLOF from [MOCA11-MIB].

(LOF Managed Parameter)

This parameter is writable only for MoCA 2.0.

- 2.0
TpcEnable boolean W

[mocaIfTpcEnable/] Enable automatic power control if this value is true. Use a fixed transmit power level if this value is false.

(TPC_EN Managed Parameter)

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 2.17
KeyPassphrase string(12:17) W

[mocaIfPassword/] MoCA Password. The value consists of numeric characters (0-9). Possible patterns:

  • \d+

This parameter is based on mocaIfPassword from [MOCA11-MIB].

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
PerMode unsignedInt W

[mocaIfPerMode/] Controls which transmission PER mode the MoCA Node uses for MPDUs not belonging to PQoS Flows, where a value of 0 indicates NPER and 1 indicates VLPER. By default PER mode is set to 1 in band E, while it is set to 0 for all other bands (PER_MODE Managed Parameter).

See [Section 8.2 and Table 17-2/MoCAv2.0].

- 2.17
TurboModeEnable boolean W

[mocaIfTurboModeEnable/] Controls whether the MoCA Node operates in point-to-point Turbo Mode or not.

When set to true the turbo mode is enabled; when set to false the turbo mode is disabled (TURBO_MODE_EN Managed Parameter).

See [Section 10 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.0].

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
PolicingEnable boolean W

[mocaIfPolicingEnable/] Controls whether policing of PQoS Flows is enabled or disabled. When false the policy is disabled, and when true the policy is enabled (POLICING_EN Managed Parameter).

See [Section 8.8 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.0].

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
TlpMin unsignedInt W

[mocaIfTlpMin/] The minimum time (in milliseconds) a MoCA Node is required to stay in the Listening Phase of the Network Search (TLP_MIN Managed Parameter).

See [Table 17-2/MoCAv2.0].

The factory default value MUST be 0.

- 2.17
TlpMax unsignedInt W

[mocaIfTlpMax/] The maximum time (in milliseconds) a MoCA Node is required to stay in the Listening Phase of the Network Search (TLP_MAX Managed Parameter).

Default value of TlpMax depends on the band configuration as follows:

  • 20 seconds for band E
  • 35 seconds for band F
  • 95 seconds for Band ExD
  • 10 seconds for Band D-Low
  • 55 seconds for Band D-High

See [Section 8.1/MoCAv2.0].

- 2.17
RlapmEnable boolean W

[mocaIfRlapmEnable/] Controls whether the RLAPM (Receive Level Added PHY Margin) function is enabled and the MoCA Node needs to apply it, or disabled and the MoCA Node needs to ignore it.

RLAPM function is enabled when set to true. RLAPM function is disabled when set to false.

The RLAPM function allows a Node to add a specific global PHY margin (RLAPM) to all the subcarriers’ bitloadings at each estimated aggregate receive power level. This RLAPM value is obtained from the RLAPM table Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Rlapm.{i}..

See [Section 7.15 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.0].

- 2.17
RlapmProfileSelect unsignedInt W

[mocaIfRlapmProfileSelect/] Controls which RLAPM (Receive Level Added PHY Margin) profile is Active.

See [Section 7.15.2 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.0].

- 2.17
SapmEnable boolean W

[mocaIfSapmEnable/] Controls whether the SAPM (Subcarrier Added PHY Margin) function is enabled and the MoCA Node needs to apply it, or disabled and the MoCA Node needs to ignore it.

SAPM function is enabled when set to true. SAPM function is disabled when set to false.

The SAPM function allows a Node to add a prespecified PHY margin to each subcarrier’s bitloading (SAPM value) whenever the aggregate received power levels (ARPLs) are below a pre-specified threshold. This SAPM value is obtained from the SAPM table Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Sapm.{i}..

See [Section 7.15 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.0].

- 2.17
SapmProfileSelect unsignedInt W

[mocaIfSapmProfileSelect/] Controls which SAPM (Subcarrier Added PHY Margin) profile is Active.

See [Section 7.15.1 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.0].

- 2.17
PowerStateRequest string W

[mocaIfPowerStateRequest/] [MocaPowerState] Carries a request to the MoCA Node to transition into a specified Power State (POWER_STATE_REQ Managed Parameter).

See [Section 12/MoCAv2.0].

The factory default value MUST be m0Active.

- 2.17
SeqNumMr unsignedInt(0:65535) W

[mocaIfSeqNumMr/] Sequence Number used by the MR Transaction (SEQ_NUM_MR Managed Parameter).

See [Section 7.15 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.0].

The factory default value MUST be 0.

- 2.17
PowerStateTrapEnable boolean W

[mocaIfPowerStateTrapEnable/] Used for power state message trap.

  • When set to true it allows the MoCA Node to report a trap on each Power State transition.
  • When set to false no trap report is generated when the MoCA Node Power State changes.

See [Section 12/MoCAv2.0].

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
LmoTrapEnable boolean W

[mocaIfLmoTrapEnable/] Used for LMO (Link Maintenance Operation) message trap.

  • When set to true it allows the MoCA Node to report a trap on transitioning to LMO.
  • When set to false no trap report the MoCA Node is not transitioning to LMO.

See [Section 12/MoCAv2.0].

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
PrimaryOffset int(-25:1:25) W [mocaIfPrimaryOffset/] The offset in MHz of the primary channel relative to the beacon channel (PRIMARY_OFFSET Managed Parameter). - 2.17
SecondaryOffset int(-125:1:125) W

[mocaIfSecondaryOffset/] The offset in MHz of the secondary channel relative to the beacon channel (SECONDARY_OFFSET Managed Parameter).

A value of 0 indicates that there is no secondary channel.

- 2.17
BeaconPowerDistributed int(-10:7,255) W

[moca25IfBeaconPowerDistributed/] The networkwide (see BeaconPowerMePie) value of Beacon transmit power in dBm sent by the NC (Network Coordinator) in Beacon Power PIEs (Power Information Elements).

A value of 255 indicates that no networkwide PIE is sent.

See [Section 7.1.5 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

- 2.17
BeaconPowerLocal int(-10:7) W [moca25IfBeaconPowerLocal/] The value of Beacon transmit power in dBm used by the Node when it transmits beacons. - 2.17
BeaconPowerMePie hexBinary(4) W

[moca25IfBeaconPowerMePie/] The Beacon Power PIE (Power Information Element) that the ME (Management Entity) wants the NC (Network Coordinator) to send to configure the Beacon Transmit Power of the different nodes. See [Section 7.1.5/MoCAv2.5].

This parameter specifies if the Beacon transmit power is intended to set the Beacon Power Local (individual type) or the Beacon Power Distributed (networkwide type) of the selected nodes.

It is encoded as specified in [Section 4.11/MOCA25-MIB].

- 2.17
BeaconPowerMePieSend boolean W

[moca25IfBeaconPowerMePieSend/] When this parameter is written, instructs the Node (in case of Network Coordinator) to send a set of Beacon Power PIEs (Power Information Element) with the Beacon Power PIE fields set as specified in BeaconPowerMePie.

See [Section 7.1.5/MoCAv2.5].

- 2.17
BeaconPowerNetConfig boolean W

[moca25IfBeaconPowerNetConfig/] Controls whether the Node is allowed to configure its Beacon power (both Beacon Power Distributed and Beacon Power Local) according to the Beacon Power PIE (Power Information Element) sent by the NC (Network Coordinator).

  • When set to true the Node is allowed to configure its Beacon power.
  • When set to false the Node is not allowed to configure its Beacon power.

See [Section 7.1.5 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

- 2.17
EnhancedPassword string(12:64,0) W

[moca25IfEnhancedPassword/] The MoCA Enhanced Password using an ASCII printable character.

This value must be 12 to 64 ASCII printable characters with decimal codes in the range 33 to 126 inclusive. Access is only allowed when used with SNMPv3 protocol, but not allowed when used with SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c protocol.

If this value changes, this node will drop from the network if PrivacyEnabledSetting is true. If this managed object is changed, it may not be possible to change this object again via the SNMP protocol. The mechanism to change this object again is out of the scope of this MIB definition draft.

See [Section 11.3.1/MoCAv2.5].

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

The factory default value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.17
FirstOffset int(-4:0) W

[moca25IfFirstOffset/] The offset of the First Channel’s center frequency below the center frequency of the Primary Channel. Valid values are -4 to 0.

See [Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

- 2.17
HandoffToLowerVersionEnable boolean W

[moca25IfHandoffToLowerVersionEnable/] Enable handoff to a MoCA 2 or MoCA 1 Node if this value is true. Disable handoff to a MoCA 2 or MoCA 1 Node if this value is false.

See [Section 8.11.1 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
MgntEntityNetIePayloadRespTimeout unsignedInt W

[moca25IfMgntEntityNetIePayloadRespTimeout/] The number of Discovery Request transmission opportunities a NN has to wait for a response to a Management Entity Response Network IE before continuing its network search.

See [Section and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

The factory default value MUST be 1000.

- 2.17
MgntEntityNetIePayloadTx hexBinary(2:62) W

[moca25IfMgntEntityNetIePayloadTx/] The payload of the Management Entity Request Network IE (when the Node is trying to join the network), or of the Management Entity Response Network IE (when the Node is the NC).

See [Section 8.3.3 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

struct moca25IfMgntEntityNetIePayload {
    short  vendorId;           // 2 octets (MoCA Vendor ID)
    char   information[60];    // 60 octets (Up to 60 bytes of vendor specific information)
- 2.17
MpsPrivacyDown boolean W

[moca25IfMpsPrivacyDown/] Controls whether the Node, during its MPS (MoCA Protected Setup) session, is allowed to accept privacy setting of Privacy Disabled from another Node when its own setting is Privacy Enabled. This parameter is valid only when MpsPrivacyReceive is set to true.

See [Section 8.3.1 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
MpsPrivacyReceive boolean W

[moca25IfMpsPrivacyReceive/] Controls whether the Node, during its MPS (MoCA Protected Setup) session, is allowed to accept privacy settings (Privacy Enabled / Disabled and Network Password and/or Enhanced Network Password) from another Node.

See [Section 8.3.1 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 2.17
MpsReset boolean W

[moca25IfMpsReset/] Resets the MPS (MoCA Protected Setup) state of the Node MpsState to un-Paired and reinitializes MPS local variables and relevant parameters when this parameter is written.

See [Section 8.3.1 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

- 2.17
MpsTriggered boolean W

[moca25IfMpsTriggered/] Signals the Node in Power State M0 (Active) or M1 (Low Power Idle) that MPS (MoCA Protected Setup) was triggered when this parameter is written.

See [Section 8.3.1 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

- 2.17
MpsUnpairedTime unsignedInt W

[moca25IfMpsUnpairedTime/] The minimum time in seconds the Node is required to stay in the un-Paired state after it starts network search if the Node creates or joins a network without using MPS (MoCA Protected Setup).

See [Section 8.3.1 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

The factory default value MUST be 300.

- 2.17
MpsWalkTime unsignedInt(12:1200) W

[moca25IfMpsWalkTime/] The allowed time interval in seconds to trigger MPS (MoCA Protected Setup) on two Nodes.

See [Section 8.3.1 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

The factory default value MUST be 120.

- 2.17
NetworkJoin boolean W

[moca25IfNetworkJoin/] Instructs the NN to join the latest network from which the NN forwarded a Management Entity Response Network IE: Yes if this value is true and No if this value is false.

See [Section 8.3.3 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

- 2.17
NetworkNameAdmissionRule string W

[moca25IfNetworkNameAdmissionRule/] Controls which Admission rule to follow.

See [Section 8.3.3 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

Enumeration of:

  • none (Join no network)
  • all (Join any network)
  • name (Join only the network with a network name that matches NetworkNameNcNn)
  • osp (Wait for management entity instructions after exchanging OSP messages)

The factory default value MUST be none.

- 2.17
NetworkNameNcNn string W

[moca25IfNetworkNameNcNn/] The Network Name the Node is to use for any MoCA network it creates.

When NetworkNameAdmissionRule is set to name, this object also indicates to the Node the name of the network to join.

See [Section 8.3.3 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

- 2.17
NumChannels unsignedInt(1:5) W

[moca25IfNumChannels/] The maximum number of 100MHz channels the Node uses when the Node forms the network.

See [Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

The factory default value MUST be 5.

- 2.17
Per25Mode unsignedInt W

[moca25IfPer25Mode/] Controls which PER mode the receiver Node uses for calculating the bitloading of MoCA 2.5 Unicast profiles, where a value of 0 indicates NPER and 1 indicates VLPER.

See [Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

The factory default value MUST be 0.

- 2.17
PrivacySupported string[] W

[moca25IfPrivacySupported/] [MocaPrivacy] Comma-separated list of Moca Privacys. Controls whether MoCA 2 Enhanced Privacy, MoCA 2.0 privacy, and MoCA 1 privacy are supported when privacy is enabled.

See [Section 11 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

The factory default value MUST be [moca1Privacy,moca20Privacy,moca2EnhancedPrivacy].

- 2.17
TrafficPermissionEthertype hexBinary(2) W

[moca25IfTrafficPermissionEthertype/] The EtherType value of MSDUs that are allowed to transmit/receive to/from a Non-Secured Admitted Node.

See [Section 11.7 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

The factory default value MUST be 888E.

- 2.17
TrafficPermissionLink hexBinary W

[moca25IfTrafficPermissionLink/] Up to 15 pairs of {Node ID, SOURCE_NODE_BITMASK} where SOURCE_NODE_BITMASK is the value for SOURCE_NODE_BITMASK for the Node with the given Node ID in an Authorized Link PIE that the ME of the Authorization Server wants to distribute if the Node is the Authorization Server; otherwise, the value of SOURCE_NODE_BITMASK in the last received Authorized Link PIE.

See [Section 11.7 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

struct moca25IfTrafficPermissionLink {
    long   nodeIdVector;       // 8 octets; Bit value in the ith bit position indicates NodeID=(i) (LSB=bit0)
    int    numNodes;           // 4 octets (Number of Node IDs indicated in the NodeIdVector)
    struct {
        short  SrcNodeBitmask; // 2 octets (SOURCE_NODE_BITMASK in the latest Authorized Link PIE)
- 2.17
ConnectedNodesChangeTrapEn boolean W

[moca25IfConnectedNodesChangeTrapEn/] Used to enable ConnectedNodesChangeTrap!.

  • When set to true it allows the MoCA Node to report a trap on the change of NumNodes.
  • When set to false no trap report is generated when NumNodes changes.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
MgntEntityNetwIePayloadRecTrapEn boolean W

[moca25IfMgntEntityNetwIePayloadRecTrapEn/] Used to enable MgntEntityNetwIePayloadRecTrap!.

  • When set to true it allows the MoCA Node to report a trap on reception of a Management Entity Request/Response Network IE.
  • When set to false no trap report is generated when a Management Entity Request/Response Network IE is received.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
MpsTrapEn boolean W

[moca25IfMpsTrapEn/] Used to enable the MPS-related traps: MpsInitScanRecTrap!, MpsPairFailTrap!, and MpsPrivacyChangedTrap!.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
NcPrivSupportedRecTrapEn boolean W

[moca25IfNcPrivSupportedRecTrapEn/] Used to enable NcPrivacySupportedRecTrap!.

  • When set to true it allows the MoCA Node to report a trap on reception of a new NC_PRIVACY_SUPPORTED value.
  • When set to false no trap report is generated when a new NC_PRIVACY_SUPPORTED value is received.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
NetworkNameRecTrapEn boolean W

[moca25IfNetworkNameRecTrapEn/] Used to enable NetworkNameRecTrap!.

  • When set to true it allows the MoCA Node to report a trap on reception of a Network Name.
  • When set to false no trap report is generated when a Network Name is received.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
NodeDropTrapEn boolean W

[moca25IfNodeDropTrapEn/] Used to enable NodeDropAdmFailureTrap!, NodeDropNcTrap!, NodeDropMpsTriggeredTrap!, and NodeDropNcChgTrap!.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.17
TxPowerLimit unsignedInt W

[mocaIfTxPowerLimit/] [MocaDB] The value in dB by which to reduce the transmit power of the node from its maximum transmit power. The transmit power SHALL only be changed when Status is not Up, which means the interface is not part of a MoCA network. If changed, the parameter may not take effect until the MoCA interface is restarted.

This parameter is based on mocaIfTxPowerLimit from [MOCA11-MIB].

The factory default value MUST be 0.

- 2.0
PowerCntlPhyTarget unsignedInt(0:2048) W

[mocaIfPowerControlTargetRate/] [MocaPhyRate] Target PHY rate in Mbps for the power control algorithm.

The MoCA interface SHOULD have Enable set to false for any change in this configuration. If the parameter is modified when Enable is true then this change might take several minutes to complete.

This parameter is based on mocaIfPowerControlTargetRate from [MOCA11-MIB].

The factory default value MUST be 630.

- 2.0
BeaconPowerLimit unsignedInt W
[mocaIfBeaconPowerBackoff/] [MocaDB] The value in dB by which to reduce the setting of the transmit power of the Beacon from the maximum transmit power (BEACON_PWR_BACKOFF Managed Parameter). The beacon transmit power SHALL only be changed when Status is not Up, which means the interface is not part of a MoCA network. If changed, the parameter may not take effect until the MoCA interface is restarted.
This parameter is based on mocaIfBeaconPowerLimit from [MOCA11-MIB].
Note that this parameter maps to different MIB objects for MoCA 1.0/1.1 and MoCA 2.0.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 for MoCA 2.5.
The factory default value MUST be 0.
- 2.0
NetworkTabooMask hexBinary(8) R

[mocaIfTabooChannelMask/] The MoCA taboo channels identified for the home network.

[MocaChannelMask] Represents one or more MoCA channel RF center frequencies using a hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask.

Bit 63 (the leftmost bit of the leftmost character) is the most significant bit (highest frequency), and bit 0 (the rightmost bit of the rightmost character) is the least significant bit (lowest frequency). Not all bits are valid MoCA channels.

Each bit represents 25 MHz of spectrum, but the mapping from bits to frequencies varies with the MoCA version:

  • MoCA 1.0 and MoCA 1.1: bits 63 through 32 are not used, bit 31 represents 1575 MHz and bit 0 represents 800 MHz
  • MoCA 2.0 and MoCA 2.5: bit 63 represents 1975 MHz and bit 0 represents 400 MHz

For example, a MoCA 1.0 or MoCA 1.1 interface would use 0x000000001FFFC000 to represent 1150 MHz through 1500 MHz.

Note that the MoCA version is indicated by the HighestVersion parameter.

- 2.0
NodeTabooMask hexBinary(8) R

[mocaIfNodeTabooChannelMask/] The MoCA taboo channels identified for this device.

[MocaChannelMask] Represents one or more MoCA channel RF center frequencies using a hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask.

Bit 63 (the leftmost bit of the leftmost character) is the most significant bit (highest frequency), and bit 0 (the rightmost bit of the rightmost character) is the least significant bit (lowest frequency). Not all bits are valid MoCA channels.

Each bit represents 25 MHz of spectrum, but the mapping from bits to frequencies varies with the MoCA version:

  • MoCA 1.0 and MoCA 1.1: bits 63 through 32 are not used, bit 31 represents 1575 MHz and bit 0 represents 800 MHz
  • MoCA 2.0 and MoCA 2.5: bit 63 represents 1975 MHz and bit 0 represents 400 MHz

For example, a MoCA 1.0 or MoCA 1.1 interface would use 0x000000001FFFC000 to represent 1150 MHz through 1500 MHz.

Note that the MoCA version is indicated by the HighestVersion parameter.

- 2.0
SupportedBands string[] R [mocaIfSupportedBands/] [MocaBand] Lists all the supported bands and sub-bands by this device. - 2.17
TxBcastRate unsignedInt(0:2048) R

[mocaIfTxGcdRate/] [MocaPhyRate] The broadcast PHY transmit rate for this interface.

This parameter is based on mocaIfTxGcdRate from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
TxBcastPowerReduction unsignedInt R

[mocaIfTxGcdPowerReduction/] [MocaDB] Transmit Power attenuation relative to the maximum transmit power for broadcast transmissions.

This parameter is based on mocaIfTxGcdPowerReduction from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
QAM256Capable boolean R

Whether this interface supports the 256 QAM feature.

This parameter is based on mocaIfQAM256Capable from [MOCA11-MIB].

This parameter MUST NOT be implemented for MoCA 2.0 because it doesn’t map to a MIB object.

- 2.0
PacketAggregationCapability unsignedInt R

[mocaIfPduNumber/] The packet aggregation capability supported by the interface. Standard values are 0 (no support), 6 (6 packets) or 10 (10 packets).

This parameter is based on mocaIfPacketsAggrCapability from [MOCA11-MIB].

Note that this parameter maps to different MIB objects for MoCA 1.0/1.1 and MoCA 2.0. [XXX1: Need to modify the syntax to ‘unsignedInt’ because MoCA 2.0 requires a minimum of 20 packets and MoCA 2.5 requires a minimum of 80 packets.]

- 2.0
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table. - 2.0
PasswordHash hexBinary(2) R [mocaIfPasswordHash/] The 16 LSBs of a SHA1 performed on a 0-extended password (KeyPassphrase) concatenated with the SALT string “MocaPasswordHash”. This parameter allows to remotely validate the MoCA password configuration without exposing its value. This value must be 4 hexadecimal digits long. - 2.17
AggregationSize unsignedInt R [mocaIfAggregationSize/] The maximum number of bytes in one aggregate which can be received by the MoCA Node. - 2.17
AeNumber unsignedInt R [mocaIfAeNumber/] Maximum number of allocation elements, excluding the TAUs and the Dummy DAUs, in one MAP the MoCA Node can process. - 2.17
SupportedIngressPqosFlows unsignedInt R [mocaIfSupportedIngressPqosFlows/] Maximum number of Ingress PQoS Flows supported by the MoCA Node. - 2.17
SupportedEgressPqosFlows unsignedInt R [mocaIfSupportedEgressPqosFlows/] Maximum number of Egress PQoS Flows supported by the MoCA Node. - 2.17
PowerStateCap string R [mocaIfPowerStateCap/] [MocaPowerState] The Power State capabilities of the MoCA Node (e.g., which Power States it can transition to) (POWER_STATE_CAP Managed Parameter). This value can change over time (e.g. when a MoCA 1 Node joins the network). - 2.17
AvbSupport boolean R [mocaIfAvbSupport/] The support of the MoCA Node for the IEEE 802.1 Audio Video Bridge specification. AVB is supported if this value is true. AVB is not supported if this value is false. - 2.17
ResetCount unsignedInt R [mocaIfResetCount/] [StatsCounter32] Count of MoCA resets since the interface was enabled for this MoCA Node. - 2.17
LinkDownCount unsignedInt R [mocaIfLinkDownCount/] [StatsCounter32] The number of times that this MoCA Node has lost link with the MoCA network since the interface was enabled. - 2.17
LmoNodeID unsignedInt(0:15) R [mocaIfLmoNodeID/] [MocaNodeID] The ID of the MoCA Node currently undergoing LMO (Link Maintenance Operation), i.e. the LMO node. - 2.17
NetworkState string R

[mocaIfNetworkState/] The current Link control state in the MoCA network for the MoCA Node. This network state is a MAC parameter determined by the NC (Network Coordinator) and broadcasted in the MAP to the rest of nodes.

beginNodeAdmissionState, newNodeTypeOneProbeTxState, newNodeTypeOneProbeRxState, newGcdDistributionState, beginPhyProfileState, steadyState refer to the Node Admission (see [Section 8.3/MoCAv2.5]). The admission process of a new MoCA node depends on the operation mode of the MoCA Network that it is going to join (MoCA 1 mode, MoCA 2.0 mode or Mixed Mode). The Node Admission process is completed when the NC (Network Controller) changes the network state to Steady State (steadyState) at the end of the Node Admission process.

typeThreeProbeState, lmoTypeOneProbeState, lmoNodeGcdDistributionState, beginLmoPhyProfileState, lmoGcdTypeOneProbeLinkState, steadyState refer to the Regular Link Maintenance Operation (see [Section 8.9.1/MoCAv2.5]).

alternateChannelQuietLineState, alternateChannelEvmProbeState, unsolicitedProbeReportState, beginUnsolicitedPhyProfileState, rxDeterminedProbeState, steadyState refer to the On-Demand Link Maintenance Operation (see [Section 8.9.2/MoCAv2.5]).

calibrationState refer to the Network Operation after a NC handoff or failover (see [Section 8.14/MoCAv2.5]).

Enumeration of:

  • beginNodeAdmissionState (“Begin Node Admission State” starts after completing the pre-admission discovery message exchange with the NC, then the joining node sends an admission request frame to the NC. During this state, the EVM (Error Vector Magnitude) probes and link acknowledgments are exchanged between the new node, the NC and the existing nodes in the network. Refer to [Section 8.3.4/MoCAv2.5] for details)
  • newNodeTypeOneProbeTxState (The NC advances the network state to “New Node Type I Probe Tx State” after receiving next link state indication from all the nodes. During this state, the Beacon Channel (in the presence of MoCA 1 nodes) from the MoCA 2 new nodes to all other existing nodes (including the NC) is characterized and the modulation used on this channel is optimized. The Primary Channel, MoCA 2.x bonded channels from the MoCA 2 new nodes to all other MoCA 2 Nodes (including NC) are characterized and the modulation on these channels is optimized. Refer to [Section 8.3.5/MoCAv2.5] for details)
  • newNodeTypeOneProbeRxState (The NC advances the network state to “New Node Type I Probe Rx State” after relaying Type I Probe Reports of all nodes, and after it has received next state indication from each node. Refer to [Section 8.3.6/MoCAv2.5] for details)
  • newGcdDistributionState (The NC advances the network state to “New Node GCD Distribution State” once it has received the next state indication from each node to “New Node GCD Distribution State”. In this state, the GCD (Greater Common Denominator) Distribution Reports are distributed. Refer to [Section 8.3.7/MoCAv2.5] for details)
  • beginPhyProfileState (The NC advances the network state to “Begin PHY Profile State” when all nodes indicate “Begin PHY Profile State” in their RR (Reservation Request). Upon reception of this state, the node (new or existing) activates the new computed PHY profiles. Refer to [Section 8.3.8/MoCAv2.5] for details)
  • steadyState (The node advances to “Steady State” after waiting for T15 or T16 (NC) in beginPhyProfileState. Refer to [Section 8.3.9/MoCAv2.5] for details. The node advances to “Steady State” after waiting for T15 in beginUnsolicitedPhyProfileState or, in case of NC, after receiving “Steady State” indication from each node. Refer to [Section]. The node advances to “Steady State” after waiting for T15 or T16 (NC) in beginLmoPhyProfileState. Refer to [Section] for details)
  • typeThreeProbeState (During this first state of the Regular LMO, Type III Probes are exchanged between the LMO node and the rest of nodes. Refer to [Section] for details)
  • lmoTypeOneProbeState (After the exchange of the EVM Reports during the state typeThreeProbeState, Type I Probes are exchanged between the LMO node and and all other 1.x nodes. This state finalizes after the LMO node receives the Composite OFDMA Probes from the MoCA 2 Nodes. Refer to [Section] for details)
  • lmoNodeGcdDistributionState (After state lmoGcdTypeOneProbeLinkState, the LMO node distributes the new GCD Report to all nodes. Refer to [Section] for details)
  • beginLmoPhyProfileState (The NC advances the network state to “Begin LMO PHY Profile State”. When a node receives the “Begin LMO PHY Profile” Link Control state notification, it can start using the newly computed PHY profiles. Refer to [Section] for details)
  • lmoGcdTypeOneProbeLinkState (The NC advances the network state to “GCD Type I Probe Link State”. In this state, the LMO node broadcasts GCD Type I Probes to all nodes. For details, refer to [Section])
  • alternateChannelQuietLineState (The node moves into the “Alternate Channel Quite Line State” to measure quiet line noise and interference levels in the alternate MoCA channel. Refer to [Section] for details)
  • alternateChannelEvmProbeState (The node moves into the “Alternate Channel EVM Probe State” to measure EVM Probe signal level in the alternate MoCA channel. Refer to [Section] for details)
  • unsolicitedProbeReportState (The NC sets the network state to “Unsolicited Probe Report State” after a node request to move to this state in order to update a PHY Profile. Refer to [Section] for details)
  • beginUnsolicitedPhyProfileState (After state unsolicitedProbeReportState, a node can begin using the new PHY profiles once the NC sets the network state to “Begin Unsolicited PHY Profile”.[Section])
  • rxDeterminedProbeState (In order to use Receiver-Determined probes, the receiver must move from steadyState to “Rx Determined Probe State”. Refer to [Section] for details)
  • calibrationState (During network operations after switching to a new NC, the NC node sets the network state to “Calibration State”. During this state, any node can request time to perform calibration by sending probes. Refer to [Section 8.14.1/MoCAv2.5] and [Section 8.14.2/MoCAv2.5])
- 2.17
PrimaryChannelOffset int R [mocaIfPrimaryChannelOffset/] The offset in MHz of the primary channel relative to the beacon channel. The allowed values are -25, 0, and +25. - 2.17
SecondaryChannelOffset int R [mocaIfSecondaryChannelOffset/] The offset in MHz of the secondary channel relative to the beacon channel. The allowed values are -125 and +125. A value of 0 indicates that there is no secondary channel. - 2.17
ResetReason string(0:80) R [mocaIfResetReason/] Describes the reason for a MoCA link reset or failure to join a network. - 2.17
NcVersion string(0:64) R

[mocaIfNcVersion/] Indicates the MoCA version of the NC.

This element MUST be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 1.0, where the components mean major.minor revision number. Possible patterns:

  • \d+(.\d+)*
- 2.17
LinkState hexBinary(3) R

[mocaIfLinkState/] This parameter is meaningful only after a Link Failure to indicate the state of the network the at the time of the Link failure. Each of the three chars (bytes) is represented as two hexadecimal digits.

struct mocaLinkState {
  char LINK_STATE;    // LINK_STATE_II from the Tx/Rx MAP at the
                      // time of the Link Failure
  char ACF_TYPE;      // ACF_TYPE from the Tx/Rx BEACON
                      // at the time of the Link Failure
  char ADD_ACF_TYPE;  // ADDITIONAL_ACF_TYPE from the Tx/Rx
                      // BEACON at the time of the Link Failure
- 2.17
ConnectedNodesInfo hexBinary(12:156) R

[moca25IfConnectedNodesInfo/] Indicates the information for each node connected in the network for up to 16 nodes.

See [Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

struct moca25ConnectedNodesInfo {
  long   nodeIdVector;    // 8 octets; Bit value in the ith bit position indicates NodeID=(i) (LSB=bit0)
  int    numNodes;        // 4 octets (Number of Node IDs indicated in the NodeIdVector)
  struct {
    char   guid[8];       // 8 octets (Node GUID MAC Address)
    char   mocaVersion;   // 1 octet  (MoCA Version)
- 2.17
MgntEntityNetIePayloadRx hexBinary(2:62) R

[moca25IfMgntEntityNetIePayloadRx/] Indicates the payload of the latest received Management Entity Request Network IE, or Management Entity Response Network IE.

See [Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

struct moca25IfMgntEntityNetIePayload {
  short  vendorId;         // 2 octets (MoCA Vendor ID)
  char   information[60];  // 60 octets (Up to 60 bytes of vendor specific information)
- 2.17
Moca25PhyCapable boolean R

[moca25IfMoca25PhyCapable/] Indicate the MoCA Node supports MoCA 2.5 PHY if the value is true.

Indicate the MoCA Node does not support MoCA 2.5 PHY if this value is false.

See [Section].

- 2.17
MpsInitScanPayload hexBinary(4) R

[moca25IfMpsInitScanPayload/] Reports the channel number, NC’s (Network Coordinators) MoCA version, Network MPS (MoCA Protected Setup) trigger, and Network MPS parameters (if any) and Network Name of the latest MoCA network found during Initial MPS Scanning. See [Section].

It is encoded as specified in [Section 4.6/MOCA25-MIB].

- 2.17
MpsState boolean R

[moca25IfMpsState/] Indicates the MPS (MoCA Protected Setup) state of the Node: paired if the value is true and un-Paired if the value is false.

See [Section 8.3.1/MoCAv2.5].

- 2.17
NetworkNamePayload hexBinary(0:32) R

[moca25IfNetworkNamePayload/] The payload of the latest received Network Name from the NC.

See [Section].

- 2.17
PrivacyNc string[] R

[moca25IfPrivacyNc/] [MocaPrivacy] Comma-separated list of Moca Privacys. The latest NC_PRIVACY_SUPPORTED value received from the NC. Before any NC_PRIVACY_SUPPORTED is received, reflects the value of PrivacySupported.

See [Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

- 2.17
PowerStateResp boolean R

[moca25IfPowerStateResp/] Carries the response of the MoCA Node to a request (through POWER_STATEREQ) to transition into a desired Power State: yes if the value if true and no if the value is false.

See [Section 12/MoCAv2.5].

- 2.17
PowerStateStatus string R [moca25IfPowerStateStatus/] [MocaPowerState] Reports the current Power State of the Node (POWER_STATE_STATUS Managed Parameter). - 2.17
ConnectedNodesDropReason hexBinary R

[moca25IfConnectedNodesDropReason/] Reports the GUID(s) of the dropped EN(s) and the reason of node drop for up to 15 nodes.

This object is valid only when the Node is the NC.

See [Table 17-1/MoCAv2.5].

struct moca25IfConnectedNodesDropReason {
    int    numNodes;          // 4 octets (Number of dropped nodes)
    struct {
        char   guid[8];       // 8 octets (Node GUID MAC Address)
        char   dropReason;    // 1 octet  (Reason of node drop:
                              // 0x00 Admission Failure
                              // 0x01 Key Response Timeout
                              // 0x02 Heartbeat Transmission Timeout
                              // 0x03 Power State M0 Transition Timeout
                              // 0x04 Disadvantaged Node
                              // 0x05 RR Transmission Timeout)
- 2.17
BelowPhyThresholdTrap! event -

If transmit PHY rate between all pairs of MoCA Nodes are greater than or equal to PhyThreshold, and subsequently the transmit PHY rate of one pair of MoCA Nodes drops below PhyThreshold, send this notification if PhyThresholdTrapEnable is true.

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
LowestPhyRate hexBinary(13) R

The lowest PHY rate in the MoCA network, of Mesh.{i}.TxRate, which is the transmit PHY rate from the MoCA Node specified with Mesh.{i}.TxNodeIndex, to the MoCA Node specified with Mesh.{i}.RxNodeIndex.

If multiple links have the same lowest PHY rate, sends the PHY rate for the link with the lowest Mesh.{i}.TxNodeIndex. If multiple links with the same Mesh.{i}.TxNodeIndex have the same lowest PHY rate, sends the PHY rate for the link with the lowest Mesh.{i}.RxNodeIndex.

Network management system should access the table to find if there are additional links below the threshold bandwidth.

- 2.17
AbovePhyThresholdTrap! event -

If transmit PHY rate between one or more pairs of MoCA Nodes are less than PhyThreshold, and subsequently the transmit PHY rate between all pairs of MoCA Nodes goes above or is equal to PhyThreshold, send this notification if PhyThresholdTrapEnable is true.

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
StatusChangeTrap! event -

This trap is sent when StatusChangeEnable is true and Status changes value.

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
Status string R The current value of Status. - 2.17
NumNodesChangeTrap! event -

This trap is sent when NumNodesChangeEnable is true and NumNodes changes value.

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
NumNodes unsignedInt(0:16) R The current value of NumNodes. - 2.17
MrRstSuccessTrap! event -

An MR Entry Node reports that the network got reset successfully (MRRST_SUCCESS Event).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
MrRstFailTrap! event -

An MR Entry Node reports that the network reset did not complete successfully (MRRST_FAIL Event).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
MrNetworkSuccessTrap! event -

An MR Entry Node reports that the network got reformed successfully following the MR transaction (MRNETWORK_SUCCESS Event).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
MrNetworkFailTrap! event -

An MR Entry Node reports that the MR transaction failed, and the network did not get reformed (MRNETWORK_FAIL Event).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
PowerStateBcstRecTrap! event -

When the MoCA Node is in Power State M1 or M2, indicates that the MoCA Node has received a Broadcast data MSDU, which is available at the data interface (POWER_STATEBCST_REC Event).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
PowerStateM0NcTrap! event -

When a MoCA Node is in Power State M1, indicates that it is going to move to Power State M0 due to the NCs instruction.

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
PowerStateNc1xTrap! event -

When the MoCA Node is in Power State M1/M2/M3, indicates that MoCA 1 Node is the NC (POWER_STATENC_1X Event).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
PowerStateNetVerTrap! event -

When the MoCA Node is in Power State M2 or M3, indicates that the network MoCA version is changed (POWER_STATENET_VER Event).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
PowerStateRespTrap! event -

Carries the response of the MoCA Node to a request (through POWER_STATEREQ) to transition into a desired Power State (POWER_STATERESP Event).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
PowerStateUcstPenTrap! event -

When the MoCA Node is in Power State M2, indicates that a Unicast data MSDU destined to the MoCA Node is pending (POWER_STATEUCST_PEN Event).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
PowerStateTrnsReqTrap! event -

When a MoCA Node is in Power State M1 or M2, requests to transition to Power State M0 (POWER_STATETRNS_REQ Event).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
PowerStateWupUrTrap! event -

When the MoCA Node is in Power State M2, this reports a wakeup request from NC due to unspecified reasons (POWER_STATEWUP_UR Event).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
LmoStatusTrap! event -

When LmoTrapEnable is enabled, reports that the MoCA Node is starting LMO (Link Maintenance Operation).

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
LinkFailureTrap! event -

Indicates a link failure. If the failure was an Admission or LMO failure, LinkState indicates when the link was dropped within the sequence.

This trap comes from the [MOCA20-MIB] and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
ConnectedNodesChangeTrap! event -

This trap is sent when ConnectedNodesChangeTrapEn is true and ConnectedNodesInfo changes value.

This trap comes from the MOCA25-MIB and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
ConnectedNodesInfo hexBinary(12:156) R The current value of ConnectedNodesInfo. - 2.17
MgntEntityNetwIePayloadRecTrap! event -

This trap is sent when MgntEntityNetwIePayloadRecTrapEn is true and MgntEntityNetIePayloadRx changes value.

This trap comes from the MOCA25-MIB and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
MpsInitScanRecTrap! event -

This trap is sent when MpsTrapEn is true and MpsInitScanPayload changes value.

This trap comes from the MOCA25-MIB and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
MpsInitScanPayload hexBinary(4) R The current value of MpsInitScanPayload. - 2.17
MpsPairFailTrap! event -

This trap is sent when MpsTrapEn is true, indicates a MPS pairing failure.

This trap comes from the MOCA25-MIB and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
MpsPrivacyChangedTrap! event -

This trap is sent when MpsTrapEn is true, indicates that the Node’s privacy settings (PRIVACYEN and/or PSWD) have been changed by MPS.

This trap comes from the MOCA25-MIB and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
NcPrivacySupportedRecTrap! event -

This trap is sent when NcPrivSupportedRecTrapEn is true and PrivacyNc changes value.

This trap comes from the MOCA25-MIB and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
PrivacyNc string R The current value of PrivacyNc. - 2.17
NetworkNameRecTrap! event -

This trap is sent when NetworkNameRecTrapEn is true and NetworkNamePayload changes value.

This trap comes from the MOCA25-MIB and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
NetworkNamePayload hexBinary(0:32) R The current value of NetworkNamePayload. - 2.17
NodeDropAdmFailureTrap! event -

This trap is sent when NodeDropTrapEn is true, indicates that the Node drops from the network due to admission failure.

This trap comes from the MOCA25-MIB and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
NodeDropNcTrap! event -

This trap is sent when NodeDropTrapEn is true, indicates that the Node is dropped by the NC as indicated in the NODE_BITMASK and LOW_POWER_NODE_BITMASK.

This trap comes from the MOCA25-MIB and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
NodeDropMpsTriggeredTrap! event -

This trap is sent when NodeDropTrapEn is true, indicates that MPS is locally triggered when the Node is un-Paired.

This trap comes from the MOCA25-MIB and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
NodeDropNcChgTrap! event -

This trap is sent when NodeDropTrapEn is true}, indicates that there is a NC change when the Node is Non-Secured Admitted Node.

This trap comes from the MOCA25-MIB and is provided for debug purposes.

- 2.17
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.AccessControl.{i}. object(0:) W

[mocaIfAccessTable/] MoCA interface MAC access control table. This table contains a list of MAC addresses that are allowed to connect to the MoCA network. In addition to being in this access control list, a MoCA Node must have the proper FreqCurrentMask, PrivacyEnabledSetting, and KeyPassphrase before the MoCA Node can form or join a MoCA network.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for MACAddress such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this MAC address to be allowed to connect to the MoCA network. true 2.17
MACAddress string(:17) W

[mocaIfAccessMacAddress/] [MACAddress] If AccessControlEnable is set to true, MoCA Node with this MAC address is allowed to join the MoCA network. It is not guaranteed that the MoCA Node with this MAC address can form or join a network.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Rlapm.{i}. object(0:) W

[mocaIfRlapmTable/] Interface RLAPM Table supporting the configuration of RLAPM (Receive Level Added PHY Margin) function parameters for the selected profile.

The pairs [GlobalAggrRxPwrLevel (GARPLi ), PhyMargin (RLAPMi)] are used to determine the subcarriers’ bitloadings according [Section 7.15.2 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.0].

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Profile, Frequency and GlobalAggrRxPwrLevel. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Profile, Frequency and GlobalAggrRxPwrLevel such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Rlamp entry. true 2.17
Profile unsignedInt W

[mocaIfRlapmProfile/] Profile index used for the RLAPM (Receive Level Added PHY Margin) table.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Frequency and GlobalAggrRxPwrLevel) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Frequency unsignedInt W

[mocaIfRlapmFrequency/] Frequency (band) index used for the RLAPM (Receive Level Added PHY Margin) table.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Profile and GlobalAggrRxPwrLevel) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
GlobalAggrRxPwrLevel unsignedInt(0:65) W

[mocaIfRlapmGarpl/] Global Aggregated Receive Power Level (GARPL).

The parameter contains the “Ni” value, where GARPLi = -Ni dBm.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Profile, Frequency) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
PhyMargin unsignedInt(0:60) W

[mocaIfRlapmPhyMargin/] Receive Level Added Phy Margin (RLAPM).

The parameter contains the “Ni” value, where RLAPMi = 0.5*Ni dB.

- 2.17
Status string R [mocaIfRlapmStatus/] [RowStatus] Reflects the status of a row in this table. - 2.17
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Sapm.{i}. object(0:) W

[mocaIfSapmTable/] Interface SAPM Table supporting the configuration of SAPM (Subcarrier Added PHY Margin) function parameters for the selected profile.

When the aggregate received power level (ARPL) is below the pre-specified threshold AggrRxPwrLevelThreshold, for each subcarrier, its corresponding value on the list PhyMargin will be considered to determine the subcarriers’ bitloading according [Section 7.15.2 and Table 17-1/MoCAv2.0].

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both Profile and Frequency. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Profile and Frequency such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Sapm entry. true 2.17
Profile unsignedInt W

[mocaIfSapmProfile/] Profile index used for the SAPM (Subcarrier Added PHY Margin) table.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Frequency) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Frequency unsignedInt W

[mocaIfSapmFrequency/] Frequency (band) index used for the SAPM (Subcarrier Added PHY Margin) table.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Profile) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
AggrRxPwrLevelThreshold unsignedInt(0:65) W

[mocaIfSapmARPLTHLD/] Aggregate Received Power Level Threshold (ARPL_THLD).

The parameter contains the “N” value, where ARPL_THLD = -N dBm.

- 2.17
PhyMargin unsignedInt(0:120)[] W

[mocaIfSapmPhyMargin/] Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 120). Subcarrier Added PHY Margin (SAPM).

List of SAPM values representing the PHY margin the Node is required to add to the bitloading of each of the available subcarriers when the received power level is below ARPL_THLD (AggrRxPwrLevelThreshold).

Each value contains the “Ni” value for a OFDM subcarrier “i”, where SAPMi = 0.5*Ni dB.

- 2.17
Status string R [mocaIfSapmStatus/] [RowStatus] Reflects the status of a row in this table. - 2.17
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Aca. object R [mocaIfAcaTable/] This diagnostic test corresponds to the MoCA ACA (Alternate Channel Assessment) operation. - 2.17
Aca() command - [mocaIfAcaTable/ mocaIfAcaInitiate/ mocaIfAcaStatusCompletedTrap/] [ASYNC] This command corresponds to the MoCA ACA (Alternate Channel Assessment) operation. When this command is invoked the managed MoCA Node will initiate a MoCA On Demand LMO (Link Maintenance Operation). - 2.17
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
NodeID unsignedInt(0:15) W [mocaIfAcaNodeID/] [MocaNodeID] The Node ID of the MoCA Node to transmit the EVM Probe when the parameter Type = evm. - 2.17
Type string W

[mocaIfAcaType/] The ACA (Alternate Channel Assessment) type is either evm or quiet.

Enumeration of:

  • quiet
  • evm
- 2.17
Channel unsignedInt W [mocaIfAcaChannel/] The channel number under assessment, starting from 0 in increments of 25 MHz. - 2.17
ReportNodeMask hexBinary(2) W

[mocaIfAcaReportNodeMask/] Specifies the MoCA Nodes that are requested to be part of the channel assessment: Setting bits corresponding to Node IDs of these MoCA Nodes to 1.

See [Section 6.2.1/MoCAv2.0]

- 2.17
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

[mocaIfAcaStatus/] Status of the ACA operation.

If the value of this parameter is anything other than success, the values of the other output arguments for this operation are indeterminate.

Enumeration of:

  • success
  • fail
  • inPROGRESS (Not used)
- 2.17
TotalRxPower int R [mocaIfAcaTotalRxPower/] [MocaDBm] dBm (-128 to +127 dBm). - 2.17
PowerProfile hexBinary R [mocaIfAcaPowerProfile/] Binary string array with 1 byte (represented as two hexadecimal digits) for each subcarrier. See [Appendix A/MOCA11-MIB] for the encoding of this object. - 2.17
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Reset. object R [mocaIfMrTable/] Used by the managed MoCA Node to initiate MoCA Reset Transaction. - 2.17
NodeMask hexBinary(2) W

[mocaIfMrNodeMask/] The MoCA Nodes that must respond to the MR transaction L2ME request sent by the NC except for the MR Entry Node (LSB corresponds to Node ID 0x0).

See [Section 6.2.1/MoCAv2.0]

- 2.17
StartTime unsignedInt W

[mocaIfMrStartTime/] Time in seconds after this parameter is written that a MoCA Node must initiate a MoCA Reset (MR).

See [Section 7.15/MoCAv2.0].

- 2.17
StatusTrapEnable boolean W [mocaIfMrStatusTrapEnable/] Used to enable MrRstSuccessTrap! and MrRstFailTrap! that the network reset was completed successfully or failed for MR transaction status trap. - 2.17
NetworkTrapEnable boolean W [mocaIfMrNetworkTrapEnable/] Used to enable MrNetworkSuccessTrap! and MrNetworkFailTrap! that the network was reformed or not reformed successfully following the MR transaction. - 2.17
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[mocaIfTxBytes/] [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[mocaIfRxBytes/] [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[mocaIfTxPackets/] [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[mocaIfRxPackets/] [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
RxCorrectedErrors unsignedLong R

[mocaIfRxCorrectedErrors/] [StatsCounter64] The number of received Ethernet packets that have errors and are corrected by this MoCA interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.17
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

This parameter MUST NOT be implemented for MoCA 2.0 because it doesn’t map to a MIB object.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

This parameter MUST NOT be implemented for MoCA 2.0 because it doesn’t map to a MIB object.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[mocaIfTxUnicast/] [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[mocaIfRxUnicast/] [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[mocaIfRxDrops/] [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[mocaIfTxMulticast/] [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[mocaIfRxMulticast/] [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[mocaIfTxBroadcast/] [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[mocaIfRxBroadcast/] [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

This parameter MUST NOT be implemented for MoCA 2.0 because it doesn’t map to a MIB object.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.QoS. object R The QoS object provides information on MoCA parameterized QoS for this interface [MoCAv1.1]. - 2.0
EgressNumFlows unsignedInt R

[mocaIfEgressNodeNumFlows/] The number of QoS flows that this interface has from the MoCA network.

This parameter is based on mocaIfEgressNodeNumFlows from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
IngressNumFlows unsignedInt R

[mocaIfIngressNodeNumFlows/] The number of QoS flows that this interface has onto the MoCA network.

This parameter is based on mocaIfIngressNodeNumFlows from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
FlowStatsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the FlowStats table. - 2.0
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.QoS.FlowStats.{i}. object(0:) R

The flow statistics table provides information on the MoCA parameterized QoS flows this interface has allocated onto the MoCA network.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for FlowID.

- 2.0
FlowID string(:17) R

[mocaIfFlowID/] [MACAddress] The flow ID used to identify a flow in the network.

This parameter is based on mocaIfFlowID from [MOCA11-MIB].

Note that the data type has changed from unsignedInt to MACAddress. This is because the original data type was an error and could not have been implemented as specified.

- 2.0
PacketDA string(:17) R

[mocaIfPacketDA/] [MACAddress] The Destination Address (DA) for the packets in this flow.

This parameter is based on mocaIfPacketDA from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
MaxRate unsignedInt R

[mocaIfPeakDataRate/] Maximum required rate in Kbps.

This parameter is based on mocaIfPeakDataRate from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
MaxBurstSize unsignedInt R

[mocaIfBurstSize/] Maximum burst size.

This parameter is based on mocaIfBurstSize from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
LeaseTime unsignedInt R

[mocaIfLeaseTime/] Flow lease time (expressed in seconds).

A LeaseTime of 0 means unlimited lease time.

This parameter is based on mocaIfLeaseTime from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
Tag unsignedInt R [mocaIfFlowTag/] The FLOW_TAG of the PQoS flow identified by FlowID in which this MoCA interface is an Ingress Node for this PQoS flow. The FLOW_TAG carries application specific content of this PQoS flow. See [Section]. - 2.17
LeaseTimeLeft unsignedInt R

[mocaIfLeaseTimeLeft/] Flow lease time remaining (expressed in seconds).

If LeaseTime is 0 then a LeaseTimeLeft of 0 means unlimited lease time; otherwise, a LeaseTimeLeft of 0 means expired.

This parameter is based on mocaIfLeaseTimeLeft from [MOCA11-MIB].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
FlowPackets unsignedInt R

[mocaIfTxPacketsFlow/] [StatsCounter32] The number of packets transmitted for this flow.

This parameter is based on mocaIfTxPacketsFlow from [MOCA11-MIB].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
IngressGuid string(:17) R

[mocaIfFlowStatsIngressGuid/] [MACAddress] The MAC address of the MoCA Node specified by the INGRESS_NODE_ID parameter of the flow.

See [Section].

- 2.17
EgressGuid string(:17) R

[mocaIfFlowStatsEgressGuid/] [MACAddress] The MAC address of the MoCA Node specified by the EGRESS_NODE_ID parameter of the flow.

See [Section].

- 2.17
MaximumLatency unsignedInt R

[mocaIfFlowStatsMaximumLatency/] The MAXIMUM_LATENCY parameter of the flow in units of milliseconds. A value of 0 indicates no value available.

See [Section].

- 2.17
ShortTermAvgRatio unsignedInt R

[mocaIfFlowStatsShortTermAvgRatio/] The SHORT_TERM_AVERAGE_RATIO parameter of the flow.

See [Section].

- 2.17
FlowPer unsignedInt R

[mocaIfFlowStatsFlowPer/] The FLOW_PER parameter of this flow, where a value of 0 indicates NPER and 1 indicates VLPER.

See [Section].

- 2.17
IngressClassify string R

[mocaIfFlowStatsIngressClassify/] [MocaFlowIngrClassRule] The INGRESS_CLASSIFICATION_RULE parameter of the flow.

See [Section].

- 2.17
VlanTag unsignedInt R

[mocaIfFlowStatsVlanTag/] The VLAN_TAG parameter of the flow.

See [Section].

- 2.17
DscpMoca unsignedInt R

[mocaIfFlowStatsDscpMoca/] The DSCP_MOCA parameter of the flow.

See [Section].

- 2.17
Dfid unsignedInt R

[mocaIfFlowStatsDfid/] The destination flow ID of the flow assigned by the Ingress Node.

See [Section].

- 2.17
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

[mocaNodeTable/ mocaLinkStatsTable/] This table contains information about other MoCA devices currently associated with this MoCA interface.

Entries in this table cannot be created or deleted by the network management system. All entries are created or deleted by the device software.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R [mocaNodeMacAddress/] [MACAddress] The MAC address of the associated device’s MoCA interface. - 2.0
NodeID unsignedInt(0:15) R

[mocaNodeIndex/] [MocaNodeID] The Node ID of this remote device.

This parameter is based on mocaNodeIndex from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
PreferredNC boolean R

[mocaNodePreferredNC/] Whether this remote device is a preferred Network Coordinator (NC).

This parameter is based on mocaNodePreferredNC from [MOCA11-MIB].

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.0
HighestVersion string(:64) R

[mocaNodeMocaVersion/] Identifies the highest MoCA version that this remote device supports.

This element MUST be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 1.0, where the components mean major.minor revision number. Possible patterns:

  • \d+(\.\d+)*

This parameter is based on mocaNodeMocaVersion from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
PHYTxRate unsignedInt R

The PHY transmit rate (in Mbps) to this remote device.

This parameter is based on mocaMeshTxRate from [MOCA11-MIB].

This parameter MUST NOT be implemented for MoCA 2.0 because it doesn’t map to a MIB object.

- 2.0
PHYRxRate unsignedInt R

The PHY receive rate (in Mbps) from this remote device.

This parameter MUST NOT be implemented for MoCA 2.0 because it doesn’t map to a MIB object.

- 2.0
TxPowerControlReduction unsignedInt R
[mocaNodeTxPowerReduction/] [MocaDB] The reduction in transmitter level due to power control.
This parameter is based on mocaNodeTxPowerReduction from [MOCA11-MIB].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 since it is replaced by Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Mesh.{i}.PowerReduction. See [MOCA20-MIB].
- 2.0
RxPowerLevel unsignedInt R
[mocaNodeRxPower/] The power level (in dBm) received at the MoCA interface from this remote device.
This parameter is based on mocaNodeRxPower from [MOCA11-MIB].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 since it is replaced by Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Mesh.{i}.Power. See [MOCA20-MIB].
Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.
- 2.0
TxBcastRate unsignedInt(0:2048) R

[mocaNodeTxGcdRate/] [MocaPhyRate] The broadcast PHY transmit rate from this remote device.

This parameter is based on mocaNodeTxGcdRate from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
RxBcastPowerLevel int R

[mocaNodeRxGcdPower/] [MocaDBm] The power level received at the MoCA interface from this remote device.

This parameter is based on mocaNodeRxGcdPower from [MOCA11-MIB].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TxPackets unsignedLong R

[mocaLinkTxPackets/] [StatsCounter64] The number of packets transmitted to this remote device (Note: Includes Broadcast, Multicast and Unicast packets).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TxDrops unsignedInt R [mocaLinkTxDrops/] [StatsCounter32] The number of Unicast EPDUs received at the ECL, destined to the associated MoCA Node, and not transmitted by this MoCA interface. - 2.17
RxPackets unsignedLong R

[mocaNodeRxPackets/] [StatsCounter64] The number of packets received from this remote device (Note: Includes Broadcast, Multicast and Unicast packets).

This parameter is based on mocaNodeRxPackets from [MOCA11-MIB].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
RxCorrected unsignedLong R [mocaNodeRxCorrected/] [StatsCounter64] The number of Ethernet packets received by this MoCA interface that have errors and are corrected from the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress. - 2.17
RxErroredAndMissedPackets unsignedInt R

[mocaNodeRxDrops/] [StatsCounter32] The number of errored and missed packets received from this remote device.

This parameter is based on mocaNodeRxDrops from [MOCA11-MIB].

- 2.0
BondingCapable boolean R [mocaNodeBondingCapable/] The MoCA Node identified by MACAddress supports Bonding if the value is true. The MoCA Node identified by MACAddress does not support Bonding if this value is false. - 2.17
QAM256Capable boolean R

Whether this remote device supports the 256 QAM feature.

This parameter is based on mocaNodeQAM256Capable from [MOCA11-MIB].

This parameter MUST NOT be implemented for MoCA 2.0 because it doesn’t map to a MIB object.

- 2.0
PacketAggregationCapability unsignedInt R

[mocaNodePduNumber/] The packet aggregation capability supported by the remote device. Standard values are 0 (no support), 6 (6 packets) or 10 (10 packets).

This parameter is based on mocaNodePacketsAggrCapability from [MOCA11-MIB].

Note that this parameter maps to different MIB objects for MoCA 1.0/1.1 and MoCA 2.0. [XXX2: Need to modify the syntax to ‘unsignedInt’ because MoCA 2.0 requires a minimum of 20 packets and MoCA 2.5 requires a minimum of 80 packets.]

- 2.0
RxSNR unsignedInt R
[mocaNodeSNR/] [MocaDB] The signal to noise level received at this interface from this remote device.
This parameter is based on mocaNodeSNR from [MOCA11-MIB].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 since it is replaced by Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Mesh.{i}.RxSNR. See [MOCA20-MIB].
- 2.0
Active boolean R

Whether or not this remote device is currently present in the MoCA network.

The ability to list inactive nodes is OPTIONAL. If the CPE includes inactive nodes in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive node. The length of time an inactive node remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.0
SupportedIngressPqosFlows unsignedInt R [mocaNodeSupportedIngressPqosFlows/] The number of Ingress PQoS Flows supported by this MoCA interface from the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress. - 2.17
SupportedEgressPqosFlows unsignedInt R [mocaNodeSupportedEgressPqosFlows/] The number of Egress PQoS Flows supported by this MoCA interface from the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress. - 2.17
AggregationSize unsignedInt R [mocaNodeAggregationSize/] The maximum number of bytes that can be aggregated in a MoCA frame that this MoCA Node supports. - 2.17
AeNumber unsignedInt R [mocaNodeAeNumber/] The maximum number of allocation elements, excluding the TAUs and the Dummy DAUs, in one MAP that this MoCA Node supports. - 2.17
PowerState string R [mocaNodePowerState/] [MocaPowerState] Power State of the MoCA Node identified by the MACAddress. - 2.17
PowerStateCapability string R [mocaNodePowerStateCapability/] [MocaPowerState] Power State capability of the MoCA Node identified by the MACAddress. - 2.17
PDelay int R [mocaNodePDelay/] Propagation delay measured in units of 10ns between the local MoCA Node and the MoCA Node identified by the MACAddress. - 2.17
EnhancedPrivacyCapable boolean R [moca25NodeEnhancedPrivacyCapable/] Indicates the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress supports MoCA 2 Enhanced Privacy if the value is true. Indicates the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress does not support MoCA 2 Enhanced Privacy if this value is false. - 2.17
LinkType string R

[moca25NodeLinkType/] Indicates the type of link used for unicast data transmissions between the managed MoCA Node and the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress.

Enumeration of:

  • moca1PHY (MoCA 1 PHY)
  • primary (Primary)
  • bonded (Bonded)
  • m25300MHz (300 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY)
  • m25400MHz (400 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY)
  • m25500MHz (500 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY)
- 2.17
Moca25PhyCapable boolean R [moca25NodeMoca25PhyCapable/] Indicates the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress supports MoCA 2.5 PHY if the value is true. Indicates the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress does not support MoCA 2.5 PHY if this value is false. - 2.17
RxPwrList string(2:6) R

[moca25NodeRxPwrList/] Per channel list of Receive power levels in dBm from the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress to the managed MoCA Node.

The power measurement should cover the preamble and/or at least a symbol time. The averaging method employed for this measurement is implementation specific and not specified. It is recommended but not required to utilize the LMO (Link Maintenance Operation) EVM probes for this measurement.

The field numValues is a function of LinkType:

  • MoCA 1 PHY - 1
  • Primary - 1
  • Bonded - 2
  • 300 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 3
  • 400 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 4
  • 500 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 5

    struct moca25NodePowerList { char numValues; // 1 octet (Number of Values to follow) struct { char power; // 1 octet (Rx Power Level in dBm) } [numValues]; };

- 2.17
RxSNRList string(2:6) R

[moca25NodeRxSNRList/] Per channel list of Average Receive Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) across all available subcarriers based on the EVM probe from the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress to the managed MoCA Node.

The field numValues is a function of LinkType:

  • MoCA 1 PHY - 1
  • Primary - 1
  • Bonded - 2
  • 300 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 3
  • 400 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 4
  • 500 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 5

    struct moca25NodeRxSNRList { char numValues; // 1 octet (Number of Values to follow) struct { char snr; // 1 octet (Rx SNR in dB) } [numValues]; };

- 2.17
TxPwrList string(2:6) R

[moca25NodeTxPwrList/] Per channel list of Transmit power levels in dBm from the managed MoCA Node to the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress. The transmit power should be max power for the channel less the Transmit Power Control.

The field numValues is a function of LinkType:

  • MoCA 1 PHY - 1
  • Primary - 1
  • Bonded - 2
  • 300 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 3
  • 400 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 4
  • 500 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 5

    struct moca25NodePowerList { char numValues; // 1 octet (Number of Values to follow) struct { char power; // 1 octet (Tx Power Level in dBm) } [numValues]; };

- 2.17
TxPwrReductionList string(2:6) R

[moca25NodeTxPwrReductionList/] Per channel list of Transmit Power Control (TPC) back-off in dB used for unicast transmissions from the managed MoCA Node to the MoCA Node identified by MACAddress.

TxPwrReductionList is identical to the TPC back-off utilized for transmission from the TPC backoff parameter TX_POWER_ADJUSTMENT_100MHZ.

The field numValues is a function of LinkType:

  • MoCA 1 PHY - 1
  • Primary - 1
  • Bonded - 2
  • 300 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 3
  • 400 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 4
  • 500 MHz MoCA 2.5 PHY - 5

    struct moca25NodeTxPwrReductionList { char numValues; // 1 octet (Number of Values to follow) struct { char tpc; // 1 octet (TPC in dB) } [numValues]; };

- 2.17
EgressNodeNumFlows unsignedInt R [mocaLinkEgressNodeNumFlows/] The number of PQoS flows in which this MoCA interface is an Egress Node for these PQoS flows. - 2.17
IngressNodeNumFlows unsignedInt R [mocaLinkIngressNodeNumFlows/] The number of PQoS flows in which this MoCA interface is an Ingress Node for these PQoS flows. - 2.17
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Mesh.{i}. object(0:) R

[mocaMeshTable/] MoCA mesh PHY rate table. This table contains the unicast transmit PHY rate between all pairs of MoCA Nodes in the MoCA network.

Since TxRate is the transmit PHY rate from TxNodeIndex to RxNodeIndex, this table does not contain any entries with TxNodeIndex equals RxNodeIndex. In addition, a MoCA network can have less than 16 Nodes, hence some values of TxNodeIndex and RxNodeIndex in the range of 0 to 15 may not exist.

Entries in this table cannot be created or deleted by the network management system. All entries are created or deleted by the device software.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both TxNodeIndex and RxNodeIndex.

- 2.17
TxNodeIndex unsignedInt(0:15) R [mocaMeshTableTxNodeIndex/] [MocaNodeID] The Node ID of the transmit MoCA Node is used as one of the index to order the mesh PHY rate table. - 2.17
RxNodeIndex unsignedInt(0:15) R [mocaMeshTableRxNodeIndex/] [MocaNodeID] The Node ID of the receive MoCA Node is used as one of the index to order the mesh PHY rate table. - 2.17
TxRate unsignedInt(0:2048) R [mocaMeshTxRate/] [MocaPhyRate] The transmit MoCA 1 PHY rate in Mbps from the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex to the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex. - 2.17
TxRateNper unsignedInt(0:2048) R [mocaMeshTxRateNper/] [MocaPhyRate] The transmit normal packet error PHY Rate from the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex to the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex. - 2.17
TxRateVlper unsignedInt(0:2048) R [mocaMeshTxRateVlper/] [MocaPhyRate] The transmit very low packet error PHY Rate from the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex to the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex. - 2.17
LinkType string R

[mocaMeshLinkType/] The type of link which exists from the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex to the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex. Enumeration of:

  • moca1PHY
  • primary
  • bonded

This parameter is only used for MoCA 2.0.

- 2.17
Power hexBinary(2:3) R

[mocaMeshPower/] Per channel list of Transmit or Receive power levels in dBm. If the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex is equal to NodeID, then indicates the unicast transmit power in dBm from the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex to the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex, else indicates the unicast receive power in dBm from the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex at the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex.

For transmit power, the power should be max power for the channel less the Transmit Power Control. For received power, the power measurement should cover the preamble and/or at least a symbol time. The averaging method employed for this measurement is implementation specific and not specified. It is recommended but not required to utilize the LMO (Link Maintenance Operation) EVM probes for this measurement.

The field numValues is a function of LinkType:

  • moca1PHY - 1
  • primary - 1
  • bonded - 2

    struct mocaPower { char numValues; // 1 octet (Number of Values to follow) { char power; // 1 octet (Tx or Rx Power Level in dB) } [numValues]; };

This parameter is only used for MoCA 2.0.

- 2.17
PowerReduction hexBinary(2:3) R

[mocaMeshPowerReduction/] Per channel list of The Transmit Power Control (TPC) back-off in dB. If the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex is equal to NodeID, then indicates the TPC in dB utilized to back-off transmission to the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex. Otherwise indicates the TPC in dB that the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex utilized to back-off its transmission.

PowerReduction is identical to the TPC back-off utilized for transmission and determined from the TPC backoff parameters TPC_BACKOFF_MAJOR and TPC_BACKOFF_MINOR as follows: PowerReduction = TPC_BACKOFF_MAJOR * 3 +TPC_BACKOFF_MINOR.

The field numValues is a function of LinkType:

  • moca1PHY - 1
  • primary - 1
  • bonded - 2

    struct mocaPowerReduction { char numValues; // 1 octet (Number of Values to follow) { char tpc; // 1 octet (TPC in dB) } [numValues]; };

This parameter is only used for MoCA 2.0.

- 2.17
RxSNR hexBinary(2:3) R

[mocaMeshRxSNR/] Per channel list of average received Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in dB. If the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex is not equal to NodeID or the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex is equal to NodeID, then this parameter is not present. Otherwise indicates the average received SNR across all the available carriers based on the EVM probe from the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex.

The field numValues is a function of LinkType:

  • moca1PHY - 1
  • primary - 1
  • bonded - 2

    struct mocaRxSNR { char numValues; // 1 octet (Number of Values to follow) { char rx_snr; // 1 octet (Rx SNR in dB) } [numValues]; };

This parameter is only used for MoCA 2.0.

- 2.17
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Bridge.{i}. object(0:) R

[mocaBridgeTable/] MoCA bridge Ethernet MAC address table. This table contains an entry for every MoCA Node in the MoCA network.

Entries in this table cannot be created or deleted by the network management system. All entries are created or deleted by the device software.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for NodeIndex.

- 2.17
NodeIndex unsignedInt(0:15) R [mocaBridgeNodeIndex/] [MocaNodeID] The Node ID is used as an index to order the MAC entries in the MoCA bridge table. - 2.17
MACAddresses string(:17)[] R [mocaBridgeMacAddress/] [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. The Ethernet MAC addresses identified by the Node ID. - 2.17
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.MeshScMod.{i}. object(0:) R

[mocaMeshScModTable/] MoCA mesh Subcarrier Modulation table. This table contains the Unicast transmit subcarrier modulation between all pairs of MoCA Nodes in the MoCA network.

Since Mod is the subcarrier modulation from TxNodeIndex to RxNodeIndex, this table does not contain any entries with TxNodeIndex equals RxNodeIndex. In addition, a MoCA network can have less than 16 MoCA Nodes, hence some values of TxNodeIndex and RxNodeIndex in the range of 0 to 15 may not exist. The ChannelIndex index is used to differentiate between the primary and secondary channels in a bonded channel network. The primary channel index is always present, the secondary channel index may not always be present.

Entries in this table cannot be created or deleted by the network management system. All entries are created or deleted by the device software.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of TxNodeIndex, RxNodeIndex and ChannelIndex.

- 2.17
TxNodeIndex unsignedInt(0:15) R [mocaMeshTxNodeIndex/] [MocaNodeID] The Node ID of the transmit MoCA Node is used as one of the index to order the mesh PHY rate table. - 2.17
RxNodeIndex unsignedInt(0:15) R [mocaMeshRxNodeIndex/] [MocaNodeID] The Node ID of the receive MoCA Node is used as one of the index to order the mesh subcarrier modulation. - 2.17
ChannelIndex string R

[mocaMeshChannelIndex/] [MocaChannelIndex] primary or secondary channel for MoCA 2.0 Node associated with Nper and Vlper. For MoCA 1 Node, the same as the primary channel associated with Mod. In a bonded MoCA 2.0 network, the primary and secondary channels each have their own subcarrier modulation data.

m25first, m25second, m25third, m25fourth or m25fifth channel for MoCA 2.5 Node associated with ModM25.

- 2.17
Mod hexBinary R [mocaMeshScMod/] [MocaScMod] 1 Byte Hex array values with no delimiters where each byte indicates the subcarrier modulation of one subcarrier from the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex to the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex for the MoCA 1 Unicast transmission PHY profile. - 2.17
Nper hexBinary R [mocaMeshScModNper/] [MocaScMod] 1 Byte Hex array values with no delimiters where each byte indicates the unicast NPER subcarrier modulation of one subcarrier from the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex to the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex for the associated ChannelIndex. - 2.17
Vlper hexBinary R [mocaMeshScModVlper/] [MocaScMod] 1 Byte Hex array values with no delimiters where each byte indicates the unicast VLPER subcarrier modulation of one subcarrier from the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex to the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex for the associated ChannelIndex. - 2.17
ModM25 hexBinary R

[mocaMeshScModM25/] [MocaScMod] 1 Byte Hex array values with no delimiters where each byte indicates the MoCA 2.5 unicast subcarrier modulation for all subcarriers from the MoCA Node identified by TxNodeIndex to the MoCA Node identified by RxNodeIndex for the associated ChannelIndex.

For MoCA 2.5 First Channel, Second Channel, Third Channel, Fourth Channel and Fifth Channel, the total number of subcarriers is 512.

- 2.17
Device.Ghn. object R object that contains an Interface table for supported CPE. The ITU-T specifications [G.9960] and [G.9961] define Physical and MAC Layers for communication between two or more nodes in the home network over multiple wired media such as power line, phone line and coaxial cable. - 2.4
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.4
Device.Ghn.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Each table entry models the PHY [G.9960] and MAC [G.9961] layers of a interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.4
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.4
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.4
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.4
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.4
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.4
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.4
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC Address of the interface, denoted as node MAC address or REGID in [G.9961].

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address, which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter.

- 2.4
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R The firmware version of the interface. - 2.4
ConnectionType string R
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.8 because it has been replaced by MediumType.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.

Enumeration of:

  • Powerline
  • Phone
  • Coax
- 2.4
MaxTransmitRate unsignedInt R The maximum PHY data rate that the interface is capable of transmitting (expressed in Mbps). - 2.8
TargetDomainNames string(:32)[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 32). Identifies the target domains configured by the user, as described in [Section 8.6.1/G.9961]. When registering or re-registering, the interface SHOULD try to register to one of these domains in the given order. - 2.4
DomainName string(:32) R

This is the domain name to which the interface is currently registered.

An empty string indicates that the interface is currently not registered.

- 2.4
DomainNameIdentifier unsignedInt R The Domain Name Identifier, a shortened version of DomainName, denoted as DNI in [Section]. - 2.4
DomainId unsignedInt R The Domain Identifier of the domain to which the interface is registered, denoted as DOD in [G.9961]. - 2.4
DeviceId unsignedInt R

The Device Identifier assigned by the Domain Master, denoted as DEVICE_ID in [G.9961].

The value 0 indicates that the device is not currently registered.

- 2.4
MaxBitRate unsignedInt R The maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps). - 2.4
NodeTypeDMCapable boolean R Indicates whether this interface has the capability to act as Domain Master in the domain. - 2.4
DMRequested boolean W Indicates a request to force the role of the interface to Domain Master (DM) for the domain it is connected to. The selection of the Domain Master follows the procedures described in [Clause 8.6.6/G.9961]. - 2.8
IsDM boolean R Indicates whether this interface is currently the Domain Master (DM) for the domain it is connected to, as described in [Clause 8.6/G.9961]. - 2.8
NodeTypeSCCapable boolean R Indicates whether this interface has the capability to act as Security Controller in the domain. - 2.4
SCRequested boolean W Indicates a request to force the role of the interface to Security Controller (SC) for the domain it is connected to. The selection of the Security Controller follows the procedures described in [Clause 9.2/G.9961]. - 2.8
IsSC boolean R Indicates whether this interface is currently the Security Controller (SC) for the domain it is connected to, as described in [Clause 9.2/G.9961]. - 2.8
StandardVersions string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The standard versions that the interface supports. The list MUST have an even number of items. The first item of each pair represents an ITU-T Recommendation while the second element of each pair represents the amendment version of the indicated Recommendation that this interface supports (the value 0 corresponds to the base Recommendation).

For example, to indicate support for the G.9960 base document and G.9961 amendment 1, the corresponding list would be “G9960,0,G9961,1”.

- 2.8
MaxBandPlan unsignedInt R The largest bandplan that the interface can support, as defined in [Clause]. - 2.8
MediumType string R

The medium type that the interface currently operates on. Refer to [Table 7-5/G.9962].

Enumeration of:

  • PowerLineBaseband
  • PhoneLineBaseband
  • CoaxBaseband
  • CoaxRF
  • PlasticOpticalFiber
- 2.8
TAIFG unsignedInt R The Acknowledgement InterFrame Gap, or TAIFG, as defined in [Clause 8.4/G.9961]. It is represented as multiples of 1.28 microseconds. - 2.8
NotchedAmateurRadioBands hexBinary(:2) W

A bit map representing usage of international amateur bands (0 = masked, 1 = unmasked). The LSB represents the lowest band (1.8-2.0 MHz), the second LSB represents the second lowest band (3.5-4.0 MHz), and so on. The maximum value for this parameter is 0x03FF, i.e. it is a 10-bit quantity represented in 16 bits and the top 6 bits are always zero.

International Radio amateur bands are described in [Table D-1/G.9964] and conveyed by the Domain Master in the Amateur radio band descriptor (see [Table 8-77/G.9961]).

- 2.8
PHYThroughputDiagnosticsEnable unsignedInt[] W Comma-separated list of DeviceIDs of nodes that need to enable their PHY throughput diagnostics mode. All devices that are enabled will participate in the network PHY throughput diagnostics process. - 2.8
PerformanceMonitoringDiagnosticsEnable unsignedInt[] W Comma-separated list of DeviceIDs of nodes that need to enable their Performance Monitoring diagnostics mode on this node. All devices that are enabled will participate in the network Performance Monitoring diagnostics process. - 2.8
SMMaskedBandNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SMMaskedBand table. - 2.8
NodeTypeDMConfig boolean W

Requests the interface to become the Domain Master in the domain.

This parameter is valid only if NodeTypeDMCapable is true.

Note that, if more than one node is configured to act as Domain Master, specifies a protocol to ensure only one device actually becomes DM.

- 2.4
NodeTypeDMStatus boolean R

Indicates whether the interface is acting as Domain Master (true) or not (false).

See Note in NodeTypeDMConfig regarding the possibility of more than one node being configured with NodeTypeDMConfig = true.

- 2.4
NodeTypeSCStatus boolean R Indicates whether the interface is acting as Security Controller (true) or not (false). - 2.4
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table. - 2.4
PSM unsignedInt[2:2][2:32] W

Specifies the list of PSD shaping mask (PSM) breakpoints to be applied to the interface.

Comma-separated list (2 to 32 items) of PSMBreak Point Index And Levels, with each list item consisting of the following.

[PSMBreakPointIndexAndLevel] 1. The PSM breakpoint sub-carrier index in the range [0:4095], and

  1. the value of the level of the PSM at this sub-carrier expressed in 0.1 dBm/Hz with an offset of -140 dBm/Hz.

Both values are represented as unsignedInt.

[Clause 5.2/G.9964] defines limits on PSM breakpoint levels.

The PSM level is 0.1*(the value of the level of the PSM) - 140 dBm/Hz.

For example, a PSM defined by two breakpoints (subcarrier 450, PSM level -80 dBm/Hz) and (subcarrier 1050, PSM level -90 dBm/Hz) is represented by PSM [450,600],[1050,500] .

- 2.12
Device.Ghn.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface at the different reference points described in [Clause 8.1/G.9961].

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.4
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

More specifically, this is the total number of MPDU bytes transmitted or retransmitted by the node through a physical medium (i.e., PMI defined in [Clause 5.2.1/G.9960]), which correspond to data LPDUs (i.e., data packets) and framing overhead (e.g., LFH, LPH, LPCS defined in [Clause 8.1/G.9961]). It does not include transmitted bytes contributed by management LPDUs (i.e., management packets).

Note: LPDUs in mixed LLC frame blocks are considered data LPDUs.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

More specifically, this is the total number of MPDU bytes received by the node through a physical medium, which correspond to data LPDUs and framing overhead. It does not include received bytes contributed by management LPDUs. It can include blocks with errors.

Note: LPDUs in mixed LLC frame blocks are considered data LPDUs.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

More specifically, this is the total number of APDUs requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point defined in [Clause 5.2.1/G.9960]) that were transmitted by the node through the physical medium. It does not include transmitted LCDUs.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

More specifically, this is the total number of APDUs delivered to a higher layer (i.e., inbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) that were received by the node through the physical medium. It does not include received LCDUs.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

More specifically, this is the total number of APDUs that were requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point defined in [Clause 5.2.1/G.9960]) but could not be transmitted because of errors (e.g., APDUs containing CRC errors).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

More specifically, this is the total number of received APDUs that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher layer (i.e., inbound APDUs at the x1 reference point defined in [Clause 5.2.1/G.9960]). The possible causes of error are: incorrect CRC, incorrect MIC, incorrect MIC size, and incorrect size of packet.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

More specifically, this is the total number of APDUs that were requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a unicast address at this layer. It includes APDUs that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

More specifically, this is the total number of received APDUs that were delivered to a higher layer (i.e., inbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a unicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

More specifically, this is the total number of APDUs that were requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) but chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted (e.g., buffer overflow).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

More specifically, this is the total number of received APDUs that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

More specifically, this is the total number of APDUs that were requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer. It includes APDUs that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

More specifically, this is the total number of received APDUs that were delivered to a higher layer (i.e., inbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

More specifically, this is the total number of APDUs that were requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. It includes APDUs that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

More specifically, this is the total number of received APDUs that were delivered to a higher layer (i.e., inbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

More specifically, this is the total number of APDUs received by the management that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
MgmtBytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of MPDU bytes transmitted by the node through a physical medium, which correspond to management LPDUs and framing overhead.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
MgmtBytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of MPDU bytes received by the node through a physical medium, which correspond to management LPDUs and framing overhead.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
MgmtPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of LCDUs requested for transmission by a management layer (i.e., outbound LCDUs generated in LLC defined in [Clause 8.1.3/G.9961]) that were transmitted by the node through a physical medium.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
MgmtPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of LCDUs delivered to a management layer (i.e., inbound LCDUs) that were received by the node through a physical medium.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BlocksSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of LPDUs that were transmitted by the node through a physical medium, regardless of new or retransmitted LPDUs.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BlocksReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of LPDUs that were received by the node through a physical medium, with or without errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BlocksResent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of LPDUs that were retransmitted.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BlocksErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of received LPDUs that contained errors.

Note the following relationships hold:

  • PacketsSent + ErrorsSent + DiscardPacketsSent = UnicastPacketsSent

    • MulticastPacketsSent + BroadcastPacketsSent.
  • PacketsReceived = UnicastPacketsReceived + MulticastPacketsReceived

    • BroadcastPacketsReceived.
  • Retransmission rate = BlocksResent / BlocksSent.
  • Block error rate = BlocksErrorReceived / BlocksReceived.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
Device.Ghn.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains information about other devices connected to this interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.4
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] MAC address of remote device.

This is denoted as REGID in [G.9961].

- 2.4
DeviceId unsignedInt R Device Id (as defined in for the remote device, denoted as DEVICE_ID in [G.9961]. - 2.4
TxPhyRate unsignedInt R

The PHY transmit Rate (expressed in Mbps) to this remote device, denoted as PHY data rate in [G.9961].

Refer to Note 1 of [Table 8-48/G.9961]. To convert from the value in the table, divide by 32K (32768) and round down.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
RxPhyRate unsignedInt R

The PHY receive Rate (expressed in Mbps) from this remote device, denoted as PHY data rate in [G.9961].

Refer to Note 1 of [Table 8-48/G.9961]. To convert from the value in the table, divide by 32K (32768) and round down.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
Active boolean R

Whether or not this device is currently present in the domain.

The ability to list inactive nodes is OPTIONAL. If the CPE includes inactive nodes in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive node. The length of time an inactive node remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

If Active is true, it indicates that the Status of the remote device is 0, 1, or 2 (see [Table 7-3/G.9961]).

- 2.4
Device.Ghn.Interface.{i}.DMInfo. object R This object specifies management parameters pertaining to the domain functionality (Domain Master function; see [Clause 8.6/G.9961]). The object exists only on interfaces that are currently the Domain Master, i.e. for which parameter IsDM is true. - 2.8
DomainName hexBinary(:32) W This is the domain name to which the interface is currently registered. An empty string indicates that the interface is currently not registered. - 2.8
DomainNameIdentifier hexBinary(:2) R The Domain Name Identifier, a shortened version of DomainName, denoted as DNI in [Section]. - 2.8
DomainId unsignedInt R The Domain Identifier of the domain to which the interface is registered, denoted as DOD in [G.9961]. - 2.8
MACCycleDuration unsignedInt(0,10:200) W The MAC cycle duration, as specified in [Clause 8.4/G.9961]. It is represented as multiples of 0.5 msec. In the case of power line, writing to this parameter has no effect and it reads back as 0, which is a special value indicating that the MAC cycle is synchronized with 2 AC cycles as defined in [Clause]. - 2.8
SCDeviceId unsignedInt W The DEVICE_ID of the Security Controller selected by the Domain Master. - 2.8
SCMACAddress string(:17) W [MACAddress] The REGID of the Security Controller selected by the Domain Master. - 2.8
ReregistrationTimePeriod unsignedInt(5:63) W The time interval for periodic re-registration, as specified in [Clause]. It is represented as multiples of 2 seconds. - 2.8
TopologyPeriodicInterval unsignedInt(0:255) W The time interval that a node sends out the periodic topology update using TM_NodeTopologyChange.ind message, as specified in [Clause]. It is represented as multiples of 0.1 sec. The special value 0 represents an infinite interval (i.e., no periodic topology update). - 2.8
MinSupportedBandplan unsignedInt W Indicates the value of the minimal bandplan capability for a node that is allowed to register to the domain. - 2.8
MaxSupportedBandplan unsignedInt W Indicates the value of the minimal bandplan capability for a node that is allowed to register to the domain. - 2.8
Device.Ghn.Interface.{i}.SCInfo. object R This object specifies management parameters pertaining to the Security Controller functionality (Security Controller function; see [Clause 9.2/G.9961]). The object exists only on interfaces that are currently the Security Controller, i.e. for which parameter IsSC is true. - 2.8
ModesSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The security modes that the Security Controller can support. Refer to [Clause 9.2/G.9961].

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • NN (Node-to-Node)
  • NMK (Network Membership Key)
- 2.8
ModeEnabled string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the ModesSupported parameter, or else be Disabled. The security mode in which the Security Controller is operating. - 2.8
MICSize string W

The selected MIC size used in the domain.

Enumeration of:

  • 4-byte MIC
  • 8-byte MIC
  • 16-byte MIC
- 2.8
Location boolean R Indicates whether the Security Controller is above the L1 reference point. It is set to true if the Security Controller is above the L1 reference point, and set to false otherwise. - 2.8
Device.Ghn.Interface.{i}.SMMaskedBand.{i}. object(0:32) W

Specifies the list of masked bands to be applied to the interface. This information is conveyed by the Domain Master in the SM descriptor as specified in [Table 8-77/G.9961].

Instances of this object are expected to exist only on interfaces that are currently the Domain Master, i.e. for which parameter IsDM is true.

This table MUST contain at least 0 and at most 32 entries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BandNumber. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for BandNumber such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the SMMaskedBand. - 2.8
BandNumber unsignedInt W

The masked band number.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
StartSubCarrier unsignedInt W Index of the lowest frequency sub-carrier in the band to be masked as specified in [Table 8-79/G.9961]. This parameter is writable only on the interface which acts as the Domain Master. - 2.8
StopSubCarrier unsignedInt W Index of the highest frequency sub-carrier in the band to be masked as specified in Table 8-79 in [G.9961]. This parameter is writable only on the interface which acts as the Domain Master. - 2.8
Device.Ghn.Diagnostics. object R The Diagnostics object. - 2.8
PHYThroughput() command -

[ASYNC] PHY throughput diagnostics configuration and results.

When diagnostics are requested, all nodes for which the Interface.{i}.PHYThroughputDiagnosticsEnable parameter is set enter PHY diagnostics mode.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string W [MANDATORY] The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Ghn.Interface. table. The interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.12
DiagnoseMACAddress string(:17) W

[MANDATORY] [MACAddress] The MAC address of the originating interface of the link that is being diagnosed.

Note: This MAC address might belong to another node of the domain.

- 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
Result.{i}. object(0:) R

PHY throughput diagnostics results.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for DestinationMACAddress.

- 2.12
DestinationMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC address of the destination node of the link being measured. - 2.12
LinkState string R

Indicates the state of the link between the Interface with MAC address DiagnoseMACAddress and the Interface with MAC address DestinationMACAddress.

Enumeration of:

- 2.12
TxPhyRate unsignedInt R PHY data rate in transmit direction in the link between the Interface with MAC address DiagnoseMACAddress and the Interface with MAC address DestinationMACAddress. It is represented in Mbps as defined in Note 1 to [Table 8-48/G.9961]. To convert from the value in the table, divide by 32K (32768) and round down. - 2.12
RxPhyRate unsignedInt R PHY data rate in receive direction in the link between the Interface with MAC address DiagnoseMACAddress and the Interface with MAC address DestinationMACAddress. It is represented in Mbps as defined in Note 1 to [Table 8-48/G.9961]. To convert from the value in the table, divide by 32K (32768) and round down. - 2.12
PerformanceMonitoring() command -

[ASYNC] Performance Monitoring diagnostics configuration and results.

When diagnostics are requested, all nodes for which the Interface.{i}.PerformanceMonitoringDiagnosticsEnable parameter is set enter PHY diagnostics mode.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string W [MANDATORY] The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Ghn.Interface. table. The interface over which the test is to be performed. - 2.12
DiagnoseMACAddress string(:17) W

[MANDATORY] [MACAddress] The MAC address of the originating interface of the link that is being diagnosed.

Note: This MAC address might belong to another node of the domain.

- 2.12
SampleInterval unsignedInt W

[MANDATORY] Time in seconds between automatic collection of performance monitoring data. A value of zero disables automatic collection of data.

The node MAY impose a minimum sample interval, in which case an attempt to set a (non-zero) interval that is less than this minimum MUST set the interval to the minimum and MUST NOT be regarded as an error.

If SampleInterval is a simple fraction of a day, e.g. 900 (a quarter of an hour) or 3600 (an hour), the device MAY choose to align sample intervals with time of day, but is not required to do so.

- 2.12
SNRGroupLength unsignedInt(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256) W [MANDATORY] The number of sub-carriers in a group to be used for averaging SNR values when providing SNR information for a channel. - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
Nodes. object R

Per-node performance monitoring results.

When automatic collection is enabled, i.e. SampleInterval is non-zero, the “current” interval is defined by the most recent automatic sample and the most recent subsequent manual sample, if any.

When automatic collection is disabled, i.e. SampleInterval is zero, the “current” interval is defined by the three most recent manual samples.

Note: Packets in statistics counters are Ethernet packets.

- 2.12
CurrentStart dateTime R

Start time for the current interval.

When automatic collection is enabled, i.e. SampleInterval is non-zero, the current interval started at the most recent automatic sample.

When automatic collection is disabled, i.e. SampleInterval is zero, the current interval started two manual samples ago.

- 2.12
CurrentEnd dateTime R

End time for the current interval.

When automatic collection is enabled, i.e. SampleInterval is non-zero, the current interval ended at the most recent manual sample since the most recent automatic sample. If there has been no such manual sample, the current interval is empty.

When automatic collection is disabled, i.e. SampleInterval is zero, the current interval ended at the most recent manual sample.

- 2.12
Nodes.Node.{i}. object(1:) R

Per-node performance monitoring results during the current sample interval. Each table entry contains the results collected between the nodes with MAC addresses DiagnoseMACAddress) and DestinationMACAddress).

Note: Packet counters indicate the number of packets received between CurrentStart and CurrentEnd.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry. This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for DestinationMACAddress.

- 2.12
DestinationMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC address of the destination node of the link being measured. - 2.12
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of MPDU bytes transmitted or retransmitted by the node through a physical medium (i.e., PMI defined in [Clause 5.2.1/G.9960]), which correspond to data LPDUs (i.e., data packets) and framing overhead (e.g., LFH, LPH, LPCS defined in [Clause 8.1/G.9961]). It does not include transmitted bytes contributed by management LPDUs (i.e., management packets).

Note: LPDUs in mixed LLC frame blocks are considered data LPDUs.

- 2.12
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of MPDU bytes received by the node through a physical medium, which correspond to data LPDUs and framing overhead. It does not include received bytes contributed by management LPDUs. It might include blocks with errors.

Note: LPDUs in mixed LLC frame blocks are considered data LPDUs.

- 2.12
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of APDUs requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point defined in [Clause 5.2.1/G.9960]) that were transmitted by the node through the physical medium. It does not include transmitted LCDUs. - 2.12
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of APDUs delivered to a higher layer (i.e., inbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) that were received by the node through the physical medium. It does not include received LCDUs. - 2.12
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of APDUs that were requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point defined in [Clause 5.2.1/G.9960]). This parameter represents the total number of LCDUs requested for transmission by a management layer (i.e., outbound LCDUs generated in LLC defined in in [Clause 8.1.3/G.9961]) that were transmitted by the node through a physical medium) but could not be transmitted because of errors (e.g., APDUs containing CRC errors). - 2.12
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of received APDUs that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher layer (i.e., inbound APDUs at the x1 reference point defined in [Clause 5.2.1/G.9960]). The possible causes of error are: incorrect CRC, incorrect MIC, incorrect MIC size, and incorrect size of packet. - 2.12
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of APDUs that were requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a unicast address at this layer. It includes APDUs that were discarded or not sent. - 2.12
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received APDUs that were delivered to a higher layer (i.e., inbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a unicast address at this layer. - 2.12
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of APDUs that were requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) but chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted (e.g., buffer overflow). - 2.12
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of received APDUs that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. - 2.12
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of APDUs that were requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer. It includes APDUs that were discarded or not sent. - 2.12
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received APDUs that were delivered to a higher layer (i.e., inbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer. - 2.12
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of APDUs that were requested for transmission by a higher layer (i.e., outbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. It includes APDUs that were discarded or not sent. - 2.12
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received APDUs that were delivered to a higher layer (i.e., inbound APDUs at the x1 reference point) and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. - 2.12
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of APDUs received by the management that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. - 2.12
MgmtBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of MPDU bytes transmitted by the node through a physical medium, which correspond to management LPDUs and framing overhead. - 2.12
MgmtBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of MPDU bytes received by the node through a physical medium, which correspond to management LPDUs and framing overhead. - 2.12
MgmtPacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of LCDUs requested for transmission by a management layer (i.e., outbound LCDUs generated in LLC defined in [Clause 8.1.3/G.9961]) that were transmitted by the node through a physical medium. - 2.12
MgmtPacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of LCDUs delivered to a management layer (i.e., inbound LCDUs) that were received by the node through a physical medium. - 2.12
BlocksSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of LPDUs that were transmitted by the node through a physical medium, regardless of new or retransmitted LPDUs. - 2.12
BlocksReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of LPDUs that were received by the node through a physical medium, with or without errors. - 2.12
BlocksResent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of LPDUs that were retransmitted. - 2.12
BlocksErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of received LPDUs that contained errors.

Note the following relationships hold:

  • PacketsSent + ErrorsSent + DiscardPacketsSent = UnicastPacketsSent

    • MulticastPacketsSent + BroadcastPacketsSent.
  • PacketsReceived = UnicastPacketsReceived + MulticastPacketsReceived

    • BroadcastPacketsReceived.
  • Retransmission rate = BlocksResent / BlocksSent.
  • Block error rate = BlocksErrorReceived / BlocksReceived.
- 2.12
Channels. object R

Per-channel performance monitoring results.

Note: channels are unidirectional.

- 2.12
TimeStamp dateTime R Time at which channel data was last collected. - 2.12
Channels.Channel.{i}. object(0:) R

Per-channel performance monitoring results during the current sample interval. Each table entry contains the results collected from the channel between a interface (as indicated by DiagnoseMACAddress) and a interface indicated by DestinationMACAddress)

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for DestinationMACAddress.

- 2.12
DestinationMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC address of the destination node of the link being measured. - 2.12
SNR unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. The result of an SNR test performed over the channel. It is formatted as a comma-separated list of N/M unsigned integers that represents the result of Signal-to-Noise-Ratio measurement (in 0.1 dB) averaging in groups of M subcarriers. The number N depends on the bandplan used by the node and corresponds to the OFDM control parameter N of each medium as defined in [G.9964]. The number M corresponds to the parameter SNRGroupLength. - 2.12
Device.HomePlug. object R HomePlug object that contains the Interface table. The HomePlug industry standard [HPAV1.1] defines peer to peer communication over powerline medium. - 2.0
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.0
Device.HomePlug.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

HomePlug interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Each table entry models the PHY and MAC levels of a HomePlug interface [HPAV1.1].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC Address of the interface.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address, which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter.

- 2.0
LogicalNetwork string(:64) W The textual name of the HomePlug Logical Network. - 2.0
Version string(:16) R

Indicates the HomePlug version of the interface. This element SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example:

- 2.0
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R The firmware version of the interface. - 2.0
ForceCCo boolean W

Central Coordinator (CCo) selection mode.

If false, CCo selection is automatic. If true, the local HomePlug interface is forced to be CCo and all other devices in the Logical Network MUST be set to automatic CCo selection.

Typically ForceCCo is set to automatic CCo selection (false).

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.0
NetworkPassword string(:32) W

The network password of the device. This is a human readable ASCII string that is hashed per the HomePlug specification to generate the Network Membership Key (NMK). Note that care needs to be taken when setting this parameter as it might prohibit communication with other adapters or equipment connected via the powerline network.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
OtherNetworksPresent string[](:64) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 64) of strings. Indicates whether any other HomePlug networks are currently visible via this interface. Examples of valid list items include, but are not limited to:

- 2.0
MaxBitRate unsignedInt R The maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps). - 2.0
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table. - 2.0
Device.HomePlug.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MPDUTxAck unsignedLong R HomePlug-specific statistic. The Number of MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) Transmitted and Acknowledged. - 2.0
MPDUTxCol unsignedLong R HomePlug-specific statistic. The Number of MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) Transmitted and Collided - 2.0
MPDUTxFailed unsignedLong R HomePlug-specific statistic. The Number of MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) Transmitted and Failed - 2.0
MPDURxAck unsignedLong R HomePlug-specific statistic. The Number of MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) Received and Acknowledged - 2.0
MPDURxFailed unsignedLong R HomePlug-specific statistic. The Number of MAC Protocol Data Units (MPDUs) Received and Failed - 2.0
Device.HomePlug.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains information about other HomePlug devices connected to this HomePlug interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC address of remote HomePlug device. It is used to uniquely identify and easily correlate with the connected remote HomePlug device. - 2.0
TxPhyRate unsignedInt R The PHY transmit Rate (expressed in Mbps) to this remote device. - 2.0
RxPhyRate unsignedInt R The PHY receive Rate (expressed in Mbps) from this remote device. - 2.0
SNRPerTone unsignedInt[:1155]() R Comma-separated list (up to 1155 items) (length ) of unsigned integers. List items indicate Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) per tone from this remote device (expressed in 0.1dB). - 2.0
AvgAttenuation unsignedInt R Average attenuation from this remote device (expressed in 0.1dB). - 2.0
EndStationMACs string(:17)[:16]() R

[MACAddress] Comma-separated list (up to 16 items) (length ) of MAC Addresses. List items represent MAC addresses of end stations bridged by the remote HomePlug device.

For example: “11:22:33:AA:BB:CC, 22:33:44:DD:EE:66”

- 2.0
Active boolean R

Whether or not this device is currently present in the HomePlug network.

The ability to list inactive nodes is OPTIONAL. If the CPE includes inactive nodes in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive node. The length of time an inactive node remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.0
Device.UPA. object R Universal Powerline Association [UPA-PLC]. This object contains the Interface and Diagnostics objects. - 2.0
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.0
Device.UPA.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

UPA interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). Each table entry models the PHY and MAC levels of a UPA interface [UPA-PLC].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Interface is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.
- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC Address of the interface.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address, which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter.

- 2.0
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R This interface’s firmware version. - 2.0
MaxBitRate unsignedInt R The maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps). - 2.0
NodeType string W

Type of UPA device role. It can be Fixed Access Point (master) or End Point (slave) of the PLC network. Enumeration of:

  • AP
  • EP
- 2.0
LogicalNetwork string(:20) W The name (network ID) of the logical PLC network in which the local interface is a member (human readable string). - 2.0
EncryptionMethod string(:6) W

Encryption Method used by UPA device. Enumeration of:

  • None
  • DES
  • 3DES
  • AES128
  • AES256
- 2.0
EncryptionKey string(:36) W

Encryption key for secure PLC communications.

This a human readable string used by the system to generate the encryption key to encrypt communications in powerline. It takes non extended ASCII characters (i.e. printable 7-bit ASCII character codes 32-126, which includes SPACE but excludes TAB, LF and CR). For example: bvjPekZiYUf9kjNKJASkgJ09adfoP01Fjvgd

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
PowerBackoffEnabled boolean W Power back-off management feature status in the UPA device. Boolean can be true for “enabled” and false for “disabled”. - 2.0
PowerBackoffMechanismActive boolean R Show if power back-off mechanism is active at that time in the UPA device. Boolean can be true for “active” and false for “not active”. - 2.0
EstApplicationThroughput unsignedInt R The estimated application throughput (expressed in Mbps), received from the PLC link. This value can be used to indicate link quality. - 2.0
ActiveNotchEnable boolean W Enables or disables the ActiveNotch table for this interface. - 2.0
ActiveNotchNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ActiveNotch table. - 2.0
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table. - 2.0
BridgeForNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the BridgeFor table. - 2.0
Device.UPA.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.UPA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains information about PLC connections running between this UPA interface and other UPA devices.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] Remote UPA device MAC address. - 2.0
Port unsignedInt(0:65535) R The PLC port number. - 2.0
LogicalNetwork string(:20) R

The name of the logical PLC network (human readable string).

In the case where the associated device belongs to a different powerline network than the UPA interface, the actual network identifier of the neighboring network is not shown in LogicalNetwork. Rather, only a generic string, e.g. “Network 1”, “Network 2”, etc is stored here due to security/privacy implications.

- 2.0
PhyTxThroughput unsignedInt R Physical transmission throughput (in Mbps). - 2.0
PhyRxThroughput unsignedInt R Physical reception throughput (in Mbps). - 2.0
RealPhyRxThroughput unsignedInt R Real Physical reception throughput (in Mbps). - 2.0
EstimatedPLR unsignedInt(0:100) R Estimated PDU Loss Rate measurement between two devices (i.e. estimated percent of MPDUs that have been received with errors). - 2.0
MeanEstimatedAtt unsignedInt R Mean estimated attenuation (i.e. channel loss between the local interface and the remote device). It is measured in dB. - 2.0
SmartRouteIntermediatePLCMAC string(:17) R [MACAddress] Intermediate UPA adapter MAC address of the device that is acting as a relay to increase coverage in mesh scenarios. This is the MAC address of a third UPA device, with which the UPA interface is doing smart repeating in order to transmit data to the associated MACAddress UPA device. SmartRouteIntermediatePLCMAC will be empty when DirectRoute is true. - 2.0
DirectRoute boolean R Route status, where true indicates direct and false indicates indirect. - 2.0
Active boolean R

Whether or not this node is currently present in the UPA network.

The ability to list inactive nodes is OPTIONAL. If the CPE includes inactive nodes in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive node. The length of time an inactive node remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.0
Device.UPA.Interface.{i}.ActiveNotch.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains the list of active notches of the UPA interface.

A UPA device can have notches in its spectrum, where no power is transmitted in a given part of the spectrum. These notches are typically located in amateur radio bands, to avoid interference.

Note: All ActiveNotch entries can be enabled/disabled as a group using the ActiveNotchEnable parameter.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the active notch entry. false 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
StartFreq unsignedInt W The initial frequency (in kHz) of a notch enabled in the spectrum of the local interface. - 2.0
StopFreq unsignedInt W The final frequency (in kHz) of a notch enabled in the spectrum of the local interface. - 2.0
Depth unsignedInt W The depth (in dB) of a notch enabled in the spectrum of the local interface. - 2.0
Device.UPA.Interface.{i}.BridgeFor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents the bridge table of the UPA interface. Each instance is a bridge table entry.

It shows the MAC addresses of the remote UPA devices with their associated port number, and the MAC addresses of the end-devices (PCs, STBs, routers, etc) connected to Ethernet port of the powerline adapters with their associated logical port. In this way the system identifies to which UPA device an external device is connected to.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC address of the device. - 2.0
Port unsignedInt(0:65535) R Internal bridge associated port. - 2.0
Device.UPA.Diagnostics. object R The UPA Diagnostics object. - 2.0
InterfaceMeasurement() command -

[ASYNC] This command provides access to either a Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) Port Measurement test or a Channel Frequency Response (CFR) Port Measurement test. The Type parameter is used to select which type of test to perform.

CFR and SNR measurements are done between a two UPA devices (a local interface and a remote device belonging to the same network).

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Type string W

[MANDATORY] Indicates the type of port measurement test to be carried out. Enumeration of:

  • SNR (Signal-to-Noise-Ratio)
  • CFR (Channel Frequency Response) .
- 2.12
Interface string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the UPA.Interface. table. This is the local UPA interface from which the test is to be performed. - 2.12
Port unsignedInt(0:65535) W [MANDATORY] PLC port being measured. This identifies which PLC connection to measure between the local interface (indicated by Interface) and the remote device (implied by Port). - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
  • Error_InvalidPort

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
Measurements unsignedInt[:1536]() R

Comma-separated list (up to 1536 items) (length ) of unsigned integers. Result of Signal-to-Noise-Ratio measurement (if Type is SNR) or Channel Frequency Response measurement (if Type is CFR).

List items indicate measurements per carrier for a PLC port (expressed in 0.1dB).

- 2.12
RxGain int R Reception gain of the adapter (expresssed in dB). - 2.12
Device.WiFi. object R The WiFi object is based on the IEEE 802.11 specifications ([802.11-2020]). It defines interface objects (Radio and SSID), and application objects (AccessPoint and EndPoint). - 2.0
RadioNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Radio table. - 2.0
SSIDNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SSID table. - 2.0
AccessPointNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AccessPoint table. - 2.0
EndPointNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the EndPoint table. - 2.0
ResetCounter unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] This parameter counts the number of WiFi host or driver resets since the last device reset. This parameter is reset to zero after the device resets, and increments with each successive WiFi host or driver reset. - 2.12
ResetCause string R

Reports the cause for the previous Wi-Fi driver reset.

Enumeration of:

  • HostReinit (Indicates that the host processor intentionally performed the reset. This can be due to an external instruction)
  • SpontaneousInterrupt (Indicates that the reset was spontaneous. This can be due to an error condition)
  • LossOfPower (Indicates that the reset was due to a loss of mains power on the device)
- 2.14
NeighboringWiFiDiagnostic() command - [ASYNC] This command defines access to other WiFi SSIDs that this device is able to receive. - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
Result.{i}. object(0:) R

Neighboring SSID table. This table models other WiFi SSIDs that this device is able to receive.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

- 2.12
Radio string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Device.WiFi.Radio. table. The Radio that detected the neighboring WiFi SSID. - 2.12
SSID string(:32) R The current service set identifier in use by the neighboring WiFi SSID. The value MAY be empty for hidden SSIDs. - 2.12
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID used for the neighboring WiFi SSID. - 2.12
Mode string R

The mode the neighboring WiFi radio is operating in.

Enumeration of:

  • AdHoc
  • Infrastructure
- 2.12
Channel unsignedInt(1:255) R The current radio channel used by the neighboring WiFi radio. - 2.12
SignalStrength int(-200:0) R An indicator of radio signal strength (RSSI) of the neighboring WiFi radio measured in dBm, as an average of the last 100 packets received. - 2.12
SecurityModeEnabled string R

The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises.

The WEP value indicates either WEP-64 or WEP-128.

The WPA value is the same as WPA-Personal.

The WPA2 value is the same as WPA2-Personal.

The WPA-WPA2 value is the same as WPA-WPA2-Personal.

The WPA3-SAE value is the same as WPA3-Personal.

The WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE value is the same as WPA3-Personal-Transition.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • WEP
  • WPA
  • WPA2
  • WPA-WPA2
  • WPA-Enterprise
  • WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA-WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA3-SAE
  • WPA3-Enterprise
  • OWE (Added in 2.16)
- 2.12
EncryptionMode string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises.

When SecurityModeEnabled is one of WPA3-SAE, WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE, or WPA3-Enterprise, TKIP is not valid, and should not be in the list.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • TKIP
  • AES
- 2.12
OperatingFrequencyBand string R

Indicates the frequency band at which the radio this SSID instance is operating.

Enumeration of:

  • 2.4GHz
  • 5GHz
  • 6GHz (Added in 2.16)
- 2.12
SupportedStandards string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standards this Result instance can support simultaneously, in the frequency band specified by OperatingFrequencyBand. Each list item is an enumeration of:

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 2.4GHz, only values b, g, n, ax, be are allowed.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 5GHz, only values a, n, ac, ax, be are allowed.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 6GHz, only values ax, be are allowed.

- 2.12
OperatingStandards string[] R

Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedStandards parameter. Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standard that is detected for this Result.

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 2.4GHz, only values b, g, n, ax, be are allowed.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 5GHz, only values a, n, ac, ax, be are allowed.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 6GHz, only value ax, be are allowed.

For example, a value of “g,b” (or “b,g” - order is not important) means that the 802.11g standard [802.11g-2003] is used with a backwards-compatible mode for 802.11b [802.11b-1999]. A value of “g” means that only the 802.11g standard can be used.

- 2.12
OperatingChannelBandwidth string R

Indicates the bandwidth at which the channel is operating.

Enumeration of:

  • 20MHz
  • 40MHz
  • 80MHz
  • 160MHz
  • 320MHz-1 (Added in 2.17)
  • 320MHz-2 (Added in 2.17)
  • Auto
- 2.12
BeaconPeriod unsignedInt R Time interval (in ms) between transmitting beacons. - 2.12
Noise int(-200:0) R Indicator of average noise strength (in dBm) received from the neighboring WiFi radio. - 2.12
BasicDataTransferRates string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Basic data transmit rates (in Mbps) for the SSID. For example, if BasicDataTransferRates is “1,2”, this indicates that the SSID is operating with basic rates of 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. - 2.12
SupportedDataTransferRates string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Data transmit rates (in Mbps) for unicast frames at which the SSID will permit a station to connect. For example, if SupportedDataTransferRates is “1,2,5.5”, this indicates that the SSID will only permit connections at 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps and 5.5 Mbps. - 2.12
DTIMPeriod unsignedInt R The number of beacon intervals (measured in ms) that elapse between transmission of Beacon frames containing a TIM element whose DTIM count field is 0. This value is transmitted in the DTIM Period field of beacon frames. [802.11-2020] - 2.12
Reset() command - This command represents a request to reset or reboot the Wi-Fi sub-system without resetting or rebooting the device. - 2.12
Device.WiFi.MultiAP. object R
This object describes a Wi-Fi network containing 1 or more Access Point devices.
This object is related to a Wi-Fi network that contains multiple Access Points (Multi-AP) and utilizes software logic to optimize that Wi-Fi network (typically via steering STAs, also known as Associated Devices, to the best Access Point). This object exposes the view of the Wi-Fi netwtork from the perspective of the Multi-AP Controller. The Wi-Fi Alliance EasyMesh solution is one example of managing a Multi-AP network.
This object and all sub-objects have been moved to new objects.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved to WiFi.DataElements.Network MultiAP objects.
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This object was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
APDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the APDevice table.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the APDevice.{i} is being deprecated.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.SteeringSummaryStats. object R
The summary of statistics related to Multi-AP Steering for the Wi-Fi network.
The counters contained in SteeringSummaryStats are all reset on reboot.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved to DataElements.Network.MultiAPSteeringSummaryStats.
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This object was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
NoCandidateAPFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times Associated Devices should have been steered but weren’t because a better candidate AP couldn’t be found. - 2.13
BlacklistAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a Blacklist steer was attempted. - 2.13
BlacklistSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer succeeded. - 2.13
BlacklistFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer failed. - 2.13
BTMAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a BTM (BSS Transition Management; 802.11k) steer was attempted. - 2.13
BTMSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; 802.11k) steer succeeded. - 2.13
BTMFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; 802.11k) steer failed. - 2.13
BTMQueryResponses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of asynchronous BTM (BSS Transition Management; 802.11k) Queries for which a BTM Request was issued. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}. object(0:) R
Each instance of this object represents an individual Access Point device in the Wi-Fi network.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because ManufacturerOUI and LastContactTime have moved to DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice, Backhaul parameters have moved to DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice.Backhaul and MACAddress is duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.ID. All the rest are deprecated as noted.
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This object was DELETED in 2.18.
At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.
- 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) R
[MACAddress] A unique identifier for this particular device within the Wi-Fi network.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has been replaced by DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.ID.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
Manufacturer string R
The manufacturer of the Access Point device (human readable string).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information will be part of Data Elements R2.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
ManufacturerOUI string(6) R

Organizationally unique identifier of the Access Point device manufacturer. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}

The value MUST be a valid OUI as defined in [OUI].

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

- 2.13
ProductClass string(:64) R
Identifier of the class of product for which the serial number applies. That is, for a given manufacturer, this parameter is used to identify the product or class of product over which the SerialNumber parameter is unique.
This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information will be part of Data Elements R2.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
SerialNumber string(:64) R
Identifier of the particular Access Point device that is unique for the indicated class of product and manufacturer.
This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information will be part of Data Elements R2.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
SoftwareVersion string(:64) R
A string identifying the software version currently installed in the Access Point device (i.e. version of the overall firmware).
To allow version comparisons, this element SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 3.0.21 where the components mean: Major.Minor.Build.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information will be part of Data Elements R2.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
LastContactTime dateTime R The last time that the Access Point device was contacted via the Multi-AP control protocol. - 2.13
AssocIEEE1905DeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. AssocIEEE1905DeviceRef is a reference to the IEEE 1905.1 Network Topology Device. Since IEEE 1905.1 is a common protocol used by Multi-AP Controllers for communications, this parameter allows the MultiAP portion of the data model to reference the associated IEEE 1905.1 portion of the data model. - 2.13
BackhaulLinkType string R

The medium being used to backhaul this Access Point Device to the Multi-AP Controller. The None value is reserved for the APDevice instance that represents the Multi-AP Controller. Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Wi-Fi
  • MoCA
  • Ethernet
  • HPNA
  • HomePlug
  • UPA
- 2.13
BackhaulMACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC Address of the Device on the network that is providing a Backhaul Link for this Access Point Device.

An empty string is reserved for the APDevice instance that represents the Multi-AP Controller.

- 2.13
BackhaulBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted across the backhaul medium (as identified by the value of the BackhaulLinkType parameter), including framing characters. - 2.13
BackhaulBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received across the backhaul medium (as identified by the value of the BackhaulLinkType parameter), including framing characters. - 2.13
BackhaulLinkUtilization unsignedInt(:255) R Current utilization (expressed in %) of the medium (as identified by the value of the BackhaulLinkType parameter) being used to backhaul this Access Point device to the Multi-AP Controller. A value of 0 is used for the APDevice instance that represents the Access Point on the Multi-AP Controller. - 2.13
BackhaulSignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength of the backhaul link of the Access Point (AP) to the Multi-AP Controller, measured in dBm. RCPI threshold is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]. The value of this parameter is indeterminate if the value of the BackhaulLinkType parameter is anything other than Wi-Fi. - 2.13
RadarDetections unsignedInt[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of unsigned integers. List items represent channels in the non-occupancy list due to radars detected by Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) Channel Availability Check (CAC). - 2.14
DFSEnable boolean W
Enables or disables Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information will be part of Data Elements R2.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.14
RadioNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the Radio table.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the Radio.{i} is being deprecated.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}. object(0:) R
This object represents all of the individual Radios contained within the identified Access Point device known to the controller.
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This object was DELETED in 2.18.
At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.
- 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) R
[MACAddress] A unique identifier for this particular Radio within the identified Access Point.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ID.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
OperatingFrequencyBand string R

Indicates the frequency band at which the radio is operating. Enumeration of:

  • 2.4GHz
  • 5GHz
  • 6GHz (Added in 2.16)
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is replaced with DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.Class.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
OperatingStandards string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standard this Radio instance is configured for. Each list item is an enumeration of:

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 2.4GHz, only values b, g, n, ax are applicable.
If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 5GHz, only values a, n, ac, ax are applicable.
If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 6GHz, only value ax is allowed.
For example, a value of “g,b” (or “b,g” - order is not important) means that the 802.11g standard [802.11g-2003] is used with a backwards-compatible mode for 802.11b [802.11b-1999]. A value of “g” means that only the 802.11g standard is in use.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information cannot be obtained by EasyMesh.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
Channel unsignedInt(1:255) W
The current radio channel used by the connection.
To request automatic channel selection, set Radio.{i}.AutoChannelEnable to true.
Whenever Radio.{i}.AutoChannelEnable is true, the value of the Channel parameter MUST be the channel selected by the automatic channel selection procedure.
For channels in “wide mode” (where a channel bandwidth strictly greater than 20 MHz is used), this parameter is used for Primary Channel only. The secondary or extension channel information is available through ExtensionChannel.
Note: Valid Channel values depend on the OperatingFrequencyBand value specified and the regulatory domain.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is replaced with DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.Channel.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
ExtensionChannel string R
The secondary extension channel position, applicable when operating in wide channel mode (i.e. when CurrentOperatingChannelBandwidth is 40MHz

If not operating in wide channel mode (i.e. when CurrentOperatingChannelBandwidth is something other than 40MHz, then the value of ExtensionChannel is None. Enumeration of:

  • None
  • AboveControlChannel
  • BelowControlChannel
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information is not available via EasyMesh.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
PossibleChannels string[](:1024) R
Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. List items represent possible radio channels for the wireless standard (a, b, g, n, ac, ax) and the regulatory domain.
Ranges in the form “n-m” are permitted.
For example, for 802.11b and North America, would be “1-11”.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not available via EasyMesh.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.14
CurrentOperatingChannelBandwidth string R

The channel bandwidth currently in use. Enumeration of:

  • 20MHz
  • 40MHz
  • 80MHz
  • 160MHz
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not available via EasyMesh.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
MCS int(0:15,16:31) R
The Modulation Coding Scheme index (applicable to 802.11n and 802.11ac specifications only). Values from 0 to 15 MUST be supported ([802.11n-2009]). Values from 0 to 9 MUST be supported for [802.11ac-2013].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information is not available in EasyMesh.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
TransmitPower int(-1:100) R
Indicates the current transmit power level as a percentage of full power.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.TxPower.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
TransmitPowerLimit int(-90:36) W
Indicates the maximum Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) per 20 MHz bandwidth representing the nominal transmit power limit for this radio. The field is coded in units of dBm relative to 1 mW. [Clause 17.2.15/EasyMesh]
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is not available in EasyMesh.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.14
APNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the AP table.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the AP.{i}. is being deprecated.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}. object(0:) R
A single logical Access Point operating on this radio.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved to DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.MultiAPSteering. except SSID and BSSID which are duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}..
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This object was DELETED in 2.18.
At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.
- 2.13
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the logical BSS (BSSID). - 2.13
SSID string R The SSID in use for this BSS. - 2.13
BlacklistAttempts unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Number of times a Blacklist steer was attempted for this Access Point.

Blacklist steering is the process of forcing a connected STA to move to another Access Point by temporarily blocking its access to the current Access Point.

- 2.13
BTMAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a BTM (BSS Transition Management; 802.11k) steer was attempted for this Access Point. - 2.13
BTMQueryResponses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of asynchronous BTM (BSS Transition Management; 802.11k) Queries for which a BTM Request was issued by this Access Point. - 2.13
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the AssociatedDevice.{i}. is being deprecated.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R
Object describing a single Associated Device (STA).
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved AssociationTime, Noise into DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA. and the remaining parameters are duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}. except OperatingStandard which was deprecated as noted.
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This object was DELETED in 2.18.
At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.
- 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC address of an associated device. - 2.13
OperatingStandard string R

The operating standard that this associated device is connected with. Enumeration of:

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information cannot be obtained by EasyMesh.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
Active boolean R
Whether or not this associated device is currently present on the Wi-Fi Access Point device.
The ability to list inactive nodes is OPTIONAL. If the Access Point devices includes inactive nodes in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive node. The length of time an inactive node remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because this information cannot be obtained by EasyMesh.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
AssociationTime dateTime R Date and time in UTC when the device was associated. - 2.13
LastDataDownlinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the access point to the associated device. - 2.13
LastDataUplinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the associated device to the access point. - 2.13
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength of the uplink from the Associated Device (STA) to the Access Point (AP) measured in dBm. RCPI threshold is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]. - 2.13
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R

An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured on the uplink from the Associated Device (STA) to the Access Point (AP).

Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section].

- 2.13
SteeringHistoryNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the SteeringHistory table.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.SteeringHistory.{i}. is being deprecated.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Stats. object R
Object describing the Statistics for a single Associated Device (STA).
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is duplicated in DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}..
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This object was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted to the Associated Device. - 2.13
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received from the Associated Device. - 2.13
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted to the Associated Device. - 2.13
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received from the Associated Device. - 2.13
ErrorsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. These might be due to the number of retransmissions exceeding the retry limit, or from other causes. - 2.13
ErrorsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.13
RetransCount unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of transmitted packets which were retransmissions. Two retransmissions of the same packet results in this counter incrementing by two. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.SteeringSummaryStats. object R
The summary of statistics related to Multi-AP Steering for an individual STA on the Wi-Fi network.
The counters contained in SteeringSummaryStats are all reset on reboot.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved to DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA.SteeringSummaryStats..
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This object was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
NoCandidateAPFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times this Associated Device should have been steered but wasn’t because a better candidate AP couldn’t be found. - 2.13
BlacklistAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a Blacklist steer was attempted on this Associated Device. - 2.13
BlacklistSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer succeeded for this Associated Device. - 2.13
BlacklistFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer failed for this Associated Device. - 2.13
BTMAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a BTM (BSS Transition Management; 802.11k) steer was attempted on this Associated Device. - 2.13
BTMSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; 802.11k) steer succeeded for this Associated Device. - 2.13
BTMFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; 802.11k) steer failed for this Associated Device. - 2.13
BTMQueryResponses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of asynchronous BTM (BSS Transition Management; 802.11k) Queries for which a BTM Request was issued to this Associated Device. - 2.13
LastSteerTime unsignedInt R The number of seconds since this Associated Device was last attempted to be steered. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.MultiAP.APDevice.{i}.Radio.{i}.AP.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.SteeringHistory.{i}. object(0:) R
The history of Multi-AP Steering for an individual STA on the Wi-Fi network.
The contents of this multi-instance object are reset on reboot.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it has moved to DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA.SteeringHistory.{i}..
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This object was DELETED in 2.18.
At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Time, APOrigin and APDestination.
- 2.13
Time dateTime R The date/time when steering was initiated for the Associated Device. - 2.13
APOrigin string R The BSSID of the Access Point that initiated the steering. - 2.13
TriggerEvent string R

The type of event that caused the steering to be initiaited. Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Wi-Fi Channel Utilization
  • Wi-Fi Link Quality
  • Backhaul Link Utilization

NOTE: This might be Unknown for BTM Query Response steers.

- 2.13
SteeringApproach string R

The type of steering that was attempted. Enumeration of:

  • Blacklist
  • BTM Request
  • Async BTM Query
- 2.13
APDestination string R

The BSSID of the destination Access Point of a successful steer.

A failed steering attempt will leave this parameter an empty string.

- 2.13
SteeringDuration unsignedInt R

The amount of time in seconds required for the steer to complete successfully.

A failed steering attempt will leave this parameter 0.

- 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements. object R This object represents the Wi-Fi Alliance Data Elements as defined in [DataElements] with extended capabilities in additional objects whose names begin with MultiAP. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network. object R This object describes a Wi-Fi network containing 1 or more Access Point (AP) devices. - 2.13
ID string R A unique identifier for this particular Wi-Fi network. - 2.13
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this group was collected. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
ControllerID string R A unique identifier for a Multi-AP controller. - 2.13
DeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Device table. - 2.13
MSCSDisallowedStaList string(:17)[] R [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. List of STAs for which Mirrored Stream Classification Service (MSCS) operation is disallowed. - 2.15
SCSDisallowedStaList string(:17)[] R [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. List of STAs for which Stream Classification Service (SCS) operation is disallowed. - 2.15
ColocatedAgentID string(:17) R

[MACAddress] AL MAC address of the EasyMesh Agent that is co-located in the same device with the Wi-Fi EasyMesh Controller.

Set to null if there is no such collocated agent.

- 2.17
SSIDNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SSID table. - 2.15
STABlockNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the STABlock table. - 2.17
PreferredBackhaulsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the PreferredBackhauls table. - 2.17
SetTrafficSeparation() command -

[ASYNC] This command allows or disallows EasyMesh traffic separation [Section 19.1/EasyMesh]. If Enable is true then the parameters defining traffic separation details can also be input with this command.

This command applies to all EasyMesh Agent devices in the Wi-Fi network.

This command can configure Device.{i}.SSIDtoVIDMapping.{i}. and Device.{i}.TrafficSeparationAllowed.

Status is to be returned after implementation or failed implementation on all agents/devices/APs in this Multi-AP network.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Enable boolean W

[MANDATORY] : true: EasyMesh traffic separation is allowed.

false: EasyMesh traffic separation is not allowed.
- 2.15
SSIDtoVIDMapping.{i}. object(0:) W

The Service Set Identifier (SSID) to VLAN ID (VID) mapping for EasyMesh traffic separation [EasyMesh]. Consists of a table of pairs of SSID and corresponding VID.

If this input is not provided, then existing Device.{i}.SSIDtoVIDMapping.{i}. apply.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SSID.

- 2.15
SSID string W The SSID name. - 2.15
VID unsignedInt(:4095) W The VLAN ID (VID). - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to allow or disallow EasyMesh traffic separation. Enumeration of:

  • Success (Indicates successful implementation on all agents/devices/APs in this Multi-AP network)
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
SetServicePrioritization() command -

[ASYNC] This command allows or disallows EasyMesh service prioritization [Section 20/EasyMesh]. If Enable is true then the parameters defining service prioritization details can also be input with this command.

This command can configure Device.{i}.SPRule.{i}., Device.{i}.DSCPMap and Device.{i}.ServicePrioritizationAllowed.

This command applies to all EasyMesh Agent devices in the Wi-Fi network.

Status is to be returned after implementation or failed implementation on all agents/devices/APs in this Multi-AP network.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Enable boolean W

[MANDATORY] : true: EasyMesh service prioritization is allowed.

false: EasyMesh service prioritization is not allowed.
- 2.15
DSCPMap hexBinary(:64) W

A hexadecimal string of 64 PCP values (one octet per value) corresponding to the DSCP markings 0x00 to 0x3F, ordered by increasing DSCP value. Each octet is in the range 0x00 - 0x07. This is used to select a PCP value if a Service Prioritization Rule specifies Rule Output: 0x08.

If this input is not provided, then the existing Device.{i}.DSCPMap applies.

- 2.15
SPRule.{i}. object(0:) W

This object describes a list of service prioritization (SP) rules [EasyMesh].

If this input is not provided, then existing Device.{i}.SPRule.{i}. apply.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ID.

- 2.15
ID unsignedInt W Service prioritization rule Identifier. - 2.15
Precedence unsignedInt(:254) W Rule Precedence - higher number means higher priority. - 2.15
Output unsignedInt(:9) W Rule Output. The value of, or method used to select the 802.1Q C-TAG Priority Code Point (PCP) output value. - 2.15
AlwaysMatch boolean W Indicates if the rule always matches. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to allow or disallow EasyMesh service prioritization. Enumeration of:

  • Success (Indicates successful implementation on all agents/devices/APs in this Multi-AP network)
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
SetPreferredBackhauls() command - [ASYNC] This command sets preferred backhaul links for EasyMesh [EasyMesh] backhaul. - 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
PreferredBackhauls.{i}. object(1:) W

Indicates preferred backhaul links for EasyMesh [EasyMesh] backhaul. Consists of a table of pairs of MAC addresses. For a WI-Fi connection pair, an entry contains the BSSID and bSTA MAC address. For a wired connection pair, an entry contains the interface MAC addresses. This command applies to all EasyMesh Agent devices in the Wi-Fi network.

Status is to be returned after implementation or failed implementation on all agents/devices/APs in this Multi-AP network.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry. This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for bSTAMACAddress.

- 2.15
BackhaulMACAddress string(:17) W [MANDATORY] [MACAddress] The MAC address of the BSS, or similar Ethernet interface, on this preferred backhaul link. - 2.15
bSTAMACAddress string(:17) W [MANDATORY] [MACAddress] The MAC address of the backhaul STA (bSTA), or similar Ethernet interface, on this preferred backhaul link. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to set preferred backhaul links. Enumeration of:

  • Success (Indicates successful implementation of all preferred backhaul links in this Multi-AP network)
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
SetSSID() command -

[ASYNC] This command specifies an SSID for use across this Wi-Fi Multi-AP network, or on this single-AP. Also specifies the PassPhrase, whether to add or remove this SSID, and specifies the Band for each SSID.

This command applies to all EasyMesh Agent devices in the Wi-Fi network, or to this AP in the single-AP case.

This command can be used to change any input parameter(s) if AddRemoveChange is set to Change.

This command can configure SSID.{i}.

Note that VLAN IDs (VIDs) can be configured per SSID with Device.{i}.SSIDtoVIDMapping.{i}.

Status is to be returned after implementation or failed implementation on all agents/devices/APs in this Multi-AP network.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
SSID string W [MANDATORY] The SSID for fronthaul use across this Wi-Fi Multi-AP network. - 2.15
Enable boolean W

Enable or disable this SSID. Disable stops the use of this SSID, but the object is retained.

true: this SSID is to be enabled.
false: this SSID is to be disabled.
- 2.17
AddRemoveChange string W

[MANDATORY] Indicates whether to add, remove or change this SSID. Enumeration of:

  • Add (Add this SSID)
  • Remove (Remove this SSID)
  • Change (Change this SSID)

Status is to be returned after implementation or failed implementation on all agents/devices/APs in this Multi-AP network.

If set to Change, then all input parameters for this SSID that do not have null values are to be changed.

- 2.17
PassPhrase string W The WPA2 Passphrase and/or SAE password for this SSID. - 2.15
Band string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. The band(s) for which this SSID applies. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • All (Applies to all bands)
  • 2.4 (2.4 GHz band)
  • 5 (The entire 5 GHz band)
  • 6 (The entire 6 GHz band)
  • 5_UNII_1 (5 GHz UNII-1 band, 5.15 to 5.25 GHz)
  • 5_UNII_2 (5 GHz UNII-2 band, 5.25 to 5.725 GHz)
  • 5_UNII_3 (5 GHz UNII-3 band, 5.725 to 5.85 GHz)
  • 5_UNII_4 (5 GHz UNII-4 band, 5.85 to 5.925 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_5 (6 GHz UNII-5 band, 5.925 to 6.425 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_6 (6 GHz UNII-6 band, 6.425 to 6.525 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_7 (6 GHz UNII-7 band, 6.525 to 6.875 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_8 (6 GHz UNII-8 band, 6.875 to 7.125 GHz)

If this input is not provided, then a value of All applies.

- 2.15
AKMsAllowed string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate Authentication and Key Management (AKM) suites/security modes allowed on this BSS. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • psk (“psk” indicates one or more of the PSK and FT-PSK AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:2” for interoperability)
  • dpp (“dpp” indicates one or more of the DPP and FT-DPP AKMs defined in [Section 8.4/EasyConnect], typically at least “50-6F-9A:2” for interoperability)
  • sae (“sae” indicates one or more of the SAE and FT-SAE AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:8” for interoperability)
  • psk+sae
  • dpp+sae
  • dpp+psk+sae
  • SuiteSelector (“SuiteSelector” indicates an AKM suite selector, the value of which is indicated in SuiteSelector)
- 2.17
SuiteSelector hexBinary(4) W

AKM suite selector, the AKM suite selector (OUI and type) is encoded as a 4-octet hex-encoded value without internal delimiters, e.g. 506F9A02 [Table 9-151/802.11-2020].

This parameter applies if AKMsAllowed includes value “SuiteSelector”.

- 2.17
AdvertisementEnabled boolean W

Indicates if the SSID is advertised in beacons, or not.

true: this SSID is to be advertised in beacons.
false: this SSID is not to be advertised in beacons.
- 2.17
MFPConfig string W

Management Frame Protection (MFP) configuration. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Optional
  • Required
- 2.17
MobilityDomain string(:17)[] W [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. The IEEE 802.11 mobility domain [Section]. - 2.17
HaulType string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the use of this SSID. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Fronthaul
  • Backhaul
- 2.17
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to set the SSID. Enumeration of:

  • Success (Indicates successful implementation on all agents/devices/APs in this Multi-AP network)
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
SetMSCSDisallowed() command -

[ASYNC] This command disallows Mirrored Stream Classification Service (MSCS) service prioritization to particular STA(s). [EasyMesh]

This command applies to all EasyMesh Agent devices in the Wi-Fi network.

This command configures MSCSDisallowedStaList.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
MSCSDisallowedStaList string(:17)[] W [MANDATORY] [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. List of STAs for which MSCS operation is disallowed. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to disallow MSCS service prioritization to particular STA(s) Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
SetSCSDisallowed() command -

[ASYNC] This command disallows Stream Classification Service (SCS) service prioritization to particular STA(s). [EasyMesh]

This command applies to all EasyMesh Agent devices in the Wi-Fi network.

This command can configure SCSDisallowedStaList.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
SCSDisallowedStaList string(:17)[] W [MANDATORY] [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. List of STAs for which SCS operation is disallowed. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to disallow SCS service prioritization to particular STA(s). Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.SSID.{i}. object(0:) R

This object specifies SSIDs for fronthaul use across all agents in this Wi-Fi Multi-AP network, or on this single-AP. Also specifies the Band for each SSID.

Note that VLAN IDs (VIDs) can be configured per SSID with Device.{i}.SSIDtoVIDMapping.{i}.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SSID.

- 2.15
SSID string(:64) R

The SSID for fronthaul use across this Wi-Fi Multi-AP network.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
Band string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The band(s) (GHz) for which this SSID applies. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • All (Applies to all bands)
  • 2.4 (2.4 GHz band)
  • 5 (The entire 5 GHz band)
  • 6 (The entire 6 GHz band)
  • 5_UNII_1 (5 GHz UNII-1 band, 5.15 to 5.25 GHz)
  • 5_UNII_2 (5 GHz UNII-2 band, 5.25 to 5.725 GHz)
  • 5_UNII_3 (5 GHz UNII-3 band, 5.725 to 5.85 GHz)
  • 5_UNII_4 (5 GHz UNII-4 band, 5.85 to 5.925 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_5 (6 GHz UNII-5 band, 5.925 to 6.425 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_6 (6 GHz UNII-6 band, 6.425 to 6.525 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_7 (6 GHz UNII-7 band, 6.525 to 6.875 GHz)
  • 6_UNII_8 (6 GHz UNII-8 band, 6.875 to 7.125 GHz)
- 2.15
Enable boolean R

Enable or disable of this SSID. Disable stops the use of this SSID, but the object is retained.

true: this SSID is enabled.
false: this SSID is disabled.
- 2.17
AKMsAllowed string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate Authentication and Key Management (AKM) suites/security modes allowed on this BSS. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • psk (“psk” indicates one or more of the PSK and FT-PSK AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:2” for interoperability)
  • dpp (“dpp” indicates one or more of the DPP and FT-DPP AKMs defined in [Section 8.4/EasyConnect], typically at least “50-6F-9A:2” for interoperability)
  • sae (“sae” indicates one or more of the SAE and FT-SAE AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:8” for interoperability)
  • psk+sae
  • dpp+sae
  • dpp+psk+sae
  • SuiteSelector (“SuiteSelector” indicates an AKM suite selector, the value of which is indicated in SuiteSelector)
- 2.17
SuiteSelector hexBinary(4) R

AKM suite selector, the AKM suite selector (OUI and type) is encoded as a 4-octet hex-encoded value without internal delimiters, e.g. 506F9A02 [Table 9-151/802.11-2020].

This parameter applies if AKMsAllowed includes value “SuiteSelector”.

- 2.17
AdvertisementEnabled boolean R

Indicates if the SSID is advertised in beacons, or not.

true: this SSID is to be advertised in beacons.
false: this SSID is not to be advertised in beacons.
- 2.17
MFPConfig string R

Management Frame Protection (MFP) configuration. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Optional
  • Required
- 2.17
MobilityDomain string(:17) R [MACAddress] The IEEE 802.11 mobility domain [Section]. - 2.17
HaulType string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the use of this SSID. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Fronthaul
  • Backhaul
- 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.STABlock.{i}. object(0:) W

This object indicates stations (STAs) for which client association is blocked.

optionally the BSSID(s) the STA is blocked from associating to. In multi-AP cases, this should be implemented by Wi-Fi EasyMesh [EasyMesh] client association control.

Stations that are already associated shall be disassociated if STABlock.{i}.Schedule.{i}. indicates so.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BlockedSTA. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for BlockedSTA such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
BlockedSTA string(:17) W

[MACAddress] MAC addresses of the STA that is blocked.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
BSSID string(:17)[] W [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. Indicates BSS from which the BlockedSTA is blocked from association and cannot associate to. A null list indicates that all SSIDs are blocked. - 2.17
ScheduleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Schedule table. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.STABlock.{i}.Schedule.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this object provides a schedule where client association is blocked for BlockedSTA [Section 11.6/EasyMesh].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
Day string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings, the days for which the STA is blocked. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
- 2.17
StartTime string(:5) W

Start time of the STA block in hh:mm format. [hh] refers to a zero-padded hour between 00 and 23. [mm] refers to a zero-padded minute between 00 and 59.

Start time is in local time zone.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]
- 2.17
Duration unsignedInt(1:) W The duration, in seconds, which the STA is blocked. If StartTime is defined, the STA is blocked for the Duration period starting from StartTime. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.MultiAPSteeringSummaryStats. object R

The summary of statistics related to Multi-AP Steering for the Wi-Fi network.

The counters contained in MultiAPSteeringSummaryStats are all reset on reboot.

- 2.15
NoCandidateAPFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times Associated Devices should have been steered but weren’t because a better candidate AP couldn’t be found. - 2.15
BlacklistAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a Blacklist steer was attempted. - 2.15
BlacklistSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer succeeded. - 2.15
BlacklistFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer failed. - 2.15
BTMAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer was attempted. - 2.15
BTMSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer succeeded. - 2.15
BTMFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer failed. - 2.15
BTMQueryResponses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of asynchronous BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) Queries for which a BTM Request was issued. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}. object(1:) R

Each instance of this object represents an individual EasyMesh Agent or single-AP device in the Wi-Fi network.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ID.

- 2.13
ID string(:17) R [MACAddress] A unique identifier for this particular device within the Wi-Fi network as defined in [Section 3.1/DataElements]. - 2.13
MultiAPCapabilities base64(1) R The Multi-AP capabilities supported by this device as defined by the APCapability TLV in [Section 17.2.6/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
CollectionInterval unsignedInt R The interval between the collection of consecutive measurements of the most frequently updated Data Element from this device in milliseconds. - 2.13
ReportUnsuccessfulAssociations boolean W Indicates whether the Multi-AP Agent or the single AP reports unsuccessful association attempts of client Stations (STAs) to the Multi-AP Controller. - 2.15
MaxReportingRate unsignedInt R Maximum rate for reporting unsuccessful association attempts in attempts per minute. - 2.15
APMetricsReportingInterval unsignedInt(:255) W

AP Metrics Reporting Interval.

0: Do not report AP Metrics periodically;
1 - 255: AP Metrics reporting interval in seconds.
- 2.15
AssociatedSTAReportingInterval unsignedInt(:255) W

Associated STA Reporting Interval.

0: Do not report associated STA Metrics periodically;

1 - 255: Associated STA Metrics reporting interval in seconds.

- 2.17
Manufacturer string R

Identifier of the manufacturer of the device.

If the instance of this Device is the same as Device., then this parameter is the same as Device.DeviceInfo.Manufacturer.

- 2.15
SerialNumber string R

Identifier of the particular Access Point device that is unique for the indicated model and manufacturer.

This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.

If the instance of this Device is the same as Device., then this parameter is the same as Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber.

- 2.15
ManufacturerModel string R

Identifier of the manufacturer model to help the user more easily identify a particular piece of equipment.

If the instance of this Device is the same as Device., then this parameter is the same as Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName.

- 2.15
SoftwareVersion string R

Identifier of the software version currently installed in the Access Point device (i.e. version of the overall firmware).

If the instance of this Device is the same as Device., then this parameter is the same as Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion.

- 2.15
ExecutionEnv string R

Identifier of the execution environment (operating system) in the device. This parameter can be an entry in the table SoftwareModules.ExecEnv.

If the instance of this Device is the same as Device., then this parameter is the same as Device.SoftwareModules.ExecEnv.{i}..

- 2.15
DSCPMap hexBinary(:64) R A hexadecimal string of 64 Priority Code Point (PCP) values (one octet per value) corresponding to the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) markings 0x00 to 0x3F, ordered by increasing DSCP value. Each octet is in the range 0x00 - 0x07. This is used to select a PCP value if a Service Prioritization Rule specifies Rule Output: 0x08 - 2.15
MaxPrioritizationRules unsignedInt(:255) R The maximum total number of service prioritization rules supported by the Agent. - 2.15
PrioritizationSupport boolean R Indicates support for Service Prioritization. - 2.15
MaxVIDs unsignedInt R Max Total Number of unique VLAN IDs (VIDs) the Multi-AP Agent supports. - 2.15
APMetricsWiFi6 boolean R
Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status Inclusion Policy.
true: Include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV in AP Metrics Response.
false: Do not include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV [3] in AP Metrics Response.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 because it was the same as Radio.{i}.APMetricsWiFi6.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.15
CountryCode string(2) R

Two-character country code in which the Multi-AP Agent is operating according to [ISO3166-1]. The characters are encoded as UTF-8.

If the instance of this DataElements is the same as Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.RegulatoryDomain.

- 2.15
LocalSteeringDisallowedSTAList string(:17)[] W [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. The STAs for which local steering is disallowed. - 2.15
BTMSteeringDisallowedSTAList string(:17)[] W [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. The STAs for which BSS Transition Management (BTM) steering is disallowed. - 2.15
DFSEnable boolean R Indicates if Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) is enabled or disabled. - 2.15
ReportIndependentScans boolean W

Channel Scan Reporting Policy, Report Independent Channel Scans

true: report Independent Channel Scans,
false: do not report Independent Channel Scans unless explicitly requested in a Channel Scan Request.
- 2.15
AssociatedSTAinAPMetricsWiFi6 boolean W
For EasyMesh [EasyMesh], this is the Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status Inclusion Policy.
true: Include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV in AP Metrics Response;
false: Do not include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV in AP Metrics Response.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 because it was the same as Radio.{i}.APMetricsWiFi6.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.15
MaxUnsuccessfulAssociationReportingRate unsignedInt W For EasyMesh [EasyMesh], this is the maximum rate for reporting unsuccessful association attempts (in attempts per minutes). - 2.15
STASteeringState boolean R

Indicates if EasyMesh [EasyMesh] controller-initiated station steering is disallowed or allowed on this device.

true: EasyMesh controller-initiated station steering disallowed;
false: EasyMesh controller-initiated station steering allowed.
- 2.15
CoordinatedCACAllowed boolean W

Allow or disallow the use of EasyMesh [EasyMesh] Coordinated Channel Availability Check (CAC) on this device.

true: allowed;
false: disallowed.
- 2.15
TrafficSeparationAllowed boolean R This parameter indicates if EasyMesh traffic separation [Section 19.1/EasyMesh] is allowed or disallowed. - 2.15
ServicePrioritizationAllowed boolean R This parameter indicates if EasyMesh service prioritization [Section 20/EasyMesh] is allowed or disallowed. - 2.15
ControllerOperationMode string R

This parameter represents the status of Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller functionality. Enumeration of:

  • NotSupported (Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller is not supported)
  • SupportedNotEnabled (Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller is supported but not enabled)
  • Running (Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller is running)
- 2.17
BackhaulMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC address of the interface on the network that is providing the backhaul for this EasyMesh Agent. For Wi-Fi backhaul, this is the BSSID or AP MLD address of the backhaul BSS. - 2.17
BackhaulALID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The IEEE 1905 [IEEE1905.1a] Abstraction-Layer ID (ALID) of the EasyMesh Agent on the network that is providing the backhaul for this EasyMesh Agent. - 2.17
BackhaulDownMACAddress string(:17)[] R [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. Each MAC address is that of a downstream EasyMesh agent’s backhaul link. - 2.17
BackhaulMediaType string R

Media type of the backhaul link of this EasyMesh Agent.

This value can be derived from the neighbor’s topology response message 1905 device information type TLV Media Type field defined in [Table 6-12/IEEE1905.1a]. Enumeration of:

  • IEEE 802.3u (IEEE 802.3u Fast Ethernet)
  • IEEE 802.3ab (IEEE 802.3ab Gigabit Ethernet)
  • IEEE 802.11b (IEEE 802.11b (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11g (IEEE 802.11g (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11a (IEEE 802.11a (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11n 2.4 (IEEE 802.11n (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11n 5.0 (IEEE 802.11n (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11ac (IEEE 802.11ac (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11ad (IEEE 802.11ad (60GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11af (IEEE 802.11af)
  • IEEE 802.11ax (IEEE 802.11ax)
  • IEEE 802.11be (IEEE 802.11be)
  • IEEE 1901 Wavelet (IEEE 1901 Wavelet)
  • IEEE 1901 FFT (IEEE 1901 FFT)
  • MoCAv1.1 (MoCAv1.1)
  • Generic PHY
- 2.17
BackhaulPHYRate unsignedInt R The Physical Layer (PHY) rate in Mb/s on the backhaul link of this EasyMesh agent. - 2.17
TrafficSeparationCapability boolean R Indicator of EasyMesh Agent capability to support EasyMesh [EasyMesh] 802.1Q C-TAG Traffic Separation. - 2.17
EasyConnectCapability boolean R

Indicator of the device capability to support Wi-Fi Easy Connect onboarding.

Indicated in the DPP Onboarding field of the EasyMesh Profile-2 AP Capability TLV [EasyMesh].

- 2.17
TestCapabilities unsignedInt R

Indicates EasyMesh agent support for running a throughput or latency test.

0 indicates that the EasyMesh Agent or single-AP does not support any throughput test and does not support a latency test.

1 indicates that the EasyMesh Agent or single-AP supports a throughput test but does not support a latency test.

2 indicates that the EasyMesh Agent or single-AP supports a latency test but does not support a throughput test.

3 indicates that the EasyMesh Agent or single-AP supports a throughput test and a latency test.

- 2.17
RadioNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Radio table. - 2.13
Default8021QNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Default8021Q table. - 2.15
SSIDtoVIDMappingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SSIDtoVIDMapping table. - 2.15
CACStatusNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CACStatus table. - 2.15
IEEE1905SecurityNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IEEE1905Security table. - 2.15
SPRuleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SPRule table. - 2.15
AnticipatedChannelsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AnticipatedChannels table. - 2.15
AnticipatedChannelUsageNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AnticipatedChannelUsage table. - 2.15
MaxNumMLDs unsignedInt R The maximum number of MLDs that the EasyMesh Agent can support. [EasyMesh] source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV. - 2.17
APMLDMaxLinks unsignedInt(0:15) R The maximum number of affiliated APs supported by any APMLD on this EasyMesh Agent. Set to a value between 0 and 14, which is the number of affiliated APs minus 1. The value of 15 is reserved. [EasyMesh] source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV. - 2.17
bSTAMLDMaxLinks unsignedInt(0:15) R The maximum number of affiliated bSTAs supported by the bSTAMLD on this EasyMesh Agent. Set to a value between 0 and 14, which is the number of affiliated bSTAs minus 1. The value of 15 is reserved. [EasyMesh] source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV. - 2.17
TIDLinkMapCapability string R

Indicates the EasyMesh Agent support for TID to Link mapping. [EasyMesh] source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV. Enumeration of:

  • 0 (The EasyMesh Agent does not support TID-to-link mapping)
  • 1 (The EasyMesh Agent supports the mapping of each TID to the same or different link set)
  • 2 (The EasyMesh Agent only supports the mapping of all TIDs to the same link set)
- 2.17
APMLDNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the APMLD table. - 2.17
SetSTASteeringState() command -

[ASYNC] Disallow or allow EasyMesh [EasyMesh] controller-initiated station (STA) steering on this device.

This command can configure STASteeringState.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Disallowed boolean W

[MANDATORY] : true: EasyMesh controller-initiated station steering disallowed;

false: EasyMesh controller-initiated station steering allowed.
- 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to allow or disallow EasyMesh controller-initiated station steering. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
SetDFSState() command -

[ASYNC] Enables/disables the use of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) channels on this device.

This command can configure DFSEnable.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
DFSEnable boolean W

[MANDATORY] : true: the use of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) channels is allowed;

false: the use of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) channels is disallowed;
- 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to allow or disallow the use of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) channels. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
SetAnticipatedChannelPreference() command - [ASYNC] This command requests to set the Anticipated Channel Preference. The operating classes, and list of channels for each operating class, are input. - 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) W

[MANDATORY] The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020].

Note that the operating class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.15
ChannelList unsignedInt(:255)[] W [MANDATORY] Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 255). The channel numbers in this Operating Class. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to set the anticipated channel preference. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
InitiateWPSPBC() command - [ASYNC] Initiates a Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) Push Button Configuration (PBC) process as defined in [WPS 2.0] . - 2.17
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the response to the request to start Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) Push Button Configuration (PBC). Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Default8021Q.{i}. object(0:) W

The default 802.1Q settings for EasyMesh service prioritization [EasyMesh].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for PrimaryVID. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for PrimaryVID such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W Enables or disables default 802.1Q settings. false 2.15
PrimaryVID unsignedInt(:4095) W

The primary 802.1Q C-TAG (VLAN ID).

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
DefaultPCP unsignedInt(:7) W The default Priority Code Point (PCP). - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.SSIDtoVIDMapping.{i}. object(0:) R

The Service Set Identifier (SSID) to VLAN ID mapping for EasyMesh traffic separation [EasyMesh].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SSID.

- 2.15
SSID string(:64) R The SSID. - 2.15
VID unsignedInt(:4095) R The VLAN ID (VID). - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.CACStatus.{i}. object(0:) R

Latest Channel Availability Check (CAC) Status Report from the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for TimeStamp.

- 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this group was collected. - 2.15
CACAvailableChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CACAvailableChannel table. - 2.15
CACNonOccupancyChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CACNonOccupancyChannel table. - 2.15
CACActiveChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CACActiveChannel table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.CACStatus.{i}.CACAvailableChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes available channels identified by Channel Availability Check (CAC).

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both OpClass and Channel.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R Operating class of an available channel, from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R Single channel number of an available channel in the given operating class. - 2.15
Minutes unsignedInt(:65535) R Minutes since CAC was completed identifying available channel. Equals zero for non-DFS channels. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.CACStatus.{i}.CACNonOccupancyChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes channels identified by Channel Availability Check (CAC) that may not be occupied.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both OpClass and Channel.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R Operating class of a channel that is in the non-occupancy list, from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R Single channel number in the operating class on which the radar was detected. - 2.15
Seconds unsignedInt(:65535) R Seconds remaining in the non-occupancy duration for the channel specified by the operating class and channel pair. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.CACStatus.{i}.CACActiveChannel.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes channels with ongoing Channel Availability Check (CAC).

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both OpClass and Channel.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R Operating class of a channel that has ongoing CAC, from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R Single channel number in the operating class that has an ongoing CAC. - 2.15
Countdown unsignedInt R Seconds remaining to complete the CAC. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.SPRule.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes a list of service prioritization (SP) rules [EasyMesh].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ID.

- 2.15
ID unsignedInt R Service prioritization rule Identifier. - 2.15
Precedence unsignedInt(:254) R Rule Precedence - higher number means higher priority. - 2.15
Output unsignedInt(:9) R Rule Output. The value of, or method used to select, the 802.1Q C-TAG Priority Code Point (PCP) output value. - 2.15
AlwaysMatch boolean R Indicates if the rule always matches. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.IEEE1905Security.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the IEEE 1905 security capabilities.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OnboardingProtocol.

- 2.15
OnboardingProtocol unsignedInt R

Onboarding protocols supported;

0: 1905 Device Provisioning Protocol as defined in the EasyMesh [EasyMesh] 1905 Layer Security Capability TLV.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
IntegrityAlgorithm unsignedInt R

Message integrity algorithms supported.

0: HMAC-SHA256.
- 2.15
EncryptionAlgorithm unsignedInt R

Message encryption algorithms supported.

- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.AnticipatedChannels.{i}. object(0:) R

This object contains a table of Wi-Fi 6 [802.11ax] operating classes, and channels within those operating classes, which have anticipated channel preference.

Operating Class contains an enumerated value from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]}.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020].

Note that the operating class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.15
ChannelList unsignedInt(:255)[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 255). The channel numbers in this Operating Class which have anticipated channel preference. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.AnticipatedChannelUsage.{i}. object(0:) R

This object reports Wi-Fi 6 [802.11ax] anticipated medium usage on channels (and subsets of those channels) on which the device is operating.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R The operating class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R The channel number in the given operating class of the channel on which the anticipated channel usage is reported. - 2.15
ReferenceBSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] Reference BSSID. Start Time values in this object are referenced to the Time Sync Function (TSF) timer value indicated in the Timestamp field in Beacon frames transmitted by this BSSID on the channel. - 2.15
EntryNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Entry table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.AnticipatedChannelUsage.{i}.Entry.{i}. object(0:) R

This object reports an entry for anticipated channel usage [802.11ax].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BurstStartTime.

- 2.15
BurstStartTime hexBinary(4) R

Least significant 4 octets of the TSF timer of the Reference BSSID, at the start of the anticipated first burst of channel usage.

Note: a burst is a continuous or quasi-continuous period of channel usage. For IEEE 802.11 transmissions, a burst might comprise only one PPDU, or multiple closely spaced PPDUs.

- 2.15
BurstLength unsignedInt R Duration of each burst of channel usage in microseconds. - 2.15
Repetitions unsignedInt R

Number of repetitions of the burst of channel usage;

0 = single burst,
232-1 = indefinite/unknown.
- 2.15
BurstInterval unsignedInt R Interval between two successive bursts of channel usage in microseconds; set to zero if Repetitions is zero. - 2.15
RUBitmask hexBinary(2:10) R Bitmask of 26-tone Resource Units (RUs) defined in [Section], where the (i-1)th bit position is set to one if the nominal bandwidth of the channel usage corresponding to this entry fully or partially overlaps with the RUi, and is otherwise set to zero. - 2.15
TransmitterIdentifier string(:17) R

[MACAddress] One of:

MAC address: if the entry corresponds to channel usage by a single client STA associated to the BSS of the Agent;
BSSID: if the entry corresponds to channel usage by multiple or unspecified client STAs associated to the BSS of the Agent;
BSS Color: (first 42-bits are zero) if the channel usage is caused by a source external to the BSSs operated by the Agent and the BSSID cannot be decoded (since frame sent at high MCS) but the BSS Color in the PHY headers could still be identified;
Zero: if the channel usage is caused by a source external to the BSSs operated by the Agent.
- 2.15
PowerLevel int R Indicates maximum transmit power during each channel usage burst in dBm; equal to 255 when unknown or when the entry corresponds to multiple transmitters with different transmit powers - 2.15
ChannelUsageReason string R

The reason for this anticipated channel usage. Enumeration of:

  • TWT_schedule
  • TSPEC (TSPEC or other traffic stream with predictable characteristics)
  • Scheduler_policy (Scheduler policy (if uplink, using Wi-Fi 6 trigger-based scheduling))
  • IEEE_802.11 (IEEE 802.11 transmitter external to the BSSs operated by the reporting Agent)
  • Non_IEEE_802.11 (Non-IEEE 802.11, or unknown source)
  • BSS_non_usage (BSS non-usage (in this special case, a burst is defined as a continuous period in which the Agent ensures no transmissions by any of its BSSs on the channel))
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice. object R This object represents an individual Access Point device. - 2.15
ManufacturerOUI string(6) R

Organizationally unique identifier of the Access Point device manufacturer. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}
The value MUST be a valid OUI as defined in [OUI].
This value MUST remain fixed over the lifetime of the device, including across firmware updates.
If the instance of this MultiAPDevice is the same as Device., then this parameter is the same as Device.DeviceInfo.ManufacturerOUI.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because it was essentially the same as Manufacturer.
- 2.15
LastContactTime dateTime R The last time that the Access Point device was contacted via the Multi-AP control protocol. - 2.15
AssocIEEE1905DeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. AssocIEEE1905DeviceRef is a reference to the IEEE 1905.1 Network Topology Device. Since IEEE 1905.1 is a common protocol used by Multi-AP Controllers for communications, this parameter allows the MultiAP portion of the data model to reference the associated IEEE 1905.1 portion of the data model. - 2.15
EasyMeshControllerOperationMode string R

This parameter represents the status of Wi-Fi CERTIFIED EasyMeshTM controller functionality. Enumeration of:

  • NotSupported (Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller is not supported)
  • SupportedNotEnabled (Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller is supported but not enabled)
  • Running (Wi-Fi EasyMesh controller is running)
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because it was the same as ControllerOperationMode.
- 2.15
EasyMeshAgentOperationMode string R

This parameter represents the status of Wi-Fi CERTIFIED EasyMeshTM agent functionality. Enumeration of:

  • NotSupported (Wi-Fi EasyMesh agent is not supported)
  • SupportedNotEnabled (Wi-Fi EasyMesh agent is supported but not enabled)
  • Running (Wi-Fi EasyMesh agent is running)
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice.Backhaul. object R

This object represents an individual Access Point device’s Backhaul and unique aspects in the Wi-Fi network.

The endpoints of the backhaul interface are represented by the (Device’s ID and interface MAC Address). This object represents the upward view of the backhaul interface. The two endpoints of the backhaul interface are - (BackhaulDeviceID, BackhaulMACAddress) of the uplinked Backhaul Device - MACAddress of this Access Point Device.

An empty string is reserved for the Backhaul instance that represents the Multi-AP Controller.

- 2.15
LinkType string R

The medium being used to backhaul this Access Point Device to the Backhaul Access Point Device. The None value is reserved for the Backhaul instance that represents the Multi-AP Controller. Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Wi-Fi
  • MoCA
  • Ethernet
  • HPNA
  • HomePlug
  • UPA
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because it was essentially the same as BackhaulMediaType.
- 2.15
BackhaulMACAddress string(:17) R
[MACAddress] The MAC Address at the far end of the backhaul link of the interface on the network that is providing a backhaul for this Access Point Device. This along with BackhaulDeviceID, helps to identify the backhaul interface endpoint.
an empty string is reserved for the Backhaul instance that represents the Multi-AP Controller.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because it was the same as BackhaulMACAddress.
- 2.15
BackhaulDeviceID string(:17) R
[MACAddress] The Device’s ID of the Device on the network that is providing a Backhaul Link for this Access Point Device.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because it was essentially the same as BackhaulALID.
- 2.15
MACAddress string(:17) R
[MACAddress] The MAC Address at the near end of the backhaul link of this Access Point Device’s backhaul interface that is connecting via BackhaulMediaType to BackhaulMACAddress of the Backhaul Device identified by BackhaulDeviceID.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because it was the same as Radio.{i}.BackhaulSta.MACAddress.
- 2.15
CurrentOperatingClassProfileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CurrentOperatingClassProfile table. - 2.15
SteerWiFiBackhaul() command -

[ASYNC] This command requests the Wi-Fi backhaul link to be steered to associate to a different BSS when the device is working as a bridge in a mesh network. The device needs to already have the necessary credentials for the switch to happen.

The TargetBSS should be an instance of a Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.BSSID.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
TargetBSS string(:17) W [MANDATORY] [MACAddress] Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) of the target BSS which the associated device(s) is to be associated to. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt W The number of the Wi-Fi channel the backhaul BSS is to be associated to. If Channel is not specified, then the radio is to determine which channel to use to associate to the requested TargetBSS. - 2.15
TimeOut unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The maximum timeout for this backhaul steering to occur in milliseconds. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the response to the Wi-Fi backhaul steering request. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Not_Ready
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Interface_Down
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice.Backhaul.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}. object(0:) R

Describes one of the current Operating Classes in use by this Radio. One Opeating Class is indicated for each current Operating Channel Bandwidth.

The Channel indicated for the 20 MHz Operating Class is equal to the current primary channel.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Class.

- 2.15
Class unsignedInt(:255) R The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] that this radio is currently operating on. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R This Channel number in the Operating Class that this Radio is currently operating on. - 2.15
TxPower int(-127:127) R

Nominal Transmit Power EIRP that this radio is currently using for the current Channel in the Opeating Class.

Represented as 2’s complement signed integer in units of decibels relative to 1 mW (dBm).

- 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this group was collected. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.MultiAPDevice.Backhaul.Stats. object R This object represents the statistics of the backhaul interface view from the current Device’s ID - 2.15
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted across the backhaul medium (as identified by the value of the BackhaulMediaType parameter), including framing characters.}} - 2.15
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received across the backhaul medium (as identified by the value of the BackhaulMediaType parameter), including framing characters. - 2.15
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted across the backhaul medium (as identified by the value of the BackhaulMediaType parameter), including framing characters. - 2.15
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received across the backhaul medium (as identified by the value of the BackhaulMediaType parameter), including framing characters. - 2.15
ErrorsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. - 2.15
ErrorsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.15
LinkUtilization unsignedInt(:100) R Current utilization (expressed in %) of the medium (as identified by the value of the BackhaulMediaType parameter) being used to backhaul this Access Point device to the Multi-AP Controller. A value of 0 is used for the Stats instance that represents the Access Point on the Multi-AP Controller. - 2.15
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength of the backhaul link of the Access Point (AP) to the Multi-AP Controller, measured in dBm. RCPI is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]. The value of this parameter is indeterminate if the value of the BackhaulMediaType parameter is anything other than a type of IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi. - 2.15
LastDataDownlinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the access point to the associated device. - 2.15
LastDataUplinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the associated device to the access point. - 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this group was collected. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}. object(1:) R

This object represents all of the individual Radios contained within the identified Access Point device known to the controller.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ID.

- 2.13
ID base64(6) R A unique identifier for this particular Radio within the identified Access Point as defined in [Section 3.1/DataElements]. - 2.13
Enabled boolean R

Indicates whether this radio is enabled or disabled.

If the instance of this Radio is the same as Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.Enable.

- 2.13
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R

An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured for the primary operating channel.

Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section].

If the instance of this Radio is the same as Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.Stats.Noise.

- 2.13
Utilization unsignedInt(0:255) R

(Total Channel Utililzation) The percentage of time (linearly scaled with 255 representing 100%) that the Access Point device sensed the medium was busy, as indicated by either the physical or virtual carier sense (CS) mechanism. This is essentially the amount of time spent transmitting (both successful and failed transmissions), receiving (both local and non-local transmissions), and processing noise [Section].

When more than one channel is in use for the BSS operating on the radio, the Utilization value is calculated only for the primary channel.

- 2.13
Transmit unsignedInt(0:255) R

(Transmit Channel Utilization) The percentage of time (linearly scaled with 255 representing 100%) that the radio has spent on sending individually or group addressed transmissions (successful and failed).

When more than one channel is in use for the BSS operating on the radio, the Transmit value is calculated only for the primary channel.

- 2.13
ReceiveSelf unsignedInt(:255) R

(Receive Local Channel Utilization) The percentage of time (linearly scaled with 255 representing 100%) that the radio has spent on receiving individually or group addressed local transmissions (i.e. transmissions from any STA associated with any BSS operating on this radio).

When more than one channel is in use for the BSS operating on the radio, the ReceiveSelf value is calculated only for the primary channel.

- 2.13
ReceiveOther unsignedInt(0:255) R

(Receive Non-Local Channel Utilization) The percentage of time (linearly scaled with 255 representing 100%) that the radio has spent on receiving individually or group addressed non-local transmissions (i.e. valid IEEE 802.11 PPDUs that are not associated with any BSS operating on this radio).

When more than one channel is in use for the BSS operating on the radio, the ReceiveOther value is calculated only for the primary channel.

- 2.13
TrafficSeparationCombinedFronthaul boolean R Indicates traffic separation on combined fronthaul and Profile-1 backhaul support [EasyMesh]. - 2.15
TrafficSeparationCombinedBackhaul boolean R Indicates traffic separation on combined Profile-1 backhaul and Profile-2 backhaul support [EasyMesh]. - 2.15
SteeringPolicy unsignedInt(:2) W

Steering Policy:

0: Agent Initiated Steering Disallowed;
1: Agent Initiated Receive Channel Power Indicator (RCPI)-based Steering Mandated;
2: Agent Initiated RCPI-based Steering Allowed.
- 2.15
ChannelUtilizationThreshold unsignedInt(:255) W Channel Utilization Threshold (defined per Basic Service Set (BSS) Load element [Section].). - 2.15
RCPISteeringThreshold unsignedInt(:220) W RCPI Steering Threshold (encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]). - 2.15
STAReportingRCPIThreshold unsignedInt(:220) W

Station (STA) Metrics Reporting RCPI Threshold.

0: Do not report STA Metrics based on RCPI threshold.
1 - 220: RCPI threshold (encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]).
- 2.15
STAReportingRCPIHysteresisMarginOverride unsignedInt W

STA Metrics Reporting RCPI Hysteresis Margin Override.

0: Use Agent’s implementation-specific default RCPI Hysteresis margin;
0: RCPI hysteresis margin value. This field is coded as an unsigned integer in units of decibels (dB).
- 2.15
ChannelUtilizationReportingThreshold unsignedInt W

AP Metrics Channel Utilization Reporting Threshold.

0: Do not report AP Metrics based on Channel utilization threshold;
0: AP Metrics Channel Utilization Reporting Threshold (similar to channel utilization measurement in [Section]).
- 2.15
AssociatedSTATrafficStatsInclusionPolicy boolean W

Associated STA Traffic Stats Inclusion Policy.

true: Include Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV in AP Metrics Response.
false: Do not include Associated STA Traffic Stats Type-Length-Value (TLV) in AP Metrics Response;
- 2.15
AssociatedSTALinkMetricsInclusionPolicy boolean W

Associated STA Link Metrics Inclusion Policy.

true: Include Associated STA Link Metrics TLV in AP Metrics Response.
false: Do not include Associated STA Link Metrics TLV in AP Metrics Response;
- 2.15
ChipsetVendor string R A string identifying the Wi-Fi chip vendor of this radio in the device. - 2.15
APMetricsWiFi6 boolean W

Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status Inclusion Policy.

true: include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV in AP Metrics Response.
false: do not include Associated Wi-Fi6 STA Status TLV [3] in AP Metrics Response.
- 2.15
CurrentOperatingClassProfileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CurrentOperatingClassProfile table. - 2.13
UnassociatedSTANumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the UnassociatedSTA table. - 2.13
BSSNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the BSS table. - 2.13
ScanResultNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ScanResult table. - 2.14
DisAllowedOpClassChannelsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DisAllowedOpClassChannels table. - 2.15
ChannelScanRequest() command -

[ASYNC] Request to initiate a channel scan. The operating classes, and list of channels for each operating class, are input. If no operating class is provided to the input, then all available opclasses and channels are to be scanned. For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz operating classes are valid inputs.

This command should result in updating Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) W

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020]. For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid. If this input is not provided, then all available opclasses and channels are to be scanned.

Note that the operating class identifies the band, and channel width.

- 2.15
ChannelList unsignedInt(:255)[] W Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 255). The channel numbers in this Operating Class for which the request to initiate a channel scan applies. - 2.15
ScanType string W

Indicates the type of scan to perform. If this is omitted, or is not supported by the device, then it should be ignored. Enumeration of:

  • Interrupt_Radio
  • Time_Sliced
  • Spatial_Stream
  • Unused_Radio
- 2.17
DwellTime unsignedInt W

The duration of the time to scan each channel in milliseconds. A value of 50 milliseconds is suggested.

If this is omitted, or is not supported by the device, then it should be ignored.

- 2.17
DFSDwellTime unsignedInt W

The duration of time to scan each Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) channel in milliseconds. Note that this is the time to scan the channel, and is not the time to perform DFS. A value of at least one beacon interval, typically 100 milliseconds, is suggested.

If this is omitted, or is not supported by the device, then it should be ignored.

- 2.17
HomeTime unsignedInt W

The time in milliseconds after which the driver has to go back to the original channel before scanning the next channel to avoid disruption.

If this is omitted, or is not supported by the device, then it should be ignored.

- 2.17
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to initiate a channel scan. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
RadioEnable() command -

[ASYNC] Request to enable or disable this radio.

This command can result in updating Enabled.

If the instance of this Radio is the same as Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}., then this command has the same effect as writing to Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.Enable.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Enable boolean W

[MANDATORY] : true: this radio is to be enabled.

false: this radio is to be disabled.
- 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to enable or disable this radio. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
SetTxPowerLimit() command -

[ASYNC] This command sets the upper limit on transmit power TransmitPowerLimit for this radio and OperatingClass.

This command can configure CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.TransmitPowerLimit.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
TransmitPowerLimit int(-128:127) W [MANDATORY] This is the upper limit on nominal transmit Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) that this radio can use for the OperatingClass. In units of decibels relative to 1 mW dBm. - 2.15
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) W [MANDATORY] The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] of the radio. Note that the Operating Class identifies the band and channel width. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to set a transmit power limit. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
SetSpatialReuse() command -

[ASYNC] This command sets the spatial reuse configuration of this radio. Applies only to Wi-Fi 6 and possibly later generations of radios.

Acronyms: Spatial Reuse Group (SRG), Overlapping Basic Service Set (OBSS), Preamble Detection (PD).

This command can configure SpatialReuse..

If some input parameter(s) are not provided, then the corresponding existing parameter in SpatialReuse. applies.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
BSSColor unsignedInt W The value of the BSS Color subfield of the HEOperations.BSSColorInformation field being transmitted by BSSs operating on this radio. (EasyMesh TLV Field: BSS Color) - 2.15
HESIGASpatialReuseValue15Allowed boolean W

Indicates if the Agent is allowed to set HESIGA.SpatialReuse field to value 15 (PSR_AND_NON_SRG_OBSS_PD_PROHIBITED) in HE PPDU transmissions of this radio. (EasyMesh TLV Field: HESIGA_Spatial_reuse_value15_allowed)

true: allowed;
false: disallowed.
- 2.15
SRGInformationValid boolean W

This field indicates whether the SRG Information fields (SRG OBSS PD Min Offset, SRG OBSS PD Max Offset, SRG BSS Color Bitmap and SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap) in this command are valid. (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG Information Valid)

true: SRG Information fields valid;
false: SRG Information fields not valid.
- 2.15
NonSRGOffsetValid boolean W

This field indicates whether the Non-SRG OBSSPD Max Offset field in this command is valid. (EasyMesh TLV Field: Non-SRG Offset Valid)

true: Non-SRG Max Offset field valid;
false: Non-SRG Max Offset field not valid.
- 2.15
PSRDisallowed boolean W

Indicates if the Agent is disallowed to use Parameterized Spatial Reuse (PSR)-based Spatial Reuse for transmissions by the specified radio. (EasyMesh TLV Field: PSR Disallowed)

true: PSR disallowed;
false: PSR allowed.
- 2.15
NonSRGOBSSPDMaxOffset unsignedInt W

The value of dot11NonSRGAPOBSSPDMaxOffset (i.e the Non-SRG OBSSPD Max Offset value being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: Non-SRG OBSSPD Max Offset)

This field is valid only if NonSRGOffsetValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGOBSSPDMinOffset unsignedInt W

The value of dot11SRGAPOBSSPDMinOffset (i.e. the SRG OBSSPD Min Offset value being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG OBSSPD Min Offset)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGOBSSPDMaxOffset unsignedInt W

The value of dot11SRGAPOBSSPDMaxOffset (i.e. the SRG OBSSPD Max Offset value being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG OBSSPD Max Offset)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGBSSColorBitmap hexBinary(8) W

The value of dot11SRGAPBSSColorBitmap (i.e. the SRG BSS Color Bitmap being used to control the tranmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG BSS Color Bitmap)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGPartialBSSIDBitmap hexBinary(8) W

The value of dot11SRGAPBSSIDBitmap (i.e. the SRG Partial BSSID Color Bitmap being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

Note: See rules in section of [17] regarding the members of an SRG.

- 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to set the spatial reuse configuration of this radio. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
WiFiRestart() command - [ASYNC] Request a restart of the Wi-Fi subsystem. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to restart the Wi-Fi subsystem. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.{i}. object(0:) R The list of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio organized per Operating Class and Channel tuple. - 2.14
TimeStamp dateTime R The timestamp of the last scan. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.14
AggregateScanDuration unsignedInt R Total time spent performing the scan of this channel in milliseconds. - 2.17
ScanType boolean R Indicates whether the scan was performed passively (false) or with active probing (true). - 2.17
OpClassScanNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the OpClassScan table. - 2.14
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OperatingClass.

- 2.14
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) R

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] of the OpClass and Channel tuple scanned by the Radio. For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid.

Note that the Operating Class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.14
ChannelScanNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ChannelScan table. - 2.14
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Channel associated with an Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Channel.

- 2.14
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R The channel number of the Channel scanned by the Radio given the Operating Class. - 2.14
TimeStamp dateTime R The timestamp of the last scan of the channel. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.14
Utilization unsignedInt(:255) R The current Channel Utilization measured by the Radio on the scanned 20MHz channel, as defined by [Section]. - 2.14
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R

An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured for the primary operating channel.

Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section].

- 2.14
ScanStatus string R

Status code to indicate whether a scan has been performed and if not the reason for failure Enumeration of:

  • 0 (Success)
  • 1 (Scan not supported on this opclass and channel)
  • 2 (Request too soon after last scan)
  • 3 (Radio too busy to perform scan)
  • 4 (Scan not completed)
  • 5 (Scan aborted)
  • 6 (Fresh scan not supported, radio only supports on boot scans)
  • 7 (reserved)
- 2.17
NeighborBSSNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the NeighborBSS table. - 2.14
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}.NeighborBSS.{i}. object(0:) R

The neighboring BSS discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

- 2.14
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID indicated by the neighboring BSS. - 2.14
SSID string R The SSID indicated by the neighboring BSS. - 2.14
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength (RSSI) of the Beacon or Probe Response frames of the neighboring BSS as received by the radio measured in dBm. (RSSI is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]). Reserved: 221 - 255. - 2.14
ChannelBandwidth string R Indicates the maximum bandwidth at which the neighboring BSS is operating. e.g. “20” or “40” or “80” or “80+80” or “160” MHz. - 2.14
ChannelUtilization unsignedInt(:255) R The channel utilization reported by the neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames, as defined by [Section]. - 2.14
StationCount unsignedInt R The number of Associated Devices (STA) reported by this neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames as defined by [Section]. - 2.14
MLDMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The Multi-Link Device (MLD) MAC address of the Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capable access point this neighboring BSS is affiliated to. Null if the neighboring BSS is not an affiliated AP. - 2.17
ReportingBSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID of the reporting BSSID if different from BSSID. This will be set if the NeigborBSS was discovered through, for example, a Reduced Neighbor Report. EasyMesh [EasyMesh] source: Channel Scan Result TLV. - 2.17
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates if the neighboring BSS is part of a MultiBSSID set and may be a non-transmitted BSSID. - 2.17
BSSLoadElementPresent boolean R Set to true if the neighbour BSS Beacon/Probe Responses include a BSSLoad Element as defined in [Section]. - 2.17
BSSColor unsignedInt(:63) R Set to the BSS Color from the BSS Color Information field in the BSS’s HE Operation element. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BackhaulSta. object R Contains the Medium Access Control (MAC) address of the STA on this radio providing Wi-Fi backhaul to this device. - 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC address of the logical STA sharing the radio for Wi-Fi backhaul. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanCapability. object R This object describes the channel scan capabilities of a radio. - 2.15
OnBootOnly boolean R On boot only flag, Indicates whether the specified radio is capable only of On boot scans. - 2.15
Impact unsignedInt(1:4) R

Scan Impact of using this radio to perform a scan.

1: No impact,
2: Reduced number of spatial streams,
3: Time slicing impairment,
4: Radio unavailable for >= 2 seconds.
- 2.15
MinimumInterval unsignedInt R Minimum Scan Interval, the minimum interval in seconds between the start of two consecutive channel scans on this radio. - 2.15
OpClassChannelsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the OpClassChannels table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanCapability.OpClassChannels.{i}. object(1:) R

Table of the operating classes (selected from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]) and channel numbers in each operating class that the radio is capable of scanning.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid.

Note that the operating class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.15
ChannelList unsignedInt(:255)[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 255). The channel numbers in this Operating Class which the radio is capable of scanning. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CACCapability. object R This object describes the Channel Availability Check (CAC) capabilities of a radio. - 2.15
CACMethodNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CACMethod table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CACCapability.CACMethod.{i}. object(0:4) R

List of Channel Availability Check (CAC) method information for each type of CAC that the radio can perform. Each type is defined by a method and time to complete. For each type, the classes and channels allowed are enumerated.

This table MUST contain at least 0 and at most 4 entries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Method.

- 2.15
Method unsignedInt R

CAC method supported;

0: Continuous CAC,
1: Continuous with dedicated radio,
2: Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) dimension reduced,
3: Time sliced CAC.
- 2.15
NumberOfSeconds unsignedInt R Number of seconds required to complete this method of CAC. - 2.15
OpClassChannelsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the OpClassChannels table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CACCapability.CACMethod.{i}.OpClassChannels.{i}. object(1:) R

Table of the operating classes (selected from [Table E-4/802.11-2020]) and channel numbers in each operating class supported for this method of CAC.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass.

- 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) R

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020].

Note that the operating class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.15
ChannelList unsignedInt(:255)[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 255). The channel numbers in this Operating Class that are supported for this method of CAC. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities. object R This object represents the capabilities of the radio which may be different from the current operational configuration. - 2.13
HTCapabilities base64(1) R Describes the HT capabilities of the radio as defined by the HTCapabilities TLV [Section 17.2.8/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
VHTCapabilities base64(2:6) R Describes the VHT capabilities of the radio as defined by the VHTCapabilities TLV [Section 17.2.9/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
HECapabilities base64(4:14) R
Describes the HE capabilities of the radio as defined by the HECapabilities TLV [Section 17.2.10/EasyMesh].
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by WiFi6APRole and WiFi6bSTARole.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
MSCSCapability boolean R This parameter indicates support for Mirrored Stream Classification Service (MSCS) and EasyMesh configuration of MSCS [AP Radio Advanced Capabilities TLV/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
SCSCapability boolean R This parameter indicates support for Stream Classification Service (SCS) and EasyMesh [EasyMesh] configuration of SCS [AP Radio Advanced Capabilities TLV/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
QoSMapCapability boolean R This parameter indicates support for QoS Map [AP Radio Advanced Capabilities TLV/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
DSCPPolicyCapability boolean R This parameter indicates support for DSCP Mapping Table TLV based DSCP-to-UP mapping and EasyMesh distribution of QoS Map elements to associated STAs [AP Radio Advanced Capabilities TLV/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
SCSTrafficDescriptionCapability boolean R This parameter indicates support for QoS Management Stream Classification Service (SCS) Traffic Description and EasyMesh configuration of and/or extensions to SCS using traffic descriptions [AP Radio Advanced Capabilities TLV/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
CapableOperatingClassProfileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CapableOperatingClassProfile table. - 2.13
AKMFrontHaulNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AKMFrontHaul table. - 2.15
AKMBackhaulNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AKMBackhaul table. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi6APRole. object R Describes the Wi-Fi 6 capabilities for the AP role. - 2.15
HE160 boolean R Indicates support for High Efficiency (HE) 160 MHz. - 2.15
HE8080 boolean R Indicates support for HE 80+80 MHz. - 2.15
MCSNSS base64(4:12) R Supported High Efficiency-Modulation and Coding Scheme (HE-MCS) and Number of Spatial Streams (NSS) Set field as defined in [Figure 9-788d/802.11ax] Supported HE-MCS And NSS Set field format. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 160MHz is present if 160MHz is supported. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 80+80MHz is present if 80+80MHz is supported. - 2.15
SUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Single-User (SU) Beamformer. - 2.15
SUBeamformee boolean R Indicates support for SU Beamformee. - 2.15
MUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Multi-User (MU) Beamformer. - 2.15
Beamformee80orLess boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee Space-Time Stream (STS) ≤ 80 MHz. - 2.15
BeamformeeAbove80 boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee STS > 80 MHz. - 2.15
ULMUMIMO boolean R Indicates support for Uplink (UL) Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO). - 2.15
ULOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for UL Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.15
DLOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for Downlink (DL) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.17
MaxDLMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per DL MU-MIMO Transmitter (TX) in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxULMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL MU-MIMO Receiver (RX) in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxDLOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per Downlink (DL) OFDMA TX in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxULOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL OFDMA RX in the BSS role. - 2.15
RTS boolean R Indicates support for Request To Send (RTS). - 2.15
MURTS boolean R Indicates support for MU RTS. - 2.15
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates support for Multi-Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID). - 2.15
MUEDCA boolean R Indicates support for MU Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). - 2.15
TWTRequestor boolean R Indicates support for Target Wake Time (TWT) Requestor. - 2.15
TWTResponder boolean R Indicates support for TWT Responder. - 2.15
SpatialReuse boolean R Indicates support for EasyMesh configuration and reporting of BSS Color and Spatial Reuse. - 2.15
AnticipatedChannelUsage boolean R Indicates support for Anticipated Channel Usage (ACU) reporting. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi6bSTARole. object R Describes the Wi-Fi 6 capabilities for the backhaul Station (bSTA) role. - 2.15
HE160 boolean R Indicates support for High Efficiency (HE) 160 MHz. - 2.15
HE8080 boolean R Indicates support for HE 80+80 MHz. - 2.15
MCSNSS base64(4:12) R Supported High Efficiency-Modulation and Coding Scheme (HE-MCS) and Number of Spatial Streams (NSS) Set field as defined in [Figure 9-788d/802.11ax] Supported HE-MCS And NSS Set field format. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 160MHz is present if 160MHz is supported. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 80+80MHz is present if 80+80MHz is supported. - 2.15
SUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Single-User (SU) Beamformer. - 2.15
SUBeamformee boolean R Indicates support for SU Beamformee. - 2.15
MUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Multi-User (MU) Beamformer. - 2.15
Beamformee80orLess boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee Space-Time Stream (STS) ≤ 80 MHz. - 2.15
BeamformeeAbove80 boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee STS > 80 MHz. - 2.15
ULMUMIMO boolean R Indicates support for Uplink (UL) Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO). - 2.15
ULOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for UL Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.15
DLOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for Downlink (DL) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.17
MaxDLMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per DL MU-MIMO Transmitter (TX) in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxULMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL MU-MIMO Receiver (RX) in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxDLOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per Downlink (DL) OFDMA TX in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxULOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL OFDMA RX in the BSS role. - 2.15
RTS boolean R Indicates support for Request To Send (RTS). - 2.15
MURTS boolean R Indicates support for MU RTS. - 2.15
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates support for Multi-Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID). - 2.15
MUEDCA boolean R Indicates support for MU Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). - 2.15
TWTRequestor boolean R Indicates support for Target Wake Time (TWT) Requestor. - 2.15
TWTResponder boolean R Indicates support for TWT Responder. - 2.15
SpatialReuse boolean R Indicates support for EasyMesh configuration and reporting of BSS Color and Spatial Reuse. - 2.15
AnticipatedChannelUsage boolean R Indicates support for Anticipated Channel Usage (ACU) reporting. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi7APRole. object R This object describes the Wi-Fi 7 capabilities for the AP role including Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capabilities. [EasyMesh] Source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV. - 2.17
EMLMRSupport boolean R Indicates if the Enhanced Multi-Link Multi-Radio (EMLMR) operation is supported. - 2.17
EMLSRSupport boolean R Indicates if Enhanced Multi-Link Single-Radio (EMLSR) operation is supported. - 2.17
STRSupport boolean R Indicates if Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STR) operation is supported. - 2.17
NSTRSupport boolean R Indicates if Non-Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (NSTR) operation is supported. - 2.17
TIDLinkMapNegotiation boolean R Indicates if Traffic Identifier (TID) to Link Mapping Negotiation is supported. - 2.17
EMLMRFreqSeparationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the EMLMRFreqSeparation table. - 2.17
EMLSRFreqSeparationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the EMLSRFreqSeparation table. - 2.17
STRFreqSeparationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the STRFreqSeparation table. - 2.17
NSTRFreqSeparationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the NSTRFreqSeparation table. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi7APRole.EMLMRFreqSeparation.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the required frequency separation from the specified radio RUID for MLO Enhanced Multi-Link Multi-Radio (EMLMR) operation. [EasyMesh] Source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RUID.

- 2.17
RUID base64 R The Radio unique identifier (RUID) of another radio to which the specified frequency separation gap applies. - 2.17
FreqSeparation unsignedInt R Frequency separation to the specified radio for the particular MLO operation mode. A value of 0 indicates that no frequency separation information is provided. Set to a nonzero value to indicate the required frequency gap is (FreqSeparation - 1) x 80 MHz. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi7APRole.EMLSRFreqSeparation.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the required frequency separation from the specified radio RUID for MLO Enhanced Multi-Link Single-Radio (EMLSR) operation. [EasyMesh] Source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RUID.

- 2.17
RUID base64 R The Radio unique identifier (RUID) of another radio to which the specified frequency separation gap applies. - 2.17
FreqSeparation unsignedInt R Frequency separation to the specified radio for the particular MLO operation mode. A value of 0 indicates that no frequency separation information is provided. Set to a nonzero value to indicate the required frequency gap is (FreqSeparation - 1) x 80 MHz. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi7APRole.STRFreqSeparation.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the required frequency separation from the specified radio RUID for MLO Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STR) operation. [EasyMesh] Source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RUID.

- 2.17
RUID base64 R The Radio unique identifier (RUID) of another radio to which the specified frequency separation gap applies. - 2.17
FreqSeparation unsignedInt R Frequency separation to the specified radio for the particular MLO operation mode. A value of 0 indicates that no frequency separation information is provided. Set to a nonzero value to indicate the required frequency gap is (FreqSeparation - 1) x 80 MHz. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi7APRole.NSTRFreqSeparation.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the required frequency separation from the specified radio RUID for MLO Non-Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (NSTR) operation. [EasyMesh] Source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RUID.

- 2.17
RUID base64 R The Radio unique identifier (RUID) of another radio to which the specified frequency separation gap applies. - 2.17
FreqSeparation unsignedInt R Frequency separation to the specified radio for the particular MLO operation mode. A value of 0 indicates that no frequency separation information is provided. Set to a nonzero value to indicate the required frequency gap is (FreqSeparation - 1) x 80 MHz. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi7bSTARole. object R This object describes the Wi-Fi 7 capabilities for the backhaul Station (bSTA) role including Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capabilities. [EasyMesh] Source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV. - 2.17
EMLMRSupport boolean R Indicates if the Enhanced Multi-Link Multi-Radio (EMLMR) operation is supported. - 2.17
EMLSRSupport boolean R Indicates if Enhanced Multi-Link Single-Radio (EMLSR) operation is supported. - 2.17
STRSupport boolean R Indicates if Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STR) operation is supported. - 2.17
NSTRSupport boolean R Indicates if Non-Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (NSTR) operation is supported. - 2.17
TIDLinkMapNegotiation boolean R Indicates if Traffic Identifier (TID) to Link Mapping Negotiation is supported. - 2.17
EMLMRFreqSeparationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the EMLMRFreqSeparation table. - 2.17
EMLSRFreqSeparationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the EMLSRFreqSeparation table. - 2.17
STRFreqSeparationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the STRFreqSeparation table. - 2.17
NSTRFreqSeparationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the NSTRFreqSeparation table. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi7bSTARole.EMLMRFreqSeparation.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the required frequency separation from the specified radio RUID for MLO Enhanced Multi-Link Multi-Radio (EMLMR) operation. [EasyMesh] Source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RUID.

- 2.17
RUID base64 R The Radio unique identifier (RUID) of another radio to which the specified frequency separation gap applies. - 2.17
FreqSeparation unsignedInt R Frequency separation to the specified radio for the particular MLO operation mode. A value of 0 indicates that no frequency separation information is provided. Set to a nonzero value to indicate the required frequency gap is (FreqSeparation - 1) x 80 MHz. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi7bSTARole.EMLSRFreqSeparation.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the required frequency separation from the specified radio RUID for MLO Enhanced Multi-Link Single-Radio (EMLSR) operation. [EasyMesh] Source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RUID.

- 2.17
RUID base64 R The Radio unique identifier (RUID) of another radio to which the specified frequency separation gap applies. - 2.17
FreqSeparation unsignedInt R Frequency separation to the specified radio for the particular MLO operation mode. A value of 0 indicates that no frequency separation information is provided. Set to a nonzero value to indicate the required frequency gap is (FreqSeparation - 1) x 80 MHz. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi7bSTARole.STRFreqSeparation.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the required frequency separation from the specified radio RUID for MLO Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STR) operation. [EasyMesh] Source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RUID.

- 2.17
RUID base64 R The Radio unique identifier (RUID) of another radio to which the specified frequency separation gap applies. - 2.17
FreqSeparation unsignedInt R Frequency separation to the specified radio for the particular MLO operation mode. A value of 0 indicates that no frequency separation information is provided. Set to a nonzero value to indicate the required frequency gap is (FreqSeparation - 1) x 80 MHz. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.WiFi7bSTARole.NSTRFreqSeparation.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the required frequency separation from the specified radio RUID for MLO Non-Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (NSTR) operation. [EasyMesh] Source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RUID.

- 2.17
RUID base64 R The Radio unique identifier (RUID) of another radio to which the specified frequency separation gap applies. - 2.17
FreqSeparation unsignedInt R Frequency separation to the specified radio for the particular MLO operation mode. A value of 0 indicates that no frequency separation information is provided. Set to a nonzero value to indicate the required frequency gap is (FreqSeparation - 1) x 80 MHz. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.AKMFrontHaul.{i}. object(0:) R

Authentication and Key Management (AKM) Suite (security mode) capabilities for the fronthaul BSS.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OUI.

- 2.15
OUI base64 R Any Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) value specified in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020]). - 2.15
Type unsignedInt(:255) R Any suite type value specified in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.AKMBackhaul.{i}. object(0:) R

Authentication and Key Management (AKM) Suite (security mode) capabilities for the backhaul BSS.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OUI.

- 2.15
OUI base64 R Any Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) value specified in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020]). - 2.15
Type unsignedInt(:255) R Any suite type value specified in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Capabilities.CapableOperatingClassProfile.{i}. object(0:) R

Describes one of the possible Operating Classes supported by this Radio.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Class.

- 2.13
Class unsignedInt(:255) R The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] that this radio is capable of operating on. - 2.13
MaxTxPower int(-127:127) R

Maximum Transmit Power EIRP that this radio is capable of transmitting in the current regulatory domain for the Operating Class.

Represented as 2’s complement signed integer in units of decibels relative to 1 mW (dBm).

- 2.13
NonOperable unsignedInt(:255)[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 255). The channel numbers which are statically non-operable in the Operating Class (i.e. the Radio is never able to operate on these channels).

Other channels from this Operating Class which are not listed here are supported for the Radio.

- 2.13
NumberOfNonOperChan unsignedInt R The number of non-operable channels contained in NonOperable. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}. object(0:) R

Describes one of the current Operating Classes in use by this Radio. One Operating Class is indicated for each current Operating Channel Bandwidth.

The Channel indicated for the 20 MHz Operating Class is equal to the current primary channel.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Class.

- 2.13
Class unsignedInt(:255) R The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] that this radio is currently operating on. - 2.13
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R This Channel number in the Operating Class that this Radio is currently operating on. - 2.13
TxPower int(-127:127) R

Nominal Transmit Power EIRP that this radio is currently using for the current Channel in the Opeating Class.

Represented as 2’s complement signed integer in units of decibels relative to 1 mW (dBm).

- 2.13
TransmitPowerLimit int(-128:127) R This is the upper limit on nominal transmit Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) that this radio is allowed to use for the current Class. In units of decibels relative to 1 mW dBm. - 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this group was collected. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.DisAllowedOpClassChannels.{i}. object(0:) W

The operating classes, and list of channels for each operating class, which are not allowed to be used on this radio.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OpClass. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for OpClass such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W Enables or disables disallowed operating classes and channels. false 2.15
OpClass unsignedInt(:255) W

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020].

Note that the operating class identifies the band and channel width.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
ChannelList unsignedInt(:255)[] W Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 255). The channel numbers in this Operating Class that are not allowed to be used on this radio. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.SpatialReuse. object R

The spatial reuse configuration of this radio. Applies only to Wi-Fi 6 [802.11ax] and possibly later generations of radios.

Acronyms: Spatial Reuse Group (SRG), Overlapping Basic Service Set (OBSS), Preamble Detection (PD).

- 2.15
PartialBSSColor unsignedInt R The value of the Partial Basic Service Set (BSS) Color subfield of the HEOperations.BSSColorInformation field being transmitted by BSSs operating on this radio. (EasyMesh TLV Field: Partial BSS Color) - 2.15
BSSColor unsignedInt R The value of the BSS Color subfield of the HEOperations.BSSColorInformation field being transmitted by BSSs operating on this radio. (EasyMesh TLV Field: BSS Color) - 2.15
HESIGASpatialReuseValue15Allowed boolean R

Indicates if the Agent is allowed to set HESIGA.SpatialReuse field to value 15 (PSR_AND_NON_SRG_OBSS_PD_PROHIBITED) in HE PPDU transmissions of this radio. (EasyMesh TLV Field: HESIGA_Spatial_reuse_value15_allowed)

true: allowed;
false: disallowed.
- 2.15
SRGInformationValid boolean R

This field indicates whether the SRG Information fields (SRG OBSS PD Min Offset, SRG OBSS PD Max Offset, SRG BSS Color Bitmap and SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap) in this command are valid. (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG Information Valid)

true: SRG Information fields valid;
false: SRG Information fields not valid.
- 2.15
NonSRGOffsetValid boolean R

This field indicates whether the Non-SRG OBSSPD Max Offset field in this command is valid. (EasyMesh TLV Field: Non-SRG Offset Valid)

true: Non-SRG Max Offset field valid;
false: Non-SRG Max Offset field not valid.
- 2.15
PSRDisallowed boolean R

Indicates if the Agent is disallowed to use Parameterized Spatial Reuse (PSR)-based Spatial Reuse for transmissions by the specified radio. (EasyMesh TLV Field: PSR Disallowed)

true: PSR disallowed;
false: PSR allowed.
- 2.15
NonSRGOBSSPDMaxOffset unsignedInt R

The value of dot11NonSRGAPOBSSPDMaxOffset (i.e the Non-SRG OBSSPD Max Offset value being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: Non-SRG OBSSPD Max Offset)

This field is valid only if NonSRGOffsetValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGOBSSPDMinOffset unsignedInt R

The value of dot11SRGAPOBSSPDMinOffset (i.e. the SRG OBSSPD Min Offset value being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG OBSSPD Min Offset)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGOBSSPDMaxOffset unsignedInt R

The value of dot11SRGAPOBSSPDMaxOffset (i.e. the SRG OBSSPD Max Offset value being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG OBSSPD Max Offset)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGBSSColorBitmap hexBinary(8) R

The value of dot11SRGAPBSSColorBitmap (i.e. the SRG BSS Color Bitmap being used to control the tranmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG BSS Color Bitmap)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

- 2.15
SRGPartialBSSIDBitmap hexBinary(8) R

The value of dot11SRGAPBSSIDBitmap (i.e. the SRG Partial BSSID Color Bitmap being used to control the transmissions of the specified radio). (EasyMesh TLV Field: SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap)

This field is valid only if SRGInformationValid is true.

Note: See rules in section of [17] regarding the members of an SRG.

- 2.15
NeighborBSSColorInUseBitmap hexBinary(8) R Bitmap of BSS colors of Overlapping BSSs (OBSSs) that the High-Efficiency (HE) AP has identified by itself or via the autonomous BSS Color collision reports received from associated non-AP HE STAs. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}. object(1:) R

A single logical BSS operating on this radio.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

- 2.13
BSSID string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC Address of the logical BSS (BSSID).

If the instance of this BSS is the same as Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.BSSID.

- 2.13
SSID string R

The SSID in use for this BSS.

If the instance of this BSS is the same as Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.SSID.

- 2.13
Enabled boolean R

Whether the BSSID is currently enabled (beaconing frames are being sent) or disabled.

If the instance of this BSS is the same as Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.Enable.

- 2.13
LastChange unsignedInt R

Time in seconds since the last change to the Enabled value.

If the instance of this BSS is the same as Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.LastChange.

- 2.13
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this group was collected. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
UnicastBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Access Point (BSS) wide statistics for total unicast bytes transmitted. - 2.13
UnicastBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Access Point (BSS) wide statistics for total unicast bytes received. - 2.13
MulticastBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Access Point (BSS) wide statistics for total multicast bytes transmitted. - 2.13
MulticastBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Access Point (BSS) wide statistics for total multicast bytes received. - 2.13
BroadcastBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Access Point (BSS) wide statistics for total broadcast bytes transmitted. - 2.13
BroadcastBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Access Point (BSS) wide statistics for total broadcast bytes received. - 2.13
ByteCounterUnits unsignedInt(1:2) R

Byte Counter Units.

1: kibibytes (KiB)
2: mebibytes (MiB).
- 2.15
Profile1bSTAsDisallowed boolean R

Profile-1 Backhaul STA association disallowed.

true: Backhaul STA association disallowed;
false: Backhaul STA association allowed.
- 2.15
Profile2bSTAsDisallowed boolean R

Profile-2 Backhaul STA association disallowed.

true: Profile 2 bSTA disallowed;
false: Profile 2 bSTA allowed.
- 2.15
AssociationAllowanceStatus unsignedInt(0:1) R

The status of allowance of new client device associations on this BSS.

0: No more associations allowed,
1: Associations allowed.
- 2.15
EstServiceParametersBE base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=BE, defined per [Figure 9-637/802.11-2020] and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
EstServiceParametersBK base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=BK, defined per [Figure 9-637/802.11-2020] and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
EstServiceParametersVI base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=VI, defined per [Figure 9-637/802.11-2020] and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
EstServiceParametersVO base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=VO, defined per [Figure 9-637/802.11-2020] and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
BackhaulUse boolean R

Indicates that this BSS is in use as a backhaul BSS;

true: backhaul BSS in use,
false: backhaul BSS not in use.

In [EasyMesh] 0 is in use and 1 is not in use.

- 2.15
FronthaulUse boolean R

Indicates that this BSS is in use as a fronthaul BSS;

true: fronthaul BSS in use,
false: fronthaul BSS not in use.

In [EasyMesh] 0 is in use and 1 is not in use.

- 2.15
R1disallowed boolean R

Multi-AP Profile-1 [3] (R1) disallowed status.

true: disallowed,
false: allowed.

In [EasyMesh] 0 is allowed and 1 is disallowed.

- 2.15
R2disallowed boolean R

Multi-AP Profile-2 [3] (R2) disallowed status.

true: disallowed,
false: allowed.

In [EasyMesh] 0 is allowed and 1 is disallowed.

- 2.15
MultiBSSID boolean R

Multiple BSSID Set;

true: configured,
false: not-configured.

In [EasyMesh], 1 is configured and 0 is not-configured.

- 2.15
TransmittedBSSID boolean R

Transmitted BSSID;

true: transmitted,
false: non-transmitted.

In [EasyMesh], 1 is transmitted and 0 is non-transmitted.

- 2.15
FronthaulAKMsAllowed string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate Authentication and Key Management (AKM) suites/security modes allowed at this BSS for fronthaul. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • psk (“psk” indicates one or more of the PSK and FT-PSK AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:2” for interoperability)
  • dpp (“dpp” indicates one or more of the DPP and FT-DPP AKMs defined in [Section 8.4/EasyConnect], typically at least “50-6F-9A:2” for interoperability)
  • sae (“sae” indicates one or more of the SAE and FT-SAE AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:8” for interoperability)
  • psk+sae
  • dpp+sae
  • dpp+psk+sae
  • SuiteSelector (“SuiteSelector” indicates an AKM suite selector, the value of which is indicated in FronthaulSuiteSelector)
- 2.15
FronthaulSuiteSelector hexBinary(4) W

AKM suite selector, the AKM suite selector (OUI and type) is encoded as a 4-octet hex-encoded value without internal delimiters, e.g. 506F9A02 [Table 9-151/802.11-2020].

This parameter applies if FronthaulAKMsAllowed includes value “SuiteSelector”.

- 2.17
BackhaulAKMsAllowed string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate Authentication and Key Management (AKM) suites/security modes allowed at this BSS for backhaul. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • psk (“psk” indicates one or more of the PSK and FT-PSK AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:2” for interoperability)
  • dpp (“dpp” indicates one or more of the DPP and FT-DPP AKMs defined in [Section 8.4/EasyConnect], typically at least “50-6F-9A:2” for interoperability)
  • sae (“sae” indicates one or more of the SAE and FT-SAE AKMs defined in [Table 9-151/802.11-2020] typically at least “00-0F-AC:8” for interoperability)
  • psk+sae
  • dpp+sae
  • dpp+psk+sae
  • SuiteSelector (“SuiteSelector” indicates an AKM suite selector, the value of which is indicated in BackhaulSuiteSelector)
- 2.15
BackhaulSuiteSelector hexBinary(4) W

AKM suite selector, the AKM suite selector (OUI and type) is encoded as a 4-octet hex-encoded value without internal delimiters, e.g. 506F9A02 [Table 9-151/802.11-2020].

This parameter applies if BackhaulAKMsAllowed includes value “SuiteSelector”.

- 2.17
BasicDataTransmitRates unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. The current basic data rates; the set of data rates, in kbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS. The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed in BasicDataTransmitRates. Most control packets use a data rate in BasicDataTransmitRates. - 2.17
STANumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the STA table. - 2.13
QMDescriptorNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the QMDescriptor table. - 2.15
SetQMDescriptors() command -

[ASYNC] This command configures each of the descriptor elements for Mirrored Stream Classification Service (MSCS), Stream Classification Service (SCS), or QoS Management. [EasyMesh].

This command can configure QMDescriptor.{i}..

If Input.QMDescriptor.{i}.DescriptorElement is for SCS or MSCS, the AP adds/changes/removes the rule according to the descriptor element request type.

If a Input.QMDescriptor.{i}.DescriptorElement is a QoS Management DSCP Policy, the AP sends it to the STA identified by the Input.QMDescriptor.{i}.ClientMAC.

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
QMDescriptor.{i}. object(1:) W

This object contains a table of DescriptorElement.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry. This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ClientMAC.

- 2.15
BSSID string(:17) W [MACAddress] The BSSID of BSS for which this descriptor applies. - 2.17
ClientMAC string(:17) W [MANDATORY] [MACAddress] MAC address of the Station (STA) for which this descriptor applies. - 2.15
DescriptorElement hexBinary W

[MANDATORY] The descriptor element. One of:

MSCS descriptor element (as described in [Section], or
SCS descriptor element (as described in [Section], or
QoS Management DSCP policy element (as described in [Section] and [Section 6.3/RFC8325]).
- 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to configure descriptor elements. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
ThroughputTest() command - [ASYNC] This command represents a request to initiate a throughput (speed) test from a BSS to a STA. - 2.17
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
STAMACAddress string(:17) W [MACAddress] MAC address of the STA that the throughput test is to be run to. - 2.17
VID unsignedInt(:4095) W The VLAN ID (VID) that the throughput test is to run on. - 2.17
WMMUP unsignedInt(:8) W

Wi-Fi MultiMedia (WMM) User Priority [AMB] that the throughput test is to run on. A value of 8 indicates that the WMM UP is not specified.

If WMM is not supported by the BSS and the STA, then this is ignored.

- 2.17
TestDuration unsignedInt(:65535) W Duration of the throughput test in milliseconds. - 2.17
TestDirection string W

Direction to run the throughput test. Enumeration of:

  • Downlink
  • Uplink
  • Roundtrip (Both uplink and downlink)
- 2.17
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the throughput test request. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.17
LatencyTest() command - [ASYNC] This command represents a request to initiate a latency (delay) test set from a BSS to a STA. Each latency test set includes a number of individual echo tests. Each echo test result provides a sample of round-trip time. - 2.17
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
STAMACAddress string(:17) W [MACAddress] MAC address of the STA that the latency test is to be run to. - 2.17
VID unsignedInt(:4095) W The VLAN ID (VID) that the latency test is to run on. - 2.17
WMMUP unsignedInt(:8) W

Wi-Fi MultiMedia (WMM) User Priority [AMB] that the latency test is to run on. A value of 8 indicates that the WMM UP is not specified.

If WMM is not supported by the BSS and the STA, then this is ignored.

- 2.17
NumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt(:65535) W

Number of echo tests to run in the latency test set.

If the value of this field is 0, then this field is ignored.

- 2.17
Timeout unsignedInt(:65535) W

If any echo test duration exceeds this time in milliseconds, then the echo test is declared a failure.

A value of 0 indicates that no Timeout is specified.

- 2.17
DataBlockSize unsignedInt(:65535) W

The size of each data block, in bytes, transmitted in each echo test.

A value of 0 indicates that no DataBlockSize is specified.

- 2.17
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the latency test request. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.QMDescriptor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object contains a table of DescriptorElement.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ClientMAC.

- 2.15
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID of BSS for which this descriptor applies. - 2.17
ClientMAC string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC address of STA for which this descriptor applies. - 2.15
DescriptorElement hexBinary R

The descriptor element. One of:

MSCS descriptor element (as described in [Section], or
SCS descriptor element (as described in [Section], or
QoS Management DSCP policy element (as described in [Section] and [Section 6.3/RFC8325]).
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.MUConfig. object R This object provides Multiuser (MU)-specific BSS configuration. - 2.17
DLOFDMAEnable boolean W Enable downlink (DL) Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA). - 2.17
ULOFDMAEnable boolean W Enable uplink (UL) OFDMA. - 2.17
DLMUMIMOEnable boolean W Enable DL Multi-User Multi-Input Multi-Output (MU-MIMO). - 2.17
ULMUMIMOEnable boolean W Enable UL MU-MIMO. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.MUStats. object R This object provides packet statistics for a Multiuser (MU) BSS. - 2.17
DLTotalPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Total number of Physical-layer Protocol Data Units (PPDUs) transmitted by the Wi-Fi Basic Service Set (BSS). - 2.17
DLHEPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of High-Efficiency (HE) PPDUs transmitted by the BSS. - 2.17
DLMUPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of Multi-User (MU) PPDUs transmitted by the BSS. - 2.17
DLOFDMAPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) PPDUs transmitted by the BSS. - 2.17
DLMUMIMOPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of Multi-Input Multi-Output (MU-MIMO) PPDUs transmitted by the BSS. - 2.17
DLOFDMAMUMIMOPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs transmitted by the BSS with OFDMA and MU-MIMO. - 2.17
ULTotalPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Total number of PPDUs received by the BSS. - 2.17
ULHEPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of High-Efficiency (HE) PPDUs received by the BSS. - 2.17
ULMUPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of MU PPDUs received by the BSS. - 2.17
ULOFDMAPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of OFDMA PPDUs received by the BSS. - 2.17
ULMUMIMOPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of MU-MIMO PDDUs received by the BSS. - 2.17
ULOFDMAMUMIMOPPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs received by the BSS with OFDMA and MU-MIMO. - 2.17
DLRU26PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs sent on the downlink using Resource Unit (RU) RU26. - 2.17
DLRU52PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs sent on the downlink using RU52. - 2.17
DLRU106PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs sent on the downlink using RU106. - 2.17
DLRU242PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs sent on the downlink using RU242. - 2.17
DLRU484PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs sent on the downlink using RU484. - 2.17
DLRU996PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs sent on the downlink using RU996. - 2.17
DLRU1992PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs sent on the downlink using RU1992. - 2.17
ULRU26PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs received on the uplink using RU26. - 2.17
ULRU52PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs received on the uplink using RU52. - 2.17
ULRU106PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs received on the uplink using RU106. - 2.17
ULRU242PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs received on the uplink using RU242. - 2.17
ULRU484PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs received on the uplink using RU484. - 2.17
ULRU996PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs received on the uplink using RU996. - 2.17
ULRU1992PPDUCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of PPDUs received on the uplink using RU1992. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.MultiAPSteering. object R A single logical Access Point operating on this radio. - 2.15
BlacklistAttempts unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Number of times a Blacklist steer was attempted for this Access Point.

Blacklist steering is the process of forcing a connected STA to move to another Access Point by temporarily blocking its access to the current Access Point.

- 2.15
BTMAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a BTM (BSS Transition Management; [Sections and 6.3.57/802.11-2020] steer was attempted for this Access Point. - 2.15
BTMQueryResponses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of asynchronous BTM (BSS Transition Management; [Sections and 6.3.57/802.11-2020] Queries for which a BTM Request was issued by this Access Point. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.ThroughputTestResult. object R Object containing the results of the most recent throughput (speed) test from the BSS to a station (STA). - 2.17
TimeStamp dateTime R Timestamp for the throughput test, indicating when the test completed. - 2.17
ClientMAC string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC address of the STA that the throughput test ran to. - 2.17
VID unsignedInt(0:4095) R

The VLAN ID (VID) that the throughput test ran on.

A value of 0 indicates that no VLAN was specified.

- 2.17
WMMUP unsignedInt(0:8) R

Wireless MultiMedia (WMM) User Priority (UP) [WMM] that the throughput test was requested to run on.

A value of 8 indicates that no UP was specified.

- 2.17
TestDuration unsignedInt R Duration of the throughput test in milliseconds. - 2.17
TestLayer unsignedInt R The OSI layer that the throughput test ran on. - 2.17
TestAlgorithm string R The test algorithm that the throughput test used. - 2.17
DownlinkSpeed unsignedInt R Downlink speed found by the throughput test in kbps. - 2.17
UplinkSpeed unsignedInt R Uplink speed found by the throughput test in kbps. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.LatencyTestResult. object R Object containing the results of the most recent latency test set from the BSS to a station (STA). Each latency test set includes a number of individual echo tests. Each echo test result provides a sample of round-trip times and statistics on all the echo tests in this latency test are reported in this object. - 2.17
TimeStamp dateTime R Timestamp for the latency test, indicating when the last echo in the latency test set was received or timed-out. - 2.17
ClientMAC string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC address of the station (STA) or EasyMesh Agent that the latency test ran to. - 2.17
VID unsignedInt(0:4095) R

The VLAN ID (VID) that the latency test ran on.

A value of 0 indicates that no VLAN was specified.

- 2.17
WMMUP unsignedInt(0:8) R

Wireless MultiMedia (WMM) User Priority (UP) [WMM] that the latency test was requested to run on.

A value of 8 indicates that no UP was specified.

- 2.17
DataBlockSize unsignedInt R

The size of each data block, in bytes, that was transmitted in each echo test. The data block excludes the packet or frame header.

A value of 0 indicates that no DataBlockSize was specified.

- 2.17
TestLayer unsignedInt R The OSI layer that the latency test ran on. - 2.17
TestAlgorithm string R The test algorithm that the latency test used. - 2.17
SuccessCount unsignedInt R

The number of successfully received echo responses.

This parameter is an output of the latency test.

- 2.17
LostCount unsignedInt R

The number of lost echoes in the latency test set.

This parameter is an output of the latency test.

- 2.17
AverageResponseTime unsignedInt R

The average round-trip time of the results of the latency test set in milliseconds. This average is across successfully received echoes only.

This parameter is an output of the latency test.

- 2.17
MinimumResponseTime unsignedInt R

The minimum round-trip time of the results of the latency test set in milliseconds. This minimum is across successfully received echoes only.

This parameter is an output of the latency test.

- 2.17
MaximumResponseTime unsignedInt R

The maximum round-trip time of the results of the latency test set in milliseconds. This maximum is across successfully received echoes only.

This parameter is an output of the latency test.

- 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}. object(1:) R

Object describing a single Associated Device (STA).

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC address of an associated device.

If the instance of this STA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.MACAddress.

- 2.13
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this group was collected. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
HTCapabilities base64(1) R Describes the HT capabilities of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
VHTCapabilities base64(2:6) R Describes the VHT capabilities of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
HECapabilities base64(4:14) R
Describes the HE capabilities of the Associated Device (STA).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by WiFi6Capabilities.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
ClientCapabilities base64 R The frame body of the most recently received (Re)Association Request frame from this client (STA), as defined in Table 9-34 and Table 9-36 of [802.11-2020] in the order of the underlying referenced standard. - 2.15
LastDataDownlinkRate unsignedInt R

The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the access point to the associated device.

If the instance of this STA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.LastDataDownlinkRate.

- 2.13
LastDataUplinkRate unsignedInt R

The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the associated device to the access point.

If the instance of this STA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.LastDataUplinkRate.

- 2.13
UtilizationReceive unsignedLong R The amount of time in milliseconds that the Radio has spent on the Channel receiving data from this Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
UtilizationTransmit unsignedLong R The amount of time in milliseconds that the Radio has spent on the Channel transmitting data to this Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
EstMACDataRateDownlink unsignedInt R Estimate of the MAC layer throughput in Mbps achievable in the downlink direction if 100% of channel airtime and BSS operating bandwidth were available, as defined in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
EstMACDataRateUplink unsignedInt R Estimate of the MAC layer throughput in Mbps achievable in the uplink direction if 100% of channel airtime and BSS operating bandwidth were available, as defined in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]. - 2.13
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R

An indicator of radio signal strength of the uplink from the associated STA to the access point - measured in dBm. RCPI is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020], and described in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]). Reserved: 221 - 255.

If the instance of this STA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.SignalStrength.

- 2.13
LastConnectTime unsignedInt R The time in seconds since this Associated Device (STA) was associated. - 2.13
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted to the Associated Device.

If the instance of this STA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Stats.BytesSent.

- 2.13
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received from the Associated Device.

If the instance of this STA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Stats.BytesReceived.

- 2.13
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted to the Associated Device.

If the instance of this STA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Stats.PacketsSent.

- 2.13
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received from the Associated Device.

If the instance of this STA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Stats.PacketsReceived.

- 2.13
ErrorsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. These might be due to the number of retransmissions exceeding the retry limit, or from other causes.

If the instance of this STA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Stats.ErrorsSent.

- 2.13
ErrorsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

If the instance of this STA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Stats.ErrorsReceived.

- 2.13
RetransCount unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of transmitted packets which were retransmissions. Two retransmissions of the same packet results in this counter incrementing by two.

If the instance of this STA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Stats.RetransCount.

- 2.13
MeasurementReport base64[] R Comma-separated list of Base64s. Measurement Report element(s) received from the Associated Device (STA) that constitute the latest Beacon report as defined in [Figure 9-230/802.11-2020]. - 2.13
NumberOfMeasureReports unsignedInt R The number of measurement report elements contained in MeasurementReport. - 2.13
IPV4Address string(:45) R [IPv4Address] IPV4 Address assigned to the client. - 2.13
IPV6Address string(:45) R [IPv6Address] IPV6Address assigned to the client. - 2.13
Hostname string R Hostname assigned to the client. - 2.13
CellularDataPreference string W

This is the Cellular Data Preference for a Agile Multiband (AMB) capable STA This specifies the use of the cellular data connection. [AMB] Enumeration of:

  • Excluded
  • Should not use
  • Should use
- 2.15
ReAssociationDelay unsignedInt(:65535) W Re-association Delay [AMB]. The time, in seconds, after a BTM steer from AP1 to AP2 during which the station cannot go back and re-associate with AP1. - 2.15
SleepMode string R

This parameter indicates the current operating sleep mode as recorded by the BSS [802.11-2020]. Enumeration of:

  • Not_Asleep
  • WNM_Sleep_Mode
  • TPU_Sleep
  • TDLS_Peer_Power_Save_Mode_(PSM)
  • AP_PS-Poll
  • TWT_Sleep
  • Light_Sleep
  • Deep_Sleep
- 2.17
SecurityAssociation string R

This parameter indicates the current operating security state as defined in [Section]. Enumeration of:

  • PMK-R0
  • PMK-R1
  • Mesh_PMKSA
  • Mesh_TKSA
  • Mesh_GTKSA
  • Other
- 2.17
TIDQueueSizesNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the TIDQueueSizes table. - 2.15
ClientSteer() command -

[ASYNC] Initiates an EasyMesh [EasyMesh] Controller initiated steering mandate request to steer a STA from one EasyMesh agent to another.

The steering mechanism is determined by the EasyMesh controller. Application of BTM or non BTM steering, timing, failsafes, and command rejection are determined by the EasyMesh controller.

The TargetBSSID should be an instance of a BSSID.

- 2.17
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
TargetBSSID string(:17) W

[MACAddress] Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) or AP MLD MAC Address of the target BSS which the associated device(s) is to be steered to.

Wildcard BSSID is represented by FFFFFFFFFFFF.

- 2.17
RequestMode string W

The request mode. Enumeration of:

  • Steering_Opportunity (Request is a Steering Opportunity, indicated by 0 in [Table 49/EasyMesh])
  • Steering_Mandate (Request is a Steering Mandate to trigger steering for specific client STA(s), indicated by 1 in [Table 49/EasyMesh])
- 2.17
BTMDisassociationImminent boolean W BTM disassociation imminent. - 2.17
BTMAbridged boolean W BTM abridged. - 2.17
LinkRemovalImminent boolean W Link removal imminent. - 2.17
SteeringOpportunityWindow unsignedInt W Time period in seconds (from reception of the Steering Request message) for which the request is valid. If RequestMode is Steering_Mandate, then this is ignored. - 2.17
BTMDisassociationTimer unsignedInt W Time period in TUs of the disassociation timer in the BTM Request. - 2.17
TargetBSSOperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) W

The Target BSS Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020].

If the TargetBSSID is set to “Wildcard BSSID”, then this is ignored.

- 2.17
TargetBSSChannel unsignedInt(:255) W

Target BSS channel number for channel on which the Target BSS is transmitting Beacon frames.

If the TargetBSSID is set to “Wildcard BSSID”, then then this is ignored.

- 2.17
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the response to the Wi-Fi backhaul steering request. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA. object R

The summary of statistics and operations for an individual STA on the Wi-Fi network.

The counters contained in MultiAPSTA are all reset on reboot.

- 2.15
AssociationTime dateTime R
Date and time in UTC when the device was associated.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because it was essentially the same as LastConnectTime.
- 2.15
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R
An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured on the uplink from the Associated Device (STA) to the Access Point (AP).
Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section].
If the instance of this MultiAPSTA is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Noise.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because it should be the same as Noise.
- 2.15
SteeringHistoryNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SteeringHistory table. - 2.15
Disassociate() command -
[ASYNC] This command represents a request to disassociate this associated device.
This command was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because ClientSteer() and STABlock.{i}. cover the use cases for this (client steering and client blocking).
- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
DisassociationTimer unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The time for which the associated device is to be disassociated in minutes. If set to 0, then the associated device is blocked indefinitely. - 2.15
ReasonCode unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The reason code for the request for the associated device to be disassociated, as defined in [Table 9-49/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Silent boolean W

An optional input, if true then this is a request for a Silent Disassociate, whereby the AP is to remove the station from its list of associated devices without sending a message to the station.

If this input in not provided, then a value of false is assumed.

- 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the response to the request to disassociate an associated device. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Not_Ready
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Interface_Down
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
BTMRequest() command -
[ASYNC] This command requests initiation of a BSS Transition Management (BTM) request to influence this client’s roaming behavior to another BSS as defined in [Section].
This command was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because it is superseded by ClientSteer().
- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
DisassociationImminent boolean W [MANDATORY] Indicates if the disassociation is imminent, as defined in [Section]. - 2.15
DisassociationTimer unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The number of beacon transmission times until the AP sends a disassociation frame to this station. If DisassociationTimer=0 then DisassociationTimer is not used. - 2.15
BSSTerminationDuration unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The number of minutes for which the BSS is not present. If BSSTerminationDuration=0 or if this input in not provided, then BSSTerminationDuration is not used. - 2.15
ValidityInterval unsignedInt W The amount of time in beacon intervals that the BTMRequest() is valid for. If ValidityInterval=0 or if this input in not provided, then ValidityInterval is not used. - 2.15
SteeringTimer unsignedInt W The amount of time in beacon intervals that this associated device is not allowed to return to the original BSS. If SteeringTimer=0 or if this input in not provided, then SteeringTimer is not used. - 2.15
TargetBSS string(:17) W [MANDATORY] [MACAddress] BSSID of the target BSS which the associated device(s) is to be associated to. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the response to the BSS Transition Management (BTM) request. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Not_Ready
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Invalid_Mac
  • Error_Interface_Down
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA.SteeringSummaryStats. object R

The summary of statistics related to Multi-AP Steering for this STA on the Wi-Fi network.

The counters contained in SteeringSummaryStats are all reset on reboot.

- 2.15
NoCandidateAPFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times this Associated Device should have been steered but wasn’t because a better candidate AP couldn’t be found. - 2.15
BlacklistAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a Blacklist steer was attempted on this Associated Device. - 2.15
BlacklistSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer succeeded for this Associated Device. - 2.15
BlacklistFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted Blacklist steer failed for this Associated Device. - 2.15
BTMAttempts unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times a BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer was attempted on this Associated Device. - 2.15
BTMSuccesses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer succeeded for this Associated Device. - 2.15
BTMFailures unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of times an attempted BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) steer failed for this Associated Device. - 2.15
BTMQueryResponses unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Number of asynchronous BTM (BSS Transition Management; [802.11k]) Queries for which a BTM Request was issued to this Associated Device. - 2.15
LastSteerTime unsignedInt R The number of seconds since this Associated Device was last attempted to be steered. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA.SteeringHistory.{i}. object(0:) R

The history of Multi-AP Steering for this STA on the Wi-Fi network.

The contents of this multi-instance object are reset on reboot.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Time, APOrigin and APDestination.

- 2.15
Time dateTime R The date/time when steering was initiated for the Associated Device. - 2.15
APOrigin string R The BSSID of the Access Point that initiated the steering. - 2.15
TriggerEvent string R

The type of event that caused the steering to be initiaited. Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • Wi-Fi Channel Utilization
  • Wi-Fi Link Quality
  • Backhaul Link Utilization

NOTE: This might be Unknown for BTM Query Response steers.

- 2.15
SteeringApproach string R

The type of steering that was attempted. Enumeration of:

  • Blacklist
  • BTM Request
  • Async BTM Query
- 2.15
APDestination string R

The BSSID of the destination Access Point of a successful steer.

A failed steering attempt will leave this parameter an empty string.

- 2.15
SteeringDuration unsignedInt R

The amount of time in seconds required for the steer to complete successfully.

A failed steering attempt will leave this parameter 0.

- 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.WiFi6Capabilities. object R Describes the Wi-Fi 6 capabilities of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.15
HE160 boolean R Indicates support for High Efficiency (HE) 160 MHz. - 2.15
HE8080 boolean R Indicates support for HE 80+80 MHz. - 2.15
MCSNSS base64(4:12) R Supported High Efficiency-Modulation and Coding Scheme (HE-MCS) and Number of Spatial Streams (NSS) Set field as defined in [Figure 9-788d/802.11ax] Supported HE-MCS And NSS Set field format. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 160MHz is present if 160MHz is supported. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 80+80MHz is present if 80+80MHz is supported. - 2.15
SUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Single-User (SU) Beamformer. - 2.15
SUBeamformee boolean R Indicates support for SU Beamformee. - 2.15
MUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Multi-User (MU) Beamformer. - 2.15
Beamformee80orLess boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee Space-Time Stream (STS) ≤ 80 MHz. - 2.15
BeamformeeAbove80 boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee STS > 80 MHz. - 2.15
ULMUMIMO boolean R Indicates support for Uplink (UL) Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO). - 2.15
ULOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for UL Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.15
DLOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for Downlink (DL) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.17
MaxDLMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per DL MU-MIMO Transmitter (TX) in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxULMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL MU-MIMO Receiver (RX) in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxDLOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per Downlink (DL) OFDMA TX in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxULOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL OFDMA RX in the BSS role. - 2.15
RTS boolean R Indicates support for Request To Send (RTS). - 2.15
MURTS boolean R Indicates support for MU RTS. - 2.15
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates support for Multi-Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID). - 2.15
MUEDCA boolean R Indicates support for MU Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). - 2.15
TWTRequestor boolean R Indicates support for Target Wake Time (TWT) Requestor. - 2.15
TWTResponder boolean R Indicates support for TWT Responder. - 2.15
SpatialReuse boolean R Indicates support for EasyMesh configuration and reporting of BSS Color and Spatial Reuse. - 2.15
AnticipatedChannelUsage boolean R Indicates support for Anticipated Channel Usage (ACU) reporting. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.TIDQueueSizes.{i}. object(0:) R

Object describing Traffic Identifiers (TIDs), and Queue Size for each TID, for this Associated Device (STA).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for TID.

- 2.15
TID unsignedInt(:255) R The TID of the corresponding Queue Size field. - 2.15
Size unsignedInt(:255) R Queue Size for this TID. Its format is defined in Table 9-10-QoS Control field [802.11-2020]. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.MultiAPRadio. object R This object represents an individual Access Point Radio in the Wi-Fi network. - 2.15
RadarDetections unsignedInt[](:1024) R
Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of unsigned integers. List items represent channels in the non-occupancy list due to radars detected by Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) Channel Availability Check (CAC).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because it was superseded by CACStatus.{i}..
- 2.15
FullScan() command -
[ASYNC] This command represents a request to initiate a full scan on this radio, including all channels supported by this radio, for a specific DwellTime and HomeTime. This command will result in updating Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.
This command was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because is was superseded by ChannelScanRequest() and performed the same function as Radio.{i}.FullScan().
- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
DwellTime unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The duration of the time to scan each channel in milliseconds. A value of 50 milliseconds is suggested. - 2.15
DFSDwellTime unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The duration of time to scan each Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) channel in milliseconds. A value of at least one beacon interval, typically 100 milliseconds, is suggested. - 2.15
HomeTime unsignedInt W The time in milliseconds after which the driver has to go back to the original channel before scanning the next channel to avoid disruption. If this is omitted, or is not supported by the device, then it should be ignored. - 2.15
SSID string W The Service Set Identifier (SSID) to scan. If omitted, then all SSIDs are scanned. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to initiate a full band scan. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Not_Ready
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Interface_Down
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
ScanResult.{i}. object(0:) R

The list of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio organized per Operating Class and Channel tuple.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The timestamp of the last scan. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
AggregateScanDuration unsignedInt R Total time spent performing the scan of this channel in milliseconds. - 2.17
ScanType boolean R Indicates whether the scan was performed passively (false) or with active probing (true). - 2.17
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OperatingClass.

- 2.15
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) R

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] of the OpClass and Channel tuple scanned by the Radio. For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid.

Note that the Operating Class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.15
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Channel associated with an Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Channel.

- 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R The channel number of the Channel scanned by the Radio given the Operating Class. - 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The timestamp of the last scan of the channel. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
Utilization unsignedInt(:255) R The current Channel Utilization measured by the Radio on the scanned 20MHz channel, as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R

An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured for the primary operating channel.

Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section].

- 2.15
ScanStatus string R

Status code to indicate whether a scan has been performed and if not the reason for failure Enumeration of:

  • 0 (Success)
  • 1 (Scan not supported on this opclass and channel)
  • 2 (Request too soon after last scan)
  • 3 (Radio too busy to perform scan)
  • 4 (Scan not completed)
  • 5 (Scan aborted)
  • 6 (Fresh scan not supported, radio only supports on boot scans)
  • 7 (reserved)
- 2.17
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}.NeighborBSS.{i}. object(0:) R

The neighboring BSS discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

- 2.15
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID indicated by the neighboring BSS. - 2.15
SSID string R The SSID indicated by the neighboring BSS. - 2.15
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength (RSSI) of the Beacon or Probe Response frames of the neighboring BSS as received by the radio measured in dBm. (RSSI is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]). Reserved: 221 - 255. - 2.15
ChannelBandwidth string R Indicates the maximum bandwidth at which the neighboring BSS is operating. e.g. “20” or “40” or “80” or “80+80” or “160” MHz. - 2.15
ChannelUtilization unsignedInt(:255) R The channel utilization reported by the neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames, as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
StationCount unsignedInt R The number of Associated Devices (STA) reported by this neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
MLDMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The Multi-Link Device (MLD) MAC address of the Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capable access point this neighboring BSS is affiliated to. Null if the neighboring BSS is not an affiliated AP. - 2.17
ReportingBSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID of the reporting BSSID if different from BSSID. This will be set if the NeigborBSS was discovered through, for example, a Reduced Neighbor Report. EasyMesh [EasyMesh] source: Channel Scan Result TLV. - 2.17
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates if the neighboring BSS is part of a MultiBSSID set and may be a non-transmitted BSSID. - 2.17
BSSLoadElementPresent boolean R Set to true if the neighbour BSS Beacon/Probe Responses include a BSSLoad Element as defined in [Section]. - 2.17
BSSColor unsignedInt(:63) R Set to the BSS Color from the BSS Color Information field in the BSS’s HE Operation element. - 2.17
SecurityModeEnabled string R

The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises.

The WEP value indicates either WEP-64 or WEP-128.

The WPA value is the same as WPA-Personal.

The WPA2 value is the same as WPA2-Personal.

The WPA-WPA2 value is the same as WPA-WPA2-Personal.

The WPA3-SAE value is the same as WPA3-Personal.

The WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE value is the same as WPA3-Personal-Transition.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • WEP
  • WPA
  • WPA2
  • WPA-WPA2
  • WPA-Enterprise
  • WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA-WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA3-SAE
  • WPA3-Enterprise
  • OWE (Added in 2.16)
- 2.15
EncryptionMode string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises.

When SecurityModeEnabled is one of WPA3-SAE, WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE, or WPA3-Enterprise, TKIP is not valid, and should not be in the list.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • TKIP
  • AES
- 2.15
SupportedStandards string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standards this NeighborBSS instance can support simultaneously, in the frequency band specified by Channel. Each list item is an enumeration of:

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

- 2.15
OperatingStandards string[] R

Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedStandards parameter. Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standard that is detected for this NeighborBSS.

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

For example, a value of “g,b” (or “b,g” - order is not important) means that the 802.11g standard [802.11g-2003] is used with a backwards-compatible mode for 802.11b [802.11b-1999]. A value of “g” means that only the 802.11g standard can be used.

- 2.15
BasicDataTransferRates string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Basic data transmit rates (in Mbps) for the SSID. For example, if BasicDataTransferRates is “1,2”, this indicates that the SSID is operating with basic rates of 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. - 2.15
SupportedDataTransferRates string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Data transmit rates (in Mbps) for unicast frames at which the SSID will permit a station to connect. For example, if SupportedDataTransferRates is “1,2,5.5”, this indicates that the SSID will only permit connections at 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps and 5.5 Mbps. - 2.15
SupportedNSS unsignedInt R The maximum number of spatial streams (NSS) that can be supported. - 2.15
DTIMPeriod unsignedInt R The number of beacon intervals (measured in ms) that elapse between transmission of Beacon frames containing a TIM element whose DTIM count field is 0. This value is transmitted in the DTIM Period field of beacon frames. [802.11-2020] - 2.15
BeaconPeriod unsignedInt R Time interval (in ms) between transmitting beacons. - 2.15
ChannelScan() command -
[ASYNC] This parameter represents a request to initiate a channel scan on this radio on the given channel using a specific DwellTime. This command should result in updating Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.
This command was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because is was superseded by ChannelScanRequest() and performed the same function as Radio.{i}.ChannelScan().
- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
DwellTime unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The duration of the time to scan each channel in milliseconds. A value of 50 milliseconds is suggested. - 2.15
DFSDwellTime unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The duration of time to scan each Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) channel in milliseconds. A value of at least one beacon interval, typically 100 milliseconds, is suggested. - 2.15
HomeTime unsignedInt W The time in milliseconds after which the driver has to go back to the original channel before scanning the next channel to avoid disruption. If this is omitted, or is not supported by the device, then it should be ignored. - 2.15
SSID string W The Service Set Identifier (SSID) to scan. If omitted, then all SSIDs are scanned. - 2.15
OpClass.{i}. object(0:) W

The Operating Classes for which this channel scan is requested.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.15
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) W [MANDATORY] The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] of the OpClass and Channel tuple scanned by the Radio. Note that the Operating Class identifies the band and channel width. For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid. - 2.15
OpClass.{i}.Channel.{i}. object(0:) W

The Channels for which this channel scan is requested.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) W [MANDATORY] The Channel number of the Channel that is requested to be scanned. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to initiate a channel scan. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Not_Ready
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Interface_Down
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
ScanResult.{i}. object(0:) R

The list of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio organized per Operating Class and Channel tuple.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The timestamp of the last scan. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
AggregateScanDuration unsignedInt R Total time spent performing the scan of this channel in milliseconds. - 2.17
ScanType boolean R Indicates whether the scan was performed passively (false) or with active probing (true). - 2.17
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OperatingClass.

- 2.15
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) R

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] of the OpClass and Channel tuple scanned by the Radio. For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid.

Note that the Operating Class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.15
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Channel associated with an Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Channel.

- 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R The channel number of the Channel scanned by the Radio given the Operating Class. - 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The timestamp of the last scan of the channel. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
Utilization unsignedInt(:255) R The current Channel Utilization measured by the Radio on the scanned 20MHz channel, as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R

An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured for the primary operating channel.

Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section].

- 2.15
ScanStatus string R

Status code to indicate whether a scan has been performed and if not the reason for failure Enumeration of:

  • 0 (Success)
  • 1 (Scan not supported on this opclass and channel)
  • 2 (Request too soon after last scan)
  • 3 (Radio too busy to perform scan)
  • 4 (Scan not completed)
  • 5 (Scan aborted)
  • 6 (Fresh scan not supported, radio only supports on boot scans)
  • 7 (reserved)
- 2.17
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}.NeighborBSS.{i}. object(0:) R

The neighboring BSS discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

- 2.15
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID indicated by the neighboring BSS. - 2.15
SSID string R The SSID indicated by the neighboring BSS. - 2.15
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength (RSSI) of the Beacon or Probe Response frames of the neighboring BSS as received by the radio measured in dBm. (RSSI is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]). Reserved: 221 - 255. - 2.15
ChannelBandwidth string R Indicates the maximum bandwidth at which the neighboring BSS is operating. e.g. “20” or “40” or “80” or “80+80” or “160” MHz. - 2.15
ChannelUtilization unsignedInt(:255) R The channel utilization reported by the neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames, as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
StationCount unsignedInt R The number of Associated Devices (STA) reported by this neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
MLDMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The Multi-Link Device (MLD) MAC address of the Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capable access point this neighboring BSS is affiliated to. Null if the neighboring BSS is not an affiliated AP. - 2.17
ReportingBSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID of the reporting BSSID if different from BSSID. This will be set if the NeigborBSS was discovered through, for example, a Reduced Neighbor Report. EasyMesh [EasyMesh] source: Channel Scan Result TLV. - 2.17
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates if the neighboring BSS is part of a MultiBSSID set and may be a non-transmitted BSSID. - 2.17
BSSLoadElementPresent boolean R Set to true if the neighbour BSS Beacon/Probe Responses include a BSSLoad Element as defined in [Section]. - 2.17
BSSColor unsignedInt(:63) R Set to the BSS Color from the BSS Color Information field in the BSS’s HE Operation element. - 2.17
SecurityModeEnabled string R

The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises.

The WEP value indicates either WEP-64 or WEP-128.

The WPA value is the same as WPA-Personal.

The WPA2 value is the same as WPA2-Personal.

The WPA-WPA2 value is the same as WPA-WPA2-Personal.

The WPA3-SAE value is the same as WPA3-Personal.

The WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE value is the same as WPA3-Personal-Transition.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • WEP
  • WPA
  • WPA2
  • WPA-WPA2
  • WPA-Enterprise
  • WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA-WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA3-SAE
  • WPA3-Enterprise
  • OWE (Added in 2.16)
- 2.15
EncryptionMode string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises.

When SecurityModeEnabled is one of WPA3-SAE, WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE, or WPA3-Enterprise, TKIP is not valid, and should not be in the list.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • TKIP
  • AES
- 2.15
SupportedStandards string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standards this NeighborBSS instance can support simultaneously, in the frequency band specified by Channel. Each list item is an enumeration of:

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

- 2.15
OperatingStandards string[] R

Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedStandards parameter. Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standard that is detected for this NeighborBSS.

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

For example, a value of “g,b” (or “b,g” - order is not important) means that the 802.11g standard [802.11g-2003] is used with a backwards-compatible mode for 802.11b [802.11b-1999]. A value of “g” means that only the 802.11g standard can be used.

- 2.15
BasicDataTransferRates string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Basic data transmit rates (in Mbps) for the SSID. For example, if BasicDataTransferRates is “1,2”, this indicates that the SSID is operating with basic rates of 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. - 2.15
SupportedDataTransferRates string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Data transmit rates (in Mbps) for unicast frames at which the SSID will permit a station to connect. For example, if SupportedDataTransferRates is “1,2,5.5”, this indicates that the SSID will only permit connections at 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps and 5.5 Mbps. - 2.15
SupportedNSS unsignedInt R The maximum number of spatial streams (NSS) that can be supported. - 2.15
DTIMPeriod unsignedInt R The number of beacon intervals (measured in ms) that elapse between transmission of Beacon frames containing a TIM element whose DTIM count field is 0. This value is transmitted in the DTIM Period field of beacon frames. [802.11-2020] - 2.15
BeaconPeriod unsignedInt R Time interval (in ms) between transmitting beacons. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.UnassociatedSTA.{i}. object(0:) R

Each instance represents a station (STA) that has been discovered by the Radio but is not associated to any of the BSS operating on the Radio.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC address of the Non-AP STA. - 2.13
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength (RCPI) of the uplink from the Non-AP STA - measured in dBm. RCPI is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020], and described in [Section 10.3.2/EasyMesh]. Reserved: 221 - 255. - 2.13
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) R Operating class on which this unassociated STA was last detected, per [Table E-4/802.11-2020]. - 2.17
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R Channel on which this unassociated STA was last detected. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.WPS. object R This object contains Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) Push Button Configuration (PBC) configuration and status as specified in [WPSv1.0] or [WPS 2.0]). In EasyMesh [EasyMesh] this object applies to fronthaul only. - 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables WPS functionality for this EasyMesh agent or single AP. - 2.17
Status string R

Indicates the current status of WPS. If the device goes to SetupLocked the WPS needs to be disabled and re-enabled to come out of this state.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Error
  • Unconfigured
  • Configured
  • SetupLocked
  • InProgress
- 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.APMLD.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capable Access Points (APs) on this EasyMesh Agent or Single AP device. [EasyMesh] source: Agent AP MLD Configuration TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MLDMACAddress.

- 2.17
MLDMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The Multi-Link Device (MLD) MAC Address of the MLO Capable access point (AP). [EasyMesh] Source: Agent AP MLD Configuration TLV. - 2.17
TIDLinkMapNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the TIDLinkMap table. - 2.17
AffiliatedAPNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AffiliatedAP table. - 2.17
STAMLDNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the STAMLD table. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.APMLD.{i}.APMLDConfig. object R This object describes the Wi-Fi 7 Multi-Link Operation (MLO) configuration of the Multi-Link Device (MLD) Access Point (AP), [EasyMesh] source: Agent AP MLD Configuration TLV. - 2.17
EMLMREnabled boolean R Indicates if the Enhanced Multi-Link Multi-Radio (EMLMR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
EMLSREnabled boolean R Indicates if Enhanced Multi-Link Single-Radio (EMLSR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
STREnabled boolean R Indicates if Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
NSTREnabled boolean R Indicates if Non-Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (NSTR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
TIDLinkMapNegotiation boolean R Indicates if Traffic Identifier (TID) to Link Mapping Negotiation is enabled. [EasyMesh] source: TID-to-Link Mapping Policy TLV. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.APMLD.{i}.TIDLinkMap.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of Traffic Identifier (TID) to Link Mappings of the Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capable access point (AP). Each table entry describes the mapping between a particular TID and direction and preferred link. [EasyMesh] source: TID-to-Link Mapping Policy TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for TID.

- 2.17
Direction string R

The direction of the traffic flow from the perspective of the APMLD. Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
- 2.17
TID unsignedInt(0:255) R The traffic identifier (TID) for this mapping. - 2.17
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID of the preferred link (affiliated AP) to use for traffic with matching direction and TID values. - 2.17
LinkID unsignedInt(0:255) R The Link ID of the preferred link (affiliated AP) to use for traffic with matching direction and TID values. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.APMLD.{i}.AffiliatedAP.{i}. object(0:) R

The Access Points (APs) affiliated to the AP MLD. [EasyMesh] Source: Agent AP MLD Configuration TLV.

Counters in this object include all traffic, MLD and non-MLD.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

- 2.17
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID of the affiliated AP. This should be set to one of the values of Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.BSSID. [EasyMesh] source: Agent AP MLD Configuration TLV. - 2.17
LinkID unsignedInt(0:255) R The Link ID assigned to this affiliated AP. [EasyMesh] source: Agent AP MLD Configuration TLV. - 2.17
RUID base64 R The Radio unique identifier (RUID) of the Radio that this affiliated AP is operating on. [EasyMesh] source: Agent AP MLD Configuration TLV. - 2.17
DisabledSubChannels unsignedInt(0:65535) R Disabled Subchannel Bitmap subfield from the EHT Operation element in transmitted Management frames. Null value or not present for stations. [EasyMesh] source: Static Puncturing Configuration TLV. - 2.17
PacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets transmitted by the Affiliated AP. Note: this counter counts only MLD traffic through this BSSID, not legacy (non-MLD) traffic. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received from the affiliated STAs by this Affiliated AP. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
UnicastBytesSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Total number of unicast bytes transmitted to MLD STAs associated with the affiliated AP. [EasyMesh] source: Affiliated AP Metrics TLV. - 2.17
UnicastBytesReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Total number of unicast bytes received from MLD STAs associated with the affiliated AP. [EasyMesh] source: Affiliated AP Metrics TLV. - 2.17
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets which could not be transmitted by the Affiliated AP due to errors. This counter counts only MLD traffic through this BSSID, not legacy (non-MLD) traffic. [EasyMesh] source: Affiliated AP Metrics TLV. - 2.17
MulticastBytesSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Total multicast bytes transmitted to MLD STAs associated with the affiliated AP. [EasyMesh] source: Affiliated AP Metrics TLV. - 2.17
MulticastBytesReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Total multicast bytes received from MLD STAs associated with the affiliated AP. [EasyMesh] source: Affiliated AP Metrics TLV. - 2.17
BroadcastBytesSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Total broadcast bytes transmitted to MLD STAs associated with the affiliated AP. [EasyMesh] source: Affiliated AP Metrics TLV. - 2.17
BroadcastBytesReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Total broadcast bytes received from MLD STAs associated with the affiliated AP. [EasyMesh] source: Affiliated AP Metrics TLV. - 2.17
EstServiceParametersBE base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=BE, defined per [Figure 9-637/802.11-2020] and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
EstServiceParametersBK base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=BK, defined per [Figure 9-637/802.11-2020] and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
EstServiceParametersVI base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=VI, defined per [Figure 9-637/802.11-2020] and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
EstServiceParametersVO base64(0:3) R Estimated Service Parameters information field for AC=VO, defined per [Figure 9-637/802.11-2020] and referenced in [Section 17.2.22/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.APMLD.{i}.STAMLD.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capable stations (STAs), also known as client Multilink Devices (MLDs), associated to this MLO capable Access Point. [EasyMesh] source: Associated Clients TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MLDMACAddress.

- 2.17
MLDMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The Multi-Link Device (MLD) MAC Address of the client MLD STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA MLD Configuration Report TLV. - 2.17
Hostname string R The Hostname for the client MLD STA. - 2.17
IPv4Address string(:45) R [IPv4Address] The IPv4 address allocated to the MLD MAC Address of this device. - 2.17
IPv6Address string(:45) R [IPv6Address] The IPv6 address allocated to the MLD MAC Address of this device. - 2.17
IsbSTA boolean R Indicates if the client MLD STA is a backhaul MLD STA (bSTAMLD). This is useful when the same AP MLD has both client MLD and bSTAMLDs associated. [EasyMesh] source: Backhaul STA MLD Configuration TLV. - 2.17
LastConnectTime unsignedInt R The time in seconds since this client MLD STA was associated. - 2.17
BytesSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of bytes transmitted to the client MLD STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
BytesReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of bytes received from the client MLD STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
PacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets transmitted to the client MLD STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received from the client MLD STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets which could not be transmitted to the client MLD STA due to errors. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets which were received with error from the client MLD STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
RetransCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets transmitted with the retry flag sent to the client MLD STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
STATIDLinkMapNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the STATIDLinkMap table. - 2.17
AffiliatedSTANumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AffiliatedSTA table. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.APMLD.{i}.STAMLD.{i}.WiFi7Capabilities. object R This object describes the Wi-Fi 7 capabilities for this STAMLD including Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capabilities. [EasyMesh] Source: Wi-Fi 7 Agent Capabilities TLV. - 2.17
EMLMRSupport boolean R Indicates if the Enhanced Multi-Link Multi-Radio (EMLMR) operation is supported by this STAMLD. - 2.17
EMLSRSupport boolean R Indicates if Enhanced Multi-Link Single-Radio (EMLSR) operation is supported by this STAMLD. - 2.17
STRSupport boolean R Indicates if Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STR) operation is supported by this STAMLD. - 2.17
NSTRSupport boolean R Indicates if Non-Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (NSTR) operation is supported by this STAMLD. - 2.17
TIDLinkMapNegotiation boolean R Indicates if Traffic Identifier (TID) to Link Mapping Negotiation is supported by this STAMLD. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.APMLD.{i}.STAMLD.{i}.STAMLDConfig. object R This object describes the Wi-Fi 7 Multi-Link Operation (MLO) configuration of the Multi-Link Device (MLD) station (STA, also called associated device). Note this may differ from the WiFi7 capabilities of the device. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA MLD Configuration Report TLV. - 2.17
EMLMREnabled boolean R Indicates if the Enhanced Multi-Link Multi-Radio (EMLMR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
EMLSREnabled boolean R Indicates if Enhanced Multi-Link Single-Radio (EMLSR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
STREnabled boolean R Indicates if Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
NSTREnabled boolean R Indicates if Non-Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (NSTR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
TIDLinkMapNegotiation boolean R Indicates if Traffic Identifier (TID) to Link Mapping Negotiation is enabled. [EasyMesh] source: TID-to-Link Mapping Policy TLV. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.APMLD.{i}.STAMLD.{i}.STATIDLinkMap.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of Traffic Identifier (TID) to Link Mappings of the Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capable station (STA). Each table entry describes the mapping between a particular TID and direction and preferred link. [EasyMesh] source: TID-to-Link Mapping Policy TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for TID.

- 2.17
Direction string R

The direction of the traffic flow from the perspective of the APMLD. Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
- 2.17
TID unsignedInt(0:255) R The traffic identifier (TID) for this mapping. - 2.17
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID of the preferred link (affiliated AP) to use for traffic with matching direction and TID values. - 2.17
LinkID unsignedInt(0:255) R The Link ID of the preferred link (affiliated AP) to use for traffic with matching direction and TID values. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.APMLD.{i}.STAMLD.{i}.AffiliatedSTA.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes stations (STAs, also called associated devices) that are affiliated to this Multi-Link Device (MLD) STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA MLD Configuration TLV.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.17
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC address of the affiliated STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA MLD Configuration Report TLV. - 2.17
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID of the affiliated AP that the affiliated STA is associated to. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA MLD Configuration Report TLV. - 2.17
BytesSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of bytes transmitted to the affiliated STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
BytesReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of bytes received from the affiliated STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
PacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets transmitted to the affiliated STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received from the affiliated STA. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets which could not be transmitted to the affiliated STA due to errors. [EasyMesh] source: Associated STA Traffic Stats TLV. - 2.17
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength of the uplink from the affiliated STA to the access point - measured in dBm. RCPI is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020], and described in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]). Reserved: 221 - 255. - 2.17
EstMACDataRateDownlink unsignedInt R Estimate of the MAC layer throughput in Mbps achievable in the downlink direction if 100% of channel airtime and BSS operating bandwidth were available, as defined in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
EstMACDataRateUplink unsignedInt R Estimate of the MAC layer throughput in Mbps achievable in the uplink direction if 100% of channel airtime and BSS operating bandwidth were available, as defined in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
LastDataDownlinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the access point to the affiliated STA. - 2.17
LastDataUplinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the affiliated STA to the access point. - 2.17
UtilizationReceive unsignedLong R The amount of time in milliseconds that the APMLD Radio has spent on the channel receiving data from the affiliated STA. - 2.17
UtilizationTransmit unsignedLong R The amount of time in milliseconds that the APMLD Radio has spent on the channel transmitting data to the affiliated STA. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.bSTAMLD. object R This object represents the Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capable backhaul station (bSTA) operating on this EasyMesh Agent. Only one MLO capable bSTA per EasyMesh Agent is allowed. [EasyMesh] source: Backhaul STA MLD Configuration TLV. - 2.17
MLDMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The Multi-Link Device (MLD) MAC Address of the MLO Capable bSTA. [EasyMesh] Source: Backhaul STA MLD Configuration TLV. - 2.17
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MLD MAC address of the upstream APMLD that this bSTAMLD is associated to. [EasyMesh] source: Associated Clients TLV. - 2.17
AffiliatedbSTAList string(:17)[] R [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. backhaul STA MAC addresses affiliated to this bSTAMLD. [EasyMesh] source: Backhaul STA MLD Configuration TLV. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.bSTAMLD.bSTAMLDConfig. object R This object describes the Multi-Link Operation (MLO) configuration of a Multi-Link Device (MLD) backhaul STA (bSTA). [EasyMesh] source: Backhaul STA MLD Configuration TLV. - 2.17
EMLMREnabled boolean R Indicates if the Enhanced Multi-Link Multi-Radio (EMLMR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
EMLSREnabled boolean R Indicates if Enhanced Multi-Link Single-Radio (EMLSR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
STREnabled boolean R Indicates if Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
NSTREnabled boolean R Indicates if Non-Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (NSTR) operation is enabled. - 2.17
TIDLinkMapNegotiation boolean R Indicates if Traffic Identifier (TID) to Link Mapping Negotiation is enabled. [EasyMesh] source: TID-to-Link Mapping Policy TLV. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.PreferredBackhauls.{i}. object(0:) R

This object specifies the preferred backhaul links as populated by SetPreferredBackhauls().

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for bSTAMACAddress.

- 2.17
BackhaulMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC address of the BSS, or APMLD, or similar Ethernet interface, on this preferred backhaul link. - 2.17
bSTAMACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC address of the backhaul Station STA (bSTA), or bSTAMLD, or similar Ethernet interface, on this preferred backhaul link.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.AssociationEvent. object R This object contains the events generated when a STA associates to a BSS. - 2.13
AssociationEventDataNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the AssociationEventData table.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 because a corresponding USP event is defined instead.
- 2.13
Associated! event - The event is generated when an Associated Device (STA) associates to a BSS. - 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this event happened. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the logical BSS (BSSID) which is reporting the Association Event. - 2.15
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.15
StatusCode unsignedInt R The status code sent to the Associated Device (STA) in the Association Response frame as defined by [Table 9-50/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
HTCapabilities base64(1) R Describes the HT capabilities of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.15
VHTCapabilities base64(2:6) R Describes the VHT capabilities of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.15
HECapabilities base64(4:14) R
Describes the HE capabilities of the Associated Device (STA).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 because it is superseded by WiFi6Capabilities.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.15
ClientCapabilities base64 R The frame body of the (Re)Association Request frame received from this client (STA), as defined in Table 9-34 and Table 9-36 of [802.11-2020] in the order of the underlying referenced standard. - 2.16
WiFi6Capabilities. object R Describes the Wi-Fi 6 capabilities of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.16
HE160 boolean R Indicates support for High Efficiency (HE) 160 MHz. - 2.16
HE8080 boolean R Indicates support for HE 80+80 MHz. - 2.16
MCSNSS base64(4:12) R Supported High Efficiency-Modulation and Coding Scheme (HE-MCS) and Number of Spatial Streams (NSS) Set field as defined in [Figure 9-788d/802.11ax] Supported HE-MCS And NSS Set field format. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 160MHz is present if 160MHz is supported. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 80+80MHz is present if 80+80MHz is supported. - 2.16
SUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Single-User (SU) Beamformer. - 2.16
SUBeamformee boolean R Indicates support for SU Beamformee. - 2.16
MUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Multi-User (MU) Beamformer. - 2.16
Beamformee80orLess boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee Space-Time Stream (STS) ≤ 80 MHz. - 2.16
BeamformeeAbove80 boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee STS > 80 MHz. - 2.16
ULMUMIMO boolean R Indicates support for Uplink (UL) Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO). - 2.16
ULOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for UL Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.16
DLOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for Downlink (DL) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.17
MaxDLMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per DL MU-MIMO Transmitter (TX) in the BSS role. - 2.16
MaxULMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL MU-MIMO Receiver (RX) in the BSS role. - 2.16
MaxDLOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per Downlink (DL) OFDMA TX in the BSS role. - 2.16
MaxULOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL OFDMA RX in the BSS role. - 2.16
RTS boolean R Indicates support for Request To Send (RTS). - 2.16
MURTS boolean R Indicates support for MU RTS. - 2.16
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates support for Multi-Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID). - 2.16
MUEDCA boolean R Indicates support for MU Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). - 2.16
TWTRequestor boolean R Indicates support for Target Wake Time (TWT) Requestor. - 2.16
TWTResponder boolean R Indicates support for TWT Responder. - 2.16
SpatialReuse boolean R Indicates support for EasyMesh configuration and reporting of BSS Color and Spatial Reuse. - 2.16
AnticipatedChannelUsage boolean R Indicates support for Anticipated Channel Usage (ACU) reporting. - 2.16
Device.WiFi.DataElements.AssociationEvent.AssociationEventData.{i}. object(0:) R
The events generated when an Associated Device (STA) associates to a BSS.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.17 because a corresponding USP event is defined instead.
- 2.13
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this event happened. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the logical BSS (BSSID) which is reporting the Association Event. - 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
StatusCode unsignedInt R The status code sent to the Associated Device (STA) in the Association Response frame as defined by [Table 9-50/802.11-2020]. - 2.13
HTCapabilities base64(1) R Describes the HT capabilities of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
VHTCapabilities base64(2:6) R Describes the VHT capabilities of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
HECapabilities base64(4:14) R
Describes the HE capabilities of the Associated Device (STA).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 because it is superseded by WiFi6Capabilities.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
- 2.13
ClientCapabilities base64 R The frame body of the (Re)Association Request frame received from this client (STA), as defined in Table 9-34 and Table 9-36 of [802.11-2020] in the order of the underlying referenced standard. - 2.16
Device.WiFi.DataElements.AssociationEvent.AssociationEventData.{i}.WiFi6Capabilities. object R
Describes the Wi-Fi 6 capabilities of the Associated Device (STA).
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.17 because a corresponding USP event is defined instead.
- 2.15
HE160 boolean R Indicates support for High Efficiency (HE) 160 MHz. - 2.15
HE8080 boolean R Indicates support for HE 80+80 MHz. - 2.15
MCSNSS base64(4:12) R Supported High Efficiency-Modulation and Coding Scheme (HE-MCS) and Number of Spatial Streams (NSS) Set field as defined in [Figure 9-788d/802.11ax] Supported HE-MCS And NSS Set field format. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 160MHz is present if 160MHz is supported. HE-MCS And NSS Set field for 80+80MHz is present if 80+80MHz is supported. - 2.15
SUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Single-User (SU) Beamformer. - 2.15
SUBeamformee boolean R Indicates support for SU Beamformee. - 2.15
MUBeamformer boolean R Indicates support for Multi-User (MU) Beamformer. - 2.15
Beamformee80orLess boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee Space-Time Stream (STS) ≤ 80 MHz. - 2.15
BeamformeeAbove80 boolean R Indicates support for Beamformee STS > 80 MHz. - 2.15
ULMUMIMO boolean R Indicates support for Uplink (UL) Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO). - 2.15
ULOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for UL Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.15
DLOFDMA boolean R Indicates support for Downlink (DL) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDMA). - 2.17
MaxDLMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per DL MU-MIMO Transmitter (TX) in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxULMUMIMO unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL MU-MIMO Receiver (RX) in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxDLOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per Downlink (DL) OFDMA TX in the BSS role. - 2.15
MaxULOFDMA unsignedInt(:255) R Max number of users supported per UL OFDMA RX in the BSS role. - 2.15
RTS boolean R Indicates support for Request To Send (RTS). - 2.15
MURTS boolean R Indicates support for MU RTS. - 2.15
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates support for Multi-Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID). - 2.15
MUEDCA boolean R Indicates support for MU Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). - 2.15
TWTRequestor boolean R Indicates support for Target Wake Time (TWT) Requestor. - 2.15
TWTResponder boolean R Indicates support for TWT Responder. - 2.15
SpatialReuse boolean R Indicates support for EasyMesh configuration and reporting of BSS Color and Spatial Reuse. - 2.15
AnticipatedChannelUsage boolean R Indicates support for Anticipated Channel Usage (ACU) reporting. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.DisassociationEvent. object R This object contains the events generated when an Associated Device (STA) disassociates from a BSS. - 2.13
DisassociationEventDataNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the DisassociationEventData table.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 because a corresponding USP event is defined instead.
- 2.13
Disassociated! event - The event is generated when an Associated Device (STA) disassociates from a BSS. - 2.15
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the logical BSS (BSSID) which is reporting the Disassociation Event. - 2.15
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.15
ReasonCode unsignedInt R The Reason Code received by the AP from the Associated Device (STA) in the most recent Disassociation or Deauthentication frame or sent by the AP to the Associated Device (STA) in the most recent Disassociation or Deauthentication frame as defined in [Table 9-49/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted to the Associated Device (STA). - 2.15
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received from the Associated Device (STA). - 2.15
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted to the Associated Device (STA). - 2.15
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received from the Associated Device (STA). - 2.15
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted to the Associated Device (STA) because of errors. These might be due to the number of retransmissions exceeding the retry limit or from other causes. - 2.15
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets from the Associated Device (STA) that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.15
RetransCount unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of transmitted packets to the Associated Device (STA) which were retransmissions.

N retransmissions of the same packet results in this counter incrementing by N.

- 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this event happened. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
LastDataDownlinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the access point to the Associated Device (STA). - 2.17
LastDataUplinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the Associated Device (STA) to the access point. - 2.17
UtilizationReceive unsignedLong R The amount of time in milliseconds that the Radio has spent on the Channel receiving data from the Associated Device (STA). - 2.17
UtilizationTransmit unsignedLong R The amount of time in milliseconds that the Radio has spent on the Channel transmitting data to the Associated Device (STA). - 2.17
EstMACDataRateDownlink unsignedInt R Estimate of the MAC layer throughput in Mbps achievable in the downlink direction to the Associated Device (STA) if 100% of channel airtime and BSS operating bandwidth were available, as defined in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
EstMACDataRateUplink unsignedInt R Estimate of the MAC layer throughput in Mbps achievable in the uplink direction from the Associated Device (STA) if 100% of channel airtime and BSS operating bandwidth were available, as defined in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength of the uplink from the Associated Device (STA) to the access point - measured in dBm. RCPI is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020], and described in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]). Reserved: 221 - 255. - 2.17
LastConnectTime unsignedInt R The time in seconds since this Associated Device (STA) was associated. - 2.17
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R

An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power at the access point measured for the primary operating channel to this Associated Device (STA).

Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section].

- 2.17
InitiatedBy string R

This parameter indicates the entity that initiated this Disassociation Event. Enumeration of:

  • STA
  • EasyMesh_Agent
  • EasyMesh_Controller
  • DE_Collector
  • Unknown
- 2.17
DisassociationLinkStats.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the final per link stats of each affiliated STA on disassociation.

Applies only to Multi-Link Device (MLD) links.

EasyMesh [EasyMesh] source: Affiliated STA Traffic Stats.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.17
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC address of the affiliated STA whose link stats are being reported. - 2.17
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted to the affiliated STA. - 2.17
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received from the affiliated STA. - 2.17
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted to the affiliated STA. - 2.17
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received from the affiliated STA. - 2.17
ErrorsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The number of packets which could not be transmitted to the affiliated STA because of errors. - 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.DisassociationEvent.DisassociationEventData.{i}. object(0:) R
The events generated when an Associated Device (STA) disassociates from a BSS.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.17 because a corresponding USP event is defined instead.
- 2.13
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the logical BSS (BSSID) which is reporting the Disassociation Event. - 2.13
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
ReasonCode unsignedInt R The Reason Code received by the AP from the Associated Device (STA) in the most recent Disassociation or Deauthentication frame or sent by the AP to the Associated Device (STA) in the most recent Disassociation or Deauthentication frame as defined in [Table 9-49/802.11-2020]. - 2.13
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted to the Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received from the Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted to the Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received from the Associated Device (STA). - 2.13
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted to the Associated Device (STA) because of errors. These might be due to the number of retransmissions exceeding the retry limit or from other causes. - 2.13
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets from the Associated Device (STA) that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.13
RetransCount unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of transmitted packets to the Associated Device (STA) which were retransmissions.

N retransmissions of the same packet results in this counter incrementing by N.

- 2.13
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this event happened. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.13
LastDataDownlinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the access point to the Associated Device (STA). - 2.17
LastDataUplinkRate unsignedInt R The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission of data from the Associated Device (STA) to the access point. - 2.17
UtilizationReceive unsignedLong R The amount of time in milliseconds that the Radio has spent on the Channel receiving data from the Associated Device (STA). - 2.17
UtilizationTransmit unsignedLong R The amount of time in milliseconds that the Radio has spent on the Channel transmitting data to the Associated Device (STA). - 2.17
EstMACDataRateDownlink unsignedInt R Estimate of the MAC layer throughput in Mbps achievable in the downlink direction to the Associated Device (STA) if 100% of channel airtime and BSS operating bandwidth were available, as defined in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
EstMACDataRateUplink unsignedInt R Estimate of the MAC layer throughput in Mbps achievable in the uplink direction from the Associated Device (STA) if 100% of channel airtime and BSS operating bandwidth were available, as defined in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]. - 2.17
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength of the uplink from the Associated Device (STA) to the access point - measured in dBm. RCPI is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020], and described in [Section 10.3.1/EasyMesh]). Reserved: 221 - 255. - 2.17
LastConnectTime unsignedInt R The time in seconds since this Associated Device (STA) was associated. - 2.17
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R

An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power at the access point measured for the primary operating channel to this Associated Device (STA).

Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section].

- 2.17
InitiatedBy string R

This parameter indicates the entity that initiated this Disassociation Event. Enumeration of:

  • STA
  • EasyMesh_Agent
  • EasyMesh_Controller
  • DE_Collector
  • Unknown
- 2.17
Device.WiFi.DataElements.FailedConnectionEvent. object R This object contains the events generated when a Station (STA) fails to connect to a Basic Service Set (BSS). - 2.15
FailedConnectionEventDataNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
The number of entries in the FailedConnectionEventData table.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 because a corresponding USP event is defined instead.
- 2.15
FailedConnection! event - The event is generated when an Associated Device (STA) fails to connect to a BSS. - 2.15
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the logical BSS (BSSID) which is reporting the failed connection event. - 2.17
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address identifying the associated device (STA) that has attempted to connect. - 2.15
StatusCode unsignedInt R Status Code set to a non-zero value that indicates the reason for association or authentication failure as defined in [Table 9-50/802.11-2020], or Status Code set to zero and ReasonCode provided. - 2.15
ReasonCode unsignedInt R Reason Code indicating the reason the STA was disassociated or deauthenticated as defined in [Table 9-49/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this event happened. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.DataElements.FailedConnectionEvent.FailedConnectionEventData.{i}. object(0:) R
This object describes the data provided with a failed connection event
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.17 because a corresponding USP event is defined instead.
- 2.15
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC Address of the logical BSS (BSSID) which is reporting the failed connection event. - 2.17
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address identifying the associated device (STA) that has attempted to connect. - 2.15
StatusCode unsignedInt R Status Code set to a non-zero value that indicates the reason for association or authentication failure as defined in [Table 9-50/802.11-2020], or Status Code set to zero and ReasonCode provided. - 2.15
ReasonCode unsignedInt R Reason Code indicating the reason the STA was disassociated or deauthenticated as defined in [Table 9-49/802.11-2020]. - 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The time this event happened. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}. object(0:) R

This object models an 802.11 wireless radio on a device (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

If the device can establish more than one connection simultaneously (e.g. a dual radio device), a separate Radio instance MUST be used for each physical radio of the device. See [Appendix III.1/TR-181i2] for additional information.

Note: A dual-band single-radio device (e.g. an 802.11a/b/g radio) can be configured to operate at 2.4 or 5 GHz frequency bands, but only a single frequency band is used to transmit/receive at a given time. Therefore, a single Radio instance is used even for a dual-band radio.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the radio.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

If the instance of this Radio is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}, then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Enabled.

- 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the radio (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the radio as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the radio entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since Radio is a layer 1 interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.0
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.

An interface might have some SSIDs pointing towards the Internet and other SSIDs pointing towards End Devices. This is indicated by the associated SSID.{i}.Upstream parameters. This interface’s Upstream parameter is set to true if any of the associated SSID.{i}.Upstream parameters are true, and is set to false otherwise.

This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.12 (and then OBSOLETED in 2.14) because it couldn’t describe all multi-SSID use cases. It has now been restored, and its multi-SSID behavior has been clarified.

- 2.0
MaxBitRate unsignedInt R The maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface (expressed in Mbps). - 2.0
SupportedFrequencyBands string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate the frequency bands at which the radio can operate.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 2.4GHz
  • 5GHz
  • 6GHz (Added in 2.16)
- 2.0
OperatingFrequencyBand string W

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedFrequencyBands parameter. Indicates the frequency band at which the radio is operating.

If the radio supports multiple bands, and OperatingFrequencyBand is changed, then all parameters whose value is not valid for the new frequency band (e.g. Channel) MUST be set to a valid value (according to some CPE vendor-specific behavior).

- 2.0
SupportedStandards string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standards this Radio instance can support simultaneously, in the frequency band specified by OperatingFrequencyBand. Each list item is an enumeration of:

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 2.4GHz, only values b, g, n, ax, be are allowed.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 5GHz, only values a, n, ac, ax, be are allowed.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 6GHz, only values ax, be are allowed.

- 2.0
OperatingStandards string[] W

Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedStandards parameter. Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standard this Radio instance is configured for.

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 2.4GHz, only values b, g, n, ax, be are allowed.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 5GHz, only values a, n, ac, ax, be are allowed.

If OperatingFrequencyBand is set to 6GHz, only values ax, be are allowed.

For example, a value of “g,b” (or “b,g” - order is not important) means that the 802.11g standard [802.11g-2003] is used with a backwards-compatible mode for 802.11b [802.11b-1999]. A value of “g” means that only the 802.11g standard can be used.

- 2.0
PossibleChannels string[](:1024) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. List items represent possible radio channels for the wireless standard (a, b, g, n, ac, ax, be) and the regulatory domain.

Ranges in the form “n-m” are permitted.

For example, for 802.11b and North America, would be “1-11”.

- 2.0
ChannelsInUse string[](:1024) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. List items represent channels that the radio determines to be currently in use (including any that it is using itself).

Ranges in the form “n-m” are permitted.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Channel unsignedInt(1:255) W

The current radio channel used by the connection. To request automatic channel selection, set AutoChannelEnable to true.

Whenever AutoChannelEnable is true, the value of the Channel parameter MUST be the channel selected by the automatic channel selection procedure.

For channels in “wide mode” (802.11n where a 40MHz channel bandwidth is used), this parameter is used for Primary Channel only. The secondary or extension channel information is available through ExtensionChannel.

Note: Valid Channel values depend on the OperatingFrequencyBand value specified and the RegulatoryDomain.

If the instance of this Radio is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.Channel.

- 2.0
AutoChannelSupported boolean R Indicates whether automatic channel selection is supported by this radio. If false, then AutoChannelEnable MUST be false. - 2.0
AutoChannelEnable boolean W

Enable or disable automatic channel selection.

Set to false to disable the automatic channel selection procedure, in which case the currently selected channel remains selected.

Set to true to enable the automatic channel selection procedure. This procedure MUST automatically select the channel, and MAY also change it subsequently.

AutoChannelEnable MUST automatically change to false whenever the channel is manually selected, i.e. whenever the Channel parameter is written.

Whenever AutoChannelEnable is true, the value of the Channel parameter MUST be the channel selected by the automatic channel selection procedure.

- 2.0
AutoChannelRefreshPeriod unsignedInt W

The time period in seconds between two consecutive automatic channel selections. A value of 0 means that the automatic channel selection is done only at boot time.

This parameter is significant only if AutoChannelEnable is set to true.

- 2.0
ChannelLastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the current Channel came into use.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
ChannelLastSelectionReason string R

The cause of the last channel selection.

Enumeration of:

  • Manual (Manual selection of the Channel)
  • Auto_Startup (Automatic channel selection procedure launched at radio startup)
  • Auto_User (Automatic channel selection procedure triggered by the user (e.g. via a GUI))
  • Auto_Refresh (Automatic channel selection procedure triggered by the AutoChannelRefreshPeriod timer)
  • Auto_Dynamic (Automatic channel selection procedure dynamically triggered to adjust to environmental interference)
  • Auto_DFS (Automatic channel selection procedure triggered by Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) [ETSIBRAN])
  • Unknown
- 2.12
MaxSupportedSSIDs unsignedInt(1:) R Maximum number of SSIDs supported on this radio. - 2.12
MaxSupportedAssociations unsignedInt(1:) R Maximum number of associated devices supported. - 2.12
FirmwareVersion string(:64) R

This radio’s WiFi firmware version.

If the instance of this Device is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.SoftwareVersion.

- 2.12
SupportedOperatingChannelBandwidths string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. These are the valid writable values for OperatingChannelBandwidth.

Each list item is an enumeration of: Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 20MHz
  • 40MHz (wide mode)
  • 80MHz (802.11ac, 802.11ax and 802.11be only)
  • 160MHz (802.11ac, 802.11ax and 802.11be only)
  • 80+80MHz (802.11ac, 802.11ax and 802.11be only)
  • 320MHz-1 (802.11be only - channel center frequency 31, 95, 159, added in 2.17)
  • 320MHz-2 (802.11be only - channel center frequency 63, 127, 191, added in 2.17)
  • Auto
- 2.12
OperatingChannelBandwidth string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedOperatingChannelBandwidths parameter. The preferred channel bandwidth to be used (applicable to 802.11n, 802.11ac, 802.11ax and 802.11be specifications only). - 2.0
CurrentOperatingChannelBandwidth string R

The channel bandwidth currently in use. Enumeration of:

  • 20MHz
  • 40MHz
  • 80MHz
  • 160MHz
  • 80+80MHz
  • 320MHz-1 (Added in 2.17)
  • 320MHz-2 (Added in 2.17)
- 2.11
ExtensionChannel string W

The secondary extension channel position (applicable to the 802.11n specification only), applicable when operating in wide channel mode (i.e. when OperatingChannelBandwidth is set to 40MHz or Auto).

Enumeration of:

  • AboveControlChannel
  • BelowControlChannel
  • Auto
- 2.0
GuardInterval string W

The guard interval value between OFDM symbols.

Enumeration of:

  • 400nsec (applicable to 802.11n, 802.11ac and 802.11be specifications only)
  • 800nsec (applicable to 802.11n, 802.11ac and 802.11be specifications only)
  • 1xLTF_0.8us (applicable to 802.11ax and 802.11be specifications only, added in 2.14)
  • 1xLTF_1.6us (applicable to 802.11ax and 802.11be specifications only, added in 2.14)
  • 2xLTF_0.8us (applicable to 802.11ax and 802.11be specifications only, added in 2.14)
  • 2xLTF_1.6us (applicable to 802.11ax and 802.11be specifications only, added in 2.14)
  • 4xLTF_0.8us (applicable to 802.11ax and 802.11be specifications only, added in 2.14)
  • 4xLTF_3.2us (applicable to 802.11ax and 802.11be specifications only, added in 2.14)
  • Auto
- 2.0
CenterFrequencySegement0 unsignedInt W
When operating in 80+80MHz, this parameter determines the Center Frequency Segment 0 for the first 80 MHz channel. See [Section] and Table 9-252.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.14 due to a typo. Use CenterFrequencySegment0 instead.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.16.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.17.
- 2.13
CenterFrequencySegement1 unsignedInt W
When operating in 80+80MHz, this parameter determines the Center Frequency Segment 1 for the second 80 MHz channel. See [Section] and Table 9-252.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.14 due to a typo. Use CenterFrequencySegment1 instead.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.16.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.17.
- 2.13
CenterFrequencySegment0 unsignedInt W When operating in 80+80MHz, this parameter determines the Center Frequency Segment 0 for the first 80 MHz channel. See [Section] and Table 9-252. - 2.14
CenterFrequencySegment1 unsignedInt W When operating in 80+80MHz, this parameter determines the Center Frequency Segment 1 for the second 80 MHz channel. See [Section] and Table 9-252. - 2.14
MCS int(-1:15,16:31) W The Modulation Coding Scheme index (applicable to 802.11n, 802.11ac, 802.11ax and 802.11be specifications only). Values from 0 to 15 MUST be supported for ([802.11n-2009]). Values from 0 to 9 MUST be supported for [802.11ac-2013]. Values from 0 to 11 MUST be supported for [802.11ax]. Values from 0 to 15 MUST be supported for [802.11be]. A value of -1 indicates automatic selection of the MCS index. - 2.0
TransmitPowerSupported int(-1:100)[](:64) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 64) of integers (-1 to 100). List items represent supported transmit power levels as percentage of full power. For example, “0,25,50,75,100”.

A -1 item indicates auto mode (automatic decision by CPE). Auto mode allows the Radio to adjust transmit power accordingly. For example, this can be useful for power-save modes such as EU-CoC, where the Radio can adjust power according to activity in the CPE.

- 2.0
TransmitPower int(-1:100) W

Indicates the current transmit power level as a percentage of full power. The value MUST be one of the values reported by the TransmitPowerSupported parameter. A value of -1 indicates auto mode (automatic decision by CPE).

If the instance of this Radio is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.CurrentOperatingClassProfile.{i}.TxPower.

- 2.0
IEEE80211hSupported boolean R Indicates whether IEEE 802.11h [802.11h-2003] functionality is supported by this radio. The value can be true only if the 802.11a or the 802.11n@5GHz standard is supported (i.e. SupportedFrequencyBands includes 5GHz and SupportedStandards includes a and/or n). - 2.0
IEEE80211hEnabled boolean W Indicates whether IEEE 802.11h functionality is enabled on this radio. The value can be true only if the 802.11a or the 802.11n@5GHz standard is supported and enabled (i.e. OperatingFrequencyBand is 5GHz and OperatingStandards includes a and/or n). - 2.0
RegulatoryDomain string(3) W

The 802.11d Regulatory Domain. First two octets are [ISO3166-1] two-character country code. The third octet is either “ “ (all environments), “O” (outside) or “I” (inside).

If the instance of this Device is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.CountryCode.

Possible patterns:

  • [A-Z][A-Z][ OI]
- 2.0
RetryLimit unsignedInt(0:7) W The maximum number of retransmissions of a short packet i.e. a packet that is no longer than the RTSThreshold. This corresponds to IEEE 802.11 parameter dot11ShortRetryLimit [802.11-2012]. - 2.8
CCARequest hexBinary(11) W A request for the clear channel assessment (CCA) report in the format specified in [Clause]. - 2.8
CCAReport hexBinary(12) R

The clear channel assessment (CCA) report in the format specified in [Clause].

When read, the value of this parameter MUST correspond to CCARequest. How this is achieved is a local matter to the CPE.

If this parameter is read before a CCARequest has been issued, then its value is an empty string.

- 2.8
RPIHistogramRequest hexBinary(11) W A request for a received power indicator (RPI) histogram in the format specified in [Clause]. - 2.8
RPIHistogramReport hexBinary(19) R Received power indicator (RPI) histogram report in the format specified in [Clause]. - 2.8
FragmentationThreshold unsignedInt W This specifies the current maximum size, in octets, of the MPDU that can be delivered to the PHY. This parameter is based on dot11FragmentationThreshold from [802.11-2012]. - 2.8
RTSThreshold unsignedInt W This indicates the number of octets in an MPDU, below which an RTS/CTS handshake is not performed. This parameter is based on dot11RTSThreshold from [802.11-2012]. - 2.8
LongRetryLimit unsignedInt W This indicates the maximum number of transmission attempts of a frame, the length of which is greater than RTSThreshold, that will be made before a failure condition is indicated. This parameter is based on dot11LongRetryLimit from [802.11-2012]. - 2.8
BeaconPeriod unsignedInt W Time interval between transmitting beacons (expressed in milliseconds). This parameter is based on dot11BeaconPeriod from [802.11-2012]. - 2.8
DTIMPeriod unsignedInt W This specifies the number of beacon intervals (measured in ms) that elapse between transmission of Beacon frames containing a TIM element whose DTIM Count field is 0. This parameter is based on dot11DTIMPeriod from [802.11-2020]. - 2.8
PacketAggregationEnable boolean W This determines whether or not packet aggregation (commonly called “frame aggregation”) is enabled. This applies only to 802.11n. - 2.8
PreambleType string W

The type of preamble. Longer preambles (more overhead) are needed by 802.11g to coexist with legacy systems 802.11 and 802.11b.

Enumeration of:

  • short
  • long
  • auto
- 2.8
BasicDataTransmitRates string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. The set of data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS. The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed in BasicDataTransmitRates. For example, a value of “1,2”, indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. Most control packets use a data rate in BasicDataTransmitRates. - 2.8
SupportedDataTransmitRates string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Maximum radio data transmit rates in Mbps for unicast frames (a superset of BasicDataTransmitRates). Given the value of BasicDataTransmitRates from the example above, SupportedDataTransmitRates might be “1,2,5.5,11”, indicating that unicast frames can additionally be transmitted at 5.5 Mbps and 11 Mbps.

SupportedDataTransmitRates indicates equipment capability. This radio is capable of supporting these data rates.

- 2.8
OperationalDataTransmitRates string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Data transmit rates in Mbps for unicast frames at which the radio will permit operation with any associated station (a subset of SupportedDataTransmitRates). Given the values of BasicDataTransmitRates and SupportedDataTransmitRates from the examples above, OperationalDataTransmitRates might be “1,2,5.5”, indicating that the radio will only permit operation at 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps and 5.5 Mbps, even though it could theoretically operate at 11 Mbps.

This radio is limited to allowing operation only at these data rates. Note: Setting OperationalDataTransmitRates can’t increase the set of possible data rates but could narrow them.

- 2.8
EnableRRM boolean W Enables or disables 802.11k [802.11k] Radio Resource Management (RRM). - 2.14
ManagementPacketRate unsignedInt W The rate of Wi-Fi management frames (expressed in kbps). - 2.15
RemoteMeasurementRequest() command - [ASYNC] This command requests initiation of a Remote Measurement request to retrieve measurement data from a BSS on this radio. Upon receipt of this request, this radio is to initiate a measurement of the output SignalStrength and Noise for the indicated input. - 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
TargetBSS string(:17) W [MANDATORY] [MACAddress] The BSSID of the remote BSS. - 2.15
Timeout unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The duration after which the request is timed out in seconds. - 2.15
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) W [MANDATORY] The Operating Class in [Table E-4/802.11-2020] for which the measurement is requested. - 2.15
Channel unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The number of the channel for which the measurement is requested. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R The received signal strength (RSSI) as received by the radio measured in dBm. RSSI is encoded as per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]. Reserved: 221 - 255. - 2.15
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power as received by the radio. Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section]. - 2.15
Status string R

Indicates the response to the Remote Measurement request. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Not_Ready
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Invalid_Mac
  • Error_Interface_Down
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
InitiateCCAMeasurement() command - [ASYNC] This command represents a request to initiate a Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) measurement scan on this radio on the given channel using a specific DwellTime. - 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Channel unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The number of the Wi-Fi channel the clear channel assessment (CCA) measurement is run on. - 2.15
Frequency string W

[MANDATORY] Frequency of the channel the clear channel assessment (CCA) measurement is run on.

Enumeration of:

  • 2.4GHz
  • 5GHz
  • 6GHz (Added in 2.16)
- 2.16
DwellTime unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The duration of the CCA measurement in milliseconds. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
CCAReport hexBinary(12) R

The clear channel assessment (CCA) report in the format specified in [Section].

When read, the value of this parameter MUST correspond to Channel. How this is achieved is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.15
Status string R

Indicates the response to the request to initiate a Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) measurement. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Not_Implemented
  • Error_Not_Ready
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Interface_Down
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
FullScan() command -

[ASYNC] This command represents a request to initiate a full scan on this radio, including all channels supported by this radio, for a specific DwellTime and HomeTime. This command will result in updating Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.

If the instance of this Radio is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}, then this command is similar to, Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ChannelScanRequest().

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
DwellTime unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The duration of the time to scan each channel in milliseconds. A value of 50 milliseconds is suggested. - 2.15
DFSDwellTime unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The duration of time to scan each Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) channel in milliseconds. A value of at least one beacon interval, typically 100 milliseconds, is suggested. - 2.15
HomeTime unsignedInt W The time in milliseconds after which the driver has to go back to the original channel before scanning the next channel to avoid disruption. If this is omitted, or is not supported by the device, then it should be ignored. - 2.15
SSID string W The Service Set Identifier (SSID) to scan. If omitted, then all SSIDs are scanned. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to initiate a full band scan. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Not_Ready
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Interface_Down
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
ScanResult.{i}. object(0:) R

The list of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio organized per Operating Class and Channel tuple.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The timestamp of the last scan. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
AggregateScanDuration unsignedInt R Total time spent performing the scan of this channel in milliseconds. - 2.17
ScanType boolean R Indicates whether the scan was performed passively (false) or with active probing (true). - 2.17
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OperatingClass.

- 2.15
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) R

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] of the OpClass and Channel tuple scanned by the Radio. For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid.

Note that the Operating Class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.15
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Channel associated with an Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Channel.

- 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R The channel number of the Channel scanned by the Radio given the Operating Class. - 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The timestamp of the last scan of the channel. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
Utilization unsignedInt(:255) R The current Channel Utilization measured by the Radio on the scanned 20MHz channel, as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R

An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured for the primary operating channel.

Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section].

- 2.15
ScanStatus string R

Status code to indicate whether a scan has been performed and if not the reason for failure Enumeration of:

  • 0 (Success)
  • 1 (Scan not supported on this opclass and channel)
  • 2 (Request too soon after last scan)
  • 3 (Radio too busy to perform scan)
  • 4 (Scan not completed)
  • 5 (Scan aborted)
  • 6 (Fresh scan not supported, radio only supports on boot scans)
  • 7 (reserved)
- 2.17
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}.NeighborBSS.{i}. object(0:) R

The neighboring BSS discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

- 2.15
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID indicated by the neighboring BSS. - 2.15
SSID string R The SSID indicated by the neighboring BSS. - 2.15
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength (RSSI) of the Beacon or Probe Response frames of the neighboring BSS as received by the radio measured in dBm. (RSSI is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]). Reserved: 221 - 255. - 2.15
ChannelBandwidth string R Indicates the maximum bandwidth at which the neighboring BSS is operating. e.g. “20” or “40” or “80” or “80+80” or “160” MHz. - 2.15
ChannelUtilization unsignedInt(:255) R The channel utilization reported by the neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames, as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
StationCount unsignedInt R The number of Associated Devices (STA) reported by this neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
MLDMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The Multi-Link Device (MLD) MAC address of the Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capable access point this neighboring BSS is affiliated to. Null if the neighboring BSS is not an affiliated AP. - 2.17
ReportingBSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID of the reporting BSSID if different from BSSID. This will be set if the NeigborBSS was discovered through, for example, a Reduced Neighbor Report. EasyMesh [EasyMesh] source: Channel Scan Result TLV. - 2.17
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates if the neighboring BSS is part of a MultiBSSID set and may be a non-transmitted BSSID. - 2.17
BSSLoadElementPresent boolean R Set to true if the neighbour BSS Beacon/Probe Responses include a BSSLoad Element as defined in [Section]. - 2.17
BSSColor unsignedInt(:63) R Set to the BSS Color from the BSS Color Information field in the BSS’s HE Operation element. - 2.17
SecurityModeEnabled string R

The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises.

The WEP value indicates either WEP-64 or WEP-128.

The WPA value is the same as WPA-Personal.

The WPA2 value is the same as WPA2-Personal.

The WPA-WPA2 value is the same as WPA-WPA2-Personal.

The WPA3-SAE value is the same as WPA3-Personal.

The WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE value is the same as WPA3-Personal-Transition.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • WEP
  • WPA
  • WPA2
  • WPA-WPA2
  • WPA-Enterprise
  • WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA-WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA3-SAE
  • WPA3-Enterprise
  • OWE (Added in 2.16)
- 2.15
EncryptionMode string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises.

When SecurityModeEnabled is one of WPA3-SAE, WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE, or WPA3-Enterprise, TKIP is not valid, and should not be in the list.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • TKIP
  • AES
- 2.15
SupportedStandards string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standards this NeighborBSS instance can support simultaneously, in the frequency band specified by Channel. Each list item is an enumeration of:

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

- 2.15
OperatingStandards string[] R

Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedStandards parameter. Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standard that is detected for this NeighborBSS.

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

For example, a value of “g,b” (or “b,g” - order is not important) means that the 802.11g standard [802.11g-2003] is used with a backwards-compatible mode for 802.11b [802.11b-1999]. A value of “g” means that only the 802.11g standard can be used.

- 2.15
BasicDataTransferRates string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Basic data transmit rates (in Mbps) for the SSID. For example, if BasicDataTransferRates is “1,2”, this indicates that the SSID is operating with basic rates of 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. - 2.15
SupportedDataTransferRates string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Data transmit rates (in Mbps) for unicast frames at which the SSID will permit a station to connect. For example, if SupportedDataTransferRates is “1,2,5.5”, this indicates that the SSID will only permit connections at 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps and 5.5 Mbps. - 2.15
SupportedNSS unsignedInt R The maximum number of spatial streams (NSS) that can be supported. - 2.15
DTIMPeriod unsignedInt R The number of beacon intervals (measured in ms) that elapse between transmission of Beacon frames containing a TIM element whose DTIM count field is 0. This value is transmitted in the DTIM Period field of beacon frames. [802.11-2020] - 2.15
BeaconPeriod unsignedInt R Time interval (in ms) between transmitting beacons. - 2.15
ChannelScan() command -

[ASYNC] This parameter represents a request to initiate a channel scan on this radio on the given channel using a specific DwellTime. This command should result in updating Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ScanResult.

If the instance of this Radio is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}, then this command is similar to, Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.ChannelScanRequest().

- 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
DwellTime unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The duration of the time to scan each channel in milliseconds. A value of 50 milliseconds is suggested. - 2.15
DFSDwellTime unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] The duration of time to scan each Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) channel in milliseconds. A value of at least one beacon interval, typically 100 milliseconds, is suggested. - 2.15
HomeTime unsignedInt W The time in milliseconds after which the driver has to go back to the original channel before scanning the next channel to avoid disruption. If this is omitted, or is not supported by the device, then it should be ignored. - 2.15
SSID string W The Service Set Identifier (SSID) to scan. If omitted, then all SSIDs are scanned. - 2.15
OpClass.{i}. object(0:) W

The Operating Classes for which this channel scan is requested.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.15
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) W [MANDATORY] The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] of the OpClass and Channel tuple scanned by the Radio. Note that the Operating Class identifies the band and channel width. For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid. - 2.15
OpClass.{i}.Channel.{i}. object(0:) W

The Channels for which this channel scan is requested.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) W [MANDATORY] The Channel number of the Channel that is requested to be scanned. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the type of outcome of the request to initiate a channel scan. Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Not_Ready
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Interface_Down
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
ScanResult.{i}. object(0:) R

The list of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio organized per Operating Class and Channel tuple.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The timestamp of the last scan. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
AggregateScanDuration unsignedInt R Total time spent performing the scan of this channel in milliseconds. - 2.17
ScanType boolean R Indicates whether the scan was performed passively (false) or with active probing (true). - 2.17
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for OperatingClass.

- 2.15
OperatingClass unsignedInt(:255) R

The Operating Class per [Table E-4/802.11-2020] of the OpClass and Channel tuple scanned by the Radio. For 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, only 20MHz Operating Classes are valid.

Note that the Operating Class identifies the band and channel width.

- 2.15
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}. object(0:) R

The Channel associated with an Operating Class of neighboring Access Points discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Channel.

- 2.15
Channel unsignedInt(:255) R The channel number of the Channel scanned by the Radio given the Operating Class. - 2.15
TimeStamp dateTime R The timestamp of the last scan of the channel. Formatted with the date-and-time string format as defined in [Section 3/RFC3339]. - 2.15
Utilization unsignedInt(:255) R The current Channel Utilization measured by the Radio on the scanned 20MHz channel, as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
Noise unsignedInt(:255) R

An indicator of the average radio noise plus interference power measured for the primary operating channel.

Encoded as defined for ANPI in [Section].

- 2.15
ScanStatus string R

Status code to indicate whether a scan has been performed and if not the reason for failure Enumeration of:

  • 0 (Success)
  • 1 (Scan not supported on this opclass and channel)
  • 2 (Request too soon after last scan)
  • 3 (Radio too busy to perform scan)
  • 4 (Scan not completed)
  • 5 (Scan aborted)
  • 6 (Fresh scan not supported, radio only supports on boot scans)
  • 7 (reserved)
- 2.17
ScanResult.{i}.OpClassScan.{i}.ChannelScan.{i}.NeighborBSS.{i}. object(0:) R

The neighboring BSS discovered by a Radio during a channel scan.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for BSSID.

- 2.15
BSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID indicated by the neighboring BSS. - 2.15
SSID string R The SSID indicated by the neighboring BSS. - 2.15
SignalStrength unsignedInt(:255) R An indicator of radio signal strength (RSSI) of the Beacon or Probe Response frames of the neighboring BSS as received by the radio measured in dBm. (RSSI is encoded per [Table 9-176/802.11-2020]). Reserved: 221 - 255. - 2.15
ChannelBandwidth string R Indicates the maximum bandwidth at which the neighboring BSS is operating. e.g. “20” or “40” or “80” or “80+80” or “160” MHz. - 2.15
ChannelUtilization unsignedInt(:255) R The channel utilization reported by the neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames, as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
StationCount unsignedInt R The number of Associated Devices (STA) reported by this neighboring BSS per the BSS Load element if present in Beacon or Probe Response frames as defined by [Section]. - 2.15
MLDMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The Multi-Link Device (MLD) MAC address of the Multi-Link Operation (MLO) capable access point this neighboring BSS is affiliated to. Null if the neighboring BSS is not an affiliated AP. - 2.17
ReportingBSSID string(:17) R [MACAddress] The BSSID of the reporting BSSID if different from BSSID. This will be set if the NeigborBSS was discovered through, for example, a Reduced Neighbor Report. EasyMesh [EasyMesh] source: Channel Scan Result TLV. - 2.17
MultiBSSID boolean R Indicates if the neighboring BSS is part of a MultiBSSID set and may be a non-transmitted BSSID. - 2.17
BSSLoadElementPresent boolean R Set to true if the neighbour BSS Beacon/Probe Responses include a BSSLoad Element as defined in [Section]. - 2.17
BSSColor unsignedInt(:63) R Set to the BSS Color from the BSS Color Information field in the BSS’s HE Operation element. - 2.17
SecurityModeEnabled string R

The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises.

The WEP value indicates either WEP-64 or WEP-128.

The WPA value is the same as WPA-Personal.

The WPA2 value is the same as WPA2-Personal.

The WPA-WPA2 value is the same as WPA-WPA2-Personal.

The WPA3-SAE value is the same as WPA3-Personal.

The WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE value is the same as WPA3-Personal-Transition.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • WEP
  • WPA
  • WPA2
  • WPA-WPA2
  • WPA-Enterprise
  • WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA-WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA3-SAE
  • WPA3-Enterprise
  • OWE (Added in 2.16)
- 2.15
EncryptionMode string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises.

When SecurityModeEnabled is one of WPA3-SAE, WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE, or WPA3-Enterprise, TKIP is not valid, and should not be in the list.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • TKIP
  • AES
- 2.15
SupportedStandards string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standards this NeighborBSS instance can support simultaneously, in the frequency band specified by Channel. Each list item is an enumeration of:

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

- 2.15
OperatingStandards string[] R

Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedStandards parameter. Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standard that is detected for this NeighborBSS.

Each value indicates support for the indicated standard.

For example, a value of “g,b” (or “b,g” - order is not important) means that the 802.11g standard [802.11g-2003] is used with a backwards-compatible mode for 802.11b [802.11b-1999]. A value of “g” means that only the 802.11g standard can be used.

- 2.15
BasicDataTransferRates string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Basic data transmit rates (in Mbps) for the SSID. For example, if BasicDataTransferRates is “1,2”, this indicates that the SSID is operating with basic rates of 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. - 2.15
SupportedDataTransferRates string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Data transmit rates (in Mbps) for unicast frames at which the SSID will permit a station to connect. For example, if SupportedDataTransferRates is “1,2,5.5”, this indicates that the SSID will only permit connections at 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps and 5.5 Mbps. - 2.15
SupportedNSS unsignedInt R The maximum number of spatial streams (NSS) that can be supported. - 2.15
DTIMPeriod unsignedInt R The number of beacon intervals (measured in ms) that elapse between transmission of Beacon frames containing a TIM element whose DTIM count field is 0. This value is transmitted in the DTIM Period field of beacon frames. [802.11-2020] - 2.15
BeaconPeriod unsignedInt R Time interval (in ms) between transmitting beacons. - 2.15
Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.Stats. object R Throughput statistics for this interface. Packet counters here count 802.11 WiFi frames. See [Appendix III/TR-181i2] for further details. The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]. - 2.0
CtsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of Request To Send (RTS) control frames that received a Clear To Send (CTS) response. - 2.14
NoCtsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of Request To Send (RTS) control frames that did not receive a Clear To Send (CTS) response. - 2.14
FrameHeaderError unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets for which the PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header. - 2.14
GoodPLCPReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received frames with a good Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP) header. - 2.14
DPacketOtherMACReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of Wi-Fi data packets received from other Basic Service Sets (BSSs), with a good Frame Check Sequence (FCS) and not matching the receiver address, meaning that that the frame is received at the MAC layer but is addressed to a different MAC. - 2.14
MPacketOtherMACReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of Wi-Fi management packets received from other Basic Service Sets (BSSs), with a good Frame Check Sequence (FCS) and not matching the receiver address, meaning that that the frame is received at the MAC layer but is addressed to a different MAC. - 2.14
CPacketOtherMACReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of Wi-Fi control packets received from other Basic Service Sets (BSSs), with a good Frame Check Sequence (FCS) and not matching the receiver address, meaning that that the frame is received at the MAC layer but is addressed to a different MAC. - 2.14
CtsOtherMACReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received Clear to Send (CTS) packets not addressed to the MAC address of this receiver. - 2.14
RtsOtherMACReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received Request to Send (RTS) frames not addressed to the MAC address of this receiver. - 2.14
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PLCPErrorCount unsignedInt R The number of packets that were received with a detected Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP) header error. - 2.7
FCSErrorCount unsignedInt R The number of packets that were received with a detected FCS error. This parameter is based on dot11FCSErrorCount from [Annex C/802.11-2012]. - 2.7
InvalidMACCount unsignedInt R The number of packets that were received with a detected invalid MAC header error. - 2.7
PacketsOtherReceived unsignedInt R The number of packets that were received, but which were destined for a MAC address that is not associated with this interface. - 2.7
Noise int R

An indicator of average noise strength received at this radio, measured in dBm. This measurement of non-IEEE 802.11 noise power is made by sampling the channel when virtual carrier sense indicates idle and this radio is neither transmitting nor receiving a frame.

If the instance of this Stats is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.Noise.

- 2.8
TotalChannelChangeCount unsignedInt R The total number of times that the Channel has changed since the Radio entered its current operating state. - 2.12
ManualChannelChangeCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the Channel has changed due to manual channel selection since the Radio entered its current operating state. - 2.12
AutoStartupChannelChangeCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the Channel has changed due to automatic channel selection procedure launched at radio startup since the Radio entered its current operating state. - 2.12
AutoUserChannelChangeCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the Channel has changed due to automatic channel selection procedure triggered by the user (e.g. via a GUI) since the Radio entered its current operating state. - 2.12
AutoRefreshChannelChangeCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the Channel has changed due to automatic channel selection procedure triggered by the AutoChannelRefreshPeriod timer since the Radio entered its current operating state. - 2.12
AutoDynamicChannelChangeCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the Channel has changed due to automatic channel selection procedure dynamically triggered to adjust to environmental interference since the Radio entered its current operating state. - 2.12
AutoDFSChannelChangeCount unsignedInt R The number of times that the Channel has changed due to automatic channel selection procedure triggered by DFS [ETSIBRAN] since the Radio entered its current operating state. - 2.12
Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}. object(0:) W

WiFi SSID table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]), where table entries model the MAC layer. A WiFi SSID entry is typically stacked on top of a Radio object.

WiFi SSID is also a multiplexing layer, i.e. more than one SSID can be stacked above a single Radio.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name, or with a given value for BSSID. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, Name and BSSID such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the SSID entry.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

If the instance of this SSID is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.Enabled.

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the SSID entry (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the SSID entry as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the SSID entered its current operational state.

If the instance of this SSID is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.LastChange.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
BSSID string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The Basic Service Set ID.

This is the MAC address of the access point, which can either be local (when this instance models an access point SSID) or remote (when this instance models an end point SSID).

If the instance of this SSID is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.BSSID.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC address of this interface.

If this instance models an access point SSID, MACAddress is the same as BSSID.

Note: This is not necessarily the same as the Ethernet header source or destination MAC address, which is associated with the IP interface and is modeled via the Ethernet.Link.{i}.MACAddress parameter.

- 2.0
SSID string(:32) W

The current service set identifier in use by the connection. The SSID is an identifier that is attached to packets sent over the wireless LAN that functions as an ID for joining a particular radio network (BSS).

If the instance of this SSID is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.SSID.

- 2.0
MLDUnit int(-1,0:24) W MLD-BSS unit number specifying BSS across multiple radios that form a single Multi Link Device. Assigning the same MLD unit groups Basic Service Sets (BSS) across radios. A (default) value of -1 indicates that the interface is not part of any MLD. -1 2.17
Upstream boolean R

Indicates whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false).

For example:

  • For an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for all WAN interfaces and false for all LAN interfaces.
  • For a standalone WiFi Access Point that is connected via Ethernet to an Internet Gateway Device, Upstream will be true for the Ethernet interface and false for the WiFi Radio interface.
  • For an End Device, Upstream will be true for all interfaces.

See Radio.{i}.Upstream for details of how the two Upstream parameters interact.

- 2.12
ATFEnable boolean W Enables or disables Air Time Fairness (ATF). - 2.14
FlushATFTable boolean W After this parameter is set to true, the ATF configuration of the interface will be reset. - 2.14
SetATF unsignedInt(0:100) W Configures the ATF setting for all associated devices on an individual SSID. Expressed as percent of airtime, such that no station should exceed this percentage. - 2.14
Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.Stats. object R Throughput statistics for this interface. Packet counters here count 802.11 WiFi frames. See [Appendix III/TR-181i2] for further details. The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]. - 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. These can be due to the number of retransmissions exceeding the retry limit, or from other causes. - 2.0
RetransCount unsignedInt R The total number of transmitted packets which were retransmissions. Two retransmissions of the same packet results in this counter incrementing by two. - 2.7
FailedRetransCount unsignedInt R The number of packets that were not transmitted successfully due to the number of retransmission attempts exceeding an 802.11 retry limit. This parameter is based on dot11FailedCount from [802.11-2012]. - 2.7
RetryCount unsignedInt R The number of packets that were successfully transmitted after one or more retransmissions. This parameter is based on dot11RetryCount from [802.11-2012]. - 2.7
MultipleRetryCount unsignedInt R The number of packets that were successfully transmitted after more than one retransmission. This parameter is based on dot11MultipleRetryCount from [802.11-2012]. - 2.7
ACKFailureCount unsignedInt R The number of expected ACKs that were never received. This parameter is based on dot11ACKFailureCount from [802.11-2012]. - 2.7
AggregatedPacketCount unsignedInt R The number of aggregated packets that were transmitted. This applies only to 802.11n and 802.11ac. - 2.7
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSentBufOverflow unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of discarded packets during transmission caused by transmit buffer overflow. - 2.14
DiscardPacketsSentNoAssoc unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of discarded packets due to the station not being associated. - 2.14
FragSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of frame-fragments transmitted out of the interface. - 2.14
SentNoAck unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of transmitted data packets that did not receive an ACK when expected. - 2.14
DupReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets whose Sequence Control field indicates it is a duplicate. - 2.14
TooLongReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets longer than the maximum allowed packet length. - 2.14
TooShortReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets that did not contain enough bytes for the packet type. - 2.14
AckUcastReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of unicast ACKs received, with good Frame Check Sequence (FCS). - 2.14
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}. object(0:) W

This object models an 802.11 connection from the perspective of a wireless access point. Each AccessPoint entry is associated with a particular SSID interface instance via the SSIDReference parameter.

For enabled table entries, if SSIDReference is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The AccessPoint table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated AccessPoint row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending AccessPoint row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for SSIDReference. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this access point. false 2.0
Status string R

Indicates the status of this access point. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
SSIDReference string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the SSID. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. <Empty> 2.0
SSIDAdvertisementEnabled boolean W Indicates whether or not beacons include the SSID name. - 2.0
RetryLimit unsignedInt(0:7) W
The maximum number of retransmission for a packet. This corresponds to IEEE 802.11 parameter dot11ShortRetryLimit.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11 because it is really a Radio attribute. Use Radio.{i}.RetryLimit.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.
- 2.0
WMMCapability boolean R Indicates whether this access point supports WiFi Multimedia (WMM) Access Categories (AC) [WMM]. - 2.0
UAPSDCapability boolean R

Indicates whether this access point supports WMM Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD).

Note: U-APSD support implies WMM support.

- 2.0
WMMEnable boolean W Whether WMM support is currently enabled. When enabled, this is indicated in beacon frames. - 2.0
UAPSDEnable boolean W

Whether U-APSD support is currently enabled. When enabled, this is indicated in beacon frames.

Note: U-APSD can only be enabled if WMM is also enabled.

- 2.0
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table. - 2.0
MaxAssociatedDevices unsignedInt W
The maximum number of devices that can simultaneously be connected to the access point.
A value of 0 means that there is no specific limit.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.13 in favor of MaxAllowedAssociations.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14-2.15.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.16.
0 2.4
IsolationEnable boolean W

Enables or disables device isolation.

A value of true means that the devices connected to the Access Point are isolated from all other devices within the home network (as is typically the case for a Wireless Hotspot).

- 2.4
MACAddressControlEnabled boolean W Indicates whether or not MAC Address Control is enabled on this WiFi. MAC Address Control limits client devices to those whose hardware addresses match the AllowedMACAddress list. - 2.9
AllowedMACAddress string(:17)[] W [MACAddress] Comma-separated list of MAC Addresses. Hardware addresses of client devices that are allowed to associate with this WiFi if MACAddressControlEnabled is true. - 2.9
MaxAllowedAssociations unsignedInt W

Maximum number of associated devices allowed for this SSID. If the number is reached new device connections to this access point will be rejected.

If the number is changed to a value less than the actual number of associated devices, new device connections will be rejected until the number of devices is below this number. It is not expected that any connections are dropped.

If the parameter Radio.{i}.MaxSupportedAssociations exists, the value MUST be less than or equal to the maximum number specified in Radio.{i}.MaxSupportedAssociations.

- 2.12
CpeOperationMode string W

Reports information about the CPE operation mode (router or bridge/range extender).

Enumeration of:

  • Router (Indicates indicates operation as a router)
  • Bridge/Extender (Indicates operation as a range extender or access point in bridge mode)
Router 2.14
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.Security. object R This object contains security related parameters that apply to a CPE acting as an Access Point [802.11-2007]. - 2.0
ModesSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates which security modes this AccessPoint instance is capable of supporting.

The WPA3-Personal value is the same as WPA3-SAE.

The WPA3-Personal-Transition value is the same as WPA2-PSK-WPA3-SAE.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • None
  • WEP-64
  • WEP-128
  • WPA-Personal
  • WPA2-Personal
  • WPA3-Personal
  • WPA-WPA2-Personal
  • WPA3-Personal-Transition
  • WPA-Enterprise
  • WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA3-Enterprise
  • WPA-WPA2-Enterprise
  • OWE (Added in 2.16)
- 2.0
ModeEnabled string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the ModesSupported parameter. Indicates which security mode is enabled. - 2.0
EncryptionMode string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. The type of encryption in use.

When ModeEnabled is one of WPA3-Personal, WPA3-Personal-Transition, or WPA3-Enterprise, TKIP is not valid, and should not be in the list.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • TKIP
  • AES
- 2.14
WEPKey hexBinary(5,13) W

A WEP key expressed as a hexadecimal string.

WEPKey is used only if ModeEnabled is set to WEP-64 or WEP-128.

A 5 byte WEPKey corresponds to security mode WEP-64 and a 13 byte WEPKey corresponds to security mode WEP-128.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
PreSharedKey hexBinary(:32) W

A literal PreSharedKey (PSK) expressed as a hexadecimal string.

PreSharedKey is only used if ModeEnabled is set to WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or WPA-WPA2-Personal.

If KeyPassphrase is written, then PreSharedKey is immediately generated. The Controller SHOULD NOT set both the KeyPassphrase and the PreSharedKey directly (the result of doing this is undefined).

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
KeyPassphrase string(8:63) W

A passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated, for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes.

If KeyPassphrase is written, then PreSharedKey for WPA2 is immediately generated. The Controller SHOULD NOT set both the KeyPassphrase and the PreSharedKey directly (the result of doing this is undefined). The key is generated as specified by WPA, which uses PBKDF2 from PKCS #5: Password-based Cryptography Specification Version 2.0 ([RFC2898]).

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
RekeyingInterval unsignedInt W

The interval (expressed in seconds) in which the keys are re-generated.

This is applicable to WPA, WPA2 and Mixed (WPA-WPA2) modes in Personal or Enterprise mode (i.e. when ModeEnabled is set to a value other than None or WEP-64 or WEP-128.

3600 2.0
SAEPassphrase string W

A passphrase for WPA3-Personal or WPA3-Personal-Transition security modes.

NOTE: this parameter is for WPA3. WPA2 PreSharedKey is generated from KeyPassphrase.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.13
RadiusServerIPAddr string(:45) W [IPAddress] The IP Address of the RADIUS server used for WLAN security. RadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise, WPA3-Enterprise, or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). - 2.0
SecondaryRadiusServerIPAddr string(:45) W

[IPAddress] The IP Address of a secondary RADIUS server used for WLAN security. SecondaryRadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise, WPA3-Enterprise, or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise).

The client can forward requests to the secondary server in the event that the primary server is down or unreachable, or after a number of tries to the primary server fail, or in a round-robin fashion [RFC2865].

- 2.5
RadiusServerPort unsignedInt W The port number of the RADIUS server used for WLAN security. RadiusServerPort is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise, WPA3-Enterprise, or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). 1812 2.0
SecondaryRadiusServerPort unsignedInt W

The port number of the secondary RADIUS server used for WLAN security. SecondaryRadiusServerPort is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise, WPA3-Enterprise, or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise).

If this parameter is not implemented, the secondary RADIUS server will use the same port number as the primary RADIUS server.

1812 2.5
RadiusSecret string W

The secret used for handshaking with the RADIUS server [RFC2865].

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
SecondaryRadiusSecret string W

The secret used for handshaking with the secondary RADIUS server [RFC2865].

If this parameter is not implemented, the secondary RADIUS server will use the same secret as the primary RADIUS server.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.5
MFPConfig string W

Management Frame Protection configuration applicable when ModeEnabled is set to WPA2-Personal, WPA2-Enterprise, WPA3-Personal, or WPA3-Enterprise. When in WPA3 modes, MFPConfig MUST be set to Required.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Optional
  • Required
Disabled 2.11

Signaling and Payload Protected for A-MSDU frames.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (This AP does not advertise supporting SPP A-MSDU)
  • Capable (This AP advertises supporting SPP A-MSDU)
  • Required (This AP advertises supporting SPP A-MSDU and refuses non-SPP A-MSDU frames)
- 2.16
TransitionDisableIndication boolean W Sets the transition disable indication. When this parameter is enabled with ModeEnabled set to a transition mode, such as WPA3-Personal-Transition, stations connected to the AP are not allowed to transition between the security modes allowed by the transition mode. Stations capable of the more secure security mode allowed by the transition, as defined in [WPA3v3.0], will always communicate to the AP using it. true 2.16
Reset() command -

Reset this Security instance’s WiFi security settings to their factory default values. The affected settings include ModeEnabled, WEPKey, PreSharedKey, KeyPassphrase, SAEPassphrase, and WPS.PIN (if applicable).

If the command cannot be executed, the agent MUST reject the command. Possible failure reasons include a lack of default values or if ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type, i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise, WPA3-Enterprise, or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise.

- 2.12
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.WPS. object R This object contains parameters related to Wi-Fi Protected Setup for this access point (as specified in [WPSv1.0] or [WPS 2.0]). - 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables WPS functionality for this access point. true 2.0
ConfigMethodsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. WPS configuration methods supported by the device. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • USBFlashDrive
  • Ethernet
  • Label
  • Display
  • ExternalNFCToken
  • IntegratedNFCToken
  • NFCInterface
  • PushButton
  • PIN
  • PhysicalPushButton
  • PhysicalDisplay
  • VirtualPushButton
  • VirtualDisplay

This parameter corresponds directly to the “Config Methods” attribute of [WPS 2.0].

The USBFlashDrive and Ethernet are only applicable in WPS 1.0 and are deprecated in WPS 2.x. The PhysicalPushButton, VirtualPushButton, PhysicalDisplay and VirtualDisplay are applicable to WPS 2.x only.

- 2.0
ConfigMethodsEnabled string[] W Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the ConfigMethodsSupported parameter. Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates WPS configuration methods enabled on the device. - 2.0
Status string R

Indicates the current status of WPS. If the device goes to SetupLocked the WPS needs to be disabled and re-enabled to come out of state.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Error
  • Unconfigured
  • Configured
  • SetupLocked
- 2.11
Version string R

The Wi-Fi Simple Configuration version supported by the device, a string of the form m.n where m is the major version and n is the minor version.

For example, a value of 1.0 denotes WSC 1.0 and a value of 2.0 denotes WSC 2.0.

- 2.11
PIN string(:8) W

Represents the Device PIN used for PIN based pairing between WPS peers. This PIN is either a four digit number or an eight digit number.

Possible patterns:

  • \d{4}|\d{8}

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.11
InitiateWPSPBC() command - [ASYNC] Initiates a Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) Push Button Configuration (PBC) process as defined in [WPS 2.0] . - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the response to the request to start Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) Push Button Configuration (PBC). Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_Not_Ready
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

A table of the devices currently associated with the access point.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for MACAddress.

- 2.0
MACAddress string(:17) R

[MACAddress] The MAC address of an associated device.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MACAddress.

- 2.0
Type string R Associated device type (Laptop, iPhone, Android, etc.). - 2.14
SetStaATF unsignedInt(0:100) W Configures the Air Time Fairness (ATF) setting of this individual associated device. Expressed as percent of airtime, such that this associated device should not exceed this percentage. Setting this value overrides SSID.{i}.SetATF for this associated device. - 2.14
OperatingStandard string R

The operating standard that this associated device is connected with.

Enumeration of:

- 2.10
AuthenticationState boolean R Whether an associated device has authenticated (true) or not (false). - 2.0
LastDataDownlinkRate unsignedInt(1000:) R

The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission from the access point to the associated device.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.LastDataDownlinkRate.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MaxSupportedDataDownlinkRate unsignedInt(1000:) R Maximum supported data rate on the downlink from the associated device to the access point, measured in kbps. - 2.17
LastDataUplinkRate unsignedInt(1000:) R

The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission from the associated device to the access point.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.LastDataUplinkRate.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MaxSupportedDataUplinkRate unsignedInt(1000:) R Maximum supported data rate on the uplink from the associated device to the access point, measured in kbps. - 2.17
AssociationTime dateTime R

Date and time in UTC when the device was associated

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.LastConnectTime.

- 2.12
SignalStrength int(-200:0) R

An indicator of radio signal strength of the uplink from the associated device to the access point, measured in dBm, as an average of the last 100 packets received from the device.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.SignalStrength.

- 2.0
Noise int(-200:0) R

An indicator of radio noise on the uplink from the associated device to the access point, measured in dBm, as an average of the last 100 packets received from the device (see ANPI definition in [Clause])

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.MultiAPSTA.Noise.

- 2.12
SNR unsignedInt R An indicator of signal to noise ratio, in dB, on the uplink from the associated device to the access point, measured in dB, as an average of the last 100 packets received from the device. - 2.17
Retransmissions unsignedInt(0:100) R

The number of packets that had to be re-transmitted, from the last 100 packets sent to the associated device. Multiple re-transmissions of the same packet count as one.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.RetransCount.

- 2.0
Active boolean R

Whether or not this node is currently present in the WiFi AccessPoint network.

The ability to list inactive nodes is OPTIONAL. If the CPE includes inactive nodes in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive node. The length of time an inactive node remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.0
MaxSupportedBandwidth string R

Specifies the maximum supported bandwidth for the associated device to the access point.

Enumeration of:

  • 20MHz
  • 40MHz
  • 80MHz
  • 160MHz
  • 320MHz
  • Unknown
- 2.17
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}.Stats. object R

These count bytes or packets sent to, or received from, this Associated Device, which is a WiFi station associated to this access point. Packet counters here count 802.11 WiFi frames.

The CPE MUST reset these Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the Status of the parent AccessPoint object transitions from Disabled to Enabled, or when it transitions from Enabled to Disabled.

- 2.8
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted to the Associated Device, including framing characters.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.BytesSent.

- 2.8
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received from the Associated Device, including framing characters.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.BytesReceived.

- 2.8
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted to the Associated Device.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.PacketsSent.

- 2.8
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received from the Associated Device.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.PacketsReceived.

- 2.8
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. These might be due to the number of retransmissions exceeding the retry limit, or from other causes.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.ErrorsSent.

- 2.8
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.ErrorsReceived.

- 2.14
RetransCount unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of transmitted packets which were retransmissions. Two retransmissions of the same packet results in this counter incrementing by two.

If the instance of this AssociatedDevice is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}., then this parameter is the same as Device.WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device.{i}.Radio.{i}.BSS.{i}.STA.{i}.RetransCount.

- 2.8
FailedRetransCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets that were not transmitted successfully due to the number of retransmission attempts exceeding an 802.11 retry limit. This parameter is based on dot11FailedCount from [802.11-2012]. - 2.8
RetryCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets that were successfully transmitted after one or more retransmissions. This parameter is based on dot11RetryCount from [802.11-2012]. - 2.8
MultipleRetryCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets that were successfully transmitted after more than one retransmission. This parameter is based on dot11MultipleRetryCount from [802.11-2012]. - 2.8
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AC.{i}. object(4:4) R

This object contains parameters related to WiFi QoS for different 802.11e access categories (priorities). Access categories are: BE, BK, VI, and VO. These parameters can help control and monitor 802.11e Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). The size of this table is fixed, with four entries which are identified by the AccessCategory parameter as follows:

  • BE (Best Effort)
  • BK (Background)
  • VI (Video)
  • VO (Voice)

This table MUST contain exactly 4 entries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for AccessCategory, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.8
AccessCategory string R

This identifies the access category.

Enumeration of:

  • BE
  • BK
  • VI
  • VO
- 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
AIFSN unsignedInt(2:15) W
Arbitration Inter Frame Spacing (Number). This is the number of time slots in the arbitration interframe space.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.8
ECWMin unsignedInt(0:15) W
Exponent of Contention Window (Minimum). This encodes the values of CWMin as an exponent: CWMin = 2ECWMin - 1. For example, if ECWMin is 8, then CWMin is 28 - 1, or 255, (expressed in microseconds).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.8
ECWMax unsignedInt(0:15) W
Exponent of Contention Window (Maximum). This encodes the values of CWMax as an exponent: CWMax = 2ECWMax - 1. For example, if ECWMax is 8, then CWMax is 28 - 1, or 255, (expressed in microseconds).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.8
TxOpMax unsignedInt(0:255) W
Maximum transmit opportunity, in multiples of 32 microseconds. A TXOP time interval of 0 means it is limited to a single MAC protocol data unit (MPDU).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.8
AckPolicy boolean W Ack Policy, where False=“Do Not Acknowledge” and True=“Acknowledge” - 2.8
OutQLenHistogramIntervals string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Definition of the histogram intervals for counting the transmit queue length in packets. Each value indicates the maximum value of the interval. For example, “0,1,4,8,” defines the five intervals: 0 packets in queue, 1 packet in queue, 2 to 4 packets in queue, 5 to 8 packets in queue, and 9 or more packets in queue. (No value after the last comma means no upper bound.) If this parameter is set to an empty string, no Stats.OutQLenHistogram stats will be collected. - 2.8
OutQLenHistogramSampleInterval unsignedInt W The time between recording samples of the current transmit queue in seconds. - 2.8
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AC.{i}.Stats. object R

This object contains statistics for different 802.11e access categories (priorities).

Packet counters here count 802.11 WiFi frames.

If there are not separate stats for each access category, (e.g., 802.11e is not used and there is only one queue), then only access category 0 = BE applies (e.g., the statistics for the single queue are in access category 0 = BE).

The CPE MUST reset the Access Point’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the Access Point becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the Access Point’s Status parameter transitions to a Disabled state) or when the Access Point becomes administratively up (i.e. the Access Point’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.8
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted in this access category, including framing characters. - 2.8
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received in this access category, including framing characters. - 2.8
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted in this access category. - 2.8
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received in this access category. - 2.8
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets in this access category that could not be transmitted because of errors. These might be due to the number of retransmissions exceeding the retry limit, or from other causes. - 2.8
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets in this access category that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.8
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets in this access category which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.8
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets in this access category which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.8
RetransCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of transmitted packets in this access category which were retransmissions. Two retransmissions of the same packet results in this counter incrementing by two. - 2.8
OutQLenHistogram string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Histogram of the total length of the transmit queue of this access category in packets (1 packet, 2 packets, etc.) according to the intervals defined by OutQLenHistogramIntervals, with samples taken each OutQLenHistogramSampleInterval. Example: “12,5,1,0,2,0,0,1”. - 2.8
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.Accounting. object R This object contains the parameters related to RADIUS accounting functionality for the access point. - 2.5
Enable boolean W Enables or disables accounting functionality for the access point. - 2.5
ServerIPAddr string(:45) W [IPAddress] The IP Address of the RADIUS accounting server. - 2.5
SecondaryServerIPAddr string(:45) W

[IPAddress] The IP Address of a secondary RADIUS accounting server.

The client can forward requests to the secondary server in the event that the primary server is down or unreachable, or after a number of tries to the primary server fail, or in a round-robin fashion. [RFC2866]

- 2.5
ServerPort unsignedInt W The port number of the RADIUS server used for accounting. The default port is 1813 as defined in [RFC2866]. 1813 2.5
SecondaryServerPort unsignedInt W

The port number of the secondary RADIUS server used for accounting. The default port is 1813 as defined in [RFC2866].

If this parameter is not implemented, the secondary RADIUS server will use the same port number as the primary RADIUS server.

1813 2.5
Secret string W

The secret used for handshaking with the RADIUS accounting server [RFC2865].

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.5
SecondarySecret string W

The secret used for handshaking with the secondary RADIUS accounting server [RFC2865].

If this parameter is not implemented, the secondary RADIUS server will use the same secret as the primary RADIUS server.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.5
InterimInterval unsignedInt(0,60:) W

Specifies the default interim accounting interval in seconds, which is used for service accounting when the Acct-Interim-Interval attribute is not configured. [Section 2.1/RFC2869]

The value MUST NOT be smaller than 60. The value SHOULD NOT be smaller than 600, and careful consideration should be given to its impact on network traffic [Section 5.16/RFC2869].

A value of 0 means no interim accounting messages are sent.

0 2.5
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}. object(0:) W

This object models an 802.11 connection from the perspective of a wireless end point. Each EndPoint entry is associated with a particular SSID interface instance via the SSIDReference parameter, and an associated active Profile instance via the ProfileReference parameter. The active profile is responsible for specifying the actual SSID and security settings used by the end point.

For enabled table entries, if SSIDReference or ProfileReference is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The EndPoint table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated EndPoint row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending EndPoint row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for SSIDReference. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this end point. false 2.0
Status string R

Indicates the status of this end point. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
ProfileReference string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Profile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is the currently active profile, which specifies the SSID and security settings to be used by the end point. <Empty> 2.0
SSIDReference string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the SSID. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. SSIDReference is determined based on the Profile.{i}.SSID within the associated ProfileReference) endpoint profile. SSIDReference MUST be an empty string if ProfileReference is an empty string (i.e. only when an active profile is assigned can the associated SSID interface be determined). <Empty> 2.0
ProfileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Profile table. - 2.0
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.Stats. object R Throughput statistics for this end point. - 2.0
LastDataDownlinkRate unsignedInt(1000:600000) R

The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission from the access point to the end point device.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LastDataUplinkRate unsignedInt(1000:600000) R

The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission from the end point to the access point device.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
SignalStrength int(-200:0) R An indicator of radio signal strength of the downlink from the access point to the end point, measured in dBm, as an average of the last 100 packets received from the device. - 2.0
Retransmissions unsignedInt(0:100) R The number of packets that had to be re-transmitted, from the last 100 packets sent to the access point. Multiple re-transmissions of the same packet count as one. 0 2.0
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.Security. object R This object contains security related parameters that apply to a WiFi end point [802.11-2007]. - 2.0
ModesSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates which security modes this EndPoint instance is capable of supporting.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • None
  • WEP-64
  • WEP-128
  • WPA-Personal
  • WPA2-Personal
  • WPA3-Personal
  • WPA-WPA2-Personal
  • WPA3-Personal-Transition
  • WPA-Enterprise
  • WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA3-Enterprise
  • WPA-WPA2-Enterprise
  • OWE (Added in 2.16)
- 2.0
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.Profile.{i}. object(0:) W

EndPoint Profile table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for all of SSID, Location and Priority. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, SSID and Location such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Profile.

When there are multiple WiFi EndPoint Profiles, e.g. each instance supports a different SSID and/or different security configuration, this parameter can be used to control which of the instances are currently enabled.

false 2.0
Status string R

Indicates the status of this Profile. Enumeration of:

  • Active
  • Available
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
  • Disabled

The Active value is reserved for the instance that is actively connected. The Available value represents an instance that is not currently active, but is also not disabled or in error. The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
SSID string(:32) W

The profile identifier in use by the connection. The SSID is an identifier that is attached to packets sent over the wireless LAN that functions as an ID for joining a particular radio network (BSS).

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Location) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Location string W

Location of the profile. This value serves as a reminder from the user, describing the location of the profile. For example: “Home”, “Office”, “Neighbor House”, “Airport”, etc. An empty string is also valid.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with SSID) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Priority unsignedInt(:255) W

The profile Priority defines one of the criteria used by the End Point to automatically select the “best” AP when several APs with known profiles are simultaneously available for association.

In this situation, the End Point has to select the AP with the higher priority in its profile. If there are several APs with the same priority, providing different SSID or the same SSID, then the wireless end point has to select the APs according to other criteria like signal quality, SNR, etc.

0 is the highest priority.

0 2.0
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.Profile.{i}.Security. object R This object contains security related parameters that apply to a WiFi End Point profile [802.11-2007]. - 2.0
ModeEnabled string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Security.ModesSupported parameter. Indicates which security mode is enabled. - 2.0
WEPKey hexBinary(5,13) W

A WEP key expressed as a hexadecimal string.

WEPKey is used only if ModeEnabled is set to WEP-64 or WEP-128.

A 5 byte WEPKey corresponds to security mode WEP-64 and a 13 byte WEPKey corresponds to security mode WEP-128.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
PreSharedKey hexBinary(:32) W

A literal PreSharedKey (PSK) expressed as a hexadecimal string.

PreSharedKey is only used if ModeEnabled is set to WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or WPA-WPA2-Personal.

If KeyPassphrase is written, then PreSharedKey is immediately generated. The Controller SHOULD NOT set both the KeyPassphrase and the PreSharedKey directly (the result of doing this is undefined).

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
KeyPassphrase string(8:63) W

A passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated, for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes.

If KeyPassphrase is written, then PreSharedKey is immediately generated. The Controller SHOULD NOT set both the KeyPassphrase and the PreSharedKey directly (the result of doing this is undefined). The key is generated as specified by WPA, which uses PBKDF2 from PKCS #5: Password-based Cryptography Specification Version 2.0 [RFC2898].

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
SAEPassphrase string W

A passphrase for WPA3-Personal or WPA3-Personal-Transition security modes.

NOTE: this parameter is for WPA3. WPA2 PreSharedKey is generated from KeyPassphrase.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.13
MFPConfig string W

Management Frame Protection configuration applicable when ModeEnabled is set to WPA2-Personal, WPA2-Enterprise, WPA3-Personal, or WPA3-Enterprise. When in WPA3 modes, MFPConfig MUST be set to Required.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Optional
  • Required
Disabled 2.11
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.WPS. object R This object contains parameters related to Wi-Fi Protected Setup [WPSv1.0] for this end point. - 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables WPS functionality for this end point. true 2.0
ConfigMethodsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. WPS configuration methods supported by the device. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • USBFlashDrive
  • Ethernet
  • Label
  • Display
  • ExternalNFCToken
  • IntegratedNFCToken
  • NFCInterface
  • PushButton
  • PIN
  • PhysicalPushButton
  • PhysicalDisplay
  • VirtualPushButton
  • VirtualDisplay

This parameter corresponds directly to the “Config Methods” attribute of [WPS 2.0].

The USBFlashDrive and Ethernet are only applicable in WPS 1.0 and are deprecated in WPS 2.x. The PhysicalPushButton, VirtualPushButton, PhysicalDisplay and VirtualDisplay are applicable to WPS 2.x only.

- 2.0
ConfigMethodsEnabled string[] W Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the ConfigMethodsSupported parameter. Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the WPS configuration methods enabled on the device. - 2.0
Status string R

Indicates the current status of WPS in EndPoint.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Error
  • Unconfigured
  • Configured
- 2.11
Version string R

The Wi-Fi Simple Configuration version supported by the device, a string of the form m.n where m is the major version and n is the minor version.

For example, a value of 1.0 denotes WSC 1.0 and a value of 2.0 denotes WSC 2.0.

- 2.11
PIN string(:8) W

Represents the Device PIN used for PIN based pairing between WPS peers. This PIN is either a four digit number or an eight digit number.

Changed in 2.16: The data type was fixed (it was previously defined as an integer that had to have the value 4 or 8).

Possible patterns:

  • \d{4}|\d{8} (Added in 2.16)

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.11
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.AC.{i}. object(4:4) R

This object contains parameters related to WiFi QoS for different 802.11e access categories (priorities). Access categories are: BE, BK, VI, and VO. These parameters can help control and monitor 802.11e Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA). The size of this table is fixed, with four entries which are identified by the AccessCategory parameter as follows:

  • BE (Best Effort)
  • BK (Background)
  • VI (Video)
  • VO (Voice)

This table MUST contain exactly 4 entries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for AccessCategory, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.8
AccessCategory string R

This identifies the access category.

Enumeration of:

  • BE
  • BK
  • VI
  • VO
- 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
AIFSN unsignedInt(2:15) W
Arbitration Inter Frame Spacing (Number). This is the number of time slots in the arbitration interframe space.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.8
ECWMin unsignedInt(0:15) W
Exponent of Contention Window (Minimum). This encodes the values of CWMin as an exponent: CWMin = 2ECWMin - 1. For example, if ECWMin is 8, then CWMin is 28 - 1, or 255, (expressed in microseconds).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.8
ECWMax unsignedInt(0:15) W
Exponent of Contention Window (Maximum). This encodes the values of CWMax as an exponent: CWMax = 2ECWMax - 1. For example, if ECWMax is 8, then CWMax is 28 - 1, or 255, (expressed in microseconds).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.8
TxOpMax unsignedInt(0:255) W
Maximum transmit opportunity, in multiples of 32 microseconds. A TXOP time interval of 0 means it is limited to a single MAC protocol data unit (MPDU).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by the WMM Specification.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.8
AckPolicy boolean W Ack Policy, where False=“Do Not Acknowledge” and True=“Acknowledge” - 2.8
OutQLenHistogramIntervals string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Definition of the histogram intervals for counting the transmit queue length in packets. Each value indicates the maximum value of the interval. For example, “0,1,4,8,” defines the five intervals: 0 packets in queue, 1 packet in queue, 2 to 4 packets in queue, 5 to 8 packets in queue, and 9 or more packets in queue. (No value after the last comma means no upper bound.) If this parameter is set to an empty string, no Stats.OutQLenHistogram stats will be collected. - 2.8
OutQLenHistogramSampleInterval unsignedInt W The time between recording samples of the current transmit queue seconds. - 2.8
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.AC.{i}.Stats. object R

This object contains statistics for different 802.11e access categories (priorities).

Packet counters here count 802.11 WiFi frames.

If there are not separate stats for each access category, (e.g., 802.11e is not used and there is only one queue), then only access category 0 = BE applies (e.g., the statistics for the single queue are in access category 0 = BE).

The CPE MUST reset the EndPoint’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the EndPoint becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the EndPoint’s Status parameter transitions to a Disabled state) or when the EndPoint becomes administratively up (i.e. the EndPoint’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.8
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted in this access category, including framing characters. - 2.8
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received in this access category, including framing characters. - 2.8
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted in this access category. - 2.8
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received in this access category. - 2.8
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets in this access category that could not be transmitted because of errors. These might be due to the number of retransmissions exceeding the retry limit, or from other causes. - 2.8
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets in this access category that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.8
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets in this access category which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.8
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets in this access category which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. - 2.8
RetransCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of transmitted packets in this access category which were retransmissions. Two retransmissions of the same packet results in this counter incrementing by two. - 2.8
OutQLenHistogram string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Histogram of the total length of the transmit queue of this access category in packets (1 packet, 2 packets, etc.) according to the intervals defined by OutQLenHistogramIntervals, with samples taken each OutQLenHistogramSampleInterval. Example: “12,5,1,0,2,0,0,1” - 2.8
Device.ZigBee. object R Top level object for ZigBee capabilities based on the [ZigBee2007] specification. - 2.7
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.7
ZDONumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ZDO table. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

ZigBee interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the ZigBee interface of a ZigBee end device, ZigBee router or ZigBee coordinator.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name, or with a given value for ZDOReference.

- 2.7
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the interface. This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863]. - 2.7
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.7
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.7
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.7
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.7
IEEEAddress string(:23) R [IEEE_EUI64] The IEEE address assigned to this interface. A value of “FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF” indicates that this address is unknown. This parameter has the same value as the ZDO.{i}.IEEEAddress parameter of the ZDO instance ZDOReference is pointing to. - 2.7
NetworkAddress string(:4) R [ZigBeeNetworkAddress] The ZigBee network address assigned to this interface. This parameter has the same value as the ZDO.{i}.NetworkAddress parameter of the ZDO instance ZDOReference is pointing to. - 2.7
ZDOReference string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ZDO. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The ZigBee Device Object assigned to this interface. - 2.7
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.7
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of ZigBee packets sent transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of ZigBee packets received by the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of ZigBee packets discarded by interface due to any error.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of ZigBee packets received that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of ZigBee packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of ZigBee packets received which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of ZigBee packets requested for transmission which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent the ZigBee packets being transmitted.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of ZigBee packets received which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of ZigBee packets requested for transmission which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of ZigBee packets received which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer and delivered by this layer to a higher layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of ZigBee packets requested for transmission which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of ZigBee packets received which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer and delivered by this layer to a higher layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
UnknownPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of ZigBee packets received which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
Device.ZigBee.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

This table provides information about other ZigBee devices that are directly accessible via this interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both IEEEAddress and NetworkAddress.

It is possible that instances of this object have the same key value when the value of IEEEAddress parameter is “FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF” and the ZigBee Coordinators on two or more separate area networks assign the same value for the NetworkAddress. This is because the ZigBee specification describes only intra-area network topologies [Section 1.1.4 Network Topology/ZigBee2007]. As such if two or more AssociatedDevice instances have the same key value the implementation is undefined.

- 2.7
IEEEAddress string(:23) R [IEEE_EUI64] The IEEE address assigned to this device. A value of “FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF” indicates that this address is unknown. - 2.7
NetworkAddress string(:4) R [ZigBeeNetworkAddress] The ZigBee network address assigned to this device. - 2.7
Active boolean R

Whether or not this device is currently present in the ZigBee network as defined in [Section].

The ability to list inactive devices is OPTIONAL. If the CPE includes inactive devices in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive device. The length of time an inactive device remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.7
ZDOReference string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ZDO. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The ZigBee Device Object assigned to this interface. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}. object(0:) R

ZigBee Device Object (ZDO) provides management capabilities of the ZigBee Application Support (APS) and Network (NWK) layers of a ZigBee Device as defined in [Section 2.5/ZigBee2007].

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both IEEEAddress and NetworkAddress, or with a given value for Alias.

It is possible that instances of this object have the same key value when the value of IEEEAddress parameter is “FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF” and the ZigBee Coordinators on two or more separate area networks assign the same value for the NetworkAddress. This is because the ZigBee specification describes only intra-area network topologies [Section 1.1.4 Network Topology/ZigBee2007]. As such if two or more ZDO instances have the same key value the implementation is undefined

- 2.7
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.7
IEEEAddress string(:23) R [IEEE_EUI64] The IEEE address assigned to this device. A value of “FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF” indicates that this address is unknown. - 2.7
NetworkAddress string(:4) R [ZigBeeNetworkAddress] The ZigBee network address assigned to this device. - 2.7
BindingTableNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Binding table. - 2.7
GroupNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Group table. - 2.7
ApplicationEndpointNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ApplicationEndpoint table. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.NodeDescriptor. object R The NodeDescriptor object describes the node capabilities of the ZigBee device as defined in [Section Node Descriptor/ZigBee2007]. - 2.7
LogicalType string R

The type of ZigBee device that is extracted from the Logical Type Field as defined in [Table 2.29/ZigBee2007].

Enumeration of:

  • ZC (ZigBee Coordinator)
  • ZR (ZigBee Router)
  • ZED (ZigBee End Device)
- 2.7
ComplexDescriptorSupported boolean R When true, specifies that the ComplexDescriptor object is supported for this ZigBee device. - 2.7
UserDescriptorSupported boolean R When true, specifies that the UserDescriptor object is supported for this ZigBee device. - 2.7
FrequencyBand string[] R

Specifies the frequency bands that are supported by the underlying IEEE 802.15.4 radio utilized by the ZigBee device.

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 868-868.6 (The 868-868.6 MHz Band)
  • 902-928 (The 902-928 MHz Band)
  • 2400-2483.5 (The 2400-2483.5 MHz Band)
- 2.7
MACCapability string[] R

Specifies the IEEE 802.15.4-2003 MAC sub-layer capabilities for this ZigBee device.

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • AlternatePANCoordinator (Alternate PAN Coordinator)
  • FFD (Full Function Device)
  • MainsPowerSource (The current power source is mains power)
  • OnWhenIdle (The receiver is on when idle)
  • SecureCommunication (Secure communication is enabled)
- 2.7
ManufactureCode unsignedInt(:65535) R Specifies a manufacturer code that is allocated by the ZigBee Alliance, relating the manufacturer to the device. - 2.7
MaximumBufferSize unsignedInt(:128) R Specifies the maximum buffer size, in octets, of the network sub-layer data unit (NSDU) for this ZigBee device. - 2.7
MaximumIncomingTransferSize unsignedInt(:32768) R Specifies the maximum size, in octets, of the application sub-layer data unit (ASDU) that can be transferred to this ZigBee device in one single message transfer. - 2.7
MaximumOutgoingTransferSize unsignedInt(:32768) R Specifies the maximum size, in octets, of the application sub-layer data unit (ASDU) that can be transferred from this ZigBee device in one single message transfer. - 2.7
ServerMask string[] R

Specifies the system server capabilities of this ZigBee device.

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • PrimaryTrustCenter
  • PrimaryBindingTableCache
  • BackupBindingTableCache
  • PrimaryDiscoveryCache
  • BackupDiscoveryCache
  • NetworkManager
- 2.7
DescriptorCapability string[] R

Specifies the descriptor capabilities of this ZigBee device.

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • ExtendedActiveEndpointListAvailable
  • ExtendedSimpleDescriptorListAvailable
- 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.PowerDescriptor. object R The PowerDescriptor object describes the power capabilities of the ZigBee device as defined in [Section Node Power Descriptor/ZigBee2007]. - 2.7
CurrentPowerMode string R

Specifies the current sleep/power-saving mode of the ZigBee device.

Enumeration of:

  • Synchronized
  • Periodic
  • Manual
- 2.7
AvailablePowerSource string[] R

Specifies the power sources available on this ZigBee device.

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Constant (Constant (mains) power)
  • Rechargeable (Rechargeable battery)
  • Disposable (Disposable battery)
- 2.7
CurrentPowerSource string R

The current power source field specifies the current power source being utilized by the node.

Enumeration of:

  • Constant (Constant (mains) power)
  • Rechargeable (Rechargeable battery)
  • Disposable (Disposable battery)
- 2.7
CurrentPowerSourceLevel string R

Specifies the level of charge of the current power source.

Enumeration of:

  • Critical (Critical battery state)
  • 33 (Battery state is 33 percent)
  • 66 (Battery state is 66 percent)
  • 100 (Battery state is 100 percent)
- 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.UserDescriptor. object R The UserDescriptor object is an optional descriptor that describes user defined capabilities of the ZigBee device as defined in [Section User Descriptor/ZigBee2007]. The UserDescriptor object contains information that allows the user to identify the device using a user-friendly character string, such as “Bedroom TV” or “Stairs Light”. - 2.7
DescriptorAvailable boolean R When true, the User Descriptor recorded has been received from the target device. - 2.7
Description string(:16) R Specifies the information that allows the user to identify the ZigBee device using a user-friendly character string, such as “Bedroom TV” or “Stairs light”. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.ComplexDescriptor. object R The ComplexDescriptor object is an optional descriptor that describes extended capabilities of the ZigBee device as defined in [Section Complex Descriptor/ZigBee2007]. - 2.7
DescriptorAvailable boolean R When true, the Complex Descriptor recorded has been received from the target device. - 2.7
Language string R Specifies the ISO 639-1 language code as defined in [ISO639-1]. - 2.7
CharacterSet string R Specifies the ISO 646 character set as defined in [ISO646-1991]. - 2.7
ManufacturerName string R Specifies the name of the manufacturer of the ZigBee device. - 2.7
ModelName string R Specifies the name of the manufacturer’s model of the ZigBee device. - 2.7
SerialNumber string R Specifies the manufacturer’s serial number of the ZigBee device. - 2.7
DeviceURL string(:2048) R Specifies the [URL] through which more information relating to the ZigBee device can be obtained. - 2.7
Icon hexBinary(:65535) R The icon field contains an octet string which carries the data for an icon that can represent the ZigBee device. The format of the icon MUST be a 32-by-32-pixel PNG image. - 2.7
IconURL string(:2048) R Specifies the [URL] through which the icon for the ZigBee device can be obtained. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.Security. object R The Security object provides the configuration capabilities needed to perform the Security Management functionality defined in [Section 4 Security Management/ZigBee2007]. - 2.7
TrustCenterAddress string(:23) R [IEEE_EUI64] Specifies the IEEE address of a special device trusted by devices within a ZigBee network to distribute keys for the purpose of network and end-to-end application configuration management. - 2.7
SecurityLevel string R

Specifies how an outgoing frame is to be secured, how an incoming frame purportedly has been secured; it also indicates whether or not the payload is encrypted and to what extent data authenticity over the frame is provided, as reflected by the length of the message integrity code (MIC).

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • MIC-32
  • MIC-64
  • MIC-128
  • ENC
  • ENC-MIC-32
  • ENC-MIC-64
  • ENC-MIC-128
- 2.7
TimeOutPeriod unsignedInt(:65535) R The period of time, in milliseconds, that this ZigBee device will wait for an expected security protocol frame. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.Network. object R The Network object provides the configuration capabilities needed to by a ZigBee Device to operate within a ZigBee Area Network as defined in [Section Network Manager/ZigBee2007]. - 2.7
NeighborNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Neighbor table. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.Network.Neighbor.{i}. object(0:) R

The Neighbor object provides the configuration capabilities needed to by a ZigBee Device to operate within a ZigBee Area Network as defined in [Section Network Manager/ZigBee2007].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Neighbor.

- 2.7
Neighbor string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ZDO table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Neighbor of this ZigBee device. The value MUST be the path name of a row in the ZigBee.ZDO table. If the referenced row is deleted then this entry MUST be deleted. - 2.7
LQI unsignedInt(:255) R

The LQI field specified link quality identification (LQI) for neighbor ZigBee device.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
Relationship string R

The relationship between the neighbor and this device. Enumeration of:

  • Parent
  • Child
  • PrevChild
  • Sibling
  • None
- 2.7
PermitJoin string R

An indication of whether the neighbor device is accepting join requests. Enumeration of:

  • Accepting
  • NotAccepting
  • Unknown
- 2.7
Depth unsignedInt R The tree depth of the neighbor device. A value of 0x00 indicates that the device is the ZigBee coordinator for the network. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.NodeManager. object R The NodeManager object describes the configuration capabilities related for remote management of the ZigBee Area Network as defined in [Section Node Manager/ZigBee2007]. - 2.7
RoutingTableNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the RoutingTable table. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.NodeManager.RoutingTable.{i}. object(0:) R

The RoutingTable object describes the route table as defined in [Table 3.51 Routing Table Entry/ZigBee2007].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for DestinationAddress.

- 2.7
DestinationAddress string(:4) R

The ZigBee network address of this route.

Possible patterns:

  • ([0-9A-Fa-f]){4}
- 2.7
NextHopAddress string(:4) R

[ZigBeeNetworkAddress] Specifies the network address of the next hop ZigBee device on the way to the destination ZigBee device.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.7
Status string R

The status of the route entry. Enumeration of:

  • Active
  • DiscoveryUnderway
  • DiscoveryFailed
  • Inactive
  • ValidationUnderway
- 2.7
MemoryConstrained boolean R A flag indicating whether the device is a memory constrained concentrator. - 2.7
ManyToOne boolean R A flag indicating that the destination is a concentrator that issued a many to-one request. - 2.7
RouteRecordRequired boolean R A flag indicating that a route record command frame should be sent to the destination prior to the next data packet. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.Binding.{i}. object(0:) W

The Binding object describes the configuration capabilities related to maintaining a ZigBee Device’s Binding Table as defined in [Section Binding/ZigBee2007].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the use of this binding on the device. - 2.7
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.7
SourceEndpoint unsignedInt(:240) W Specifies the source endpoint used in this binding entry. - 2.7
SourceAddress string(:23) W [IEEE_EUI64] Specifies the source address used in this binding entry. - 2.7
ClusterId unsignedInt(:65535) W Specifies the cluster identifier used in this binding entry. - 2.7
DestinationAddressMode string W

Specifies the type of destination address used for this binding entry. Enumeration of:

  • Group
  • Endpoint
- 2.7
DestinationEndpoint unsignedInt(:240) W Specifies the destination endpoint for the binding entry. The value of this field is valid when the value of the DestinationAddressMode is Endpoint. - 2.7
IEEEDestinationAddress string(:23) W [IEEE_EUI64] Specifies the IEEE destination address for this binding entry. The value of this field is valid when the value of the DestinationAddressMode is Endpoint. - 2.7
GroupDestinationAddress string(:4) W [ZigBeeNetworkAddress] Specifies the group destination address for this binding entry. The value of this field is valid when the value of the DestinationAddressMode is Group. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.Group.{i}. object(0:) W

The Group object describes the configuration capabilities related to maintaining a ZigBee Device’s Group Table as defined in [Section Group Manager/ZigBee2007].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for GroupId, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for GroupId and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the use of this group on the device. - 2.7
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.7
GroupId string(:4) W

[ZigBeeNetworkAddress] The Group Identifier for this object as defined in [Table 2.25 Group Table Entry Format/ZigBee2007].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
EndpointList string(:256)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ApplicationEndpoint. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. The list of application endpoints assigned as a member of this Group object. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.ApplicationEndpoint.{i}. object(0:) W

The ApplicationEndpoint object describes the application endpoint as defined in [Section 2.1.2 Application Framework/ZigBee2007].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for EndpointId, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for EndpointId and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the use of this application endpoint on the device. - 2.7
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.7
EndpointId unsignedInt(:240) W

The Endpoint Identifier for this object as defined in [Section 2.1.2 Application Framework/ZigBee2007].

An ApplicationEndpoint with an EndpointId value of 0 is designated as the device application: This is a special application that is responsible for device operation and contains logic to manage the device’s networking and general maintenance features.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.ApplicationEndpoint.{i}.SimpleDescriptor. object R The SimpleDescriptor object contains the attributes of the Simple Descriptor of an application endpoint, as defined in [Section Simple Descriptor/ZigBee2007]. - 2.7
ProfileId unsignedInt(:65535) W Specifies the application profile that is supported on this endpoint. Application profiles are agreements for messages, message formats, andprocessing actions that enable developers to create an interoperable, distributed application employing application entities that reside on separate ZigBee devices. These application profiles enable applications to send commands, request data, and process commands and requests as defined in [Section Application Profiles/ZigBee2007]. - 2.7
DeviceId unsignedInt(:65535) R Application device identifier, as defined in [Section Application Device Identifier Field/ZigBee2007]. - 2.7
DeviceVersion unsignedInt(:15) R Application device version, as defined in [Section Application Device Version Field/ZigBee2007]. - 2.7
InputClusterList unsignedInt(:65535)[] W Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 65535). Specifies the input cluster identifiers to be matched by the ZigBee coordinator by remote Zigbee device’s output cluster list for this SimpleDescriptor object. - 2.7
OutputClusterList unsignedInt(:65535)[] W Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 65535). Specifies the output cluster identifiers to be matched by the ZigBee coordinator by remote Zigbee device’s input cluster list for this SimpleDescriptor object. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.Discovery. object R This object is used for managing the discovery of ZigBee devices within a ZigBee Area Network. ZigBee Devices are discovered via the ZDO instance associated with the ZigBee Coordinator of an Area Network. - 2.7
AreaNetworkNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AreaNetwork table. - 2.7
Device.ZigBee.Discovery.AreaNetwork.{i}. object(0:) W

This object specifies the ZigBee devices that are discovered by the Coordinator.

As the ZigBee specification does not provide a discovery protocol between the CWMP proxy and the ZigBee coordinator, the AreaNetwork object is provisioned and not discovered.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Coordinator. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Coordinator such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
Enable boolean W Enables or disables discovery of the ZigBee devices in this AreaNetwork. - 2.7
LastUpdate dateTime R The date and time when this AreaNetwork or its member devices (i.e., the devices with ZDOs listed in ZDOList) were updated due to a discovery operation. - 2.7
Status string R

The status of the current discovery operation.

Enumeration of:

  • Indeterminate (The discovery operation has not been executed and there are no valid discovery results available))
  • InProgress
  • Success
  • Error
  • Error_Timeout (OPTIONAL)
- 2.7
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.7
Coordinator string(:256) W

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the ZigBee Coordinator. The coordinator MAY be located within the CPE. In this scenario the Controller or CPE MAY use the value of “localhost”.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
ZDOReference string(:256) R

The ZDO object for this device that is used to discover the ZigBee capabilities of attached devices.

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ZDO. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

- 2.7
ZDOList string(:256)[] R

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The list of ZDO objects discovered in this Area Network by the ZigBee Coordinator.

Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ZDO. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

- 2.7
Device.Bridging. object R

Layer 2 bridging configuration. Specifies bridges between different layer 2 interfaces. Bridges can be defined to include layer 2 filter criteria to selectively bridge traffic between interfaces.

This object can be used to configure both 802.1D [802.1D-2004] and 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] bridges.

Not all 802.1D and 802.1Q features are modeled, and some additional features not present in either 802.1D or 802.1Q are modeled.

802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] bridges incorporate 802.1Q [802.1Q-2005] customer and 802.1ad [802.1ad-2005] provider bridges.

- 2.0
MaxBridgeEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the Bridge table. - 2.0
MaxDBridgeEntries unsignedInt R

The maximum number of 802.1D [802.1D-2004] entries available in the Bridge table. A positive value for this parameter implies support for 802.1D.

There is no guarantee that this many 802.1D Bridges can be configured. For example, the CPE might not be able simultaneously to support both 802.1D and 802.1Q Bridges.

- 2.0
MaxQBridgeEntries unsignedInt R

The maximum number of 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] entries available in the Bridge table. A non-zero value for this parameter implies support for 802.1Q.

There is no guarantee that this many 802.1Q Bridges can be configured. For example, the CPE might not be able simultaneously to support both 802.1D and 802.1Q Bridges.

- 2.0
MaxVLANEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] VLANs supported per Bridge table entry. - 2.0
MaxProviderBridgeEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the ProviderBridge table. A non-zero value for this parameter implies support for 802.1Q Provider Bridges. - 2.7
ProviderBridgeNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ProviderBridge table. - 2.7
MaxFilterEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the Filter table. - 2.0
BridgeNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Bridge table. - 2.0
FilterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Filter table. - 2.0
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}. object(0:) W

Bridge table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Bridge. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this Bridge. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the bridge as assigned by the device. - 2.16
Standard string W

Selects the standard supported by this Bridge table entry.

Enumeration of:

- 2.0
AgingTime unsignedInt(10:1000000) W

The timeout period in seconds for aging out dynamically-learned forwarding information as described in [Section 7.9.2/802.1Q-2011].

The Dynamic Filtering Entries are not modeled. They are part of the bridge’s internal Forwarding Database.

300 2.16
PortNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Port table. - 2.0
VLANNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VLAN table. - 2.0
VLANPortNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VLANPort table. - 2.0
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.STP. object R STP (Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol) / RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol) bridge configuration as defined in [802.1D-2004] and [802.1Q-2011]. - 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables STP on this bridge false 2.16
Status string R

The status of the STP for this Bridge.

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
Disabled 2.16
Protocol string W

Protocol to use.

Enumeration of:

  • STP
  • RSTP
- 2.16
BridgePriority unsignedInt(0:57345:4096) W Value of the priority part of the Bridge Identifier as described in [Section 17.18.3 Bridge priority/802.1D-2004]. 32768 2.16
HelloTime unsignedInt(100:1000) W The interval in centiseconds between periodic transmissions of Configuration Messages by Designated Ports as described in [Section 17.13.6/802.1D-2004]. 200 2.16
MaxAge unsignedInt(600:4000) W The maximum age in centiseconds of the information transmitted by the Bridge when it is the Root Bridge as described in [Section 17.13.8/802.1D-2004]. 2000 2.16
ForwardingDelay unsignedInt(4:30) W The minimum delay in seconds a port should be listening before entering Forwarding PortState as defined in [Section 17.29.2/802.1D-2004]. 15 2.16
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.Port.{i}. object(0:) W

Bridge Port table, which MUST contain an entry for each bridge port (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

There are two types of bridge ports: management (upward facing) and non-management (downward facing). This is determined by configuring the Boolean ManagementPort parameter. The CPE will automatically configure each management bridge port to appear in the interface stack above all non-management bridge ports that share the same Bridge instance.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the bridge port.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the bridge port (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then this parameter SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then this parameter SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the bridge port as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the bridge port entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

When ManagementPort is set to true the CPE MUST set LowerLayers to reference all non-management bridge ports that are within the same Bridge instance (and update LowerLayers when subsequent non-management bridge ports are added or deleted on that Bridge). The Controller SHOULD NOT set LowerLayers in this case.

<Empty> 2.0
ManagementPort boolean W If true then the entry is a management (upward facing) bridge port rather than a non-management (downward facing) bridge port. For a given Bridge instance, each management bridge port appears in the interface stack above all non-management bridge ports. The concept of Management Port is discussed in [Chapter 8/802.1Q-2005]. false 2.0
Type string W

The type of bridge port as defined in 802.1Q [Section 17 IEEE8021BridgePortType/802.1Q-2011].

Enumeration of:

Enumeration of:

  • ProviderNetworkPort (Indicates this Port is an S-TAG aware port of a ProviderBridge)
  • CustomerNetworkPort (Indicates this Port is an S-TAG aware port of a ProviderBridge)
  • CustomerEdgePort (Indicates this Port is an C-TAG aware port of a ProviderBridge)
  • CustomerVLANPort (Indicates this Port is an C-TAG aware port of a Customer Bridge)
  • VLANUnawarePort (Indicates this Port is a VLAN unaware member of an 802.1D-2004 bridge)
- 2.7
DefaultUserPriority unsignedInt(0:7) W Bridge Port Default User Priority. - 2.0
PriorityRegeneration unsignedInt(0:7)[8:8]() W Comma-separated list (8 items) (length ) of unsigned integers (0 to 7). List items represent user priority regeneration values for each ingress user priority on this Bridge Port. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 2.0
PortState string R

Bridge Port state as defined in 802.1D [802.1D-2004] and 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011].

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Blocking
  • Listening
  • Learning
  • Forwarding
  • Broken
Disabled 2.0
PVID int(1:4094) W

PVID (or Port VID) is the VLAN ID with which an untagged or priority tagged frame that arrives on this port will be associated (i.e. default Port VLAN ID as defined in 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011]).

For an 802.1D Bridge [802.1D-2004], this parameter MUST be ignored.

1 2.0
TPID unsignedInt W

The Tag Protocol Identifier (TPID) assigned to this Port. The TPID is an EtherType value used to identify the frame as a tagged frame.

Standard [Table 9.1/802.1Q-2011] TPID values are:

*S-TAG 0x88A8 = 34984

*C-TAG 0x8100 = 33024

Non-Standard TPID values are:

*S-TAG 0x9100 = 37120

33024 2.7
AcceptableFrameTypes string W

Indicates which types of frame arriving on this port will be admitted to the bridge (i.e. Bridge Port acceptable frame types as defined in 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011]). Enumeration of:

  • AdmitAll
  • AdmitOnlyVLANTagged (OPTIONAL)
  • AdmitOnlyPrioUntagged (OPTIONAL)

For an 802.1D [802.1D-2004] Bridge, the value of this parameter MUST be AdmitAll.

AdmitAll 2.0
IngressFiltering boolean W

Enables or disables Ingress Filtering as defined in 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011]. If enabled (true), causes frames arriving on this port to be discarded if the port is not in the VLAN ID’s member set (which is configured via the VLANPort table).

For an 802.1D [802.1D-2004] Bridge, the value of this parameter MUST be false.

false 2.0
ServiceAccessPrioritySelection boolean W

This parameter controls the Service Access Priority selection function as described in [Section 6.13/802.1Q-2011].

The parameter is applicable to deployments of Bridge instances that are referenced by Bridging.ProviderBridge.{i}.SVLANcomponent.

false 2.7
ServiceAccessPriorityTranslation unsignedInt(0:7)[8:8]() W

Comma-separated list (8 items) (length ) of unsigned integers (0 to 7). List items represent service access priority translation values for each ingress priority on this Port as described in [Section 6.13/802.1Q-2011].

The parameter is applicable to deployments of Bridge instances that are referenced by Bridging.ProviderBridge.{i}.SVLANcomponent.

0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 2.7
PriorityTagging boolean W

Enables or disables priority tagging on this Bridge Port.

When true, egress frames leaving this interface will be priority tagged with the frame’s associated priority value, which will either be derived directly from the ingress frame or else set via QoS.Classification.{i}.EthernetPriorityMark.

When false, egress frames leaving this interface will be untagged.

The parameter does not affect reception of ingress frames.

Only applies on bridge ports that are untagged member of one or more VLAN’s.

false 2.0
PathCost unsignedInt(0:65535) W

The Port’s contribution, when it is the Root Port, to the Root Path Cost for the Bridge as described in [Section 17.13.11/802.1D-2004].

This parameter apply only when Bridging.Bridge.{i}.STP.Enable is true.

- 2.16
Priority unsignedInt(0:225:16) W

The first four components of the Port’s port priority vector value as described in [Section 17.19.21/802.1D-2004].

This parameter apply only when Bridging.Bridge.{i}.STP.Enable is true.

128 2.16
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.Port.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.Port.{i}.PriorityCodePoint. object R

PriorityCodePoint provides the management control for the processing of the Priority Code Point (PCP) field for the 802.1Q header as defined in [Section 6.9.3 Priority Code Point Encoding/802.1Q-2011].

The object is applicable to deployments of Bridging.ProviderBridge where the Bridge instance is referenced by Bridging.ProviderBridge.{i}.SVLANcomponent or Bridging.ProviderBridge.{i}.CVLANcomponents parameters.

- 2.7
PCPSelection unsignedInt(1:4) W This parameter identifies the row in the PCPEncoding and PCPDecoding parameter lists. The value of 1 points to the 8P0D row in the corresponding parameter lists. 1 2.7
UseDEI boolean W This parameter controls the processing of the drop_eligible field and is described in [Section 6.9.3/802.1Q-2011]. false 2.7
RequireDropEncoding boolean W This parameter controls the processing of the encoding or decoding of the drop_eligible component in the PCP field and is described in [Section 8.6.7/802.1Q-2011]. false 2.7
PCPEncoding string(31)[4:4]() W

Comma-separated list (4 items) (length ) of strings (length 31). This parameter provides the management control for the processing of the encoding of the Priority Code Point (PCP) field for the 802.1Q header as defined in [Section 6.9.3 Priority Code Point Encoding/802.1Q-2011] and [Table 6-3/802.1Q-2011].

The list is an ordered list that contains entries for the following 4 PCP Values: “8P0D”,“7P1D”, “6P2D” “5P3D”. Each list entry matches the following pattern:

Each list item matches one of:

  • ([0-7],){15}[0-7] (PCP for each priority and drop_eligible field (7, 7DE, 6, 6DE, …, 1, 1DE, 0, 0DE))

The value of this parameter MUST use square brackets to protect comma separators within nested lists. For example, this corresponds to Table 6-3 (mentioned above):


- 2.7
PCPDecoding string(15)[4:4]() W

Comma-separated list (4 items) (length ) of strings (length 15). This parameter provides the management control for the processing of the decoding of the Priority Code Point (PCP) field for the 802.1Q header as defined in [Section 6.9.3 Priority Code Point Encoding/802.1Q-2011] and [Table 6-4/802.1Q-2011].

The list is an ordered list that contains entries for the following 4 PCP Values: “8P0D”,“7P1D”, “6P2D” “5P3D”. Each list entry matches the following pattern:

Each list item matches one of:

  • ([0-7],[0-1],){7}[0-7],[0-1] (Priority (0-7) and drop_eligible field (0-1) for each PCP value (7, 6, …, 1, 0))

The value of this parameter MUST use square brackets to protect comma separators within nested lists. For example, this corresponds to Table 6-4 (mentioned above):


- 2.7
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.VLAN.{i}. object(0:) W

Bridge VLAN table. If this table is supported, if MUST contain an entry for each VLAN known to the Bridge.

This table only applies to an 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] Bridge.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for VLANID. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and VLANID such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this VLAN table entry. false 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) W Human-readable name for this VLAN table entry. <Empty> 2.0
VLANID int(1:4094) W

VLAN ID of the entry.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.VLANPort.{i}. object(0:) W

Bridge VLAN egress port and untagged port membership table.

This table only applies to an 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] Bridge.

Note: The VLANPort table includes unique key parameters that are strong references. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated VLANPort row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST disable the offending VLANPort row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for both VLAN and Port. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this VLANPort entry. false 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
VLAN string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the VLAN. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Specifies the VLAN for which port membership is expressed. <Empty> 2.0
Port string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Port. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Specifies the bridge port that is member of the VLAN. <Empty> 2.0
Untagged boolean W Enables or disables untagged port membership to the VLAN and determines whether egress frames for this VLAN are sent untagged or tagged. - 2.0
Device.Bridging.Filter.{i}. object(0:) W

Filter table containing classification filter entries, each of which expresses a set of classification criterion to classify ingress frames as member of a Bridge instance or a Bridge.{i}.VLAN instance.

Bridge VLAN classification only applies for 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] Bridges.

For enabled table entries, if Bridge or Interface is an empty string then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Several of this object’s parameters specify DHCP option values. Some cases are version neutral (the parameter can apply to both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6), but in other cases the representation of the option is different for DHCPv4 and DHCPv6, so it is necessary to define separate DHCPv4-specific and DHCPv6-specific parameters. Therefore, an instance of this object that uses DHCP option values as filter criteria will be associated with either DHCPv4 or DHCPv6, as indicated by the DHCPType parameter.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Filter table entry. false 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Status string R

The status of this Filter table entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

If the Bridge Port table is supported, but none of its entries correspond to Interface, or if such an entry exists but is disabled, Status MUST NOT indicate Enabled.

If the Bridge VLAN table is supported, but none of its entries correspond to VLANIDFilter, or if such an entry exists but is disabled, Status MUST NOT indicate Enabled.

Disabled 2.0
Bridge string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a Bridge object in case of a 802.1D bridge or a Bridge.{i}.VLAN object in case of a 802.1Q bridge. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Note: either way, this identifies the bridge (because each bridge has a VLAN table).

Defines the Bridge or Bridge VLAN to which ingress frames will be classified based upon matches of the classification criteria.

<Empty> 2.0
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the Filter entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a Filter instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a Filter instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each ingress frame on the Interface, the highest ordered entry that matches the filter criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Bridge.{i}.Port. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This MUST relate to the same bridge as does Bridge.

Defines the Bridge Port on which ingress frame classification will occur.

<Empty> 2.0
DHCPType string W

The DHCP protocol associated with the Filter instance. Affects only parameters that specify DHCP option values as filter criteria (all such parameter descriptions note this fact). Enumeration of:

  • DHCPv4
  • DHCPv6

If DHCPType is DHCPv4, then Filter parameters that are DHCPv6-specific are ignored. If DHCPType is DHCPv6, then Filter parameters that are DHCPv4-specific are ignored.

DHCPv4 2.2
VLANIDFilter unsignedInt(0:4094) W

Classification criterion.

The 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] VLAN ID.

For an 802.1D [802.1D-2004] Bridge, which has no concept of VLANs, the VLAN ID MUST be 0.

0 2.0
EthertypeFilterList unsignedInt[](:256) W

Classification criterion.

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of unsigned integers. Each list item represents an Ethertype value.

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on Ethertype.

<Empty> 2.0
EthertypeFilterExclude boolean W

If false, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge is defined to admit only those packets that match one of the EthertypeFilterList entries (in either the Ethernet or SNAP Type header). If the EthertypeFilterList is empty, no packets are admitted.

If true, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge is defined to admit all packets except those packets that match one of the EthertypeFilterList entries (in either the Ethernet or SNAP Type header). If the EthertypeFilterList is empty, packets are admitted regardless of Ethertype.

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on Ethertype.

true 2.0
SourceMACAddressFilterList string[](:512) W

Classification criterion.

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 512) of strings, each representing a MAC Address.

Each list entry MAY optionally specify a bit-mask, where matching of a packet’s MAC address is only to be done for bit positions set to one in the mask. If no mask is specified, all bits of the MAC Address are to be used for matching.

For example, the list might be: 01:02:03:04:05:06, 1:22:33:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00, 88:77:66:55:44:33

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address.

<Empty> 2.0
SourceMACAddressFilterExclude boolean W

If false, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits only those packets whose source MAC Address matches one of the SourceMACAddressFilterList entries. If the SourceMACAddressFilterList is empty, no packets are admitted.

If true, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits all packets except those packets whose source MAC Address matches one of the SourceMACAddressFilterList entries. If the SourceMACAddressFilterList is empty, packets are admitted regardless of MAC address.

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address.

true 2.0
DestMACAddressFilterList string[](:512) W

Classification criterion.

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 512) of strings. Each list item specifies a MAC Address. List items MAY optionally specify a bit-mask after the MAC Address, where matching of a packet’s MAC address is only to be done for bit positions set to one in the mask. If no mask is specified, all bits of the MAC Address are to be used for matching.

For example, the list might be: 01:02:03:04:05:06, 1:22:33:00:00:00/FF:FF:FF:00:00:00, 88:77:66:55:44:33

<Empty> 2.0
DestMACAddressFilterExclude boolean W

If false, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits only those packets whose destination MAC Address matches one of the DestMACAddressFilterList entries. If the DestMACAddressFilterList is empty, no packets are admitted.

If true, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits all packets except those packets whose destination MAC Address matches one of the DestMACAddressFilterList entries. If the DestMACAddressFilterList is empty, packets are admitted regardless of MAC address.

true 2.0
SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilter string(:255) W

Classification criterion.

A string used to identify one or more devices via DHCP for which MAC address filtering would subsequently apply. A device is considered matching if its DHCPv4 Vendor Class Identifier (Option 60 as defined in [RFC2132]) in the most recent DHCP lease acquisition or renewal matches the specified value according to the match criterion in SourceMACFromVendorClassIDMode. Case sensitive.

This is a normal string, e.g. “abc” is represented as “abc” and not “616263” hex. However, if the value includes non-printing characters then such characters have to be represented using XML escapes, e.g.

#x0a for line-feed.

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address.

Note: This parameter is DHCPv4-specific. It only applies when DHCPType is DHCPv4.

<Empty> 2.0
SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilterv6 hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more devices via DHCP for which MAC address filtering would subsequently apply. A device is considered matching if the most recent DHCPv6 Vendor Class Identifier (Option 16 as defined in [RFC8415]) was equal to the specified value. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address.

Note: This parameter is DHCPv6-specific. It only applies when DHCPType is DHCPv6.

<Empty> 2.2
SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilterExclude boolean W

If false, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits only those packets whose source MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilter (for DHCPv4) or SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilterv6 (for DHCPv6). If this corresponding filter parameter is an empty string, no packets are admitted.

If true, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits all packets except those packets whose source MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilter (for DHCPv4) or SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilterv6 (for DHCPv6). If this corresponding filter parameter is an empty string, packets are admitted regardless of MAC address.

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address

true 2.0
SourceMACFromVendorClassIDMode string W

SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilter pattern match criterion. Enumeration of:

  • Exact
  • Prefix
  • Suffix
  • Substring

For example, if SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilter is “Example” then an Option 60 value of “Example device” will match with this parameter values of Prefix or Substring, but not with Exact or Suffix.

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address.

Exact 2.0
DestMACFromVendorClassIDFilter string(:255) W

Classification criterion.

A string used to identify one or more devices via DHCP for which MAC address filtering would subsequently apply. A device is considered matching if its DHCPv4 Vendor Class Identifier (Option 60 as defined in [RFC2132]) in the most recent DHCP lease acquisition or renewal matches the specified value according to the match criterion in DestMACFromVendorClassIDMode. Case sensitive.

This is a normal string, e.g. “abc” is represented as “abc” and not say “616263” hex. However, if the value includes non-printing characters then such characters have to be represented using XML escapes, e.g. #x0a for line-feed.

Note: This parameter is DHCPv4-specific. It only applies when DHCPType is DHCPv4.

<Empty> 2.0
DestMACFromVendorClassIDFilterv6 hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more devices via DHCP for which MAC address filtering would subsequently apply. A device is considered matching if the most recent DHCPv6 Vendor Class Identifier (Option 16 as defined in [RFC8415]) was equal to the specified value. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

Note: This parameter is DHCPv6-specific. It only applies when DHCPType is DHCPv6.

<Empty> 2.2
DestMACFromVendorClassIDFilterExclude boolean W

If false, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits only those packets whose destination MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in DestMACFromVendorClassIDFilter (for DHCPv4) or DestMACFromVendorClassIDFilterv6 (for DHCPv6). If this corresponding filter parameter is an empty string, no packets are admitted.

If true, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits all packets except those packets whose destination MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in DestMACFromVendorClassIDFilter (for DHCPv4) or DestMACFromVendorClassIDFilterv6 (for DHCPv6). If this corresponding filter parameter is an empty string, packets are admitted regardless of MAC address.

true 2.0
DestMACFromVendorClassIDMode string W

DestMACFromVendorClassIDFilter pattern match criterion. Enumeration of:

  • Exact
  • Prefix
  • Suffix
  • Substring

For example, if DestMACFromVendorClassIDFilter is Example then an Option 60 value of “Example device” will match with DestMACFromVendorClassIDMode values of Prefix or Substring, but not with Exact or Suffix.

Exact 2.0
SourceMACFromClientIDFilter hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more devices via DHCP for which MAC address filtering would subsequently apply. A device is considered matching if the most recent DHCP Client Identifier (via DHCP lease acquisition or renewal for DHCPv4) was equal to the specified value. The DHCP Client Identifier is Option 61 (as defined in [RFC2132]) for DHCPv4, or is Option 1 (as defined in [RFC8415]) for DHCPv6. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address.

Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.

Note: This parameter is DHCP version neutral. The specific DHCP version in use with this parameter is indicated by DHCPType.

Note: DHCPv6 Option 1 (Client Identifier) is sometimes referred to as DUID.

<Empty> 2.0
SourceMACFromClientIDFilterExclude boolean W

If false, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits only those packets whose source MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in SourceMACFromClientIDFilter. If SourceMACFromClientIDFilter is an empty string, no packets are admitted.

If true, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits all packets except those packets whose source MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in SourceMACFromClientIDFilter. If the SourceMACFromClientIDFilter is an empty string, packets are admitted regardless of MAC address.

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address.

true 2.0
DestMACFromClientIDFilter hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more devices via DHCP for which MAC address filtering would subsequently apply. A device is considered matching if the most recent DHCP Client Identifier (via DHCP lease acquisition or renewal for DHCPv4) was equal to the specified value. The DHCP Client Identifier is Option 61 (as defined in [RFC2132]) for DHCPv4, or is Option 1 (as defined in [RFC8415]) for DHCPv6. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.

Note: This parameter is DHCP version neutral. The specific DHCP version in use with this parameter is indicated by DHCPType.

Note: DHCPv6 Option 1 (Client Identifier) is sometimes referred to as DUID.

<Empty> 2.0
DestMACFromClientIDFilterExclude boolean W

If false, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits only those packets whose destination MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in DestMACFromClientIDFilter. If DestMACFromClientIDFilter is an empty string, no packets are admitted.

If true, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits all packets except those packets whose destination MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in DestMACFromClientIDFilter. If the DestMACFromClientIDFilter is an empty string, packets are admitted regardless of MAC address.

true 2.0
SourceMACFromUserClassIDFilter hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more devices via DHCP for which MAC address filtering would subsequently apply. A device is considered matching if the most recent DHCP User Class Identifier (via DHCP lease acquisition or renewal for DHCPv4) was equal to the specified value. The DHCP User Class Identifier is Option 77 (as defined in [RFC3004]) for DHCPv4, or is Option 15 (as defined in [RFC8415]) for DHCPv6. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address.

Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.

Note: This parameter is DHCP version neutral. The specific DHCP version in use with this parameter is indicated by DHCPType.

<Empty> 2.0
SourceMACFromUserClassIDFilterExclude boolean W

If false, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits only those packets whose source MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in SourceMACFromUserClassIDFilter. If SourceMACFromUserClassIDFilter is an empty string, no packets are admitted.

If true, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits all packets except those packets whose source MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in SourceMACFromUserClassIDFilter. If the SourceMACFromUserClassIDFilter is an empty string, packets are admitted regardless of MAC address.

Note that neither 802.1D [802.1D-2004] nor 802.1Q [802.1Q-2011] support classification based on source MAC address.

true 2.0
DestMACFromUserClassIDFilter hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more devices via DHCP for which MAC address filtering would subsequently apply. A device is considered matching if the most recent DHCP User Class Identifier (via DHCP lease acquisition or renewal for DHCPv4) was equal to the specified value. The DHCP User Class Identifier is Option 77 (as defined in [RFC3004]) for DHCPv4, or is Option 15 (as defined in [RFC8415]) for DHCPv6. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.

Note: This parameter is DHCP version neutral. The specific DHCP version in use with this parameter is indicated by DHCPType.

<Empty> 2.0
DestMACFromUserClassIDFilterExclude boolean W

If false, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits only those packets whose destination MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in DestMACFromUserClassIDFilter. If DestMACFromUserClassIDFilter is an empty string, no packets are admitted.

If true, on ingress to the interfaces associated with this Filter, the Bridge admits all packets except those packets whose destination MAC Address matches that of a LAN device previously identified as described in DestMACFromUserClassIDFilter. If the DestMACFromUserClassIDFilter is an empty string, packets are admitted regardless of MAC address.

true 2.0
DestIP string(:45) W

[IPAddress] Classification criterion.

Destination IP address. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

<Empty> 2.6
DestMask string(:49) W [IPPrefix] Destination IP address mask, represented as an IP routing prefix using CIDR notation [RFC4632]. The IP address part MUST be an empty string (and, if specified, MUST be ignored). <Empty> 2.6
DestIPExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the (masked) DestIP entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the (masked) DestIP entry, if specified.

false 2.6
SourceIP string(:45) W

[IPAddress] Classification criterion.

Source IP address. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

<Empty> 2.6
SourceMask string(:49) W [IPPrefix] Source IP address mask, represented as an IP routing prefix using CIDR notation [RFC4632]. The IP address part MUST be an empty string (and, if specified, MUST be ignored). <Empty> 2.6
SourceIPExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the (masked) SourceIP entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the (masked) SourceIP entry, if specified.

false 2.6
Protocol int(-1:255) W

Classification criterion.

Protocol number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.6
ProtocolExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the Protocol entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the Protocol entry, if specified.

false 2.6
DestPort int(-1:65535) W

Classification criterion.

Destination port number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.6
DestPortRangeMax int(-1:65535) W

Classification criterion.

If specified, indicates the classification criterion is to include the port range from DestPort through DestPortRangeMax (inclusive). If specified, DestPortRangeMax MUST be greater than or equal to DestPort.

A value of -1 indicates that no port range is specified.

-1 2.6
DestPortExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the DestPort entry (or port range), if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the DestPort entry (or port range), if specified.

false 2.6
SourcePort int(-1:65535) W

Classification criterion.

Source port number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.6
SourcePortRangeMax int(-1:65535) W

Classification criterion.

If specified, indicates the classification criterion is to include the port range from SourcePort through SourcePortRangeMax (inclusive). If specified, SourcePortRangeMax MUST be greater than or equal to SourcePort.

A value of -1 indicates that no port range is specified.

-1 2.6
SourcePortExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the SourcePort entry (or port range), if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the SourcePort entry (or port range), if specified.

false 2.6
Device.Bridging.ProviderBridge.{i}. object(0:) W

Provider Bridge table.

A Provider Bridge is described in [Section 5.10 Provider Bridge conformance/802.1Q-2011] as an entity that is comprised of one S-VLAN component and zero or more C-VLAN components. S-VLAN and C-VLAN components are modelled as instances of Bridge objects.

When Type is configured with value of PE VLAN tags from the S-VLAN component (outer of 2 VLAN tags) are stacked on top of the VLAN tag from the C-VLAN component (inner of 2 VLAN tags).

When Type is configured with value of S-VLAN only VLAN tags from the S-VLAN component are utilized.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this ProviderBridge. false 2.7
Status string R

The status of this ProviderBridge. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid. For example when the Type is configured with value of PE but CVLANcomponents is an empty string.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.7
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.7
Type string W

Selects the standard supported by this ProviderBridge table entry.

Enumeration of:

- 2.7
SVLANcomponent string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a Bridge instance that specifies the S-VLAN component for the ProviderBridge. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. <Empty> 2.7
CVLANcomponents string(:256)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a Bridge instance that specifies a C-VLAN component for the ProviderBridge. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. <Empty> 2.7
Device.PPP. object R Point-to-Point Protocol [RFC1661]. This object contains the Interface table. - 2.0
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.0
SupportedNCPs string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The Network Control Protocols (NCPs) that are supported by the device. Each list item is an enumeration of:

Note that IPv6CP is an IPv6 capability.

- 2.2
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}. object(0:) W

PPP interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
Reset() command -

On a reset the device MUST tear down the existing PPP connection represented by this object and establish a new one.

The device MAY delay resetting the connection in order to avoid interruption of a user service such as an ongoing voice call.

Reset on a disabled interface is a no-op (not an error).

- 2.12
ConnectionStatus string R

Current status of the connection.

Enumeration of:

  • Unconfigured
  • Connecting
  • Authenticating
  • Connected
  • PendingDisconnect
  • Disconnecting
  • Disconnected
- 2.0
LastConnectionError string R

The cause of failure for the last connection setup attempt.

Enumeration of:

- 2.0
AutoDisconnectTime unsignedInt W The time in seconds since the establishment of the connection after which connection termination is automatically initiated by the CPE. This occurs irrespective of whether the connection is being used or not. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that the connection is not to be shut down automatically. - 2.0
IdleDisconnectTime unsignedInt W The time in seconds that if the connection remains idle, the CPE automatically terminates the connection. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that the connection is not to be shut down automatically. - 2.0
WarnDisconnectDelay unsignedInt W Time in seconds the ConnectionStatus remains in the PendingDisconnect state before transitioning to disconnecting state to drop the connection. - 2.0
Username string(:64) W Username to be used for authentication. - 2.0
Password string(:64) W

Password to be used for authentication.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
EncryptionProtocol string R

Describes the PPP encryption protocol.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • MPPE
- 2.0
CompressionProtocol string R

Describes the PPP compression protocol.

Enumeration of:

- 2.0
AuthenticationProtocol string R

Describes the PPP authentication protocol.

Enumeration of:

  • PAP
  • CHAP
- 2.0
MaxMRUSize unsignedInt(64:65535) W The maximum allowed size of frames sent from the remote peer. 1500 2.0
CurrentMRUSize unsignedInt(64:65535) R The current MRU in use over this connection. - 2.0
ConnectionTrigger string W

Trigger used to establish the PPP connection. Enumeration of:

  • OnDemand (If this PPP connection is disconnected for any reason, it is to remain disconnected until the CPE has one or more packets to communicate over this connection, at which time the CPE automatically attempts to reestablish the connection)
  • AlwaysOn (If this PPP connection is disconnected for any reason, the CPE automatically attempts to reestablish the connection (and continues to attempt to reestablish the connection as long it remains disconnected))
  • Manual (If this PPP connection is disconnected for any reason, it is to remain disconnected until the user of the CPE explicitly instructs the CPE to reestablish the connection)

Note that the reason for a PPP connection becoming disconnected to begin with might be either external to the CPE, such as termination by the BRAS or momentary disconnection of the physical interface, or internal to the CPE, such as use of the IdleDisconnectTime and/or AutoDisconnectTime parameters in this object.

- 2.0
LCPEcho unsignedInt W A PPP LCP Echo Request is sent every LCPEcho seconds. A value 0 means that no LCP Echo Requests are sent. [Section 5.8 Echo-Request and Echo-Reply/RFC1661] describes the relevant LCP Echo frames. - 2.0
LCPEchoRetry unsignedInt W Applicable only when LCPEcho is greater than 0. When number of consecutive LCPEchoRetry LCP Echo Replies have been missed. The remote peer will be assumed dead and the connection will be terminated. - 2.0
LCPEchoAdaptive boolean W When traffic is received during the LCPEcho interval, no LCP Echo-Request is sent until the next LCPEcho interval. true 2.16
IPCPEnable boolean W Enables or disables IPCP ([RFC1332]) on this interface. If this parameter is present, IPCP MUST be included in SupportedNCPs. - 2.2
IPv6CPEnable boolean W Enables or disables IPv6CP ([RFC5072]) on this interface. If this parameter is present, IPv6CP MUST be included in SupportedNCPs. - 2.2
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.PPPoE. object(0:1) R

PPPoE object that functionally groups PPPoE related parameters.

PPPoE is only applicable when the lower layer provides Ethernet frames, e.g. ATM with EoA, PTM, or anything else that supports an Ethernet MAC.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.0
SessionID unsignedInt(1:) R Represents the PPPoE Session ID. - 2.0
ACName string(:256) W PPPoE Access Concentrator. - 2.0
ServiceName string(:256) W PPPoE Service Name. - 2.0
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.IPCP. object R IP Control Protocol (IPCP) client object for this PPP interface [RFC1332]. IPCP only applies to IPv4. - 2.0
LocalIPAddress string(:45) R [IPv4Address] The local IPv4 address for this connection received via IPCP. <Empty> 2.0
RemoteIPAddress string(:45) R [IPv4Address] The remote IPv4 address for this connection received via IPCP. <Empty> 2.0
DNSServers string(:45)[:2]() R [IPv4Address] Comma-separated list (up to 2 items) (length ) of IPv4Addresses. Items represent DNS Server IPv4 address(es) received via IPCP [RFC1877]. <Empty> 2.0
PassthroughEnable boolean W

If false, the PPP Interface retrieved information is configured on the IP Interface stacked on top of this PPP Interface.

If true, the PPP Interface retrieved information is propagated to the parameters in the referenced PassthroughDHCPPool object, replacing any existing configuration (including MinAddress, MaxAddress, SubnetMask, IPRouters, and DNSServers).

false 2.0
PassthroughDHCPPool string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DHCPv4.Server.Pool. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.When PassthroughDHCPPool is set to an empty string, PassthroughEnable MUST be set to false (i.e. passthrough can not be enabled without a pool reference specified). <Empty> 2.0
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.IPv6CP. object R IPv6 Control Protocol (IPv6CP) client object for this PPP interface [RFC5072]. IPv6CP only applies to IPv6. - 2.2
LocalInterfaceIdentifier string(:45) R

[IPv6Address] The interface identifier for the local end of the PPP link, negotiated using the IPv6CP Interface-Identifier option [Section 4.1/RFC5072].

The identifier is represented as the rightmost 64 bits of an IPv6 address (the leftmost 64 bits MUST be zero and MUST be ignored by the recipient).

- 2.2
RemoteInterfaceIdentifier string(:45) R

[IPv6Address] The interface identifier for the remote end of the PPP link, negotiated using the IPv6CP Interface-Identifier option [Section 4.1/RFC5072].

The identifier is represented as the rightmost 64 bits of an IPv6 address (the leftmost 64 bits MUST be zero and MUST be ignored by the recipient).

- 2.2
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.PPPoA. object(0:1) R
PPPoA object that functionally groups PPPoA related parameters.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.12 because it contains no standard parameters and its existence causes confusion.
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.12.
This object was DELETED in 2.15.
This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.
- 2.2
Device.IP. object R IP object that contains the Interface, ActivePort, and Diagnostics objects. - 2.0
IPv4Capable boolean R Indicates whether the device is IPv4 capable. - 2.0
IPv4Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the IPv4 stack, and so the use of IPv4 on the device. This affects only layer 3 and above.

When false, IP interfaces that had been operationally up and passing IPv4 packets will now no longer be able to do so, and will be operationally down (unless also attached to an enabled IPv6 stack).

- 2.2
IPv4Status string R

Indicates the status of the IPv4 stack. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.2
IPv6Capable boolean R

Indicates whether the device is IPv6 capable.

Note: If false, it is expected that IPv6-related parameters, enumeration values, etc will not be implemented by the device.

- 2.2
IPv6Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the IPv6 stack, and so the use of IPv6 on the device. This affects only layer 3 and above.

When false, IP interfaces that had been operationally up and passing IPv6 packets will now no longer be able to do so, and will be operationally down (unless also attached to an enabled IPv4 stack).

- 2.2
IPv6Status string R

Indicates the status of the IPv6 stack. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.2
ULAPrefix string(:49) W [IPv6Prefix] The ULA /48 prefix [Section 3/RFC4193]. - 2.2
ActivePortNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ActivePort table. - 2.0
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.0
Device.IP.Interface.{i}. object(0:) W

IP interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models the layer 3 IP interface.

Each IP interface can be attached to the IPv4 and/or IPv6 stack. The interface’s IP addresses and prefixes are listed in the IPv4Address, IPv6Address and IPv6Prefix tables.

Note that support for manipulating Loopback interfaces is OPTIONAL, so the implementation MAY choose not to create (or allow the Controller to create) Interface instances of type Loopback.

When the Controller administratively disables the interface, i.e. sets Enable to false, the interface’s automatically-assigned IP addresses and prefixes MAY be retained. When the Controller administratively enables the interface, i.e. sets Enable to true, these IP addresses and prefixes MUST be refreshed. It’s up to the implementation to decide exactly what this means: it SHOULD take all reasonable steps to refresh everything but if it is unable, for example, to refresh a prefix that still has a significant lifetime, it might well choose to retain rather than discard it.

Any Tunneled IP interface instances instantiated by the CPE MUST NOT have any statistics, writable parameters, IP addresses or IPv6 prefixes. Any read-only parameters, e.g. Status, MUST return the same information as for the corresponding Tunnel interface. The reason for these rules is that Tunneled IP interfaces exist only in order to be the targets of references (within the data model) and do not model any concepts over and above those already modeled by the Tunnel IP interfaces.

Note that Tunnel and Tunneled IP interfaces are part of a legacy mechanism that is only used for IPv6rd, DSLite and IPsec tunnels and MUST NOT be used in any other context. For all other tunneling mechanisms Normal IP interfaces are stacked above technology-specific Tunnel Interfaces, e.g. above GRE.Tunnel.{i}.Interface or MAP.Domain.{i}.Interface objects.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface (regardless of IPv4Enable and IPv6Enable).

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.0
IPv4Enable boolean W

If set to true, attaches this interface to the IPv4 stack. If set to false, detaches this interface from the IPv4 stack.

Once detached from the IPv4 stack, the interface will now no longer be able to pass IPv4 packets, and will be operationally down (unless also attached to an enabled IPv6 stack).

For an IPv4 capable device, if IPv4Enable is not present this interface SHOULD be permanently attached to the IPv4 stack.

Note that IPv4Enable is independent of Enable, and that to administratively enable an interface for IPv4 it is necessary for both Enable and IPv4Enable to be true.

- 2.2
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

Down 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

LowerLayers MUST be an empty string and read-only when Type is Loopback, Tunnel, or Tunneled.

<Empty> 2.0
Router string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Routing.Router. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The Router instance that is associated with this IP Interface entry. <Empty> 2.0
Reset() command -

On a reset device MUST tear down the existing IP connection represented by this object and establish a new one.

The device MAY delay resetting the connection in order to avoid interruption of a user service such as an ongoing voice call.

Reset on a disabled interface is a no-op (not an error).

- 2.12
IPv6Enable boolean W

If set to true, attaches this interface to the IPv6 stack. If set to false, detaches this interface from the IPv6 stack.

Once detached from the IPv6 stack, the interface will now no longer be able to pass IPv6 packets, and will be operationally down (unless also attached to an enabled IPv4 stack).

For an IPv6 capable device, if IPv6Enable is not present this interface SHOULD be permanently attached to the IPv6 stack.

Note that IPv6Enable is independent of Enable, and that to administratively enable an interface for IPv6 it is necessary for both Enable and IPv6Enable to be true.

- 2.2
ULAEnable boolean W Controls whether or not ULAs [RFC4193] are generated and used on this interface. false 2.2
MaxMTUSize unsignedInt(64:65535) W The maximum transmission unit (MTU); the largest allowed size of an IP packet (including IP headers, but excluding lower layer headers such as Ethernet, PPP, or PPPoE headers) that is allowed to be transmitted by or through this device. - 2.0
Type string R

IP interface type. Enumeration of:

  • Normal
  • Loopback
  • Tunnel (Only used with legacy (Tunnel,Tunneled) IP interface pairs)
  • Tunneled (Only used with legacy (Tunnel,Tunneled) IP interface pairs)

For Loopback, Tunnel, and Tunneled IP interface objects, the LowerLayers parameter MUST be an empty string.

Normal 2.0
Loopback boolean W

When set to true, the IP interface becomes a loopback interface and the CPE MUST set Type to Loopback. In this case, the CPE MUST also set LowerLayers to an empty string and fail subsequent attempts at setting LowerLayers until the interface is no longer a loopback.

Support for manipulating loopback interfaces is OPTIONAL.

false 2.0
IPv4AddressNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv4Address table. - 2.0
IPv6AddressNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv6Address table. - 2.2
IPv6PrefixNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv6Prefix table. - 2.2
AutoIPEnable boolean W

If true, enables auto-IP on the interface [RFC3927]. This mechanism is only used with IPv4.

When auto-IP is enabled on an interface, an IPv4Address object will dynamically be created and configured with auto-IP parameter values. The exact conditions under which an auto-IP address is created (e.g. always when enabled or only in absence of dynamic IP addressing) is implementation specific.

false 2.0
TWAMPReflectorNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the TWAMPReflector table. - 2.12
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.IPv4Address.{i}. object(0:) W

IPv4 address table. Entries are auto-created and auto-deleted as IP addresses are added and deleted via DHCP, auto-IP, 3GPP-NAS, or IPCP. Static entries are created and configured by the Controller.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for both IPAddress and SubnetMask. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and IPAddress such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this IPv4 address. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this IPv4Address table entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This parameter can only be modified if AddressingType is Static.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
IPAddress string(:45) W

[IPv4Address] IPv4 address.

This parameter can only be modified if the AddressingType is Static.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
SubnetMask string(:45) W

[IPv4Address] Subnet mask.

This parameter can only be modified if the AddressingType is Static.

<Empty> 2.0
AddressingType string R

Addressing method used to assign the IP address. Enumeration of:

Static 2.0
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
Reset() command - Reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Note that IPv6 does not define broadcast addresses, so IPv6 packets will never cause this counter to increment.

- 2.0
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Note that IPv6 does not define broadcast addresses, so IPv6 packets will never cause this counter to increment.

- 2.0
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.TWAMPReflector.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters associated with the configuration that permits this interface to be used as Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) reflector as defined in [TR-390].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Port. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the TWAMP reflector. - 2.12
Status string R

The current operational state of the TWAMP reflector.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Active
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Port unsignedInt(:65535) W The port used to listen for the TWAMP test packets. 862 2.12
MaximumTTL unsignedInt(1:255) W The maximum TTL of a received packet that this TWAMP reflector will reflect to the TWAMP controller. 1 2.12
IPAllowedList string[](:255) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 255) of strings. List items represent source IP addresses and subnets from which test packets MUST always be received. An empty string list will allow test packets to be received from any source IP address.

Each entry in the list MUST be either an IP address, or an IP prefix specified using Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation [RFC4632].

An IP prefix is specified as an IP address followed (with no intervening white space) by “/n”, where n (the prefix size) is an integer in the range 0-32 (for IPv4) or 0-128 (for IPv6) that indicates the number of (leftmost) ‘1’ bits of the prefix.

IPv4 example:

  • specifies a single IPv4 address, and specifies a class C subnet with subnet mask
  • represents the 1024 IPv4 addresses from to

IPv6 example:

  • fec0::220:edff:fe6a:f76 specifies a single IPv6 address.
  • 2001:edff:fe6a:f76::/64 represents the IPv6 addresses from 2001:edff:fe6a:f76:0:0:0:0 to 2001:edff:fe6a:f76:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff.
- 2.12
PortAllowedList string[](:255) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 255) of strings. List items represent source port ranges from which test packets MUST always be received. An empty string list will allow test packets to be received from any source port.

Each entry in the list MUST be either a port number or a range of port numbers separated by a hyphen (-).

For example, an entry with the value: ‘2-40’ accepts test packets from any allowed source IP addresses with a source port between 2 and 40 inclusive. An entry of ‘3’ accepts test packets from allow source IP addresses with a port of 3.

- 2.12
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Address.{i}. object(0:) W

This table contains the IP interface’s IPv6 unicast addresses. There MUST be an entry for each such address, including anycast addresses.

There are several ways in which entries can be added to and deleted from this table, including:

  • Automatically via SLAAC [RFC4862], which covers generation of link-local addresses (for all types of device) and global addresses (for non-router devices).
  • Automatically via DHCPv6 [RFC8415], which covers generation of any type of address (subject to the configured DHCP server policy).
  • Manually via a GUI or some other local management interface.
  • Manually via factory default configuration.
  • By the Controller.

This table MUST NOT include entries for the Subnet-Router anycast address [Section 2.6.1/RFC4291]. Such entries would be identical to others but with a zero interface identifier, and would add no value.

A loopback interface will always have address ::1 [Section 2.5.3/RFC4291] and MAY also have link-local address fe80::1.

This object is based on ipAddressTable from [RFC4293].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for IPAddress. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this IPv6Address entry. false 2.2
Status string R

The status of this IPv6Address table entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.2
IPAddressStatus string R

The status of IPAddress, indicating whether it can be used for communication. See also PreferredLifetime and ValidLifetime. Enumeration of:

  • Preferred (Valid address that can appear as the destination or source address of a packet)
  • Deprecated (Valid but deprecated address that is not intended to be used as a source address)
  • Invalid (Invalid address that is not intended to appear as the destination or source address of a packet)
  • Inaccessible (Valid address that is not accessible because the interface to which it is assigned is not operational)
  • Unknown (Address status cannot be determined for some reason)
  • Tentative (The uniqueness of the address on the link is being verified)
  • Duplicate (Invalid address that has been determined to be non-unique on the link)
  • Optimistic (Valid address that is available for use, subject to restrictions, while its uniqueness on a link is being verified)

This parameter is based on ipAddressStatus and ipAddressStatusTC from [RFC4293].

Invalid 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This parameter can only be modified if Origin is Static.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
IPAddress string(:45) W

[IPv6Address] IPv6 address.

This parameter can only be modified if the Origin is Static.

This parameter is based on ipAddressAddr from [RFC4293].

<Empty> 2.2
Origin string R

Mechanism via which the IP address was assigned. Enumeration of:

  • AutoConfigured (Automatically generated. For example, a link-local address as specified by SLAAC [Section 5.3/RFC4862], a global address as specified by SLAAC [Section 5.5/RFC4862], or generated via CPE logic (e.g. from delegated prefix as specified by [RFC8415]), or from ULA /48 prefix as specified by [RFC4193])
  • DHCPv6 (Assigned by DHCPv6 [RFC8415])
  • IKEv2 (Assigned by IKEv2 [RFC5996])
  • MAP (Assigned by MAP [RFC7597], i.e. is this interface’s MAP IPv6 address)
  • WellKnown (Specified by a standards organization, e.g. the ::1 loopback address, which is defined in [RFC4291])
  • 3GPP-NAS (Address assigned by the core network (fixed or cellular) using 3GPP NAS signalling methods. e.g. PDU Session Establishment Request [Clause], PDN Connectivity Request [Clause 6.2.2/3GPP-TS.24.301], PDP Context Activation Request [Clause 6.1.2A/3GPP-TS.24.008], … This information is available from the AT commands [Clause 10.1.23/3GPP-TS.27.007] PDP context read dynamic parameters +CGCONTRDP, added in 2.18)
  • Static (For example, present in the factory default configuration (but not WellKnown), created by the Controller, or created by some other management entity (e.g. via a GUI))

This parameter is based on ipOrigin from [RFC4293].

Static 2.2
Prefix string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IPv6Prefix. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. IPv6 address prefix.

Some addresses, e.g. addresses assigned via the DHCPv6 IA_NA option, are not associated with a prefix, and some WellKnown prefixes might not be modeled. In both of these cases Prefix will be an empty string.

This parameter can only be modified if the Origin is Static.

This parameter is based on ipAddressPrefix from [RFC4293].

<Empty> 2.2
PreferredLifetime dateTime W

The time at which this address will cease to be preferred (i.e. will become deprecated), or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if not known. For an infinite lifetime, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z.

This parameter can only be modified if the Origin is Static.

9999-12-31T23:59:59Z 2.2
ValidLifetime dateTime W

The time at which this address will cease to be valid (i.e. will become invalid), or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if unknown. For an infinite lifetime, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z.

This parameter can only be modified if the Origin is Static.

9999-12-31T23:59:59Z 2.2
Anycast boolean W

Indicates whether this is an anycast address [Section 2.6/RFC4291]. Anycast addresses are syntactically identical to unicast addresses and so need to be configured explicitly.

This parameter can only be modified if the Origin is Static.

This parameter is based on ipAddressType from [RFC4293].

false 2.2
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix.{i}. object(0:) W

This table contains the interface’s IPv6 prefixes. There MUST be an entry for each such prefix, not only for prefixes learned from router advertisements.

There are several ways in which entries can be added to and deleted from this table, including:

  • Automatically via [RFC4861] Router Advertisements. See also RouterAdvertisement.
  • Automatically via DHCPv6 [RFC8415] prefix delegation [RFC8415]. See also DHCPv6.Client.
  • Automatically via internal CPE logic, e.g. creation of child prefixes derived from a parent prefix.
  • Manually via a GUI or some other local management interface.
  • Manually via factory default configuration.
  • By the Controller.

The CPE MAY choose not to create IPv6Prefix entries for WellKnown prefixes or for the ULA /48 prefix [RFC4193]. If an IPv6Prefix entry exists for the ULA /48 prefix, it MUST be on a downstream interface (i.e. an interface for which the physical layer interface object has Upstream = false).

This object is based on ipAddressPrefixTable from [RFC4293].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Prefix. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this IPv6Prefix entry. false 2.2
Status string R

The status of this IPv6Prefix table entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.2
PrefixStatus string R

The status of Prefix, indicating whether it can be used for communication. See also PreferredLifetime and ValidLifetime. Enumeration of:

  • Preferred (Valid prefix)
  • Deprecated (Valid but deprecated prefix)
  • Invalid (Invalid prefix)
  • Inaccessible (Valid prefix that is not accessible because the interface to which it is assigned is not operational)
  • Unknown (Prefix status cannot be determined for some reason)

This parameter is based on ipAddressStatus and ipAddressStatusTC from [RFC4293].

Invalid 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

This parameter can only be modified if Origin is Static.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Prefix string(:49) W

[IPv6Prefix] IPv6 address prefix.

This parameter can only be modified if the Origin is Static.

This parameter is based on ipAddressPrefixPrefix from [RFC4293].

<Empty> 2.2
Origin string R

Mechanism via which the prefix was assigned or most recently updated. Enumeration of:

  • AutoConfigured (Generated via internal CPE logic (e.g. the ULA /48 prefix) or derived from an internal prefix that is not modeled in any IPv6Prefix table)
  • PrefixDelegation (Delegated via DHCPv6 [RFC8415] or some other protocol, e.g. IPv6rd [RFC5969]. Also see StaticType)
  • RouterAdvertisement (Discovered via router advertisement [RFC4861] Prefix Information Option)
  • WellKnown (Specified by a standards organization, e.g. fe80::/10 for link-local addresses, or ::1/128 for the loopback address, both of which are defined in [RFC4291])
  • Static (Created by the Controller, by some other management entity (e.g. via a GUI), or present in the factory default configuration (but not WellKnown). Unrelated to any shorter length prefix that might exist on the CPE. Also see StaticType. Can be used for RA (Prefix Information), DHCPv6 address assignment (IA_NA) or DHCPv6 prefix delegation (IA_PD))
  • Child (Derived from an associated AutoConfigured or PrefixDelegation parent prefix. Also see StaticType, ParentPrefix and ChildPrefixBits. Can be used for RA (Prefix Information), DHCPv6 address assignment (IA_NA) or DHCPv6 prefix delegation (IA_PD))

Note that:

  • PrefixDelegation and RouterAdvertisement prefixes can exist only on upstream interfaces (i.e. interfaces for which the physical layer interface object has Upstream = true),
  • AutoConfigured and WellKnown prefixes can exist on any interface, and
  • Static and Child prefixes can exist only on downstream interfaces (i.e. interfaces for which the physical layer interface object has Upstream = false).

Also note that a Child prefix’s ParentPrefix will always be an AutoConfigured, PrefixDelegation, or RouterAdvertisement prefix.

This parameter is based on ipAddressOrigin from [RFC4293].

Static 2.2
StaticType string W

Static prefix sub-type. For a Static prefix, this can be set to PrefixDelegation or Child, thereby creating an unconfigured prefix of the specified type that will be populated in preference to creating a new instance. This allows the Controller to pre-create “prefix slots” with known path names that can be referenced from elsewhere in the data model before they have been populated. Enumeration of:

  • Static (Prefix is a “normal” Static prefix)
  • Inapplicable (Prefix is not Static, so this parameter does not apply, READONLY)
  • PrefixDelegation (Prefix will be populated when a PrefixDelegation prefix needs to be created)
  • Child (Prefix will be populated when a Child prefix needs to be created. In this case, the Controller needs also to set ParentPrefix and might want to set ChildPrefixBits (if parent prefix is not set, or goes away, then the child prefix will become operationally disabled))

This mechanism works as follows:

  • When this parameter is set to PrefixDelegation or Child, the instance becomes a “prefix slot” of the specified type.
  • Such an instance can be administratively enabled (Enable = true) but will remain operationally disabled (Status = Disabled) until it has been populated.
  • When a new prefix of of type T is needed, the CPE will look for a matching unpopulated instance, i.e. an instance with (Origin,StaticType,Prefix) = (Static,T,““). If the CPE finds at least one such instance it will choose one and populate it. If already administratively enabled it will immediately become operationally enabled. If the CPE finds no such instances, it will create and populate a new instance with (Origin,StaticType) = (T,T). If the CPE finds more than one such instance, the algorithm via which it chooses which instance to populate is implementation-specific.
  • When a prefix that was populated via this mechanism becomes invalid, the CPE will reset Prefix to an empty string. This does not affect the value of the Enable parameter.

The prefix StaticType can only be modified if Origin is Static.

Static 2.2
ParentPrefix string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Device table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Indicates the parent prefix from which this prefix was derived. The parent prefix is relevant only for Child prefixes and for Static Child prefixes (both of which will always be on downstream interfaces), i.e. for Origin=Child and for (Origin,StaticType) = (Static,Child) prefixes.

This parameter can only be modified if Origin is Static (which makes sense only for a prefix whose StaticType is already or will be changed to Child).

<Empty> 2.2
ChildPrefixBits string(:49) W

[IPv6Prefix] A prefix that specifies the length of Static Child prefixes and how they are derived from their ParentPrefix. It will be used if and only if it is not an empty string and is longer than the parent prefix (if it is not used, derivation of such prefixes is implementation-specific). Any bits to the right of the parent prefix are set to the bits in this prefix.

For example, for a parent prefix of fedc::/56, if this parameter had the value 123:4567:89ab:cdef::/64, the child /64 would be fedc:0:0:ef::/64. For a parent prefix of fedc::/60, the child /64 would be fedc:0:0:f::/64.

This parameter can only be modified if Origin is Static.

<Empty> 2.2
OnLink boolean W

On-link flag [Section 4.6.2/RFC4861] as received (in the RA) for RouterAdvertisement. Indicates whether this prefix can be used for on-link determination.

This parameter can only be modified if Origin is Static.

This parameter is based on ipAddressPrefixOnLinkFlag from [RFC4293].

false 2.2
Autonomous boolean W

Autonomous address configuration flag [Section 4.6.2/RFC4861] as received (in the RA) for RouterAdvertisement. Indicates whether this prefix can be used for generating global addresses as specified by SLAAC [RFC4862].

This parameter can only be modified if Origin is Static.

This parameter is based on ipAddressPrefixAutonomousFlag from [RFC4293].

false 2.2
PreferredLifetime dateTime W

This parameter is based on ipAddressPrefixAdvPreferredLifetime from [RFC4293]. The time at which this prefix will cease to be preferred (i.e. will become deprecated), or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if not known. For an infinite lifetime, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z.

This parameter can only be modified if Origin is Static.

9999-12-31T23:59:59Z 2.2
ValidLifetime dateTime W

This parameter is based on ipAddressPrefixAdvValidLifetime from [RFC4293]. The time at which this prefix will cease to be valid (i.e. will become invalid), or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if not known. For an infinite lifetime, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z.

This parameter can only be modified if Origin is Static.

9999-12-31T23:59:59Z 2.2
Device.IP.ActivePort.{i}. object(0:) R

This table lists the ports on which TCP connections are listening or established.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of LocalIPAddress, LocalPort, RemoteIPAddress and RemotePort.

- 2.0
LocalIPAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] Connection local IP address. - 2.0
LocalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) R Connection local port. - 2.0
RemoteIPAddress string(:45) R

[IPAddress] The remote IP address of the source of inbound packets.

This will be an empty string for listening connections (only connections in ESTABLISHED state have remote addresses).

- 2.0
RemotePort unsignedInt(0:65535) R

The remote port of the source of inbound packets.

This will be 0 for listening connections (only connections in ESTABLISHED state have remote addresses).

- 2.0
Status string R

Current operational status of the connection. Enumeration of:

- 2.0
Device.IP.Diagnostics. object R The IP Diagnostics object. - 2.0
IPv4PingSupported boolean R Indicates that Ping over IPv4 is supported. - 2.8
IPv6PingSupported boolean R Indicates that Ping over IPv6 is supported. - 2.8
IPv4TraceRouteSupported boolean R Indicates that TraceRoute over IPv4 is supported. - 2.8
IPv6TraceRouteSupported boolean R Indicates that TraceRoute over IPv6 is supported. - 2.8
IPv4DownloadDiagnosticsSupported boolean R Indicates that Download Diagnostics over IPv4 is supported. - 2.9
IPv6DownloadDiagnosticsSupported boolean R Indicates that Download Diagnostics over IPv6 is supported. - 2.9
IPv4UploadDiagnosticsSupported boolean R Indicates that Upload Diagnostics over IPv4 is supported. - 2.9
IPv6UploadDiagnosticsSupported boolean R Indicates that Upload Diagnostics over IPv6 is supported. - 2.9
IPv4UDPEchoDiagnosticsSupported boolean R Indicates that UDPEcho Diagnostics over IPv4 is supported. - 2.9
IPv6UDPEchoDiagnosticsSupported boolean R Indicates that UDPEcho Diagnostics over IPv6 is supported. - 2.9
IPLayerCapacitySupported boolean R Indicates that IP Layer Capacity measurement is supported. - 2.14
IPv4ServerSelectionDiagnosticsSupported boolean R Indicates that ServerSelection Diagnostics over IPv4 is supported. - 2.9
IPv6ServerSelectionDiagnosticsSupported boolean R Indicates that ServerSelection Diagnostics over IPv6 is supported. - 2.9
IPPing() command - [ASYNC] This command provides access to an IP-layer ping test. - 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The layer 2 or layer 3 interface over which the test is to be performed. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1, Device.Bridge.1.Port.2

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

- 2.12
ProtocolVersion string W

[MANDATORY] Indicates the IP protocol to be used.

Enumeration of:

  • Any (Use either IPv4 or IPv6 depending on the system preference)
  • IPv4 (Use IPv4 for the Ping requests)
  • IPv6 (Use IPv6 for the Ping requests)
- 2.12
Host string(:256) W

[MANDATORY] Host name or address of the host to ping.

In the case where Host is specified by name, and the name resolves to more than one address, it is up to the device implementation to choose which address to use.

- 2.12
NumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt(1:) W [MANDATORY] Number of repetitions of the ping test to perform before reporting the results. - 2.12
Timeout unsignedInt(1:) W [MANDATORY] Timeout in milliseconds for the ping test. - 2.12
DataBlockSize unsignedInt(1:65535) W [MANDATORY] Size of the data block in bytes to be sent for each ping. - 2.12
DSCP unsignedInt(0:63) W DiffServ codepoint to be used for the test packets. By default the CPE SHOULD set this value to zero. - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
  • Error_CannotResolveHostName
  • Error_NoRouteToHost (The CPE can not reach the requested Ping host address)
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
IPAddressUsed string(:45) R [IPAddress] Indicates which IP address was used to send the Ping request. - 2.12
SuccessCount unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the number of successful pings (those in which a successful response was received prior to the timeout) in the most recent ping test. - 2.12
FailureCount unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the number of failed pings in the most recent ping test. - 2.12
AverageResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the average response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
MinimumResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the minimum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
MaximumResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the maximum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
AverageResponseTimeDetailed unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the average response time in microseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
MinimumResponseTimeDetailed unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the minimum response time in microseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
MaximumResponseTimeDetailed unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the maximum response time in microseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
TraceRoute() command - [ASYNC] This command defines access to an IP-layer trace-route test for the specified IP interface. - 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The layer 2 or layer 3 interface over which the test is to be performed. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1, Device.Bridge.1.Port.2

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

- 2.12
ProtocolVersion string W

[MANDATORY] Indicates the IP protocol to be used.

Enumeration of:

  • Any (Use either IPv4 or IPv6 depending on the system preference)
  • IPv4 (Use IPv4 for the TraceRoute)
  • IPv6 (Use IPv6 for the TraceRoute)
- 2.12
Host string(:256) W

[MANDATORY] Host name or address of the host to find a route to.

In the case where Host is specified by name, and the name resolves to more than one address, it is up to the device implementation to choose which address to use.

- 2.12
NumberOfTries unsignedInt(1:3) W Number of tries per hop. Set prior to running Diagnostic. By default, the CPE SHOULD set this value to 3. - 2.12
Timeout unsignedInt(1:) W Timeout in milliseconds for each hop of the trace route test. By default the CPE SHOULD set this value to 5000. - 2.12
DataBlockSize unsignedInt(1:65535) W Size of the data block in bytes to be sent for each trace route. By default, the CPE SHOULD set this value to 38. - 2.12
DSCP unsignedInt(0:63) W DiffServ codepoint to be used for the test packets. By default the CPE SHOULD set this value to 0. - 2.12
MaxHopCount unsignedInt(1:64) W The maximum number of hop used in outgoing probe packets (max TTL). By default the CPE SHOULD set this value to 30. - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Canceled (OPTIONAL)
  • Complete
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
  • Error_CannotResolveHostName
  • Error_NoRouteToHost (The CPE can not reach the requested TraceRoute host address)
  • Error_MaxHopCountExceeded
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
IPAddressUsed string(:45) R [IPAddress] Indicates which IP address was used for TraceRoute. - 2.12
ResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the response time in milliseconds the most recent trace route test. If a route could not be determined, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
RouteHops.{i}. object(0:) R

Contains the array of hop results returned. If a route could not be determined, this array will be empty

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.12
Host string(:256) R Result parameter indicating the Host Name if DNS is able to resolve or IP Address of a hop along the discovered route. - 2.12
HostAddress string R If this parameter is not an empty string it will contain the last IP address of the host returned for this hop and the Host will contain the Host Name returned from the reverse DNS query. - 2.12
ErrorCode unsignedInt R Contains the error code returned for this hop. This code is directly from the ICMP CODE field. - 2.12
RTTimes unsignedInt[1:3] R

Comma-separated list (1 to 3 items) of unsigned integers. Each list item contains one or more round trip times in milliseconds (one for each repetition) for this hop.

A list item of 0 indicates that the corresponding response was not received. Round trip times of less than 1 milliseconds MUST be rounded up to 1.

The number of list entries is determined by the value of NumberOfTries.

- 2.12
DownloadTransports string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported DownloadDiagnostics transport protocols for a CPE device.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • HTTP
- 2.0
DownloadDiagnosticMaxConnections unsignedInt(1:) R Indicates the maximum number of connections that are supported by Download Diagnostics. - 2.9
DownloadDiagnosticsMaxIncrementalResult unsignedInt(1:) R The maximum number of instances in DownloadDiagnostics().IncrementalResult that the implementation will return. - 2.9
DownloadDiagnostics() command -

[ASYNC] This command defines the diagnostics configuration for a HTTP and FTP DownloadDiagnostics Test.

Files received in the DownloadDiagnostics do not require file storage on the CPE device.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The IP-layer interface over which the test is to be performed. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

- 2.12
DownloadURL string(:2048) W

[MANDATORY] The [URL] for the CPE to perform the download on. This parameter MUST be in the form of a valid HTTP [RFC2616] or FTP [RFC959] URL.

  • When using FTP transport, FTP binary transfer MUST be used.
  • When using HTTP transport, persistent connections MUST be used and pipelining MUST NOT be used.
  • When using HTTP transport the HTTP Authentication MUST NOT be used.

Note: For time based tests (TimeBasedTestDuration > 0) the Controller MAY add a hint to duration of the test to the URL. See [Section 4.3/TR-143] for more details.

- 2.12
DSCP unsignedInt(0:63) W

The DiffServ code point for marking packets transmitted in the test.

The default value SHOULD be zero.

- 2.12
EthernetPriority unsignedInt(0:7) W

Ethernet priority code for marking packets transmitted in the test (if applicable).

The default value SHOULD be zero.

- 2.12
TimeBasedTestDuration unsignedInt(0:999) W Controls time based testing [Section 4.3/TR-143]. When TimeBasedTestDuration > 0, TimeBasedTestDuration is the duration in seconds of a time based test. If TimeBasedTestDuration is 0, the test is not based on time, but on the size of the file to be downloaded. The default value SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval unsignedInt(0:999) W

The measurement interval duration in seconds for objects in IncrementalResult for a time based FTP/HTTP download test (when TimeBasedTestDuration > 0). The default value SHOULD be 0, which implies IncrementalResult collection is disabled.

For example if TimeBasedTestDuration is 90 seconds and TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval is 10 seconds, there will be 9 results in IncrementalResult, each with a 10 seconds duration.

- 2.12
TimeBasedTestMeasurementOffset unsignedInt(0:255) W

This TimeBasedTestMeasurementOffset works in conjunction with TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval to allow the interval measurement to start a number of seconds after BOMTime. The test measurement interval in IncrementalResult starts at time BOMTime + TimeBasedTestMeasurementOffset to allow for slow start window removal of file transfers.

This TimeBasedTestMeasurementOffset is in seconds. The default value SHOULD be 0.

- 2.12
ProtocolVersion string W

Indicates the IP protocol version to be used. The default value SHOULD be Any.

Enumeration of:

  • Any (Use either IPv4 or IPv6 depending on the system preference)
  • IPv4 (Use IPv4 for the requests)
  • IPv6 (Use IPv6 for the requests)
- 2.12
NumberOfConnections unsignedInt(1:) W The number of connections to be used in the test. The default value SHOULD be 1. NumberOfConnections MUST NOT be set to a value greater than DownloadDiagnosticMaxConnections. - 2.12
EnablePerConnectionResults boolean W The results must be returned in the PerConnectionResult table for every connection when set to true. The default value SHOULD be false. - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Complete
  • Error_CannotResolveHostName
  • Error_NoRouteToHost
  • Error_InitConnectionFailed
  • Error_NoResponse
  • Error_TransferFailed
  • Error_PasswordRequestFailed
  • Error_LoginFailed
  • Error_NoTransferMode
  • Error_NoPASV
  • Error_IncorrectSize
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
IPAddressUsed string(:45) R [IPAddress] Indicates which IP address was used to send the request. - 2.12
ROMTime dateTime R

Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the client sends the GET command.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client sends the RTRV command.

If multiple connections are used, then ROMTime is set to the earliest ROMTime across all connections.

- 2.12
BOMTime dateTime R

Begin of transmission time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the first data packet is received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the first data packet on the data connection.

If multiple connections are used, then BOMTime is set to the earliest BOMTime across all connections.

- 2.12
EOMTime dateTime R

End of transmission in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the last data packet is received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the last packet on the data connection.

If multiple connections are used, then EOMTime is set to the latest EOMTime across all connections.

- 2.12
TestBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The number of bytes received during the FTP/HTTP transaction including FTP/HTTP headers, between BOMTime and EOMTime across all connections. - 2.12
TotalBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TotalBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TestBytesReceivedUnderFullLoading unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The number of bytes of the test file received between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime across all connections. - 2.12
TotalBytesReceivedUnderFullLoading unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received in between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and at the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and subtracting. - 2.12
TotalBytesSentUnderFullLoading unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and at the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and subtracting. - 2.12
PeriodOfFullLoading unsignedInt R The period of time in microseconds between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime of the test. - 2.12
TCPOpenRequestTime dateTime R

Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the HTTP connection.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the data connection.

Note: Interval of 1 microsecond SHOULD be supported.

If multiple connections are used, then TCPOpenRequestTime is set to the latest TCPOpenRequestTime across all connections.

- 2.12
TCPOpenResponseTime dateTime R

Response time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the HTTP connection was received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the data connection was received.

Note: Interval of 1 microsecond SHOULD be supported.

If multiple connections are used, then TCPOpenResponseTime is set to the latest TCPOpenResponseTime across all connections.

- 2.12
PerConnectionResult.{i}. object(0:) R

Results for individual connections. This table is only populated when EnablePerConnectionResults is true. A new object is created for each connection specified in NumberOfConnections. Instance numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.12
ROMTime dateTime R

Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the client sends the GET command.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client sends the RTRV command.
- 2.12
BOMTime dateTime R

Begin of transmission time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the first data packet is received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the first data packet on the data connection.
- 2.12
EOMTime dateTime R

End of transmission in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the last data packet is received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the last packet on the data connection.
- 2.12
TestBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The number of bytes of the test file received during the FTP/HTTP transaction including FTP/HTTP headers, between BOMTime and EOMTime. - 2.12
TotalBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. - 2.12
TotalBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. - 2.12
TCPOpenRequestTime dateTime R

Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the HTTP connection.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the data connection.
- 2.12
TCPOpenResponseTime dateTime R

Response time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the HTTP connection was received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the data connection was received.
- 2.12
IncrementalResult.{i}. object(0:) R

Results for time segmented tests (tests where TimeBasedTestDuration > 0 and TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval > 0). This data is totaled across all connections in the test. A new object is created every TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval after that interval has completed. Instance numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.12
TestBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Change in the value of TestBytesReceivedUnderFullLoading between StartTime and EndTime, measured in bytes. - 2.12
TotalBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between StartTime and EndTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at StartTime and at EndTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TotalBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between StartTime and EndTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at StartTime and at EndTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
StartTime dateTime R

The start time of this interval which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

- 2.12
EndTime dateTime R

The end time of this interval which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

- 2.12
UploadTransports string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported UploadDiagnostics transport protocols for a CPE device.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • HTTP
- 2.0
UploadDiagnosticsMaxConnections unsignedInt(1:) R Indicates the maximum number of connections that are supported by Upload Diagnostics. - 2.9
UploadDiagnosticsMaxIncrementalResult unsignedInt(1:) R The maximum number of instances in UploadDiagnostics().IncrementalResult that the implementation will return. - 2.9
UploadDiagnostics() command -

[ASYNC] This command defines the diagnostics configuration for a HTTP or FTP UploadDiagnostics test.

Files sent by the UploadDiagnostics do not require file storage on the CPE device, and MAY be an arbitrary stream of bytes.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The IP-layer interface over which the test is to be performed. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

- 2.12
UploadURL string(:2048) W

[MANDATORY] The [URL] for the CPE to Upload to. This parameter MUST be in the form of a valid HTTP [RFC2616] or FTP [RFC959] URL.

  • When using FTP transport, FTP binary transfer MUST be used.
  • When using HTTP transport, persistent connections MUST be used and pipelining MUST NOT be used.
  • When using HTTP transport the HTTP Authentication MUST NOT be used.
- 2.12
DSCP unsignedInt(0:63) W

DiffServ code point for marking packets transmitted in the test.

The default value SHOULD be zero.

- 2.12
EthernetPriority unsignedInt(0:7) W

Ethernet priority code for marking packets transmitted in the test (if applicable).

The default value SHOULD be zero.

- 2.12
TestFileLength unsignedLong W

The size of the file bytes to be uploaded to the server.

The CPE MUST insure the appropriate number of bytes are sent.

- 2.12
TimeBasedTestDuration unsignedInt(0:999) W Controls time based testing [Section 4.3/TR-143]. When TimeBasedTestDuration > 0, TimeBasedTestDuration is the duration in seconds of a time based test. If TimeBasedTestDuration is 0, the test is not based on time, but on the size of the file to be uploaded. The default value SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval unsignedInt(0:999) W

The measurement interval duration in seconds for objects in IncrementalResult for a time based FTP/HTTP upload test (when TimeBasedTestDuration > 0). The default value SHOULD be 0, which implies IncrementalResult collection is disabled.

For example if TimeBasedTestDuration is 90 seconds and TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval is 10 seconds, there will be 9 results in IncrementalResult, each with a 10 seconds duration.

- 2.12
TimeBasedTestMeasurementOffset unsignedInt(0:255) W

This TimeBasedTestMeasurementOffset works in conjunction with TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval and allows the interval measurement to start a number of seconds after BOMTime. The test measurement interval in IncrementalResult starts at time BOMTime + TimeBasedTestMeasurementOffset to allow for slow start window removal of file transfers.

This TimeBasedTestMeasurementOffset is in seconds. The default value SHOULD be 0.

- 2.12
ProtocolVersion string W

Indicates the IP protocol version to be used. The default value SHOULD be Any.

Enumeration of:

  • Any (Use either IPv4 or IPv6 depending on the system preference)
  • IPv4 (Use IPv4 for the requests)
  • IPv6 (Use IPv6 for the requests)
- 2.12
NumberOfConnections unsignedInt(1:) W The number of connections to be used in the test. The default value SHOULD be 1. NumberOfConnections MUST NOT be set to a value greater than UploadDiagnosticsMaxConnections. - 2.12
EnablePerConnectionResults boolean W The results must be returned in the PerConnectionResult table for every connection when set to true. The default value SHOULD be false. - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Complete
  • Error_CannotResolveHostName
  • Error_NoRouteToHost
  • Error_InitConnectionFailed
  • Error_NoResponse
  • Error_PasswordRequestFailed
  • Error_LoginFailed
  • Error_NoTransferMode
  • Error_NoPASV
  • Error_NoCWD
  • Error_NoSTOR
  • Error_NoTransferComplete
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
IPAddressUsed string(:45) R [IPAddress] Indicates which IP address was used to send the request. - 2.12
ROMTime dateTime R

Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the client sends the GET command.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client sends the RTRV command.

If multiple connections are used, then ROMTime is set to the earliest ROMTime across all connections.

- 2.12
BOMTime dateTime R

Begin of transmission time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the first data packet is received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the first data packet on the data connection.

If multiple connections are used, then BOMTime is set to the earliest BOMTime across all connections.

- 2.12
EOMTime dateTime R

End of transmission in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the last data packet is received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the last packet on the data connection.

If multiple connections are used, then EOMTime is set to the latest EOMTime across all connections.

- 2.12
TestBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The number of bytes of the test file sent during the FTP/HTTP transaction including FTP/HTTP headers, between BOMTime and EOMTime across all connections. - 2.12
TotalBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TotalBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TestBytesSentUnderFullLoading unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The number of bytes of the test file sent between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime across all connections. - 2.12
TotalBytesReceivedUnderFullLoading unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime across all connections in the test. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and at the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TotalBytesSentUnderFullLoading unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime across all connections in the test. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and at the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
PeriodOfFullLoading unsignedInt R The period of time in microseconds between the latest PerConnectionResult.{i}.BOMTime and the earliest PerConnectionResult.{i}.EOMTime of the test. - 2.12
TCPOpenRequestTime dateTime R

Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the HTTP connection.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the data connection.

Note: Interval of 1 microsecond SHOULD be supported.

If multiple connections are used, then TCPOpenRequestTime is set to the latest TCPOpenRequestTime across all connections.

- 2.12
TCPOpenResponseTime dateTime R

Response time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the HTTP connection was received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the data connection was received.

Note: Interval of 1 microsecond SHOULD be supported.

If multiple connections are used, then TCPOpenResponseTime is set to the latest TCPOpenResponseTime across all connections.

- 2.12
PerConnectionResult.{i}. object(0:) R

Results for individual connections. This table is only populated when EnablePerConnectionResults is true. A new object is created for each connection specified in NumberOfConnections. Instance numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.12
ROMTime dateTime R

Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the client sends the GET command.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client sends the RTRV command.
- 2.12
BOMTime dateTime R

Begin of transmission time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the first data packet is received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the first data packet on the data connection.
- 2.12
EOMTime dateTime R

End of transmission in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the last data packet is received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the client receives the last packet on the data connection.
- 2.12
TestBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The number of bytes of the test file sent during the FTP/HTTP transaction including FTP/HTTP headers, between BOMTime and EOMTime. - 2.12
TotalBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TotalBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between BOMTime and EOMTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at BOMTime and at EOMTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TCPOpenRequestTime dateTime R

Request time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the HTTP connection.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the TCP socket open (SYN) was sent for the data connection.
- 2.12
TCPOpenResponseTime dateTime R

Response time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

  • For HTTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the HTTP connection was received.
  • For FTP this is the time at which the TCP ACK to the socket opening the data connection was received.
- 2.12
IncrementalResult.{i}. object(0:) R

Results for time segmented tests (tests where TimeBasedTestDuration > 0 and TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval > 0). This data is totaled across all connections in the test. A new object is created every TimeBasedTestMeasurementInterval after that interval has completed. Instance numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.12
TestBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] Change in the value of TestBytesSent between StartTime and EndTime, measured in bytes. - 2.12
TotalBytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) received on the Interface between StartTime and EndTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesReceived on the Interface object at StartTime and at EndTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TotalBytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes (at the IP layer) sent on the Interface between StartTime and EndTime. This MAY be calculated by sampling Stats.BytesSent on the Interface object at StartTime and at EndTime and subtracting. If Interface is an empty string, this parameter cannot be determined and SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
StartTime dateTime R

The start time of this interval which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

- 2.12
EndTime dateTime R

The end time of this interval which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

- 2.12
UDPEchoDiagnosticsMaxResults unsignedInt(1:) R The maximum number of rows in UDPEchoDiagnostics().IndividualPacketResult that the CPE will store. If a test would create more rows than UDPEchoDiagnosticsMaxResults only the first UDPEchoDiagnosticsMaxResults rows are present in UDPEchoDiagnostics().IndividualPacketResult. - 2.9
UDPEchoDiagnostics() command - [ASYNC] This command defines the diagnostics configuration for a UDP Echo test [Appendix A.1/TR-143] defined in [RFC862] or a UDP Echo Plus test defined in [Appendix A.1/TR-143]. - 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. The IP-layer interface over which the test is to be performed. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

- 2.12
Host string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Host name or address of the host to perform tests to. - 2.12
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W

[MANDATORY] Port on the host to perform tests to.

The default value MUST be 7.

- 2.12
NumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt(1:) W Number of repetitions of the test to perform before reporting the results. The default value SHOULD be 1. - 2.12
Timeout unsignedInt(1:) W [MANDATORY] Timeout in milliseconds for the test. That is, the amount of time to wait for the return of a packet that was sent to the Host. - 2.12
DataBlockSize unsignedInt(1:65535) W Size of the data block in bytes to be sent for each packet. The default value SHOULD be 24. - 2.12
DSCP unsignedInt(0:63) W DiffServ codepoint to be used for the test packets. The default value SHOULD be zero. - 2.12
InterTransmissionTime unsignedInt(1:65535) W The time in milliseconds between the NumberOfRepetitions of packets sent during a given test. The default value SHOULD be 1000. - 2.12
ProtocolVersion string W

Indicates the IP protocol version to be used. The default value SHOULD be Any.

Enumeration of:

  • Any (Use either IPv4 or IPv6 depending on the system preference)
  • IPv4 (Use IPv4 for the requests)
  • IPv6 (Use IPv6 for the requests)
- 2.12
EnableIndividualPacketResults boolean W The results must be returned in the IndividualPacketResult table for every repetition of the test when set to true. The default value SHOULD be false. - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Complete
  • Error_CannotResolveHostName
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
IPAddressUsed string(:45) R [IPAddress] Indicates which IP address was used to send the request. - 2.12
SuccessCount unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the number of successful packets (those in which a successful response was received prior to the timeout) in the most recent test. - 2.12
FailureCount unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the number of failed packets (those in which a successful response was not received prior to the timeout) in the most recent test. - 2.12
AverageResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the average response time in microseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
MinimumResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the minimum response time in microseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
MaximumResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the maximum response time in microseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
IndividualPacketResult.{i}. object(0:) R

This object provides the results from individual UDPEchoPlus test packets collected during a test if EnableIndividualPacketResults is set to true. It should contain NumberOfRepetitions objects. Instance numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created. The instance number should match the TestIterationNumber field of the request and response packet.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.12
PacketSuccess boolean R Indicates that the response to this UDP Echo Plus packet sent was received by the client. When this value is true, then all the remaining parameters in this instance are valid. Otherwise only the values originally set by the CPE client (e.g. PacketSendTime and TestGenSN) MAY be set to valid values. - 2.12
PacketSendTime dateTime R

Time the client sent this UDP Echo Plus packet in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

- 2.12
PacketReceiveTime dateTime R

Time the client receives the response packet in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z

If this response is never received, PacketReceiveTime SHOULD be set to the Unknown Time value as specified in [Section 3.2.2/TR-106].

- 2.12
TestGenSN unsignedInt R The TestGenSN field in the UDPEcho Plus packet [Section A.1.4/TR-143] sent by the CPE client. - 2.12
TestRespSN unsignedInt R The TestRespSN field in the response packet [Section A.1.4/TR-143] from the UDP Echo Plus server (i.e. Host) for this Echo Plus packet sent by the CPE client. If PacketSuccess is false, TestRespSN SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TestRespRcvTimeStamp unsignedInt R The TestRespRcvTimeStamp field in the response packet [Section A.1.4/TR-143] from the UDP Echo Plus server (i.e. Host) to record the reception time in microseconds of this UDP Echo Plus packet sent from the CPE client. If PacketSuccess is false, TestRespRcvTimeStamp SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
TestRespReplyTimeStamp unsignedInt R

The TestRespReplyTimeStamp field in the response packet [Section A.1.4/TR-143] from the UDP Echo Plus server (i.e. Host) to record the server reply time in microseconds of this UDP Echo Plus packet sent from the CPE client.

That is, the time that the server returned the UDP Echo Plus packet. If PacketSuccess is false, TestRespReplyTimeStamp SHOULD be 0.

- 2.12
TestRespReplyFailureCount unsignedInt R The count value that was set by the UDP Echo Plus server (i.e. Host) to record the number of dropped echo response packets by the server. This count is incremented if a valid echo request packet is received at a UDP EchoPlus server but for some reason cannot be responded to (e.g. due to local buffer overflow, CPU utilization, etc…). If PacketSuccess is false, TestRespReplyFailureCount SHOULD be 0. - 2.12
IPLayerMaxConnections unsignedInt(1:) R Indicates the maximum number of connections that are supported for an IP-Layer Capacity test. - 2.14
IPLayerMaxIncrementalResult unsignedInt(1:) R The maximum number of instances in IPLayerCapacity().IncrementalResult that the implementation will return. - 2.14
IPLayerCapSupportedSoftwareVersion string(:64) R Indicates the installed version of the test software. The software version string will be implementation-dependent, and SHOULD identify both the implementation and the version (e.g., UDPST-7.2.1). - 2.15
IPLayerCapSupportedControlProtocolVersion string(:64) R Indicates the control protocol version supported by the test software. Refer to [TR-471] for more information. - 2.15
IPLayerCapSupportedMetrics string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the test metrics from [Section 5.2/TR-471] that are supported by the device.

Note that [TR-471] mandates support for and use of IPLR and Sampled RTT.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • IPLR (IP packet Loss Ratio)
  • Sampled_RTT (Sampled Round Trip Time)
  • IPDV (IP packet Delay Variation, OPTIONAL)
  • IPRR (IP packet Reordering Ratio, OPTIONAL)
  • RIPR (Replicated IP packet Ratio, OPTIONAL)
- 2.14
IPLayerCapacity() command -

[ASYNC] This command defines the IP Layer Capacity measurement configuration. IP Layer Capacity measurement is specified in [TR-471].

Data received in the IP Layer Capacity measurement do not require storage on the device.

- 2.14
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The IP-layer interface over which the test is to be performed. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

- 2.14
Role string W

[MANDATORY] Indicates whether the device will act as Sender or Receiver of test packets.

Enumeration of:

  • Receiver (The device will act as the Receiver)
  • Sender (The device will act as the Sender)
- 2.14
Host string(:256) W
The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the Test Endpoint to perform the UDP Capacity tests with.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 because it is superseded by ServerList with multi-flow and server capability. Refer to [TR-471] for details.
- 2.14
ServerList string(:256,)[:100] W [MANDATORY] Comma-separated list (up to 100 items) of strings (length up to 256, or ). A list of servers intended as testing partners for the client. The client works through the server list attempting individual test flows in a round-robin sequence. One flow is attempted to each server and all flows are required for testing, unless the optional FlowCount and MaximumFlows parameters are specified. The list contains each server’s Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP address and listening port in the format server:port. - 2.17
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W
Port on the Test Endpoint host.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 because it is superseded by ServerList with multi-flow and server capability. Refer to [TR-471] for details.
- 2.14
JumboFramesPermitted boolean W If true, jumbo frames are allowed above 1 Gbps. The default value SHOULD be true. - 2.14
NumberOfConnections unsignedInt(1:) W
The number of connections to be used in the test. The default value SHOULD be 1. NumberOfConnections MUST NOT be set to a value greater than IPLayerMaxConnections.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 because it is superseded by ServerList with multi-flow and server capability and related parameters. Refer to [TR-471] for details.
- 2.14
FlowCount unsignedInt W Optional Number of flows required for a test. The default SHOULD be 0 (a magic number that indicates the parameter is not used). FlowCount MUST NOT be set to a value greater than IPLayerMaxConnections. - 2.17
MaximumFlows unsignedInt W

Optional number of flows to attempt. MaximumFlows must be greater than the size of ServerList or FlowCount.

The default SHOULD be 0 (a magic number that indicates the parameter is not used). MaximumFlows MUST NOT be set to a value greater than IPLayerMaxConnections.

- 2.17
EthernetPriority unsignedInt(0:7) W Ethernet priority code for marking packets transmitted in the test (if applicable). The default value SHOULD be zero. - 2.14
DSCP unsignedInt(0:63) W The DiffServ code point for marking packets transmitted in the test. The default value SHOULD be zero. - 2.14
ProtocolVersion string W

Indicates the IP protocol version to be used. The default value SHOULD be Any.

Enumeration of:

  • Any (Use either IPv4 or IPv6 depending on the system preference)
  • IPv4 (Use IPv4 for the requests)
  • IPv6 (Use IPv6 for the requests)
- 2.14
UDPPayloadMin unsignedInt(35:8972) W Minimum reference size of UDP payload in octets. No default. The implementation will algorithmically determine a value if none is configured. The value SHOULD be set to a value that avoids fragmentation (i.e., using path MTU discovery). - 2.14
UDPPayloadMax unsignedInt(35:8972) W Maximum reference size of UDP payload in octets. No default. The implementation will algorithmically determine a value if none is configured. The value SHOULD be set to the largest value that avoids fragmentation (i.e., using path MTU discovery). If JumboFramesPermitted is false, the maximum value MUST be 1472 octets. If JumboFramesPermitted is true, this value can be as large as 8972 octets. UDPPayloadMax MUST be greater than or equal to UDPPayloadMin. - 2.14
UDPPayloadContent string W

UDP Payload Content Type, If there is payload compression in the path and tests intend to characterize a possible advantage due to compression, then payload content SHOULD be supplied by a pseudo-random sequence generator, by using part of a compressed file, or by other means. Payload may also contain the test protocol PDUs. The default value SHOULD be zeroes.

Enumeration of:

  • zeroes (All zero (0) payload content)
  • ones (All one (1) payload content)
  • alternates0and1 (Alternating zero (0) and one (1) payload content)
  • random (Random payload content)
- 2.15
PortMin unsignedInt(49152:65535) W Starting value for range of Dynamic Ports supported for test traffic and status feedback messages. PortMin MUST be less than or equal to PortMax, if specified. If PortMin and PortMax are not specified, the full range of Ports in the Dynamic Ports range (49152-65535) that have been specifically set aside by IANA MAY be used. - 2.14
PortMax unsignedInt(49152:65535) W Indicates the upper bound of the supported Dynamic Port range, where PortMin indicates the starting port number. PortMax MUST be greater than or equal to PortMin, if specified. If PortMin and PortMax are not specified, the full range of Ports in the Dynamic Ports range (49152-65535) that have been specifically set aside by IANA MAY be used. - 2.14
PortOptionalMin unsignedInt(0,1024:49151) W Starting value for range of User Ports supported for test traffic and status feedback messages. A value of zero (0) indicates no User Ports are used for test traffic or status feedback messages. - 2.14
PortOptionalMax unsignedInt(0,1024:49151) W Indicates the upper bound of the supported User Port range, where PortOptionalMin indicates the starting port number. PortOptionalMax MUST be greater than or equal to PortOptionalMin. A value of zero (0) indicates no User Ports are used for test traffic or status feedback messages. - 2.14
TestType string W

Indicates the type of IP-Layer Capacity test being run. The default value SHOULD be Search.

Enumeration of:

  • Search (Search algorithm will be used to determine sending rate)
  • Fixed (Fixed sending rate will be used)
- 2.14
IPDVEnable boolean W Enables one-way IPDV (IP Packet Delay Variation) metric for load rate adjustment algorithm. When true (enabled), one-way delay variation is used, otherwise round-trip delay variation is used. The default value SHOULD be false. - 2.14
IPRREnable boolean W Enables IPRR (IP packet Reordering Ratio) metric. The default value SHOULD be false. - 2.14
RIPREnable boolean W Enables RIPRR (Replicated IP Packet Ratio) metric. The default value SHOULD be false. - 2.15
PreambleDuration unsignedInt(0:5) W Duration of the preamble testing, when traffic is being sent and/or received but the test clock has not been started. This is done to ensure all network elements in the path are “awake”. The default value SHOULD be 2 seconds. Value specified in seconds. - 2.14
StartSendingRate unsignedInt(500:40000000) W The Sending Rate for a Fixed test or the initial Sending Rate value for a Search test. Value specified in kbps. The default value SHOULD be 500 kbps. - 2.14
StartSendingRateIndex unsignedInt(0:11108) W The configurable initial Sending Rate index (to a row of the sending rate table) for a Fixed or Search test. StartSendingRateIndex overrides StartSendingRate if both parameters are present. See Annex A of [TR-471] for details. The default value SHOULD be 0. - 2.16
NumberTestSubIntervals unsignedInt(1:100) W Number of intermediate measurement reporting intervals. The value MUST NOT be greater than IPLayerMaxIncrementalResult. The default value SHOULD be 10. - 2.14
NumberFirstModeTestSubIntervals unsignedInt(0:100) W When the value >= 1, bimodal test mode is requested and the value represents the number of sub-intervals to be included in the first capacity test mode. The remaining sub-intervals of NumberTestSubIntervals are for the second capacity test mode. Value = 0 indicates that bimodal testing is disabled. The value MUST NOT be greater than NumberTestSubIntervals. The default value SHOULD be 0. - 2.15
TestSubInterval unsignedInt(100:6000) W Duration of intermediate measurement reporting intervals. TestSubInterval * NumberTestSubIntervals MUST result in an integer value in seconds, in the range 5 seconds <= TestSubInterval * NumberTestSubIntervals <= 60 seconds. The default value SHOULD be 1000 milliseconds. Value specified in milliseconds. - 2.14
StatusFeedbackInterval unsignedInt(5:250) W Period of status feedback message (receiver of offered load returns messages to the sender with results of measured metrics). Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 50 milliseconds. - 2.14
TimeoutNoTraffic unsignedInt(5:30) W
Timeout value. Value specified in seconds. The default value SHOULD be 5 seconds.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is superseded by TimeoutNoTestTraffic due to new precision requirement. Refer to [TR-471] for details.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.14
TimeoutNoTestTraffic unsignedInt(500:1000) W Timeout value. If no test traffic packets are received for TimeoutNoTestTraffic milliseconds, test will timeout. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 1000 milliseconds. - 2.15
TimeoutNoStatusMessage unsignedInt(500:1000) W Timeout value. If no status message packets are received for TimeoutNoStatusMessage milliseconds, test will timeout. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 1000 milliseconds. - 2.15
Tmax unsignedInt(50:3000) W Maximum waiting time for packets to arrive. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 1000 milliseconds. - 2.14
TmaxRTT unsignedInt(50:3000) W Maximum Round Trip Time waiting time for packets to arrive. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 3000 milliseconds. - 2.14
TimestampResolution unsignedInt(1:1000) W Indicates the requested precision of timestamp values. The test implementation will determine the actual precision to use based on the implemented resolution capabilities of the protocols used and this requested value. If the implemented resolution capabilities of the IPLayerCapSupportedMetrics protocols being used are able to provide the requested resolution, this resolution SHOULD be provided. Value specified in microseconds. The default value SHOULD be 1 microseconds. - 2.14
SeqErrThresh unsignedInt(0:100) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. Threshold for Loss or Reordering or Replication impairments measured (events where received packet sequence number did not increase by one). The default value SHOULD be 10. - 2.15
ReordDupIgnoreEnable boolean W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. When true (enabled) only Loss counts toward received packet sequence number errors, and Reordering and Duplication impairments are ignored. When false (disabled), Loss, Reordering and Duplication are all counted as sequence number errors. The default value SHOULD be true (enabled). - 2.15
LowerThresh unsignedInt(5:250) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. The lower threshold on the range of Round Trip Time (RTT) variation. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 30 milliseconds. - 2.14
UpperThresh unsignedInt(5:250) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. The upper threshold on the range of Round Trip Time (RTT) variation. Value specified in milliseconds. The default value SHOULD be 90 milliseconds. - 2.14
RetryThresh unsignedInt(1:3000) W The initial number of retries before activating “fast” sending rate increase mode. Different paths through the flow chart increase the sending rate, either fast or slow, or decrease the rate, etc. The algorithm doubles the threshold each time on subsequent activations. See Annex B of [TR-471] for details. The default value SHOULD be 5. - 2.16
HighSpeedDelta unsignedInt(2:) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. The number of rows to move in a single adjustment when initially increasing offered load (to ramp up quickly). The default value SHOULD be 10. - 2.14
RateAdjAlgorithm string W

Configurable choice of Load Rate Adjustment Algorithm. Refer to [TR-471] for details.

Enumeration of:

  • B (Use type “B” Load Rate Adjustment Algorithm. See section 5.2.1 in [TR-471] for details)
  • C (Use type “C” Load Rate Adjustment Algorithm. See Annex B in [TR-471] for details)
- 2.16
SlowAdjThresh unsignedInt(2:) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. Threshold on the measured number of consecutive status reports indicating loss and/or delay variation above UpperThresh (SlowAdjCount). The default value SHOULD be 3. - 2.14
HSpeedThresh unsignedInt(1:) W This parameter is only meaningful if TestType is Search. Threshold for transition between low and high sending rate step sizes (such as 1Mbps and 100 Mbps). If JumboFramesPermitted is true this may result in use of jumbo frames. The default value SHOULD be 1 Gbps. - 2.14
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Complete
  • Error_CannotResolveHostName
  • Error_NoRouteToHost
  • Error_InitConnectionFailed
  • Error_NoResponse
  • Error_PasswordRequestFailed
  • Error_LoginFailed
  • Error_RejectedByRemote
  • Error_IncorrectSize
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.14
BOMTime dateTime R Beginning of transmission send/receive time in UTC, which MUST be specified to TimestampResolution precision. If multiple connections are used, then BOMTime is set to the earliest value across all connections. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z - 2.14
EOMTime dateTime R End of transmission in UTC, which MUST be specified to TimestampResolution precision. If multiple connections are used, then EOMTime is set to the latest value across all connections. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z - 2.14
TmaxUsed unsignedInt R Configured value of Tmax used in the test. This value is expressed in milliseconds. - 2.14
TestInterval unsignedInt R Duration of the test (either downlink or uplink). This value is expected to equal TestSubInterval * NumberTestSubIntervals. This value is expressed in seconds. - 2.14
MaxIPLayerCapacity decimal R The maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric from among all IncrementalResult.{i}.IPLayerCapacity values measured between BOMTime and EOMTime across all connections for this test. This is calculated according to [TR-471] Equation 1. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.14
TimeOfMax dateTime R Time in UTC of end of the sub-interval when MaxIPLayerCapacity was measured. If the value of MaxIPLayerCapacity occurred in multiple sub-intervals, this MUST be the earliest of these sub-intervals. Value MUST be specified to TimestampResolution precision. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z - 2.14
MaxETHCapacityNoFCS decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with Preamble and Inter-frame gap, but no ETH Frame Check Sequence. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
MaxETHCapacityWithFCS decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with ETH Frame Check Sequence. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
MaxETHCapacityWithFCSVLAN decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with ETH Frame Check Sequence and VLAN tag. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
LossRatioAtMax decimal R Ratio of lost packets to total packets during sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.14
RTTRangeAtMax decimal R The range of Round Trip Time (RTT) during sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.14
PDVRangeAtMax decimal R The range of Packet Delay Variation (PDV) during sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.14
MinOnewayDelayAtMax decimal R The minimum one-way delay during the sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. The minimum one-way delay is calculated at the conclusion of the test and SHALL be calculated using the conditional distribution of all packets with a finite one-way delay value (undefined delays are excluded). This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.14
ReorderedRatioAtMax decimal R Ratio of reordered packets to total packets during the sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.14
ReplicatedRatioAtMax decimal R Ratio of replicated packets to total packets during the sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
InterfaceEthMbpsAtMax decimal R The number of bits observed on the Interface during an IP-Layer Capacity test for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at IncrementalResult.{i}.TimeOfSubInterval corresponding to the MaxIPLayerCapacity, divided by the duration of TestSubInterval. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. This is primarily a diagnostic measurement. Measurement direction follows the Role. - 2.15
IPLayerCapacitySummary decimal R The IP-Layer Capacity metric from among all IncrementalResult.{i}.IPLayerCapacity values measured between BOMTime and EOMTime across all connections for this test. This is calculated according to [TR-471] Equation 1. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
LossRatioSummary decimal R Ratio of lost packets to total packets during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
RTTRangeSummary decimal R The range of measured Round Trip Time (RTT) during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed in seconds, as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
PDVRangeSummary decimal R The range of Packet Delay Variation (PDV) during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed in seconds, as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
MinOnewayDelaySummary decimal R The minimum one-way delay during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed in seconds, as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
MinRTTSummary decimal R The minimum RTT during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed in seconds, as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
ReorderedRatioSummary decimal R Ratio of reordered packets to total packets during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
ReplicatedRatioSummary decimal R Ratio of replicated packets to total packets during the complete TestInterval. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
InterfaceEthMbpsSummary decimal R The number of bits observed on the Interface during an IP-Layer Capacity test for the entire time interval of duration TestInterval, divided by the duration of TestInterval. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. This is primarily a diagnostic measurement. Measurement direction follows the Role. - 2.15
TmaxRTTUsed unsignedInt R Configured value of TmaxRTT used in the test. This value is expressed in milliseconds. - 2.14
TimestampResolutionUsed unsignedInt R Indicates the timestamp resolution of reported results. This is a function of the measurement protocol, and it is usually determined once the protocol chosen. Value specified in microseconds. - 2.14
ActiveFlows unsignedInt(0:) R Number of flows set-up and used for a test. - 2.17
ModalResult.{i}. object(1:) R

Modal test results. Only returned when bimodal test mode is enabled (NumberFirstModeTestSubIntervals >=1). If returned, it MUST contain 1 or more entries, with instance number 1 corresponding to the second mode and instance number 2 corresponding to the third mode.

Results for the Maximum in each mode/instance are calculated based on IncrementalResult.{i}. data within the boundary of its corresponding mode.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry. This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.15
MaxIPLayerCapacity decimal R The maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric from among all IncrementalResult.{i}.IPLayerCapacity values within corresponding mode across all connections for this test. This is calculated according to [TR-471] Equation 1. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
TimeOfMax dateTime R Time in UTC of end of the sub-interval when MaxIPLayerCapacity was measured. If the value of MaxIPLayerCapacity occurred in multiple sub-intervals, this MUST be the earliest of these sub-intervals. Value MUST be specified to TimestampResolution precision. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z - 2.15
MaxETHCapacityNoFCS decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with Preamble and Inter-frame gap, but no ETH Frame Check Sequence. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
MaxETHCapacityWithFCS decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with ETH Frame Check Sequence. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
MaxETHCapacityWithFCSVLAN decimal R Results of measurements using the Maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric, according to [TR-471] Equation 1, and calculations to estimate the capacity at Layer 2 with ETH Frame Check Sequence and VLAN tag. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.15
LossRatioAtMax decimal R Ratio of lost packets to total packets during sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
RTTRangeAtMax decimal R The range of Round Trip Time (RTT) during sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
PDVRangeAtMax decimal R The range of Packet Delay Variation (PDV) during sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
MinOnewayDelayAtMax decimal R The minimum one-way delay during the sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. The minimum one-way delay is calculated at the conclusion of the test and SHALL be calculated using the conditional distribution of all packets with a finite one-way delay value (undefined delays are excluded). This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
ReorderedRatioAtMax decimal R Ratio of reordered packets to total packets during the sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
ReplicatedRatioAtMax decimal R Ratio of replicated packets to total packets during the sub-interval of MaxIPLayerCapacity. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
InterfaceEthMbpsAtMax decimal R The number of bits observed on the Interface during an IP-Layer Capacity test for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at IncrementalResult.{i}.TimeOfSubInterval corresponding to the MaxIPLayerCapacity, divided by the duration of TestSubInterval. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. This is primarily a diagnostic measurement. Measurement direction follows the Role. - 2.15
IncrementalResult.{i}. object(0:) R

Results for time segmented tests (tests where NumberTestSubIntervals > 1). This data is calculated across all connections in the test. A new object is created every TestSubInterval after that interval has completed. Instance numbers MUST start at 1 and sequentially increment as new instances are created. All instances are removed when new test is started or results are otherwise cleared.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.14
IPLayerCapacity decimal R Results of measurements using the maximum IP-Layer Capacity metric calculation for a single interval from [TR-471] Equation 1, for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at TimeOfSubInterval across all connections for this test. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. - 2.14
TimeOfSubInterval dateTime R Time in UTC of end of sub-interval when IPLayerCapacity was measured. Value MUST be specified to TimestampResolution precision. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z - 2.14
LossRatio decimal R Ratio of lost packets to total packets, for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at TimeOfSubInterval across all connections for this test. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.14
RTTRange decimal R The range of Round Trip Time (RTT), for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at TimeOfSubInterval across all connections for this test. See [TR-471] for description of how value is calculated. This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.14
PDVRange decimal R The range of Packet Delay Variation (PDV), for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at TimeOfSubInterval across all connections for this test. See [TR-471] for description of how value is calculated. This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.14
MinOnewayDelay decimal R The minimum one-way delay, for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at TimeOfSubInterval across all connections for this test. The minimum one-way delay is calculated at the conclusion of the test and SHALL be calculated using the conditional distribution of all packets with a finite one-way delay value (undefined delays are excluded). This value is expressed in seconds. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.14
ReorderedRatio decimal R Ratio of reordered packets to total packets, for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at TimeOfSubInterval across all connections for this test. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.14
ReplicatedRatio decimal R Ratio of replicated packets to total packets, for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at TimeOfSubInterval across all connections for this test. This value is expressed as a decimal to 9 decimal digits. - 2.15
InterfaceEthMbps decimal R The number of bits observed on the Interface during an IP-Layer Capacity test for time interval of duration TestSubInterval ending at TimeOfSubInterval, divided by the duration of TestSubInterval. Result is expressed in Mbps with 2 digits beyond the decimal. 106 bits/second = 1 Mbps. This is primarily a diagnostic measurement. Measurement direction follows the Role. - 2.15
ServerSelectionDiagnostics() command - [ASYNC] This command provides access to a diagnostics test that performs either an ICMP Ping or UDP Echo ping against multiple hosts determining which one has the smallest average response time. There MUST be a ping response to the transmitted ping, or timeout, before the next ping is sent out. - 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of the IP-layer interface over which the test is to be performed. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

- 2.12
ProtocolVersion string W

[MANDATORY] Indicates the IP protocol version to be used.

Enumeration of:

  • Any (Use either IPv4 or IPv6 depending on the system preference)
  • IPv4 (Use IPv4 for the requests)
  • IPv6 (Use IPv6 for the requests)

The default value MUST be Any.

- 2.12
Protocol string W

[MANDATORY] The protocol over which the test is to be performed.

Enumeration of:

  • ICMP
  • UDP Echo
- 2.12
HostList string(:256)[:10]() W [MANDATORY] Comma-separated list (up to 10 items) (length ) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each entry is a Host name or address of a host to ping. - 2.12
NumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt(1:) W [MANDATORY] Number of repetitions of the ping test to perform for each HostList entry before reporting the results. - 2.12
Timeout unsignedInt(1:) W [MANDATORY] Timeout in milliseconds for each iteration of the ping test where the total number of iterations is the value of NumberOfRepetitions times the number of entities in the HostList Parameter. - 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Complete
  • Error_CannotResolveHostName
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
FastestHost string R Result parameter indicating the Host (one of the items within the HostList Parameter) with the smallest average response time. - 2.12
MinimumResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the minimum response time in microseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test for the Host identified in FastestHost. Success is defined by the underlying protocol used. If there were no successful responses across all Hosts, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
AverageResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the average response time in microseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test for the Host identified in FastestHost. Success is defined by the underlying protocol used. If there were no successful responses across all Hosts, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
MaximumResponseTime unsignedInt R Result parameter indicating the maximum response time in microseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test for the Host identified in FastestHost. Success is defined by the underlying protocol used. If there were no successful responses across all Hosts, this value MUST be zero. - 2.12
IPAddressUsed string(:45) R [IPAddress] Indicates which IP address was used to send the request to the host identified in FastestHost. - 2.12
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UDPEchoConfig. object R This object allows the CPE to be configured to perform the UDP Echo Service defined in [RFC862] and UDP Echo Plus Service defined in [Appendix A.1/TR-143]. - 2.0
Enable boolean W MUST be enabled to receive UDP echo. When enabled from a disabled state all related timestamps, statistics and UDP Echo Plus counters are cleared. - 2.0
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of IP-layer interface over which the CPE MUST listen and receive UDP echo requests on.

The value of this parameter MUST be either a valid interface or an empty string. An attempt to set this parameter to a different value MUST be rejected as an invalid parameter value.

If an empty string is specified, the CPE MUST listen and receive UDP echo requests on all interfaces.

Note: Interfaces behind a NAT MAY require port forwarding rules configured in the Gateway to enable receiving the UDP packets.

- 2.0
SourceIPAddress string(:45) W [IPAddress] The Source IP address of the UDP echo packet. The CPE MUST only respond to a UDP echo from this source IP address. - 2.0
UDPPort unsignedInt W The UDP port on which the UDP server MUST listen and respond to UDP echo requests. - 2.0
EchoPlusEnabled boolean W If true the CPE will perform necessary packet processing for UDP Echo Plus packets. - 2.0
EchoPlusSupported boolean R true if UDP Echo Plus is supported. - 2.0
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R

Incremented upon each valid UDP echo packet received.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
PacketsResponded unsignedInt R

Incremented for each UDP echo response sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesReceived unsignedInt R

The number of UDP received bytes including payload and UDP header after the UDPEchoConfig is enabled.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
BytesResponded unsignedInt R

The number of UDP responded bytes, including payload and UDP header sent after the UDPEchoConfig is enabled.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TimeFirstPacketReceived dateTime R

Time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456,

The time that the server receives the first UDP echo packet after the UDPEchoConfig is enabled.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
TimeLastPacketReceived dateTime R

Time in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision.

For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456

The time that the server receives the most recent UDP echo packet.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.LLDP. object R This object contains Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) [802.1AB-2009] related objects and parameters. - 2.8
Device.LLDP.Discovery. object R

This object is used for managing the discovery of LLDP devices.

The CPE MAY, but need not, retain some or all of the information in this object across reboot.

- 2.8
DeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Device table. - 2.8
Device.LLDP.Discovery.Device.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains information about discovered LLDP devices.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both ChassisIDSubtype and ChassisID.

- 2.8
Interface string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the interface via which the LLDP device was discovered. - 2.8
ChassisIDSubtype unsignedInt(:255) R

The chassis identifier subtype, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Chassis ID TLV (TLV Type = 1). The following subtype values are defined:

  • 0 (Reserved)
  • 1 (Chassis component)
  • 2 (Interface alias)
  • 3 (Port component)
  • 4 (MAC address)
  • 5 (Network address)
  • 6 (Interface name)
  • 7 (Locally assigned)
  • 8-255 (Reserved)

Note: It is assumed that this integer might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. In this case, the Chassis ID is set to the representative MAC address (chassis ID subtype = 4) for HTIP-Ethernet Bridge.

- 2.8
ChassisID string(1:255) R

The chassis identifier, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Chassis ID TLV (TLV Type = 1).

Note: It is assumed that this string might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. In this case, the Chassis ID is set to the representative MAC address. If LLDPDUs are sent and received from two or more LLDP agents of the same HTIP-Ethernet Bridge, this value is same in all LLDPDUs.

- 2.8
Host string(:256)[](:1024) R

Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Hosts.Host. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256).Indicates the full path names of all Host table entries, whether active or inactive, that correspond to this device.

When the entries are added to or removed from the Host tables, the value of this parameter MUST be updated accordingly.

- 2.8
PortNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Port table. - 2.8
Device.LLDP.Discovery.Device.{i}.Port.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains information about ports on discovered LLDP devices.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both PortIDSubtype and PortID.

- 2.8
PortIDSubtype unsignedInt(:255) R

The port identifier subtype, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Port ID TLV (TLV Type = 2). The following subtype values are defined:

  • 0 (Reserved)
  • 1 (Interface alias)
  • 2 (Port component)
  • 3 (MAC address)
  • 4 (Network address)
  • 5 (Interface name)
  • 6 (Agent circuit ID)
  • 7 (Locally assigned)
  • 8-255 (Reserved)
- 2.8
PortID string(1:255) R The port identifier, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Port ID TLV (TLV Type = 2). - 2.8
TTL unsignedInt(:65535) R

The LLDPDU lifetime (in seconds), which is the value of the latest TimeToLive TLV (TLV Type = 3).

If this value is 0, it means that the LLDP agent or the MAC service function of the port is stopped.

- 2.8
PortDescription string(:255) R

The port description, which is the value of the latest Port Description TLV (TLV Type = 4), or an empty string if no Port Description TLV has been received.

Note: It is assumed that this string might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. In this case, the parameter value is likely to be one of the names defined in [Appendix A (List of Interface Standard Names)/JJ-300.00].

- 2.8
MACAddressList string(:17)[:255]() R

[MACAddress] Comma-separated list (up to 255 items) (length ) of MAC Addresses. The device’s MAC addresses, which are included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127), or an empty string if no list of MAC addresses has been received.

The parameter is relevant when there is a LLDP device which has a MAC copy function and has two or more MAC addresses.

Note: It is assumed that it might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. In this case, the [OUI] in the third octet is E0271A (TTC-OUI) and the organizationally defined subtype in the sixth octet is 3 (MAC Address List).

- 2.8
LastUpdate dateTime R The date and time at which the last LLDPDU was received for this (Device,Port). - 2.8
Device.LLDP.Discovery.Device.{i}.Port.{i}.LinkInformation. object R

The port’s link information, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127).

Note: It is assumed that this object might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. In this case, the [OUI] in the third octet is E0271A (TTC-OUI) and the organizationally defined subtype in the sixth octet is 2 (Link Information).

- 2.8
InterfaceType unsignedInt R

The port’s interface type, or 0 if no interface type has been received.

Note: It is assumed that it might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. In this case, it’s an IANA interface type [IANAifType].

For example, IANAifType defines the following interface types for wired line (UTP cable), wireless line, power line, and coaxial cable:

  • 6 (Wired line)
  • 71 (Wireless)
  • 174 (PLC)
  • 236 (Coaxial cable)
- 2.8
MACForwardingTable string(:17)[:255]() R [MACAddress] Comma-separated list (up to 255 items) (length ) of MAC Addresses. The port’s MAC forwarding table, or the value is an empty string if no forwarding table was supplied. - 2.8
Device.LLDP.Discovery.Device.{i}.DeviceInformation. object R

The device information, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127).

Note: It is assumed that this object might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. In this case, this table contains the Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127) of LLDPDU, in which the [OUI] in the third octet is E0271A (TTC-OUI) and the organizationally defined subtype in the sixth octet is 1 (Device Information).

- 2.8
DeviceCategory string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item indicates a device category (e.g.“AV_TV” and “AV_Recorder”), or the value is an empty string if no device categories were provided.

Note: It is assumed that this list might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. Standard HTIP device categories are defined in [JJ-300.01]. In this case, the maximum length of the list is 127 and of each item is 31, and any non-HTIP device categories SHOULD NOT conflict with standard HTIP device categories.

- 2.8
ManufacturerOUI string(0:6) R

The manufacturer OUI, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127), or an empty string if no manufacturer OUI was provided.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (An empty string)
  • [0-9A-F]{6}
- 2.8
ModelName string(:31) R

The model name, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127), or an empty string if no model name was provided.

Note: It is assumed that this string might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973].

- 2.8
ModelNumber string(:31) R

The model number, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127), or an empty string if no model number was provided.

Note: It is assumed that this string might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973].

- 2.8
VendorSpecificNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VendorSpecific table. - 2.8
Device.LLDP.Discovery.Device.{i}.DeviceInformation.VendorSpecific.{i}. object(0:) R

The vendor-specific device information, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127).

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both OrganizationCode and InformationType.

Note: It is assumed that this object might be used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. In this case, this table contains the Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127) of LLDPDU, in which the [OUI] in the third octet is E0271A (TTC-OUI), the organizationally defined subtype in the sixth octet is 1 (Device Information), and the device information ID in the seventh octet is 255 (Vendor-specific extension field).

- 2.8
OrganizationCode string(6) R

The vendor-specific organization code, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127).

Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}
- 2.8
InformationType unsignedInt(:255) R The vendor-specific device information type, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127). - 2.8
Information string(:248) R The vendor-specific device information, which is included in the value of the LLDPDU’s Organizationally Specific TLV (TLV Type = 127). - 2.8
Device.IPsec. object R

IPsec [RFC4301] object that supports the configuration of Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) [RFC4303] and Authentication Header (AH) [RFC4302] in tunnel mode [Section 3.2/RFC4301].

Use of IKEv2 [RFC5996] is assumed. The IPsec object does not currently support static configuration of tunnels and child Security Associations (SAs).

See the IPsec Theory of Operation [Appendix IX/TR-181i2] for a description of the working of this IPsec data model.

- 2.5
Enable boolean W Enables or disables IPsec. - 2.5
Status string R

IPsec status. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.5
AHSupported boolean R Indicates whether or not Authentication Header (AH) [RFC4302] is supported. - 2.5
IKEv2SupportedEncryptionAlgorithms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported IKEv2 encryption algorithms [Transform Type 1/IKEv2-params]. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • DES
  • 3DES
  • RC5
  • IDEA
  • CAST
  • 3IDEA
  • AES-CCM-8
  • AES-CCM-12
  • AES-CCM-16
  • AES-GCM-8
  • AES-GCM-12
  • AES-GCM-16

Note that these are the names from the above reference, transformed as follows:

  • Leading ENCR_ (when present) discarded because they are all encryption algorithms so it’s not needed.
  • Underscores changed to hyphens to preserve names used in existing data models (and because of inconsistent conventions).
  • Phrases collapsed where unambiguous, e.g. “with a(n) NN octet ICV” -> “-NN”.

As additional algorithms are added to the above reference, this data model will be extended according to the above conventions.

- 2.5
ESPSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported ESP encryption algorithms [Transform Type 1/IKEv2-params] [Section 3.1.1/RFC4835]. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • NULL
  • DES-IV64
  • DES
  • 3DES
  • RC5
  • IDEA
  • CAST
  • 3IDEA
  • DES-IV32
  • AES-CCM-8
  • AES-CCM-12
  • AES-CCM-16
  • AES-GCM-8
  • AES-GCM-12
  • AES-GCM-16

Note that these are the names from the above reference, transformed as follows:

  • Leading ENCR_ (when present) discarded because they are all encryption algorithms so it’s not needed.
  • Underscores changed to hyphens to preserve names used in existing data models (and because of inconsistent conventions).
  • Phrases collapsed where unambiguous, e.g. “with a(n) NN octet ICV” -> “-NN”.
  • Some algorithms with apparently rather specialised application are omitted, e.g. ENCR_NULL_AUTH_AES_GMAC.

As additional algorithms are added to the above reference, this data model will be extended according to the above conventions.

- 2.5
IKEv2SupportedPseudoRandomFunctions string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported IKEv2 pseudo-random functions [Transform Type 2/IKEv2-params]. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • HMAC-MD5
  • AES-128-XCBC
  • HMAC-SHA2-256
  • HMAC-SHA2-384
  • HMAC-SHA2-512
  • AES-128-CMAC

Note that these are the names from the above reference, transformed as follows:

  • Leading PRF_ (when present) discarded because they all pseudo-random functions so it’s not needed.
  • Underscores changed to hyphens to preserve names used in existing data models.
  • Hyphen inserted after AES (or other acronym) when immediately followed by a key length.

As additional functions are added to the above reference, this data model will be extended according to the above conventions.

- 2.5
SupportedIntegrityAlgorithms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported integrity algorithms [Transform Type 3/IKEv2-params]. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • NONE
  • HMAC-MD5-96
  • HMAC-SHA1-96
  • KPDK-MD5
  • AES-XCBC-96
  • HMAC-MD5-128
  • HMAC-SHA1-160
  • AES-CMAC-96
  • AES-128-GMAC
  • AES-192-GMAC
  • AES-256-GMAC
  • HMAC-SHA2-256-128
  • HMAC-SHA2-256-192
  • HMAC-SHA2-256-256

Note that these are the names from the above reference, transformed as follows:

  • Leading AUTH_ (when present) discarded because they all authentication (integrity) algorithms so it’s not needed.
  • Underscores changed to hyphens to preserve names used in existing data models.

As additional algorithms are added to the above reference, this data model will be extended according to the above conventions.

- 2.5
SupportedDiffieHellmanGroupTransforms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported Diffie-Hellman group transforms [Transform Type 4/IKEv2-params]. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • NONE
  • MODP-768
  • MODP-1024
  • MODP-1536
  • MODP-2048
  • MODP-3072
  • MODP-4096
  • MODP-6144
  • MODP-8192
  • ECP-256
  • ECP-384
  • ECP-521
  • MODP-1024-PRIME-160
  • MODP-2048-PRIME-224
  • MODP-2048-PRIME-256
  • ECP-192
  • ECP-224

Note that these are the names from the above reference, transformed as follows:

  • Name (other than NONE) always starts with the type of group, currently MODP or ECP (implies ECP random).
  • This is followed by -NN, where NN is the group length in bits.
  • this is followed by -PRIME-NN for groups with prime order subgroups, where NN is the subgroup length in bits.

As additional algorithms are added to the above reference, this data model will be extended according to the above conventions.

- 2.5
MaxFilterEntries unsignedInt R

The maximum number of entries in the Filter table.

A value of 0 means no specific limit.

- 2.5
MaxProfileEntries unsignedInt R

The maximum number of entries in the Profile table.

A value of 0 means no specific limit.

- 2.5
FilterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Filter table. - 2.5
ProfileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Profile table. - 2.5
TunnelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Tunnel table. - 2.5
IKEv2SANumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IKEv2SA table. - 2.5
Device.IPsec.Stats. object R

Global IPsec statistics. These statistics include all IPsec traffic, i.e. all IKEv2 negotiation, IKEv2 SAs and child SAs.

The CPE MUST reset global IPsec Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when IPsec is disabled (Enable is set to false) or when IPsec is enabled (Enable is set to true).

- 2.5
NegotiationFailures unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of times an IPsec negotiation failure has occurred. - 2.5
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes sent by IPsec. - 2.5
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received by IPsec. - 2.5
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets sent by IPsec. - 2.5
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received by IPsec. - 2.5
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by IPsec due to any error. This can include packets dropped due to a lack of transmit buffers. - 2.5
UnknownSPIErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by IPsec due to an unknown SPI (Security Parameter Index). - 2.5
DecryptionErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by IPsec due to ESP decryption errors. - 2.5
IntegrityErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by IPsec due to integrity errors. - 2.5
ReplayErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by IPsec due to replay errors. - 2.5
PolicyErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by IPsec due to policy errors. - 2.5
OtherReceiveErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by IPsec due to errors other than unknown SPI, decryption, integrity, replay or policy errors. This can include packets dropped due to a lack of receive buffers. - 2.5
Device.IPsec.Filter.{i}. object(0:) W

Filter table that represents the IPsec Security Policy Database (SPD) [Section 4.4.1/RFC4301] selection criteria. Each (ordered) entry defines a set of selection criteria and references a Profile table entry that specifies how matching packets will be processed.

SPD filtering is performed for all packets that might need to cross the IPsec boundary [Section 3.1/RFC4301]. Given that IPsec operates at the IP level, this means that SPD filtering conceptually occurs after bridging and before routing.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference and AllInterfaces is false, then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.5
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this IPsec Filter table entry. false 2.5
Status string R

The status of this IPsec Filter table entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.5
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the Filter entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a Filter instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a Filter instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each packet, the highest ordered entry that matches the filter criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

- 2.5
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.5
Interface string(:256) W

SPD selection criterion. The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row.

This specifies the ingress interface associated with the entry. It MAY be a layer 1, 2 or 3 interface. However, the types of interfaces for which filters can be instantiated is a local matter to the CPE.

<Empty> 2.5
AllInterfaces boolean W

SPD selection criterion.

This specifies that all ingress interfaces are associated with the entry. If true, the value of Interface is ignored since all ingress interfaces are indicated.

false 2.5
DestIP string(:45) W

[IPAddress] SPD selection criterion.

Destination IP address. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used, i.e. is ANY.

<Empty> 2.5
DestMask string(:45) W

[IPAddress] SPD selection criterion.

Destination IP address mask. If not an empty string, only the indicated network portion of the DestIP address is to be used for selection. An empty string indicates that the full DestIP address is to be used for selection.

<Empty> 2.5
DestIPExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the (masked) DestIP entry, if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the (masked) DestIP entry, if specified.

false 2.5
SourceIP string(:45) W

[IPAddress] SPD selection criterion.

Source IP address. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used, i.e. is ANY.

<Empty> 2.5
SourceMask string(:45) W

[IPAddress] SPD selection criterion.

Source IP address mask. If not an empty string, only the indicated network portion of the SourceIP address is to be used for selection. An empty string indicates that the full SourceIP address is to be used for selection.

<Empty> 2.5
SourceIPExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the (masked) SourceIP entry, if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the (masked) SourceIP entry, if specified.

false 2.5
Protocol int(-1:255) W

SPD selection criterion.

Protocol number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used, i.e. is ANY.

Note that [RFC4301] refers to this as the Next Layer Protocol. It is obtained from the IPv4 Protocol or the IPv6 Next Header fields.

-1 2.5
ProtocolExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match Protocol, if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match Protocol, if specified.

false 2.5
DestPort int(-1:65535) W

SPD selection criterion.

Destination port number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used, i.e. is ANY.

The value of this parameter is ignored for protocols that do not use ports, e.g. ICMP (1).

-1 2.5
DestPortRangeMax int(-1:65535) W

SPD selection criterion.

If specified, indicates a destination port address range from DestPort through DestPortRangeMax (inclusive), in which case DestPortRangeMax MUST be greater than or equal to DestPort.

A value of -1 indicates that no destination port range is specified.

-1 2.5
DestPortExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match DestPort (or port range), if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match DestPort (or port range), if specified.

false 2.5
SourcePort int(-1:65535) W

SPD selection criterion.

Source port number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used, i.e. is ANY.

The value of this parameter is ignored for protocols that do not use ports, e.g. ICMP (1).

-1 2.5
SourcePortRangeMax int(-1:65535) W

SPD selection criterion.

If specified, indicates a source port address range from SourcePort through SourcePortRangeMax (inclusive), in which case SourcePortRangeMax MUST be greater than or equal to SourcePort.

A value of -1 indicates that no source port range is specified.

-1 2.5
SourcePortExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match SourcePort (or port range), if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match SourcePort (or port range), if specified.

false 2.5
ProcessingChoice string W

Indicates how packets that match this rule will be processed [Section 4.4.1/RFC4301].

Enumeration of:

  • Discard (Packet is not allowed to traverse the IPsec boundary; packet will be discarded)
  • Bypass (Packet is allowed to bypass traverse the IPsec boundary without protection)
  • Protect (Packet is afforded protection as specified by Profile)
Bypass 2.5
Profile string W

The profile that defines the IPsec treatment for matching packets. The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Profile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

If ProcessingChoice is Protect, Profile MUST NOT be an empty string. In this case, if it ever becomes an empty string, e.g. because the referenced profile is deleted, this IPsec Filter table entry is invalid and Status MUST be set to Error_Misconfigured.

If ProcessingChoice is not Protect, Profile is ignored.

Any changes to the referenced profile will have an immediate effect on any established IPsec tunnels. Such changes will often force IKEv2 sessions and child SAs to be re-established.

- 2.5
Device.IPsec.Profile.{i}. object(0:) W

Profile table that represents the IPsec Security Policy Database (SPD) [Section 4.4.1/RFC4301] processing info. Each entry defines the IPsec treatment for packets that match the Filter entries that reference the entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.5
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.5
MaxChildSAs unsignedInt W

Controls the maximum number of child Security Association (SA) pairs that can be negotiated by a single IKEv2 session.

If a new child SA pair is needed, but the current IKEv2 session already has MaxChildSAs child SA pairs, an additional IKEv2 session (and therefore an additional IPsec tunnel) will be established.

A value of 0 means no specific limit.

Note that support for more than one child SA pair per IKEv2 session is OPTIONAL [Section 1.3/RFC5996].

- 2.5
RemoteEndpoints string(:64)[:4]() W Comma-separated list (up to 4 items) (length ) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 64). The host name or IP address of the remote IPsec tunnel endpoint. If more than one name/address is supplied, they will be tried in turn, i.e. they are in decreasing order of precedence. - 2.5
ForwardingPolicy unsignedInt W

Identifier of the forwarding policy associated with traffic that is associated with this profile.

The forwarding policy can be referenced by entries in the Routing.Router.{i}.IPv4Forwarding and Routing.Router.{i}.IPv6Forwarding tables, and therefore allows SPD selection criteria to influence the forwarding decision.

0 2.5
Protocol string W

The “child” security protocol.

This is not to be confused with Filter.Filter.{i}.Protocol, which is an SPD selector that can select packets that already have AH or ESP headers. Profile.Protocol selects whether AH or ESP will be used when encapsulating a packet.

Enumeration of:

  • AH (Authentication Header [RFC4302]; can only be selected if AHSupported is true)
  • ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload [RFC4303])
ESP 2.5
IKEv2AuthenticationMethod string W

IKEv2 CPE authentication method [Section 2.15/RFC5996]. The value MUST be the Path Name of an enabled row in the Security.Certificate table or in another table that contains appropriate CPE credentials.

If an empty string, or the referenced row is disabled or deleted, the CPE chooses the authentication method based on local policy.

<Empty> 2.5
IKEv2AllowedEncryptionAlgorithms string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the IPsec.IKEv2SupportedEncryptionAlgorithms parameter. Allowed IKEv2 encryption algorithms. - 2.5
ESPAllowedEncryptionAlgorithms string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the IPsec.ESPSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms parameter. Allowed ESP encryption algorithms. - 2.5
IKEv2AllowedPseudoRandomFunctions string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the IPsec.IKEv2SupportedPseudoRandomFunctions parameter. Allowed IKEv2 pseudo-random functions. - 2.5
IKEv2AllowedIntegrityAlgorithms string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the IPsec.SupportedIntegrityAlgorithms parameter. Allowed IKEv2 integrity algorithms. - 2.5
AHAllowedIntegrityAlgorithms string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the IPsec.SupportedIntegrityAlgorithms parameter. Allowed AH integrity algorithms [Transform Type 3/IKEv2-params] [Section 3.2/RFC4835]. <Empty> 2.5
ESPAllowedIntegrityAlgorithms string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the IPsec.SupportedIntegrityAlgorithms parameter. Allowed ESP integrity algorithms [Transform Type 3/IKEv2-params] [Section 3.1.1/RFC4835]. <Empty> 2.5
IKEv2AllowedDiffieHellmanGroupTransforms string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the IPsec.SupportedDiffieHellmanGroupTransforms parameter. Allowed IKEv2 Diffie-Hellman group transforms. - 2.5
IKEv2DeadPeerDetectionTimeout unsignedInt W IKEv2 Dead Peer Detection (DPD) timeout in seconds. [Section 2.4/RFC5996] - 2.5
IKEv2NATTKeepaliveTimeout unsignedInt W IKEv2 NAT traversal (NAT-T) keepalive timeout in seconds. [Section 4/RFC3948] - 2.5
AntiReplayWindowSize unsignedInt W

The size of the AH or ESP Anti-Replay Window. [Section B.2/RFC4302] [Section A2/RFC4303]

A value of 0 means that Sequence Number Verification is disabled.

0 2.5
DoNotFragment string W

Controls the value of the Do Not Fragment (DF) bit. [Section 8.1/RFC4301]

Enumeration of:

  • Set
  • Clear
  • Copy (Copy from inner header; applies only when both inner and outer headers are IPv4)
- 2.5
DSCPMarkPolicy int(-2:63) W

DSCP with which to mark the outer IP header for traffic that is associated with this IPsec channel.

A value of -1 indicates copy from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of DSCP.

De-tunneled packets are never re-marked.

Automatic DSCP marking behavior is a local matter to the CPE, possibly influenced by other Broadband Forum standards that it supports.

- 2.5
IKEv2SATrafficLimit unsignedLong W

IKEv2 SA lifetime in bytes, or zero if there is no traffic constraint on its expiration.

If both IKEv2SATrafficLimit and IKEv2SATimeLimit are non-zero, the IKEv2 SA is deleted when the first limit is reached.

- 2.5
IKEv2SATimeLimit unsignedInt W

IKEv2 SA lifetime in seconds, or zero if there is no time constraint on its expiration.

If both IKEv2SATimeLimit and IKEv2SATrafficLimit are non-zero, the IKEv2 SA is deleted when the first limit is reached.

- 2.5
IKEv2SAExpiryAction string W

Action to take when an IKEv2 SA expires, whether as a result of hitting a traffic limit or a time limit.

Enumeration of:

  • Renegotiate
  • Delete
- 2.5
ChildSATrafficLimit unsignedLong W

Child SA lifetime in bytes, or zero if there is no traffic constraint on its expiration.

If both ChildSATrafficLimit and ChildSATimeLimit are non-zero, the child SA is deleted when the first limit is reached.

- 2.5
ChildSATimeLimit unsignedInt W

Child SA lifetime in seconds, or zero if there is no time constraint on its expiration.

If both ChildSATimeLimit and ChildSATrafficLimit are non-zero, the child SA is deleted when the first limit is reached.

- 2.5
ChildSAExpiryAction string W

Action to take when a Child SA expires, whether as a result of hitting a traffic limit or a time limit.

Enumeration of:

  • Renegotiate
  • Delete
- 2.5
SentCPAttrNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SentCPAttr table. - 2.5
Device.IPsec.Profile.{i}.SentCPAttr.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this object represents an IKEv2 Configuration Payload (CP) [Section 3.15/RFC5996] Attribute that MUST, if enabled, be sent in IKEv2 CP CFG_REQUEST messages. All such Attributes MUST be listed.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Type. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Type such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.5
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this SentCPAttr entry. - 2.5
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.5
Type unsignedInt(0:32767) W

CP Attribute Type as described in [Section 3.15.1/RFC5996] and defined in [IKEv2 Configuration Payload Attribute Types/IKEv2-params].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.5
Value hexBinary(:65535) W A hexbinary encoded CP Attribute Value as described in [Section 3.15.1/RFC5996] and defined in [IKEv2 Configuration Payload Attribute Types/IKEv2-params]. - 2.5
Device.IPsec.Tunnel.{i}. object(0:) R

Represents an IPsec tunnel, i.e. a virtual IP interface that models an IPsec tunnel entry point and exit point. A Tunnel instance always references (and has the same lifetime as) a (Tunnel,Tunneled) IP.Interface pair. The Tunnel instance models the IPsec-specific concepts, the Tunnel IP.Interface instance models the generic concepts, and the Tunneled IP.Interface instance exists only so it can be referenced by forwarding or filter rules.

Tunnel instances are automatically created (as needed) when Filter instances are enabled and disabled.

Each instance’s Filters parameter references the Filter instances that require the Tunnel instance to exist. If this list ever becomes an empty string, e.g. because all the referenced Filter instances have been disabled or deleted, the CPE MAY choose not to delete the Tunnel instance (and its associated (Tunnel,Tunneled) IP.Interface pair). This can be desirable, because QoS.Classification, Routing.Router.{i}.IPv4Forwarding, Routing.Router.{i}.IPv6Forwarding etc instances might be referencing the IP.Interface instances.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for both TunnelInterface and TunneledInterface.

- 2.5
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.5
TunnelInterface string R The corresponding auto-created Tunnel IP.Interface instance. The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, this instance MUST also be deleted (so the parameter value will never be an empty string). - 2.5
TunneledInterface string R The corresponding auto-created Tunneled IP.Interface instance. The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, this instance MUST also be deleted (so the parameter value will never be an empty string). - 2.5
Filters string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. The Filter instances that require this Tunnel instance to exist. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Filter. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. - 2.5
Device.IPsec.Tunnel.{i}.Stats. object R

Statistics for this IPsec tunnel, i.e. all traffic that has passed through the tunnel, including IKEv2 negotiation, IKEv2 SA and ChildSA traffic.

The CPE MUST reset the tunnel’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the tunnel becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. its associated IP.Interface.{i}.Status parameter transitions to a down state after the tunnel has been disabled) or when the tunnel becomes administratively up (i.e. its associated IP.Interface.{i}.Enable parameter transition from false to true).

Note that this object does not include generic statistics that are available in the associated IP.Interface.{i}.Stats object.

- 2.5
DecryptionErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets discarded due to ESP decryption errors. - 2.5
IntegrityErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets discarded due to integrity errors. - 2.5
ReplayErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets discarded due to replay errors. - 2.5
PolicyErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets discarded due to policy errors. - 2.5
OtherReceiveErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets discarded due to errors other than decryption, integrity, replay or policy errors. This can include packets dropped due to a lack of receive buffers. - 2.5
Device.IPsec.IKEv2SA.{i}. object(0:) R

Represents an IKEv2 Security Association (SA), corresponding to an IKEv2 session. Instances are automatically created and deleted as IKEv2 SAs are created and deleted.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Tunnel, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.5
Status string R

The current operational state of the IKEv2 SA.

Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
- 2.5
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.5
Tunnel string R

The associated Tunnel instance. The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Tunnel. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

Note that Tunnel is a unique key, i.e only one IKEv2SA instance is associated with a given Tunnel instance. During rekeying [Section 2.8/RFC5996], a new IKEv2 SA is created and inherits the existing IKEv2 SA’s child SAs, then the old IKEv2 SA is deleted. From the management point of view the new and old IKEv2 SAs are the same SA and MUST be modeled using the same IKEv2SA instance.

- 2.5
LocalAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] The local IP address that this IKEv2 SA was negotiated with. This is assigned via IKEv2 and will also be available via the associated Tunnel’s Tunnel.{i}.TunnelInterface IP.Interface.{i}.IPv4Address or IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Address table (as appropriate). - 2.5
RemoteAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] The IP address of the peer that this IKEv2 SA was negotiated with. This will be the IP address of one of the security gateways configured via Profile.{i}.RemoteEndpoints. - 2.5
EncryptionAlgorithm string(:64) R

The encryption algorithm applied to traffic carried by this IKEv2 SA.

This will be one of the Profile.{i}.IKEv2AllowedEncryptionAlgorithms from the Profile instance via which this IKEv2 SA was created.

- 2.5
EncryptionKeyLength unsignedInt R

The length of the encryption key in bits used for the algorithm specified in the EncryptionAlgorithm parameter.

The value is 0 if the key length is implicit in the specified algorithm or there is no encryption applied.

- 2.5
PseudoRandomFunction string(:64) R

The pseudo-random function used by this IKEv2 SA.

This will be one of the Profile.{i}.IKEv2AllowedPseudoRandomFunctions from the Profile instance via which this IKEv2 SA was created.

- 2.5
IntegrityAlgorithm string(:64) R

The integrity algorithm applied to the traffic carried by this IKEv2 SA.

This will be one of the Profile.{i}.IKEv2AllowedIntegrityAlgorithms from the Profile instance via which this IKEv2 SA was created.

- 2.5
DiffieHellmanGroupTransform string(:64) R

The Diffie-Hellman Group used by this IKEv2 SA.

This will be one of the Profile.{i}.IKEv2AllowedDiffieHellmanGroupTransforms from the Profile instance via which this IKEv2 SA was created.

- 2.5
CreationTime dateTime R When this IKEv2 SA was set up. - 2.5
NATDetected string R

Whether NAT traversal is supported by the device and, if so, whether a NAT was detected.

Enumeration of:

  • None
  • Local
  • Remote
  • Unsupported
- 2.5
ReceivedCPAttrNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ReceivedCPAttr table. - 2.5
ChildSANumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ChildSA table. - 2.5
Device.IPsec.IKEv2SA.{i}.Stats. object R

Statistics for this IKEv2 Security Association (SA).

The CPE MUST reset the IKEv2 SA’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) whenever the associated Tunnel instance’s Stats parameters are reset.

- 2.5
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes handled in the outbound direction by the IKEv2 SA. - 2.5
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes handled in the inbound direction by the IKEv2 SA. - 2.5
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets handled in the outbound direction by the IKEv2 SA. - 2.5
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets handled in the inbound direction by the IKEv2 SA. - 2.5
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets from this IKEv2 SA discarded for any reason. This can include packets dropped due to a lack of transmit buffer space.

Note that this refers to IKE protocol packets, and not to packets carried by other SAs.

- 2.5
DecryptionErrors unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets to this IKEv2 SA discarded due to decryption errors.

Note that this refers to IKEv2 protocol packets, and not to {units carried by other SAs.}}

- 2.5
IntegrityErrors unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets to this IKEv2 SA discarded due to integrity errors.

Note that this refers to IKEv2 protocol packets, and not to packets carried by other SAs.

- 2.5
OtherReceiveErrors unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets to this IKEv2 SA discarded for reasons other than decryption or integrity errors. This can include packets dropped due to a lack of receive buffer space.

Note that this refers to IKEv2 protocol packets, and not to packets carried by other SAs.

- 2.5
Device.IPsec.IKEv2SA.{i}.ReceivedCPAttr.{i}. object(0:) W

This is a transitory table that lists all the IKEv2 Configuration Payload (CP) [Section 3.15/RFC5996] Attributes that have been received via CFG_REPLY messages. Table entries are automatically created to correspond with received Attributes. However, it is a local matter to the CPE when to delete old table entries.

If the same Attribute is received multiple times, it is up to the CPE to decide which entries to include (i.e. whether the same Attribute will be present multiple times). In order to allow for the same Attribute to be present multiple times within the table, this table has no unique key defined.

- 2.5
Type unsignedInt(0:32767) R CP Attribute Type as described in [Section 3.15.1/RFC5996] and defined in [IKEv2 Configuration Payload Attribute Types/IKEv2-params]. - 2.5
Value hexBinary(:65535) R A hexbinary encoded CP Attribute Value as described in [Section 3.15.1/RFC5996] and defined in [IKEv2 Configuration Payload Attribute Types/IKEv2-params]. - 2.5
Device.IPsec.IKEv2SA.{i}.ChildSA.{i}. object(0:) R

Represents a child Security Association (SA) pair, i.e. an inbound child SA and an outbound child SA.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for InboundSPI, or with a given value for OutboundSPI, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.5
Status string R

The current operational state of the child SA pair.

Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
- 2.5
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.5
InboundSPI unsignedInt R The inbound child SA’s Security Parameter Index (SPI). - 2.5
OutboundSPI unsignedInt R The outbound child SA’s Security Parameter Index (SPI). - 2.5
CreationTime dateTime R The date and time when the child SA was created. - 2.5
Device.IPsec.IKEv2SA.{i}.ChildSA.{i}.Stats. object R

Statistics for this child Security Association (SA).

The CPE MUST reset the child SA’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) whenever the parent ChildSA instance’s Stats parameters are reset.

- 2.5
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The number of bytes handled by the outbound child SA. - 2.5
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The number of bytes handled by the inbound child SA. - 2.5
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The number of packets handled by the outbound child SA. - 2.5
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The number of packets handled by the inbound child SA. - 2.5
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets discarded by the outbound child SA due to any error. This can include compression errors or errors due to a lack of transmit buffers. - 2.5
DecryptionErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets discarded by the inbound child SA due to decryption errors. - 2.5
IntegrityErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets discarded by the inbound child SA due to integrity errors. - 2.5
ReplayErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets discarded by the inbound child SA due to replay errors. - 2.5
PolicyErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets discarded by the inbound child SA due to policy errors. - 2.5
OtherReceiveErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The number of packets discarded by the inbound child SA due to errors other than decryption, integrity, replay or policy errors. This can include decompression errors or errors due to a lack of receive buffers. - 2.5
Device.GRE. object R This object contains parameters associated with the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) Tunnel ([RFC2784]) with Key and Sequence Number extensions ([RFC2890]). This object also provides a means to treat packets that are encapsulated within a GRE Tunnel by using a set of Filter objects to determine the treatment of the packet. - 2.8
TunnelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Tunnel table. - 2.8
FilterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Filter table. - 2.8
Device.GRE.Tunnel.{i}. object(0:) W

GRE Tunnel table, models the GRE Tunnel instance and represents the entry point and exit point of the tunnel in relation to the WAN interface. A Tunnel object has one or more Interface objects that further define the sessions or flows within the tunnel.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the tunnel. - 2.8
Status string R

The current operational state of the tunnel.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
- 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
RemoteEndpoints string(:256)[:4]() W Comma-separated list (up to 4 items) (length ) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the remote GRE tunnel endpoint. If more than one name/address is supplied, they will be tried in turn, i.e. they are in decreasing order of precedence. - 2.8
KeepAlivePolicy string W

The mechanism used to keep the tunnel from timing out at the ConnectedRemoteEndpoint.

Enumeration of:

  • ICMP
  • None
None 2.8
KeepAliveTimeout unsignedInt W The tunnel keepalive timeout in seconds. 10 2.8
KeepAliveThreshold unsignedInt W Number of KeepAlive messages unacknowledged by the ConnectedRemoteEndpoint before the Tunnel is perceived failed. 3 2.8
DeliveryHeaderProtocol string W

The protocol used for the delivery header.

Enumeration of:

  • IPv4
  • IPv6
- 2.8
DefaultDSCPMark unsignedInt W If the specified entries in the Filter table do not match this Tunnel object or an instance of the Interface object for this Tunnel object, then the value of this parameter is applied to the delivery header of the packets in this Tunnel. 0 2.8
ConnectedRemoteEndpoint string(:256) R The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) name or IP address of the connected remote GRE tunnel endpoint. - 2.8
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.8
Device.GRE.Tunnel.{i}.Stats. object R

Statistics for this GRE tunnel, i.e. all traffic that has passed through the tunnel.

The device MUST reset the tunnel’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the tunnel becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e., Status parameter transitions to a disabled state after the tunnel has been disabled) or when the tunnel becomes administratively up (i.e. the Enable parameter transitioned from false to true).

- 2.8
KeepAliveSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of KeepAlive messages sent out the tunnel. - 2.8
KeepAliveReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of KeepAlive messages received by the tunnel. - 2.8
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes sent by the tunnel. - 2.8
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received by the tunnel. - 2.8
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets sent by the tunnel. - 2.8
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received by the tunnel. - 2.8
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by the tunnel due to any error. This can include packets dropped due to a lack of transmit buffers. - 2.8
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by the tunnel that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.8
Device.GRE.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}. object(0:) W

GRE Interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). The Interface object models the GRE Header as defined in [RFC2784] and extensions to the GRE Header as defined in [RFC2890]. The Interface object provides a way to discriminate how sessions or flows are encapsulated within the GRE Tunnel. In addition the Interface object represents the entry point and exit point of the tunnel in relation to the LAN interface. Unless the Key Identifier of [RFC2890] is supported there is only one instance of this Interface object per tunnel.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.8
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.8
ProtocolIdOverride unsignedInt W The Protocol ID assigned to this Interface. The Protocol Id is the EtherType value used to identify the encapsulated payload. When set to 0 the CPE determines the Protocol Id. 0 2.8
UseChecksum boolean W When true, includes the “Checksum” field in the GRE header as defined in [RFC2784]. false 2.8
KeyIdentifierGenerationPolicy string W

The method used to generate the Key Identifier extension as defined in.[RFC2890].

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Provisioned
  • CPE_Generated (The generation of the Key field is CPE specific implementation, OPTIONAL)
Disabled 2.8
KeyIdentifier unsignedInt W When the value of KeyIdentifierGenerationPolicy is Provisioned this KeyIdentifier parameter is used to identify an individual traffic flow within a GRE tunnel, as defined in [RFC2890]. 0 2.8
UseSequenceNumber boolean W When true, includes the “SequenceNumber” field in the GRE header as defined in [RFC2890] false 2.8
Device.GRE.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Statistics for this GRE tunnel interface, i.e. all traffic that has passed through the interface.

The device MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e., the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface has been disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the Enable parameter transitioned from false to true).

- 2.8
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes sent by this interface. - 2.8
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received by this interface. - 2.8
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets sent by this interface. - 2.8
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received by this interface. - 2.8
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by this interface due to any error. This can include packets dropped due to a lack of transmit buffers. - 2.8
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by this interface that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.8
DiscardChecksumReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by the tunnel interface that are discarded because of Checksum errors. - 2.8
DiscardSequenceNumberReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by the tunnel interface that are discarded because of Sequence Number errors. - 2.8
Device.GRE.Filter.{i}. object(0:) W

GRE Filter table. Entries in this table are applied against the packets that are to be encapsulated within the GRE Tunnel based on the following conditions:

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference and AllInterfaces is false, then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this filter. false 2.8
Status string R

The status of this filter. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.8
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the Filter entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a Filter instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a Filter instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each packet, the highest ordered entry that matches the filter criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

- 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
Interface string(:256) W Filter criterion. The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Tunnel. or Tunnel.{i}.Interface. tables. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. <Empty> 2.8
AllInterfaces boolean W Filter criterion. This specifies that all ingress GRE tunnel interfaces are associated with the entry. If true, the value of Interface is ignored since all ingress GRE tunnel interfaces are indicated. false 2.8
VLANIDCheck int(-1:) W

Filter criterion.

Current outer Ethernet VLAN ID as defined in 802.1Q. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for filtering.

-1 2.8
VLANIDExclude boolean W

If false, the filter includes only those packets that match the VLANIDCheck entry, if specified.

If true, the filter includes all packets except those that match the VLANIDCheck entry, if specified.

false 2.8
DSCPMarkPolicy int(-2:63) W

DSCP with which to mark the outer IP header for traffic that is associated with the interface criterion.

Automatic DSCP marking behavior is a local matter to the device, possibly influenced by other Broadband Forum standards that it supports.

  • A value of -1 indicates copy from the upstream packet.
  • A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of DSCP.
- 2.8
Device.L2TPv3. object R

This object contains parameters associated with the configuration and monitoring of stateless tunnels using the Layer Two Tunneling Protocol version 3 (L2TPv3) ([RFC3931]).

This object also provides a means to treat packets that are encapsulated within a L2TPv3 Tunnel by using a set of Filter objects to determine the treatment of the packet.

- 2.12
TunnelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Tunnel table. - 2.12
FilterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Filter table. - 2.12
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}. object(0:) W

L2TPv3 Tunnel table, models the L2TPv3 Tunnel instance and represents the entry point and exit point of the tunnel in relation to the WAN interface.

A Tunnel object has one or more Interface objects that further define the sessions or flows within the tunnel.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the tunnel. - 2.12
Status string R

The current operational state of the tunnel.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
RemoteEndpoints string(:256)[:4] W

Comma-separated list (up to 4 items) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the remote L2TPv3 tunnel endpoint.

If more than one name/address is supplied, they will be tried in turn, i.e. they are in decreasing order of precedence.

- 2.12
KeepAlivePolicy string W

The mechanism used to keep the tunnel from timing out at the ConnectedRemoteEndpoint.

Enumeration of:

None 2.12
KeepAliveTimeout unsignedInt W The tunnel keepalive timeout in seconds. 10 2.12
KeepAliveThreshold unsignedInt W Number of KeepAlive messages unacknowledged by the ConnectedRemoteEndpoint before the Tunnel is perceived failed. 3 2.12
DeliveryHeaderProtocol string W

The protocol used for the delivery header.

Enumeration of:

  • IPv4
  • IPv6
- 2.12
DefaultDSCPMark unsignedInt W If the specified entries in the Filter table do not match this Tunnel object or an instance of the Interface object for this Tunnel object, then the value of this parameter is applied to the delivery header of the packets in this Tunnel. 0 2.12
TunnelEncapsulation string W

The protocol that this Tunnel will be encapsulated

Enumeration of:

  • IP
  • UDP
IP 2.12
ConnectedRemoteEndpoint string(:256) R The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) name or IP address of the connected remote L2TPv3 tunnel endpoint. - 2.12
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.12
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}.UDP. object R This UDP provides the parameters when the value of the Tunnel.{i}.TunnelEncapsulation parameter is UDP. - 2.12
SourcePort unsignedInt(:65535) W The source (local) port used to transmit PDUs. A value of 0 indicates that the port selection is performed by the device. 1701 2.12
RemotePort unsignedInt(:65535) W The remote port used to by the remote endpoint to transmit PDUs. 1701 2.12
EnableChecksum boolean W Enables or disables checksum processing. false 2.12
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}.Stats. object R

Statistics for this L2TPv3 tunnel, i.e. all traffic that has passed through the tunnel.

The device MUST reset the tunnel’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the tunnel becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e., Status parameter transitions to a disabled state after the tunnel has been disabled) or when the tunnel becomes administratively up (i.e. the Enable parameter transitioned from false to true).

- 2.12
KeepAliveSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of KeepAlive messages sent out the tunnel. - 2.12
KeepAliveReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of KeepAlive messages received by the tunnel. - 2.12
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes sent by the tunnel. - 2.12
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received by the tunnel. - 2.12
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets sent by the tunnel. - 2.12
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received by the tunnel. - 2.12
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by the tunnel due to any error. This can include packets dropped due to a lack of transmit buffers. - 2.12
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by the tunnel that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.12
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}. object(0:) W

L2TPv3 Interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

The Interface object models the L2TPv3 Header as defined in [RFC3931] and the transport of L2 frames across over L2TPv3 as defined in [RFC4719].

The Interface object provides a way to discriminate how sessions or flows are encapsulated within the L2TPv3 Tunnel.

In addition the Interface object represents the entry point and exit point of the tunnel in relation to the LAN interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.12
SessionID int(-1,1:65535) W

The unique Session ID to be used in the L2TPv3 header of the tunnel.

A Session ID with a value of -1 indicates that he CPE is to generate the session ids for this Interface instance.

1 2.12
CookiePolicy string W

The policy that defines how the Cookie is handled in this Interface instance.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (The device does not perform Cooking processing)
  • Configured (The value of the Cookie parameter is transmitted in the L2TPv3 header)
  • Generated (The device generates the value of the Cookie transmitted in the L2TPv3 header)
Configured 2.12
Cookie unsignedLong W The Cookie transmitted in the L2TPv3 header. The default is to set the Cookie to the device’s MAC address that is encoded in the low order 6 bytes. - 2.12
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Statistics for this L2TPv3 tunnel interface, i.e. all traffic that has passed through the interface.

The device MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e., the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface has been disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the Enable parameter transitioned from false to true).

- 2.12
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes sent by this interface. - 2.12
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received by this interface. - 2.12
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets sent by this interface. - 2.12
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received by this interface. - 2.12
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by this interface due to any error. This can include packets dropped due to a lack of transmit buffers. - 2.12
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by this interface that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.12
DiscardChecksumReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by the tunnel interface that are discarded because of Checksum errors. - 2.12
DiscardSequenceNumberReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by the tunnel interface that are discarded because of Sequence Number errors. - 2.12
Device.L2TPv3.Filter.{i}. object(0:) W

L2TPv3 Filter table. Entries in this table are applied against the packets that are to be encapsulated within the L2TPv3 Tunnel based on the following conditions:

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference and AllInterfaces is false, then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this filter. false 2.12
Status string R

The status of this filter. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.12
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the Filter entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a Filter instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a Filter instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each packet, the highest ordered entry that matches the filter criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Interface string(:256) W Filter criterion. The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Tunnel. or Tunnel.{i}.Interface. tables. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. <Empty> 2.12
AllInterfaces boolean W Filter criterion. This specifies that all ingress L2TPv3 tunnel interfaces are associated with the entry. If true, the value of Interface is ignored since all ingress L2TPv3 tunnel interfaces are indicated. false 2.12
VLANIDCheck int(-1:) W

Filter criterion.

Current outer Ethernet VLAN ID as defined in 802.1Q. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for filtering.

-1 2.12
VLANIDExclude boolean W

If false, the filter includes only those packets that match the VLANIDCheck entry, if specified.

If true, the filter includes all packets except those that match the VLANIDCheck entry, if specified.

false 2.12
DSCPMarkPolicy int(-2:63) W

DSCP with which to mark the outer IP header for traffic that is associated with the interface criterion.

Automatic DSCP marking behavior is a local matter to the device, possibly influenced by other Broadband Forum standards that it supports.

  • A value of -1 indicates copy from the upstream packet.
  • A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of DSCP.
- 2.12
Device.VXLAN. object R

This object contains parameters associated with the configuration and monitoring of stateless tunnels using the Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN) ([RFC7348]).

This object also provides a means to treat packets that are encapsulated within a VXLAN Tunnel by using a set of Filter objects to determine the treatment of the packet.

- 2.12
TunnelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Tunnel table. - 2.12
FilterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Filter table. - 2.12
Device.VXLAN.Tunnel.{i}. object(0:) W

VXLAN Tunnel table, models the VXLAN Tunnel instance and represents the entry point and exit point of the tunnel in relation to the WAN interface.

A Tunnel object has one or more Interface objects that further define the sessions or flows within the tunnel.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the tunnel. - 2.12
Status string R

The current operational state of the tunnel.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
RemoteEndpoints string(:256)[:4] W

Comma-separated list (up to 4 items) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the remote VXLAN tunnel endpoint.

If more than one name/address is supplied, they will be tried in turn, i.e. they are in decreasing order of precedence.

- 2.12
KeepAlivePolicy string W

The mechanism used to keep the tunnel from timing out at the ConnectedRemoteEndpoint.

Enumeration of:

None 2.12
KeepAliveTimeout unsignedInt W The tunnel keepalive timeout in seconds. 10 2.12
KeepAliveThreshold unsignedInt W Number of KeepAlive messages unacknowledged by the ConnectedRemoteEndpoint before the Tunnel is perceived failed. 3 2.12
DeliveryHeaderProtocol string W

The protocol used for the delivery header.

Enumeration of:

  • IPv4
  • IPv6
- 2.12
DefaultDSCPMark unsignedInt W If the specified entries in the Filter table do not match this Tunnel object or an instance of the Interface object for this Tunnel object, then the value of this parameter is applied to the delivery header of the packets in this Tunnel. 0 2.12
ConnectedRemoteEndpoint string(:256) R The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) name or IP address of the connected remote VXLAN tunnel endpoint. - 2.12
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.12
SourcePort unsignedInt(:65535) W The source (local) port used to transmit PDUs. A value of 0 indicates that the port selection is performed by the device. In such case, it is recommended that the UDP source port number be calculated using a hash of fields from the inner packet and that it is in the dynamic/private port range 49152-65535. 0 2.12
RemotePort unsignedInt(:65535) W The remote port used to by the remote endpoint to transmit PDUs. The well-known port allocated by IANA is 4789, but it should be configurable. 4789 2.12
Device.VXLAN.Tunnel.{i}.Stats. object R

Statistics for this VXLAN tunnel, i.e. all traffic that has passed through the tunnel.

The device MUST reset the tunnel’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the tunnel becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e., Status parameter transitions to a disabled state after the tunnel has been disabled) or when the tunnel becomes administratively up (i.e. the Enable parameter transitioned from false to true).

- 2.12
KeepAliveSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of KeepAlive messages sent out the tunnel. - 2.12
KeepAliveReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of KeepAlive messages received by the tunnel. - 2.12
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes sent by the tunnel. - 2.12
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received by the tunnel. - 2.12
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets sent by the tunnel. - 2.12
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received by the tunnel. - 2.12
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by the tunnel due to any error. This can include packets dropped due to a lack of transmit buffers. - 2.12
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by the tunnel that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.12
Device.VXLAN.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}. object(0:) W

VXLAN Interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

The Interface object models the VXLAN Header as defined in [RFC7348] for the transport of L2 frames across over VXLAN.

The Interface object provides a way to discriminate how multiple LAN segments are encapsulated within the VXLAN Tunnel.

In addition the Interface object represents the entry point and exit point of the tunnel in relation to the LAN interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.12
VNI int(-1,0:16777215) W

The unique Virtual Network Identifier (VNI) to be used in the VXLAN header of the tunnel.

A VNI with a value of -1 indicates that the CPE is to generate the VNI for this Interface instance.

1 2.12
Device.VXLAN.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Statistics for this VXLAN tunnel interface, i.e. all traffic that has passed through the interface.

The device MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e., the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface has been disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the Enable parameter transitioned from false to true).

- 2.12
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes sent by this interface. - 2.12
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received by this interface. - 2.12
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets sent by this interface. - 2.12
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received by this interface. - 2.12
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets discarded by this interface due to any error. This can include packets dropped due to a lack of transmit buffers. - 2.12
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by this interface that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. - 2.12
DiscardChecksumReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by the tunnel interface that are discarded because of Checksum errors. - 2.12
DiscardSequenceNumberReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received by the tunnel interface that are discarded because of Sequence Number errors. - 2.12
Device.VXLAN.Filter.{i}. object(0:) W

VXLAN Filter table. Entries in this table are applied against the packets that are to be encapsulated within the VXLAN Tunnel based on the following conditions:

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference and AllInterfaces is false, then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this filter. false 2.12
Status string R

The status of this filter. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.12
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the Filter entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a Filter instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a Filter instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each packet, the highest ordered entry that matches the filter criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Interface string(:256) W Filter criterion. The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Tunnel. or Tunnel.{i}.Interface. tables. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. <Empty> 2.12
AllInterfaces boolean W Filter criterion. This specifies that all ingress VXLAN tunnel interfaces are associated with the entry. If true, the value of Interface is ignored since all ingress VXLAN tunnel interfaces are indicated. false 2.12
VLANIDCheck int(-1:) W

Filter criterion.

Current outer Ethernet VLAN ID as defined in 802.1Q. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for filtering.

-1 2.12
VLANIDExclude boolean W

If false, the filter includes only those packets that match the VLANIDCheck entry, if specified.

If true, the filter includes all packets except those that match the VLANIDCheck entry, if specified.

false 2.12
DSCPMarkPolicy int(-2:63) W

DSCP with which to mark the outer IP header for traffic that is associated with the interface criterion.

Automatic DSCP marking behavior is a local matter to the device, possibly influenced by other Broadband Forum standards that it supports.

  • A value of -1 indicates copy from the upstream packet.
  • A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of DSCP.
- 2.12
Device.MAP. object R

The Mapping of Address and Port (MAP) object [RFC7597] [RFC7599] [RFC7598]. This object applies only to gateway devices that support IPv4 on the LAN side, include a NAT, and typically have only IPv6 connectivity on the WAN side.

See the MAP Theory of Operation [Appendix XV/TR-181i2] for a description of the working of this MAP data model.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables MAP. - 2.8
DomainNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Domain table. - 2.8
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}. object(0:) W

MAP domain settings [RFC7597] [RFC7599]. Each instance models a MAP domain.

MAP supports two transport modes, both of which use NAPT44 (modified to use a restricted port range):

Note: There is an n:1 relationship between a MAP domain and the associated WANInterface, i.e. in theory multiple MAP domains can be associated with a single WAN IP interface (each domain would have its own End-user IPv6 prefix and MAP IPv6 address).

Note: The Domain table includes unique key parameters that are strong references. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated Domain row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending Domain row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for both WANInterface and IPv6Prefix. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, WANInterface and IPv6Prefix such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the MAP domain. false 2.8
Status string R

The current operational state of the MAP domain.

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured (OPTIONAL)
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
- 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
TransportMode string W

The transport mode to use.

Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_CONT_MAPE and S46_CONT_MAPT container options.

Enumeration of:

Translation 2.8
WANInterface string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP interface with which this MAP domain is associated. This will always be a NAT-ted upstream (WAN) interface.

The End-user IPv6 prefix IPv6Prefix is one of this IP interface’s prefixes.

The MAP IPv6 address is derived from the End-user IPv6 prefix and is one of this IP interface’s IP addresses, with an IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Address.{i}.Origin of MAP.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with IPv6Prefix) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
IPv6Prefix string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The MAP domain’s End-user IPv6 prefix. This MUST reference one of WANInterface’s prefixes.

If the Controller configures this prefix directly, the CPE MUST use the Controller-configured prefix. Otherwise, the CPE MUST select one of WANInterface’s prefixes; the selected prefix will typically have IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix.{i}.Origin = PrefixDelegation.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with WANInterface) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
BRIPv6Prefix string(:49) W

[IPv6Prefix] The MAP Border Relay (BR) address or prefix.

  • For MAP-E this is the BR address and therefore MUST be a /128 [RFC7597]. Note this address can be an IPv6 anycast address. This address corresponds to the [RFC7598] OPTION_S46_BR (Border Relay) option.
  • For MAP-T this is the BR prefix [RFC7599]. This address prefix corresponds to the [RFC7598] OPTION_S46_DMR (Default Mapping Rule) option.

Note: There will be a corresponding Routing.Router.{i}.IPv4Forwarding default rule.

- 2.8
DSCPMarkPolicy int(-2:63) W

DSCP with which to mark the outer IP header for traffic that is associated with this MAP domain.

Downstream packets are never re-marked.

Automatic DSCP marking behavior is a local matter to the device, possibly influenced by other Broadband Forum standards that it supports.

  • A value of -1 indicates copy from the incoming packet.
  • A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of DSCP.
- 2.8
PSIDOffset unsignedInt(0:15) W
Port-set ID (PSID) offset in bits. The number of Port-sets is 2PSIDOffset.
Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_PORTPARAMS (Port Parameters) option’s offset field.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.12 because details changed between drafting this data model and the RFC being published. This parameter has been moved to the proper location within the Rule.{i}. object.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14-2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
6 2.8
PSIDLength unsignedInt(0:16) W
The length in bits of the Port-set id (PSID) configured in the PSID parameter.
Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_PORTPARAMS (Port Parameters) option’s PSID-len field.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.12 because details changed between drafting this data model and the RFC being published. This parameter has been moved to the proper location within the Rule.{i}. object.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14-2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
0 2.8
PSID unsignedInt(0:65535) W
Port-set ID (PSID) to use in preference to the value extracted from the Embedded Address (EA) bits.
Only the high order PSIDLength bits of the PSID value are used, so the parameter is ignored when PSIDLength is zero.
Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_PORTPARAMS (Port Parameters) option’s PSID field.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.12 because details changed between drafting this data model and the RFC being published. This parameter has been moved to the proper location within the Rule.{i}. object.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14-2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
0 2.8
IncludeSystemPorts boolean W
Whether to include low-numbered (system) ports in the Port-sets. Normally ports in the range [0:2(16-PSIDOffset)-1] are excluded, e.g. for the default PSIDOffset value of 6, ports [0:1023] are not included in the Port-sets.
This parameter is related to [RFC7597]’s N, which is defined as the number of ports (e.g., 1024) excluded from the lower end of the range. The parameter is relevant only when PSIDOffset is 0; false corresponds to N=1024 and true corresponds to N=0.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because details changed between drafting this data model and the RFC being published. This parameter has been moved to the proper location within the Rule.{i}. object.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
false 2.8
RuleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Rule table. - 2.8
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}.Rule.{i}. object(0:) W

The MAP domain’s Mapping Rules [RFC7597]. The rule with the longest match between its IPv6Prefix and the end-user IPv6Prefix is the Basic Mapping Rule (BMR). Any of the rules (including the BMR) can be a Forwarding Mapping Rule.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for IPv6Prefix, or with a given value for IPv4Prefix. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enable or disable this Rule instance. false 2.8
Status string R

The status of this Rule instance. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
Origin string R

The mechanism via which the Rule was created.

If the CPE supports MAP configuration via both DHCPv6 and CWMP, it is up to the implementation to determine how the two mechanisms will interact.

Enumeration of:

  • DHCPv6 (Created via a [RFC7598] S46_RULE option)
  • Static (Present in the factory default configuration, created by the Controller, or created by some other management entity (e.g. via a GUI))
Static 2.8
IPv6Prefix string(:49) W

[IPv6Prefix] The Rule IPv6 prefix.

The Rule IPv6 prefix is a leading part of the end-user IPv6Prefix, i.e. its length MUST be less than or equal to the length of the end-user IPv6Prefix, and it MUST match the end-user IPv6Prefix.

Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_RULE option’s ipv6-prefix field.

/0 2.8
IPv4Prefix string(:49) W

[IPv4Prefix] The Rule IPv4 prefix.

Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_RULE option’s ipv4-prefix field.

/0 2.8
EABitsLength unsignedInt(0:48) W

The length in bits of the Embedded Address (EA) bits in the end-user IPv6Prefix.

Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_RULE option’s ea-len field.

0 2.8
IsFMR boolean W

Indicates whether this rule is a Forwarding Mapping Rule (FMR), i.e. can be used for forwarding.

Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_RULE option’s flags field’s F-Flag.

false 2.8
PSIDOffset unsignedInt(0:15) W

Port-set ID (PSID) offset in bits. The number of Port-sets is 2PSIDOffset.

Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_PORTPARAMS (Port Parameters) option’s offset field.

6 2.12
PSIDLength unsignedInt(0:16) W

The length in bits of the Port-set id (PSID) configured in the PSID parameter.

Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_PORTPARAMS (Port Parameters) option’s PSID-len field.

0 2.12
PSID unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Port-set ID (PSID) to use in preference to the value extracted from the Embedded Address (EA) bits.

Only the high order PSIDLength bits of the PSID value are used, so the parameter is ignored when PSIDLength is zero.

Corresponds to the [RFC7598] S46_PORTPARAMS (Port Parameters) option’s PSID field.

0 2.12
IncludeSystemPorts boolean W

Whether to include low-numbered (system) ports in the Port-sets. Normally ports in the range [0:2(16-PSIDOffset)-1] are excluded, e.g. for the default PSIDOffset value of 6, ports [0:1023] are not included in the Port-sets.

This parameter is related to [RFC7597]’s N, which is defined as the number of ports (e.g., 1024) excluded from the lower end of the range. The parameter is relevant only when PSIDOffset is 0; false corresponds to N=1024 and true corresponds to N=0.

false 2.15
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}.Interface. object R MAP interface (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This models the LAN side MAP domain interface. - 2.8
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.8
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO
[Alias] ::: hide A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.
The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:
  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.


This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because Domain already has an Alias parameter.
Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.
- 2.8
Name string(:64) R The textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. - 2.8
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: Since this interface object is a MAP domain interface, it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used.

- 2.8
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}.Interface.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this MAP domain interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.8
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Note that IPv6 does not define broadcast addresses, so IPv6 packets will never cause this counter to increment.

- 2.8
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Note that IPv6 does not define broadcast addresses, so IPv6 packets will never cause this counter to increment.

- 2.8
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
Device.CaptivePortal. object R

This object contains parameters relating to the captive portal configuration on the CPE.

The captive portal configuration defines the CPE’s upstream HTTP (port 80) traffic redirect behavior.

When the captive portal is disabled, upstream HTTP (port 80) traffic MUST be permitted to all destinations.

When the captive portal is enabled, upstream HTTP (port 80) traffic MUST be permitted only to destinations listed in the AllowedList; traffic to all other destinations MUST be redirected to the URL.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the captive portal. - 2.0
Status string R

Indicates the status of the captive portal. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_URLEmpty (URL is an empty string)
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.0
AllowedList string[:10000]() W

Comma-separated list (up to 10000 items) (length ) of strings. List items represent Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs) or IP addresses to which HTTP (port 80) traffic MUST always be permitted, regardless of whether the captive portal is enabled.

Each entry in the list MUST be either an FQDN, IP address, or an IP prefix specified using Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation [RFC4632].

An IP prefix is specified as an IP address followed (with no intervening white space) by “/n”, where n (the prefix size) is an integer in the range 0-32 (for IPv4) or 0-128 (for IPv6) that indicates the number of (leftmost) ‘1’ bits of the prefix.

IPv4 example:

  • specifies a single IPv4 address, and specifies a class C subnet with subnet mask
  • represents the 1024 IPv4 addresses from to

IPv6 example:

  • fec0::220:edff:fe6a:f76 specifies a single IPv6 address.
  • 2001:edff:fe6a:f76::/64 represents the IPv6 addresses from 2001:edff:fe6a:f76:0:0:0:0 to 2001:edff:fe6a:f76:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff.
- 2.0
URL string(:2048) W

Captive portal [URL] to which upstream HTTP (port 80) traffic to destinations not listed in the AllowedList will be redirected.

The captive portal URL MUST be an HTTP (not HTTPS) URL.

The CPE MUST permit the captive portal URL to be set to an empty string, which has the effect of disabling the captive portal (if Enable is true and the captive portal URL is an empty string, Status MUST be Error_URLEmpty).

- 2.0
Device.Routing. object R Routing object that contains the Router table, the received router advertisement information RouteInformation, Babel, and RIP protocol objects. - 2.0
RouterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Router table. - 2.0
Device.Routing.Router.{i}. object(0:) W

This object allows the handling of the routing and forwarding configuration of the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Router entry. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this Router entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
IPv4ForwardingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv4Forwarding table. - 2.0
IPv6ForwardingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv6Forwarding table. - 2.2
Device.Routing.Router.{i}.IPv4Forwarding.{i}. object(0:) W

Layer 3 IPv4 forwarding table.

In addition to statically configured routes, this table MUST include dynamic routes learned through layer 3 routing protocols, including RIP (i.e. RIP version 2), OSPF, DHCPv4, 3GPP-NAS and IPCP. The CPE MAY reject attempts to delete or modify a dynamic route entry.

For each incoming packet, the layer 3 forwarding decision is conceptually made as follows:

  • Only enabled table entries with a matching ForwardingPolicy are considered, i.e. those that either do not specify a ForwardingPolicy, or else specify a ForwardingPolicy that matches that of the incoming packet.
  • Next, table entries that also have a matching destination address/mask are considered, and the matching entry with the longest prefix is applied to the packet (i.e. the entry with the most specific network). An unspecified destination address is a wild-card and always matches, but with a prefix length of zero.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference to an IPv4-capable interface (that is attached to the IPv4 stack), then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The IPv4Forwarding table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated IPv4Forwarding row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST disable the offending IPv4Forwarding row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for all of DestIPAddress, DestSubnetMask, ForwardingPolicy, GatewayIPAddress, Interface and ForwardingMetric. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the forwarding entry. On creation, an entry is disabled by default. false 2.0
Status string R

Indicates the status of the forwarding entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Type string W

Specifies the forwarding entry type. Based on [RFC8349]

Enumeration of:

  • Normal (The packet will be sent to the next hop)
  • Receive (The packet will be received by the local system)
  • Blackhole (The specified destinations are considered unreachable. Packets are silently discarded)
  • Unreachable (The specified destinations are considered unreachable. Packets are discarded and an ICMP message “host unreachable message” is sent)
  • Prohibit (The specified destinations are considered unreachable. Packets are discarded and an ICMP message “communication administratively prohibited” is sent)
Normal 2.16
StaticRoute boolean R If true, this route is a Static route. true 2.0
DestIPAddress string(:45) W

[IPv4Address] Destination IPv4 address. An empty string indicates no destination address is specified.

A Forwarding table entry for which DestIPAddress and DestSubnetMask are both an empty string is a default route.

<Empty> 2.0
DestSubnetMask string(:45) W

[IPv4Address] Destination subnet mask. An empty string indicates no destination subnet mask is specified.

If a destination subnet mask is specified, the DestSubnetMask is ANDed with the destination address before comparing with the DestIPAddress. Otherwise, the full destination address is used as is.

A Forwarding table entry for which DestIPAddress and DestSubnetMask are both an empty string is a default route.

<Empty> 2.0
ForwardingPolicy int(-1:) W

Identifier of a set of classes or flows that have the corresponding ForwardingPolicy value as defined in the QoS object.

A value of -1 indicates no ForwardingPolicy is specified.

If specified, this forwarding entry is to apply only to traffic associated with the specified classes and flows.

-1 2.0
GatewayIPAddress string(:45) W

[IPv4Address] IPv4 address of the gateway.

Only one of GatewayIPAddress and Interface SHOULD be configured for a route.

If both are configured, GatewayIPAddress and Interface MUST be consistent with each other.

<Empty> 2.0
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Specifies the egress layer 3 interface associated with this entry. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1.

Only one of GatewayIPAddress and Interface SHOULD be configured for a route.

If both are configured, GatewayIPAddress and Interface MUST be consistent with each other.

For a route that was configured by setting GatewayIPAddress but not Interface, read access to Interface MUST return the full hierarchical parameter name for the routes egress interface.

<Empty> 2.0
Origin string R

Protocol via which the IPv4 forwarding rule was learned. Enumeration of:

  • DHCPv4
  • OSPF
  • IPCP
  • RIP
  • 3GPP-NAS (Assigned by the core network (fixed or cellular) using 3GPP NAS signalling methods. e.g. PDU Session Establishment Request, PDN Connectivity Request, PDP Context Activation Request, … This information is available from the AT commands [Clause 10.1.23/3GPP-TS.27.007] PDP context read dynamic parameters +CGCONTRDP, added in 2.18)
  • Static (For example, present in the factory default configuration, created by the Controller, or created by some other management entity (e.g. via a GUI))
Static 2.2
ForwardingMetric int(-1:) W Forwarding metric. A value of -1 indicates this metric is not used. -1 2.0
Device.Routing.Router.{i}.IPv6Forwarding.{i}. object(0:) W

Layer 3 IPv6 forwarding table.

In addition to statically configured routes, this table MUST include dynamic routes learned through layer 3 routing protocols, including RIPng, OSPF, DHCPv6, 3GPP-NAS, and RA. The CPE MAY reject attempts to delete or modify a dynamic route entry.

For each incoming packet, the layer 3 forwarding decision is conceptually made as follows:

  • Only enabled table entries with a matching ForwardingPolicy are considered, i.e. those that either do not specify a ForwardingPolicy, or else specify a ForwardingPolicy that matches that of the incoming packet.
  • Next, table entries that also have a matching destination prefix are considered, and the matching entry with the longest prefix length is applied to the packet (i.e. the entry with the most specific network). An unspecified destination address is a wild-card and always matches, but with a prefix length of zero.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference to an IPv6-capable interface (that is attached to the IPv6 stack), then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

This object is based on inetCidrRouteTable from [RFC4292].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for all of DestIPPrefix, ForwardingPolicy, NextHop, Interface and ForwardingMetric. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this IPv6Forwarding entry. false 2.2
Status string R

Indicates the status of the forwarding entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Type string W

Specifies the forwarding entry type. Based on [RFC8349]

Enumeration of:

  • Normal (The packet will be sent to the next hop)
  • Receive (The packet will be received by the local system)
  • Blackhole (The specified destinations are considered unreachable. Packets are silently discarded)
  • Unreachable (The specified destinations are considered unreachable. Packets are discarded and an ICMP message “host unreachable message” is sent)
  • Prohibit (The specified destinations are considered unreachable. Packets are discarded and an ICMP message “communication administratively prohibited” is sent)
Normal 2.16
DestIPPrefix string(:49) W

[IPv6Prefix] Destination IPv6 prefix. An empty string indicates that it matches all destination prefixes (i.e. equivalent to “::/0”). All bits to the right of the prefix MUST be zero, e.g. 2001:edff:fe6a:f76::/64.

Routes with a 128-bit prefix length (/128) are host routes for a specific IPv6 destination, e.g. 2001:db8:28:2:713e:a426:d167:37ab/128.

<Empty> 2.2
ForwardingPolicy int(-1:) W

Identifier of a set of classes or flows that have the corresponding ForwardingPolicy value as defined in the QoS object.

A value of -1 indicates no ForwardingPolicy is specified.

If specified, this forwarding entry is to apply only to traffic associated with the specified classes and flows.

-1 2.2
NextHop string(:45) W

[IPv6Address] IPv6 address of the next hop.

Only one of NextHop and Interface SHOULD be configured for a route. An empty string indicates no NextHop is specified.

If both are configured, NextHop and Interface MUST be consistent with each other.

<Empty> 2.2
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Specifies the egress layer 3 interface associated with this entry. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1.

Only one of NextHop and Interface SHOULD be configured for a route. An empty string indicates no Interface is specified.

If both are configured, NextHop and Interface MUST be consistent with each other.

For a route that was configured by setting NextHop but not Interface, read access to Interface MUST return the full hierarchical parameter name for the route’s egress interface.

<Empty> 2.2
Origin string R

Protocol via which the IPv6 forwarding rule was learned. Enumeration of:

  • DHCPv6
  • OSPF
  • RA (Router Advertisement Route Information Option [RFC4191])
  • RIPng (RIPng for IPv6 [RFC2080])
  • 3GPP-NAS (Address assigned by the core network (fixed or cellular) using 3GPP NAS signalling methods. e.g. PDU Session Establishment Request, PDN Connectivity Request, PDP Context Activation Request, … This information is available from the AT commands [Clause 10.1.23/3GPP-TS.27.007] PDP context read dynamic parameters +CGCONTRDP, added in 2.18)
  • Static (For example, present in the factory default configuration, created by the Controller, or created by some other management entity (e.g. via a GUI))
Static 2.2
ForwardingMetric int(-1:) W Forwarding metric. A value of -1 indicates this metric is not used. -1 2.2
ExpirationTime dateTime R

The time at which the route will expire, or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if not known. For an infinite lifetime, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z.

ExpirationTime is provided by an underlying dynamic routing protocol, e.g. by an [RFC4191] route information option.

9999-12-31T23:59:59Z 2.2
Device.Routing.RIP. object R Routing Information Protocol (RIP) object. - 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables RIP on the device. - 2.0
SupportedModes string R

The supported RIP protocol modes. Enumeration of:

  • Send
  • Receive
  • Both
- 2.0
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceSetting table. - 2.0
Device.Routing.RIP.InterfaceSetting.{i}. object(0:) W

IP Interface RIP configuration table.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The InterfaceSetting table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated InterfaceSetting row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending InterfaceSetting row.

Note: This object only applies to RIP2; i.e. version 2 of the RIP protocol is used to accept or send over the specified Interface.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Interface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this entry. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is the IP interface associated with this InterfaceSetting entry. <Empty> 2.0
AcceptRA boolean W

When set to true, RIP route advertisements received over Interface are accepted.

When set to false, RIP route advertisements received over Interface are rejected.

- 2.0
SendRA boolean W

When set to true, RIP route advertisements are to be sent over Interface.

When set to false, no RIP route advertisements will be sent over Interface.

- 2.0
Device.Routing.RouteInformation. object R Received Router Advertisement (RA) route information [RFC4191]. - 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables receiving route information from the RA. - 2.2
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceSetting table. - 2.2
Device.Routing.RouteInformation.InterfaceSetting.{i}. object(0:) R

IP Interface RA route information table. Contains received RA route information [RFC4191]. As such, the data in this table cannot be modified.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Interface.

- 2.2
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • ForwardingEntryCreated
  • NoForwardingEntry
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.2
Interface string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is the IP interface associated with this InterfaceSetting entry. - 2.2
SourceRouter string(:45) R [IPv6Address] IPv6 Address of the router that sent the RA that included this route info. - 2.2
PreferredRouteFlag string R

Flag included in a specific Route Information Option within an RA message (Prf flag), as defined in [Section 2.3/RFC4191]. Enumeration of:

  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

Note that this is not the Prf flag included in the base RA message. Also see [Section 2.1/RFC4191] which discusses how this flag is encoded on the wire.

- 2.2
Prefix string(:49) R [IPv6Prefix] IPv6 address prefix, as received in an instance of the Route Information Option of a RA message. - 2.2
ManagedAddressConfiguration boolean R When set, it indicates that addresses are available via Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol [DHCPv6]. If the ManagedAddressConfiguration is set, the OtherConfiguration is redundant and can be ignored because DHCPv6 will return all available configuration information (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861]). - 2.16
OtherConfiguration boolean R When set, it indicates that other configuration information is available via DHCPv6. Examples of such information are DNS-related information or information on other servers within the network (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861]). - 2.16
RouteLifetime dateTime R

The time at which Prefix will cease to be usable for use as a forwarding entry, or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if not known. For an infinite lifetime, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z.

RouteLifetime is received in an instance of the Route Information Option of a RA message.

- 2.2
ReachableTime unsignedInt(:3600000) R The time, in milliseconds, that a node assumes a neighbor is reachable after having received a reachability confirmation. Used by the Neighbor Unreachability Detection algorithm [See Section 7.3/RFC4861]. A value of zero means unspecified (by this router) (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861]). - 2.16
RetransTimer unsignedInt R The time, in milliseconds, between retransmitted Neighbor Solicitation messages. Used by address resolution and the Neighbor Unreachability Detection algorithm [Sections 7.2 and 7.3/RFC4861]. A value of zero means unspecified (by this router) (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861]). - 2.16
HomeAgent boolean R The Home Agent (H) bit is set in a Router Advertisement to indicate that the router sending this Router Advertisement is also functioning as a Mobile IPv6 home agent on this link. (see [Section 7.1/RFC3775] and [Section 4.2/RFC4861]) - 2.16
OptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Option table. - 2.16
Device.Routing.RouteInformation.InterfaceSetting.{i}.Option.{i}. object(0:) R

This object specifies the received options in a Router Advertisement (RA) message [Section 4.6/RFC4861]. This includes support for receiving DNS information in the RA message as described in [RFC6106].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Tag.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Tag unsignedInt(0:65535) R Option tag (type) [Section 4.6/RFC4861]. - 2.16
Value hexBinary(0:65535) R A hexbinary encoded option value [Section 4.6/RFC4861]. - 2.16
Device.Routing.Babel. object R This object provides parameters for configuration, troubleshooting, and monitoring of the Babel routing protocol [RFC8966]. This data model is based on the Babel information model defined in [RFC9046]. - 2.15
Enable boolean W Enables or disables Babel on the device. - 2.15
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the device to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.15
ImplementationVersion string(:32) R The name and version of this implementation of the Babel protocol. This is not the same as the version of the Babel protocol that has been implemented. The method of naming and identifying implementation versions will be specific to the implementation. - 2.15
SelfRouterID hexBinary R The router-id used by this instance of the Babel protocol to identify itself. [RFC8966] describes this as an arbitrary string of 8 octets. - 2.15
SelfSeqno unsignedInt(:65535) R The current sequence number included in route updates for routes originated by this node. - 2.15
SupportedMetricCompAlgorithms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported cost computation algorithms.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.15
SupportedSecurityMechanisms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported security mechanisms.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.15
SupportedMACAlgorithms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported MAC computation algorithms.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.15
SupportedDTLSCertTypes string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Supported DTLS certificate types.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.15
StatsEnable boolean W Enables or disables collection of statistics on all InterfaceSetting. instances. Statistics are provided in InterfaceSetting.{i}.Stats.. When enabled, existing statistics values are not cleared and will be incremented as new packets are counted. - 2.15
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceSetting table. - 2.15
RouteNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Route table. - 2.15
MACKeySetNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MACKeySet table. - 2.15
DTLSCertSetNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DTLSCertSet table. - 2.15
StatsReset() command - This command represents a request to reset all statistics counters to zero. Statistics are provided in InterfaceSetting.{i}.Stats.. - 2.15
Device.Routing.Babel.Constants. object R This object represents the constants used by the Babel protocol. - 2.15
UDPPort unsignedInt(1:65535) W The UDP port number used by the Babel implementation to send and receive Babel packets. The UDP port number assigned by IANA is 6696. - 2.15
MulticastGroup string(:45) W [IPv6Address] The multicast group for sending and listening to multicast announcements on IPv6. The multicast group assigned by IANA is ff02::1:6. - 2.15
Device.Routing.Babel.InterfaceSetting.{i}. object(0:) W

This object provides parameters related to the interfaces the Babel protocol is operating over and can act as a routing protocol for.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W Enables or disables Babel on this interface. - 2.15
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL) The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid. The Error value MAY be used by the device to indicate a locally defined error condition.
Disabled 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
InterfaceReference string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP.Interface object instance this Babel implementation is running over. The referenced interface object MUST have IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Enable set to true. - 2.15
InterfaceMetricAlgorithm string R The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedMetricCompAlgorithms parameter. Indicates the metric computation algorithm used on this interface, from among the supported metric computation algorithms listed in SupportedMetricCompAlgorithms. - 2.15
SplitHorizonEnabled boolean W Enables or disables the use of split horizon optimization when calculating metrics on this interface. Split horizon optimization is described in [Section 3.7.4/RFC8966]. - 2.15
McastHelloSeqno unsignedInt(:65535) R The current sequence number in use for multicast Hellos sent on this interface. - 2.15
McastHelloInterval unsignedInt(:65535) R The current interval (time in centiseconds) used for multicast Hellos sent on this interface. - 2.15
UpdateInterval unsignedInt(:65535) R The current interval (time in centiseconds) used for all updates (multicast or unicast) sent on this interface. - 2.15
MACEnabled boolean W Enables or disables the MAC security mechanism. - 2.15
InterfaceMACKeySets string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the MACKeySet. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. MACKeySet. instances that apply to this InterfaceSetting instance. When an InterfaceSetting is created, all MACKeySet. instances with MACKeySet.{i}.DefaultApply of true will be included in this list. - 2.15
MACVerify boolean W A Boolean flag indicating whether MACs in incoming Babel packets are required to be present and are verified. If this parameter is true, incoming packets are required to have a valid MAC. - 2.15
DTLSEnabled boolean W Enables or disables the DTLS security mechanism. - 2.15
InterfaceDTLSCertSets string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DTLSCertSet. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. DTLSCertSet. instances that apply to this InterfaceSetting instance. When an InterfaceSetting is created, all DTLSCertSet. instances with DTLSCertSet.{i}.DefaultApply of true will be included in this list. - 2.15
CachedInfoEnabled boolean W A Boolean flag indicating whether the cached_info extension is included in ClientHello and ServerHello packets (see [Appendix A/RFC8968]. The extension is included if true. - 2.15
DTLSCertPrefer string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedDTLSCertTypes parameter. Supported certificate types (from SupportedDTLSCertTypes), listed in order of preference. This list is used to populate the server_certificate_type extension in a ClientHello (see [Appendix A/RFC8968]). Values that are present with a non-empty DTLSCertSet.{i}.DTLSCert.{i}.CertPrivateKey in at least one instance of DTLSCertSet.{i}.DTLSCert. included in a DTLSCertSet. instance referenced by InterfaceDTLSCertSets will be used to populate the client_certificate_type extension in a Client Hello. - 2.15
PacketLogEnable boolean W Enables or disables the logging of Babel packets into the PacketLog on this interface. - 2.15
PacketLog string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to a DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile instance that contains a timestamped log of packets received and sent on Constants.UDPPort on this interface. The [LIBPCAP] file format with .pcap file extension SHOULD be supported for packet log files. Logging is enabled/disabled by PacketLogEnable. - 2.15
NeighborNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Neighbor table. - 2.15
Device.Routing.Babel.InterfaceSetting.{i}.Stats. object R This object provides statistics parameters for this interface. - 2.15
SentMcastHello unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of multicast Hello packets sent on this interface. - 2.15
SentMcastUpdate unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of multicast update packets sent on this interface. - 2.15
SentUcastHello unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of unicast Hello packets sent on this interface. - 2.15
SentUcastUpdate unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of unicast update packets sent on this interface. - 2.15
SentIHU unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of IHU (“I Heard You”) packets sent on this interface. - 2.15
ReceivedPackets unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] A count of the number of Babel packets received on this interface. - 2.15
Device.Routing.Babel.InterfaceSetting.{i}.Neighbor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object provides parameters related to neighbor devices that Babel packets are received from and sent to.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for NeighborAddress.

- 2.15
NeighborAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] IP address the neighbor sends packets from. - 2.15
HelloMCastHistory hexBinary R The multicast Hello history of whether or not the multicast Hello packets prior to ExpectedMCastHelloSeqno were received. This is a binary sequence where the most recently received Hello is expressed as a “1” placed in the left-most bit, with prior bits shifted right (and “0” bits placed between prior Hello bits and the most recent Hello bit for any not-received Hellos). This value is displayed using hex digits. See [Section A.1/RFC8966]. - 2.15
HelloUCastHistory hexBinary R The unicast Hello history of whether or not the unicast Hello packets prior to ExpectedUCastHelloSeqno were received. This is a binary sequence where the most recently received Hello is expressed as a “1” placed in the left-most bit, with prior bits shifted right (and “0” bits placed between prior Hello bitss and the most recent Hello bit for any not-received Hellos). This value is displayed using hex digits. See [Section A.1/RFC8966]. - 2.15
TXCost unsignedInt(:65535) R Transmission cost value from the last IHU (“I Heard You”) packet received from this neighbor, or maximum value (as defined in [Section 3.4.2/RFC8966]) to indicate the IHU hold timer for this neighbor has expired. - 2.15
ExpectedMCastHelloSeqno int(-1:65535) R Expected multicast Hello sequence number of next Hello to be received from this neighbor. If multicast Hello packets are not expected, or processing of multicast packets is not enabled, this MUST be -1. Note [RFC9046] specifies a 16-bit unsigned integer with NULL value to represent no processed or expected multicast Hello packets. - 2.15
ExpectedUCastHelloSeqno int(-1:65535) R Expected unicast Hello sequence number of next Hello to be received from this neighbor. If unicast Hello packets are not expected, or processing of unicast packets is not enabled, this MUST be -1. - 2.15
UnicastHelloSeqno int(-1:65535) R The current sequence number in use for unicast Hellos sent to this neighbor. If unicast Hello packets are not being sent, this MUST be -1. - 2.15
UnicastHelloInterval unsignedInt(:65535) R The current interval in centiseconds used for unicast Hellos sent to this neighbor. - 2.15
RXCost unsignedInt(:65535) R Reception cost calculated for this neighbor. This value is usually derived from the Hello history, which may be combined with other data, such as statistics maintained by the link layer. The RXCost is sent to a neighbor in each IHU (“I Heard You”) packet. See [Section 3.4.3/RFC8966]. - 2.15
Cost unsignedInt(:65535) R Link cost is computed from the values maintained by a Babel implementation in its neighbor table as defined in [Section3.2.4/RFC8966]: the statistics kept about the reception of Hellos and the transmission cost computed from received IHU packets. See [Section 3.4.3/RFC8966]. - 2.15
Device.Routing.Babel.Route.{i}. object(0:) R

This object provides parameters for routes received from neighbors and internal routes.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both RoutePrefix and SourceRouterID.

- 2.15
RoutePrefix string(:49) R [IPPrefix] IP prefix for which this route is advertised. - 2.15
SourceRouterID hexBinary R Router-id of the router that originated this route. - 2.15
Neighbor string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the InterfaceSetting.{i}.Neighbor. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Reference to the InterfaceSetting.{i}.Neighbor entry for the neighbor that advertised this route. - 2.15
ReceivedMetric int(-1:65535) R The metric with which this route was advertised by the neighbor, or maximum value (as defined in [RFC8966]) to indicate the route was recently retracted and is temporarily unreachable (see [Section 3.5.5/RFC8966]). This metric will be -1 if the route was not received from a neighbor but was generated through other means. At least one of ReceivedMetric and CalculatedMetric MUST have a value other than -1. Having both be other than -1 is expected for a route that is received and subsequently advertised. - 2.15
CalculatedMetric int(-1:65535) R A calculated metric for this route. How the metric is calculated is implementation-specific. Maximum value (as defined in [RFC8966]) indicates the route was recently retracted and is temporarily unreachable ([Section 3.5.5/RFC8966]). At least one of ReceivedMetric and CalculatedMetric MUST have a value other than -1. Having both be other than -1 is expected for a route that is received and subsequently advertised. - 2.15
RouteSeqno unsignedInt(:65535) R The sequence number with which this route was advertised. - 2.15
NextHop string(:45) R [IPAddress] The next-hop address of this route. This will be empty if this route has no next-hop address. - 2.15
RouteFeasible boolean R A Boolean flag indicating whether this route is feasible, as defined in [Section 3.5.1/RFC8966]. - 2.15
RouteSelected boolean R A Boolean flag indicating whether this route is selected (i.e., whether it is currently being used for forwarding and is being advertised). - 2.15
Device.Routing.Babel.MACKeySet.{i}. object(0:) W

This object provides parameters related to use of the HMAC security mechanism [RFC8967] to sign and verify Babel packets.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
DefaultApply boolean W A Boolean flag indicating whether this MACKeySet instance is to be applied to all new InterfaceSetting. instances. If true, this MACKeySet instance applies to all new InterfaceSetting. instances at the time they are created and a reference to this MACKeySet is included in the InterfaceSetting.{i}.InterfaceMACKeySets parameter. If false, this MACKeySet is not applied to new InterfaceSetting. instances when they are created. - 2.15
MACKeyNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MACKey table. - 2.15
Device.Routing.Babel.MACKeySet.{i}.MACKey.{i}. object(0:) W

This object provides the MAC keys used to calculate MACs for verification and sending by the MACKeySet instance.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
KeyUseSend boolean W Indicates whether this KeyValue is used to compute a MAC and include that MAC in the sent Babel packet. A MAC for sent packets is computed using this key if the value is true. If the value is false, this key is not used to compute a MAC to include in sent Babel packets. - 2.15
KeyUseVerify boolean W Indicates whether the KeyValue is used to verify incoming Babel packets. Incoming packets are verified using this key if true. If false no MAC is computed from KeyValue for comparing with the MAC in an incoming Babel packet. - 2.15
KeyValue hexBinary WO

The value of the MAC key. This value is immutable, once written. This value is of a length suitable for the associated MACKeyAlgorithm. If the algorithm is based on the HMAC construction [RFC2104], the length MUST be between 0 and an upper limit that is at least the size of the output length (where “HMAC-SHA256” output length is 32 octets as described in [RFC4868]). Longer lengths MAY be supported but are not necessary if the management system has the ability to generate a suitably random value (e.g., by randomly generating a value or by using a key derivation technique as recommended in [Security Considerations/RFC8967]). If the algorithm is “BLAKE2s-128”, the length MUST be between 0 and 32 bytes inclusive, as specified in [RFC7693].

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.15
MACKeyAlgorithm string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedMACAlgorithms parameter. The name of the MAC algorithm used with this key. The value MUST be the same as one of the enumerations listed in the SupportedMACAlgorithms parameter. - 2.15
MACTest() command - This command allows the MAC key and MAC algorithm to be tested to see if they produce an expected outcome. The command calculates a MAC for InputString using the KeyValue and MACKeyAlgorithm and compares that to the value of InputMAC. If the values match, the output Match is true. - 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
InputString hexBinary W [MANDATORY] The command calculates a MAC of InputString using the KeyValue and MACKeyAlgorithm. - 2.15
InputMAC hexBinary W [MANDATORY] The command compares the calculated MAC to InputMAC. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Match boolean R Match is true if the calculated MAC and InputMAC are the same. - 2.15
Device.Routing.Babel.DTLSCertSet.{i}. object(0:) W

This object provides parameters related to use of the DTLS security mechanism [RFC8968] to encrypt Babel packets.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
DefaultApply boolean W A Boolean flag indicating whether this DTLSCertSet instance is to be applied to all new InterfaceSetting. instances. If true, this DTLSCertSet instance applies to all new InterfaceSetting. instances at the time they are created and a reference to this DTLSCertSet is included in the InterfaceSetting.{i}.InterfaceDTLSCertSets parameter. If false, this DTLSCertSet is not applied to new InterfaceSetting. instances when they are created. - 2.15
DTLSCertNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DTLSCert table. - 2.15
Device.Routing.Babel.DTLSCertSet.{i}.DTLSCert.{i}. object(0:) W

This object provides the certificates used for verification and signing by the DTLSCertSet instance with DTLS.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
CertValue string(:256) WO

The DTLS certificate in PEM format [RFC7468]. This value is immutable, once written.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

- 2.15
CertType string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedDTLSCertTypes parameter. The certificate type of CertValue (from among the supported types in SupportedDTLSCertTypes). This value is immutable, once written. - 2.15
CertPrivateKey hexBinary WO

The private key of the certificate. CertPrivateKey is only given a value if the certificate belongs to this device. If CertPrivateKey is non-empty, this certificate can be supplied during DTLS handshaking. This value is immutable, once written.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.15
Device.NeighborDiscovery. object R The Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) object [RFC4861]. This object applies only to IPv6. It contains an InterfaceSetting table that defines the NDP configuration for individual IP interfaces. - 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables Neighbor Discovery. - 2.2
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceSetting table. - 2.2
Device.NeighborDiscovery.InterfaceSetting.{i}. object(0:) W

Per-interface Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) configuration [RFC4861].

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference to an IPv6-capable interface (that is attached to the IPv6 stack), then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The InterfaceSetting table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated InterfaceSetting row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending InterfaceSetting row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Interface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this InterfaceSetting entry. false 2.2
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Interface string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is the IP interface associated with this InterfaceSetting entry. <Empty> 2.2
DADTransmits unsignedInt W

The number of consecutive Neighbor Solicitation messages sent while performing Duplicate Address Detection on a tentative address (see[Section 5.1/RFC4862]).

A value of zero indicates that Duplicate Address Detection is not performed on tentative addresses.

A value of one indicates a single transmission with no follow-up retransmissions.

If the value is greater than 1, RetransTimer defines the delay between consecutive messages.

1 2.13
RetransTimer unsignedInt(1:) W Retransmission interval in milliseconds, as defined in [RFC4861]. For auto-configuration purposes, RetransTimer specifies the delay between consecutive Neighbor Solicitation transmissions performed during Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) [Section 5.4/RFC4862], as well as the time a node waits after sending the last Neighbor Solicitation before ending the DAD process. 1000 2.2
RtrSolicitationInterval unsignedInt(4000:) W Retransmission interval in milliseconds, as defined in [Section 6.3.7/RFC4861]. For auto-configuration purposes, RtrSolicitationInterval specifies the delay between consecutive Router Solicitation transmissions. 4000 2.2
MaxRtrSolicitations unsignedInt W Maximum Number of Router Solicitation Transmission messages, as defined in [RFC4861]. For auto-configuration purposes MaxRtrSolicitations specifies the Maximum Number of Router Solicitation Transmission messages to help the host to conclude that there are no routers on the link. 3 2.2
NUDEnable boolean W Enables or disables Neighbor Unreachability Detection (NUD) [Section 7/RFC4861]. - 2.2
RSEnable boolean W Enables or disables Router Solicitation (RS) on Interface [Section 4.1/RFC4861]. - 2.2
Device.RouterAdvertisement. object R

The Router Advertisement (RA) object [RFC4861]. This object applies only to IPv6. It contains an InterfaceSetting table that defines the RA configuration for individual IP interfaces.

Information received via router advertisement messages is automatically propagated to the relevant IP.Interface sub-objects, e.g. to the IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Address and IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix tables.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables Router Advertisement. - 2.2
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceSetting table. - 2.2
Device.RouterAdvertisement.InterfaceSetting.{i}. object(0:) W

Per-interface Router Advertisement (RA) configuration [RFC4861]. Table entries are created for use in sending Router Advertisements.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference to an IPv6-capable interface (that is attached to the IPv6 stack), then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The InterfaceSetting table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated InterfaceSetting row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending InterfaceSetting row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Interface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this InterfaceSetting entry.

Defines the value of the IsRouter and AdvSendAdvertisements flags from [Section 4.2/RFC4861]

false 2.2
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Interface string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is the IP interface associated with this InterfaceSetting entry. <Empty> 2.2
RDNSSMode string W

Describes which IPv6 address information MUST be specified in the RDNSS option field specified in [Section 5.1. Recursive DNS Server Option/RFC8106].

Enumeration of:

  • Static (The DNS Servers as defined in the RDNSS parameter should be used in the RA messages. A comma separated list of IPv6 addresses must be supported)
  • LLA (The link-local IPv6 address of the Interface is sent in the RA messages)
  • GUA (The global unique IPv6 addresses of the Interface are sent in the RA messages, OPTIONAL)
  • LLA_GUA (Both GUA and LLA of the Interface are sent in the RA messages, OPTIONAL)
Static 2.17
RDNSS string(:45)[] W

[IPv6Address] Comma-separated list of IPv6Addresses. The RDNSS parameter contains one or more IPv6 addresses of RDNSSes as described in [Section 5.1. Recursive DNS Server Option/RFC8106].

When RDNSSMode is not Static, this parameter will contain the list of IPv6 addresses, automatically filled in by the system, that needs to be advertised.

An empty string means that no RDNSS information is being advertised.

<Empty> 2.17
DNSSL string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. The DNSSL parameter contains one or more domain names of DNS suffixes as described in [Section 5.2. DNS Search List Option/RFC8106].

An empty string means that no DNSSL information is being advertised.

<Empty> 2.17
ManualPrefixes string[:8]() W

Comma-separated list (up to 8 items) (length ) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

Manually-configured prefixes that will be sent in Router Advertisement messages. Each referenced prefix MUST have a IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix.{i}.StaticType of Static or Child. Router Advertisement messages MUST include Prefix Information Options [RFC4861] for all Valid (IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix.{i}.ValidLifetime is infinite or in the future) prefixes in this list.

Prefixes MUST be associated with the interface instance referenced by Interface.

<Empty> 2.2
Prefixes string[:8]() R

Comma-separated list (up to 8 items) (length ) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

All prefixes that will be included in Router Advertisement (RA) messages sent out this interface. This list can include:

- 2.2
MaxRtrAdvInterval unsignedInt(4:1800) W The maximum time allowed between sending unsolicited multicast Router Advertisements from the interface, in seconds (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861]). 600 2.2
MinRtrAdvInterval unsignedInt(3:1350) W

The minimum time allowed between sending unsolicited multicast Router Advertisements from the interface, in seconds (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861]).

The value MUST be no greater than 3/4 * MaxRtrAdvInterval.

Note: The 1350 maximum was derived from the RFC, based on 3/4 times the maximum value of MaxRtrAdvInterval. Similarly, the 200 default was derived from the RFC, based on 1/3 times the default value of MaxRtrAdvInterval.

200 2.2
AdvDefaultLifetime unsignedInt(:65535) W

The value placed in the “Router Lifetime” field of Router Advertisement messages on this interface, in seconds (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861]).

The value can be zero or between MaxRtrAdvInterval and 9000 seconds, but these limits can be overridden by specific documents that describe how IPv6 operates over different link layers.

A value of zero indicates that the router is not to be used as a default router.

Note: The 1800 default was derived from the RFC, based on 3 times the default value of MaxRtrAdvInterval.

1800 2.2
AdvManagedFlag boolean W The value placed in the “Managed address configuration” (M) flag field of Router Advertisement messages on this interface (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861], and [RFC4862]). false 2.2
AdvOtherConfigFlag boolean W The value placed in the “Other configuration” (O) flag field of Router Advertisement messages on this interface (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861], and [RFC4862]). false 2.2
AdvMobileAgentFlag boolean W The value placed in the “Home agent” (H) flag field of Router Advertisement messages on this interface (see [Section 7.1/RFC3775]). false 2.2
AdvPreferredRouterFlag string W

The value placed in the “Default Router Preference” (Prf) field of Router Advertisement messages on this interface, as defined in [Section 2.2/RFC4191]. Enumeration of:

  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

Also see [Section 2.1/RFC4191] which discusses how this flag is encoded on the wire.

Medium 2.2
AdvNDProxyFlag boolean W The value placed in the “Proxy” (P) flag field of Router Advertisement messages on this interface (see [Section]). false 2.2
AdvLinkMTU unsignedInt W The value placed in MTU options of Router Advertisement messages on this interface. A value of zero indicates that no MTU options are included (see [Section 4.6.4/RFC4861]). 0 2.2
AdvReachableTime unsignedInt(:3600000) W

The value placed in the “Reachable Time” field of Router Advertisement messages on this interface, in milliseconds (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861]).

The value zero means unspecified (by the router).

0 2.2
AdvRetransTimer unsignedInt W

The value placed in the “Retrans Timer” field of Router Advertisement messages on this interface, in milliseconds (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861]).

The value zero means unspecified (by the router).

0 2.2
AdvCurHopLimit unsignedInt(:255) W

The value placed in the “Cur Hop Limit” field of Router Advertisement messages on this interface (see [Section 4.2/RFC4861]).

The value zero means unspecified (by the router).

Note: The default can be overridden with the value specified in [RFC3232] that was in effect at the time of implementation.

0 2.2
AdvRDNSSLifetime unsignedInt(:4294967295) W

The Lifetime field in RDNSS specifies the maximum duration, in seconds, during which the provided RDNSS addresses can be used for name resolution relative to the time the packet is received. By default, the value of Lifetime is recommended to be at least 3 times the MaxRtrAdvInterval. The MaxRtrAdvInterval is defined in [RFC4861] and refers to the maximum interval between Router Advertisement (RA) messages.

When the Lifetime value is set to all one bits (0xffffffff), it indicates an infinite duration.

The Lifetime value of zero signifies that the RDNSS addresses must not be used anymore, as specified in [Section 5.1. Recursive DNS Server Option/RFC8106].

0 2.17
AdvDNSSLLifetime unsignedInt(:4294967295) W

The Lifetime field in DNSSL specifies the maximum duration, in seconds, during which the provided DNSSL domain names can be used for name resolution relative to the time the packet is received. By default, the value of Lifetime is recommended to be at least 3 times the MaxRtrAdvInterval. The MaxRtrAdvInterval is defined in [RFC4861] and refers to the maximum interval between Router Advertisement (RA) messages.

When the Lifetime value is set to all one bits (0xffffffff), it indicates an infinite duration.

The Lifetime value of zero signifies that the DNSSL domain names must not be used anymore, as specified in [Section 5.2. DNS Search List Option/RFC8106].

0 2.17
OptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Option table. - 2.2
Device.RouterAdvertisement.InterfaceSetting.{i}.Option.{i}. object(0:) W

This object specifies the options in a Router Advertisement (RA) message [Section 4.6/RFC4861]. Option entries are created for use in sending Router Advertisements (enabled options MUST be included in RA messages sent). This includes support for sending DNS information in the RA message as described in [RFC6106].

This table is intended only for options that are not modeled elsewhere. For example, it is not appropriate for the MTU option (which is modeled via AdvLinkMTU).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Tag. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Tag such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Option entry. false 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Tag unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Option tag (type) [Section 4.6/RFC4861].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Value hexBinary(0:65535) W A hexbinary encoded option value [Section 4.6/RFC4861]. - 2.2
Device.IPv6rd. object R

Settings allowing a CPE to derive and route IPv6 Rapid Deployment (6rd) delegated prefixes as specified in [RFC5969]. The 6rd mechanism is intended to be implemented only on what [RFC5969] refers to as Customer Edge Routers, i.e. on gateway devices, that support IPv6 on the LAN side and only have IPv4 connectivity on the WAN side.

See the 6rd Theory of Operation [Appendix VI/TR-181i2] for a description of the working of this 6rd data model.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables IPv6rd. - 2.2
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceSetting table. - 2.2
Device.IPv6rd.InterfaceSetting.{i}. object(0:) R

6rd [RFC5969] settings.

A 6rd delegated prefix is expected to be of maximum length 64 bits, and is the concatenation of the following two items:

  • Service provider IPv6 prefix: specified via the SPIPv6Prefix parameter
  • IPv4 address suffix: the IPv4 address with the first IPv4MaskLength bits removed

This object definition is derived from [RFC5969] with some minor nomenclature changes.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enable or disable this InterfaceSetting instance. - 2.2
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
BorderRelayIPv4Addresses string(:45)[:4]() W [IPv4Address] Comma-separated list (up to 4 items) (length ) of IPv4Addresses. List items are the IPv4 addresses (possibly anycast) of the 6rd Relay(s). - 2.2
AllTrafficToBorderRelay boolean W If true, the destination address for all 6rd traffic will be set (IPv4 destination address) to one of the BorderRelayIPv4Addresses. If false, traffic whose destination address begins with the same prefix as SPIPv6Prefix will be sent directly to the destination IPv4 address of the endpoint, which is in the same 6rd domain. See 6rd Theory of Operation for further explanation [Appendix VI/TR-181i2]. - 2.2
SPIPv6Prefix string(:49) W [IPv6Prefix] The Service Provider’s 6rd IPv6 prefix for this deployment and this 6rd RG. - 2.2
IPv4MaskLength unsignedInt(0:32) W

The number of high-order bits that are identical across all IPv4 addresses within a given 6rd domain. This number of bits MUST be removed from the start of the IPv4 address when generating the 6rd delegated prefix.

For example, if this value is 8, only the final 24 bits of the subscriber IPv4 prefix will be used when creating the IPv6 delegated prefix, determining the destination IPv4 encapsulation address, etc.

If the value is 0, then the whole 32 bits of the IPv4 address are used in the encoding.

- 2.2
AddressSource string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface.{i}.IPv4Address. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Points to the IPv4 address that is the source of the IPv4 address embedded in the IPv6 6rd prefix, and used as the source encapsulating IPv4 address. If the value is an empty string or this parameter is not present, the device will use internal logic to determine which IPv4 source address to use. - 2.2
TunnelInterface string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is an IP interface of Type Tunnel that is logically the tunnel entry point for upstream IPv6 traffic and is also logically the tunnel exit point for downstream IPv6 traffic (i.e. the entry point for non-tunneled upstream IPv6 traffic to enter a tunnel and become tunneled, or conversely, the exit point for downstream IPv6 traffic leaving a tunnel after being un-tunneled).

IPv6 traffic that enters TunnelInterface from the LAN is expected to continue on through TunneledInterface, and traffic from the WAN is expected to come from TunneledInterface into TunnelInterface. TunnelInterface is a logical interface that can allow for classification, marking (of IPv6 headers), and policing of IPv6 traffic that will be going over a 6rd tunnel. These functions are modeled in the QoS object.

TunnelInterface can be used also to represent the 6rd virtual interface defined in [RFC5969].

Note: In 6rd, IPv6 packets arriving over one or more device LAN IP interfaces are logically fed into this TunnelInterface. Likewise, 6rd traffic from the WAN gets logically sent from this TunnelInterface to LAN IP interfaces.

- 2.2
TunneledInterface string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is an IP interface of Type Tunneled that provides information about the IPv4 headers used to encapsulate the IPv6 packets.

Encapsulated IPv6 traffic that enters TunneledInterface from the WAN is expected to continue on through TunnelInterface, and traffic from the LAN is expected to come from TunnelInterface into TunneledInterface. TunneledInterface is a logical interface that can allow for classification, marking (of IPv4 headers and VLAN tags), and policing of IPv4 packets that encapsulate IPv6 packets in 6rd traffic. These functions are modeled in the QoS object.

Note: In 6rd, TunneledInterface traffic originating from the LAN logically feeds into a WAN-side IPv4 capable IP interface that the “IPv6 6rd tunnel” goes over. 6rd traffic that enters over this IPv4 WAN interface gets logically sent to this TunneledInterface.

- 2.2
Device.DSLite. object R

Settings allowing a CPE to configure and route IPv6 Dual-Stack Lite (DSLite) as specified in [DSLite]. The DS-Lite mechanism is intended to be implemented only on gateway devices that support IPv4 on the LAN side and only have IPv6 connectivity on the WAN side.

See the Dual-Stack Lite Theory of Operation [Appendix VII/TR-181i2] for a description of the working of this DS-Lite data model.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables DSLite. - 2.2
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceSetting table. - 2.2
Device.DSLite.InterfaceSetting.{i}. object(0:) R

DSLite [DSLite] settings.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enable or disable this InterfaceSetting instance. - 2.2
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
EndpointAssignmentPrecedence string W

Indicates the preferred method to be used in assigning values to EndpointName when both static and dynamic values are available. See EndpointName for further clarification.

Enumeration of:

  • DHCPv6
  • Static

The factory default value MUST be DHCPv6.

- 2.2
EndpointAddressTypePrecedence string W

Indicates the preferred method to be used to assign the address of the DS-Lite Endpoint when both EndpointName and EndpointAddress values are available and the Static method is used. See EndpointName and EndpointAddress for further clarification.

Enumeration of:

- 2.5
EndpointAddressInUse string(:45) R

[IPv6Address] Indicates the address currently in use for the tunnel concentrator (remote endpoint). It is derived from the values of the EndpointAssignmentPrecedence, EndpointAddressTypePrecedence, EndpointName and EndpointAddress parameters.

It is an empty string if no endpoint address is currently known.

- 2.5
EndpointName string(:256) W

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the tunnel concentrator (remote endpoint).

This parameter is based on OPTION_DS_LITE_NAME from [Section 4/DSLite-options] and can be assigned statically (e.g. present in the factory default configuration or set by the Controller) or can be updated dynamically (via DHCPv6). If both statically and dynamically assigned, then EndpointAssignmentPrecedence indicates whether it is the static configuration or the DHCPv6 configuration that is actually applied to EndpointName.

Note: EndpointName is only writable when EndpointAssignmentPrecedence is Static; otherwise, EndpointName is automatically configured via the DHCPv6 received option.

- 2.2
EndpointAddress string(:45) W

[IPv6Address] The address of the tunnel concentrator (remote endpoint).

This parameter can only be assigned statically (e.g. present in the factory default configuration or set by the Controller).

- 2.2
Origin string R

Method used to assign EndpointAddressInUse.

Enumeration of:

  • DHCPv6 (Assigned by DHCPv6 [RFC8415])
  • Static (For example, present in the factory default configuration, set by the Controller, or set by some other management entity (e.g. via a GUI))
- 2.2
TunnelInterface string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is an IP interface of Type Tunnel that is logically the tunnel entry point for upstream IPv4 traffic and is also logically the tunnel exit point for downstream IPv4 traffic (i.e. the entry point for non-tunneled upstream IPv4 traffic to enter a tunnel and become tunneled, or conversely, the exit point for downstream IPv4 traffic leaving a tunnel after being un-tunneled).

IPv4 traffic that enters TunnelInterface is expected to continue on through TunneledInterface from the LAN, and traffic from the WAN is expected to come from TunneledInterface into TunnelInterface. TunnelInterface is a logical interface that can allow for classification, marking (of IPv4 headers), and policing of IPv4 traffic that will be going over a DS-Lite tunnel. These functions are modeled in the Device.QoS object.

Note: In DS-Lite, IPv4 packets arriving over one or more device LAN IP interfaces are logically fed into this TunnelInterface. Likewise, DS-Lite traffic from the WAN gets logically sent from this TunnelInterface to LAN IP interfaces.

- 2.2
TunneledInterface string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is an IP interface of Type Tunneled that provides information about the IPv6 headers used to encapsulate the IPv4 packets.

Encapsulated IPv4 traffic that enters TunneledInterface from the WAN is expected to continue on through TunnelInterface, and traffic from the LAN is expected to come from TunnelInterface into TunneledInterface. TunneledInterface is a logical interface that can allow for classification, marking (of IPv6 headers and VLAN tags), and policing of IPv6 packets that encapsulate IPv4 packets in DS-Lite traffic. These functions are modeled in the QoS object.

Note: In DS-Lite, TunneledInterface traffic originating from the LAN logically feeds into a WAN-side IPv6 capable IP interface that the “DSLite IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel” goes over. DS-Lite traffic that enters over this IPv6 WAN interface gets logically sent to this TunneledInterface.

- 2.2
Device.QoS. object R Queue management configuration object. - 2.0
MaxClassificationEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the Classification table. - 2.0
ClassificationNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Classification table. - 2.0
MaxAppEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the App table. - 2.0
AppNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the App table. - 2.0
MaxFlowEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the Flow table. - 2.0
FlowNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Flow table. - 2.0
MaxPolicerEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the Policer table. - 2.0
PolicerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Policer table. - 2.0
MaxQueueEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the Queue table. - 2.0
QueueNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Queue table. - 2.0
QueueStatsNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the QueueStats table. - 2.0
MaxShaperEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the Shaper table. - 2.0
ShaperNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Shaper table. - 2.0
MaxSchedulerEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries available in the Scheduler table. - 2.16
SchedulerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Scheduler table. - 2.16
DefaultForwardingPolicy unsignedInt W Identifier of the forwarding policy associated with traffic not associated with any specified classifier. - 2.0
DefaultTrafficClass unsignedInt W Identifier of the traffic class associated with traffic not associated with any specified classifier. - 2.0
DefaultPolicer string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Policer. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Indicates the Policer table entry for traffic not associated with any specified classifier.

An empty string indicates a null policer.

- 2.0
DefaultQueue string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Queue. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Indicates the Queue table entry for traffic not associated with any specified classifier. Note: The interpretation of an empty string value is implementation specific. - 2.0
DefaultDSCPMark int(-2:) W

DSCP to mark traffic not associated with any specified classifier.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of DSCP based upon the EthernetPriority value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
DefaultEthernetPriorityMark int(-2:) W

Ethernet priority code (as defined in [802.1Q-2011]) to mark traffic not associated with any specified classifier.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of EthernetPriority based upon the DSCP value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

- 2.0
DefaultInnerEthernetPriorityMark int(-2:) W

Ethernet priority code (as defined in [802.1Q-2011]) to mark traffic of the inner VLAN Tag as defined in 802.1Q, when the PDU is not associated with any specified classifier. This parameter is only applicable when the PDU has 2 VLAN Tags.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of EthernetPriority based upon the DSCP value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

- 2.7
AvailableAppList string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. List items represent URNs, each indicating a protocol supported for use as a ProtocolIdentifier in the App table. This list MAY include any of the URNs defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2] as well as other URNs defined elsewhere. - 2.0
Device.QoS.Classification.{i}. object(0:) W

Classification table.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference and AllInterfaces is false, then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Several of this object’s parameters specify DHCP option values. Some cases are version neutral (the parameter can apply to both DHCPv4 and DHCPv6), but in other cases the representation of the option is different for DHCPv4 and DHCPv6, so it is necessary to define separate DHCPv4-specific and DHCPv6-specific parameters. Therefore, an instance of this object that uses DHCP option values as classification criteria will be associated with either DHCPv4 or DHCPv6, as indicated by the DHCPType parameter.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this classifier. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this classifier. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the Classification entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a Classification instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a Classification instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each packet, the highest ordered entry that matches the classification criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
DHCPType string W

The DHCP protocol associated with the Classification instance. Affects only parameters that specify DHCP option values as classification criteria (all such parameter descriptions note this fact). Enumeration of:

  • DHCPv4
  • DHCPv6

If DHCPType is DHCPv4, then Classification parameters that are DHCPv6-specific are ignored. If DHCPType is DHCPv6, then Classification parameters that are DHCPv4-specific are ignored.

DHCPv4 2.2
Interface string(:256) W

Classification criterion. The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row.

This specifies the ingress interface associated with the entry. It MAY be a layer 1, 2 or 3 interface, however, the types of interfaces for which Classifications can be instantiated is a local matter to the CPE.

Note that this parameter is permitted to reference Tunnel instances in order to classify upstream packets that have just been encapsulated (such packets are conceptually similar to locally-generated traffic). For example, this parameter might reference a GRE.Tunnel or a MAP.Domain instance.

<Empty> 2.0
AllInterfaces boolean W Classification criterion. This specifies that all ingress interfaces are associated with the entry. If true, the value of Interface is ignored since all ingress interfaces are indicated. false 2.0
IPVersion int(-1:15) W

Classification criterion.

IP Protocol Version as specified in [IANA-ipversionnumbers]. For example:

  • 4 (IPv4)
  • 6 (IPv6)

A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

-1 2.16
DestIP string(:45) W

[IPAddress] Classification criterion.

Destination IP address. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

<Empty> 2.0
DestMask string(:49) W [IPPrefix] Destination IP address mask, represented as an IP routing prefix using CIDR notation [RFC4632]. The IP address part MUST be an empty string (and, if specified, MUST be ignored). <Empty> 2.0
DestIPExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the (masked) DestIP entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the (masked) DestIP entry, if specified.

false 2.0
SourceIP string(:45) W

[IPAddress] Classification criterion.

Source IP address. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

<Empty> 2.0
SourceMask string(:49) W [IPPrefix] Source IP address mask, represented as an IP routing prefix using CIDR notation [RFC4632]. The IP address part MUST be an empty string (and, if specified, MUST be ignored). <Empty> 2.0
SourceIPExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the (masked) SourceIP entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the (masked) SourceIP entry, if specified.

false 2.0
Protocol int(-1:255) W

Classification criterion.

Protocol number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
ProtocolExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the Protocol entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the Protocol entry, if specified.

false 2.0
DestPort int(-1:65535) W

Classification criterion.

Destination port number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
DestPortRangeMax int(-1:65535) W

Classification criterion.

If specified, indicates the classification criterion is to include the port range from DestPort through DestPortRangeMax (inclusive). If specified, DestPortRangeMax MUST be greater than or equal to DestPort.

A value of -1 indicates that no port range is specified.

-1 2.0
DestPortExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the DestPort entry (or port range), if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the DestPort entry (or port range), if specified.

false 2.0
SourcePort int(-1:65535) W

Classification criterion.

Source port number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
SourcePortRangeMax int(-1:65535) W

Classification criterion.

If specified, indicates the classification criterion is to include the port range from SourcePort through SourcePortRangeMax (inclusive). If specified, SourcePortRangeMax MUST be greater than or equal to SourcePort.

A value of -1 indicates that no port range is specified.

-1 2.0
SourcePortExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the SourcePort entry (or port range), if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the SourcePort entry (or port range), if specified.

false 2.0
SourceMACAddress string(:17) W

[MACAddress] Classification criterion.

Source MAC Address. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

<Empty> 2.0
SourceMACMask string(:17) W [MACAddress] Bit-mask for the MAC address, where matching of a packet’s MAC address with the SourceMACAddress is only to be done for bit positions set to one in the mask. A mask of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF or an empty string indicates all bits of the SourceMACAddress are to be used for classification. <Empty> 2.0
SourceMACExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the (masked) SourceMACAddress entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the (masked) SourceMACAddress entry, if specified.

false 2.0
DestMACAddress string(:17) W

[MACAddress] Classification criterion.

Destination MAC Address. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

The use of destination MAC address as a classification criterion is primarily useful only for bridged traffic.

<Empty> 2.0
DestMACMask string(:17) W [MACAddress] Bit-mask for the MAC address, where matching of a packet’s MAC address with the DestMACAddress is only to be done for bit positions set to one in the mask. A mask of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF or an empty string indicates all bits of the DestMACAddress are to be used for classification. <Empty> 2.0
DestMACExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the (masked) DestMACAddress entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the (masked) DestMACAddress entry, if specified.

false 2.0
Ethertype int(-1:) W

Classification criterion.

Ethertype as indicated in either the Ethernet or SNAP Type header. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
EthertypeExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the Ethertype entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the Ethertype entry, if specified.

false 2.0
SSAP int(-1:) W

Classification criterion.

SSAP element in the LLC header. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
SSAPExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the SSAP entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the SSAP entry, if specified.

false 2.0
DSAP int(-1:) W

Classification criterion.

DSAP element in the LLC header. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
DSAPExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the DSAP entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the DSAP entry, if specified.

false 2.0
LLCControl int(-1:) W

Classification criterion.

Control element in the LLC header. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
LLCControlExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the LLCControl entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the LLCControl entry, if specified.

false 2.0
SNAPOUI int(-1:) W

Classification criterion.

OUI element in the SNAP header. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
SNAPOUIExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the SNAPOUI entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the SNAPOUI entry, if specified.

false 2.0
SourceVendorClassID string(:255) W

Classification criterion.

Used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCPv4 Vendor Class Identifier (Option 60) as defined in [RFC2132], matched according to the criterion in SourceVendorClassIDMode. Case sensitive.

This is a normal string, e.g. “abc” is represented as “abc” and not say “616263” hex. However, if the value includes non-printing characters then such characters have to be represented using XML escapes, e.g. #x0a for line-feed.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

Note: This parameter is DHCPv4-specific. It only applies when DHCPType is DHCPv4.

<Empty> 2.0
SourceVendorClassIDv6 hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCPv6 Vendor Class Identifier (Option 16) as defined in [RFC8415]. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

Note: This parameter is DHCPv6-specific. It only applies when DHCPType is DHCPv6.

<Empty> 2.2
SourceVendorClassIDExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets sourced from LAN devices that match the SourceVendorClassID entry (for DHCPv4) or the SourceVendorClassIDv6 entry (for DHCPv6), if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those sourced from LAN devices that match the SourceVendorClassID entry (for DHCPv4) or the SourceVendorClassIDv6 entry (for DHCPv6), if specified.

false 2.0
SourceVendorClassIDMode string W

SourceVendorClassID pattern match criterion. Enumeration of:

  • Exact
  • Prefix
  • Suffix
  • Substring

For example, if SourceVendorClassID is “Example” then an Option 60 value of “Example device” will match with SourceVendorClassIDMode values of Prefix or Substring, but not with Exact or Suffix.

Exact 2.0
DestVendorClassID string(:255) W

Classification criterion.

Used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCPv4 Vendor Class Identifier (Option 60) as defined in [RFC2132], matched according to the criterion in DestVendorClassIDMode. Case sensitive.

This is a normal string, e.g. “abc” is represented as “abc” and not say “616263” hex. However, if the value includes non-printing characters then such characters have to be represented using XML escapes, e.g. #x0a for line-feed.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

Note: This parameter is DHCPv4-specific. It only applies when DHCPType is DHCPv4.

<Empty> 2.0
DestVendorClassIDv6 hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCPv6 Vendor Class Identifier (Option 16) as defined in [RFC8415]. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

Note: This parameter is DHCPv6-specific. It only applies when DHCPType is DHCPv6.

<Empty> 2.2
DestVendorClassIDExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets destined for LAN devices that match the DestVendorClassID entry (for DHCPv4) or the DestVendorClassIDv6 entry (for DHCPv6), if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those destined for LAN devices that match the DestVendorClassID entry (for DHCPv4) or the DestVendorClassIDv6 entry (for DHCPv6), if specified.

false 2.0
DestVendorClassIDMode string W

DestVendorClassID pattern match criterion. Enumeration of:

  • Exact
  • Prefix
  • Suffix
  • Substring

For example, if DestVendorClassID is “Example” then an Option 60 value of “Example device” will match with DestVendorClassIDMode values of Prefix or Substring, but not with Exact or Suffix.

Exact 2.0
SourceClientID hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP Client Identifier. The DHCP Client Identifier is Option 61 (as defined in [RFC2132]) for DHCPv4, or is Option 1 (as defined in [RFC8415]) for DHCPv6. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.

Note: This parameter is DHCP version neutral. The specific DHCP version in use with this parameter is indicated by DHCPType.

Note: DHCPv6 Option 1 (Client Identifier) is sometimes referred to as DUID.

<Empty> 2.0
SourceClientIDExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets sourced from LAN devices that match the SourceClientID entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those sourced from LAN devices that match the SourceClientID entry, if specified.

false 2.0
DestClientID hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP Client Identifier. The DHCP Client Identifier is Option 61 (as defined in [RFC2132]) for DHCPv4, or is Option 1 (as defined in [RFC8415]) for DHCPv6. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.

Note: This parameter is DHCP version neutral. The specific DHCP version in use with this parameter is indicated by DHCPType.

Note: DHCPv6 Option 1 (Client Identifier) is sometimes referred to as DUID.

<Empty> 2.0
DestClientIDExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets destined for LAN devices that match the DestClientID entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those destined for LAN devices that match the DestClientID entry, if specified.

false 2.0
SourceUserClassID hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP User Class Identifier. The DHCP User Class Identifier is Option 77 (as defined in [RFC3004]) for DHCPv4, or is Option 15 (as defined in [RFC8415]) for DHCPv6. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.

Note: This parameter is DHCP version neutral. The specific DHCP version in use with this parameter is indicated by DHCPType.

<Empty> 2.0
SourceUserClassIDExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets sourced from LAN devices that match the SourceUserClassID entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those sourced from LAN devices that match the SourceUserClassID entry, if specified.

false 2.0
DestUserClassID hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP User Class Identifier. The DHCP User Class Identifier is Option 77 (as defined in [RFC3004]) for DHCPv4, or is Option 15 (as defined in [RFC8415]) for DHCPv6. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.

Note: This parameter is DHCP version neutral. The specific DHCP version in use with this parameter is indicated by DHCPType.

<Empty> 2.0
DestUserClassIDExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets destined for LAN devices that match the DestUserClassID entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those destined for LAN devices that match the DestUserClassID entry, if specified.

false 2.0
SourceVendorSpecificInfo hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP Vendor-specific Information, matched according to the criteria in SourceVendorSpecificInfoEnterprise and SourceVendorSpecificInfoSubOption. The DHCP Vendor-specific Information is Option 125 (as defined in [RFC3925]) for DHCPv4, or is Option 17 (as defined in [RFC8415]) for DHCPv6.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.

Note: This parameter is DHCP version neutral. The specific DHCP version in use with this parameter is indicated by DHCPType.

<Empty> 2.0
SourceVendorSpecificInfoExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets sourced from LAN devices that match the SourceVendorSpecificInfo entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those sourced from LAN devices that match the SourceVendorSpecificInfo entry, if specified.

false 2.0
SourceVendorSpecificInfoEnterprise unsignedInt W

SourceVendorSpecificInfo Enterprise Number as defined in [RFC3925].

The default value (0) is assigned to IANA and will probably need to be replaced with an appropriate enterprise number.

0 2.0
SourceVendorSpecificInfoSubOption int(0:255) W SourceVendorSpecificInfo Sub Option Code as defined in [RFC3925]. 0 2.0
DestVendorSpecificInfo hexBinary(:65535) W

Classification criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP Vendor-specific Information, matched according to the criteria in DestVendorSpecificInfoEnterprise and DestVendorSpecificInfoSubOption. The DHCP Vendor-specific Information is Option 125 (as defined in [RFC3925]) for DHCPv4, or is Option 17 (as defined in [RFC8415]) for DHCPv6.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.

Note: This parameter is DHCP version neutral. The specific DHCP version in use with this parameter is indicated by DHCPType.

<Empty> 2.0
DestVendorSpecificInfoExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets destined for LAN devices that match the DestVendorSpecificInfo entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those destined for LAN devices that match the DestVendorSpecificInfo entry, if specified.

false 2.0
DestVendorSpecificInfoEnterprise unsignedInt W

DestVendorSpecificInfo Enterprise Number as defined in [RFC3925].

The default value (0) is assigned to IANA and will probably need to be replaced with an appropriate enterprise number.

0 2.0
DestVendorSpecificInfoSubOption int(0:255) W DestVendorSpecificInfo Sub Option Code as defined in [RFC3925]. 0 2.0
TCPACK boolean W

Classification criterion.

If false, this criterion is not used for classification.

If true, this criterion matches with all TCP segments that have the ACK control bit set.

false 2.0
TCPACKExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the TCPACK entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the TCPACK entry, if specified.

false 2.0
IPLengthMin unsignedInt W

Classification criterion.

Minimum IP Packet Length (including header) in bytes.

0 2.0
IPLengthMax unsignedInt W

Classification criterion.

Maximum IP Packet Length (including header) in bytes.

A value of zero indicates that no maximum is specified (an umlimited maximum length).

0 2.0
IPLengthExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets whose length (including header) falls within the inclusive range IPLengthMin through IPLengthMax. A value of zero for both IPLengthMin and IPLengthMax allows any length packet. An equal non-zero value of IPLengthMin and IPLengthMax allows only a packet with the exact length specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those whose length (including header) falls within the inclusive range IPLengthMin through IPLengthMax.

false 2.0
DSCPCheck int(-1:63) W

Classification criterion.

DiffServ codepoint (defined in [RFC2474]).

If set to a Class Selector Codepoint (defined in [RFC2474]), all DSCP values that match the first 3 bits will be considered a valid match.

A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
DSCPExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the DSCPCheck entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the DSCPCheck entry, if specified.

false 2.0
DSCPMark int(-2:) W

Classification result.

DSCP to mark traffic with that falls into this classification entry.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of DSCP based upon the EthernetPriority value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

-1 2.0
EthernetPriorityCheck int(-1:) W

Classification criterion.

Current Ethernet priority of a VLAN Tag as defined in [802.1Q-2011] or Ethernet Priority field as defined in 802.1D. If more than 1 VLAN tag is present, then this parameter represents the outer VLAN Tag. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
EthernetPriorityExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the EthernetPriorityCheck entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the EthernetPriorityCheck entry, if specified.

false 2.0
EthernetPriorityMark int(-2:) W

Classification result.

Ethernet priority code (as defined in [802.1Q-2011]) to mark traffic with that falls into this classification entry associated with the EthernetPriorityCheck.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of EthernetPriority based upon the DSCP value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

-1 2.0
InnerEthernetPriorityCheck int(-1:) W

Classification criterion.

Current Ethernet priority of the inner VLAN Tag as defined in 802.1Q. This parameter is only applicable when the PDU has 2 VLAN Tags. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.7
InnerEthernetPriorityExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the InnerEthernetPriorityCheck entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the InnerEthernetPriorityCheck entry, if specified.

false 2.7
InnerEthernetPriorityMark int(-2:) W

Classification result.

Ethernet priority code to mark traffic with that falls into this classification entry associated with the InnerEthernetPriorityCheck.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of EthernetPriority based upon the DSCP value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

-1 2.7
EthernetDEICheck int(-1:) W

Classification criterion.

Current Ethernet Drop eligible Indication (DEI) of the VLAN tag as defined in 802.1Q. If 2 VLAN Tags are present, then this parameter represents the outer VLAN tag. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.7
EthernetDEIExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the EthernetDEICheck entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the EthernetDEICheck entry, if specified.

false 2.7
VLANIDCheck int(-1:) W

Classification criterion.

Current Ethernet VLAN ID as defined in 802.1Q. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
VLANIDExclude boolean W

If false, the class includes only those packets that match the VLANIDCheck entry, if specified.

If true, the class includes all packets except those that match the VLANIDCheck entry, if specified.

false 2.0
OutOfBandInfo int(-1:) W

Classification criterion.

Allows traffic to be distinguished based on out-of-band information such as physical port or application ID. Primarily intended for, but not restricted to, locally sourced traffic.

If specified, this entry applies to traffic with matching out-of-band information. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for classification.

-1 2.0
ForwardingPolicy unsignedInt W

Classification result.

Identifier of the forwarding policy associated with traffic that falls in this classification.

0 2.0
TrafficClass int(-1:) W

Classification result.

Identifier of the traffic class associated with traffic that falls in this classification. If specified, at least one Queue table entry MUST include this traffic class in its Queue.{i}.TrafficClasses parameter (which is a comma-separated list).

A value of -1 indicates a null traffic class.

TrafficClass and App are mutually exclusive and one of the two MUST be specified. If TrafficClass is -1, App MUST be specified, and vice versa.

-1 2.0
Policer string(:256) W

Classification result. The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Policer. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

Indicates the Policer table entry for traffic that falls in this classification.

An empty string indicates a null policer.

Policer MAY optionally be specified in conjunction with TrafficClass. Policer and App are mutually exclusive.

<Empty> 2.0
App string(:256) W

Classification result. The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the App. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

Indicates the App table entry for traffic that falls in this classification.

An empty string indicates a null App.

TrafficClass and App are mutually exclusive and one of the two MUST be specified. If TrafficClass is null, App MUST be specified, and vice versa.

<Empty> 2.0
Device.QoS.App.{i}. object(0:) W

Application table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this App table entry. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this App table entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
ProtocolIdentifier string(:256) W URN identifying the protocol associated with the given application. A set of defined URNs is given in [Annex A/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
Name string(:64) W Human-readable name associated with this entry in the App table. <Empty> 2.0
DefaultForwardingPolicy unsignedInt W Identifier of the forwarding policy associated with traffic associated with this App table entry, but not associated with any specified flow. 0 2.0
DefaultTrafficClass unsignedInt W Identifier of the traffic class associated with traffic associated with this App table entry, but not associated with any specified flow. 0 2.0
DefaultPolicer string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Policer. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Indicates the Policer table entry for traffic associated with this App table entry, but not associated with any specified flow.

An empty string indicates a null policer.

<Empty> 2.0
DefaultDSCPMark int(-2:) W

DSCP to mark traffic associated with this App table entry, but not associated with any specified flow.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of DSCP based upon the EthernetPriority value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

-1 2.0
DefaultEthernetPriorityMark int(-2:) W

Ethernet priority code (as defined in [802.1Q-2011]) to mark traffic associated with this App table entry, but not associated with any specified flow.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of EthernetPriority based upon the DSCP value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

-1 2.0
DefaultInnerEthernetPriorityMark int(-2:) W

Ethernet priority code (as defined in [802.1Q-2011]) to mark the inner VLAN Tags as defined in 802.1Q with this App table entry where the packet is not associated with any specified flow. This parameter is only applicable when the PDU has 2 VLAN Tags.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of EthernetPriority based upon the DSCP value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

- 2.7
Device.QoS.Flow.{i}. object(0:) W

Flow table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Flow table entry. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this Flow table entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Type string(:256) W URN identifying the type of flow to be associated with the specified policer. A set of defined URNs is given in [Annex A/TR-181i2]. <Empty> 2.0
TypeParameters string(:256)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each entry is a name-value pair representing additional criteria to identify the flow type. The use and interpretation is specific to the particular FlowType URN.Encoded using the “x-www-form-urlencoded” content type defined in [HTML4.01]. <Empty> 2.0
Name string(:64) W Human-readable name associated with this entry in the Flow table. <Empty> 2.0
App string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the App. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Indicates the App table entry associated with this flow. An empty string indicates the flow table is not associated with any App table entry. <Empty> 2.0
ForwardingPolicy unsignedInt W Identifier of the forwarding policy associated with this flow. 0 2.0
TrafficClass unsignedInt W Identifier of the traffic class associated with this flow. 0 2.0
Policer string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Policer. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Indicates the Policer table entry for traffic that falls in this flow.

An empty string indicates a null policer.

<Empty> 2.0
DSCPMark int(-2:) W

DSCP to mark traffic with that falls into this flow.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of DSCP based upon the EthernetPriority value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

-1 2.0
EthernetPriorityMark int(-2:) W

Ethernet priority code (as defined in [802.1Q-2011]) to mark traffic with that falls into this flow.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of EthernetPriority based upon the DSCP value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

-1 2.0
InnerEthernetPriorityMark int(-2:) W

Ethernet priority code (as defined in [802.1Q-2011]) to mark the inner VLAN Tags with for traffic that falls into this flow.

A value of -1 indicates no change from the incoming packet.

A value of -2 indicates automatic marking of EthernetPriority based upon the DSCP value of the incoming packet as defined in [Annex A/TR-181i2].

-1 2.7
Device.QoS.Policer.{i}. object(0:) W

Policer table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this policer. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this policer. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
CommittedRate unsignedLong W

Committed rate allowed for this policer in bits per second.

Note: To be able to support higher bit rates, this parameter was changed to unsignedLong in the Device:2.18 version.

0 2.0
CommittedBurstSize unsignedInt W Committed Burstsize in bytes. 0 2.0
ExcessBurstSize unsignedInt W

Excess Burstsize in bytes.

Applied for a SingleRateThreeColor meter.

0 2.0
PeakRate unsignedLong W

Peak rate allowed for this Meter in bits per second.

Applied for TwoRateThreeColor meters.

Note: To be able to support higher bit rates, this parameter was changed to unsignedLong in the Device:2.18 version.

0 2.0
PeakBurstSize unsignedInt W

Peak Burstsize in bytes.

Applied for TwoRateThreeColor meters.

0 2.0
MeterType string W

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the PossibleMeterTypes parameter. Identifies the method of traffic measurement to be used for this policer.

SimpleTokenBucket makes use of CommittedRate and CommittedBurstSize.

SingleRateThreeColor makes use of CommittedRate, CommittedBurstSize, and ExcessBurstSize as defined in [RFC2697].

TwoRateThreeColor makes use of CommittedRate, CommittedBurstSize, PeakRate, and PeakBurstSize as defined in [RFC2698].

SimpleTokenBucket 2.0
PossibleMeterTypes string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates supported meter types.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • SimpleTokenBucket
  • SingleRateThreeColor
  • TwoRateThreeColor
- 2.0
ConformingAction string W

Instructions for how to handle traffic that is conforming. Possible patterns:

  • Null
  • Drop
  • [0-9]|[1-5][0-9]|6[0-3] ()
  • :[0-7] ()
  • ([0-9]|[1-5][0-9]|6[0-3]):[0-7] ()

Null corresponds with no action.

is an unsigned integer that corresponds with a mark action overwriting the traffic’s DSCP with the configured DSCP.

<:Ethernet Priority> is a colon (“:”) followed by an unsigned integer (no white space). It corresponds with a mark action overwriting the traffic’s Ethernet Priority with the configured Ethernet Priority.

is an unsigned integer followed by a colon (“:”) and a second unsigned integer (no white space). It corresponds with a mark action overwriting the traffic’s DSCP and Ethernet Priority with the configured values.

For example, “24” specifies a DSCP value of 24, “:3” specifies an Ethernet Priority of 3, and “24:3” specifies both.

Null 2.0
PartialConformingAction string W

Instructions for how to handle traffic that is partially conforming (colored yellow). Possible patterns:

  • Null
  • Drop
  • [0-9]|[1-5][0-9]|6[0-3] ()
  • :[0-7] ()
  • ([0-9]|[1-5][0-9]|6[0-3]):[0-7] ()

Null corresponds with no action.

is an unsigned integer that corresponds with a mark action overwriting the traffic’s DSCP with the configured DSCP.Only applies for three-color meters.

<:Ethernet Priority> is a colon (“:”) followed by an unsigned integer (no white space). It corresponds with a mark action overwriting the traffic’s Ethernet Priority with the configured Ethernet Priority.

is an unsigned integer followed by a colon (“:”) and a second unsigned integer (no white space). It corresponds with a mark action overwriting the traffic’s DSCP and Ethernet Priority with the configured values.

For example, “24” specifies a DSCP value of 24, “:3” specifies an Ethernet Priority of 3, and “24:3” specifies both.

Drop 2.0
NonConformingAction string W

Instructions for how to handle traffic that is non-conforming. Possible patterns:

  • Null
  • Drop
  • [0-9]|[1-5][0-9]|6[0-3] ()
  • :[0-7] ()
  • ([0-9]|[1-5][0-9]|6[0-3]):[0-7] ()

Null corresponds with no action.

is an unsigned integer that corresponds with a mark action overwriting the traffic’s DSCP with the configured DSCP.

<:Ethernet Priority> is a colon (“:”) followed by an unsigned integer (no white space). It corresponds with a mark action overwriting the traffic’s Ethernet Priority with the configured Ethernet Priority.

is an unsigned integer followed by a colon (“:”) and a second unsigned integer (no white space). It corresponds with a mark action overwriting the traffic’s DSCP and Ethernet Priority with the configured values.

For example, “24” specifies a DSCP value of 24, “:3” specifies an Ethernet Priority of 3, and “24:3” specifies both.

Drop 2.0
TotalCountedPackets unsignedInt R

Total number of Packets counted by this policer, regardless of meter action.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
TotalCountedBytes unsignedInt R

Total number of Bytes counted by this policer, regardless of meter action.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
ConformingCountedPackets unsignedInt R

Number of conforming Packets counted by this policer, regardless of meter action.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
ConformingCountedBytes unsignedInt R

Number of conforming Bytes counted by this policer, regardless of meter action.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
PartiallyConformingCountedPackets unsignedInt R

Number of partially conforming Packets counted by this policer, regardless of meter action.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
PartiallyConformingCountedBytes unsignedInt R

Number of partially conforming Bytes counted by this policer, regardless of meter action.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
NonConformingCountedPackets unsignedInt R

Number of non-conforming Packets counted by this policer, regardless of meter action.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
NonConformingCountedBytes unsignedInt R

Number of non-conforming Bytes counted by this policer, regardless of meter action.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
Device.QoS.Queue.{i}. object(0:) W

Queue table. Each entry is associated with a set of traffic classes, which are specified via the TrafficClasses parameter, and is configured with weight, precedence, drop algorithm, scheduler algorithm etc as appropriate for the traffic classes. An entry can be associated either with all egress interfaces (in which case an actual queue will be instantiated on each egress interface on which traffic of that traffic class can be generated) or else with a single specified egress interface.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference and AllInterfaces is false, then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this queue. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this queue. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Children string[] W Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a table row, or an empty string. Comma-separated list of strings. Each reference can be associated with another QoS.Queue.{i}, QoS.Shaper.{i}, QoS.Scheduler.{i} instance object. The references in this parameter are used to build a hierarchy. - 2.16
TrafficClasses unsignedInt[](:256) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of unsigned integers. Each list item identifies the set of traffic classes associated with this queue.

Traffic is sent to this queue if a Classification, App or Flow table entry specifies a traffic class, e.g. via the Classification.{i}.TrafficClass parameter.

If more than one queue on a given egress interface is associated with a given traffic class, the implementation will choose which queue to send traffic of this class to.

<Empty> 2.0
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. Specifies the egress interface for which the specified queue MUST exist.

This MAY be a layer 1, 2 or 3 interface, however, the types of interfaces for which Queues can be instantiated is a local matter to the CPE.

<Empty> 2.0
AllInterfaces boolean W Indicates that the specified queue MUST exist for all egress interfaces (i.e. this queue entry is to apply to all egress interfaces). If true, the value of Interface is ignored since all egress interfaces are indicated. false 2.0
HardwareAssisted boolean R Indicates whether all the queues corresponding to this table entry are hardware assisted. If any of the queues corresponding to this table entry are not hardware assisted, the parameter value MUST be false. false 2.0
BufferLength unsignedInt R

Number of bytes in the buffer.

Queue buffer size for all egress interfaces for which this queue exists. If the buffer size is not the same for all such egress interfaces, this parameter MUST be 0.

- 2.0
Weight unsignedInt W Weight of this queue in case of WFQ or WRR, but only used for queues of equal precedence. 0 2.0
Precedence unsignedInt(1:) W Precedence of this queue relative to others. Lower numbers imply greater precedence. 1 2.0
REDThreshold unsignedInt(:100) W

Random Early Detection threshold, used only when DropAlgorithm is RED.

This is the minimum threshold (min_th) and is measured as a percentage of the queue size. If the value is set to zero, the CPE MUST choose a sensible value, e.g. 5 (but the value MUST still read back as zero).

In this version of the data model, there is no way to set the maximum threshold (max_th). The CPE MUST choose a sensible value, e.g. three times the minimum threshold.

In this version of the data model, there is no way to set the RED weight (w_q). The CPE MUST choose a sensible value, e.g. 0.002.

0 2.0
REDPercentage unsignedInt(:100) W

Random Early Detection percentage, used only when DropAlgorithm is RED.

This is the maximum value of the packet marking probability (max_p). If the value is set to zero, the CPE MUST choose a sensible value, e.g. 10 (but the value MUST still read back as zero).

In this version of the data model, there is no way to set the RED weight (w_q). The CPE MUST choose a sensible value, e.g. 0.002.

0 2.0
DropAlgorithm string W

Dropping algorithm used for this queue if congested.

Enumeration of:

  • RED (Random Early Detection [RED])
  • DT (Drop Tail)
  • WRED (Weighted RED)
  • BLUE ([BLUE])
DT 2.0
SchedulerAlgorithm string W

Scheduling Algorithm used by scheduler.

Enumeration of:

  • WFQ (Weighted Fair Queueing)
  • WRR (Weighted Round Robin)
  • SP (Strict Priority)
SP 2.0
ShapingRate long(-1:) W

Rate to shape this queue’s traffic to. For leaky bucket (constant rate shaping), this is the constant rate. For token bucket (variable rate shaping), this is the average rate.

If <= 100, in percent of the rate of the highest rate-constrained layer over which the packet will travel on egress.

If > 100, in bits per second.

A value of -1 indicates no shaping.

For example, for packets destined for a WAN DSL interface, if the egress will be on a PPP or IP link with a specified ShapingRate, the percentage is calculated relative to this rate. Otherwise, if the ATM layer is rate-constrained, then the rate is calculated relative to this rate. Otherwise, the rate is calculated relative to the physical-layer DSL rate.

Note: To be able to support higher bit rates, this parameter was changed to unsignedLong in the Device:2.18 version.

-1 2.0
CurrentShapingRate long(-1:) R

If the Queue is active, the CurrentShapingRate must reflect the actual configured ShapingRate, in bits per second per second. -1 means no rate due to do Queue not active.

Note: To be able to support higher bit rates, this parameter was changed to unsignedLong in the Device:2.18 version.

-1 2.16
AssuredRate long(-1:) W

Minimum rate to shape this queue’s traffic to.

If <= 100, in percent of the rate of the highest rate-constrained layer over which the packet will travel on egress.

If > 100, in bits per second.

A value of -1 indicates no shaping.

Note: To be able to support higher bit rates, this parameter was changed to unsignedLong in the Device:2.18 version.

-1 2.16
CurrentAssuredRate long(-1:) R

If the Queue is active, the CurrentAssuredRate must reflect the actual configured AssuredRate, in bits per second. -1 means no rate due to do Queue not active.

Note: To be able to support higher bit rates, this parameter was changed to unsignedLong in the Device:2.18 version.

-1 2.16
ShapingBurstSize unsignedInt W Burst size in bytes. For both leaky bucket (constant rate shaping) and token bucket (variable rate shaping) this is the bucket size and is therefore the maximum burst size. - 2.0
Device.QoS.QueueStats.{i}. object(0:) W

Queue statistics table. This table is managed by the Controller, which will create entries only for those {Queue, Interface} combinations for which statistics are to be collected.

Note: The QueueStats table includes unique key parameters that are strong references. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated QueueStats row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST disable the offending QueueStats row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for both Queue and Interface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this object. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this object.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled (Enabled and {Queue,Interface} is valid)
  • Error (Enabled but {Queue,Interface} is invalid)
Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Queue string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Queue. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Indicates Queue entry with which this object is associated. <Empty> 2.0
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. Specifies the egress interface for which this object contains statistics.

This MAY be a layer 1, 2 or 3 interface, however, the types of interfaces for which QueueStats can be instantiated is a local matter to the CPE.

<Empty> 2.0
OutputPackets unsignedInt R

Number of packets output through the queue.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
OutputBytes unsignedInt R

Number of bytes output through the queue.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
DroppedPackets unsignedInt R

Number of packets dropped by the queue.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
DroppedBytes unsignedInt R

Number of bytes dropped by the queue.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
QueueOccupancyPackets unsignedInt R

Queue occupancy in packets (gives a measure of queue latency).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
QueueOccupancyPercentage unsignedInt(0:100) R

Queue occupancy measured as a percent, i.e. 100 * queue occupancy in bytes / queue size in bytes (gives a measure of queue usage).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
Device.QoS.Shaper.{i}. object(0:) W

Shaper table. Used to shape the queue(s) associated with Interface. In case of a single queue for that interface, determines the egress rate of the queue. In case of multiple queues for that interface (possibly with per queue shaping rates), determines the aggregate egress rate on that interface.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The Shaper table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated Shaper row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending Shaper row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Interface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this shaper. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this shaper. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Children string[] W Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a table row, or an empty string. Comma-separated list of strings. Each reference can be associated with another QoS.Queue.{i}, QoS.Shaper.{i}, QoS.Scheduler.{i} instance object. The references in this parameter are used to build a hierarchy. - 2.16
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row.The interface object associated with this Shaper entry. It MAY be a layer 1, 2 or 3 interface, however, the types of interfaces for which Shapers can be instantiated is a local matter to the CPE. <Empty> 2.0
ShapingRate long(-1:) W

Rate to shape the associated interface connection’s egress traffic to. For leaky bucket (constant rate shaping), this is the constant rate. For token bucket (variable rate shaping), this is the average rate.

If <= 100, in percent of the rate of the highest rate-constrained layer over which the packet will travel on egress.

If > 100, in bits per second.

A value of -1 indicates no shaping.

For example, for packets destined for a WAN DSL interface, if the ATM layer is rate-constrained, then the rate is calculated relative to this rate. Otherwise, the rate is calculated relative to the physical-layer DSL rate.

Note: To be able to support higher bit rates, this parameter was changed to unsignedLong in the Device:2.18 version.

-1 2.0
ShapingBurstSize unsignedInt W Burst size in bytes. For both leaky bucket (constant rate shaping) and token bucket (variable rate shaping) this is the bucket size and is therefore the maximum burst size. - 2.0
Device.QoS.Scheduler.{i}. object(0:) W

Scheduler table. Each entry is used to model a scheduler object.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this scheduler. false 2.16
Status string R

The status of this scheduler. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Children string[] W Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a table row, or an empty string. Comma-separated list of strings. Each reference can be associated with another QoS.Queue.{i}, QoS.Shaper.{i}, QoS.Scheduler.{i} instance object. The references in this parameter are used to build a hierarchy. - 2.16
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. Specifies the egress interface for which the specified queue MUST exist.

This MAY be a layer 1, 2 or 3 interface, however, the types of interfaces for which Queues can be instantiated is a local matter to the CPE.

<Empty> 2.16
SchedulerAlgorithm string W

Scheduling Algorithm used by scheduler.

Enumeration of:

  • WFQ (Weighted Fair Queueing)
  • WRR (Weighted Round Robin)
  • SP (Strict Priority)
SP 2.16
ShapingRate long(-1:) W

Rate to shape this scheduler’s traffic to. For leaky bucket (constant rate shaping), this is the constant rate. For token bucket (variable rate shaping), this is the average rate.

If <= 100, in percent of the rate of the highest rate-constrained layer over which the packet will travel on egress.

If > 100, in bits per second.

A value of -1 indicates no shaping.

Note: To be able to support higher bit rates, this parameter was changed to unsignedLong in the Device:2.18 version.

-1 2.16
AssuredRate long(-1:) W

Minimum guaranteed rate to shape this scheduler’s traffic to.

Must be > 0 and < ShapingRate, for a valid rate.

A value of -1 indicates the ShapingRate’s value is not used.

Note: To be able to support higher bit rates, this parameter was changed to unsignedLong in the Device:2.18 version.

-1 2.16
DefaultQueue string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The value MUST be the Path Name for a QoS.Queue.{i} instance. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. <Empty> 2.16
Device.LANConfigSecurity. object R This object contains generic device configuration information. - 2.0
ConfigPassword string(:64) W

A password to allow LAN access to protected auto-configuration services.

If the CPE supports TR-064 (LAN-side DSL CPE Configuration Protocol), this parameter is to be used as the dslf-config password (as defined in TR-064).

If the CPE has a user interface with password protection enabled, this parameter is also to be used as the user password for password-protected operations. However, this parameter MUST NOT be used to set the user password if the parameter UserInterface.PasswordUserSelectable is true.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
Device.Hosts. object R This object provides information about each of the hosts on the LAN, including those whose IP address was allocated by the CPE using DHCP as well as hosts with statically allocated IP addresses. It can also include non-IP hosts. - 2.0
HostNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Host table. - 2.0
AccessControlNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AccessControl table. - 2.14
Device.Hosts.Host.{i}. object(0:) R

Host table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for PhysAddress.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO
[Alias] ::: hide A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.
The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:
  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.


This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11 because Host is a transient object.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.
Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.
- 2.0
PhysAddress string(:64) R Unique physical identifier of the host. For many layer 2 technologies this is typically a MAC address. - 2.0
IPAddress string(:45) R

[IPAddress] Current IP Address of the host. An empty string if no address is available.

If more than one IP address for this host is known, the CPE will choose a primary address. All known IP addresses can be listed in the IPv4Address and IPv6Address tables.

- 2.0
AddressSource string R

Indicates whether the IP address of the host was allocated by the CPE using DHCP, was assigned to the host statically, or was assigned using automatic IP address allocation. Enumeration of:

  • DHCP
  • Static
  • AutoIP
  • None
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11 because only None and DHCP made sense (the CPE doesn’t know whether the address is Static or AutoIP). The DHCP case is now handled via the DHCPClient reference.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.
- 2.0
DHCPClient string[:2]() R Comma-separated list (up to 2 items) (length ) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}.Client. or DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}.Client. tables. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Each list item is the DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 server’s client entry that corresponds to the host. - 2.2
LeaseTimeRemaining int(-1:) R
DHCP lease time remaining in seconds. A value of -1 indicates an infinite lease. The value MUST be 0 (zero) if the AddressSource is not DHCP.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11 because DHCP lease/lifetime information can be accessed via the DHCPClient reference.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.
- 2.0
AssociatedDevice string(:256) R

The value MUST be the path name of the AssociatedDevice (or equivalent) table row that models the host, or an empty string if either there is no such table or the host isn’t directly connected to this device (e.g. the host is connected to a Wi-Fi Access Point).

For example: Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.1.AssociatedDevice.2

- 2.2
Layer1Interface string(:256) R

The value MUST be the path name of a row in a layer 1 interface table. If either the layer 1 interface isn’t known or the host isn’t directly connected to this device (e.g. the host is connected to a Wi-Fi Access Point), then Layer1Interface will be an empty string.

For example: Device.Ethernet.Interface.2

- 2.0
Layer3Interface string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. If either the layer 3 interface isn’t known or the host isn’t directly connected to this device (e.g. the host is connected to a Wi-Fi Access Point), then Layer3Interface will be an empty string. - 2.0
InterfaceType string R

Type of physical interface through which this host is connected.

Enumeration of:

  • Ethernet
  • HPNA
  • HomePlug
  • MoCA
  • UPA
  • Wi-Fi
  • Other
- 2.13
VendorClassID string(:255) R
Vendor Class Identifier DHCP option (Option 60) of the host.
This is a normal string, e.g. “abc” is represented as “abc” and not say “616263” hex. However, if the value includes non-printing characters then such characters have to be represented using XML escapes, e.g. #x0a for line-feed.
It MAY be defined when AddressSource is DHCP. An empty string indicates this option is not used.
Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11 because host-supplied DHCP options can be accessed via the DHCPClient reference.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.
- 2.0
ClientID hexBinary(:65535) R
A hexbinary string, Client Identifier DHCP option (Option 61) for the specific IP connection of the client. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.
It MAY be defined when AddressSource is DHCP. An empty string indicates this option is not used.
Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11 because host-supplied DHCP options can be accessed via the DHCPClient reference.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.14.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.15.
- 2.0
UserClassID hexBinary(:65535) R
A hexbinary string, User Class Identifier DHCP option (Option 77) of the host.
It MAY be defined when AddressSource is DHCP. An empty string indicates this option is not used.
Note: DHCPv4 Option values are limited to a length of 255, while DHCPv6 Option values can have a maximum length of 65535.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.11 because host-supplied DHCP options can be accessed via the DHCPClient reference.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.15.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.16.
- 2.0
HostName string(:64) R The device’s host name or an empty string if unknown. - 2.0
Active boolean R

Whether or not the host is currently present on the LAN. The method of presence detection is a local matter to the CPE.

The ability to list inactive hosts is OPTIONAL. If the CPE includes inactive hosts in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive host. The length of time an inactive host remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

Entries in Device.Hosts.Host SHOULD NOT be removed when they become inactive if there are WANStats statistics collected for the entry in the past seven days.

- 2.0
ActiveLastChange dateTime R

The datetime when Active last changed from true to false or from false to true. The initial detection of a host SHOULD be treated as a transition from false to true, showing the datetime when the host was first detected.

The ability to list inactive hosts is OPTIONAL. The length of time an inactive host remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

Entries in Device.Hosts.Host SHOULD NOT be removed when they become inactive if there are WANStats statistics collected for the entry in the past seven days.

- 2.10
IPv4AddressNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv4Address table. - 2.2
IPv6AddressNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv6Address table. - 2.2
Device.Hosts.Host.{i}.IPv4Address.{i}. object(0:) R

The host’s known IPv4 addresses. This includes any addresses assigned via DHCP, which can also be accessed via the DHCPClient reference.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for IPAddress.

- 2.2
IPAddress string(:45) R [IPv4Address] IPv4 address. - 2.2
Device.Hosts.Host.{i}.IPv6Address.{i}. object(0:) R

The host’s known IPv6 addresses. This includes any addresses assigned via DHCP, which can also be accessed via the DHCPClient reference.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for IPAddress.

- 2.2
IPAddress string(:45) R [IPv6Address] IPv6 address. - 2.2
Device.Hosts.Host.{i}.WANStats. object R These count bytes or packets at the IP layer sent to the WAN, or received from the WAN. - 2.12
BytesSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted to the WAN from the Host device at the IP layer. - 2.12
BytesReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received from the WAN and sent to the Host device at the IP layer. - 2.12
PacketsSent unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of IP packets transmitted to the WAN from the Host device. - 2.12
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R [StatsCounter64] The total number of IP packets received from the WAN and sent to the Host device. - 2.12
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound IP packets to the WAN from the Host device that could not be transmitted because of errors. These may be due to the number of retransmissions exceeding the retry limit, or from other causes. - 2.12
RetransCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] The total number of transmitted IP packets to the WAN from the Host device which were retransmissions. Two retransmissions of the same packet results in this counter incrementing by two. - 2.12
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound IP packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Device.Hosts.AccessControl.{i}. object(0:) W

Every instance of this object provides access control for a LAN device.

Access is allowed if no instance of AccessControl is defined for a device.

If access is not allowed, then the LAN device cannot access the broadband network.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for PhysAddress. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and PhysAddress such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.14
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
Origin string WO

Indicates the owner of the AccessControl instance.

Note: This parameter was changed to writeOnceReadOnly in the Device:2.18 version.

Enumeration of:

  • User (Used for indicating that the access control rule was created by the end-user. For example through the web user interface)
  • System (Used for indicating that the access control rule was created by the system itself)
  • Controller (Used for indicating that the access control rule was created by a Controller)

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

Controller 2.17
PhysAddress string(:64) W

Unique physical identifier of the device. For many layer 2 technologies this is typically a MAC address.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.14
PhysAddressMask string(:64) W

Mask to be applied on PhysAddress. When set to ‘FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF’ the access control rule is applicable to a single host. Other possible values ‘FF:FF:FF:00:00:00’ to apply access control to a specific OUI.

When an empty string is set, no mask will be applied and the PhysAddress MUST be used as is.

<Empty> 2.17
HostName string(:256) W Any user defined name for the device. - 2.14
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this AccessControl entry. false 2.14
AccessPolicy string W

Allows or denies access for a device.

If AccessPolicy is set to “Allow”, device access is allowed based on the Schedules.Schedule objects referenced by the ScheduleRef parameter. Access is enabled if there is no Schedules.Schedule object referenced by the ScheduleRef parameter.

If AccessPolicy is set to “Deny”, Schedules.Schedule objects referenced by the ScheduleRef parameter are ignored and no access is allowed for the device.

Enumeration of:

  • Allow
  • Deny
Allow 2.14
ScheduleRef string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Schedules.Schedule. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Each reference provides a schedule where time based access can be enabled. When ScheduleRef is an empty string the AccessControl is not scheduled, and the Enable defines the operational state. <Empty> 2.18
ScheduleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 in favor of Schedules..
The number of entries in the Schedule table.
- 2.14
Device.Hosts.AccessControl.{i}.Schedule.{i}. object(0:) W
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.18 in favor of Schedules..
Each instance of this object provides a schedule where access is enabled.
At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.
- 2.14
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Schedule entry. false 2.14
Day string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings, the days for which access is enabled. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
- 2.14
StartTime string(:5) W

Start time of the enable schedule in hh:mm format. [hh] refers to a zero-padded hour between 00 and 23. [mm] refers to a zero-padded minute between 00 and 59.

Start time is in local time zone.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]
- 2.14
Duration unsignedInt(1:) W

The duration, in seconds, which the access is enabled.

If the StartTime is not defined, duration is the total time access is allowed during a calendar day.

If a StartTime is defined, access is allowed for the Duration period starting from StartTime.

- 2.14
Device.DNS. object R Properties for Domain Name Service (DNS). - 2.0
SupportedRecordTypes string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The DNS record types that are supported by the device. Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.2
ZoneNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Zone table. - 2.17
Device.DNS.Zone.{i}. object(0:) W

This object specifies Zone file configuration of the DNS server.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the DNS zone. - 2.17
Name string(:128) W Domain name that is associated with the zone. - 2.17
Origin string WO

The mechanism via which the Zone was created.

Note: This parameter was changed to writeOnceReadOnly in the Device:2.18 version.

Enumeration of:

  • User (Used for indicating that the entry was created by the end-user. For example through the web user interface)
  • System (Used for indicating that the entry was created by the system itself)
  • Controller (Used for indicating that the entry was created by a Controller)

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

System 2.17
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Specifies the Layer 3 interface on which the zone should be available. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1 or Device.Logical.Interface.1. <Empty> 2.17
HostNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Host table. - 2.17
Device.DNS.Zone.{i}.Host.{i}. object(0:) W

This object specifies the resource records (RR) of the DNS zone.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the entry in the zone file. - 2.17
Name string(:128)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 128). List of hostnames that are associated with the Host. - 2.17
Origin string WO

Indicates the owner of the Host instance.

Note: This parameter was changed to writeOnceReadOnly in the Device:2.18 version.

Enumeration of:

  • User (Used for indicating that the entry was created by the end-user. For example through the web user interface)
  • System (Used for indicating that the entry was created by the system itself)
  • Controller (Used for indicating that the entry was created by a Controller)

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

System 2.17
Host string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Hosts.Host. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Host table entries associated with the device. - 2.17
LastUpdate dateTime R The date and time in UTC when the entry was last changed. - 2.17
Device.DNS.Client. object R Client properties for Domain Name Service (DNS). The DNS client resolves FQDN on behalf of device internal (client) applications. - 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the DNS client. - 2.0
Status string R

The status of the DNS client. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.0
ServerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Server table. - 2.0
Device.DNS.Client.Server.{i}. object(0:) W

This table contains the DNS Server IP address to be used by the DNS Client (it does not model a DNS Server). Entries are either automatically created as result of DHCP (v4 or v6), IPCP, 3GPP-NAS, or RA received DNS server information, or are statically configured by the Controller.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for DNSServer, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for DNSServer and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this entry. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
DNSServer string(:45) W

[IPAddress] DNS server IP address.

Note: DNSServer is only writable when Type is Static; otherwise, DNSServer is automatically configured as result of DHCP, IPCP, 3GPP-NAS, or RA received DNS server information.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This parameter specifies the IP interface over which the DNS query is sent.

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

Note: Interface is only writable when Type is Static; otherwise, Interface is automatically configured as result of DHCP, IPCP, 3GPP-NAS, or RA received DNS server information.

<Empty> 2.0
Type string R

Method used to assign the DNSServer address. Enumeration of:

  • DHCP (This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.14 because it’s been replaced by DHCPv4. This enumeration was DELETED in 2.16)
  • DHCPv4
  • DHCPv6
  • RouterAdvertisement
  • IPCP
  • 3GPP-NAS (Assigned by the core network (fixed or cellular) using 3GPP NAS signalling methods. e.g. PDU Session Establishment Request using the extended Protocol Configuration Options, PDN Connectivity Request using the Protocol Configuration Options, PDP Context Activation Request using the Protocol Configuration Options [Clause], … This information is available from the AT commands [Clause 10.1.23/3GPP-TS.27.007] PDP context read dynamic parameters +CGCONTRDP, added in 2.18)
  • Static

Table entries that are automatically created as result of DHCP, IPCP, 3GPP-NAS, or RA received DNS server information will have Type set to DHCPv4, DHCPv6, IPCP, 3GPP-NAS or RouterAdvertisement, as the case may be. Manually created table entries will have their Type set to Static.

Static 2.0
Device.DNS.Relay. object R DNS Relay object. The DNS proxy (or relay) function allows the forwarding of local network DNS queries to local or external DNS server(s) [RFC5625]. - 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the DNS Relay function. - 2.0
Status string R

The status of the DNS relay. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.0
ConfigNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Config table. - 2.17
ForwardNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Forwarding table. - 2.0
Device.DNS.Relay.Config.{i}. object(0:) W

This object is used to specify the cache configuration for each Forwarding relay.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
Forwarders string(:256)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Forwarding. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Specifies the list of the DNS forwarders to be used. <Empty> 2.17
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Specifies the IP interface over which the DNS query is received. This is usually the LAN interface.

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

<Empty> 2.17
CacheSize unsignedInt R

Specifies the size of cache in kilobytes.

When ‘0’ is specified, no DNS results will be cached.

0 2.17
CacheMinTTL unsignedInt R

Specifies the minimum TTL amount of time, in seconds, that an entry MUST be kept in the cache regardless of what has been specified by the domain owner.

When ‘0’ is specified, then the TTL chosen by the domain owner will be applied.

0 2.17
CacheMaxTTL unsignedInt R

Specifies the maximum TTL amount of time, in seconds, than an entry MUST be kept in the cache regardless of what has been specified by the domain owner.

When ‘0’ is specified, then the TTL chosen by the domain owner will be applied.

86400 2.17
FlushCache() command - This command empties the cache. - 2.17
Device.DNS.Relay.Forwarding.{i}. object(0:) W

DNS Server forwarding policy to be used by the DNS Relay. Entries are either automatically created as result of DHCP (v4 or v6), IPCP, or RA received DNS server information, or are statically configured by the Controller.

Note: Management of re-directing queries to the device embedded DNS server is not defined in this version of the specification.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for DNSServer, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for DNSServer and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this entry. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
DNSServer string(:45) W

[IPAddress] DNS server IP address.

Note: DNSServer is only writable when Type is Static; otherwise, DNSServer is automatically configured as result of DHCP, IPCP, or RA received DNS server information.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Specifies the IP interface over which the DNS query is sent.

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

Note: Interface is only writable when Type is Static; otherwise, Interface is automatically configured as result of DHCP, IPCP, or RA received DNS server information.

<Empty> 2.0
Type string R

Method used to assign the DNSServer address. Enumeration of:

  • DHCP (This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.14 because it’s been replaced by DHCPv4. This enumeration was DELETED in 2.16)
  • DHCPv4
  • DHCPv6
  • RouterAdvertisement
  • IPCP
  • Static

Table entries that are automatically created as result of DHCP, IPCP, or RA received DNS server information will have Type set to DHCPv4, DHCPv6, IPCP, or RouterAdvertisement, as the case may be. Manually created table entries will have their Type set to Static.

Static 2.0
Device.DNS.Diagnostics. object R The DNS Diagnostics object containing the NSLookupDiagnostics() test. - 2.0
NSLookupDiagnostics() command -

[ASYNC] This command defines access to an IP-layer NS Lookup test for the specified IP interface.

When initiated, the NS Lookup test will contact DNSServer and look up HostName NumberOfRepetitions times.

There will be a Result instance for each time the device performs a DNS lookup, which is determined by the value of NumberOfRepetitions.

Any previous Result instances are removed when a new test is initiated.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The layer 3 interface over which the test is to be performed. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1.

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

- 2.12
HostName string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Specifies the Host Name that NS Lookup is to look for. The current domain name MUST be used unless the name is a fully qualified name. - 2.12
DNSServer string(:256) W

Specifies the DNS Server name or IP address that NS Lookup is to use for the lookup. The name of this server will be resolved using the default DNS server unless an IP address is provided.

If an empty string is specified, the device’s default DNS server will be used.

- 2.12
Timeout unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] Timeout in milliseconds that indicates that a request has failed. - 2.12
NumberOfRepetitions unsignedInt W

[MANDATORY] The number of times the device SHOULD repeat the execution of the NSLookup using the same input parameters. If the diagnostics test fails the CPE MAY terminate the test without completing the full number of repetitions.

Each repetition will use a Result instance to hold the NSLookup result data.

- 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the availability of diagnostics data. Enumeration of:

  • Complete
  • Error_DNSServerNotResolved (Unable to resolve DNSServer Name)
  • Error_Internal
  • Error_Other

If the value of this parameter is anything other than Complete, the values of the other results parameters for this test are indeterminate.

- 2.13
SuccessCount unsignedInt R Number of successfully executed repetitions. - 2.12
Result.{i}. object(0:) R

Results from the most recent invocation of the test, one instance per repetition.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.12
Status string R

Result Parameter to represent whether the NS Lookup was successful or not.

Enumeration of:

  • Success
  • Error_DNSServerNotAvailable
  • Error_HostNameNotResolved
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_Other
- 2.12
AnswerType string R

Result parameter to represent whether the answer is Authoritative or not.

Enumeration of:

  • None (Indicates that the NS Lookup failed to find the host)
  • Authoritative
  • NonAuthoritative
- 2.12
HostNameReturned string(:256) R Result parameter to represent the fully qualified name for the Host Name in the calling parameter (e.g. HostName.DomainName); if no response was provided, then this parameter is an empty string. - 2.12
IPAddresses string(:45)[:10]() R [IPAddress] Comma-separated list (up to 10 items) (length ) of IP Addresses. Indicates the IP Address results returned by the NS Lookup; if no response was provided, then this parameter is an empty string. - 2.12
DNSServerIP string(:45) R [IPAddress] Result parameter to represent the actual DNS Server IP address that the NS Lookup used. - 2.12
ResponseTime unsignedInt R Response time (for the first response packet) in milliseconds, or 0 if no response was received. - 2.12
Device.DNS.SD. object R

This object contains the DNS Service Discovery [DNS-SD] object and parameters necessary to discover services and their associated devices.

Upon reboot the the contents of the service table are repopulated. When the DNS.SD service is disabled, the contents of the service table is implementation specific.

- 2.6
Enable boolean W The parameter, when true, enables the discovery of DNS-SD services hosted by other devices. - 2.6
AdvertiseNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Advertise table. - 2.17
ServiceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Service table. - 2.6
AdvertisedInterfaces string[] W
Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of the IP.Interface object instance from which DNS-SD services are advertised. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.
If this parameter is not supported by an implementation then DNS-SD services are advertised on all LAN interfaces.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.17 in favor of Advertise.{i}.Interface.
- 2.12
Device.DNS.SD.Advertise.{i}. object(0:) W

The Advertise table contains DNS-SD services that MUST be advertised. DNS.SD service information is provided in DNS RR SRV records [RFC2782]. The Service Instance Name [Section 4.1 Structured Instance Names/DNS-SD] further specifies information about the service name (RFC2782 Service field) and domain name (RFC2782 Name field) in the form:

Service Instance Name = [InstanceName] . [Service] . [Domain]

[Service] = _[ApplicationProtocol] . _[TransportProtocol]

RFC2782 Service field will always be equal to [InstanceName]. [Service]

RFC2782 Name field will always be equal to [Domain]

For example, an SSH service might have:

*InstanceName = “Secure Shell (SSH))”

*ApplicationProtocol = “ssh”

*TransportProtocol = “TCP”

*Port = 22

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the advertisement of the DNS-SD service. - 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Status string R

The status of the advertised Advertise.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the DNS-SD service advertisement is disabled)
  • Enabled (Indicates that the DNS-SD service advertisement is enabled)
  • Error_Misconfigured (Indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid)
  • Error (MAY be used to define an error condition, OPTIONAL)
Disabled 2.17
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The layer 3 interface on which the DNS-SD service MUST be advertised. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1 or Device.Logical.Interface.1.

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

- 2.17
InstanceName string(:63) W

Human-readable instance name [Section 4.1.1 Instance Names/DNS-SD] (i.e. The “[InstanceName]” portion of the ‘“Service Instance Name’“).

Note: This parameter was promoted to readWrite in the Device:2.18 version.

- 2.17
ApplicationProtocol string(:15) W

The Application Protocol, without the leading underscore, associated with the service (e.g., daap) as defined by the DNS-SD service [Section 7 Application Protocol Names/DNS-SD].

Note: This parameter was promoted to readWrite in the Device:2.18 version.

- 2.17
TransportProtocol string W

The Transport Protocol associated with the service as defined by the DNS-SD service [Section 4.1.2 Service Names/DNS-SD].

Note: This parameter was promoted to readWrite in the Device:2.18 version.

Enumeration of:

  • TCP
  • UDP
- 2.17
Domain string(:256) W

The value to be entered into the Name field of the DNS SRV record [RFC2782] which represents the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) associated with the service as defined by the DNS-SD service [Section 4.1.3 Domain Names/DNS-SD].

Note: This parameter was promoted to readWrite in the Device:2.18 version.

local 2.17
Port unsignedInt(:65535) W

The value to be entered into the Port field of the DNS SRV record [RFC2782] that is used to contact the service.

Note: This parameter was promoted to readWrite in the Device:2.18 version.

- 2.17
TextRecordNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the TextRecord table. - 2.17
Device.DNS.SD.Advertise.{i}.TextRecord.{i}. object(0:) W

This object maintains an instance of a (key/value pairs) of the service. The information is to be provided in the DNS TXT records [RFC1035] of the advertised service.

When multiple instances of the TextRecord table have the same value for the Key parameter, the implementation is CPE specific.

Note: This object was promoted to readWrite in the Device:2.18 version.

- 2.17
Key string(:255) W The key that identifies the text record - 2.17
Value string(:255) W The value of the text record. - 2.17
Device.DNS.SD.Service.{i}. object(0:) R

The Service table contains discovered DNS-SD services. DNS.SD service information is provided in DNS RR SRV records [RFC2782]. The Service Instance Name [Section 4.1 Structured Instance Names/DNS-SD] further specifies information about the service name (RFC2782 Service field) and domain name (RFC2782 Name field) in the form:

Service Instance Name = [InstanceName] . [Service] . [Domain]

[Service] = _[ApplicationProtocol] . _[TransportProtocol]

RFC2782 Service field will always be equal to [InstanceName]. [Service]

RFC2782 Name field will always be equal to [Domain]

For example, an SSH service might have:

*InstanceName = “Secure Shell (SSH))”

*ApplicationProtocol = “ssh”

*TransportProtocol = “TCP”

*Domain = “”

*Port = 22

*Target = “”

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of InstanceName, ApplicationProtocol, TransportProtocol and Domain.

- 2.6
InstanceName string(:63) R Human-readable instance name [Section 4.1.1 Instance Names/DNS-SD] (i.e. The “[InstanceName]” portion of the ‘“Service Instance Name’“). - 2.6
ApplicationProtocol string(:15) R The Application Protocol, without the leading underscore, associated with the service (e.g., daap) as defined by the DNS-SD service [Section 7 Application Protocol Names/DNS-SD]. - 2.6
TransportProtocol string R

The Transport Protocol associated with the service as defined by the DNS-SD service [Section 4.1.2 Service Names/DNS-SD].

Enumeration of:

  • TCP
  • UDP
- 2.6
Domain string(:256) R The value extracted from the Name field of the DNS SRV record [RFC2782] which represents the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) associated with the service as defined by the DNS-SD service [Section 4.1.3 Domain Names/DNS-SD]. - 2.6
Port unsignedInt(:65535) R The value extracted from the Port field of the DNS SRV record [RFC2782] that is used to contact the service. - 2.6
Target string(:256) R The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) with the trailing dot “.” of the target host implementing the service as in the DNS SRV record [RFC2782]. - 2.6
Status string R

The status of the discovered Service at LastUpdate time. Enumeration of:

The ability to instantiate an inactive Service is OPTIONAL.

The time an inactive Service remains listed in this table is a local matter to the device.

- 2.6
LastUpdate dateTime R The date and time at which the last advertisement for this Service was received. - 2.6
Host string(:256)[] R Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Hosts.Host. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Includes all Host table entries, active or inactive, that correspond to this discovered DNS.SD service. - 2.6
TimeToLive unsignedInt(:2147483647) R The value extracted from the TTL field of the DNS SRV record [RFC2782]. - 2.6
Priority unsignedInt(:65535) R The value extracted from the Priority field of the DNS SRV record [RFC2782]. - 2.6
Weight unsignedInt(:65535) R A server selection mechanism. The value extracted from the Weight field of the DNS SRV record [RFC2782] that specifies the relative weight for entries with the same Priority. - 2.6
TextRecordNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the TextRecord table. - 2.6
Device.DNS.SD.Service.{i}.TextRecord.{i}. object(0:) R

This object maintains an instance of a (key/value pairs) of the service. The information is extracted from DNS TXT records [RFC1035] of the discovered service.

When multiple instances of the TextRecord table have the same value for the Key parameter, the implementation is CPE specific.

- 2.6
Key string(:255) R The key that identifies the text record - 2.6
Value string(:255) R The value of the text record. - 2.6
Device.NAT. object R

Properties for Network Address Translation (NAT).

The entire NAT object only applies to IPv4.

- 2.0
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceSetting table. - 2.0
PortMappingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the PortMapping table. - 2.0
MaxNumberOfPortMappings unsignedInt R

The maximum number of port mappings that can exist at any given time.

If the value of this parameter is 0, then it means that the device doesn’t have a limit to the number of port mappings that can exist.

- 2.17
PortTriggerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the PortTrigger table. - 2.16
MaxNumberOfPortTriggers unsignedInt R

The maximum number of port triggers that can exist at any given time.

If the value of this parameter is 0, then it means that the device doesn’t have a limit to the number of port mappings that can exist.

- 2.17
Device.NAT.InterfaceSetting.{i}. object(0:) W

NAT settings for an associated IP Interface on which NAT is enabled.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The InterfaceSetting table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated InterfaceSetting row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending InterfaceSetting row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Interface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the InterfaceSetting entry, indicating if NAT is enabled for the referenced IP Interface instance. On creation, an InterfaceSetting entry is disabled by default. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Enabled_NATForcedDisabled (NAT enabled but forced by a third party to be operationally disabled, e.g. because a MAP.Domain is enabled but there is no Basic Mapping Rule [RFC7597])
  • Enabled_PortMappingDisabled (NAT enabled but port mapping has been operationally disabled by a third party, e.g. because this is REQUIRED by the current Firewall level)
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The associated outgoing IP interface on which NAT is to be enabled. <Empty> 2.0
SourceNetwork string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path name of a IP.Interface.{i}.IPv4Address. table or of one of its rows. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

Specifies the source IPv4 network(s) that MUST be translated for all outgoing traffic associated with the Interface (e.g. Device.IP.Interface.2.IPv4Address. (table) or Device.IP.Interface.2.IPv4Address.1. (row)).

The IP.Interface.{i}.IPv4Address.{i}.IPAddress and IP.Interface.{i}.IPv4Address.{i}.SubnetMask are used to construct an additional filter rule that specifies which address range needs to be translated.

<Empty> 2.16
TCPTranslationTimeout int(-1:) W Determines the timeout, in seconds, of NAT translations for TCP sessions. It is the time after which a NAT entry is removed from the NAT table if there is no activity. A value of -1 represents an infinite duration. 300 2.13
UDPTranslationTimeout int(-1:) W Determines the timeout, in seconds, of NAT translations for UDP bindings. It is the time after which a NAT entry is removed from the NAT table if there is no activity. A value of -1 represents an infinite duration. 30 2.13
Device.NAT.PortMapping.{i}. object(0:) W

Port mapping table.

This table MUST contain all NAT port mappings associated with this connection, including static and dynamic port mappings programmatically created via local control protocol, such as UPnP.

This table MUST NOT contain dynamic NAT binding entries associated with the normal operation of NAT.

If the CPE hosts a firewall, it is assumed that it will appropriately configure the firewall for the port mapping.

For enabled table entries, if InternalClient is an empty string, or if Interface is not a valid reference and AllInterfaces is false, then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for all of RemoteHost, ExternalPort and Protocol. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, ExternalPort and Protocol such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the port mapping instance. On creation, an entry is disabled by default. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Inactive (Indicates that the port mapping is still enabled but has been temporarily deactivated due to the Schedules defined in ScheduleRef, added in 2.18)
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Origin string WO

Indicates the Origin of the PortMapping instance.

Note: This parameter was changed to writeOnceReadOnly in the Device:2.18 version.

Enumeration of:

  • User (Used for indicating that the port mapping entry was created by the end-user. For example through the web user interface)
  • System (Used for indicating that the port mapping entry was created by the system itself)
  • UPnP (Used for indicating that the port mapping entry was created by a device using UPnP-IGD)
  • Controller (Used for indicating that the port mapping entry was created by a Controller)

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

Controller 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Note: There is no guarantee that the Alias value on automatically-created PortMapping instances will be retained. This is because automatically-created PortMapping instances can be transitory.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Specifies the IP interface to which this port mapping applies. <Empty> 2.0
AllInterfaces boolean W Indicates whether this port mapping applies to all IP interfaces that support port mappings. If true, the value of Interface is ignored since all supported IP interfaces are indicated. false 2.0
LeaseDuration unsignedInt W

Determines the time to live, in seconds, of a port mapping lease, where “time to live” means the number of seconds before the port mapping expires.

A value of 0 means the port mapping is static. Support for dynamic (non-static) port mappings is OPTIONAL. That is, the only value for LeaseDuration that MUST be supported is 0.

For a dynamic (non-static) port mapping, when this parameter is read, the value represents the time remaining on the port mapping lease. That is, for a dynamic port mapping, the value counts down toward 0. When a dynamic port mapping lease expires, the CPE MUST automatically terminate that port mapping, and MUST automatically delete the corresponding PortMapping table entry.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
RemainingLeaseTime unsignedInt R

For a dynamic (non-static) port mapping, when this parameter is read, the value represents the time (in seconds) remaining on the port mapping lease. That is, for a dynamic port mapping, the value counts down toward 0. When a dynamic port mapping lease expires, the device MUST automatically terminate that port mapping, and MUST automatically delete the corresponding PortMapping table entry.

For a static port mapping, this parameter is irrelevant and should return 0.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.18
RemoteHost string W

This parameter is the IP address of the source of inbound packets. An empty string indicates a “wildcard”, i.e. any IP address (this will be an empty string in most cases). CPE are REQUIRED only to support an empty string.

When RemoteHost is an empty string, all traffic sent to the ExternalPort on the WAN interface of the gateway is forwarded to the IP.Interface associated with the InternalClient on the InternalPort.

When RemoteHost is specified as one external IP address, the NAT will only forward inbound packets from this RemoteHost to the InternalClient, all other packets will be dropped.

If a CPE supports non-empty values for RemoteHost, it MAY additionally support the ability to have more than one port mapping with the same ExternalPort and Protocol, but with differing values of RemoteHost.

When wildcard values are used for RemoteHost and/or ExternalPort, the following precedence order applies (with the highest precedence listed first):

  1. Explicit RemoteHost, explicit ExternalPort
  2. Explicit RemoteHost, zero ExternalPort
  3. Empty RemoteHost, explicit ExternalPort
  4. Empty RemoteHost, zero ExternalPort

If an incoming packet matches the criteria associated with more than one entry in this table, the CPE MUST apply the port mapping associated with the highest precedence entry.

<Empty> 2.0
ExternalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W

The external port (or the first port of a range of external ports) that the NAT gateway would listen on for traffic to a corresponding InternalPort. Inbound packets to this external port on the WAN interface SHOULD be forwarded to the IP.Interface associated with the InternalClient on the InternalPort.

A value of zero (0) represents a “wildcard”, i.e. any port number. If this value is 0, traffic on all external ports (that are not otherwise mapped) will be forwarded to InternalClient, and the value(s) of InternalPort on InternalClient are ignored.

When wildcard values are used for RemoteHost and/or ExternalPort, the following precedence order applies (with the highest precedence listed first):

  1. Explicit RemoteHost, explicit ExternalPort
  2. Explicit RemoteHost, zero ExternalPort
  3. Empty RemoteHost, explicit ExternalPort
  4. Empty RemoteHost, zero ExternalPort

If an incoming packet matches the criteria associated with more than one entry in this table, the CPE MUST apply the port mapping associated with the highest precedence entry.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Protocol) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
ExternalPortEndRange unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Indicates the last port of the external port range that starts with ExternalPort.

If an external port range is specified, then the behavior described for ExternalPort applies to all ports within the range.

A value of zero (0) indicates that no external port range is specified, i.e. that the range consists only of ExternalPort.

If ExternalPort is zero (wildcard), the value of this parameter MUST be ignored.

If specified, the value of this parameter MUST be greater than or equal to the value of ExternalPort.

0 2.0
InternalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W

The port on InternalClient that the gateway SHOULD forward traffic to.

When ExternalPortEndRange is utilized, this range will also be applied accordingly, starting from the InternalPort number.

- 2.0
Protocol string W

The protocol of the port mapping. Enumeration of:

  • TCP
  • UDP

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with ExternalPort) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
InternalClient string(:256) W

The IP address or DNS host name of an internal client (on the LAN).

Support for an IP address is mandatory. If InternalClient is specified as an IP address and the LAN device’s IP address subsequently changes, the port mapping MUST remain associated with the original IP address.

Support for DNS host names is OPTIONAL. If InternalClient is specified as a DNS host name and the LAN device’s IP address subsequently changes, the port mapping MUST remain associated with this LAN device. In this case, it is the responsibility of the CPE to maintain the name-to-address mapping in the event of IP address changes. This can be accomplished, for example, by assigning the DNS host name via use of DHCP option 12 (Host Name) or option 81 (FQDN). Note that the Controller can learn the host name associated with a given LAN device via the Hosts.Host table.

Read access to this parameter MUST always return the exact value that was last set by the Controller. For example, if the internal client is set to a DNS host name, it MUST read back as a DNS host name and not as an IP address.

It MUST be possible to set the InternalClient to the broadcast IP address for UDP mappings. This is to enable multiple NAT clients to use the same well-known port simultaneously.

<Empty> 2.0
Description string(:256) W User-readable description of this port mapping. <Empty> 2.0
ScheduleRef string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Schedules.Schedule. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Each reference provides a schedule where time based access can be enabled. When ScheduleRef is an empty string the PortMapping is not scheduled, and the Enable defines the operational state. <Empty> 2.18
Device.NAT.PortTrigger.{i}. object(0:) W

Firewall PortTrigger table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the Port Trigger - 2.16
Status string R

The status of this PortTrigger entry.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the PortTrigger entry is disabled)
  • Enabled (Indicates that the PortTrigger entry is enabled)
  • Inactive (Indicates that the PortTrigger is still enabled but has been temporary deactivated due to the Schedules defined in ScheduleRef, added in 2.18)
  • Error_Misconfigured (Indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid)
  • Error (MAY be used to define an error condition, OPTIONAL)
Disabled 2.16
Origin string WO

Indicates the owner of the PortTrigger instance.

Note: This parameter was changed to writeOnceReadOnly in the Device:2.18 version.

Enumeration of:

  • User (Used for indicating that the PortTrigger entry was created by the end-user. For example through the web user interface)
  • System (Used for indicating that the PortTrigger entry was created by the system itself)
  • Controller (Used for indicating that the PortTrigger entry was created by a Controller)

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

Controller 2.16
Description string(:256) W Human-readable description associated with this PortTrigger entry. - 2.16
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Specifies the incoming L3 interface to which this port trigger applies. Typically this will be the LAN interface. <Empty> 2.16
Port unsignedInt(0:65535) W Trigger Port, the port number which is used to start the port trigger rule. 0 2.16
PortEndRange unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Indicates the last port of the port range that starts with Port which is used to start the port trigger rule.

A value of zero (0) indicates that no port range is specified, i.e. that the range consists only of Port.

If Port is zero, the value of this parameter MUST be ignored.

If specified, the value of this parameter MUST be greater than or equal to the value of Port.

0 2.16
AutoDisableDuration unsignedInt W Number of seconds the port trigger MUST be active. When the AutoDisableDuration is expired new connections are no longer allowed, active connections SHOULD not be terminated. 0 2.16
ActivationDate dateTime R

Indicates when the port trigger was enabled. When the port trigger is no longer active.

Note: This parameter was demoted to readOnly in the Device:2.18 version.

0001-01-01T00:00:00Z 2.16
Protocol string W

The protocol of the trigger port.

Enumeration of:

  • TCP
  • UDP
- 2.16
ScheduleRef string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Schedules.Schedule. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Each reference provides a schedule where time based access can be enabled. When ScheduleRef is an empty string the PortTrigger is not scheduled, and the Enable defines the operational state. <Empty> 2.18
RuleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Rule table. - 2.16
Device.NAT.PortTrigger.{i}.Rule.{i}. object(0:) W

Firewall PortTrigger Rule table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Port unsignedInt(0:65535) W Port (or the first port of a range of ports) which needs to be opened when the Trigger conditions are met. 0 2.16
PortEndRange unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Indicates the last port of the port range that starts with Port which needs to be opened when the Trigger conditions are met.

A value of zero (0) indicates that no port range is specified, i.e. that the range consists only of Port.

If Port is zero, the value of this parameter MUST be ignored.

If specified, the value of this parameter MUST be greater than or equal to the value of Port.

0 2.16
Protocol string W

The protocol of the to be forwarded port.

Enumeration of:

  • TCP
  • UDP
- 2.16
Device.PCP. object R

Properties for Port Control Protocol (PCP) [RFC6887].

See the PCP Theory of Operation [Appendix XIV/TR-181i2] for a description of the working of this PCP data model.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the PCP stack. If the stack is disabled then the status of any enabled Client entries will change to StackDisabled. - 2.16
SupportedVersions unsignedInt(0:65535)[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 65535). Each list item denotes a PCP version supported by the PCP Client. Currently known versions are 0, 1 and 2.

This parameter is based on Version from [RFC6887].

- 2.8
PreferredVersion unsignedInt(0:65535) W

This is the version to be used in the first exchange with a new PCP Server.

The factory default MUST be the highest supported version, as described in [Section 9/RFC6887].

- 2.8
OptionList unsignedInt(0:254)[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (0 to 254). The list of the PCP Options supported by the PCP Client. - 2.8
ClientNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Client table. - 2.8
Device.PCP.Client.{i}. object(0:) W

Client properties for Port Control Protocol (PCP). The PCP Client interacts with a PCP Server as defined in [RFC6887] for internal device applications or LAN device applications via Interworking functions.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for WANInterface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and WANInterface such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the PCP Client. - 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
WANInterface string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of the interface stack instance representing the WAN interface this client operates on. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. See InterfaceStack

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Status string R

The status of the PCP Client. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • StackDisabled (Added in 2.16)
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.8
MAPEnable boolean W Enables or disables the MAP OpCode. - 2.8
PEEREnable boolean W Enables or disables the PEER OpCode. - 2.8
ANNOUNCEEnable boolean W

Enables or disables the ANNOUNCE OpCode.

When false the PCP Client does not support unsolicited ANNOUNCE messages.

- 2.8
THIRDPARTYEnable boolean W Enables or disables the THIRD_PARTY Option. - 2.8
THIRDPARTYStatus string R

Indicates whether THIRD_PARTY Option is enabled or not. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.8
FILTEREnable boolean W Enables or disables the FILTER option. - 2.8
ServerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Server table. - 2.8
Device.PCP.Client.{i}.PCPProxy. object R Properties for the Port Control Protocol (PCP) Proxy, as specified in [PCPProxy]. - 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the PCP Proxy for this PCP Client. - 2.8
HighestVersion unsignedInt(0:65535) R

A string identifying the highest version of PCP that the proxy supports.

This parameter is based on Version from [RFC6887].

- 2.8
Status string R

The status of the PCP Proxy for this PCP Client. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.8
Device.PCP.Client.{i}.UPnPIWF. object R Properties for the interworking function between UPnP IGD (Internet Gateway Device) and PCP, as specified in [RFC6970]. - 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the UPnP IGD-PCP Interworking Function for this PCP Client. - 2.8
Status string R

The status of the UPnP IGD-PCP Interworking Function for this PCP Client. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.8
Device.PCP.Client.{i}.Server.{i}. object(0:) W

This table contains the PCP Servers to be used by the PCP Client. Entries are either statically configured or automatically created via DHCP options OPTION_V4_PCP_SERVER and OPTION_V6_PCP_SERVER, as per [RFC7291].

Each OPTION_V4_PCP_SERVER or OPTION_V6_PCP_SERVER option corresponds to a Server instance. If an option returns multiple addresses then that Server instance has multiple addresses.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for ServerNameOrAddress. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and ServerNameOrAddress such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this PCP Server. true 2.8
Status string R

The status of the PCP Server. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Connecting
  • Error_Timeout
  • Error_HostNameNotResolved
  • Error_NetworkFailure
  • Error_NotAuthorized
  • Error_Unsupported
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
Origin string R

Method used to assign ServerNameOrAddress and create this table entry. Enumeration of:

  • DHCPv4 (ServerNameOrAddress is an IPv4 address that was received via OPTION_V4_PCP_SERVER)
  • DHCPv6 (ServerNameOrAddress is an IPv6 address that was received via OPTION_V6_PCP_SERVER)
  • Static (ServerNameOrAddress is an FQDN, IPv4 address or IPv6 address that was created by the Controller, by some other management entity (e.g. via a GUI), or is present in the factory default configuration)

Note: In the DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 cases, if more than one IP address is received ServerNameOrAddress will be the first address and AdditionalServerAddresses will be the remaining addresses.

Static 2.8
ServerNameOrAddress string(:256) W

The FQDN or IP address of the PCP Server, assigned as described under Origin.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
ServerAddressInUse string(:45) R

[IPAddress] The IP address currently in use for the PCP Server, derived from the value of ServerNameOrAddress.

An empty string indicates that no PCP Server address is currently known.

- 2.8
AdditionalServerAddresses string(:45)[] R [IPAddress] Comma-separated list of IP Addresses. PCP Server addresses in addition to ServerNameOrAddress. This can be non-empty only if Origin is DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 and if more than one PCP Server address was received. - 2.8
ExternalIPAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] The external IP address of the PCP-controlled device hosting this server. - 2.8
CurrentVersion unsignedInt(0:65535) R

This is the version of PCP resulting from client-server Version Negotiation.

This parameter is based on Version from [RFC6887].

- 2.8
MaximumFilters unsignedInt W Indicates the maximum number of inbound filters allowed to be associated with a mapping entry on this server. - 2.8
PortQuota unsignedInt(:65535) W

Indicates the maximum number of ports allocated to this PCP Client on this server.

A value of 0 means that there is no limitation.

0 2.8
PreferredLifetime unsignedInt W Indicates the preferred lifetime (in seconds) to be used for mappings with this server when no preference is selected by an application/user. - 2.8
Capabilities string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the capabilities supported by the PCP Server. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • NAT44
  • StatelessNAT64
  • StatefulNAT64
  • A+PPortRangeRouter
  • SupportsPORTSETOption
  • IPv4Firewall
  • IPv6Firewall
  • NPTv6
  • DSCPReMarkingFunction
  • FLOWDATAAwareFunction
  • ILNPTranslator
- 2.8
InboundMappingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InboundMapping table. - 2.8
OutboundMappingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the OutboundMapping table. - 2.8
Device.PCP.Client.{i}.Server.{i}.InboundMapping.{i}. object(0:) W

Inbound Mapping table.

This table contains all Inbound Mappings requested by this PCP Client on this PCP Server. Such a mapping is created by a PCP request with OpCode MAP, as described in [Section 11/RFC6887].

These requests can be issued from internal device applications, from static configuration or from other LAN device applications via interworking functions such as UPnP IGD or PCP proxies. The Origin parameter indicates which mechanism requested the mapping.

For non-Static mappings (here Static refers to the mechanism that created the mapping, not to the Lifetime), the Controller MAY modify the Enable parameter but MUST NOT modify any other parameters in the mapping or its sub-objects.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for all of InternalPort, ProtocolNumber and ThirdPartyAddress. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, InternalPort, ProtocolNumber and ThirdPartyAddress such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this InboundMapping instance. false 2.8
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_PCPErrorCodeReceived
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_PCPErrorCodeReceived value indicates that the PCP Client received an error code from the PCP Server.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.8
ErrorCode unsignedInt(1:255) R Provides the PCP error code when Status is Error_PCPErrorCodeReceived. Error code values are defined in [Section 7.4/RFC6887]. - 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
Origin string R

Mechanism via which the mapping was requested. Enumeration of:

  • Internal (Requested via internal device application)
  • UPnP_IWF (Requested via UPnP IGD interworking function)
  • PCP_Proxy (Requested via PCP proxy)
  • Static (Requested via static configuration, i.e. created by the Controller, by some other management entity (e.g. via a GUI), or is present in the factory default configuration)
- 2.8
Lifetime unsignedInt W

Determines the time to live, in seconds, of this Inbound Mapping lease, i.e. the remaining time before this port mapping expires.

A value of 0 means that the port mapping is permanent (referred to as a static mapping in [RFC6887]).

When a dynamic Inbound Mapping lease expires, the CPE MUST automatically delete the corresponding InboundMapping table entry.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.8
SuggestedExternalIPAddress string(:45) W

[IPAddress] The external IPv4 or IPv6 Address that the PCP-controlled device will listen on for incoming packets to be forwarded to the PCP Client.

This is useful for refreshing an Inbound Mapping, especially after the PCP Server loses state. If the PCP client does not know the external address, or does not have a preference, it MUST use an empty string.

<Empty> 2.8
SuggestedExternalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W

The external port (or the first port of a range of external ports) that the PCP-controlled device will listen on for incoming packets. Those inbound packets will be forwarded to InternalPort. If the PCP client does not know the external port, or does not have a preference, it MUST use 0.

This is useful for refreshing an Inbound Mapping, especially after the PCP Server loses state. If the PCP Client does not know the external port, or does not have a preference, it MUST use 0.

0 2.8
SuggestedExternalPortEndRange unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Indicates the last port of the external port range that starts with SuggestedExternalPort.

If an external port range is specified, then the behavior described for SuggestedExternalPort applies to all ports within the range.

A value of zero (0) indicates that no external port range is specified, i.e. that the range consists only of SuggestedExternalPort.

If SuggestedExternalPort is zero (wildcard), the value of SuggestedExternalPortEndRange MUST be ignored.

If specified, the value of this parameter MUST be zero or be greater than or equal to the value of SuggestedExternalPort.

0 2.8
InternalPort unsignedInt(1:65535) W

The port on this PCP Client’s WANInterface that the PCP-controlled device forwards incoming packets to.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with ProtocolNumber and ThirdPartyAddress) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
ProtocolNumber int(-1:255) W

The protocol number of the InboundMapping. Values are taken from [IANA-protocolnumbers].

The value -1 means all protocols.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with InternalPort and ThirdPartyAddress) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
ThirdPartyAddress string(:45) W

[IPAddress] Under certain conditions, the PCP Client can create a PCP mapping on behalf of another device, by using the THIRD_PARTY option, as specified in [Section 7.3/RFC6887]. In that case, ThirdPartyAddress is the IP address of the device for which the PCP operation is requested.

For non-third-party mappings, ThirdPartyAddress SHOULD be an empty string.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with InternalPort, ProtocolNumber) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Description string(:256) W User-readable description of this InboundMapping. <Empty> 2.8
AssignedExternalIPAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] The external IPAddress returned by the PCP Server. The IP address that the PCP-controlled device is listening on for incoming packets to a corresponding PCP Client. <Empty> 2.8
AssignedExternalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) R The external port returned by the PCP Server. The external port (or the first port of a range of external ports) that the PCP-controlled device is listening on for incoming packets to a corresponding InternalPort. Inbound packets to this external port on the External interface of the PCP-controlled device is forwarded to the on the InternalPort. - 2.8
AssignedExternalPortEndRange unsignedInt(0:65535) R

Indicates the last port of the external port range that starts with AssignedExternalPort.

If an external port range is specified, then the behavior described for AssignedExternalPort applies to all ports within the range.

A value of zero (0) indicates that no external port range is specified, i.e. that the range consists only of AssignedExternalPort.

0 2.8
FilterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Filter table. - 2.8
Device.PCP.Client.{i}.Server.{i}.InboundMapping.{i}.Filter.{i}. object(0:) W

Filter table.

This table contains all Filters restricting this Inbound Mapping, as defined in [RFC6887].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
RemoteHostIPAddress string(:45) W [IPAddress] Permitted remote peer IP address for this filter. <Empty> 2.8
PrefixLength unsignedInt(1:128) W Indicates how many bits of RemoteHostIPAddress are relevant for this filter. 128 2.8
RemotePort unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Permitted remote peer port number for this filter.

The value 0 indicates all ports.

- 2.8
RemotePortEndRange unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Indicates the last port of the remote port range that starts with RemotePort.

If an external port range is specified, then the behavior described for RemotePort applies to all ports within the range.

A value of zero (0) indicates that no remote port range is specified, i.e. that the range consists only of RemotePort.

Note: This parameter was promoted to readWrite in the Device:2.18 version.

0 2.8
Device.PCP.Client.{i}.Server.{i}.OutboundMapping.{i}. object(0:) W

Outbound Mapping table.

This table contains all Outbound Mappings requested by this PCP Client on this PCP Server. Such a mapping is created by a PCP request with OpCode PEER, as described in [Section 12/RFC6887].

These requests can be issued from internal device applications, from static configuration or from other LAN device applications via interworking functions such as UPnP IGD or PCP proxies. The Origin parameter indicates which mechanism requested the mapping.

For non-Static mappings (here Static refers to the mechanism that created the mapping, not to the Lifetime), the Controller MAY modify the Enable parameter but MUST NOT modify any other parameters in the mapping or its sub-objects.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for all of InternalPort, ProtocolNumber, ThirdPartyAddress, RemoteHostIPAddress and RemotePort. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, InternalPort, ProtocolNumber, ThirdPartyAddress, RemoteHostIPAddress and RemotePort such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this OutboundMapping instance. false 2.8
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_PCPErrorCodeReceived
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_PCPErrorCodeReceived value indicates that the PCP Client received an error code from the PCP Server.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.8
ErrorCode unsignedInt(1:255) R Provides the PCP Error code when Status is Error_PCPErrorCodeReceived. Error code values are defined in [Section 7.4/RFC6887]. - 2.8
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.8
Origin string R

Mechanism via which the mapping was requested. Enumeration of:

  • Internal (Requested via internal device application)
  • UPnP_IWF (Requested via UPnP IGD interworking function)
  • PCP_Proxy (Requested via PCP proxy)
  • Static (Requested via static configuration, i.e. created by the Controller, by some other management entity (e.g. via a GUI), or is present in the factory default configuration)
- 2.8
Lifetime unsignedInt W

Determines the time to live, in seconds, of this Outbound Mapping lease, i.e. the remaining time before this port mapping expires.

A value of 0 means that the port mapping is permanent (referred to as a static mapping in [RFC6887]).

When a dynamic Outbound Mapping lease expires, the CPE MUST automatically delete the corresponding OutboundMapping table entry.

- 2.8
SuggestedExternalIPAddress string(:45) W

[IPAddress] The external IPv4 or IPv6 Address that the PCP-controlled device will use to send outgoing packets covered by this mapping.

This is useful for refreshing a mapping, especially after the PCP Server has lost state. If the PCP Client does not know the external address, or does not have a preference, it MUST use an empty string.

<Empty> 2.8
SuggestedExternalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W

The external port that the PCP-controlled device will use to send outgoing packets covered by this mapping.

This is useful for refreshing a mapping, especially after the PCP Server has lost state. If the PCP Client does not know the external port, or does not have a preference, it MUST use 0.

0 2.8
RemoteHostIPAddress string(:45) W

[IPAddress] The remote peer’s IP address, as seen from the PCP Client, for this Outbound Mapping.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with InternalPort, ProtocolNumber, ThirdPartyAddress and RemotePort) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
InternalPort unsignedInt(1:65535) W

The port on PCP Client WAN Interface that the PCP-controlled device SHOULD listen to for this mapping.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with ProtocolNumber, ThirdPartyAddress, RemoteHostIPAddress and RemotePort) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
RemotePort unsignedInt(1:65535) W

The remote peer’s port, as seen from the PCP Client, for this Outbound Mapping.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with InternalPort, ProtocolNumber, ThirdPartyAddress, RemoteHostIPAddress) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
ProtocolNumber int(-1:255) W

The protocol number of the OutboundMapping. Values are taken from the [IANA-protocolnumbers].

The value -1 means all protocols.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with InternalPort, ThirdPartyAddress, RemoteHostIPAddress and RemotePort) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
ThirdPartyAddress string(:45) W

[IPAddress] Under certain conditions, the PCP Client can create a PCP mapping on behalf of another device, by using the THIRD_PARTY option, as specified in [Section 7.3/RFC6887]. In that case, ThirdPartyAddress is the IP address of the device for which the PCP operation is requested.

For non-third-party mappings, ThirdPartyAddress SHOULD be an empty string.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with InternalPort, ProtocolNumber, RemoteHostIPAddress and RemotePort) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.8
Description string(:256) W User-readable description of this OutboundMapping. <Empty> 2.8
AssignedExternalIPAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] The external IP address returned by the PCP Server. The IP address that the PCP-controlled device uses to send outgoing packets corresponding to this mapping. <Empty> 2.8
AssignedExternalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) R The external port returned by the PCP Server. The port that the PCP-controlled device uses to send outgoing packets corresponding to this mapping. - 2.8
Device.DHCPv4. object R The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) IPv4 object [RFC2131]. This entire object applies to IPv4 only. It contains the Client, Server, and Relay objects. - 2.0
ClientNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Client table. - 2.0
Device.DHCPv4.Client.{i}. object(1:) W

This object contains DHCP client settings for an associated IP Interface indicated by Interface.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The Client table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated Client row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending Client row.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Interface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the DHCP Client entry. false 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the Client entry. <Empty> 2.0
Status string R

The status of this table entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
DHCPStatus string R

The DHCP Client status as defined in [RFC2131]. Enumeration of:

  • Init
  • Selecting
  • Requesting
  • Rebinding
  • Bound
  • Renewing

Note: This value is only relevant when the DHCP Client is operationally enabled (i.e. when Status is Enabled).

- 2.0
Renew() command - The DHCP client will renew its DHCP lease. - 2.12
IPAddress string(:45) R [IPv4Address] IPv4 Address option received from the DHCP Server. An empty string when Status is not equal to Bound. <Empty> 2.0
SubnetMask string(:45) R

[IPv4Address] Subnet mask option received from the DHCP Server. An empty string when Status is not equal to Bound.

Value is information received via DHCP Option 1.

<Empty> 2.0
IPRouters string(:45)[](:256) R

[IPv4Address] Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of IPv4Addresses. Items represent IP Router IPv4 Address(es) received from the DHCP server. An empty string when Status is not equal to Bound.

Value is information received via DHCP Options 3, 33 or 121.

<Empty> 2.0
DNSServers string(:45)[](:256) R

[IPv4Address] Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of IPv4Addresses. Items represent DNS Server IPv4 Address(es) received from the DHCP server. An empty string when Status is not equal to Bound.

Value is information received via DHCP Option 6.

<Empty> 2.0
LeaseTimeRemaining int(-1:) R

DHCP lease time remaining in seconds. A value of -1 indicates an infinite lease.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

0 2.0
DHCPServer string(:45) R [IPv4Address] The IPv4 address of the current DHCP server. <Empty> 2.0
PassthroughEnable boolean W

If false, the DHCP Client retrieved IP address information is configured on the referenced Interface object.

If true, the DHCP Client retrieved information is propagated to the parameters in the referenced PassthroughDHCPPool object, replacing any existing configuration (including MinAddress, MaxAddress, SubnetMask, IPRouters, and DNSServers).

false 2.0
PassthroughDHCPPool string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Server.Pool. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.When PassthroughDHCPPool is set to an empty string, PassthroughEnable MUST be set to false (i.e. passthrough can not be enabled without a pool reference specified). <Empty> 2.0
SentOptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SentOption table. - 2.0
ReqOptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ReqOption table. - 2.0
Device.DHCPv4.Client.{i}.SentOption.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this object represents a DHCP option that MUST, if enabled, be sent in DHCP client requests. All sent DHCP options MUST be listed.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Tag. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Tag such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this SentOption table entry. false 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Tag unsignedInt(1:254) W

Option tag as defined in [RFC2132].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Value hexBinary(0:255) W A hexbinary encoded option value. <Empty> 2.0
Device.DHCPv4.Client.{i}.ReqOption.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this object represents a DHCP option that MUST, if enabled, be requested in DHCP client requests. All requested DHCP options MUST be listed.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Tag. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Tag such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this ReqOption table entry. false 2.0
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the ReqOption entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a ReqOption instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a ReqOption instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

This indicates the position of the option in the DHCP client request.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Tag unsignedInt(1:254) W

Option tag as defined in [RFC2132].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Value hexBinary(0:255) R

A hexbinary encoded, most recently received DHCP option value.

If no option value has been received, then the value MUST represent an empty string.

Received DHCP option values MAY, but need not, persist across CPE reboots.

<Empty> 2.0
Device.DHCPv4.Client.{i}.Retransmission. object R This object enables the configurion of the DHCPv4 retransmission behavior according to the guidelines described in [Chapter 4.1/RFC2131]. - 2.18
DiscoverInitialTimeout unsignedInt W Initial delay, expressed in seconds, before initiating the first DCHCPDISCOVER message. 4 2.18
DiscoverMaxTimeout unsignedInt W

Maximum duration, expressed in seconds, between two DHCPDISCOVER message retransmission.

According to [Chapter 4.1/RFC2131], the recommended value for this parameter is 64 seconds.

64 2.18
DiscoverMaxDuration unsignedInt W

Maximum duration, expressed in seconds, during which the DHCPv4 client is permitted to retransmit DHCPDISCOVER message

A value of ‘0’ indicates that no specific maximum duration is set.

0 2.18
RequestInitialTimeout unsignedInt W Initial delay, expressed in seconds, before initiating the first DHCPREQUEST message. 4 2.18
RequestMaxTimeout unsignedInt W

Maximum duration, expressed in seconds, between two DHCPREQUEST message retransmission.

According to [Chapter 4.1/RFC2131], the recommended value for this parameter is 64 seconds.

64 2.18
RequestMaxDuration unsignedInt W

Maximum duration, expressed in seconds, during which the DHCPv4 client is permitted to retransmit DHCPREQUEST message.

A value of ‘0’ indicates that no specific maximum duration is set.

0 2.18
TimeoutRandomize int W

The Randomization factor for the retransmission timeout, in ms, as defined in [Section 4.1 Constructing and sending DHCP messages/RFC2131].

E.g. a timeout of 2000ms with a randomization of 1000 will end up between 1000 and 3000 ms.

1000 2.18
Device.DHCPv4.Server. object R DHCP server configuration. - 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the DHCP server. - 2.0
PoolNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Pool table. - 2.0
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}. object(0:) W

DHCP conditional serving pool table.

Each instance of this object defines a DHCP conditional serving pool. Client requests are associated with pools based on criteria such as source interface, supplied DHCP options, and MAC address.

Overlapping pool ranges MUST be supported.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference, or MinAddress, MaxAddress, or SubnetMask is not a valid value, then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Order. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Order such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the Pool entry. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the Pool entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a Pool instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a Pool instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each DHCP request, the highest ordered entry that matches the association criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the Pool entry. <Empty> 2.0
VendorClassID string(:255) W

Pool association criterion.

Used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP Vendor Class Identifier (Option 60) as defined in [RFC2132], matched according to the criterion in VendorClassIDMode. Case sensitive.

This is a normal string, e.g. “abc” is represented as “abc” and not say “616263” hex. However, if the value includes non-printing characters then such characters have to be represented using XML escapes, e.g. #x0a for line-feed.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for conditional serving.

<Empty> 2.0
VendorClassIDExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the VendorClassID entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the VendorClassID entry, if specified.

false 2.0
VendorClassIDMode string W

VendorClassID pattern match criterion. Enumeration of:

  • Exact
  • Prefix
  • Suffix
  • Substring

For example, if VendorClassID is “Example” then an Option 60 value of “Example device” will match with VendorClassIDMode values of Prefix or Substring, but not with Exact or Suffix.

Exact 2.0
ClientID hexBinary(:255) W

Pool association criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP Client Identifier (Option 61) as defined in [RFC2132]. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for conditional serving.

<Empty> 2.0
ClientIDExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the ClientID entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the ClientID entry, if specified.

false 2.0
UserClassID hexBinary(:255) W

Pool association criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP User Class Identifier (Option 77) as defined in [RFC3004].

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for conditional serving.

<Empty> 2.0
UserClassIDExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the UserClassID entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the UserClassID entry, if specified.

false 2.0
Chaddr string(:17) W

[MACAddress] Pool association criterion.

Hardware address (MAC address) of the physical interface of the DHCP client.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for conditional serving.

<Empty> 2.0
ChaddrMask string(:17) W [MACAddress] Bit-mask for the MAC address, where matching of a packet’s MAC address with the Chaddr is only to be done for bit positions set to one in the mask. A mask of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF or an empty string indicates all bits of the Chaddr are to be used for conditional serving classification. <Empty> 2.0
ChaddrExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the (masked) Chaddr entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the (masked) Chaddr entry, if specified.

false 2.0
AllowedDevices string W

Pool association criterion. Determines which devices are allowed, Enumeration of:

- 2.13
MinAddress string(:45) W

[IPv4Address] Specifies first IPv4 address in the pool to be assigned by the DHCP server on the LAN interface.

The parameter value can be overwritten by dynamic values retrieved via a DHCP client with Client.{i}.PassthroughEnable or a PPP interface with PPP.Interface.{i}.IPCP.PassthroughEnable equal to true.

- 2.0
MaxAddress string(:45) W

[IPv4Address] Specifies last IPv4 address in the pool to be assigned by the DHCP server on the LAN interface.

The parameter value can be overwritten by dynamic values retrieved via a DHCP client with Client.{i}.PassthroughEnable or a PPP interface with PPP.Interface.{i}.IPCP.PassthroughEnable equal to true.

- 2.0
ReservedAddresses string(:45)[:32]() W [IPv4Address] Comma-separated list (up to 32 items) (length ) of IPv4Addresses. List items represent addresses marked reserved from the address allocation pool. <Empty> 2.0
SubnetMask string(:45) W

[IPv4Address] Specifies the client’s network subnet mask.

The parameter value can be overwritten by dynamic values retrieved via a DHCP client with Client.{i}.PassthroughEnable or a PPP interface with PPP.Interface.{i}.IPCP.PassthroughEnable equal to true.

- 2.0
DNSServers string(:45)[:4]() W

[IPv4Address] Comma-separated list (up to 4 items) (length ) of IPv4Addresses. List items represent DNS servers offered to DHCP clients. Support for more than three DNS Servers is OPTIONAL.

The parameter value can be overwritten by dynamic values retrieved via a DHCP client with Client.{i}.PassthroughEnable or a PPP interface with PPP.Interface.{i}.IPCP.PassthroughEnable equal to true.

- 2.0
DomainName string(:64) W Sets the domain name to provide to clients on the LAN interface. - 2.0
IPRouters string(:45)[:4]() W

[IPv4Address] Comma-separated list (up to 4 items) (length ) of IPv4Addresses. List items represent addresses of routers on this subnet. Also known as default gateway. Support for more than one Router address is OPTIONAL.

The parameter value can be overwritten by dynamic values retrieved via a DHCP client with Client.{i}.PassthroughEnable or a PPP interface with PPP.Interface.{i}.IPCP.PassthroughEnable equal to true.

- 2.0
LeaseTime int(-1:) W Specifies the lease time in seconds of client assigned addresses. A value of -1 indicates an infinite lease. 86400 2.0
StaticAddressNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the StaticAddress table. - 2.0
OptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Option table. - 2.0
ClientNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Client table. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}.StaticAddress.{i}. object(0:) W

DHCP static address table.

Entries in this table correspond to what [RFC2131] calls “manual allocation”, where a client’s IP address is assigned by the network administrator, and DHCP is used simply to convey the assigned address to the client.

Each instance of this object specifies a hardware address (MAC address) and an IP address within the pool. When serving from this pool, this IP address MUST, if available, be assigned to the DHCP client with this hardware address, and MUST NOT be assigned to any other client.

Note that it is possible that an IP address in this table is present in one or more of the other conditional serving pools, in which case it is possible that such an address will be assigned to a different client.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Chaddr. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the StaticAddress table entry.

Disabling an entry does not return the IP address to the pool.

false 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Chaddr string(:17) W [MACAddress] Hardware address (MAC address) of the physical interface of the DHCP client. <Empty> 2.0
Yiaddr string(:45) W [IPv4Address] IPv4 address to be assigned by the DHCP server to the DHCP client with the specified hardware address (MAC address). <Empty> 2.0
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}.Option.{i}. object(0:) W

This object specifies the DHCP options that MUST, if enabled, be returned to clients whose DHCP requests are associated with this pool.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Tag. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Tag such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Option table entry. false 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Tag unsignedInt(1:254) W

Option tag as defined in [RFC2132].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Value hexBinary(0:255) W A hexbinary encoded option value. <Empty> 2.0
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}. object(0:) R

DHCPv4 client table.

This table lists details of DHCPv4 clients that matched the filter criteria of this Pool entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Chaddr.

- 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Note: There is no guarantee that the Alias value on automatically-created Client instances will be retained. This is because automatically-created Client instances can be transitory.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Chaddr string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC address of the DHCPv4 client. - 2.2
Active boolean R

Whether or not the DHCPv4 client is currently present on the LAN. The method of presence detection is a local matter to the CPE.

The ability to list inactive DHCPv4 clients is OPTIONAL. If the CPE includes inactive DHCPv4 clients in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive DHCPv4 client. The length of time an inactive DHCPv4 client remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.2
IPv4AddressNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv4Address table. - 2.2
OptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Option table. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}.IPv4Address.{i}. object(0:) R

IPv4 addresses assigned to this client.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for IPAddress.

- 2.2
IPAddress string(:45) R [IPv4Address] IPv4 address. - 2.2
LeaseTimeRemaining dateTime R The time at which the DHCP lease will expire or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if not known. For an infinite lease, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}.Option.{i}. object(0:) R DHCPv4 options supplied by this client, e.g. VendorClassID (Option 60), ClientID (option 61) or UserClassID (Option 77). - 2.2
Tag unsignedInt(0:255) R Option tag as defined in [RFC2132]. - 2.2
Value hexBinary(0:255) R A hexbinary encoded option value. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv4.Relay. object R DHCP Relay Agent (conditional relaying). - 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the DHCP Relay Agent function. - 2.0
Status string R

The status of the DHCP relay. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.0
ForwardingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Forwarding table. - 2.0
Device.DHCPv4.Relay.Forwarding.{i}. object(0:) W

DHCP Relay Agent Forwarding table.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the Forwarding entry. false 2.0
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the Forwarding entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a Forwarding instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a Forwarding instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each DHCP request, the highest ordered entry that matches the association criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the Forwarding entry. <Empty> 2.0
VendorClassID string(:255) W

Pool association criterion.

Used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP Vendor Class Identifier (Option 60) as defined in [RFC2132], matched according to the criterion in VendorClassIDMode. Case sensitive.

This is a normal string, e.g. “abc” is represented as “abc” and not say “616263” hex. However, if the value includes non-printing characters then such characters have to be represented using XML escapes, e.g. #x0a for line-feed.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used as a relay classification criterion.

<Empty> 2.0
VendorClassIDExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the VendorClassID entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the VendorClassID entry, if specified.

false 2.0
VendorClassIDMode string W

VendorClassID pattern match criterion. Enumeration of:

  • Exact
  • Prefix
  • Suffix
  • Substring

For example, if VendorClassID is “Example” then an Option 60 value of “Example device” will match with VendorClassIDMode values of Prefix or Substring, but not with Exact or Suffix.

Exact 2.0
ClientID hexBinary(:255) W

Pool association criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP Client Identifier (Option 61) as defined in [RFC2132]. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used as a relay classification criterion.

<Empty> 2.0
ClientIDExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the ClientID entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the ClientID entry, if specified.

false 2.0
UserClassID hexBinary(:255) W

Pool association criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCP User Class Identifier (Option 77) as defined in [RFC3004].

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used as a relay classification criterion.

<Empty> 2.0
UserClassIDExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the UserClassID entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the UserClassID entry, if specified.

false 2.0
Chaddr string(:17) W

[MACAddress] Pool association criterion.

Hardware address (MAC address) of the physical interface of the DHCP client.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used as a relay classification criterion.

<Empty> 2.0
ChaddrMask string(:17) W [MACAddress] Bit-mask for the MAC address, where matching of a packet’s MAC address with the Chaddr is only to be done for bit positions set to one in the mask. A mask of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF or an empty string indicates all bits of the Chaddr are to be used for relay classification. <Empty> 2.0
ChaddrExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the (masked) Chaddr entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the (masked) Chaddr entry, if specified.

false 2.0
LocallyServed boolean W If true, incoming DHCP requests will be forwarded to the CPE DHCP Server. If false, incoming DHCP requests will be forwarded to the DHCPServerIPAddress configured for this forwarding entry. false 2.0
DHCPServerIPAddress string(:45) W [IPv4Address] IPv4 address of the DHCP server, where the request has to be sent to when there is a conditional match with this forwarding entry and LocallyServed is false. If LocallyServed is false and this parameter is not configured, then the DHCP request is dropped. - 2.0
Device.DHCPv6. object R The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) IPv6 object [RFC8415]. This entire object applies to IPv6 only. It contains the Client and Server objects. - 2.2
ClientNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Client table. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv6.Client.{i}. object(1:) W

This object contains DHCPv6 client settings for an associated IP Interface indicated by Interface.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference to an IPv6-capable interface (that is attached to the IPv6 stack), then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The Client table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated Client row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending Client row.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Interface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Client entry. false 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the Client entry. This will reference an IPv6-capable interface (that is attached to the IPv6 stack), otherwise the table entry will be inoperable. <Empty> 2.2
Status string R

The status of this table entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.2
DUID hexBinary(:130) R The client’s DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID) [Section 11/RFC8415]. DUID is set by the CPE. - 2.2
RequestAddresses boolean W Enables or disables inclusion of the Identity Association (IA) for Non-Temporary Address option OPTION_IA_NA(3) [Section 21.4/RFC8415] in Solicit messages. true 2.2
RequestPrefixes boolean W

Enables or disables inclusion of the Identity Association (IA) for Prefix Delegation option OPTION_IA_PD(25) [Section 21.22/RFC8415] in Solicit messages.

Note that this is only appropriate for an upstream interface on a requesting router, e.g. for an RG WAN interface.

false 2.2
RapidCommit boolean W Enables or disables inclusion of the Rapid Commit option OPTION_RAPID_COMMIT(14) [Section 21.14/RFC8415] in Solicit messages. false 2.2
Renew() command - The Client will renew its DHCPv6-supplied information (i.e. the Agent will do a renew or information request as needed, updating both stateful and stateless parameter values discovered by this Client instance). - 2.12
SuggestedT1 int(-1:) W

T1 value, in seconds, that the client SHOULD use when sending IA options, e.g. OPTION_IA_NA [Section 21.4/RFC8415] and OPTION_IA_PD [Section 10/RFC8415].

A value of -1 indicates that no T1 value is specified.

- 2.2
SuggestedT2 int(-1:) W

T2 value, in seconds, that the client SHOULD use when sending IA options, e.g. OPTION_IA_NA [Section 21.4/RFC8415] and OPTION_IA_PD [Section 21.22/RFC8415].

A value of -1 indicates that no T2 value is specified.

- 2.2
SupportedOptions unsignedInt[] R Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. The options that the client is able to process in server responses. This list MUST include both top-level and encapsulated options, e.g. if the client is able to process OPTION_IA_NA (3) with an encapsulated OPTION_IAADDR (5), the list would be expected to include both 3 and 5. - 2.2
RequestedOptions unsignedInt[] W

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. An ordered list of the top-level options (i.e. not encapsulated options) that the client will explicitly request from the server.

This parameter is intended only for options that are not necessary for the basic operation of the protocol, and are not modeled elsewhere. For example, it is appropriate for OPTION_DNS_SERVERS [RFC3646] but is not appropriate for OPTION_SERVERID (which is part of the protocol), OPTION_IA_NA (which is modeled via RequestAddresses) or OPTION_IA_PD (which is modeled via RequestPrefixes). However, the CPE MUST NOT reject an attempt to set this parameter to a value that includes options that it regards as inappropriate; instead, it MUST accept the requested options and handle them as best it can.

Loosely speaking, these are the options that the client will include in OPTION_ORO [RFC8415] but the client is free to decide (in accordance with [RFC8415]) in which messages to request which option, whether also to request additional options, whether not to request inappropriate options, and in which order to request any options that are also in SupportedOptions.

- 2.2
ServerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Server table. - 2.2
SentOptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SentOption table. - 2.2
ReceivedOptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ReceivedOption table. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv6.Client.{i}.Server.{i}. object(0:) R

This is a transitory table that lists the discovered DHCPv6 servers (it does not model a local DHCP server). Table entries are automatically created to correspond with these servers. However, it is a local matter to the CPE when to delete old table entries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for SourceAddress.

- 2.2
SourceAddress string(:45) R [IPv6Address] The IP address from which the message most recently received from this server was sent. - 2.2
DUID hexBinary(:130) R The server’s DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID) [Section 11/RFC8415] as received via OPTION_SERVERID. - 2.2
InformationRefreshTime dateTime R The OPTION_INFORMATION_REFRESH_TIME value [RFC4242] that was most recently received from this server, converted to the dateTime at which the associated information will expire. If no such option has been received, the parameter value MUST be the “Unknown Time” 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z. If the information will never expire, the parameter value MUST be infinite time 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv6.Client.{i}.SentOption.{i}. object(0:) W

The top-level options and option values (including any encapsulated options) that the client will send to the server.

This table is intended only for options that are not part of the basic operation of the protocol, and whose values are simple, do not often change and are not modeled elsewhere. For example, it is appropriate for OPTION_USER_CLASS (whose value is a list of user classes) but is not appropriate for OPTION_RECONF_MSG (which is part of the protocol), OPTION_IA_NA (which is modeled via RequestAddresses) or OPTION_RAPID_COMMIT (which is modeled via RapidCommit).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Tag. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Tag such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this SentOption entry. false 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Tag unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Option tag (code) [Section 21.1/RFC8415].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Value hexBinary(0:65535) W

A hexbinary encoded option data [Section 21.1/RFC8415].

Note: The length of the option data is option-len octets, as specified in [Section 21.1/RFC8415].

<Empty> 2.2
Device.DHCPv6.Client.{i}.ReceivedOption.{i}. object(0:) R

This is a transitory table that lists all the options received from all servers. Table entries are automatically created to correspond with received options. However, it is a local matter to the CPE when to delete old table entries.

If the same option is received multiple times, whether from one or more servers, it is up to the CPE to decide which entries to include (i.e. whether the same option will be present multiple times). In order to allow for the same option to be present multiple times within the table, this table has no unique key defined.

- 2.2
Tag unsignedInt(0:65535) R Option tag (code) [Section 21.1/RFC8415]. - 2.2
Value hexBinary(0:65535) R A hexbinary encoded option data [Section 21.1/RFC8415]. - 2.2
Server string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Server. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is the server that sent the option to the client. Each ReceivedOption entry MUST have an associated server. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv6.Client.{i}.Retransmission. object R This object enables the configurion of the DHCPv6 retransmission behavior according to the guidelines described in [Section 7.6/RFC8415]. - 2.18
SolicitMaxDelay unsignedInt W Maximum delay of first Solicit, expressed in seconds. 1 2.18
SolicitInitialTimeout unsignedInt W Initial solicit, expressed in seconds. 1 2.18
SolicitMaxTimeout unsignedInt W Maximum solicit timeout value, expressed in seconds. 3600 2.18
RequestInitialTimeout unsignedInt W Initial request timeout, expressed in seconds. 1 2.18
RequestMaxTimeout unsignedInt W Maximum request timeout, expressed in seconds. 30 2.18
RequestMaxRetry unsignedInt W Maximum request retry attempts. 10 2.18
ConfirmMaxDelay unsignedInt W Maximum delay of first confirm, expressed in seconds. 1 2.18
ConfirmInitialTimeout unsignedInt W Initial confirm timeout, expressed in seconds. 1 2.18
ConfirmMaxTimeout unsignedInt W Maximum confirm timeout, expressed in seconds. 4 2.18
ConfirmMaxDuration unsignedInt W Maximum confirm duration, expressed in seconds. 10 2.18
RenewInitialTimeout unsignedInt W Initial renew timeout, expressed in seconds. 10 2.18
RenewMaxTimeout unsignedInt W Maximum renew timeout value, expressed in seconds. 600 2.18
RebindInitialTimeout unsignedInt W Initial rebind timeout, expressed in seconds. 10 2.18
RebindMaxTimeout unsignedInt W Maximum rebind timeout value, expressed in seconds. 600 2.18
InformationRequestMaxDelay unsignedInt W Maximum delay of first information-request, expressed in seconds. 1 2.18
InformationRequestInitialTimeout unsignedInt W Initial information-request timeout, expressed in seconds. 1 2.18
InformationRequestMaxTimeout unsignedInt W Maximum information-request timeout, expressed in seconds. 3600 2.18
ReleaseInitialTimeout unsignedInt W Initial Release timeout, expressed in seconds. 1 2.18
ReleaseMaxAttempts unsignedInt W Maximum release retry attempts. 4 2.18
DeclineInitialTimeout unsignedInt W Initial Decline timeout, expressed in seconds. 1 2.18
DeclineMaxAttempts unsignedInt W Maximum decline retry attempts. 4 2.18
ReconfigureInitialTimeout unsignedInt W Initial reconfigure timeout, expressed in seconds. 2 2.18
ReconfigureMaxAttempts unsignedInt W Maximum reconfigure attempts. 8 2.18
HopCountLimit unsignedInt W Maximum hop count in a relay-forward message. 32 2.18
InformationRefreshTime unsignedInt W Default information refresh time, expressed in seconds. 86400 2.18
MinInformationRefreshTime unsignedInt W Minimum information refresh time, expressed in seconds. 600 2.18
MaxWaitTime unsignedInt W Maximum required time to wait for a response, expressed in seconds. 60 2.18
TimeoutRandomize int W

The Randomization factor for the retransmission timeout, in ms, as defined in [Section 15 Reliability of Client-Initiated Message Exchanges/RFC8415].

E.g. a timeout of 1000ms with a randomization of 100 will end up between 900 and 1100 ms.

100 2.18
Device.DHCPv6.Server. object R DHCPv6 server configuration. - 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the DHCPv6 server function. - 2.2
PoolNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Pool table. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}. object(0:) W

DHCPv6 server pool table.

Each instance of this object defines a DHCPv6 server pool. Client requests are associated with pools based on criteria such as source interface, supplied DHCPv6 options, and source address.

Overlapping pool ranges MUST be supported.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference to an IPv6-capable interface (that is attached to the IPv6 stack) then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Order. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Order such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Pool entry. false 2.2
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the Pool entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a Pool instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a Pool instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each DHCPv6 request, the highest ordered entry that matches the association criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the Pool entry. <Empty> 2.2
DUID hexBinary(:130) W

Pool association criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCPv6 Client Identifier (Option 1) [Section 21.2/RFC8415]. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used.

Note: DHCPv6 Option 1 (DUID) is sometimes referred to as Client Identifier.

<Empty> 2.2
DUIDExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the DUID entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the DUID entry, if specified.

false 2.2
VendorClassID hexBinary(:65535) W

Pool association criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCPv6 Vendor Class Identifier (Option 16) [Section 21.16/RFC8415]. The option value is binary, so an exact match is REQUIRED.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used.

<Empty> 2.2
VendorClassIDExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the VendorClassID entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the VendorClassID entry, if specified.

false 2.2
UserClassID hexBinary(:65535) W

Pool association criterion.

A hexbinary string used to identify one or more LAN devices, value of the DHCPv6 User Class Identifier (Option 15) [Section 21.15/RFC8415].

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used.

<Empty> 2.2
UserClassIDExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the UserClassID entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the UserClassID entry, if specified.

false 2.2
SourceAddress string(:45) W

[IPv6Address] Pool association criterion.

Source address (link-layer address) of DHCPv6 messages sent from the DHCPv6 client. This criterion is only likely to be useful if this is a link-layer address.

An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for serving.

<Empty> 2.2
SourceAddressMask string(:45) W [IPv6Address] Bit-mask for the source address, where matching of a packet’s source address with the SourceAddress is only to be done for bit positions set to one in the mask. A mask of an empty string indicates all bits of the SourceAddress are to be used. <Empty> 2.2
SourceAddressExclude boolean W

If false, matching packets are those that match the (masked) SourceAddress entry, if specified.

If true, matching packets are those that do not match the (masked) SourceAddress entry, if specified.

false 2.2
IANAEnable boolean W Enables or disables IANA offers. - 2.2
IANAManualPrefixes string[:8]() W

Comma-separated list (up to 8 items) (length ) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

Manually-configured prefixes from which IA_NA addresses will be assigned. Each referenced prefix MUST have a IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix.{i}.StaticType of Static or Child. All clients that request IA_NA and match filter criteria on this Interface MUST be offered IA_NA addresses from all of the Valid (IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix.{i}.ValidLifetime is infinite or in the future) /64 prefixes in this list.

Prefixes MUST be associated with the interface instance referenced by Interface.

<Empty> 2.2
IANAPrefixes string[:8]() R

Comma-separated list (up to 8 items) (length ) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

All prefixes from which IA_NA addresses will be assigned. This list can include:

- 2.2
IAPDEnable boolean W Enables or disables IAPD offers. - 2.2
IAPDManualPrefixes string[:8]() W

Comma-separated list (up to 8 items) (length ) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

Manually-configured prefixes from which IA_PD prefixes will be derived. This list can include:

All clients that request IA_PD and match filter criteria on this Interface MUST be offered IA_PD prefixes derived from all of the Valid (IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix.{i}.ValidLifetime is infinite or in the future) prefixes in this list.

<Empty> 2.2
IAPDPrefixes string[:8]() R

Comma-separated list (up to 8 items) (length ) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface.{i}.IPv6Prefix. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

All prefixes for which IA_PD prefixes will be assigned. This list can include:

- 2.2
IAPDAddLength unsignedInt(:64) W The RECOMMENDED minimum number of bits to add to IAPDManualPrefixes or IAPDPrefixes in order to determine the length of prefixes that are offered in an IA_PD. The device is responsible for ensuring that it does not delegate a prefix longer than /64. The device can have additional logic that is used (in conjunction with this parameter) to determine the actual length of prefixes offered in an IA_PD. - 2.2
ClientNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Client table. - 2.2
OptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Option table. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}. object(0:) R

DHCPv6 client table.

This table lists details of DHCPv6 clients that matched the filter criteria of this Pool entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for SourceAddress.

- 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Note: There is no guarantee that the Alias value on automatically-created Client instances will be retained. This is because automatically-created Client instances can be transitory.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
SourceAddress string(:45) R [IPv6Address] Source address of the DHCPv6 client. - 2.2
Active boolean R

Whether or not the DHCPv6 client is currently present on the LAN. The method of presence detection is a local matter to the CPE.

The ability to list inactive DHCPv6 clients is OPTIONAL. If the CPE includes inactive DHCPv6 clients in this table, Active MUST be set to false for each inactive DHCPv6 client. The length of time an inactive DHCPv6 client remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.2
IPv6AddressNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv6Address table. - 2.2
IPv6PrefixNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv6Prefix table. - 2.2
OptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Option table. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}.IPv6Address.{i}. object(0:) R

IPv6 addresses assigned to this client via IA_NA.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for IPAddress.

- 2.2
IPAddress string(:45) R [IPv6Address] IPv6 address. - 2.2
PreferredLifetime dateTime R The time at which this address will cease to be preferred (i.e. will become deprecated), or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if not known. For an infinite lifetime, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z. - 2.2
ValidLifetime dateTime R The time at which this address will cease to be valid (i.e. will become invalid), or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if unknown. For an infinite lifetime, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}.IPv6Prefix.{i}. object(0:) R

IPv6 prefixes delegated to this client via IA_PD.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Prefix.

- 2.2
Prefix string(:49) R [IPv6Prefix] IPv6 address prefix. - 2.2
PreferredLifetime dateTime R The time at which this prefix will cease to be preferred (i.e. will become deprecated), or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if not known. For an infinite lifetime, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z. - 2.2
ValidLifetime dateTime R The time at which this prefix will cease to be valid (i.e. will become invalid), or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if unknown. For an infinite lifetime, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}.Option.{i}. object(0:) R DHCPv6 options supplied by this client, e.g. DUID (Option 1), UserClassID (Option 15) or VendorClassID (option 16). - 2.2
Tag unsignedInt(0:65535) R Option tag (code) [Section 21.1/RFC8415]. - 2.2
Value hexBinary(0:65535) R A hexbinary encoded option value. - 2.2
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}.Option.{i}. object(0:) W

This object specifies the DHCPv6 options that MUST, if enabled, be offered to clients whose DHCPv6 requests are associated with this pool. If PassthroughClient is specified, and the referenced client has a value for a given option then the PassthroughClient option value will be sent instead of Value. Otherwise, Value will be sent.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Tag. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Tag such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Option entry. false 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Tag unsignedInt(0:65535) W

Option tag (code) [Section 21.1/RFC8415].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Value hexBinary(0:65535) W A hexbinary encoded option value. <Empty> 2.2
PassthroughClient string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Client. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Indicates whether this Option entry is configured for passthrough.

If PassthroughClient is specified, and the referenced client (since boot) has received a value from an associated upstream DHCPv6 server for the given Tag option, then the referenced client’s option value will be sent instead of Value. Otherwise, Value will be sent.

An empty string indicates that passthrough is not configured for this Option entry.

<Empty> 2.2
Device.IEEE8021x. object R IEEE 802.1x object [802.1x-2004], where Supplicant models authentication supplicants. - 2.0
SupplicantNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Supplicant table. - 2.0
Device.IEEE8021x.Supplicant.{i}. object(1:) W

802.1x supplicant authentication provisioning and status information associated with an interface to be authenticated (e.g. an Ethernet.Link instance).

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The Supplicant table includes a unique key parameter that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the CPE will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated Supplicant row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending Supplicant row.

This table MUST contain at least 1 entry.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Interface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W This parameter controls whether this resource will utilize the 802.1x protocol as a supplicant for device authentication purposes. false 2.0
Status string R

The current operational status of this 802.1x supplicant. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The interface on which authentication is to be performed. Example: Device.Ethernet.Link.1 <Empty> 2.0
PAEState string R

The current supplicant state machine as defined in [Section 9.5.1/802.1x-2004], Supplicant PAE (Port Access Entity) State. Enumeration of:

  • Disconnected
  • Logoff
  • Connecting
  • Authenticating
  • Authenticated
  • Held
  • Restart
  • ForceAuth
  • ForceUnauth
- 2.0
EAPIdentity string(:256) W The identity to be exchanged between the supplicant and authenticator. - 2.0
MaxStart unsignedInt(1:10) W

The maximum number of times the device will attempt to send an EAP start message before authentication fails as defined in [Section 9.5.1/802.1x-2004], maxStart.

This is in support of [Section 8.4.6/802.1x-2004], Migration Considerations.

- 2.0
StartPeriod unsignedInt(1:) W The period in seconds a supplicant will wait before the device will attempt to re-send an EAP start message as defined in [Section 9.5.1/802.1x-2004], startPeriod. - 2.0
HeldPeriod unsignedInt(1:) W The hold-off period in seconds a supplicant will wait before re-attempting authentication as defined in [Section 9.5.1/802.1x-2004], heldPeriod. - 2.0
AuthPeriod unsignedInt W The period in seconds after which a request will be considered timed out as defined in [Section 9.5.1/802.1x-2004], authPeriod. - 2.0
AuthenticationCapabilities string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the authentication methods supported by the device. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • EAP-MD5
- 2.0
StartFailurePolicy string W

The action to be taken when authentication has failed, when the network fails to respond to the supplicant’s start message, and the retries have been exceeded (since network does not yet support 802.1x). Enumeration of:

  • FailAuthentication
  • AssumeAuthentication

This is in support of [Section 8.4.6/802.1x-2004], Migration Considerations.

- 2.0
AuthenticationSuccessPolicy string W

The action to be taken when authentication succeeds and a connection has already received an address and/or policy settings. Enumeration of:

  • NoAction
  • RenewConnection
- 2.0
Reset() command -

On a reset the device MUST reset the session by performing an initial authentication attempt as defined in [Section], Initialize Port by sending out the EAP start message.

The device MAY delay resetting the resource in order to avoid interruption of a user service such as an ongoing voice call.

- 2.12
Disconnect() command -

On a reset the device MUST disconnect (forced unauthentication) the resource.

The device MAY delay re-authentication of the resource in order to avoid interruption of a user service such as an ongoing voice call.

- 2.12
Device.IEEE8021x.Supplicant.{i}.Stats. object R 802.1x Authentication Supplicant EAP statistics information for this resource. - 2.0
ReceivedFrames unsignedInt R The number of EAPOL frames of any type that have been received by this Supplicant; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], EAPOL frames received. 0 2.0
TransmittedFrames unsignedInt R The number of EAPOL frames of any type that have been transmitted by this Supplicant; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], EAPOL frames transmitted. 0 2.0
TransmittedStartFrames unsignedInt R The number of EAPOL Start frames that have been transmitted by this Supplicant; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], EAPOL Start frames transmitted. 0 2.0
TransmittedLogoffFrames unsignedInt R The number of EAPOL Logoff frames that have been transmitted by this Supplicant; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], EAPOL Logoff frames transmitted. 0 2.0
TransmittedResponseIdFrames unsignedInt R The number of EAP Resp/Id frames that have been transmitted; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], EAP Resp/Id frames transmitted. 0 2.0
TransmittedResponseFrames unsignedInt R The number of valid EAP Response frames (other than Resp/Id frames) that have been transmitted by this Supplicant; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], EAP Resp frames transmitted. 0 2.0
ReceivedRequestIdFrames unsignedInt R The number of EAP Req/Id frames that have been received by this Supplicant; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], EAP Req/Id frames received. 0 2.0
ReceivedRequestFrames unsignedInt R The number of EAP Request frames (other than Rq/Id frames) that have been received by this Supplicant; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], EAP Req frames received. 0 2.0
ReceivedInvalidFrames unsignedInt R The number of EAPOL frames that have been received by this Supplicant in which the frame type is not recognized; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], EAP Req frames received. 0 2.0
ReceivedLengthErrorFrames unsignedInt R The number of EAPOL frames that have been received by this Supplicant in which the Packet Body Length field is invalid; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], EAP length error frames received. 0 2.0
LastFrameVersion unsignedInt R The protocol version number carried in the most recently received EAPOL frame; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], Last EAPOL frame version - 2.0
LastFrameSourceMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The source MAC address carried in the most recently received EAPOL frame; [Section 9.5.2/802.1x-2004], Last EAPOL frame source. - 2.0
SuccessCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Count of the number of successful authentications from the perspective of this supplicant. - 2.18
FailureCount unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Count of the number of failed authentications from the perspective of this supplicant. - 2.18
Reset() command - Reset all this object’s statistics counters to zero. - 2.18
Device.IEEE8021x.Supplicant.{i}.EAPMD5. object R 802.1x Authentication Supplicant provisioning information used for MD5 shared secret exchange. This object will not exist if EAP-MD5 is not a supported authentication type. - 2.0
Enable boolean W This parameter enables or disables the supplicant’s support for EAP-MD5. - 2.0
SharedSecret string(:256) W

The shared secret to be exchanged between the supplicant and authenticator.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
Device.IEEE8021x.Supplicant.{i}.EAPTLS. object R 802.1x Authentication Supplicant provisioning information used for TLS certificate authentication. This object will not exist if the EAP-TLS is not a supported authentication type. - 2.0
Enable boolean W This parameter enables or disables the supplicant’s support for EAP-TLS. - 2.0
MutualAuthenticationEnable boolean W The parameter controls if the supplicant will authenticate the authenticator. - 2.0
Device.Users. object R Users object that contains the User, Group, and Role tables. - 2.0
UserNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the User table. - 2.0
GroupNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Group table. - 2.15
RoleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Role table. - 2.15
SupportedShellNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SupportedShell table. - 2.15
SupportedCapabilities string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. This parameter contains the supported capabilities on this system. These are privileges that allow precise control for individual processes. Essentially, capabilities can be assigned to processes giving them necessary permissions to perform certain functions. Please refer to Linux man page on capabilities (“capabilities(7) - Linux manual page”).

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.18
CheckCredentialsDiagnostics() command - Checks whether the input Username and Password are valid for allowing access to the user interface on the device. If not valid, then an indication of why they are not valid is output. - 2.15
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Username string W The user name for logging in to the user interface on the device. - 2.15
Password string W The password for logging in to the user interface on the device. - 2.15
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Status string R

Indicates the response to request to check whether the credentials are valid and, if not, why not. Enumeration of:

  • Credentials_Good
  • Credentials_Bad_Requested_Username_Not_Supported
  • Credentials_Bad_Requested_Password_Incorrect
  • Credentials_Missing
  • Error_Invalid_Input
  • Error_Other (OPTIONAL)
- 2.15
Device.Users.User.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to the user characteristics.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Username, or with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for UserID. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and UserID such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables/disables this user object instance.

If the User being configured is currently accessing the device then a disable MUST apply to the next user session and the current user session MUST NOT be abruptly terminated.

false 2.0
UserID unsignedInt W

Unique Identifier of the user. Depending on the implementation this can be the unique identifier assigned by the underlying system.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
RemoteAccessCapable boolean W
Allows this user to remotely access the UserInterface via the mechanism defined in UserInterface.HTTPAccess
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 due to the introduction of UserInterface.HTTPAccess.{i}. and RoleParticipation.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
false 2.0
Username string(:64) W Name of the current user. MUST NOT be an empty string for an enabled entry. <Empty> 2.0
Password string(:64) W

The user’s password.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.0
GroupParticipation string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Group. table. The Groups of which this User is a member. <Empty> 2.0
RoleParticipation string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. The Roles which are assigned to this User. <Empty> 2.0
StaticUser boolean R A static user is a fixed user that is always available in the system. When set to true, the user cannot be removed. false 2.0
Language string(:16) W

String describing the default language for the local configuration interface, specified according to [RFC3066].

If an empty string, UserInterface.CurrentLanguage is used.

<Empty> 2.0
Shell string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the SupportedShell. table. An empty string means Shell access disabled. <Empty> 2.0
Device.Users.Group.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to the characteristics of a user group.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Groupname, or with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for GroupID. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and GroupID such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W

Enables/disables this group object instance.

If any User which belongs to a Group which becomes disabled is currently accessing the device then the effect on that User should be as if the Group were removed from that User’s GroupParticipation list.

false 2.15
GroupID unsignedInt W

Unique Identifier of the group. Depending on the implementation this can be the unique identifier assigned by the underlying system.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Groupname string(:64) W Name of the Group. MUST NOT be an empty string for an enabled entry. <Empty> 2.15
RoleParticipation string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. These Roles are assigned to any User which is member of this Group, for so long as they remain a member of the Group. <Empty> 2.15
StaticGroup boolean R A static group is a fixed group that is always available in the system. When set to true, the group cannot be removed. false 2.15
Device.Users.SupportedShell.{i}. object(0:) W

This table provides a list of user accessible shells which can be used as a reference in User.{i}.Shell

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W Enables/disables this SupportedShell object instance. false 2.15
Name string(:64) R

Name of the Shell

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Device.Users.Role.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to the role characteristics.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RoleName, or with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for RoleID. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and RoleID such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.15
Enable boolean W Enables/disables this role object instance. false 2.15
RoleID unsignedInt W

Unique Identifier of the role. Depending on the implementation this can be the unique identifier assigned by the underlying system.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.15
RoleName string(:64) W Name of the current Role. MUST NOT be an empty string for an enabled entry. <Empty> 2.15
StaticRole boolean R A static role is a fixed role that is always available in the system. When set to true, the role cannot be removed. false 2.15
RequiredCapabilities string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the Users.SupportedCapabilities parameter. Capabilities that have been assigned to this Role. - 2.18
Device.SmartCardReaders. object R SmartCardReaders object that contains the SmartCardReader table. - 2.0
SmartCardReaderNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SmartCardReader table. - 2.0
Device.SmartCardReaders.SmartCardReader.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the characteristics of the smart card reader.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.3
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this smart card reader. - 2.0
Status string R

Indicates the status of this smart card reader.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled (Indicates the smart card reader is enabled and functioning properly)
  • Error (Indicates the smart card reader is enabled and not functioning properly)
- 2.0
Name string(:256) R Human-readable name associated with this smart card reader. - 2.0
Reset() command - Reset the SmartCard Reader and the associated SmartCard. - 2.12
ResetTime dateTime R

The time at which this SmartCard Reader was reset.

Reset can be caused by:

  • Status transition from Disabled to Enabled
  • Reset() command is invoked.
  • An internal reset of the SmartCard Reader (including a reboot of the device).

Unknown Time value indicates that this SmartCard Reader has never been reset, which can only happen if it has never been enabled.

- 2.0
DecryptionFailedCounter unsignedInt R

Counter incremented once each time decryption cannot be carried out.

This counter relates to the smart card reader, not to the smart card itself, i.e. it is reset when the Reset() command is invoked and not when a Smart Card is inserted or removed.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
DecryptionFailedNoKeyCounter unsignedInt R

Counter incremented once each time the key is not available to decrypt it. This is a subset of the more general DecryptionFailedCounter within the same object and thus will always be less than that parameter.

This counter relates to the smart card reader, not to the smart card itself, i.e. it is reset when the Reset() command is invoked and not when a Smart Card is inserted or removed.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.0
Device.SmartCardReaders.SmartCardReader.{i}.SmartCard. object R Status of currently associated smart card. - 2.0
Status string R

Status of the Smart Card.

Enumeration of:

  • None (Indicates that no Smart Card is inserted)
  • Running (Indicates a Smart Card is present and working normally)
  • Error (Indicates the Smart Card is present and in an error condition)
- 2.0
Type string R

Smart Card Type. Enumeration of:

  • CA
  • DRM
  • UICC

Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.

- 2.0
Application string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates Smart Card Application(s). Application is only relevant when Type has a value of UICC, otherwise it is an empty string. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • SIM
  • USIM
  • ISIM

Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.

- 2.0
SerialNumber string(:256) R The Smart Card Serial Number or an empty string if the Smart Card serial Number is not available, e.g. in the case of IPTV due to restrictions of the Service Delivery Platform. - 2.0
ATR string(:1024) R The Smart Card answer to a reset action. Issued by the Smart Card upon reset. - 2.0
Device.UPnP. object R This object contains all UPnP related objects and parameters including Device and Discovery related objects and parameters. - 2.0
Device.UPnP.Device. object R This object defines the UPnP devices and UPnP services that are implemented by the CPE. - 2.0
Enable boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP support. - 2.0
UPnPMediaServer boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP Media Server. - 2.0
UPnPMediaRenderer boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP Media Renderer. - 2.0
UPnPWLANAccessPoint boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP Wireless Access Point. - 2.0
UPnPQoSDevice boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP QoS Device. - 2.0
UPnPQoSPolicyHolder boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP QoS Policy Holder. - 2.0
UPnPIGD boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP IGD. - 2.0
UPnPDMBasicMgmt boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP-DM Basic Management. - 2.0
UPnPDMConfigurationMgmt boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP-DM Configuration Management. - 2.0
UPnPDMSoftwareMgmt boolean W Enables/Disables UPnP-DM Software Management. - 2.0
Device.UPnP.Device.Capabilities. object R This object defines what UPnP capabilities this device has. - 2.0
UPnPArchitecture unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the major version of the supported UPnP architecture.

If UPnP 1.1 is supported the value is 1. If UPnP 2.0 is supported the value is 2.

A value of 0 indicates no UPnP support.

- 2.0
UPnPArchitectureMinorVer unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the minor version of the supported UPnP architecture.

If UPnP 1.1 is supported the value is 1. If UPnP 2.0 is supported the value is 0.

If UPnPArchitecture is 0 then this parameter SHOULD be ignored.

- 2.0
UPnPMediaServer unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Media Server.

A value of 0 indicates no support.

- 2.0
UPnPMediaRenderer unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Media Renderer.

A value of 0 indicates no support.

- 2.0
UPnPWLANAccessPoint unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Wireless Access Point.

A value of 0 indicates no support.

- 2.0
UPnPBasicDevice unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Basic Device.

A value of 0 indicates no support.

- 2.0
UPnPQoSDevice unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Qos Device.

A value of 0 indicates no support.

- 2.0
UPnPQoSPolicyHolder unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP Qos Policy Holder.

A value of 0 indicates no support.

- 2.0
UPnPIGD unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP IGD.

A value of 0 indicates no support.

- 2.0
UPnPDMBasicMgmt unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP-DM Basic Management.

A value of 0 indicates no support.

- 2.0
UPnPDMConfigurationMgmt unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP-DM Configuration Management.

A value of 0 indicates no support.

- 2.0
UPnPDMSoftwareMgmt unsignedInt R

Numeric value indicating the supported revision for UPnP-DM Software Management.

A value of 0 indicates no support.

- 2.0
Device.UPnP.Discovery. object R

UPnP [UPnP-DAv1] SSDP discovered root devices, embedded devices and embedded services.

The CPE MAY, but need not, retain some or all of the information in this object across reboots.

- 2.0
RootDeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the RootDevice table. - 2.0
DeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Device table. - 2.0
ServiceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Service table. - 2.0
Device.UPnP.Discovery.RootDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

UPnP root device table. This table contains an entry for each UPnP root device that has been discovered via SSDP.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for UUID.

- 2.0
Status string R

The status of the UPnP root device. Enumeration of:

  • LeaseActive (Device is active and UPnP lease has not expired)
  • LeaseExpired (Device is inactive because UPnP lease has expired)
  • ByebyeReceived (Device is inactive because byebye message was received)

The ability to list inactive UPnP root devices is OPTIONAL. The length of time an inactive device remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.0
UUID string(:36) R

This UPnP root device’s UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) [RFC4122], extracted from any of its USN (Unique Service Name) headers. This is a 36-byte string that uniquely identifies the device, the following is an example:


Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-){3}[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}
- 2.0
USN string(:256) R

The value of the USN (Unique Service Name) header for this UPnP root device. Three discovery messages are sent for root devices, and this SHOULD be the value of the USN header of the following form:


SSDP is an unreliable protocol and it is possible that no discovery message containing the USN header of the above form was ever received. If so, one of the other two forms MAY be used:

uuid:device-UUID (for root device UUID)
- 2.0
LeaseTime unsignedInt R The UPnP root device lease time in seconds, extracted from the CACHE-CONTROL header. - 2.0
Location string(:2048) R The value of the LOCATION header for this UPnP root device, which is the [URL] of the root device’s DDD (Device Description Document). - 2.0
Server string(:256) R

The value of the SERVER header for this UPnP root device, which is a string of the following form:

OS/version UPnP/udaversion product/version

where UPnP is a literal string, udaversion is the version of the UPnP Device Architecture.

- 2.0
Host string(:256)[] R Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Hosts.Host. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Indicates the full path names of all Host table entries, whether active or inactive, that correspond to this UPnP root device. - 2.0
LastUpdate dateTime R The date and time at which the last advertisement from this RootDevice was received. - 2.6
Device.UPnP.Discovery.Device.{i}. object(0:) R

UPnP embedded device table. This table contains an entry for each UPnP embedded device that has been discovered via SSDP.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for UUID.

- 2.0
Status string R

The status of the UPnP embedded device. Enumeration of:

  • LeaseActive (Device is active and UPnP lease has not expired)
  • LeaseExpired (Device is inactive because UPnP lease has expired)
  • ByebyeReceived (Device is inactive because byebye message was received)

The ability to list inactive UPnP embedded devices is OPTIONAL. The length of time an inactive device remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.0
UUID string(:36) R

This UPnP embedded device’s UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) [RFC4122], extracted from any of its USN (Unique Service Name) headers. This is a 36-byte string that uniquely identifies the device, the following is an example:


Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-){3}[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}
- 2.0
USN string(:256) R

The value of the USN (Unique Service Name) header for this UPnP embedded device. Two discovery messages are sent for embedded devices, and this SHOULD be the value of the USN header of the following form:


SSDP is an unreliable protocol and it is possible that no discovery message containing the USN header of the above form was ever received. If so, the other form MAY be used:

- 2.0
LeaseTime unsignedInt R The UPnP embedded device lease time in seconds, extracted from the CACHE-CONTROL header. - 2.0
Location string(:2048) R The value of the LOCATION header for this UPnP embedded device, which is the [URL] of the root device’s DDD (Device Description Document). - 2.0
Server string(:256) R

The value of the SERVER header for this UPnP embedded device, which is a string of the following form:

OS/version UPnP/udaversion product/version

where UPnP is a literal string, udaversion is the version of the UPnP Device Architecture.

- 2.0
Host string(:256)[:1024] R Comma-separated list (up to 1024 items) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Hosts.Host. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Indicates the full path names of all Host table entries, whether active or inactive, that correspond to this UPnP embedded device. - 2.0
LastUpdate dateTime R The date and time at which the last advertisement from this Device was received. - 2.6
Device.UPnP.Discovery.Service.{i}. object(0:) R

UPnP embedded service table. This table contains an entry for each UPnP embedded service that has been discovered via SSDP.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for USN.

- 2.0
Status string R

The status of the UPnP embedded service. Enumeration of:

  • LeaseActive (Service is active and UPnP lease has not expired)
  • LeaseExpired (Service is inactive because UPnP lease has expired)
  • ByebyeReceived (Service is inactive because byebye message was received)

The ability to list inactive UPnP embedded services is OPTIONAL. The length of time an inactive service remains listed in this table is a local matter to the CPE.

- 2.0
USN string(:256) R

The value of the USN (Unique Service Name) header for this UPnP embedded service. This is of the following form:

- 2.0
LeaseTime unsignedInt R The UPnP embedded service lease time in seconds, extracted from the CACHE-CONTROL header. - 2.0
Location string(:2048) R The value of the LOCATION header for this UPnP embedded service, which is the [URL] of the root device’s DDD (Device Description Document). - 2.0
Server string(:256) R

The value of the SERVER header for this UPnP embedded service, which is a string of the following form:

OS/version UPnP/udaversion product/version

where UPnP is a literal string, udaversion is the version of the UPnP Device Architecture.

- 2.0
Host string(:256)[:1024] R Comma-separated list (up to 1024 items) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Hosts.Host. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Indicates the full path names of all Host table entries, whether active or inactive, that correspond to this UPnP embedded service. - 2.0
LastUpdate dateTime R The date and time at which the last advertisement from this Service was received. - 2.6
ParentDevice string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of the RootDevice or Device table entries that embeds this Service. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This parameter is populated by extracting the “device-UUID” from the service’s USN and matching the value against the root device or embedded device UUID value. - 2.6
Device.UPnP.Description. object R This object contains information from the Description Document discovered from the UPnP Devices and Services. - 2.6
DeviceDescriptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DeviceDescription table. - 2.6
DeviceInstanceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DeviceInstance table. - 2.6
ServiceInstanceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ServiceInstance table. - 2.6
Device.UPnP.Description.DeviceDescription.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains information read from the Device Description Document of discovered root devices.

The CPE MAY, but need not, retain some or all of the information in this table after the associated SSDP advertisement (objects in the UPnP.Discovery. object tables) expires.

In case the SSDP advertisement expires and the CPE deletes the related instances from the tables in UPnP.Discovery., the reference to such instances MUST be set to the empty string.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for URLBase.

- 2.6
URLBase string(:2048) R

The value extracted from the URLBase element in the Device Description Document of the discovered root device. If the URLBase element in the root device’s Device Description Document is empty or absent, the [URL] from which the device description was retrieved (e.g. the LOCATION from the SSDP message) is utilized as the URLBase.

Note: the URLBase element is not recommended by [UPnP-DAv1] and is not permitted by [UPnP-DAv11], so the value of URLBase will usually be the URL from which the device description was retrieved.

- 2.6
SpecVersion string(:256) R

The UPnP Device Architecture version extracted from the specVersion element in the Device Description Document of the discovered root device. The SpecVersion is encoded as “major revison.minor revision”. Possible patterns:

  • \d+\.\d+
- 2.6
Host string(:256)[:1024] R Comma-separated list (up to 1024 items) of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Hosts.Host. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Includes the Host table entries associated with the root device from which the device description was retrieved. - 2.6
Device.UPnP.Description.DeviceInstance.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains the information from Device Description Document retrieved for a discovered UPnP root or embedded device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for UDN.

- 2.6
UDN string(36) R

[UUID] Unique Device Name of this device represented as a UUID for the device.

This value is extracted from the UDN element in the Device Description Document with the leading uuid: removed.

- 2.6
ParentDevice string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a DeviceInstance table entry (if this is an embedded device) or an empty string (if this is a root device). If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.6
DiscoveryDevice string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a Discovery.RootDevice table entry (if this is a root device) or a Discovery.Device table entry (if this is an embedded device). If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

This DiscoveryDevice value can be an empty string because the referenced object has been deleted or the CPE was unable to retrieve the Description Document due to some out-of-band error. The determination to delete this DeviceInstance or use an empty string is implementation specific.

- 2.6
DeviceType string(:256) R The value of the UPnP deviceType element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the device. - 2.6
FriendlyName string(:128) R The value of the UPnP friendlyName element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the device. - 2.6
DeviceCategory string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item is the value of an element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance that indicates a device category (e.g. “AV_TV” and “AV_Recorder”), or the value is an empty string if no such element is provided by the device.

Note: It is assumed that the htip:X_DeviceCategory Device Description Document element is used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973]. Standard HTIP device categories are defined in [JJ-300.01]. In this case, the maximum length of the list is 127 and of each item is 31, and any non-HTIP device categories SHOULD NOT conflict with standard HTIP device categories.

Note: DeviceCategory is different from DeviceType and is included here for the purpose of HTIP usage.

- 2.8
Manufacturer string(:128) R The value of the UPnP manufacturer element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the device. - 2.6
ManufacturerOUI string(0:6) R

The value of an element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance that indicates the manufacturer OUI if this value is provided by the device; or an empty string if this value is not provided by the device.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • [0-9A-F]{6}

Note: It is assumed that the htip:X_ManufacturerOUI element is used for HTIP (Home-network Topology Identifying Protocol) [JJ-300.00] and [G.9973].

- 2.8
ManufacturerURL string(:2048) R [URL] The value of the UPnP manufacturerURL element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the device. - 2.6
ModelDescription string(:256) R The value of the UPnP modelDescription element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the device. - 2.6
ModelName string(:64) R The value of the UPnP modelName element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the device. - 2.6
ModelNumber string(:64) R The value of the UPnP modelNumber element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the device. - 2.6
ModelURL string(:2048) R [URL] The value of the UPnP modelURL element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the device. - 2.6
SerialNumber string(:128) R The value of the UPnP serialNumber element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the device. - 2.6
UPC string(:12) R The value of the UPnP UPC element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the device. - 2.6
PresentationURL string(:2048) R

[URL] The value of the UPnP presentationURL element in the Device Description Document for this DeviceInstance and MUST be an absolute URL.

The way to obtain an absolute URL from the presentationURL element is specified in [UPnP-DAv1] and [UPnP-DAv11].

If the presentationURL is not provided by the device then this value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.6
Device.UPnP.Description.ServiceInstance.{i}. object(0:) R

This table contains the information from Device Description Document retrieved for a discovered UPnP service.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both ParentDevice and ServiceId.

- 2.6
ParentDevice string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a DeviceInstance table entry. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.6
ServiceId string(:256) R

The value of the UPnP serviceId element in the Device Description Document for this ServiceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the service.

If the UPnP serviceId is not provided by the UPnP service, this ServiceInstance MUST be deleted.

- 2.6
ServiceDiscovery string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a Discovery.Service table entry. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

This ServiceDiscovery value can be an empty string because the referenced object has been deleted or the CPE was unable to retrieve the Description Document due to some out-of-band error. The determination to delete this ServiceInstance or use an empty string is implementation specific.

- 2.6
ServiceType string(:256) R The value of the UPnP serviceType element in the Device Description Document for this ServiceInstance, or an empty string if this value is not provided by the service. - 2.6
SCPDURL string(:2048) R

The value of the UPnP SCPDURL element in the Device Description Document for this ServiceInstance and MUST be an absolute [URL].

The way to obtain an absolute URL from the SCPDURL element is specified in [UPnP-DAv1] and [UPnP-DAv11].

If the SCPDURL is not provided by the device then this value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.6
ControlURL string(:2048) R

The value of the UPnP controlURL element in the Device Description Document for this ServiceInstance and MUST be an absolute [URL].

The way to obtain an absolute URL from the controlURL element is specified in [UPnP-DAv1] and [UPnP-DAv11].

If the controlURL is not provided by the device then this value MUST be an empty string

- 2.6
EventSubURL string(:2048) R

The value of the UPnP eventSubURL element in the Device Description Document for this ServiceInstance and MUST be an absolute [URL].

The way to obtain an absolute URL from the eventSubURLL element is specified in [UPnP-DAv1] and [UPnP-DAv11].

If the eventSubURL is not provided by the device then this value MUST be an empty string

- 2.6
Device.DLNA. object R This object contains all DLNA related objects and parameters. - 2.0
Device.DLNA.Capabilities. object R DLNA capabilities. - 2.0
HNDDeviceClass string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the supported DLNA Home Network Device Classes [Table 4-1/DLNA-NDIG]. - 2.0
DeviceCapability string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the supported DLNA Device Capabilities [Table 4-2/DLNA-NDIG]. - 2.0
HIDDeviceClass string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the supported DLNA Home Infrastructure Device Classes [Table 4-4/DLNA-NDIG]. - 2.0
ImageClassProfileID string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the DLNA Image Class Profile IDs supported by this device, from Tables 5-2 and 5-3 of [DLNA-NDIG]. - 2.0
AudioClassProfileID string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the DLNA Audio Class Profile IDs supported by this device, from Tables 5-4 through 5-10 of [DLNA-NDIG]. - 2.0
AVClassProfileID string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the DLNA AV Class Profile IDs supported by this device, from Tables 5-11 through 5-15 of [DLNA-NDIG]. - 2.0
MediaCollectionProfileID string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the DLNA Media Collection Profile IDs supported by this device [Table 5-16/DLNA-NDIG]. - 2.0
PrinterClassProfileID string[](:256) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Indicates the DLNA Printer Class Profile IDs supported by this device [Table 5-17/DLNA-NDIG]. - 2.0
Device.Firewall. object R

Firewall configuration object. The Config parameter enables and disables the Firewall, and can select either a predefined configuration (High or Low) or an explicitly-defined Advanced configuration.

For an Advanced configuration, AdvancedLevel controls the currently active Firewall Level, and the Firewall Levels are defined in the Level, Chain and Chain.{i}.Rule tables.

For an Policy configuration, PolicyLevel controls the currently active Firewall Level, and the Firewall Levels are defined in the Policy, Level, Chain and Chain.{i}.Rule tables.

The Firewall rules modeled by Chain, DMZ and Pinhole operate only on the forwarding path. This means that they affect only routed traffic, and do not affect traffic that is destined for or generated by the device itself.

Traffic destined for or generated by the device itself can use the Service object to model the appropriate Firewall rules.

Note that any NAT processing on the ingress packet occurs before Firewall rules are applied so, for example, the Firewall rules will see the translated destination IP address and port in a downstream packet that has passed through the NAT.

See [Appendix VIII/TR-181i2] for an example Advanced configuration.

- 2.0
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the Firewall.

Firewalls often implement additional Denial of Service and other vulnerability protections, such as those described in [ICSA-Baseline]. If a Stateful Firewall is enabled, then it is assumed that all implemented stateful protections are enabled, unless they are overridden by some other part of the data model.

- 2.2
Config string W

How this firewall is configured. Enumeration of:

  • High (The firewall implements the “Traffic Denied Inbound” and “Minimally Permit Common Services Outbound” components of the ICSA residential certification’s Required Services Security Policy [ICSA-Residential]. If DoS and vulnerability protections are implemented [ICSA-Baseline], these are enabled)
  • Low (All Outbound traffic and pinhole-defined Inbound traffic is allowed. If DoS and vulnerability protections are implemented [ICSA-Baseline], these are enabled)
  • Off (All Inbound and Outbound traffic is allowed, and the CPE is only protected by NAT settings (if supported and enabled). If DoS and vulnerability protections are implemented [ICSA-Baseline], these are disabled. This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.14 because it is the same as setting Enable to false. This enumeration was DELETED in 2.16)
  • Advanced (Advanced firewall configuration applies, as specified by AdvancedLevel, OPTIONAL)
  • Policy (Policy firewall configuration applies, as specified by PolicyLevel, OPTIONAL, added in 2.16)

Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.

- 2.0
AdvancedLevel string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Level. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Selects the currently active Firewall Level.

AdvancedLevel only applies when Config is Advanced.

- 2.2
PolicyLevel string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Level. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Selects the currently active Firewall Policy Level.

PolicyLevel only applies when Config is Policy.

- 2.16
Type string R

Firewall Type. Enumeration of:

  • Stateless (The Firewall only implements stateless packet inspection)
  • Stateful (The Firewall implements stateful packet inspection)

A Stateless Firewall treats each packet individually and thus has no concept of sessions. Therefore a Stateless Firewall cannot distinguish between unsolicited downstream traffic and downstream traffic in response to outbound messages. This means that it has to accept all incoming downstream traffic. Furthermore, because a Stateless Firewall treats each packet individually, it does not provide any DoS or vulnerability protections.

A Stateful Firewall maintains state about previous packets and thus supports sessions. Therefore a Stateful Firewall can distinguish between solicited and unsolicited downstream traffic. In a Stateful Firewall, explicitly configured rules only apply to unsolicited traffic, and can not cause packets received in response to an upstream request to be dropped. Furthermore, because a Stateful Firewall maintains state, it can provide DoS and vulnerability protections.

A device that has a Stateless Firewall depends on the NAT to provide protection against unsolicited downstream IPv4 traffic. This is because, as noted above, a Stateless Firewall has to be configured to accept all incoming downstream traffic. For IPv6 there is no NAT, so a Stateless Firewall can not provide simple security protections against unsolicited downstream IPv6 traffic.

- 2.2
Version string(:16) R A string identifying the firewall settings version currently used in the CPE, or an empty string if the firewall settings are not associated with a version. - 2.0
LastChange dateTime R The time at which the firewall settings most recently changed. - 2.0
LevelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Level table. - 2.2
ChainNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Chain table. - 2.2
DMZNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DMZ table. - 2.16
ServiceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Service table. - 2.16
PinholeNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Pinhole table. - 2.16
PolicyNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Policy table. - 2.16
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the InterfaceSetting table. - 2.17
SetNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Set table. - 2.18
Device.Firewall.Level.{i}. object(0:) W

Firewall Level table. When an Advanced or Policy configuration is selected, AdvancedLevel or PolicyLevel selects the currently active entry in this table. Each Level table entry references the Chain that contains the rules for this level.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Name string(:64) W

Human-readable name associated with this Level entry.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Description string(:256) W Human-readable description associated with this Level entry. - 2.2
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the Level entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a Level instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a Level instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

This indicates the order of the Level entry in the user interface display. Levels can be presented according to increasing or decreasing level of security.

- 2.2
Policies string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a Policy, or an empty string. Policies only applies when Config is Policy. - 2.16
Chain string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Chain. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The Chain containing Firewall Level Rules associated with this Level entry.

On creation of a new Level entry, the device will automatically create a new Chain table entry that this Chain parameter will reference.

- 2.2
PortMappingEnabled boolean W

Indicates whether NAT port mapping is enabled or disabled when this is the active Level. For a Stateless Firewall this can be set to false to force any port mappings to be operationally disabled (for a Stateful Firewall this is not necessary because the same effect can be achieved via Firewall rules).

This parameter affects all the interfaces on which NAT is enabled. It operationally enables or disables port mapping functionality and therefore does not affect the individual NAT.PortMapping.{i}.Enable settings. Note that the current NAT status and NAT port mapping status are indicated by the NAT.InterfaceSetting.{i}.Status parameter.

true 2.2
DefaultPolicy string W

Default action for packets not matching any of the level rules. Enumeration of:

  • Drop (The firewall discards packets matching this rule)
  • Accept (The firewall forwards packets matching this rule)
  • Reject (The firewall discards packets matching this rule, and sends an ICMP message to the originating host, OPTIONAL)
Drop 2.2
DefaultLogPolicy boolean W Enable or disable logging, in a DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile, of packets not matching any of the level rules. false 2.2
Device.Firewall.Policy.{i}. object(0:) W

Firewall Policy table. When a Policy configuration is selected, PolicyLevel selects the currently active entry in this table. Each Policy table entry references the Chain that contains the rules for this policy.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the firewall policy. - 2.16
Status string R

The status of this Policy entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.16
Chain string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Chain. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The Chain containing Firewall Rules associated with this Policy entry. This is applicable for traffic from the SourceInterface to the DestinationInterface. Chain only applies when TargetChain is Chain. - 2.16
TargetChain string W

Action to perform for traffic matching this Policy entry. Enumeration of:

  • Drop (The firewall discards packets matching this rule)
  • Accept (The firewall forwards packets matching this rule)
  • Reject (The firewall discards packets matching this rule, and sends an ICMP message to the originating host, OPTIONAL)
  • Chain (The rules in the chain referenced by the Chain parameter are matched, OPTIONAL)
Drop 2.16
SourceInterface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This specifies the L3 source interface associated with the entry. <Empty> 2.16
DestinationInterface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This specifies the L3 destination interface associated with the entry. <Empty> 2.16
IPVersion int(-1:15) W

IP Protocol Version as specified in [IANA-ipversionnumbers]. For example:

  • 4 (IPv4)
  • 6 (IPv6)

A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

-1 2.16
ReverseChain string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Chain. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The Chain containing Firewall Rules associated with this Policy entry. This is applicable for traffic from the DestinationInterface to the SourceInterface. ReverseChain only applies when ReverseTargetChain is Chain. - 2.16
ReverseTargetChain string W

Action to perform for traffic matching this Policy entry.

Enumeration of:

  • Drop (The firewall discards packets matching this rule)
  • Accept (The firewall forwards packets matching this rule)
  • Reject (The firewall discards packets matching this rule, and sends an ICMP message to the originating host, OPTIONAL)
  • Chain (The rules in the chain referenced by the ReverseChain parameter are matched, OPTIONAL)
Drop 2.16
Device.Firewall.Chain.{i}. object(0:) W

Firewall Chain table. Each entry contains an ordered list of Rule objects which can themselves reference other Chain instances. A hierarchy of rules can therefore be created.

A given Firewall Chain’s rules are all created by the same entity, as indicated by the Creator parameter.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Chain entry. false 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Name string(:64) W

Human-readable name associated with this Chain entry.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Creator string R

Creator of this Chain entry and of its Rules. Enumeration of:

  • Defaults (The Chain entry is present in the factory default configuration)
  • PortMapping (The Chain entry was created as a side-effect of a [UPnP-IGD:1] or [TR-064] port mapping)
  • WANIPv6FirewallControl (The Chain entry was created by [UPnP-IGD:2] WANIPv6FirewallControl)
  • ACS (The Chain entry was created by the Auto Configuration Server)
  • UserInterface (The Chain entry was created by device user interface or command line interface)
  • Other (The Chain entry was created by another entity)

Note that this is the entity that originally created the Chain entry. The value of this parameter does not change if the Chain entry or one of its rules is subsequently changed by another entity.

ACS 2.2
RuleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Rule table. - 2.2
Device.Firewall.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}. object(0:) W

Firewall Rule table. Each entry defines a Firewall packet selection rule. The Target parameter defines the action to perform for traffic matching this rule: the packet can be dropped, accepted, rejected or passed to another Chain.

This table MUST NOT contain dynamic Firewall rules associated with Stateful Firewall sessions.

All entries are created by the creator of the parent Chain, as indicated by its Creator parameter. Rule entries in a Chain with a Creator of Defaults, ACS, UserInterface or (maybe) Other are referred to as Static Rules. Whether or not a Rule in a Chain with Creator Other is regarded as Static is a local matter to the CPE. Some of this object’s parameter descriptions refer to whether a Rule is Static when specifying whether or not the parameter value can be modified.

For enabled table entries, if SourceInterface is not a valid reference and SourceAllInterfaces is false, or if DestInterface is not a valid reference and DestAllInterfaces is false, then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.2
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Rule entry. false 2.2
Status string R

The status of this Rule entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.2
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

[Order] Position of the Rule entry in the order of precedence. A value of 1 indicates the first entry to be considered (highest precedence).

When a Rule instance is created, or when an existing Order value is modified, if the value matches that of an existing entry, the Order values for the existing entry and all lower Order entries are incremented (lowered in precedence) to ensure uniqueness of this value. A deletion causes Order values to be compacted. When a value is changed, incrementing occurs before compaction.

If no Order value is supplied on creation of a Rule instance, it MUST be assigned a value that is one more than the largest current value (lowest precedence).

For each packet, the highest ordered entry that matches the rule criteria is applied. All lower order entries are ignored.

- 2.2
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.2
Description string(:256) W Human-readable description associated with this Rule entry. - 2.2
Target string W

Action to perform for traffic matching this Rule entry.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

Enumeration of:

  • Drop (The firewall discards packets matching this rule)
  • Accept (The firewall forwards packets matching this rule)
  • Reject (The firewall discards packets matching this rule, and sends an ICMP message to the originating host, OPTIONAL)
  • Return (The firewall doesn’t consider the remaining rules (if any) in the current chain, OPTIONAL)
  • TargetChain (The rules in the chain referenced by the TargetChain parameter are matched, OPTIONAL)
Drop 2.2
TargetChain string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Chain table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Specifies the chain to process when Target equals TargetChain. If there are no matching rules in the referenced chain, processing continues with the next rule in this chain (if any). In other words, TargetChain behaves like a subroutine call.

An empty string indicates no TargetChain is specified.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

<Empty> 2.2
Log boolean W

Enable or disable logging, in a DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile, of packets matching this Rule.

If the Rule is not Static (as explained in the object description), whether changes to this parameter persist across re-boot is a local matter to the CPE.

false 2.2
CreationDate dateTime R Date and time when this Rule entry was created. - 2.2
ExpiryDate dateTime W

The time at which this Rule entry will expire, or 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z if not known. For an infinite lifetime, the parameter value MUST be 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z.

The only value that MUST be supported is 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z (i.e. support for rules that expire is OPTIONAL).

When a rule expires, the CPE MUST automatically terminate that rule and MUST automatically delete the corresponding Rule table entry.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

9999-12-31T23:59:59Z 2.2
SourceInterface string(:256) W

Rule criterion. The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row.

This specifies the ingress interface associated with the entry. It MAY be a layer 1, 2 or 3 interface, however, the types of interfaces for which Rules can be instantiated is a local matter to the CPE.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

<Empty> 2.2
SourceInterfaceExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the SourceInterface entry, if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the SourceInterface entry, if specified.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

false 2.2
SourceAllInterfaces boolean W

Rule criterion. This specifies that all ingress interfaces are associated with the entry. If true, the values of SourceInterface and SourceInterfaceExclude are ignored since all ingress interfaces are indicated.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

false 2.2
DestInterface string(:256) W

Rule criterion. The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row.

This specifies the egress interface associated with the entry. It MAY be a layer 1, 2 or 3 interface, however, the types of interfaces for which Rules can be instantiated is a local matter to the CPE.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

<Empty> 2.2
DestInterfaceExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the DestInterface entry, if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the DestInterface entry, if specified.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

false 2.2
DestAllInterfaces boolean W

Rule criterion. This specifies that all egress interfaces are associated with the entry. If true, the values of DestInterface and DestInterfaceExclude are ignored since all ingress interfaces are indicated.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

false 2.2
IPVersion int(-1:15) W

Rule criterion.

IP Protocol Version as specified in [IANA-ipversionnumbers]. For example:

  • 4 (IPv4)
  • 6 (IPv6)

A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

-1 2.2
DestIP string(:45) W

[IPAddress] Rule criterion.

Destination IP address. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

Note that Firewall rules are applied after any NAT processing, so if NAT is enabled on the source interface this is always the translated address.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

<Empty> 2.2
DestMask string(:49) W [IPPrefix] Destination IP address mask, represented as an IP routing prefix using CIDR notation [RFC4632]. The IP address part MUST be an empty string (and, if specified, MUST be ignored). <Empty> 2.2
DestIPExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the (masked) DestIP entry, if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the (masked) DestIP entry, if specified.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

false 2.2
DestMatchSet string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Set. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Rule criterion.

Destination Match Set, Matches packets if their destination is found in the designated Set. reference. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

<Empty> 2.18
DestMatchSetExclude string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Set. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Rule criterion.

Destination Exclude Match Set, Matches packets if their destination is not found in the designated Set. reference. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

<Empty> 2.18
SourceIP string(:45) W

[IPAddress] Rule criterion.

Source IP address. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

<Empty> 2.2
SourceMask string(:49) W [IPPrefix] Source IP address mask, represented as an IP routing prefix using CIDR notation [RFC4632]. The IP address part MUST be an empty string (and, if specified, MUST be ignored). <Empty> 2.2
SourceIPExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the (masked) SourceIP entry, if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the (masked) SourceIP entry, if specified.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

false 2.2
SourceMatchSet string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Set. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Rule criterion.

Source Match Set, Matches packets if their source is found in the designated Set. reference. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

<Empty> 2.18
SourceMatchSetExclude string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Set. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Rule criterion.

Source Exclude Match Set, Matches packets if their source is not found in the designated Set. reference. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

<Empty> 2.18
Protocol int(-1:255) W

Rule criterion.

Protocol number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

-1 2.2
ProtocolExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the Protocol entry, if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the Protocol entry, if specified.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

false 2.2
DestPort int(-1:65535) W

Rule criterion.

Destination port number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

Note that Firewall rules are applied after any NAT processing, so if NAT is enabled on the source interface this is always the translated port number.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

-1 2.2
DestPortRangeMax int(-1:65535) W

Rule criterion.

If specified, indicates the Rule criterion is to include the port range from DestPort through DestPortRangeMax (inclusive). If specified, DestPortRangeMax MUST be greater than or equal to DestPort.

A value of -1 indicates that no port range is specified.

Note that Firewall rules are applied after any NAT processing, so if NAT is enabled on the source interface this is always the translated port number.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

-1 2.2
DestPortExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the DestPort entry (or port range), if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the DestPort entry (or port range), if specified.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

false 2.2
SourcePort int(-1:65535) W

Rule criterion.

Source port number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

-1 2.2
SourcePortRangeMax int(-1:65535) W

Rule criterion.

If specified, indicates the Rule criterion is to include the port range from SourcePort through SourcePortRangeMax (inclusive). If specified, SourcePortRangeMax MUST be greater than or equal to SourcePort.

A value of -1 indicates that no port range is specified.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

-1 2.2
SourcePortExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the SourcePort entry (or port range), if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the SourcePort entry (or port range), if specified.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

false 2.2
DSCP int(-1:63) W

Rule criterion.

DiffServ codepoint (defined in [RFC2474]).

If set to a Class Selector Codepoint (defined in [RFC2474]), all DSCP values that match the first 3 bits will be considered a valid match.

A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

-1 2.2
DSCPExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the DSCP entry, if specified.

If true, the rule matchess all packets except those that match the DSCP entry, if specified.

This parameter can only be modified if the Rule is Static (as explained in the object description).

false 2.2
ConnectionState string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Matches only packets according to the following connection states. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • INVALID (The received packet is not associated with an known connection and it may contain faulty data or headers)
  • NEW (The first received packet of a new not yet established connection)
  • RELATED (The received packet that is starting a new connection and is related to an already known and established connection)
  • ESTABLISHED (The received packet is part of an already established and known connection that has handled packets in both directions and is being considered fully valid)
- 2.16
SourceMAC string(:17) W [MACAddress] Source MAC address. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for matching. <Empty> 2.16
SourceMACExclude boolean W

If false, the rule matches only those packets that match the SourceMAC entry, if specified.

If true, the rule matches all packets except those that match the SourceMAC entry, if specified.

false 2.16
Device.Firewall.Pinhole.{i}. object(0:) W

Firewall Pinhole object that is used for configuring pinholes. Pinholes are similar to port mapping entries but without the NAT support. The Pinhole table is used for allowing certain incoming traffic, on the Interface, to be routed to the internal network.

For enabled table entries, if DestMACAddress and DestIP are an empty string, or if Interface is not a valid reference, then the table entry is inoperable and the device MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the pinhole. - 2.16
Status string R

The status of this Pinhole entry.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the pinhole is disabled)
  • Enabled (Indicates that the pinhole is enabled)
  • Inactive (Indicates that the pinhole is still enabled but has been temporarily deactivated due to the Schedules defined in ScheduleRef, added in 2.18)
  • Error_Misconfigured (Indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid)
  • Error (MAY be used to define an error condition, OPTIONAL)
Disabled 2.16
Origin string WO

Indicates the Origin of the Pinhole instance.

Note: This parameter was changed to writeOnceReadOnly in the Device:2.18 version.

Enumeration of:

  • User (Used for indicating that the pinhole rule was created by the end-user. For example through the web user interface)
  • System (Used for indicating that the pinhole rule was created by the system itself)
  • UPnP (Used for indicating that the pinhole rule was created by a device using UPnP-IGD, added in 2.17)
  • Controller (Used for indicating that the pinhole rule was created by a Controller)

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

Controller 2.16
Description string(:256) W Human-readable description associated with this Pinhole entry. - 2.16
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Specifies the incoming L3 interface to which this pinhole applies. <Empty> 2.16
LeaseDuration unsignedInt W

Determines the time to live, in seconds, of a pin hole lease, where “time to live” means the number of seconds before the pin hole expires.

A value of 0 means the pin hole is static. Support for dynamic (non-static) pin hole is OPTIONAL. That is, the only value for LeaseDuration that MUST be supported is 0.

- 2.17
RemainingLeaseTime unsignedInt R

For a dynamic (non-static) pin hole, when this parameter is read, the value represents the time (in seconds) remaining on the pin hole lease. That is, for a dynamic pin hole, the value counts down toward 0. When a dynamic pin hole lease expires, the device MUST automatically terminate that pin hole, and MUST automatically delete the corresponding Pinhole table entry.

For a static pin hole, this parameter is irrelevant and should return 0.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.17
SourcePort int(-1:65535) W Source port number of the incoming connection. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching. -1 2.16
SourcePortRangeMax int(-1:65535) W

If specified, indicates the Pinhole criterion is to include the port range from SourcePort through SourcePortRangeMax (inclusive). If specified, SourcePortRangeMax MUST be greater than or equal to SourcePort.

A value of -1 indicates that no port range is specified.

-1 2.18
DestPort int(-1:65535) W Destination port number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching. -1 2.16
DestPortRangeMax int(-1:65535) W

If specified, indicates the Pinhole criterion is to include the port range from DestPort through DestPortRangeMax (inclusive). If specified, DestPortRangeMax MUST be greater than or equal to DestPort.

A value of -1 indicates that no port range is specified.

-1 2.18
IPVersion int(-1:15) W

IP Protocol Version as specified in [IANA-ipversionnumbers]. For example:

  • 4 (IPv4)
  • 6 (IPv6)

A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

6 2.16
Protocol int(-1:255)[] W

Comma-separated list of integers (-1 to 255). Protocol number as specified in [IANA-protocolnumbers] For example:

  • 6 (TCP)
  • 17 (UDP)

A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

-1 2.16
SourcePrefixes string(:49)[] W [IPPrefix] Comma-separated list of IPPrefixs. Only allow incoming connections that match one or more of the source IP addresses or prefixes that are specified in SourcePrefixes for the applied pinhole. - 2.16
DestIP string(:45) W [IPAddress] The IP address of a client on the internal network. Either DestIP or DestMACAddress MUST be configured, it is not allowed to configure them both. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for matching. - 2.16
DestMACAddress string(:17) W [MACAddress] The MAC address of a client on the internal network. Either DestMACAddress or DestIP MUST be configured, it is not allowed to configure them both. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for matching. - 2.16
ScheduleRef string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Schedules.Schedule. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Each reference provides a schedule where time based access can be enabled. When ScheduleRef is an empty string the Pinhole is not scheduled, and the Enable defines the operational state. <Empty> 2.18
Device.Firewall.DMZ.{i}. object(0:) W

Firewall DMZ object that is be used for configuring a demilitarized zone. A DMZ network is a separate network perimeter that protects the internal network from untrusted traffic. Typically the DMZ is located between two firewalls, the firewall of the internal network and the firewall responsible for handling untrusted traffic.

The device MUST forward all received packets that matches the SourcePrefix criteria to the IP address that is specified in DestIP.

For enabled table entries, if DestIP is an empty string, or if Interface is not a valid reference, then the table entry is inoperable and the device MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for both DestIP and SourcePrefix. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and DestIP such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the firewall DMZ instance. - 2.16
Status string R

The status of this DMZ entry.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the DMZ entry is disabled)
  • Enabled (Indicates that the DMZ entry is enabled)
  • Error_Misconfigured (Indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid)
  • Error (MAY be used to define an error condition, OPTIONAL)
Disabled 2.16
Origin string WO

Indicates who configured the DMZ instance.

Note: This parameter was changed to writeOnceReadOnly in the Device:2.18 version.

Enumeration of:

  • User (Used for indicating that the DMZ rule was created by the end-user. For example through the web user interface)
  • System (Used for indicating that the DMZ rule was created by the system itself)
  • Controller (Used for indicating that the DMZ rule was created by a Controller,)

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

Controller 2.16
Description string(:256) W Human-readable description associated with the entry. - 2.16
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This specifies the incoming L3 interface to which the DMZ applies. <Empty> 2.16
LeaseDuration unsignedInt W

Determines the time to live, in seconds, of a DMZ rule, where “time to live” means the number of seconds before the DMZ rule expires.

A value of 0 means the DMZ rule is static. Support for dynamic (non-static) DMZ rules is OPTIONAL. That is, the only value for LeaseDuration that MUST be supported is 0.

- 2.17
RemainingLeaseTime unsignedInt R

For a dynamic (non-static) DMZ rule, when this parameter is read, the value represents the time (in seconds) remaining on the DMZ rule lease. That is, for a dynamic DMZ rule, the value counts down toward 0. When a dynamic DMZ rule lease expires, the device MUST automatically terminate that DMZ rule, and MUST automatically delete the corresponding DMZ table entry.

For a static DMZ rule, this parameter is irrelevant and should return 0.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.17
DestIP string(:45) W

[IPv4Address] The IPv4 address of a client in the DMZ network.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
SourcePrefix string(:49) W [IPv4Prefix] Only allow incoming connections that match to the source IPv4 address or prefix that is specified in SourcePrefix for the applied DMZ instance. An empty string indicates this criterion is not used for matching. <Empty> 2.16
Device.Firewall.Service.{i}. object(0:) W

Firewall Service object that is used for configuring the firewall for opening a port/protocol for a local network service. For example:

  • SSH Server
  • Web Server

For enabled table entries, if Interface, DestPort and Protocol are an empty string, or if Interface is not a valid reference, then the table entry is inoperable and the device MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for all of Interface, DestPort, Protocol and SourcePrefixes. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the firewall service instance. - 2.16
Status string R

The status of this Service entry.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the Service entry is disabled)
  • Enabled (Indicates that the Service entry is enabled)
  • Error_Misconfigured (Indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid)
  • Error (MAY be used to define an error condition, OPTIONAL)
Disabled 2.16
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This specifies the incoming L3 interface to which the Service rule applies. <Empty> 2.16
DestPort int(-1:65535)[] W Comma-separated list of integers (-1 to 65535). Destination port number. A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching. -1 2.16
IPVersion int(-1:15) W

IP Protocol Version as specified in [IANA-ipversionnumbers]. For example:

  • 4 (IPv4)
  • 6 (IPv6)

A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

-1 2.16
Protocol int(-1:255)[] W

Comma-separated list of integers (-1 to 255). Protocol number as specified in [IANA-protocolnumbers] For example:

  • 6 (TCP)
  • 17 (UDP)

A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching.

-1 2.16
ICMPType int(-1:255) W ICMP type as specified in [RFC792] for ‘IPv4’ and [RFC4443] for ‘IPv6’. Only applicable when Protocol contains 1 (ICMP IPv4) or 58 (ICMP IPv6). A value of -1 indicates this criterion is not used for matching. -1 2.16
SourcePrefixes string(:49)[] W [IPPrefix] Comma-separated list of IPPrefixs. Only allow incoming connections that match one or more of the source IP addresses or prefixes that are specified in SourcePrefixes for the applied service. <Empty> 2.16
Action string W

Action to perform for traffic matching this Service entry.

Enumeration of:

  • Drop (The firewall discards packets matching this rule)
  • Accept (The firewall forwards packets matching this rule)
  • Reject (The firewall discards packets matching this rule, and sends an ICMP message to the originating host, OPTIONAL)
Accept 2.16
Device.Firewall.InterfaceSetting.{i}. object(0:) W

Firewall settings for an associated IP Interface.

For enabled table entries, if Interface is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the device MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured.

Note: The InterfaceSetting includes a unique key that is a strong reference. If a strongly referenced object is deleted, the device will set the referencing parameter to an empty string. However, doing so under these circumstances might cause the updated InterfaceSetting row to then violate the table’s unique key constraint; if this occurs, the device MUST set Status to Error_Misconfigured and disable the offending InterfaceSetting row.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Interface. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the InterfaceSetting entry, indicating if NAT is enabled for the referenced IP Interface instance. On creation, an InterfaceSetting entry is disabled by default. false 2.17
Status string R

The status of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the device to indicate a locally defined error condition.

Disabled 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The associated IP interface on which NAT is to be enabled. <Empty> 2.17
IPv4SpoofingProtection boolean W

Enables or disables the IPv4 spoofing protection.

Spoofing protection prevents LAN devices from sending packets with a wrong source IP address.

A number of DDoS attacks are known to modify the source IP address of packets to initiate a DDoS attack. Spoofing protection checks if the source IP address of packets initiated in the LAN belongs to the LAN interface Address range, otherwise the packet will be dropped early in the network stack.

- 2.17
IPv6SpoofingProtection boolean W

Enables or disables the IPv6 spoofing protection.

Spoofing protection prevents LAN devices from sending packets with a wrong source IP address.

A number of DDoS attacks are known to modify the source IP address of packets to initiate a DDoS attack. Spoofing protection checks if the source IP address of packets initiated in the LAN belongs to the LAN interface Address range, otherwise the packet will be dropped early in the network stack.

- 2.17
IPv4AcceptICMPEchoRequest boolean W When true the ‘ICMPv4 echo request’ packet must be answered with an ‘ICMPv4 echo reply’. When false the ‘ICMPv4 echo request’ packet must be dropped. - 2.17
IPv6AcceptICMPEchoRequest boolean W When true the ‘ICMPv6 echo request’ packet must be answered with an ‘ICMPv6 echo reply’. When false the ‘ICMPv6 echo request’ packet must be dropped. - 2.17
IPv6PassThroughICMPEchoRequest boolean W When true the ‘ICMPv6 echo request’ packet must be forward to the LAN device. When false the ‘ICMPv6 echo request’ packet must be dropped. - 2.18
StealthMode boolean W

Enables or disables the stealth mode. Stealth mode defines how the firewall must treat “unwanted” packets.

Typically the feature is enabled for WAN facing interface(s). Stealth mode is applicable for both IPv4 and IPv6, and UDP and TCP based protocols.

If set to true all ‘UDP/TCP’ packets are dropped silently. This prevents a possible attacker from knowing which ports are opened/closed on a gateway.

When StealthMode is set to false, the firewall will reply with an ICMP port unreachable.

If there are other firewall rules in effect, they will have priority over this parameter. i.e: If an ‘UDP’ port is set to ‘ACCEPT’, and the StealthMode is activated, then the port will be accepted and all the other ‘UDP’ ports will be blocked.

- 2.17
Device.Firewall.ConnectionTracking. object R This Object contains the IP connection tracking related parameters. Application Layer Gateway (ALG) are used to provide Network Address Translation (NAT) support for various application-layer protocols. - 2.17
Device.Firewall.ConnectionTracking.SIP. object R SIP is an application-layer control protocol used to establish, modify, and terminate multimedia sessions. - 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the connection tracking support for the SIP protocol (SIP ALG). - 2.17
Ports int(0:65535)[] W Comma-separated list of integers (0 to 65535). Port numbers of the SIP servers that need to be monitored. - 2.17
DirectMedia boolean W

Allow media streams between signaling endpoints.

The default value SHOULD be true.

- 2.17
DirectSignaling boolean W

Allow incoming calls from registrar.

The default value SHOULD be true.

- 2.17
ExternalMedia boolean W

Allow media streams that are not passing through this router.

When this feature is activated, the logic will maintain the SDP payload as is when it identifies that the interface towards the invited party is the same as the one towards the media endpoint.

The default value SHOULD be false.

- 2.17
TimeOut unsignedInt W SIP time out session. - 2.17
Device.Firewall.ConnectionTracking.H323. object R H.323 is a VoIP signalling protocol from ITU-T - 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the connection tracking support for the H323 protocol (H323 ALG). - 2.17
RegistrationRequestTTL unsignedInt W When no TTL is specified in the registration request message the TTL specified here will be used. - 2.17
GKRoutedOnly boolean W Only accept calls from the gatekeeper. - 2.17
CallForwardFilter boolean W Create call forwarding expectations only when both endpoints are on different sides, as determined by routing information. - 2.17
Device.Firewall.ConnectionTracking.FTP. object R Tracking FTP connections is difficult due to the requirement for specialized helpers to handle them, along with the complexities of masquerading and Network Address Translation. This involves supporting FTP on Layer 3 with independent connection tracking. - 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the connection tracking support for the FTP protocol (FTP ALG). - 2.17
Ports int(0:65535)[:8] W Comma-separated list (up to 8 items) of integers (0 to 65535). Port numbers of the FTP servers that need to be monitored. - 2.17
Loose boolean W The FTP protocol can enable a user to connect a FTP server to another FTP server. This could lead to a hole in the DMZ and it is therefore recommended to disable this feature. - 2.17
Device.Firewall.ConnectionTracking.PPTP. object R PPTP Connection Tracking configuration object. - 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the connection tracking support for the PPTP protocol (PPTP ALG). - 2.17
Device.Firewall.ConnectionTracking.TFTP. object R TFTP Connection Tracking configuration object. - 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the connection tracking support for the TFTP protocol (TFTP ALG). - 2.17
Ports int(0:65535)[:8] W Comma-separated list (up to 8 items) of integers (0 to 65535). Port numbers of the TFTP servers that need to be monitored. - 2.17
Device.Firewall.ConnectionTracking.IRC. object R IRC Connection Tracking configuration object. - 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the connection tracking support for the IRC protocol (IRC ALG). - 2.17
Ports int(0:65535)[] W Comma-separated list of integers (0 to 65535). Port numbers of the IRC servers that need to be monitored. - 2.17
MAXDCCChannels unsignedInt W Maximum number of Direct Client-to-Client (DCC) channels allowed per IRC session. - 2.17
DCCTimeout unsignedInt W Timeout duration for unestablished Direct Client-to-Client (DCC) channels. - 2.17
Device.Firewall.Set.{i}. object(0:) W

This object is used for configuring sets of IP, MAC addresses and/or port numbers which can then be used in conjunction with the firewall.

It provides a more efficient way to manage large collections of addresses and ports compared to traditional methods of listing them individually within firewall rules.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.18
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.18
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Set entry. false 2.18
Origin string WO

Indicates the Origin of the Set instance.

Enumeration of:

  • User (Used for indicating that the set rule was created by the end-user. For example through the web-ui)
  • System (Used for indicating that the set rule was created by the system itself)
  • Controller (Used for indicating that the set rule was created by a Controller)

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

Controller 2.18
Name string(:31) W

Human-readable name associated with this Set entry.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.18
Type string W

Describes the intention of the Rule entries and what it contains.

Enumeration of:

  • IPAddresses (The Rule set entry describes only a list of IPaddresses)
  • Ports (The Rule set entry describes only a list of ports)
  • MACAddresses (The Rule set entry describes only a list of MAC addresses)
IPAddresses 2.18
IPVersion unsignedInt(4,6) W IP Protocol Version as specified in [IANA-ipversionnumbers]. For example:
  • 4 (IPv4)
  • 6 (IPv6)
6 2.18
RuleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Rule table. - 2.18
Device.Firewall.Set.{i}.Rule.{i}. object(0:) W

Firewall Rule object that is used for configuring the set lists.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.18
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.18
Exclude boolean W Specifies if this rule entry should match or not match the configured criteria. false 2.18
IPAddressList string(:45)[] W

[IPAddress] Comma-separated list of IP Addresses. Source IPv4 or IPv6 address or subnet mask.

Note: The IP version of the IP address MUST correspond to the IP version set in IPVersion. Can not be used in combination with MACAddressList or PortList.

<Empty> 2.18
MACAddressList string(:17) W

[MACAddress] Specifies the MACAddress that can be used by the Rule entry.

Note: Can not be used in combination with IPAddressList or PortList.

<Empty> 2.18
PortList string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Specifies the Port number or a port range that can be used by the Rule entry. Syntax:

A single port can be configured as e.g. ‘80’. A port range can be configured as ‘8000-80010’.

Note: Can not be used in combination with MACAddressList or IPAddressList.

<Empty> 2.18
Device.PeriodicStatistics. object R

This object configures collection of periodic statistics for the device.

Periodic statistics are measured over a sample interval (which can be aligned with absolute time) and are made available to the Controller as a comma-separated list of the most recent samples.

This object provides a single set of global settings that affect the entire device unless overridden locally.

- 2.0
MinSampleInterval unsignedInt R

Minimum sample interval in seconds that the CPE is able to support.

A value of 0 indicates no specific minimum sample interval.

- 2.0
MaxReportSamples unsignedInt R

Maximum number of samples of each statistic that the CPE is able to store and report.

A value of 0 indicates no specific maximum number of samples.

- 2.0
SampleSetNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SampleSet table. - 2.0
Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}. object(0:) W

Periodic statistics sample set table. Each sample set has its own sample interval etc.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.3
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables collection of periodic statistics for this sample set.

When collection of periodic statistics is enabled, any stored samples are discarded, and the first sample interval begins immediately.

false 2.0
Status string R

Indicates availability of Sample statistics. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Collection is disabled)
  • Enabled (Collection is enabled)
  • Trigger (Collection is enabled and the Controller SHOULD now fetch the collected data)
The Trigger value is only used for triggering the Controller to fetch the collected data and can only be used when FetchSamples is in the range [1:ReportSamples].
The transition from Enabled to Trigger to Enabled MUST be instantaneous and so will result in only a single value change for notification purposes.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 because the periodic statistics are sent through a USP Push! event.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
Disabled 2.0
Name string(:128) W The name of this sample set, which uniquely distinguishes each sample set. <Empty> 2.0
Controller string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of the LocalAgent.Controller instance that created SampleSet. If the referenced object is deleted, this instance MUST also be deleted (so the parameter value will never be an empty string).

The value of this parameter is automatically populated by the USP Agent upon SampleSet creation using the reference to the USP Controller that created the instance.

The USP Controller referenced by this parameter defines the set of permissions to use when updating the Parameter table. Furthermore, only the USP Controller referenced by this parameter will receive a Push! Event (assuming it has an associated Subscription), even if another USP Controller has an associated Subscription.

- 2.15
SampleInterval unsignedInt(1:) W

The sample interval in seconds. Each statistic is measured over this sample interval.

The CPE MAY also support an internal sampling rate (implementation dependent) that is faster than the SampleInterval and allows the CPE to support the various options available in Parameter.{i}.CalculationMode.

The CPE MAY reject a request to set SampleInterval to less than MinSampleInterval.

Sample intervals MUST begin every SampleInterval seconds, with no delay between samples.

If SampleInterval is changed while collection of periodic statistics is enabled, any stored samples are discarded, and the first sample interval begins immediately.

For example, if ReportSamples is 24 and SampleInterval is 3600 (an hour), the CPE can store up to a day’s worth of samples for each statistic.

3600 2.0
ReportSamples unsignedInt(1:) W

The number of samples that the CPE will store and report for each statistic.

The CPE MUST permit ReportSamples to be set to at least MaxReportSamples.

If ReportSamples is changed while collection of periodic statistics is enabled, the CPE will truncate or extend its statistics buffers as appropriate, but statistics collection MUST NOT otherwise be affected.

For example, if ReportSamples is 24 and SampleInterval is 3600 (an hour), the CPE can store up to a day’s worth of samples for each statistic.

24 2.0
TimeReference dateTime W

An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when sample intervals will complete. Each sample interval MUST complete at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of SampleInterval.

TimeReference is used only to set the “phase” of the sample and fetch intervals. The actual value of TimeReference can be arbitrarily far into the past or future.

This time reference also determines when the Push! event that is controlled by FetchSamples will occur. If collection of periodic statistics is enabled and FetchSamples is in the range [1:ReportSamples] then each such Push! event MUST occur at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of FetchSamples * SampleInterval (the fetch interval).

If TimeReference is changed while collection of periodic statistics is enabled, any stored samples are discarded, and the first sample interval begins immediately.

The Unknown Time value defined in [TR-106] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the CPE MAY locally choose the time reference, and is required only to adhere to the specified sample and fetch intervals.

If absolute time is not available to the CPE, its sample and fetch interval behavior MUST be the same as if the TimeReference parameter was set to the Unknown Time value.

For example, if SampleInterval is 3600 (an hour) and if TimeReference is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then sample intervals will complete on each UTC hour (00:00, 01:00, 02:00 etc).

If, in addition, FetchSamples is 24, then the fetch interval is 86400 (a day) and the Push! event will occur every day at UTC midnight.

Note that, if TimeReference is set to a time other than the Unknown Time, the first sample interval (which has to begin immediately) will almost certainly be shorter than SampleInterval). This is why TimeReference is defined in terms of when sample intervals complete rather than start.

0001-01-01T00:00:00Z 2.0
ReportStartTime dateTime R The absolute time at which the sample interval for the first stored sample (for each statistic) started. 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z 2.0
ReportEndTime dateTime R

The absolute time at which the sample interval for the last stored sample (for each statistic) ended.

If Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.ForceSample() has been used to force statistics for the current sample to be calculated and updated in the data model, then ReportEndTime MUST be updated to reflect the actual time over which stored data was collected.

0001-01-01T00:00:00Z 2.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected during the sample interval.

Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than SampleInterval, for several reasons, including:

TimeReference has been set to a time other than the Unknown Time and the current sample interval started part of the way through a scheduled sample interval.
Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.ForceSample() has been used to force statistics for the current sample to be calculated and updated in the data model.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

<Empty> 2.0
ParameterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Parameter table. - 2.0
FetchSamples unsignedInt(1:) W

The number of sample intervals to be collected before triggering a Push! event.

If this SampleSet is enabled and FetchSamples is in the range [1:ReportSamples] then a Push! event MUST be sent on completion of every FetchSamples sample intervals.

For example, if ReportSamples is 25 and FetchSamples is 24, then the CPE will store 25 values for each monitored parameter and the Push! event will occur as the CPE stores each 24th of 25 sample intervals.

1 2.0
Push! event - Periodic Statistics Push event for delivering a periodic statistics report within a USP Notification message. - 2.16
Parameter.{i}. object(0:) R

Periodic statistics parameter table for the report sent by this event. This table contains entries for parameters whose values were sampled.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Reference.

- 2.16
Reference string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a parameter. This is the parameter being reported by the Periodic Statistics mechanism. - 2.16
Values string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry indicates the value of the referenced parameter, as determined by Parameter.{i}.SampleMode, during the sample interval.

The statistics values in this comma-separated list MUST be in time order, with the oldest one first and the most recent one last.

If the Parameter.{i}.SampleMode parameter is not present, or is inappropriate for the referenced parameter, the statistics values MUST be collected in Current mode.

- 2.16
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for this parameter during the sample interval.

Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than SampleInterval, for several reasons, including:

Any of the reasons for which SampleSeconds values might be less than SampleInterval.
The parameter doesn’t exist, or was created or deleted during a sample interval.
- 2.16
SuspectData unsignedInt(:1)[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 1). Each entry is 0 if the sampled value is believed to be valid, or 1 if an event that might affect the validity of the sampled value occurred during the sample interval.

For example, if the parameter value were to be reset during the sample interval then it would be appropriate to set SuspectData to 1.

- 2.16
Failures unsignedInt R

Counts the number of times (since this object instance was last enabled) that a newly-calculated sample value (accounting for Parameter.{i}.SampleMode) transitioned from the “in range” state to the “out of range” state, or between the “out of range (low)” and “out of range (high)” states. The states are defined as follows:

Note that, if Parameter.{i}.LowThreshold and Parameter.{i}.HighThreshold are both the same, the threshold/failure mechanism is disabled, so the value of this parameter will not increment.

This parameter can be incremented at any time during a sample interval, and might be incremented more than once during a single sample interval. For this reason, the CPE SHOULD place a locally specified limit on the frequency at which it will notify the Controller of such changes.

Parameters of non-numeric types cannot support the threshold/failure mechanism. The value of this parameter MUST be ignored for such parameters.

- 2.16
ForceSample() command -

Force statistics for the current sample to be calculated and updated in the data model.

If this is the first time that this command is called during the current sample interval, this MUST cause a new value to be added to each of the periodic statistics comma-separated list parameters, and the ReportEndTime and all SampleSeconds parameters MUST be updated accordingly.

If this is not the first time that this command is during the current sample interval, then the new values that were added as described in the previous paragraph, and the ReportEndTime and all SampleSeconds parameters, MUST be updated accordingly.

Note that ForceSample() just provides a “sneak preview” of the current sample. It does not create a new sample and it does not interfere with the sample interval schedule.

At the end of each sample interval, if this command was executed during the sample interval then the new values that were added as described above, and the ReportEndTime and all SampleSeconds parameters, will be updated accordingly. In other words, the partial sample data that was created when the command was executed will be updated one last time at the end of the sample interval.

- 2.12
ForceCollection() command -

Start the periodic statistics collection performing actions equivalent to a ForceSample() command and transmission performing a Push! event immediately, regardless of the current values of the Enable and FetchSamples parameters.

This command can be used for testing of the periodic statistics collection mechanism and sample set but also to preempt any regular schedule without affecting it.

- 2.16
Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.Parameter.{i}. object(0:) W

Periodic statistics parameter table for this sample set. This table contains entries for parameters whose values are to be sampled.

Note that the comma-separated lists in this object (SampleSeconds, SuspectData and Values) only ever change (a) when first enabled, (b) when Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.ForceSample() has been used to force statistics for the current sample to be calculated (a “sneak preview” of the current sample), or (c) at the end of the sample interval.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Reference, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.0
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.3
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this object instance. false 2.0
Reference string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a parameter. This is the parameter being monitored by the Periodic Statistics mechanism. <Empty> 2.0
SampleMode string W

Controls how this parameter’s value is sampled. Enumeration of:

  • Current (Sampled value is current value)
  • Change (Sampled value is change in value since start of each internal sample interval)

Parameters of non-numeric types can only support Current. The value of the SampleMode MUST be ignored for such parameters.

Current 2.0
CalculationMode string W

Controls how this parameter’s statistic is calculated from the sampled value(s) of each internal sample interval. Enumeration of:

  • Latest (Statistic is sampled value at end of sample interval)
  • Minimum (Statistic is minimum sampled value during sample interval)
  • Maximum (Statistic is maximum sampled value during sample interval)
  • Average (Statistic is average (mean) sampled value during sample interval)
  • Histogram (Statistic is a histogram representing the sampled values during the sample interval with histogram bin spacing defined by HistogramBinBoundaries. With this selection, the output is in ValuesIfHistogram, added in 2.18)

Parameters of non-numeric types can only support Latest. The value of the CalculationMode MUST be ignored for such parameters.

SampleMode MUST be applied before CalculationMode, i.e. the inputs to the calculation will have already accounted for SampleMode.

Latest 2.0
LowThreshold int W

The low threshold value that controls the calculation of Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.Push!.Parameter.{i}.Failures.

A value equal to HighThreshold disables the threshold/failure mechanism.

Parameters of non-numeric types cannot support the threshold/failure mechanism. The value of this parameter MUST be ignored for such parameters.

0 2.0
HighThreshold int W

The high threshold value that controls the calculation of Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.Push!.Parameter.{i}.Failures.

A value equal to LowThreshold disables the threshold/failure mechanism.

Parameters of non-numeric types cannot support the threshold/failure mechanism. The value of this parameter MUST be ignored for such parameters.

0 2.0
SampleSeconds unsignedInt[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers. Each entry indicates the number of seconds during which data was collected for this parameter during the sample interval.

Individual SampleSeconds values can be less than SampleInterval, for several reasons, including:

Any of the reasons for which SampleSeconds values might be less than SampleInterval.
The parameter doesn’t exist, or was created or deleted during a sample interval.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

<Empty> 2.0
SuspectData unsignedInt(:1)[] R

Comma-separated list of unsigned integers (up to 1). Each entry is 0 if the sampled value is believed to be valid, or 1 if an event that might affect the validity of the sampled value occurred during the sample interval.

For example, if the parameter value were to be reset during the sample interval then it would be appropriate to set SuspectData to 1.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

<Empty> 2.0
Values string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry indicates the value of the referenced parameter, as determined by SampleMode, during the sample interval.

The statistics values in this comma-separated list MUST be in time order, with the oldest one first and the most recent one last.

If the SampleMode parameter is not present, or is inappropriate for the referenced parameter, the statistics values MUST be collected in Current mode.

if CalculationMode has value “Histogram” then the values of the referenced parameter are in ValuesIfHistogram.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

<Empty> 2.0
ValuesIfHistogram string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry indicates the value of the referenced parameter, as determined by SampleMode, during the sample interval.

The statistics values in this comma-separated list MUST be in time order, with the oldest one first and the most recent one last.

If the SampleMode parameter is not present, or is inappropriate for the referenced parameter, the statistics values MUST be collected in Current mode.

This parameter applies only if CalculationMode has value “Histogram” and then this parameter is the values of the sampled histograms, where each histogram bin is the count of the number of samples within the corresponding HistogramBinBoundaries, and this parameter is expressed using square brackets to protect comma separators within nested lists. For example, [12,5,1,0,1],[12,3,2,1,0] represents two histograms.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

<Empty> 2.18
Failures unsignedInt R

Counts the number of times (since this object instance was last enabled) that a newly-calculated sample value (accounting for SampleMode) transitioned from the “in range” state to the “out of range” state, or between the “out of range (low)” and “out of range (high)” states. The states are defined as follows:

Note that, if LowThreshold and HighThreshold are both the same, the threshold/failure mechanism is disabled, so the value of this parameter will not increment.

This parameter can be incremented at any time during a sample interval, and might be incremented more than once during a single sample interval. For this reason, the CPE SHOULD place a locally specified limit on the frequency at which it will notify the Controller of such changes.

Parameters of non-numeric types cannot support the threshold/failure mechanism. The value of this parameter MUST be ignored for such parameters.

0 2.0
HistogramBinBoundaries string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Definition of the boundaries between histogram bins. Applies if CalculationMode has value “Histogram”. Each value is the minimum value of this bin, and the next value is just above the maximum value of this bin. For example, “0,1,4,8,” defines the four histogram bins: 0 to 1 but not including values identically equal to 1, 1 to 4 but not including values identically equal to 4, 4 to 8 but not including values identically equal to 8, and greater than or equal to 8. (No value after the last comma means no upper bound.) If this parameter is set to an empty string, then no histogram will be collected. - 2.18
Device.FaultMgmt. object R This object contains parameters relating to Fault/Alarm Management. - 2.4
SupportedAlarmNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SupportedAlarm table. - 2.4
MaxCurrentAlarmEntries unsignedInt R The maximum number of entries allowed in the CurrentAlarm table. - 2.4
CurrentAlarmNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CurrentAlarm table. - 2.4
HistoryEventNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the HistoryEvent table. - 2.4
ExpeditedEventNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ExpeditedEvent table. - 2.4
QueuedEventNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the QueuedEvent table. - 2.4
Device.FaultMgmt.SupportedAlarm.{i}. object(0:) R

Supported Alarm Entries which can be raised by the device.

The instance numbers for this table SHOULD be maintained across firmware upgrades of the device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of EventType, ProbableCause, SpecificProblem and PerceivedSeverity.

- 2.4
EventType string(:64) R Indicates the type of event. - 2.4
ProbableCause string(:64) R Qualifies the alarm and provides further information than EventType. - 2.4
SpecificProblem string(:128) R

Provides further qualification on the alarm beyond EventType and ProbableCause.

This is vendor defined and will be an empty string if the device doesn’t support unique indexing of the table using SpecificProblem.

The string can be set to “*” to indicate the default case if only a subset of SpecificProblem are to be contained within the table.

- 2.4
PerceivedSeverity string R

Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention, see [ITU-X.733]. Enumeration of:

  • <Empty> (An empty string)
  • ***
  • Cleared
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Warning
  • Indeterminate

This will be an empty string if the device doesn’t support unique indexing of the table using PerceivedSeverity.

The string can be set to “*” to indicate the default case if only a subset of PerceivedSeverity are to be contained within the table.

- 2.4
ReportingMechanism string W

Indicates the reporting mechanism setting of the alarm. Enumeration of:

- 2.4
Device.FaultMgmt.CurrentAlarm.{i}. object(0:) R

Contains all currently active alarms (whose SupportedAlarm.{i}.PerceivedSeverity is not Cleared).

Newly raised alarms result in a new entry in this table being added, any changes to the alarm as a result of an update event are updated in the existing table entry, and a clear event raised against an alarm results in the alarm being removed from this table.

If maximum entries as indicated by MaxCurrentAlarmEntries is reached, the next event overrides the object with the oldest AlarmChangedTime.

When a new alarm replaces an existing alarm, then all parameter values for that instance are considered as changed for the purposes of value change notifications to the Controller (even if their new values are identical to those of the prior alarm).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for AlarmIdentifier, or with the same values for all of EventType, ProbableCause and SpecificProblem.

- 2.4
AlarmIdentifier string(:64) R Identifies one Alarm Entry in the Alarm List. This value MUST be uniquely allocated by the device to the alarm instance during the lifetime of the individual alarm. - 2.4
AlarmRaisedTime dateTime R Indicates the date and time when the alarm was first raised by the device. - 2.4
AlarmChangedTime dateTime R Indicates the date and time when the alarm was last changed by the device. - 2.4
ManagedObjectInstance string(:512) R Specifies the instance of the Informational Object Class in which the alarm occurred by carrying the Distinguished Name (DN) of this object instance. The format of the DN is specific to the application that is using this CurrentAlarm. - 2.4
EventType string(:64) R Indicates the type of event. - 2.4
ProbableCause string(:64) R Qualifies the alarm and provides further information than EventType. - 2.4
SpecificProblem string(:128) R

Provides further qualification on the alarm beyond EventType and ProbableCause.

This is vendor defined and will be an empty string if the device doesn’t support inclusion of this information.

- 2.4
PerceivedSeverity string R

Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention, see [ITU-X.733]. Enumeration of:

  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Warning
  • Indeterminate
- 2.4
AdditionalText string(:256) R

This provides a textual string which is vendor defined.

This will be an empty string if the device doesn’t support inclusion of this information.

- 2.4
AdditionalInformation string(:256) R This contains additional information about the alarm and is vendor defined. - 2.4
Device.FaultMgmt.HistoryEvent.{i}. object(0:) R

Alarm events added or updated in CurrentAlarm are simultaneously entered into the this table. This table also contains alarm clearing events.

Active alarms at the time of a power failure or reboot might not get an alarm clearing event.

This object has a fixed number of entries with instance numbers from 1 to HistoryEventNumberOfEntries.

If maximum instance number HistoryEventNumberOfEntries is reached, the next event overrides the object with instance number 1. Subsequent entries override objects at sequentially increasing instance numbers. This logic provides for automatic “rolling” of records.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both EventTime and AlarmIdentifier.

- 2.4
EventTime dateTime R Indicates the date and time when the alarm event occurs. - 2.4
AlarmIdentifier string(:64) R Identifies one Alarm Entry in the Alarm List. This value MUST be uniquely allocated by the device to the alarm instance during the lifetime of the individual alarm. - 2.4
NotificationType string R

Indicates the reason for the specific alarm notification event. Enumeration of:

  • NewAlarm
  • ChangedAlarm
  • ClearedAlarm
- 2.4
ManagedObjectInstance string(:512) R Specifies the instance of the Informational Object Class in which the alarm occurred by carrying the Distinguished Name (DN) of this object instance. The format of the DN is specific to the application that is using this HistoryEvent. - 2.4
EventType string(:64) R Indicates the type of event. - 2.4
ProbableCause string(:64) R Qualifies the alarm and provides further information than EventType. - 2.4
SpecificProblem string(:128) R

Provides further qualification on the alarm beyond EventType and ProbableCause.

This is vendor defined and will be an empty string if the device doesn’t support inclusion of this information.

- 2.4
PerceivedSeverity string R

Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention, see [ITU-X.733]. Enumeration of:

  • Cleared
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Warning
  • Indeterminate
- 2.4
AdditionalText string(:256) R

This provides a textual string which is vendor defined.

This will be an empty string if the device doesn’t support inclusion of this information.

- 2.4
AdditionalInformation string(:256) R This contains additional information about the alarm and is vendor defined. - 2.4
Device.FaultMgmt.ExpeditedEvent.{i}. object(0:) R

Alarm events added or updated in CurrentAlarm are simultaneously entered into the this table if their corresponding entry in SupportedAlarm has SupportedAlarm.{i}.ReportingMechanism set to 0 Expedited. This table also contains alarm clearing events.

This object has a fixed number of entries with instance numbers from 1 to ExpeditedEventNumberOfEntries.

Initially the table starts with all instances having EventTime set to the Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106].

If maximum instance number ExpeditedEventNumberOfEntries is reached, the next event overrides the object with instance number 1. Subsequent entries override objects at sequentially increasing instance numbers. This logic provides for automatic “rolling” of records.

When a new alarm replaces an existing alarm, then all parameter values for that instance are considered as changed for the purposes of value change notifications to the Controller (even if their new values are identical to those of the prior alarm).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for AlarmIdentifier.

- 2.4
EventTime dateTime R

Indicates the date and time when the alarm event occurs.

For an unpopulated entry, the value is the Unknown Time as defined in [TR-106].

- 2.4
AlarmIdentifier string(:64) R

Identifies one Alarm Entry in the Alarm List. This value MUST be uniquely allocated by the device to the alarm instance during the lifetime of the individual alarm.

For an unpopulated entry, the value is an empty string.

- 2.4
NotificationType string R

Indicates the reason for the specific alarm notification event. Enumeration of:

  • NewAlarm
  • ChangedAlarm
  • ClearedAlarm
- 2.4
ManagedObjectInstance string(:512) R Specifies the instance of the Informational Object Class in which the alarm occurred by carrying the Distinguished Name (DN) of this object instance. The format of the DN is specific to the application that is using this ExpeditedEvent. - 2.4
EventType string(:64) R Indicates the type of event. - 2.4
ProbableCause string(:64) R Qualifies the alarm and provides further information than EventType. - 2.4
SpecificProblem string(:128) R

Provides further qualification on the alarm beyond EventType and ProbableCause.

This is vendor defined and will be an empty string if the device doesn’t support inclusion of this information.

- 2.4
PerceivedSeverity string R

Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention, see [ITU-X.733]. Enumeration of:

  • Cleared
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Warning
  • Indeterminate
- 2.4
AdditionalText string(:256) R

This provides a textual string which is vendor defined.

This will be an empty string if the device doesn’t support inclusion of this information.

- 2.4
AdditionalInformation string(:256) R This contains additional information about the alarm and is vendor defined. - 2.4
Device.FaultMgmt.QueuedEvent.{i}. object(0:) R

Alarm events added or updated in CurrentAlarm are simultaneously entered into the this table if their corresponding entry in SupportedAlarm has SupportedAlarm.{i}.ReportingMechanism set to 1 Queued. This table also contains alarm clearing events.

This object has a fixed number of entries with instance numbers from 1 to QueuedEventNumberOfEntries.

Initially the table starts with all instances having EventTime set to the Unknown Time value, as defined in [TR-106].

If maximum instance number QueuedEventNumberOfEntries is reached, the next event overrides the object with instance number 1. Subsequent entries override objects at sequentially increasing instance numbers. This logic provides for automatic “rolling” of records.

When a new alarm replaces an existing alarm, then all parameter values for that instance are considered as changed for the purposes of value change notifications to the Controller (even if their new values are identical to those of the prior alarm).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for AlarmIdentifier.

- 2.4
EventTime dateTime R

Indicates the date and time when the alarm event occurs.

For an unpopulated entry, the value is the Unknown Time as defined in [TR-106].

- 2.4
AlarmIdentifier string(:64) R

Identifies one Alarm Entry in the Alarm List. This value MUST be uniquely allocated by the device to the alarm instance during the lifetime of the individual alarm.

For an unpopulated entry, the value is an empty string.

- 2.4
NotificationType string R

Indicates the reason for the specific alarm notification event. Enumeration of:

  • NewAlarm
  • ChangedAlarm
  • ClearedAlarm
- 2.4
ManagedObjectInstance string(:512) R Specifies the instance of the Informational Object Class in which the alarm occurred by carrying the Distinguished Name (DN) of this object instance. The format of the DN is specific to the application that is using this QueuedEvent. - 2.4
EventType string(:64) R Indicates the type of event. - 2.4
ProbableCause string(:64) R Qualifies the alarm and provides further information than EventType. - 2.4
SpecificProblem string(:128) R

Provides further qualification on the alarm beyond EventType and ProbableCause.

This is vendor defined and will be an empty string if the device doesn’t support inclusion of this information.

- 2.4
PerceivedSeverity string R

Indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention, see [ITU-X.733]. Enumeration of:

  • Cleared
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Warning
  • Indeterminate
- 2.4
AdditionalText string(:256) R

This provides a textual string which is vendor defined.

This will be an empty string if the device doesn’t support inclusion of this information.

- 2.4
AdditionalInformation string(:256) R This contains additional information about the alarm and is vendor defined. - 2.4
Device.Security. object R This object contains general information related to managing security features on the device. - 2.4
CertificateNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Certificate table. - 2.4
Device.Security.Certificate.{i}. object(0:) R

This table provides information about all types of public key-based credentials, such as X.509 certificates, see [RFC5280].

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both SerialNumber and Issuer.

- 2.4
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this certificate. - 2.4
LastModif dateTime R The last modification time of this certificate. - 2.4
SerialNumber string(:64) R The Serial Number field in an X.509 certificate, see [RFC5280]. - 2.4
Issuer string(:256) R The Issuer field in an X.509 certificate, see [RFC5280]; i.e. the Distinguished Name (DN) of the entity who has signed the certificate. - 2.4
NotBefore dateTime R The beginning of the certificate validity period; i.e. the Not Before field in an X.509 certificate, see [RFC5280]. - 2.4
NotAfter dateTime R The end of the certificate validity period; i.e., the Not After field in an X.509 certificate, see [RFC5280]. - 2.4
Subject string(:256) R The Distinguished Name (DN) of the entity associated with the Public Key; i.e., the Subject field in an X.509 certificate, see [RFC5280]. - 2.4
SubjectAlt string[](:256) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 256) of strings. Each item specifies an identity that is bound to the certificate’s subject, and thus bound to the Public Key.

The Subject Alternative Names extension field in an X.509 certificate, see [RFC5280].

- 2.4
SignatureAlgorithm string(:256) R The algorithm used in signing the certificate; i.e. the Signature Algorithm field in an X.509 certificate, see [RFC5280]. - 2.4
Device.FAP. object R This object is the container for all Femto related component objects, to prevent pollution of the so-called global namespace of the BBF with FAP specific objects. - 2.4
Device.FAP.GPS. object R This object contains the parameters relating to the GPS scan. - 2.4
ScanOnBoot boolean W

Enables or disables GPS scans during the device start up.

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 2.4
ScanPeriodically boolean W

Enables or disables periodic GPS scans.

The factory default value MUST be false.

- 2.4
PeriodicInterval unsignedInt W When ScanPeriodically is true, this value indicates the interval in seconds which GPS scan is performed. - 2.4
PeriodicTime dateTime W

An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when the CPE will initiate the periodic GPS scan. Each GPS scan MUST occur at (or as soon as possible after) this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of the PeriodicInterval.

PeriodicTime is used only to set the “phase” of the GPS scan. The actual value of PeriodicTime can be arbitrarily far into the past or future.

For example, if PeriodicInterval is 86400 (a day) and if PeriodicTime is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then periodic GPS scans will occur every day at UTC midnight. These MUST begin on the very next midnight, even if PeriodicTime refers to a day in the future.

The Unknown Time value defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the CPE MAY locally choose the time reference, and needs only to adhere to the specified PeriodicInformInterval.

If absolute time is not available to the CPE, its periodic GPS scan behavior MUST be the same as if PeriodicTime parameter was set to the Unknown Time value.

- 2.4
ContinuousGPS boolean W Whether or not the device SHOULD maintain a continuous GPS lock (e.g. as a frequency stability source). - 2.4
ScanTimeout unsignedInt W Specifies the time-out value in seconds since the scan started after which the scan will time out. A timed out scan is to be reported as Error_TIMEOUT with ErrorDetails indicating “Timed out” - 2.4
ScanStatus string R

Indicates the current status of this scan.

Enumeration of:

  • Indeterminate (The scan has not been executed and there are no valid scan results available)
  • InProgress
  • Success
  • Error
  • Error_TIMEOUT
- 2.4
ErrorDetails string(:256) R Provides more detail when the ScanStatus is either Error or Error_TIMEOUT. - 2.4
LastScanTime dateTime R The date and time when the last GPS scan completed. - 2.4
LastSuccessfulScanTime dateTime R

Specifies the date and time, when the GPS scan last completed successfully.

This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or GPSReset() is invoked.

The values for LockedLatitude, LockedLongitude and NumberOfSatellites correspond to this time. If a scan has never succeeded before, the value will be the Unknown Time value, as defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106].

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
LockedLatitude int(-90000000:90000000) R

This parameter specifies the latitude of the device’s position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, north of the equator. The negative value signifies the direction, south of the equator.

Range is from: 90d00.00’ South (-90,000,000) to 90d00.00’ North (90,000,000).

Example: A latitude of 13d19.43’ N would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). Latitude of 50d00.00’ S would be represented as value -50,000,000.

This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or GPSReset() is invoked.

If a scan has never succeeded before, the value 0 is reported.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
LockedLongitude int(-180000000:180000000) R

This parameter specifies the longitude of the device’s position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, east of the prime meridian. The negative value signifies the direction, west of the prime meridian.

Range is from: 180d00.00’ West (-180,000,000) to 180d00.00’ East (180,000,000).

Example: A longitude of 13d19.43’ E would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). A longitude of 50d00.00’ W would be represented as value -50,000,000.

This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or GPSReset() is invoked.

If a scan has never succeeded before, the value 0 is reported.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
NumberOfSatellites unsignedInt R

The number of satellites that were locked during the test execution. The greater the number of satellites the better the precision of the results.

This value is retained across reboots and is only reset after another scan completes successfully or GPSReset() is invoked.

If a scan has never succeeded before, the value 0 is reported.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
GPSReset() command - Reset the GPS Hardware. - 2.12
Device.FAP.GPS.ContinuousGPSStatus. object R

When ContinuousGPS is true, the parameters in this object contain the GPS status as it is continuously monitored.

When ContinuousGPS is false, the parameters in this object are not being updated and their values are not accurate.

- 2.4
CurrentFix boolean R

The value is true if the location fix is currently valid (i.e. GPS receiver is currently tracking satellite signals), otherwise it is false. After a reboot the value is false until the GPS receivers has a valid current position.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
GotFix boolean R

The value is true if CurrentFix has transitioned to true at least once since ContinuousGPS was enabled, otherwise it is false. After a reboot the value is false until CurrentFix has transitioned to true again.

The GPS coordinates (Latitude, Longitude, and Elevation) are not valid until GotFix has a value of true.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
TimingGood boolean R

The value is true if the timing synchronization is good, otherwise it is false. After a reboot the value is false until the timing is synchronized again.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
Latitude int(-90000000:90000000) R

This parameter represents the most recent latitude reading for the device’s position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, north of the equator. The negative value signifies the direction, south of the equator.

Range is from: 90 deg 00.00’ South (-90,000,000) to 90 deg 00.00’ North (90,000,000).

Example: A latitude of 13 deg 19.43’ N would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). Latitude of 50 deg 00.00’ S would be represented as value -50,000,000.

Latitude is not valid until GotFix is true.

If the parameter has never been set before, the value 0 is reported. The value SHOULD be maintained over a reboot.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
Longitude int(-180000000:180000000) R

This parameter represents the most recent longitude reading for the device’s position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, east of the prime meridian. The negative value signifies the direction, west of the prime meridian.

Range is from: 180d00.00’ West (-180,000,000) to 180d00.00’ East (180,000,000).

Example: A longitude of 13d19.43’ E would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). A longitude of 50d00.00’ W would be represented as value -50,000,000.

Longitude is not valid until GotFix is true.

If the parameter has never been set before, the value 0 is reported. The value SHOULD be maintained over a reboot.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
Elevation int(-5000000:25000000) R

This parameter represents the most recent elevation reading for the device’s position in millimeters, relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid. The positive value signifies the direction, above sea level. The negative value signifies the direction, below sea level.

Range is from: 5,000.000 meters below sea level (-5,000,000) to 25,000.000 meters above sea level (25,000,000).

Elevation is not valid until GotFix is true.

If the parameter has never been set before, the value 0 is reported. The value SHOULD be maintained over a reboot.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
LastFixTime dateTime R

Represents the date and time when the last GPS Fix was acquired.

The Unknown Time value defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106] is used when GotFix is false. This applies too after a reboot of the device until a valid location is determined and GotFix transsitions to true.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
LastFixDuration unsignedInt R

Number of seconds of continuous GPS fix time. After a reboot this value is reset to 0.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
FirstFixTimeout int(-1:) W

Number of seconds to wait for first GPS fix before declaring a GPS fault.

A value of -1 means that there is no timeout and no fault logging.

- 2.4
SatellitesTracked unsignedInt R

The number of satellites the receiver is tracking.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
SatelliteTrackingInterval unsignedInt(60:3600) W The interval in seconds at which the GPS tracking information gets reported. - 2.4
ReceiverStatus string(:256) R

The output of the GPS receiver’s status.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
LocationType string R

Indicates whether the Latitude, Longitude, and Elevation values are determined via a GPS Fix (where the value of this parameter would be Real) or via some other means (where the value of this parameter would be Reference).

Enumeration of:

  • Real
  • Reference

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.4
LockTimeOutDuration unsignedInt(120:86400) W The timer duration, in seconds, for which the device waits for GPS to acquire lock. - 2.4
Device.FAP.GPS.AGPSServerConfig. object R This object contains parameters for the configuration of the Assisted Global Positioning System (A-GPS) server. See also [Section 3.2/3GPP-TS.25.171] - 2.4
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the AGPSServerConfig entry. - 2.4
ServerURL string(:256) W A-GPS server host name or IP address. - 2.4
ServerPort unsignedInt(:65535) W The port to use when communicating to the A-GPS Server. - 2.4
Username string(:64) W Username to be used by the device to authenticate with the A-GPS server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is used. - 2.4
Password string(:64) W

Password to be used by the device to authenticate with the A-GPS server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is used.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.4
ReferenceLatitude int(-90000000:90000000) W

This parameter specifies the reference latitude for an A-GPS request position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, north of the equator. The negative value signifies the direction, south of the equator.

Range is from: 90d00.00’ South (-90,000,000) to 90d00.00’ North (90,000,000).

Example: A latitude of 13d19.43’ N would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). Latitude of 50d00.00’ S would be represented as value -50,000,000.

- 2.4
ReferenceLongitude int(-180000000:180000000) W

This parameter specifies the reference longitude for an A-GPS request position in degrees, multiplied by 1 million. The positive value signifies the direction, east of the prime meridian. The negative value signifies the direction, west of the prime meridian.

Range is from: 180d00.00’ West (-180,000,000) to 180d00.00’ East (180,000,000).

Example: A longitude of 13d19.43’ E would be represented as 13,323,833, derived as (131,000,000)+((19.431,000,000)/60). A longitude of 50d00’00* W would be represented as value -50,000,000.

- 2.4
ServerInUse boolean R

The value is true if the device has successfully contacted and received A-GPS info from the A-GPS server, otherwise the value is false.

After a reboot the value is false until the server could be contacted again.

- 2.4
Device.FAP.PerfMgmt. object R This object contains parameters relating to Performance Management in a Femto-related environment. - 2.4
ConfigNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Config table. - 2.4
Device.FAP.PerfMgmt.Config.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to File Management configuration for uploading of Performance Files to a designated File Server. Each table entry can be referenced by zero or more radio-specific objects contained in the FAPService instances. The periodic upload will upload data for all of the radio-specific objects that reference it.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for all of URL, PeriodicUploadInterval and PeriodicUploadTime. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, URL, PeriodicUploadInterval and PeriodicUploadTime such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.4
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this entry. If this entry is disabled then its periodic uploads are not performed. - 2.4
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.4
URL string(:2048) W

[URL] specifying the destination file location. HTTP and HTTPS transports MUST be supported. Other transports MAY be supported.

This argument specifies only the destination file location, and does not indicate in any way the name or location of the local file to be uploaded.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with PeriodicUploadInterval and PeriodicUploadTime) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.4
Username string(:256) W Username to be used by the device to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is used. - 2.4
Password string(:256) W

Password to be used by the device to authenticate with the file server. This string is set to an empty string if no authentication is used.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.4
PeriodicUploadInterval unsignedInt(1:) W

The duration in seconds of the interval for which the device MUST create a Performance File and attempt to upload the file to URL if Enable is true.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with URL and PeriodicUploadTime) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.4
PeriodicUploadTime dateTime W

An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when the device will initiate the periodic file upload. Each file upload MUST occur at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of the PeriodicUploadInterval.

PeriodicUploadTime is used only to set the “phase” of the periodic uploads. The actual value of PeriodicUploadTime can be arbitrarily far into the past or future.

For example, if PeriodicUploadInterval is 86400 (a day) and if PeriodicUploadTime is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then periodic file uploads will occur every day at UTC midnight. These MUST begin on the very next midnight, even if PeriodicUploadTime refers to a day in the future.

The Unknown Time value as defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the device MAY locally choose the time reference, and is REQUIRED only to adhere to the specified PeriodicUploadInterval.

If absolute time is not available to the device, its periodic file upload behavior MUST be the same as if the PeriodicUploadTime parameter was set to the Unknown Time value.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with URL, PeriodicUploadInterval) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform. object R

This object defines the data model for the following Femtozone APIs.

  • Femto Awareness
  • SMS
  • MMS
  • Terminal Location

Femto Awareness, SMS, MMS, and Terminal Location APIs are defined in the Release 1 API Specifications of the Service SIG in the Femto Forum (non public document).

[Appendix I/TR-262] provides the “Theory of Operation” for the usage of this object.

- 2.4
Version string(:64) R Version of Femto Application Platform running on this device - 2.4
Enable boolean W Enable or disable the Femto ApplicationPlatform - 2.4
Status string R

Current state of the Femto Application Platform.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (The Femto Application Platform is not available)
  • Enabled (The Femto Application Platform is available)
  • Reset (The FemtoApplicationPlatform is in the process of being reset and will transition to the Disabled state when the reset operation is completed)
  • Initializing (The FemtoApplicationPlatform is being initialized and will transition to the Enabled state once the initialization is completed)
- 2.4
MaxNumberOfApplications unsignedInt R Determines how many Femtozone Applications can be supported by the Femto Application Platform simultaneously. - 2.4
CurrentNumberofApplications unsignedInt R Specifies how many Femtozone Applications are currently communicating with the Femto Application Platform. - 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Capabilities. object R This object contains parameters related to the capabilities of the Femtozone Application Platform and the Femtozone APIs. - 2.4
PresenceApplicationSupport boolean R Specifies whether the Femto Application Platform supports Presence-Based Femtozone Applications - 2.4
FemtoAwarenessAPISupport boolean R Specifies whether the Femto Awareness API is supported on this device. - 2.4
SMSAPISupport boolean R Specifies whether the SMS API is supported on this device. - 2.4
SubscribeToNotificationsOfSMSSentToApplicationSupport boolean R Specifies whether the SubscribeToNotificationsOfSMSSentToApplication functionality is supported by the FAP SMS API. - 2.4
QuerySMSDeliveryStatusSupport boolean R Specifies whether the QuerySMSDeliveryStatus functionality is supported by the FAP SMS API. - 2.4
MMSAPISupport boolean R Specifies whether the MMS API is supported on this device. - 2.4
QueryMMSDeliveryStatusSupport boolean R Specifies whether the QueryMMSDeliveryStatus functionality is supported by the FAP MMS API. - 2.4
SubscribeToNotificationsOfMMSSentToApplicationSupport boolean R Specifies whether the SubscribeToNotificationsOfMMSSentToApplication functionality is supported by the FAP MMS API. - 2.4
TerminalLocationAPISupport boolean R Specifies whether the Terminal Location API is supported on this device. - 2.4
AuthenticationMethodsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Specifies the supported methods that 3rd Party Applications can use to authenticate with the Femto Application Platform at initialization.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Basic
  • Digest
  • DigitalSignature
- 2.4
AccessLevelsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Specifies the supported access levels that 3rd Party Applications can request when authenticating with the Femto Application Platform at initialization. This access level is with respect to resources within the Femto Application Platform only (not to be confused with Access Mode parameter in .FAPService.{i}.AccessMgmt).

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Guest
  • Standard
  • Restricted
  • Administrator
  • Debug
- 2.4
SendSMSTargetAddressType string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Specifies the supported types of addresses SMSs can be sent to.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • TelUri
  • AnonymousReference
  • All
- 2.4
SendMMSTargetAddressType string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Specifies the supported types of addresses MMSs can be sent to.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • TelUri
  • AnonymousReference
  • All
- 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Control. object R This object contains parameters related to the operation of the Femtozone APIs. - 2.4
AuthenticationMethod string(:256) W

Specifies how 3rd Party Applications have to authenticate against Femto APIs in order to use it. The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.AuthenticationMethodsSupported parameter.

Note: The credentials are not part of the data model and have to be supplied externally.

- 2.4
TunnelInst string(:256) W

This is the reference to the IPsec tunnel instance to be used by the Application Platform traffic.

The TunnelInst MUST point to a tunnel instance defined in the data model.

If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

- 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Control.FemtoAwareness. object R This object contains parameters related to the Femto Awareness API. - 2.4
APIEnable boolean W Enable or disable FemtoAwareness API exposure on FAP - 2.4
QueueEnable boolean W Enable or disable Request queueing for the API - 2.4
Queueing string W

Determines how FAP handles simultaneous requests from different Applications to Femto Awareness API.

Enumeration of:

  • FiFo
  • Priority
- 2.4
MaxAPIUsersNumber unsignedInt(0:255) W Determines the Max Number of different Applications that can send Requests to Femto Awareness API. - 2.4
FemtozoneID string(:256) W Specifies Identifier of the Femtozone. - 2.4
NotificationsUserIdentifierMSISDN boolean W Specifies whether the Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number (MSISDN) has to be used as UserIdentifier in Femto Awareness Notifications. A value of true means that the MSISDN is send as user identifier, a value of false means that an anonymous reference is used. - 2.4
SubscribeToNotificationsResponseCallbackData boolean W Specifies whether the OPTIONAL Argument “Callback Data” has to be used in Responses to Requests to “Subscribe To Femto Awareness Notifications”. - 2.4
QueryFemtocellResponseTimezone boolean W Specifies whether the OPTIONAL Argument “Timezone” has to be used in Responses to Requests to “Query Femtocell Status”. - 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Control.SMS. object R This object contains parameters related to the SMS API. - 2.4
APIEnable boolean W Enable or disable SMS API exposure on FAP - 2.4
QueueEnable boolean W Enable or disable Request queueing for the API - 2.4
Queueing string W

Determines how FAP handles simultaneous requests from different Applications to SMS API.

Enumeration of:

  • FiFo
  • Priority
- 2.4
MaxAPIUsersNumber unsignedInt(0:255) W Determines the Max Number of different Applications that can send Requests to SMS API. - 2.4
MinSendSMSTimeInterval unsignedInt(0:3599) W Determines the Minimum Time Interval in seconds between two consecutive Send SMS Requests by the same Application. - 2.4
EnableQuerySMSDeliveryStatus boolean W Enable or disable “QuerySMSDeliveryStatus” Operation on SMS API. When disabled, QuerySMSDeliveryStatus Requests to SMS API are ignored. - 2.4
EnableSubscribeToNotificationsOfMessageSentToApplication boolean W Enable or disable “SubscribeToNotificationsOfMessageSentToApplication” Operation on SMS API. When disabled, SubscribeTo NotificationsOfMessageSentToApplication Requests to SMS API are ignored. - 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Control.MMS. object R This object contains parameters related to the MMS API. - 2.4
APIEnable boolean W Enable or disable MMS API exposure on FAP - 2.4
QueueEnable boolean W Enable or disable Request queueing for the API - 2.4
Queueing string W

Determines how FAP handles simultaneous requests from different Applications to MMS API.

Enumeration of:

  • FiFo
  • Priority
- 2.4
MaxAPIUsersNumber unsignedInt(0:255) W Determines the Max Number of different Applications that can send Requests to MMS API. - 2.4
MinSendMMSTimeInterval unsignedInt(0:3599) W Determines the Minimum Time Interval in seconds between two consecutive Send MMS Requests by the same Application. - 2.4
EnableQueryMMSDeliveryStatus boolean W Enable or disable “QuerySMSDeliveryStatus” Operation on MMS API. When disabled, QuerySMSDeliveryStatus Requests to MMS API are ignored. - 2.4
EnableSubscribeToNotificationsOfMessageSentToApplication boolean W Enable or disable “SubscribeTo NotificationsOfMessageSentToApplication” Operation on MMS API. When disabled, SubscribeTo NotificationsOfMessageSentToApplication Requests to MMS API are ignored. - 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Control.TerminalLocation. object R This object contains parameters related to the TerminalLocation API. - 2.4
APIEnable boolean W Enable or disable TerminalLocation API exposure on FAP - 2.4
QueueEnable boolean W Enable or disable Request queueing for the API - 2.4
Queueing string W

Determines how FAP handles simultaneous requests from different Applications to TerminalLocation API.

Enumeration of:

  • FiFo
  • Priority
- 2.4
MaxAPIUsersNumber unsignedInt(0:255) W Determines the Max Number of different Applications that can send Requests to TerminalLocation API. - 2.4
QueryMobileLocationResponseAddress string W

Specifies Terminal Address Format to be used in QueryMobileLocation Responses.

Enumeration of:

  • TelUri
  • AnonymousReference
- 2.4
QueryMobileLocationResponseLongitudeLatitude boolean W Include or exclude FAP Longitude and Latitude arguments in Responses to QueryMobileLocation Requests. - 2.4
QueryMobileLocationResponseAltitude boolean W Include or exclude FAP Altitude argument in Responses to QueryMobileLocation Requests . - 2.4
QueryMobileLocationResponseTimestamp unsignedInt(0:86399) W Specifies Response Timestamp in seconds. - 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Monitoring. object R This object contains parameters related to the monitoring of the Femtozone Application Platform and the Femtozone APIs. - 2.4
Enable boolean W Enables and disables this entry. - 2.4
MonitoringInterval unsignedInt W Specifies the interval in seconds used to collect the monitoring measurements. - 2.4
AuthenticationRequestsReceived unsignedInt R Specifies the total number of authentication requests received by the Femto Application Platform. The counter will be reset whenever the device reboots or the Enable parameter is set to true. - 2.4
AuthenticationRequestsRejected unsignedInt R Specifies the number of authentication requests received by the Femto Application Platform that were rejected. The counter will be reset whenever the device reboots or the Enable parameter is set to true. - 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Monitoring.FemtoAwareness. object R This object contains parameters related to the Monitoring of the FemtoAwareness API. - 2.4
APIAvailable boolean R Specifies whether the FemtoAwareness API is currently available on this device (the API could be disabled or could have exhausted its resources) - 2.4
APIUsers unsignedInt(0:255) R Specifies the current number of Applications using the Femto Awareness API. - 2.4
QueueState string R

Specifies the state of the Femto Awareness API Queue.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Ready
  • Flushed
- 2.4
QueueNum unsignedInt(0:255) R Specifies the current number of requests waiting in the Femto Awareness API Queue. - 2.4
QueueReceived unsignedInt R Specifies the number of requests in the Femto Awareness API Queue that have been received. The counter will be reset whenever the device reboots or the Enable parameter is set to true. - 2.4
QueueDiscarded unsignedInt R Specifies the number of requests in the Femto Awareness API Queue that have been discarded. The counter will be reset whenever the device reboots or the Enable parameter is set to true. - 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Monitoring.SMS. object R This object contains parameters related to the Monitoring of the SMS API. - 2.4
APIAvailable boolean R Specifies whether the SMS API is currently available on this device (the API could be disabled or could have exhausted its resources).. - 2.4
APIUsers unsignedInt(0:255) R Specifies the current number of Applications using the SMS API. - 2.4
QueueState string R

Specifies the state of the SMS API Queue.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Ready
  • Flushed
- 2.4
QueueNum unsignedInt(0:255) R Specifies the current number of requests waiting in the SMS API Queue. - 2.4
QueueReceived unsignedInt R Specifies the number of requests in the SMS API Queue that have been received. The counter will be reset whenever the device reboots or the Enable parameter is set to true. - 2.4
QueueDiscarded unsignedInt R Specifies the number of requests in the SMS API Queue that have been discarded. The counter will be reset whenever the device reboots or the Enable parameter is set to true. - 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Monitoring.MMS. object R This object contains parameters related to the Monitoring of the MMS API. - 2.4
APIAvailable boolean R Specifies whether the MMS API is currently available on this device (the API could be disabled or could have exhausted its resources).. - 2.4
APIUsers unsignedInt(0:255) R Specifies the current number of Applications using the MMS API. - 2.4
QueueState string R

Specifies the state of the MMS API Queue.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Ready
  • Flushed
- 2.4
QueueNum unsignedInt(0:255) R Specifies the current number of requests waiting in the MMS API Queue. - 2.4
QueueReceived unsignedInt R Specifies the number of requests in the MMS API Queue that have been received. The counter will be reset whenever the device reboots or the Enable parameter is set to true. - 2.4
QueueDiscarded unsignedInt R Specifies the number of requests in the MMS API Queue that have been discarded. The counter will be reset whenever the device reboots or the Enable parameter is set to true. - 2.4
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Monitoring.TerminalLocation. object R This object contains parameters related to the Monitoring of the TerminalLocation API. - 2.4
APIAvailable boolean R Specifies whether the TerminalLocation API is currently available on this device (the API could be disabled or could have exhausted its resources).. - 2.4
APIUsers unsignedInt(0:255) R Specifies the current number of Applications using the Terminal Location API. - 2.4
QueueState string R

Specifies the state of the Terminal Location API Queue.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Ready
  • Flushed
- 2.4
QueueNum unsignedInt(0:255) R Specifies the current number of requests waiting in the Terminal Location API Queue. - 2.4
QueueReceived unsignedInt R Specifies the number of requests in the Terminal Location API Queue that have been received. The counter will be reset whenever the device reboots or the Enable parameter is set to true. - 2.4
QueueDiscarded unsignedInt R Specifies the number of requests in the Terminal Location API Queue that have been discarded. The counter will be reset whenever the device reboots or the Enable parameter is set to true. - 2.4
Device.BulkData. object R

This object provides bulk data collection capabilities and global collection settings that affect the entire device.

Bulk Data utilizes various solutions (e.g., IPDR, HTTP) to collect data from devices and transfer the data to a collection server.

The IPDR solution is based on a service specification described in [TR-232].

The HTTP solution is based on transfer mechanisms described in [Annex A/TR-369].

The USPEventNotif solution is based on sending a Profile.{i}.Push! Event Notification via USP [TR-369].

The Bulk Data Collection Profiles are measured over a reporting interval (which can be aligned with absolute time) and are made available to the collection server.

- 2.5
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables all collection profiles.

If false, bulk data will not be collected or reported.

- 2.5
Status string R

Indicates the status of the Bulk Data Collection mechanism.

Enumeration of:

  • Enabled (Bulk Data Collection is enabled and working as intended)
  • Disabled (Bulk Data Collection is disabled)
  • Error (Bulk Data Collection is enabled, but there is an error condition preventing the successful collection of bulk data, OPTIONAL)
- 2.5
MinReportingInterval unsignedInt R

Minimum reporting interval in seconds that the CPE is capable of supporting.

A value of 0 indicates no minimum reporting interval.

- 2.5
Protocols string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Represents the IPDR and transport protocols that this device is capable of supporting.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Streaming (IPDR Streaming Protocol [IPDR-SP] This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because IPDR Bulk Data Collection is not supported in USP. This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.17. This enumeration was DELETED in 2.18)
  • File (IPDR File Transfer Protocol [IPDR-FTP] This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because IPDR Bulk Data Collection is not supported in USP. This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.17. This enumeration was DELETED in 2.18)
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol [RFC2616])
  • MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport [MQTT31], [MQTT311], and [MQTT50])
  • USPEventNotif (User Services Platform (USP - [Annex A/TR-369]) Event Notification)
- 2.5
EncodingTypes string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Represents the Encoding Types for the protocols that this device is capable of supporting.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • XML (Used with the IPDR Streaming and File Protocols. [IPDR-XML] This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because IPDR Bulk Data Collection is not supported in USP. This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.17. This enumeration was DELETED in 2.18)
  • XDR (Used with the IPDR Streaming and File Protocols. [IPDR-XDR] This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because IPDR Bulk Data Collection is not supported in USP. This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.17. This enumeration was DELETED in 2.18)
  • CSV (Comma Separated Values. Used with the HTTP and USPEventNotif Protocols. [RFC4180])
  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation. Used with the HTTP and USPEventNotif Protocols. [RFC7159])
- 2.5
ParameterWildCardSupported boolean R When true, the Device supports the use of wildcards to determine the parameters that are reported using a Profile. - 2.10
MaxNumberOfProfiles int(-1:) R

The maximum number of profiles that can exist at any given time. Specifically, the maximum number of Profile.{i}. instances that the Controller can create.

If the value of this parameter is -1, then it means that the CPE doesn’t have a limit to the number of profiles that can exist.

- 2.5
MaxNumberOfParameterReferences int(-1:) R

The maximum number of parameters that can be referenced via the bulk data collection mechanism. Specifically, the maximum number of parameters that can be referenced via Profile.{i}.Parameter.{i}.Reference across all Profile and Parameter instances (including the expansion of partial paths within the Reference parameter).

If the value of this parameter is -1, then it means that the CPE doesn’t have a limit to the number of parameter that can be referenced via the bulk data collection mechanism.

- 2.5
ProfileNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Profile table. - 2.5
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}. object(0:) W

A set of Bulk Data Collection profiles.

Each profile represents a bulk data report, including its own timing configuration, communications configuration, and set of parameters. This allows the Controller to configure multiple reports to be generated at different times for different sets of data.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.5
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this specific bulk data profile.

If false, this profile will not be collected or reported.

false 2.5
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.5
Name string(:255) W The name of the profile. - 2.10
Controller string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of the LocalAgent.Controller instance that created Profile. If the referenced object is deleted, this instance MUST also be deleted (so the parameter value will never be an empty string).

The value of this parameter is automatically populated by the USP Agent upon Profile creation using the reference to the USP Controller that created the instance.

The USP Controller referenced by this parameter also defines the set of permissions to use when generating the Bulk Data report. Furthermore, only the USP Controller referenced by this parameter will receive a Push! Event (assuming it has an associated Subscription) when the Profile has Protocol configured to USPEventNotif, even if another USP Controller has an associated Subscription.

- 2.12
NumberOfRetainedFailedReports int(-1:) W

The number of failed reports to be retained and transmitted (in addition to the current report) at the end of the current reporting interval.

If the value of the EncodingType parameter is modified any outstanding failed reports are deleted.

If the CPE cannot retain the number of failed reports from previous reporting intervals while transmitting the report of the current reporting interval, then the oldest failed reports are deleted until the CPE is able to transmit the report from the current reporting interval.

A value of 0 indicates that failed reports are not to be retained for transmission in the next reporting interval.

A value of -1 indicates that the CPE will retain as many failed reports as possible.

0 2.10
Protocol string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Protocols parameter. The Bulk Data Protocol being used for this collection profile. - 2.5
EncodingType string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the EncodingTypes parameter. The Bulk Data encoding type being used for this collection profile. - 2.5
ReportingInterval unsignedInt(1:) W

The reporting interval in seconds. Each report is generated based on this interval and TimeReference.

The CPE MAY reject a request to set ReportingInterval to less than MinReportingInterval.

Reporting intervals MUST begin every ReportingInterval seconds.

If ReportingInterval is changed while collection is enabled, the first reporting interval begins immediately.

For example, if ReportingInterval is 86400 (a day) and if TimeReference is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then the CPE will generate (and transmit) its report at midnight every 24 hours.

86400 2.5
TimeReference dateTime W

An absolute time reference in UTC to determine when will be transmitted. Each reporting interval MUST complete at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of ReportingInterval, unless unable to due to higher prioritized operations.

TimeReference is used only to set the “phase” of the reporting intervals. The actual value of TimeReference can be arbitrarily far into the past or future.

If TimeReference is changed while collection of bulk data is enabled, the first reporting interval begins immediately.

The Unknown Time value as defined in [TR-106] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the CPE MAY locally choose the time reference, and is required only to adhere to the specified reporting intervals.

If absolute time is not available to the CPE, its reporting interval behavior MUST be the same as if the TimeReference parameter was set to the Unknown Time value.

For example, if ReportingInterval is 86400 (a day) and if TimeReference is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then the CPE will generate (and transmit, if in a “ITPush” mode) its report at midnight every 24 hours.

Note that, if TimeReference is set to a time other than the Unknown Time, the first reporting interval (which has to begin immediately) will almost certainly be shorter than ReportingInterval). This is why TimeReference is defined in terms of when reporting intervals complete rather than start.

0001-01-01T00:00:00Z 2.5
ParameterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Parameter table. - 2.5
StreamingHost string(:256) W
This is the host name or IP Address of the IPDR Collector to be used by the CPE to stream bulk data records if this collection profile is configured for the IPDR Streaming Protocol [IPDR-SP] (the Protocol parameter has a value of Streaming).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because IPDR Bulk Data Collection is not supported in USP.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.5
StreamingPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W
This is the port number of the IPDR Collector to be used by the CPE to stream bulk data records if this collection profile is configured for the IPDR Streaming Protocol [IPDR-SP] (the Protocol parameter has a value of Streaming).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because IPDR Bulk Data Collection is not supported in USP.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
4737 2.5
StreamingSessionID unsignedInt(48:57,65:90) W
This is the unique identification of an IPDR Session to be used when this collection profile is configured for the IPDR Streaming Protocol [IPDR-SP] (the Protocol parameter has a value of Streaming).
A Controller MUST NOT configure multiple IPDR Streaming Protocol collection profiles with the same StreamingSessionID. Doing so MUST cause the CPE to fail the SetParameterValues.
Within the IPDR Streaming Protocol specification the Session ID has a type of a single ‘char’, but we are restricting the range even further (ASCII values of ‘0’ - ‘9’ and ‘A’ - ‘Z’).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because IPDR Bulk Data Collection is not supported in USP.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.5
FileTransferURL string(:2048) W
This is the [URL] within the CPE that is used by an IPDR Collector to retrieve the IPDRDocs when this collection profile is configured for the IPDR File Transfer Protocol [IPDR-FTP] (the Protocol parameter has a value of File).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because IPDR Bulk Data Collection is not supported in USP.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.5
FileTransferUsername string(:64) W
Username used for authentication of the FileTransferURL.
This is the FileTransferUsername that the IPDR Collector uses to access the CPE when this collection profile is configured for the IPDR File Transfer Protocol [IPDR-FTP] (the Protocol parameter has a value of File).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because IPDR Bulk Data Collection is not supported in USP.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.5
FileTransferPassword string(:64) W
Password used for authentication of the FileTransferURL.
This is the FileTransferPassword that the IPDR Collector uses to access the CPE when this collection profile is configured for the IPDR File Transfer Protocol [IPDR-FTP] (the Protocol parameter has a value of File).
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because IPDR Bulk Data Collection is not supported in USP.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.
- 2.5
ControlFileFormat string(:128) W
If this collection profile is configured for the IPDR File Transfer Protocol [IPDR-FTP] (the Protocol parameter has a value of File) then the control file names will be of the following format:


Where the following rules apply:
  • ControlFilePrefix MUST NOT contain an underscore ‘_’ or any other character not suitable for a file name.
  • ControlFilePolicy MUST contain one or more ‘N’ characters, where the number of ‘N’ characters denotes the number of digits in the sequence number, including leading zeros as necessary to match the number of ‘N’ characters.
  • ControlFileSuffix is a file extension.
For example, BulkData_NNNN.log where “BulkData” would be the prefix, “NNNN” would be the policy, and “log” would be the suffix. Files adhering to this file format would look like: BulkData_0000.log, BulkData_0001.log, etc.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because IPDR Bulk Data Collection is not supported in USP.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
- 2.5
Push! event - Bulk Data Push event for delivering a bulk data report within a USP Notification message. - 2.13
Data string R The contents of the bulk data report in the configured CSV or JSON Encoding Type. - 2.13
ForceCollection() command -

Start the bulk data collection and transmission as defined in this profile immediately, regardless of the current values of the Enable and ReportingInterval parameters.

This command can be used for testing of the bulk data collection mechanism and profile but also to preempt any regular schedule without affecting it.

- 2.15
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.Parameter.{i}. object(0:) W

Bulk data parameter table.

Each entry in this table represents a parameter (or set of parameters if a partial path is provided) to be either collected and reported, or omitted if Exclude is true.

- 2.5
Name string(:64) W

Name of the parameter in the report body.

If the value of this parameter is an empty string, then the value of the Reference parameter is used as the name.

When the value Reference parameter contains wildcards and/or partial parameter names, the rules for determining the value of this parameter are specified in [Annex A.2.1/TR-369].

- 2.10
Reference string(:256) W

Represents the parameter(s) that are part of this Bulk Data collection profile. The value MUST be a path name of a parameter or an object.

When the ParameterWildCardSupported parameter has a value of true, patterns for instance identifiers are permitted with wildcards (an “*” character) in place of instance identifiers; any attempt to set the value otherwise MUST be rejected by the CPE.

In the case where an Object Path is specified, the sub-objects of the resolved pattern and contained parameters will be part of the bulk data collected and reported. If the path name refers to an object then it MUST end with a ‘.’.

<Empty> 2.5
Exclude boolean W When true, the entry is to be excluded from the report. false 2.16
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.CSVEncoding. object R This object defines the properties to be used when the Profile object’s EncodingType parameter value is CSV. - 2.10
FieldSeparator string W Field separator to use when encoding CSV data. , 2.10
RowSeparator string W Row separator to use when encoding CSV data. <Empty> 2.10
EscapeCharacter string W Escape character to use when encoding CSV data. 2.10
ReportFormat string W

This parameter describes the formatting used for reports defined by this profile as described in [Annex A.2.4/TR-369].

Note: This parameter is encoded as a token in the BBF-Report-Format header field and MUST NOT include spaces or other characters excluded from token characters defined in [RFC2616].

Enumeration of:

  • ParameterPerRow (Reports are formatted with each parameter formatted as a row entry)
  • ParameterPerColumn (Reports are formatted with each parameter formatted as a column entry)
ParameterPerColumn 2.10
RowTimestamp string W

The format of the timestamp to use for data inserted into the row.

Enumeration of:

  • Unix-Epoch (Timestamp is inserted using the UNIX epoch time (milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC) timestamp format. If the CPE is unable to acquire a time, then the time that has elapsed since the last reboot of the device is used)
  • ISO-8601 (Timestamp is inserted using the ISO-8601 timestamp format)
  • None (Timestamp is not inserted in the row)
Unix-Epoch 2.10
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.JSONEncoding. object R This object defines the properties to be used when the Profile object’s EncodingType parameter value is JSON. - 2.10
ReportFormat string W

This parameter describes the formatting used for the report as described in [Annex A.2.5/TR-369].

Note: This parameter is encoded as a token in the BBF-Report-Format header field and MUST NOT include spaces or other characters excluded from token characters defined in [RFC2616].

Enumeration of:

  • ObjectHierarchy (Reports are formatted with each object in the object hierarchy of the data model encoded as a corresponding hierarchy of JSON Objects with the parameters of the object specified as name/value pairs of the JSON Object)
  • NameValuePair (Reports are formatted with each parameter of the data model encoded as a corresponding array of JSON Objects with the parameters specified as name/value pairs)
ObjectHierarchy 2.10
ReportTimestamp string W

The format of timestamp to use for the JSON Object named “CollectionTime” as described in [Annex A.2.5/TR-369].

Enumeration of:

  • Unix-Epoch (Timestamp is inserted using the UNIX epoch time (milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC) timestamp format. If the CPE is unable to acquire a time, then the time that has elapsed since the last reboot of the device is used)
  • ISO-8601 (Timestamp is inserted using the ISO-8601 timestamp format)
  • None (Timestamp is not inserted)
Unix-Epoch 2.10
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.HTTP. object R This object defines the properties to be used when transporting bulk data using the HTTP/HTTPS protocol. This object is used when the Protocol parameter has a value of HTTP. For authentication purposes the CPE MUST support HTTP Basic and Digest Access Authentication as defined in [RFC7617] and [RFC7616]. - 2.10
URL string(:2048) W The [URL] for the collection server to receive the Bulk Data transmitted by the CPE. - 2.10
Username string(:256) W Username used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the collection server. - 2.10
Password string(:256) W

Password used to authenticate the CPE when making a connection to the collection server.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.10
CompressionsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the HTTP Compression mechanism(s) supported by this CPE for the purposes of transferring bulk data.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.10
Compression string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the CompressionsSupported parameter, or else be None. The value of this parameter represents the HTTP Compression mechanism to be used by the CPE when transferring data to the collection server. None 2.10
MethodsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the HTTP method(s) supported by this CPE for the purposes of transferring bulk data.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.10
Method string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the MethodsSupported parameter. The value of this parameter represents the HTTP method to be used by the CPE when transferring data to the collection server. POST 2.10
UseDateHeader boolean W When true, the CPE encodes the HTTP Date Header [Section 14.18/RFC2616] in the HTTP client request. true 2.10
RetryEnable boolean W When true, the CPE retries unsuccessful attempts to transfer data. false 2.10
RetryMinimumWaitInterval unsignedInt(1:65535) W

Configures the data transfer retry wait interval, in seconds, as specified in [Annex A.1.2.1/TR-369].

The device MUST use a random value between RetryMinimumWaitInterval and (RetryMinimumWaitInterval * RetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

5 2.10
RetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt(1000:65535) W

Configures the retry interval multiplier as specified in [Annex A.1.2.1/TR-369].

This value is expressed in units of 0.001. Hence the values of the multiplier range between 1.000 and 65.535.

The device MUST use a random value between RetryMinimumWaitInterval and (RetryMinimumWaitInterval * RetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

2000 2.10
RequestURIParameterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the RequestURIParameter table. - 2.10
PersistAcrossReboot boolean W

Determines whether or not data transfers that have failed are required to be persisted across reboots.

If PersistAcrossReboot is true, then failed data transfers MUST be persisted across reboots.

If PersistAcrossReboot is false, then failed data transfers are not required to be persisted across reboots.

false 2.12
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.HTTP.RequestURIParameter.{i}. object(0:) W This object represents an instance of a parameter to be used in the report header used as part of the HTTP Request-URI transmitted by the CPE to the collection server using the Request-URI in addition to the parameters required by [Annex A.1.1/TR-369]. - 2.10
Name string(:64) W

Name of the Request-URI parameter.

If Name is an empty string, the name of the Request-URI parameter is the value of Reference.

- 2.10
Reference string(:256) W

The value MUST be the path name of a parameter to be used as the Request-URI parameter.

If the value of this parameter is empty, then this object is not encoded in the report header.

<Empty> 2.10
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.MQTT. object R This object defines the properties to be used when transporting bulk data using the MQTT protocol. This object is used when the Protocol parameter has a value of MQTT. - 2.15
Reference string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the MQTT.Client. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the MQTT Client used by this Bulk Data Collection Profile when communicating via the MQTT Protocol. <Empty> 2.15
PublishTopic string(:65535) W The topic name the Agent MUST use when sending the Bulk Data report. - 2.15
PublishQoS unsignedInt(0:2) W

The Agent MUST use this QoS value when sending the Bulk Data report.

If the referenced MQTT Client uses MQTT 5.0 and the MQTT server only indicates support for a QoS value in the CONNACK Maximum QoS property lower than this QoS value, the Agent MUST use the highest QoS value that is supported by the server.

- 2.15
PublishRetain boolean W If set to true the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag in MQTT PUBLISH messages carrying the Bulk Data report to 1, unless the MQTT server sent Retain Available = 0 (MQTT 5.0) in its CONNACK (in which case, the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag to 0). false 2.15
Device.SoftwareModules. object R Top level object for dynamically managed software applications. - 2.1
ExecEnvClassNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ExecEnvClass table. - 2.16
ExecEnvNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ExecEnv table. - 2.1
DeploymentUnitNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the DeploymentUnit table. - 2.1
ExecutionUnitNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ExecutionUnit table. - 2.1
InstallDU() command - [ASYNC] Install one or more Deployment Units (DUs) to the associated SoftwareModules. - 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
URL string(:2048) W

[MANDATORY] The [URL] that specifies the location of the DU to be installed.

The URL MUST NOT include the “userinfo” component, as defined in [RFC3986].

The HTTPS transport MUST be supported, and the HTTP transport MAY be supported. Other optional transports MAY also be supported.

- 2.12
UUID string(36) W

[UUID] The UUID (see [RFC4122]) of the DU to be installed.

If this parameter is an empty string the device MUST generate the UUID based on the rules defined in [RFC4122] and [Annex C/TR-181i2].

- 2.12
Username string(:256) W

Username to be used by the device to authenticate with the file server, if authentication is required.

The default value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.12
Password string(:256) W

Password to be used by the device to authenticate with the file server, if authentication is required.

The default value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.12
Privileged boolean W

This parameter indicates whether the Deployment Unit runs in privileged mode. false - Unprivileged Container. true - Privileged Container.

The default value MUST be false.

- 2.18
NumRequiredUIDs unsignedInt W

Number of UIDs (EU User Identifiers) that this container will need as part of its user namespace. UIDs are unique identifiers associated with each user and system process that is used to determine the allocation and isolation of system resources.

The default value MUST be 1.

- 2.18
ExecutionEnvRef string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecEnv. table. A reference to the Execution Environment upon which the DU is to be installed.

If an empty string the device MUST choose the Execution Environment to use.

- 2.12
Signature string(:2048) W

The [URL] which can be used to fetch the signature for this DU. The [URL] may use the “data” scheme defined in [RFC2397] in order to incorporate the signature into the command directly.

Several signature formats are in common use; the device may deduce the format used from the Content-Type of the retrieved object and/or by examining its content.

The URL MUST NOT include the “userinfo” component, as defined in [RFC3986].

HTTPS transport MUST be supported. Other optional transports MAY be supported.

The absence of this parameter indicates that the DU is unsigned. If this is contrary to the security policy of the device then the command will be rejected.

- 2.16
ShutdownDelay unsignedInt W

The delay in seconds before which the container is shutdown. This delay ensures that the application has enough time to perform any cleanup before the Execution Unit transitions to idle state. The default value is 10 seconds.

The default value MUST be 10.

- 2.18
RequiredRoles string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The roles which the application installed by this command will need to be assigned in order to be able to function at all. If any of these roles are not present in the ExecEnv.{i}.AvailableRoles of the ExecEnv into which the DU is to be installed then the command will fail. Some Agents may apply further filtering for roles which are considered security- or privacy-sensitive.

Each entry in the list is the Name of a row in LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role. If there is no such row then the command will fail, as installation requires a role which is not available on the Device.

If this argument is absent or empty then no roles are required in order for the application to function.

- 2.16
OptionalRoles string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The additional roles which the application installed by this command would need to be assigned in order to be able to provide its full functionality.

Each entry in the list is the Name of a row in LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role. If there is no such row, or the matching row is not present in the ExecEnv.{i}.AvailableRoles of the Execution Environment into which the DU is to be installed, then the entry will be ignored. Some Agents may apply further filtering for roles which are considered security- or privacy-sensitive.

If this argument is absent or empty then no additional roles are required in order for the application to be able to provide its full functionality.

- 2.16
RequiredUserRoles string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The User Roles which the application installed by this command will need to be assigned in order to be able to function at all. If any of these User Roles are not present in the ExecEnv.{i}.AvailableUserRoles of the ExecEnv into which the DU is to be installed then the command will fail. Some Agents may apply further filtering for User Roles which are considered security- or privacy-sensitive.

Each entry in the list is the Name of a row in Users.Role. If there is no such row then the command will fail, as installation requires a User Role which is not available on the Device.

If this argument is absent or empty then no User Roles are required in order for the application to function.

- 2.18
ModuleVersion string(:32) W Version of the SoftwareModules as optionally set by the Controller. - 2.17
AutoRestart. object W

Defines the parameters of the auto-restart algorithm for any ExecutionUnit which is created as a result of this command.

An auto-restart may be triggered if the Agent determines that the EU has terminated abnormally. An exponential backoff algorithm is applied (increasing each time the delay before the EU is re-launched) in order to prevent continual re-starting of the EU.

The retry interval range is controlled by two Parameters, RetryMinimumWaitInterval and RetryIntervalMultiplier.

Let m be the value of RetryMinimumWaitInterval, k the value of RetryIntervalMultiplier, and n the current value of ExecutionUnit.{i}.AutoRestart.RetryCount. Then on the next occasion that the Agent determines that the EU has terminated abnormally, the delay before re-starting the EU must lie between m * (k/1000)n and m * (k/1000)(n+1) seconds, so long as m * (k/1000)n evaluates to a value less than RetryMaximumWaitInterval. Once this point has been reached, on all subsequent occasions that the Agent determines that the EU has terminated abnormally the delay before re-starting the EU must lie between RetryMaximumWaitInterval* * (1000/k)* and RetryMaximumWaitInterval seconds.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W [MANDATORY] Enable the auto-restart feature for any ExecutionUnit which is created as a result of this command. - 2.16
RetryMinimumWaitInterval unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] Configures the initial delay in seconds between detecting that the EU has terminated abnormally and re-starting it. - 2.16
RetryMaximumWaitInterval unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] Maximum delay in seconds between detecting that the EU has terminated abnormally and re-starting it. - 2.16
RetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] Configures the retry interval multiplier. This value is expressed in units of 0.001, so for example a value of 2000 will result in the retry interval being doubled each time. - 2.16
MaximumRetryCount unsignedInt W

Configures the maximum number of consecutive restarts (as shown in ExecutionUnit.{i}.AutoRestart.RetryCount) after which no more attempts will be performed. A value of zero means that the number of attempts is unlimited.

The default value MUST be 10.

- 2.16
ResetPeriod unsignedInt W

If the EU runs for this number of seconds without terminating abnormally the Agent MAY reset its ExecutionUnit.{i}.AutoRestart.RetryCount to zero, thereby resetting the exponential backoff algorithm. A value of zero disables this behavior.

The default value MUST be 0.

- 2.16
Resources. object W Defines the resource restrictions for any Execution Unit which is created by installation of the DeploymentUnit. If this object is absent then no resource restrictions will be applied. - 2.16
AllocatedDiskSpace int(-1:) W

The amount of disk space measured in KiB allocated to any ExecutionUnit which is created as a result of this command. If this parameter is omitted or has the value -1 then no disk space constraint will be applied.

The default value MUST be -1.

- 2.16
AllocatedMemory int(-1:) W

The amount of physical RAM measured in KiB allocated to any ExecutionUnit which is created as a result of this command. If this parameter is omitted or has the value -1 then no memory constraint will be applied.

The default value MUST be -1.

- 2.16
AllocatedCPUPercent int(-1:100) W

The CPU power measured in % allocated to any ExecutionUnit which is created as a result of this command, as a fraction (in %) of the CPU allocation of the ExecEnv into which the DeploymentUnit is installed. If this parameter is omitted or has the value -1 then no CPU power constraint will be applied.

The default value MUST be -1.

- 2.16
ApplicationData.{i}. object(0:) W

The application data volumes which are required for correct functioning of the DeploymentUnit. The device should create these application data volumes and add them to the ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData table, with the UUID of the DU as ApplicationUUID.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.16
Name string(:64) W [MANDATORY] A name which is assigned to the ApplicationData instance at the time of its creation, which distinguishes it from any other application data volumes owned by the same application. - 2.16
Capacity unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] Storage capacity of the volume, in MiB. - 2.16
Encrypted boolean W

Whether the data is stored on an encrypted medium.

The default value MUST be true.

- 2.16
Retain string W

[MANDATORY] The level of persistency of the volume.

Enumeration of:

  • UntilStopped (The application data will be lost when all ExecutionUnits which were created by the DeploymentUnit are stopped)
  • Forever (The application data will be retained after all ExecutionUnits which were created by the DeploymentUnit are stopped, and also across a device reboot or a restart of the DeploymentUnit. The application data will be lost on removal of the ExecEnv in which the DeploymentUnit is to be installed. The application data will be retained on DeploymentUnit.{i}.Update() or DeploymentUnit.{i}.Uninstall() if and only if the RetainData input argument of the command is present and has the value true)
- 2.16
AccessPath string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The path by which the Execution Units created by the Deployment Unit may access the storage volume. - 2.16
HostObject.{i}. object(0:) W

This parameter describes the ExecutionUnit.{i}.HostObject instances which should be added to any ExecutionUnit created by installation of the DeploymentUnit.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.16
Source string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The object identifier by which the object may be accessed in the host OS environment. This object identifier MUST be valid in the host OS environment. For security reasons, Execution Environments may impose restrictions on the object identifiers which may be specified. - 2.16
Destination string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The object identifier by which the object may be accessed by the ExecutionUnit. This object identifier MUST be valid in the context of the Execution Environment in which the ExecutionUnit is installed. - 2.16
Options string(:256) W May be used to pass implementation-dependent options which are to be applied to the mapping, - 2.16
EnvVariable.{i}. object(0:) W

This parameter describes the ExecutionUnit.{i}.EnvVariable instances which should be added to any ExecutionUnit created by installation of the DeploymentUnit.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.17
Key string(:2048) W [MANDATORY] The Environment variable name that needs to be passed to the Execution unit when the execution unit is activated. - 2.17
Value string(:2048) W [MANDATORY] The Environment variable value associated with the name that needs to be passed to the Execution unit it is activated. - 2.17
NetworkConfig. object W

Specifies the network configuration for any ExecutionUnit which is created by the installation of the DeploymentUnit.

When this argument or any of its child objects are missing, the corresponding absent part is considered unnecessary and will not be available to the ExecutionUnit.

- 2.17
AccessInterfaces string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The network interfaces which the application installed by this command will be allowed to send traffic through it. If any of these access interface are not present in the SoftwareModules.ExecEnv.{i}.AvailableAccessInterfaces of the ExecEnv into which the DU is to be installed then the command will fail.

Some Agents may apply further filtering for access interfaces which are considered security- or privacy-sensitive. Each entry in the list is the Name of a row within either Logical.Interface. or IP.Interface.. If Name is present in both Logical.Interface. and IP.Interface., the Interface referenced in Logical.Interface. must be selected. If there is no such row then the command will fail, as installation requires access to a network, through the interface, which is not available.

When this argument is absent or an empty string then no outgoing network access is required for the ExecutionUnit to function.

- 2.17
NetworkConfig.PortMapping.{i}. object(0:) W

Defines the list of required port mapping rules for any ExecutionUnit which is created as a result of this command. If this command encounters any issue in providing the requested mapping, such as the port already being used or reserved, then it will fail.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.17
Interface string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Name of a row within either Logical.Interface. or IP.Interface.. If Name is present in both Logical.Interface. and IP.Interface., the Interface referenced in Logical.Interface. must be selected. Specifies the interface to which the port mapping applies. - 2.17
ExternalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W [MANDATORY] The external port that the NAT gateway would listen on for traffic to a corresponding InternalPort. Inbound packets to this external port on the selected interface MUST be forwarded to the IP address associated with the ExecutionUnit on the InternalPort. - 2.17
InternalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W [MANDATORY] The port on ExecutionUnit that the gateway MUST forward traffic to. - 2.17
Protocol string W

[MANDATORY] The protocol of the port mapping.

Enumeration of:

  • TCP
  • UDP
- 2.17
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
UUID string(36) R

[UUID] The Universally Unique Identifier that was either provided by the Controller, or generated by the device, when this Deployment Unit was installed.

The format of this value is defined by [RFC4122] Version 5 (Name-Based) and [Annex C/TR-181i2].

- 2.18
Version string(:32) R Version of the installed Deployment Unit. The format of this value is Execution Environment specific. - 2.18
ExecEnvRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecEnv. table. A reference to the ExecEnv where the Deployment Unit was installed. - 2.18
DUStateChange! event -

This event informs a Controller of the completion (successful or unsuccessful) of a DU state change.

When used, this event MUST be issued after the device has completed any file transfers and carried out all operations related to the DU State Change.

This event MAY contain the results from multiple DU state changes; it is implementation specific how the device chooses to aggregate the DU state changes, although the device MUST notify the Controller of any DU state changes within 24 hours of the time the operations were completed by the device.

The device SHOULD make every attempt to aggregate, as much as possible, the DU State Change notifications to the Controller in the interest of scalability.

- 2.12
UUID string(36) R [UUID] The UUID as defined in [RFC4122] of the DU that affected by the state change. - 2.12
DeploymentUnitRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeploymentUnit. table. A reference to the DU that was affected by the state change. - 2.12
Version string(:32) R

In the case of an Install, this will be the version of the DU created. In the case of an Update, it will be the updated version of the DU. In the case of an Uninstall, it will be the version of the uninstalled DU.

This MUST match the DeploymentUnit.{i}.Version Parameter contained within the instance of the DeploymentUnit that is contained within the DeploymentUnitRef argument.

- 2.12
CurrentState string R

The current state of the created DU.

Enumeration of:

  • Installed (The DU is in an Installed state due to one of the following: successful Install, successful Update, failed Update, or failed Uninstall. In the case of a failed Update or failed Uninstall the Fault argument will contain an explanation of the failure)
  • UnInstalled (The DU was successfully uninstalled from the device)
  • Failed (The DU could not be installed in which case a DU instance MUST NOT be created in the Data Model)
- 2.12
Resolved boolean R

Whether or not the DU operation resolved all of its dependencies.

In the case of a successful Uninstall, this value is meaningless and should be true.

- 2.12
ExecutionUnitRefList string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecutionUnit. table. The Execution Units affected by this operation.

In the case of an Install, this will be the list of EUs that were created as a result of the DU’s installation.

In the case of an Update, this will be the list of all EUs currently associated with the updated DU, including those that were created through the initial DU installation and any updates that had already occurred but not including any EUs that no longer exist on the device because of this or previous updates.

In the case of an Uninstall, this will be the list of the EUs removed from the device due to the DU being removed.

- 2.12
StartTime dateTime R The date and time transfer was started in UTC. The device SHOULD record this information and report it in this argument, but if this information is not available, the value of this argument MUST be set to the Unknown Time value. - 2.12
CompleteTime dateTime R The date and time the transfer was fully completed and applied in UTC. This need only be filled in if the transfer has been fully completed and applied. The device SHOULD record this information and report it in this argument, but if this information is not available or the transfer has not completed, the value of this argument MUST be set to the Unknown Time value. - 2.12
OperationPerformed string R

The operation that was performed against the DU causing the DU state change.

Enumeration of:

  • Install (The operation attempted was the Installation of a DU)
  • Update (The operation attempted was the Update of an existing DU)
  • Uninstall (The operation attempted was the Un-Installation of an existing DU)
- 2.12
Fault. object R Fault Structure. If the operation was successful, the FaultCode MUST be zero. Otherwise a non-zero FaultCode is specified along with a FaultString indicating the failure reason. - 2.12
FaultCode unsignedInt R

The numerical fault code. Valid values are:

*If the operation was successful, the fault code is 0.

*If the device cannot complete the operation for some unknown reason, it SHOULD reject the operation with a 7002 (Request Denied) fault code.

*If the device detects the presence of the “userinfo” component in the file source URL, it SHOULD reject the operation with a 7004 (Invalid Arguments) fault code.

*If the device cannot find the Execution Environment specified in the Install or Update command, it SHOULD reject the operation with a 7223 (Unknown Execution Environment) fault code.

*If the device determines that the Deployment Unit being installed does not match either the Execution Environment specified or any Execution Environment on the device, it SHOULD reject the operation with a 7225 (Deployment Unit to Execution Environment Mismatch) fault code

*If the device detects that the Deployment Unit being installed already has the same version as one already installed on the same Execution Environment, it SHOULD reject the operation with a 7226 (Duplicate Deployment Unit) fault code.

*If the device detects that that there are no more system resources (disk space, memory, etc.) to perform the Install or Update of a Deployment Unit, it SHOULD reject the operation with a 7227 (System Resources Exceeded) fault code.

*If a requested operation attempts to alter the State of a Deployment Unit in a manner that conflicts with the Deployment Unit State Machine Diagram [Appendix I “Software Module Management”/TR-369], it SHOULD reject the operation with a 7229 (Invalid Deployment Unit State) fault code.

*If a requested operation attempts to Uninstall a DU that caused an EE to come into existence, where that EE has at least 1 installed DU or at least 1 child EE, then the device SHOULD reject the operation with a 7229 (Invalid Deployment Unit State) fault code.

*If a requested operation attempts to Uninstall a DU that caused an ExecEnvClass to come into existence, where at least one EE exists which instantiates that ExecEnvClass, then the device SHOULD reject the operation with a 7229 (Invalid Deployment Unit State) fault code.

*If a requested operation attempts to Install or Update a DU and the server specified in the URL is not currently reachable or the request times out, then the device SHOULD reject the operation with a 7033 (Server Unreachable) fault code.

*If a requested operation attempts to Install or Update a DU and the server specified in the URL fails security checks (e.g. by not presenting a valid certificate), then the device SHOULD reject the operation with a 7034 (Server Insecure) fault code.

*If a requested operation attempts to Install or Update a DU and the file returned by the server appears to be corrupt, then the device SHOULD reject the operation with a 7035 (Corrupt Data) fault code.

*If a requested operation attempts to Install or Update a DU and the file returned by the server does not match the signature provided, or a required signature is absent, then the device SHOULD reject the operation with a 7036 (Bad Signature) fault code.

*If a requested operation attempts to Install or Update a DU and includes a RequestedRole argument which contains at least one Role which is not in the EE’s AvailableRoles list, then the device SHOULD reject the operation with a 7032 (Unavailable Role) fault code.

*If a requested operation attempts to Install or Update a DU and includes a RequestedUserRole argument which contains at least one User Role which is not in the EE’s AvailableUserRoles list, then the device SHOULD reject the operation with a 7037 (Unavailable User Role) fault code.

- 2.12
FaultString string(:256) R A human-readable text description of the fault. This field SHOULD be empty if the FaultCode equals 0 (zero). - 2.12
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecEnvClass.{i}. object(0:) R

This table lists the kinds of Execution Environments which are available in this device. Rows in this table may possibly be be added, modified, or removed by as a result of respectively installing, updating, or removing a DeploymentUnit.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for all of Vendor, Name and Version.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Name string(:256) R The Name of this ExecEnvClass as specified by the Vendor that implemented this ExecEnvClass. - 2.16
Vendor string(:128) R The author of this ExecEnvClass formatted as a fully qualified domain name. - 2.16
Version string(:32) R The Version of this ExecEnvClass as specified by the Vendor that implemented this ExecEnvClass. Vendors are encouraged to use Semantic Versioning. - 2.16
DeploymentUnitRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeploymentUnit. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the DeploymentUnit (if any) by which this ExecEnvClass was created. - 2.16
CapabilityNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Capability table. - 2.16
AddExecEnv() command - Create a new Execution Environment of this class. - 2.16
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Alias string(:64) W [Alias] An optional input the Controller can use to specify the ExecEnv.{i}.Alias value for the new instance. If provided as an input and the value already exists in ExecEnv.{i}, this command will fail. - 2.16
Name string(:256) W Suggested value for the ExecEnv.{i}.Name of the new instance. If provided as an input and the value already exists in ExecEnv.{i}, this command will fail. - 2.16
ParentExecEnv string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecEnv. table. The ExecEnv instance of which the new instance should be a child. - 2.16
AvailableRoles string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The roles which are available to Deployment Units installed into the new instance. Only the listed roles may be assigned to any DeploymentUnit installed into the instance. If this parameter is missing or an empty string then no roles may be assigned to any DeploymentUnit installed into the instance.

Each entry in the list is the Name of a row in LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role. If there is no such row then the entry will be ignored.

- 2.16
AvailableUserRoles string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The User Roles which are available to Deployment Units installed into the new instance. Only the listed User Roles may be assigned to any DeploymentUnit installed into the instance. If this parameter is missing or an empty string then no User Roles may be assigned to any DeploymentUnit installed into the instance.

Each entry in the list is the Name of a row in Users.Role. If there is no such row then the entry will be ignored.

- 2.18
Enable boolean W

If this parameter is present and is true, the created ExecEnv will have its ExecEnv.{i}.Enable flag set true and it will immediately transition to Status Up. Otherwise the ExecEnv will initially be Disabled, allowing the Controller to set further parameters before enabling the ExecEnv.

The default value MUST be true.

- 2.16
AllocatedDiskSpace int(-1:) W

The amount of disk space measured in KiB allocated to this ExecEnv. A value of -1 indicates that this parameter is not applicable.

The default value MUST be -1.

- 2.16
AllocatedMemory int(-1:) W

The amount of physical RAM measured in KiB allocated to this ExecEnv. A value of -1 indicates that this parameter is not applicable.

The default value MUST be -1.

- 2.16
AllocatedCPUPercent int(-1:100) W

The percentage of CPU time allocated to this ExecEnv, i.e. the percentage of the whole CPU (all cores) which is available to the parent ExecEnv (the primary firmware “owns” 100*%* of CPU). A value of -1 indicates that this parameter is not applicable.

The default value MUST be -1.

- 2.16
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
ExecEnvRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecEnv. table. A reference to the ExecEnv which was created. - 2.16
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecEnvClass.{i}.Capability.{i}. object(0:) R

The standard(s) describing the kinds of DeploymentUnit which can be installed into instances of this ExecEnvClass.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both Specification and SpecificationVersion.

- 2.16
Specification string R

The specification which describes the format of the DeploymentUnit.

Enumeration of:

  • VMRawImage (OPTIONAL)
  • OSGiBundle (OPTIONAL)
- 2.16
SpecificationVersion string(:32) R

The Version of the Specification which is supported by this ExecEnvClass.

If this parameter begins with the character “(” or “[” then it MUST end with the character “)” or “]” and it indicates a version range which may be interpreted following Semantic Versioning rules. Otherwise it indicates the latest version of the specification which is known to be supported by this ExecEnvClass.

- 2.16
SpecificationURI string(:256) R The URI where of the definition of the Specification may be found. - 2.16
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecEnv.{i}. object(0:) R

The Execution Environments that are available on the device, along with their properties and configurable settings.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.1
Enable boolean W

Indicates whether or not this ExecEnv is enabled.

Disabling an enabled Execution Environment stops it, while enabling a disabled Execution Environment starts it.

When an Execution Environment is disabled, Deployment Units installed to that Execution Environment will be unaffected, but any Execution Units currently running on that Execution Environment will automatically transition to Idle.

If an Update or Uninstall operation is attempted on a DeploymentUnit that is to be applied against a disabled ExecEnv, that operation fails and the associated event will contain a FaultStruct for that operation.

Disabling an Execution Environment could place the device in a non-manageable state. For example, if the operating system itself was modeled as an ExecEnv and a Controller disabled it, the Agent might be terminated leaving the device unmanageable.

- 2.1
Status string R

Indicates the status of this ExecEnv.

Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
  • Disabled
  • Restarting (Added in 2.16)
- 2.1
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.1
Name string(:256) R

A Name provided by the device that adequately distinguishes this ExecEnv from all other ExecEnv instances.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.1
Type string(:64) R Indicates the complete type and specification version of this ExecEnv. - 2.1
InitialRunLevel unsignedInt(:65535) W

The run level that this ExecEnv will be in upon startup (whether that is caused by a device Boot or the Execution Environment starting).

Run levels dictate which Execution Units will be started. Execution Units will be started if CurrentRunLevel is greater than or equal to ExecutionUnit.{i}.RunLevel and ExecutionUnit.{i}.AutoStart is true.

If the value of CurrentRunLevel is -1, then the value of this parameter is irrelevant when read and setting its value has no impact on the Run Level of this ExecEnv.

- 2.1
CurrentRunLevel int(-1:65535) R

The run level that this ExecEnv is currently operating in. This value is altered by executing the SetRunLevel() command.

Upon startup (whether that is caused by a device Boot or the Execution Environment starting) CurrentRunLevel will be equal to InitialRunLevel, unless Run Levels are not supported by this ExecEnv in which case CurrentRunLevel will be -1.

Run levels dictate which Execution Units will be started. Execution Units will be started if CurrentRunLevel is greater than or equal to ExecutionUnit.{i}.RunLevel and ExecutionUnit.{i}.AutoStart is true.

If CurrentRunLevel is -1 then Run Levels are not supported by this ExecEnv and setting InitialRunLevel or executing the command SetRunLevel() will not impact the Run Level of this ExecEnv.

- 2.1
InitialExecutionUnitRunLevel int(-1:65535) W

Indicates the initial value on creation for ExecutionUnit.{i}.RunLevel for all Execution Unit instances associated with this ExecEnv.

If the value of CurrentRunLevel is -1, then the value of this parameter is irrelevant when read and setting its value has no impact on the Run Level of any Execution Unit.

- 2.4
Vendor string(:128) R The vendor that produced this ExecEnv. - 2.1
Version string(:32) R The Version of this ExecEnv as specified by the Vendor that implemented this ExecEnv, not the version of the specification. - 2.1
ParentExecEnv string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecEnv. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Represents the parent ExecEnv of this ExecEnv.

If this value is an empty string then this is the Primary Execution Environment.

- 2.1
AllocatedDiskSpace int(-1:) R

The amount of disk space measured in KiB allocated to this ExecEnv. A value of -1 indicates that this parameter is not applicable.

This value can be altered by executing the ModifyConstraints() command.

The default value SHOULD be -1.

- 2.1
AllocatedMemory int(-1:) R

The amount of physical RAM measured in KiB allocated to this ExecEnv. A value of -1 indicates that this parameter is not applicable.

This value can be altered by executing the ModifyConstraints() command.

The default value SHOULD be -1.

- 2.1
AllocatedCPUPercent int(-1:100) R

The percentage of CPU time allocated to this ExecEnv, i.e. the percentage of the whole CPU (all cores) which is available to the parent ExecEnv (the primary firmware “owns” 100*%* of CPU). A value of -1 indicates that this parameter is not applicable.

This value can be altered by executing the ModifyConstraints() command.

The default value SHOULD be -1.

- 2.16
AvailableDiskSpace int(-1:) R

The amount of disk space measured in KiB currently available to this ExecEnv. This value changes as the ExecutionUnit instances associated with this ExecEnv consumes disk space. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecEnv instances where this parameter is not applicable.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.1
AvailableMemory int(-1:) R

The amount of physical RAM measured in KiB currently available to this ExecEnv. This value changes as the ExecutionUnit instances associated with this ExecEnv are started/stopped and consume the physical RAM. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecEnv instances where this parameter is not applicable.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.1
AvailableCPUPercent int(-1:100) R The fraction (in %) of CPU time currently available to this ExecEnv. This value changes as the ExecutionUnit instances associated with this ExecEnv are started/stopped and consume the CPU. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecEnv instances where this parameter is not applicable. - 2.16
ActiveExecutionUnits string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecutionUnit. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the ExecutionUnit instances currently running on this ExecEnv. This parameter only contains ExecutionUnit instances that currently have a ExecutionUnit.{i}.Status of Active.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.1
ProcessorRefList string[] R
Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.Processor. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the processors that this ExecEnv has available to it.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.18 because the referenced object,DeviceInfo.Processor., is deprecated.
- 2.1
CreatedAt dateTime R The time and date at which this ExecEnv was created. If the ExecEnv is provided by the primary firmware of the device then this parameter SHOULD be set to 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z. - 2.16
ExecEnvClassRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecEnvClass. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The ExecEnvClass of which this ExecEnv is an instance. - 2.16
ApplicationDataNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ApplicationData table. - 2.16
RestartReason string(:256) R

This parameter is set each time the ExecEnv is restarted. It is cleared each time that parameter Enable is set false for any reason other than a restart of the ExecEnv.

If the restart was the result of invoking the Restart() command then the value will be taken from the Reason parameter of the command.

- 2.16
RestartCount unsignedInt R The number of times the ExecEnv has been restarted since it was last disabled. - 2.16
LastRestarted dateTime R The time at which the ExecEnv was last restarted. Initially this parameter is set to the Unknown Time (0001-01-01T00:00:00Z). - 2.16
Signers string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Device.Security.Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. If the device stores the acceptable public keys for signing in X.509 certificates, this parameter identifies which certificates contain public keys which can be used to verify the signature of a DeploymentUnit.

Not all devices will use X.509 certificates to store the public keys. In devices which do not use X.509 certificates for this purpose, this parameter will be empty.

- 2.16
AvailableRoles string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. The roles which are available to Deployment Units installed into this ExecEnv. Only the listed roles may be assigned to any DeploymentUnit.

If this parameter is missing or an empty string then no roles will be assigned to any DeploymentUnit installed into this ExecEnv.

- 2.16
AvailableAccessInterfaces string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Logical.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the network interface through which the outgoing traffic from the ExecutionUnit running in this ExecEnv may be allowed.

This value can be altered by executing the ModifyAvailableAccessInterfaces().

- 2.17
AvailableUserRoles string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Device.Users.Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. The User Roles which are available to Deployment Units installed into this ExecEnv. Only the listed User Roles may be assigned to a DeploymentUnit.

If this parameter is missing or an empty string then no User Roles will be available to Deployment Units installed into this ExecEnv.

- 2.18
SetRunLevel() command -

Provides a mechanism to remotely manipulate the run level of this ExecEnv, meaning that altering this command will change the value of the CurrentRunLevel.

Run levels dictate which Execution Units will be started. Execution Units will be started if CurrentRunLevel is greater than or equal to ExecutionUnit.{i}.RunLevel and ExecutionUnit.{i}.AutoStart is true.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
RequestedRunLevel int(-1:65535) W

[MANDATORY] This parameter will request to change the value of the CurrentRunLevel to the value of this parameter.

Setting this value when CurrentRunLevel is -1 has no impact to the Run Level of this instance of the SoftwareModules object.

- 2.12
ModifyConstraints() command - [ASYNC] Provides a mechanism to remotely manipulate the resource constraints applied to this ExecEnv, thereby changing the value of AllocatedDiskSpace, AllocatedMemory, or AllocatedCPUPercent. A resource constraint will only be modified if the corresponding parameter is present in the call to ModifyConstraints(); all other resource constraints will be left unchanged, - 2.16
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Force boolean W

Determines the behavior if a request is made which would reduce the allocation of a resource below the amount which is currently being used.

If Force is false and any of the other parameters specify a value which is less than the amount of the resource which is currently being consumed, the Agent SHOULD reject the request with error code 7022 and leave all resource allocations unchanged.

if Force is true and any of the other parameters specify a value which is less than the amount of the resource which is currently being consumed, the Agent MAY take steps to reduce the resource consumption accordingly. These steps might include forcing a restart of individual ExecutionUnits or of the whole ExecEnv. Use of Force = true may therefore lead to unpredictable behaviour.

The default value MUST be false.

- 2.16
AllocatedDiskSpace int(-1:) W

The amount of disk space measured in KiB allocated to this ExecEnv. A value of -1 indicates that this parameter is not applicable.

The default value MUST be -1.

- 2.16
AllocatedMemory int(-1:) W

The amount of physical RAM measured in KiB allocated to this ExecEnv. A value of -1 indicates that this parameter is not applicable.

The default value MUST be -1.

- 2.16
AllocatedCPUPercent int(-1:100) W

The percentage of CPU time allocated to this ExecEnv, i.e. the percentage of the whole CPU (all cores) which is available to the parent ExecEnv (the primary firmware “owns” 100*%* of CPU). A value of -1 indicates that this parameter is not applicable.

The default value MUST be -1.

- 2.16
ModifyAvailableRoles() command -

[ASYNC] Modify the roles which are available to Deployment Units installed into this ExecEnv.

The command will fail if the new list of roles doesn’t contain a required role of DeploymentUnit installed previously into the ExecEnv.

- 2.16
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
AvailableRoles string(:256)[] W

[MANDATORY] Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The new list of roles which may be assigned to any DeploymentUnit installed into the ExecEnv; this list replaces the previous value of AvailableRoles. If this parameter is an empty string then no roles may be assigned to any DeploymentUnit installed into the ExecEnv.

Each entry in the list is the Name of a row in LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.

- 2.16
AvailableUserRoles string(:256)[] W

[MANDATORY] Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The new list of User Roles which may be assigned to a DeploymentUnit installed into the ExecEnv; this list replaces the previous value of AvailableUserRoles. If this parameter is an empty string then no User Roles can be assigned to a DeploymentUnit installed into the ExecEnv.

Each entry in the list is the Name of a row in Users.Role.

- 2.18
ModifyAvailableAccessInterfaces() command -

[ASYNC] Modify the outgoing network traffic interfaces which are available to Deployment Units installed into this ExecEnv.

The command will fail if the new list of access interfaces doesn’t contain an access interface required for a DeploymentUnit installed previously into the ExecEnv.

- 2.17
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
AccessInterfaces string(:256)[] W

[MANDATORY] Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The new list of access interfaces which may be assigned to any DeploymentUnit installed into the ExecEnv this list replaces the previous value of AvailableAccessInterfaces. If this parameter is an empty string then no access interface may be assigned to any DeploymentUnit installed into the ExecEnv.

Each entry in the list is the Name of a row in Logical.Interface.

- 2.17
Restart() command -

[ASYNC] Restart this ExecEnv.

If the ExecEnv is currently disabled, this command will fail and the state of the ExecEnv will not change.

If the ExecEnv is currently enabled, this command has the following effect:

  1. The ExecEnv transitions to status Restarting.
  2. All Deployment Units installed to the ExecEnv will be unaffected, but any Execution Units currently running on the ExecEnv will automatically transition to Idle, exactly as if the ExecEnv had transitioned to status Disabled.
  3. As soon as all the Execution Units have transitioned to Idle, the ExecEnv transitions to status Up. The Execution Units which were running on the ExecEnv will be restarted according to their ExecutionUnit.{i}.AutoStart flag and ExecutionUnit.{i}.RunLevel.
- 2.16
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Reason string(:256) W Textual description of the reason why this ExecEnv is being restarted. This will be copied into the RestartReason of the ExecEnv. - 2.16
Force boolean W

If this parameter is set to true, the implementation MAY take extra steps to ensure that all Execution Units transition to Idle within finite time.

The default value MUST be false.

- 2.16
Reset() command -

[ASYNC] This command causes this ExecEnv to revert back to the state it was in when the device last issued a Boot event with a cause of a local or remote factory reset.

The following requirements dictate what MUST happen for the reset to be complete:

  1. All Deployment Units that were installed after the last Boot (with cause of a factory reset) event MUST be removed
  2. All persistent storage, configuration files, and log files that were associated with the removed Deployment Units MUST be removed
  3. Any Deployment Unit that is still installed against the Execution Environment MUST be restored to the version present when the last Boot (with cause of a factory reset) event was issued
  4. Any Deployment Unit that was present when the last Boot (with cause of a factory reset) event was issued, but was subsequently uninstalled and is now not present, MUST be installed with the version that was present when the last Boot (with cause of a factory reset) event was issued
  5. The Execution Environment MUST be restored to the version and configuration present when the last Boot (with cause of a factory reset) event was issued
  6. The Execution Environment MUST be restarted after all other restoration requirements have been met
- 2.12
Remove() command - [ASYNC] This command removes the ExecEnv from the device. The command will always fail if the ExecEnv has at least 1 child ExecEnv; the behaviour in the case that the ExecEnv has at least 1 installed DeploymentUnit depends on the value of the Force parameter. - 2.16
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Force boolean W

If this parameter is present and is true, the ExecEnv will be removed even if one or more DU is installed in it. A DUStateChange! Event with DUStateChange!.OperationPerformed set to Uninstall will be issued for each DU which is removed as a result of the operation. Any Application Data associated with the DU will be lost.

If this parameter is absent or false, the operation will fail if any DU is installed in the EE; in the case of such a failure the EE will continue to exist and its Status will not change, nor will any Application Data be lost.

The default value MUST be false.

- 2.16
Restarted! event - This event informs a Controller when an ExecEnv has been restarted. - 2.16
RestartTime dateTime R The time at which the restart was initiated. - 2.16
RestartReason string(:256) R If the restart was initiated by a an invocation of the Restart() command then this parameter is copied from the Reason parameter of that command. - 2.16
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData.{i}. object(0:) R

The ApplicationData volumes which currently exist within this ExecEnv.

The entries in this table are created automatically as a result of calls to InstallDU() and DeploymentUnit.{i}.Update(), and are removed as a result of calls to DeploymentUnit.{i}.Update(), DeploymentUnit.{i}.Uninstall(), and Remove().

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for both ApplicationUUID and Name.

- 2.16
Name string(:64) R A name which is assigned to the ApplicationData instance at the time of its creation, which distinguishes it from any other application data volumes owned by the same application. - 2.16
Capacity unsignedInt R Storage capacity of the volume, in MiB. - 2.16
Encrypted boolean R Whether the data is stored on an encrypted medium. - 2.16
Retain string R

The level of persistency of the volume.

Note that if this parameter has the value Forever, it is possible that there is no currently installed DeploymentUnit whose DeploymentUnit.{i}.UUID matches the ApplicationUUID of this ExecEnv table entry; this situation will be resolved when either a matching DeploymentUnit is re-installed, or this volume is removed using the Remove() command.

Enumeration of:

  • UntilStopped (The application data will be lost when all ExecutionUnits which were created by the DeploymentUnit are stopped)
  • Forever (The application data will be retained after all ExecutionUnits which were created by the DeploymentUnit are stopped, and also across a device reboot or a restart of the Device. The application data will be lost if the Device is removed. The application data will be retained on DeploymentUnit.{i}.Update() or DeploymentUnit.{i}.Uninstall() if and only if the RetainData input argument of the command is present and has the value true)
- 2.16
AccessPath string(:256) R The path by which the Execution Units created by the Deployment Unit may access the storage volume. - 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
ApplicationUUID string(36) R [UUID] The DeploymentUnit.{i}.UUID of the DeploymentUnit for which this volume was created. This parameter retains its value so long as the ApplicationData instance continues to exist, even if the DeploymentUnit is not currently installed. - 2.16
Utilization unsignedInt R

The amount of data which is currently stored in this volume, in MiB.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
Remove() command - Remove this row from the table, together with the associated application data volume. - 2.16
Device.SoftwareModules.DeploymentUnit.{i}. object(0:) R

This table serves as the Deployment Unit inventory and contains status information about each Deployment Unit.

A new instance of this table gets created during the installation of a Software Module.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of UUID, Version and ExecutionEnvRef, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.1
UUID string(36) R

[UUID] A Universally Unique Identifier either provided by the Controller, or generated by the device, at the time of Deployment Unit Installation.

The format of this value is defined by [RFC4122] Version 5 (Name-Based) and [Annex C/TR-181i2].

This value MUST NOT be altered when the DeploymentUnit is updated.

- 2.1
DUID string(:64) R Deployment Unit Identifier chosen by the targeted ExecEnv. The format of this value is Execution Environment specific. - 2.1
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.1
Name string(:256) R

Indicates the Name of this DeploymentUnit, which is chosen by the author of the Deployment Unit.

The value of this parameter is used in the generation of the UUID based on the rules defined in [Annex C/TR-181i2].

- 2.1
Status string R

Indicates the status of this DeploymentUnit.

Enumeration of:

  • Installing (This instance is in the process of being Installed and SHOULD transition to the Installed state)
  • Installed (This instance has been successfully Installed. The Resolved flag SHOULD also be referenced for dependency resolution)
  • Updating (This instance is in the process of being Updated and SHOULD transition to the Installed state)
  • Uninstalling (This instance is in the process of being Uninstalled and SHOULD transition to the Uninstalled state)
  • Uninstalled (This instance has been successfully Uninstalled. This status will typically not be seen within a DeploymentUnit instance)

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.1
Resolved boolean R Indicates whether or not this DeploymentUnit has resolved all of its dependencies. - 2.1
URL string(:2048) R Contains the [URL] used by the most recent InstallDU() or Update() to either Install or Update this DeploymentUnit. - 2.1
Description string(:256) R Textual description of this DeploymentUnit. The format of this value is Execution Environment specific. - 2.1
Vendor string(:128) R

The author of this DeploymentUnit formatted as a domain name.

The value of this parameter is used in the generation of the UUID based on the rules defined in [Annex C/TR-181i2].

- 2.1
Version string(:32) R Version of this DeploymentUnit. The format of this value is Execution Environment specific. - 2.1
VendorLogList string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the vendor log files that have come into existence because of this DeploymentUnit.

This does not include any vendor log files that have come into existence because of ExecutionUnit instances that are contained within this DeploymentUnit.

When this DeploymentUnit is uninstalled the vendor log files referenced here SHOULD be removed from the device.

Not all DeploymentUnit instances will actually have a corresponding vendor log file, in which case the value of this parameter will be an empty string.

- 2.1
VendorConfigList string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorConfigFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the vendor config files that have come into existence because of this DeploymentUnit.

This does not include any vendor config files that have come into existence because of ExecutionUnit instances that are contained within this DeploymentUnit.

When this DeploymentUnit is uninstalled the vendor config files referenced here SHOULD be removed from the device.

Not all DeploymentUnit instances will actually have a corresponding vendor config file, in which case the value of this parameter will be an empty string.

- 2.1
ExecutionUnitList string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecutionUnit. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the ExecutionUnit instances that are associated with this DeploymentUnit instance. - 2.1
ExecutionEnvRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecEnv. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Represents the ExecEnv instance where this DeploymentUnit instance is installed. - 2.1
InternalController string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Device.LocalAgent.Controller. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The internal Controller which the application installed by this DeploymentUnit uses to access the Data Model. Will be an empty string if the application does not require Data Model access. - 2.16
Installed dateTime R Documents when this DeploymentUnit instance was installed. - 2.16
LastUpdate dateTime R Documents when this DeploymentUnit instance was last updated. - 2.16
ModuleVersion string(:32) R Version of the DeploymentUnit as optionally set by the Controller during InstallDU() command or Update(). - 2.17
Update() command - [ASYNC] Update the associated DeploymentUnit. - 2.1
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
URL string(:2048) W

The [URL] that specifies the location of the DU to be installed.

The URL MUST NOT include the “userinfo” component, as defined in [RFC3986].

The HTTPS transport MUST be supported, and the HTTP transport MAY be supported. Other optional transports MAY also be supported.

If the device receives an Update command with the same source URL as a previous Update or Install command, the device MUST perform each Update as requested, and MUST NOT assume that the content of the file to be downloaded is the same each time.

- 2.12
Username string(:256) W

Username to be used by the device to authenticate with the file server, if authentication is required.

The default value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.12
Password string(:256) W

Password to be used by the device to authenticate with the file server, if authentication is required.

The default value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.12
Privileged boolean W

This parameter determines whether the DeploymentUnit runs in priviled mode. false - Unprivileged Container. true - Privileged Container.

The default value MUST be false.

- 2.18
NumRequiredUIDs unsignedInt W

Number of UIDs (EU User Identifiers) that this container will need as part of its user namespace. UIDs are unique identifiers associated with each user and system process that is used to determine the allocation and isolation of system resources.

The default value MUST be 1.

- 2.18
Signature string(:2048) W

The [URL] which can be used to fetch the signature for this DU. The [URL] may use the “data” scheme defined in [RFC2397] in order to incorporate the signature into the command directly.

Several signature formats are in common use; the device may deduce the format used from the Content-Type of the retrieved object and/or by examining its content.

The URL MUST NOT include the “userinfo” component, as defined in [RFC3986].

HTTPS transport MUST be supported. Other optional transports MAY be supported.

The absence of this parameter indicates that the DU is unsigned. If this is contrary to the security policy of the device then the command will be rejected.

- 2.16
RequiredRoles string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). If this argument is present, it lists the roles which the application will need to be assigned in order to be able to function at all after this update. If it is absent then the required roles are unchanged from the previous version.

If any of these roles are not present in the ExecEnv.{i}.AvailableRoles of the ExecEnv in which the DU is installed then the command will fail. Some Agents may apply further filtering for roles which are considered security- or privacy-sensitive.

Each entry in the list is the Name of a row in LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role. If there is no such row then the command will fail, as installation requires a role which is not available on the Device.

If this argument is empty then no roles are required in order for the application to function.

- 2.16
OptionalRoles string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). If this argument is present, it lists the additional roles which the application would need to be assigned in order to be able to provide its full functionality after this update. If it is absent then the required roles are unchanged from the previous version.

Each entry in the list is the Name of a row in LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role. If there is no such row, or the matching row is not present in the ExecEnv.{i}.AvailableRoles of the Execution Environment into which the DU is to be installed, then the entry will be ignored. Some Agents may apply further filtering, for roles which are considered security- or privacy-sensitive.

If this argument is empty then no additional roles are required in order for the application to be able to provide its full functionality.

- 2.16
RequiredUserRoles string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). If this argument is present, it lists the User Roles which the application will need to be assigned in order to be able to function at all after this update. If it is absent then the required User Roles are unchanged from the previous version.

If any of these User Roles are not present in the ExecEnv.{i}.AvailableUserRoles of the ExecEnv in which the DU is installed then the command will fail. Some Agents may apply further filtering for User Roles which are considered security- or privacy-sensitive.

Each entry in the list is the Name of a row in Users.Role. If there is no such row then the command will fail, as installation requires a User Role which is not available on the Device.

If this argument is an empty string then no User Roles are required in order for the application to function.

- 2.18
RetainData boolean W

This argument only has an effect if the UUID of the DeploymentUnit matches the ApplicationUUID of one or more rows in the Device.SoftwareModules.ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData table which have the Retain parameter set to Forever. If this is the case then the data held in these volumes will be preserved across the operation if and only if RetainData is set true.

The default value MUST be false.

- 2.16
ModuleVersion string(:32) W Version of the DeploymentUnit as optionally set by the Controller. When the argument is absent then ModuleVersion is unchanged. - 2.17
Resources. object W Can be used to modify the resource restrictions for any Execution Unit which is created by the DeploymentUnit. If this object is absent then the resource restrictions will remain as they were before the command was invoked. - 2.16
AllocatedDiskSpace int(-1:) W

The amount of disk space measured in KiB allocated to any ExecutionUnit created by this command. A value of -1 indicates that no disk space constraint is applicable.

If this parameter is not present then the allocated disk space will remain unchanged.

- 2.16
AllocatedMemory int(-1:) W

The amount of physical RAM measured in KiB allocated to any ExecutionUnit created by this command. A value of -1 indicates that no memory constraint is applicable.

If this parameter is not present then the allocated memory will remain unchanged.

- 2.16
AllocatedCPUPercent int(-1:100) W

The CPU power measured in % allocated to any ExecutionUnit created by this command, as a fraction (in %) of the CPU allocation of the ExecEnv in which this Resources resides. A value of -1 indicates that no CPU power constraint is applicable.

If this parameter is not present then the allocated memory will remain unchanged.

- 2.16
ApplicationData.{i}. object(0:) W

The application data volumes which are required for correct functioning of the updated DeploymentUnit.

The DeploymentUnit may already have one or more existing application data volumes, represented by entries in the ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData table, which have ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData.{i}.Retain equal to Forever and ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData.{i}.ApplicationUUID equal to the UUID of the DeploymentUnit which is being updated.

The behaviour with respect to these existing application volumes depends on the value of the RetainData input argument.

  1. If the RetainData input argument is false then the device SHOULD remove these existing application data volumes, and SHOULD treat the rows in this argument in the same way as for the InstallDU() command.
  2. If RetainData is true, the device SHOULD attempt to transfer the existing application data volumes to the updated DeploymentUnit.

    1. If an existing application data volume does not match the Name of any row of this argument, then the device SHOULD leave both the volume and its entry in the ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData table unchanged.
    2. If the Name of a row of this argument does not match the ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData.{i}.Name of any existing application data volume, then the device SHOULD attempt to create the volume together with its entry in the ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData table.
    3. If the Name of a row of this argument matches the ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData.{i}.Name of an existing application data volume, then the device SHOULD attempt to carry the application data forward to the updated DeploymentUnit. This may imply copying of the data if the Capacity, Encrypted, or Retain values in this argument differ from those in the ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData table.

An attempt to create a new application data volume or to copy an existing application data volume to a new location may cause the operation to fail with a 7227 (System Resources Exceeded) fault code.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.16
Name string(:64) W [MANDATORY] A name which is assigned to the ApplicationData instance at the time of its creation, which distinguishes it from any other application data volumes owned by the same application. - 2.16
Capacity unsignedInt W [MANDATORY] Storage capacity of the volume, in MiB. - 2.16
Encrypted boolean W

Whether the data is stored on an encrypted medium.

The default value MUST be true.

- 2.16
Retain string W

[MANDATORY] The level of persistency of the volume.

Enumeration of:

  • UntilStopped (Data will be lost when all ExecutionUnits which were created by the DeploymentUnit are stopped)
  • Forever (The application data will be retained after all ExecutionUnits which were created by the DeploymentUnit are stopped, and also across a device reboot or a restart of the ExecEnv. The application data will be lost on removal of the ExecEnv in which the DeploymentUnit is installed. The application data will be retained on Update() or Uninstall() if and only if the RetainData input argument of the command is present and has the value true)
- 2.16
AccessPath string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The path by which the Execution Units created by the Deployment Unit may access the storage volume. - 2.16
HostObject.{i}. object(0:) W

This parameter describes the ExecutionUnit.{i}.HostObject instances which should be present after the update in any ExecutionUnit created by this DeploymentUnit. This table supersedes any ExecutionUnit.{i}.HostObject instances which may have been present before the update.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.16
Source string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The object identifier by which the object may be accessed in the host OS environment. This object identifier MUST be valid in the host OS environment. For security reasons, Execution Environments may impose restrictions on the object identifiers which may be specified. - 2.16
Destination string(:256) W [MANDATORY] The object identifier by which the object may be accessed by the ExecutionUnit. This object identifier MUST be valid in the context of the Execution Environment in which the ExecutionUnit is installed. - 2.16
Options string(:256) W May be used to pass implementation-dependent options which are to be applied to the mapping, - 2.16
EnvVariable.{i}. object(0:) W

This parameter describes the ExecutionUnit.{i}.EnvVariable instances which should be present after the update in any ExecutionUnit created by this DeploymentUnit. This table supersedes any ExecutionUnit.{i}.EnvVariable instances which may have been present before the update.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.17
Key string(:2048) W [MANDATORY] The Environment variable name that needs to be passed to the Execution unit when the execution unit is activated. - 2.17
Value string(:2048) W [MANDATORY] The Environment variable value associated with the name that needs to be passed to the Execution unit it is activated. - 2.17
NetworkConfig. object W

Specifies the network configuration for any ExecutionUnit which is created by the update of the DeploymentUnit. The new network configuration supersedes any previous configuration.

When this argument is not present in the SoftwareModules.DeploymentUnit.{i}.Update(), the network configuration remains unaltered.

- 2.17
AccessInterfaces string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). The network interfaces which the application updated by this command will be allowed to send traffic through it. If any of these access interface are not present in the SoftwareModules.ExecEnv.{i}.AvailableAccessInterfaces of the ExecEnv into which the DU is to be updated then the command will fail.

Some Agents may apply further filtering for access interfaces which are considered security- or privacy-sensitive. Each entry in the list is the Name of a row within either Logical.Interface. or IP.Interface.. If Name is present in both Logical.Interface. and IP.Interface., the Interface referenced in Logical.Interface. must be selected.

If there is no such row then the command will fail, as the update requires access to a network, through the interface, which is not available.

When the argument NetworkConfig is absent or an empty string for the SoftwareModules.DeploymentUnit.{i}.Update(), the AccessInterfaces network configuration remains unaltered.

When the argument NetworkConfig provided in SoftwareModules.DeploymentUnit.{i}.Update(), AccessInterfaces configuration supersedes any previous configuration. If AccessInterfaces is absent or an empty string, it indicate that no outgoing network access is required for the resulting ExecutionUnit to function.

- 2.17
NetworkConfig.PortMapping.{i}. object(0:) W

Defines the list of required port mapping rules for any ExecutionUnit which is created as a result of this command. If this command encounters any issue in providing the requested mapping, such as the port already being used or reserved, then it will fail.

When the argument NetworkConfig is absent or an empty string for the SoftwareModules.DeploymentUnit.{i}.Update(), the PortMapping network configuration remains unaltered.

When the argument NetworkConfig provided in SoftwareModules.DeploymentUnit.{i}.Update(), PortMapping configuration supersedes any previous configuration. If PortMapping is absent or an empty string, it indicate that no port mapping is required for the resulting ExecutionUnit to function.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

- 2.17
Interface string(:256) W [MANDATORY] Name of a row within either Logical.Interface. or IP.Interface.. If Name is present in both Logical.Interface. and IP.Interface., the Interface referenced in Logical.Interface. must be selected. Specifies the interface to which the port mapping applies. - 2.17
ExternalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W [MANDATORY] The external port that the NAT gateway would listen on for traffic to a corresponding InternalPort. Inbound packets to this external port on the selected interface MUST be forwarded to the IP address associated with the ExecutionUnit on the InternalPort. - 2.17
InternalPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W [MANDATORY] The port on ExecutionUnit that the gateway MUST forward traffic to. - 2.17
Protocol string W

[MANDATORY] The protocol of the port mapping.

Enumeration of:

  • TCP
  • UDP
- 2.17
Uninstall() command - [ASYNC] Uninstall the associated DeploymentUnit. - 2.1
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
RetainData boolean W

This argument only has an effect if the UUID of the DeploymentUnit matches the ApplicationUUID of one or more rows in the Device.SoftwareModules.ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData table which have the Retain parameter set to Forever. If this is the case then the data held in these volumes will be preserved across the operation if and only if RetainData is set true.

The default value MUST be false.

- 2.16
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecutionUnit.{i}. object(0:) R

This table serves as the Execution Unit inventory and contains both status information about each Execution Unit as well as configurable parameters for each Execution Unit.

Each DeploymentUnit that is installed can have zero or more Execution Units.

Once a Deployment Unit is installed it populates this table with its contained Execution Units.

When the Deployment Unit (that caused this ExecutionUnit to come into existence) is updated, this instance MAY be removed and new instances MAY come into existence. While the Deployment Unit (that caused this ExecutionUnit to come into existence) is being updated, all ExecutionUnit instances associated with the Deployment Unit will be stopped until the update is complete at which time they will be restored to the state that they were in before the update started.

When the Deployment Unit (that caused this ExecutionUnit to come into existence) is uninstalled, this instance is removed.

Each ExecutionUnit MAY also contain a set of vendor specific parameters displaying status and maintaining configuration that reside under the Extensions object.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for EUID, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.1
EUID string(:64) R

Execution Unit Identifier chosen by the ExecEnv during installation of the associated DeploymentUnit.

The format of this value is Execution Environment specific, but it MUST be unique across ExecEnv instances. Thus, it is recommended that this be a combination of the ExecEnv.{i}.Name and an Execution Environment local unique value.

- 2.1
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.1
Name string(:256) R The name of this ExecutionUnit as it pertains to its associated DeploymentUnit, which SHOULD be unique across all ExecutionUnit instances contained within its associated DeploymentUnit. - 2.1
ExecEnvLabel string(:64) R The name of this ExecutionUnit as provided by the ExecEnv, which SHOULD be unique across all ExecutionUnit instances contained within a specific ExecEnv. - 2.1
Status string R

Indicates the status of this ExecutionUnit.

Enumeration of:

  • Idle (This instance is in an Idle state and not running)
  • Starting (This instance is in the process of Starting and SHOULD transition to the Active state)
  • Active (This instance is currently running)
  • Stopping (This instance is in the process of Stopping and SHOULD transition to the Idle state)
  • Restarting (This instance is in the process of Restarting and SHOULD transition to the Active state, added in 2.16)
- 2.1
ExecutionFaultCode string R

If while running or transitioning between states this ExecutionUnit identifies a fault this parameter embodies the problem. The value of NoFault MUST be used when everything is working as intended. Enumeration of:

  • NoFault
  • FailureOnStart
  • FailureOnAutoStart
  • FailureOnStop
  • FailureWhileActive
  • DependencyFailure
  • UnStartable

For fault codes not included in this list, the vendor MAY include vendor-specific values, which MUST use the format defined in [Section 3.3/TR-106].

- 2.1
ExecutionFaultMessage string(:256) R

If while running or transitioning between states this ExecutionUnit identifies a fault this parameter provides a more detailed explanation of the problem.

If ExecutionFaultCode has the value of NoFault then the value of this parameter MUST be an empty string and ignored by the Controller.

- 2.1
AutoStart boolean W

If true and the RunLevel verification is also met, then this ExecutionUnit will be automatically started by the device after its ExecEnv is either rebooted or restarted.

If false this ExecutionUnit will not be started after its ExecEnv is either rebooted or restarted until it is explicitly commanded to do so by either the Controller or another Execution Unit.

- 2.1
RunLevel unsignedInt(:65535) W

Determines when this ExecutionUnit will be started.

If AutoStart is true and ExecEnv.{i}.CurrentRunLevel is greater than or equal to RunLevel, then this ExecutionUnit will be started.

If the value of ExecEnv.{i}.CurrentRunLevel is -1, then the associated ExecEnv. doesn’t support Run Levels, thus the value of this parameter is irrelevant when read and setting its value has no impact to the Run Level of this ExecutionUnit.

- 2.1
Vendor string(:128) R Vendor of this ExecutionUnit. - 2.1
Version string(:32) R Version of the ExecutionUnit. The format of this value is Execution Environment specific. - 2.1
Description string(:256) R Textual description of this ExecutionUnit. The format of this value is Execution Environment specific. - 2.1
AllocatedDiskSpace int(-1:) R The amount of disk space measured in KiB allocated to this ExecutionUnit. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecutionUnit instances where this parameter is not applicable. - 2.16
DiskSpaceInUse int(-1:) R

The amount of disk space measured in KiB currently being used by this ExecutionUnit. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecutionUnit instances where this parameter is not applicable.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.1
AllocatedMemory int(-1:) R The amount of physical RAM measured in KiB allocated to this ExecutionUnit. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecutionUnit instances where this parameter is not applicable. - 2.16
MemoryInUse int(-1:) R

The amount of physical RAM measured in KiB currently being used by this ExecutionUnit. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecutionUnit instances where this parameter is not applicable.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.1
AllocatedCPUPercent int(-1:100) R The CPU power allocated to this ExecutionUnit, as a fraction (in %) of the CPU allocation of the ExecEnv in which this ExecutionUnit resides. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecutionUnit instances where this parameter is not applicable. - 2.16
CPUPercentInUse int(-1:100) R The CPU power currently being used by this by this ExecutionUnit, as a fraction (in %) of the CPU allocation of the ExecEnv in which this ExecutionUnit resides. A value of -1 MUST be used for ExecutionUnit instances where this parameter is not applicable. - 2.16
AllocatedEUUID unsignedInt R This parameter is allocated by the host system. This is the user identifier within the execution unit’s environment. This UID is local to the execution unit and is used by the EU’s internal processes to manage permissions. By default, processes within the EU execute as root (UID 0) unless otherwise specified. - 2.18
AllocatedEUGID string R This parameter is allocated by the host system. This is the group identifier within the execution unit’s environment. This GID is local to the execution unit and is used by the EU’s internal processes to manage permissions. - 2.18
AllocatedHostUID unsignedInt R This parameter is allocated by the host system. This is the user identifier on the host system where this EU is running. This UID is system wide and is managed by the kernel. - 2.18
AllocatedHostGID string R This parameter is allocated by the host system. This is the group identifier on the host system where this EU is running. This GID is system wide and is managed by the kernel. - 2.18
CreationTime dateTime R The date and time when the EU was created. - 2.18
Uptime unsignedInt R The amount of time in seconds that this EU has been up and running since it was activated. - 2.18
ShutdownDelay unsignedInt W

The delay in seconds before which the container is shutdown. This delay ensures that the application has enough time to perform any cleanup before the Execution Unit transitions to idle state.

The default value SHOULD be 10.

- 2.18
References string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a table row, or an empty string. Represents the instances of multi-instanced objects that are directly controlled by, and have come into existence because of, this ExecutionUnit.

NOTE: All other objects and parameters (i.e. not multi-instanced objects) that this ExecutionUnit has caused to come into existence can be discovered via the GetSupportedDM and GetInstances USP messages.

- 2.1
AssociatedProcessList string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.Process. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the system processes that are active in the system because of this ExecutionUnit.

If Status is not Active it is expected that this list will be an empty string. Some ExecutionUnit instances MIGHT NOT have any system processes irrespective of the value of Status.

- 2.1
VendorLogList string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the vendor log files that have come into existence because of this ExecutionUnit.

When the DeploymentUnit (that caused this ExecutionUnit to come into existence) is uninstalled the vendor log files referenced here SHOULD be removed from the device.

Not all ExecutionUnit instances will actually have a corresponding vendor log file, in which case the value of this parameter will be an empty string.

- 2.1
VendorConfigList string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorConfigFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the vendor config files that have come into existence because of this ExecutionUnit.

When the DeploymentUnit (that caused this ExecutionUnit to come into existence) is uninstalled the vendor config files referenced here SHOULD be removed from the device.

Not all ExecutionUnit instances will actually have a corresponding vendor config file, in which case the value of this parameter will be an empty string.

- 2.1
ApplicationDataList string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecEnv.{i}.ApplicationData. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the application data volumes that are used by this ExecutionUnit. - 2.16
ExecutionEnvRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ExecEnv. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Represents the ExecEnv that this ExecutionUnit is associated with. - 2.1
HostObjectNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the HostObject table. - 2.16
EnvVariableNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the EnvVariable table. - 2.17
SetRequestedState() command -

Set the state transition that the Controller is requesting for this instance of the ExecutionUnit object.

If this instance of the ExecutionUnit object is associated with an Execution Environment that is disabled and an attempt is made to alter this value, then a error message MUST be generated.

- 2.1
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
RequestedState string W

[MANDATORY] Indicates the requested state to transition this instance of the SoftwareModules object. Enumeration of:

  • Idle (If this SoftwareModules is currently in Starting or Active the device will attempt to Stop the Execution Unit; otherwise this requested state is ignored)
  • Active (If this SoftwareModules is currently in Idle the device will attempt to Start the Execution Unit. If this SoftwareModules is in Stopping the request is rejected and a fault raised. Otherwise this requested state is ignored)
- 2.12
Restart() command -

Initiate a restart of the ExecutionUnit.

If this ExecutionUnit is currently in status Idle the device will attempt to start the Execution Unit, as if SetRequestedState() had been called with SetRequestedState().RequestedState set to Active.

If this ExecutionUnit is in status Stopping the request is rejected and a fault raised.

If this ExecutionUnit is currently in status Starting or Active the device will attempt to stop the Execution Unit and will place it in the Restarting state. Once the SoftwareModules has stopped the device will attempt to re-start the Execution Unit.

If this SoftwareModules is in any other status then this command has no effect.

- 2.16
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecutionUnit.{i}.AutoRestart. object R

Configures the parameters of the auto-restart algorithm for this EU.

An auto-restart may be triggered if the Agent determines that the EU has terminated abnormally. An exponential backoff algorithm is applied (increasing each time the delay before the EU is re-launched) in order to prevent continual re-starting of the EU.

The retry interval range is controlled by two Parameters, RetryMinimumWaitInterval and RetryIntervalMultiplier.

Let m be the value of RetryMinimumWaitInterval, k the value of RetryIntervalMultiplier, and n the current value of RetryCount. Then on the next occasion that the Agent determines that the EU has terminated abnormally, the delay before re-starting the EU must lie between m * (k/1000)n and m * (k/1000)(n+1) seconds, so long as m * (k/1000)n evaluates to a value less than RetryMaximumWaitInterval. Once this point has been reached, on all subsequent occasion that the Agent determines that the EU has terminated abnormally the delay before re-starting the EU must lie between RetryMaximumWaitInterval* * (1000/k)* and RetryMaximumWaitInterval seconds.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W

Enable the auto-restart feature for this EU.

The default value SHOULD be false.

- 2.16
RetryMinimumWaitInterval unsignedInt W Configures the initial delay in seconds between detecting that the EU has terminated abnormally and re-starting it. - 2.16
RetryMaximumWaitInterval unsignedInt W Configures the maximum delay in seconds between detecting that the EU has terminated abnormally and re-starting it. - 2.16
RetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt W Configures the retry interval multiplier. This value is expressed in units of 0.001, so for example a value of 2000 will result in the retry interval being doubled each time. - 2.16
MaximumRetryCount unsignedInt W Configures the maximum number of consecutive restarts (as shown in RetryCount) after which no more attempts will be performed. A value of zero means that the number of attempts is unlimited. - 2.16
ResetPeriod unsignedInt W If the EU runs for this number of seconds without terminating abnormally the Agent MAY reset the RetryCount to zero, thereby resetting the exponential backoff algorithm. A value of zero disables this behavior. - 2.16
RetryCount unsignedInt W

The number times the EU has terminated abnormally and a restart has been attempted. Resetting this parameter to zero has the effect of re-initialising the exponential back-off algorithm.

Invoking the Restart() command also has the effect of resetting this parameter to zero.

- 2.16
LastRestarted dateTime R The time at which the ExecutionUnit was last re-started. Initially this parameter is set to the Unknown Time (0001-01-01T00:00:00Z). - 2.16
NextRestart dateTime R The time at which the next restart of the ExecutionUnit is scheduled to occur. The Infinite Time (9999-12-31T23:59:59Z) is used to indicate that no restart is currently scheduled. - 2.16
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecutionUnit.{i}.NetworkConfig. object R

Parameters of the network configuration for this ExecutionUnit.

When no network configuration is provided, the EU will not have any network access.

- 2.17
AccessInterfaceRefList string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Logical.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the network interface through which the traffic from the EU will be allowed. - 2.17
PortMappingRefList string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the NAT.PortMapping. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Represents the list of Port mappings associated with this EU. - 2.17
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecutionUnit.{i}.HostObject.{i}. object(0:) R

This parameter describes the host OS objects (such as peripherals, files or directories, communication sockets, …) which are accessible to the ExecutionUnit.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Destination.

- 2.16
Source string(:256) R The object identifier by which the object may be accessed in the host OS environment. This object identifier MUST be valid in the host OS environment. For security reasons, Execution Environments may impose restrictions on the object identifiers which may be specified. - 2.16
Destination string(:256) R The object identifier by which the object may be accessed by the ExecutionUnit. This object identifier MUST be valid in the context of the Execution Environment in which the ExecutionUnit is installed. - 2.16
Options string(:256) R May be used to pass implementation-dependent options which are to be applied to the mapping, - 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecutionUnit.{i}.EnvVariable.{i}. object(0:) R

This parameter describes the environment variables which are accessible to the ExecutionUnit.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Key.

- 2.17
Key string(:2048) R The Environment variable name that needs to be passed to the Execution unit when the execution unit is activated. - 2.17
Value string(:2048) R The Environment variable value associated with the name that needs to be passed to the Execution unit it is activated. - 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
Device.SoftwareModules.ExecutionUnit.{i}.Extensions. object R

This object proposes a general location for vendor extensions specific to this Execution Unit, which allows multiple Execution Units to expose parameters without the concern of conflicting parameter names. These vendor extensions are related to displaying status and maintaining configuration for this Execution Unit.

It is also possible for the Execution Unit to expose status and configuration parameters within Service objects or as embedded objects and parameters directly within the root data model, in which case the combination of References and use of GetSupportDM and GetInstances USP messages will be used to determine their locations.

- 2.1
Device.XMPP. object R The XMPP represents the XMPP capabilities of the device. - 2.7
ConnectionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Connection table. - 2.7
SupportedServerConnectAlgorithms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. The algorithms supported by the CPE for resolving XMPP server addresses and ports. Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.11
Device.XMPP.Connection.{i}. object(0:) W

The Connection represents a XMPP connection between the device and a server. The Username, Domain and Resource comprise the full identity (JabberID) of this Connection for this device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for all of Username, Domain and Resource. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, Username, Domain and Resource such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Connection.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.7
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.7
Username string(:256) W

The proposed local-part of the Jabber ID of this Connection, and the value to be used to authenticate this Connection when making a connection to the Server using the procedure outlined in [Section 6/RFC6120].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Domain and Resource) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
Password string(:256) W

Password used to authenticate this Connection when making a connection to the Server using the procedure outlined in [Section 6/RFC6120].

Note that on a factory reset of the CPE, the value of this parameter might be reset to its factory value. If a Controller modifies the value of this parameter, it SHOULD be prepared to accommodate the situation that the original value is restored as the result of a factory reset.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.7
Domain string(:64) W

The proposed domain-part of the Jabber ID of this Connection.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Username and Resource) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
Resource string(:64) W

The proposed resource-part of the Jabber ID of this Connection.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Username, Domain) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
JabberID string R The complete Jabber ID as determined by the first-hop XMPP server at time of connection establishment. This Jabber ID will usually be the standard concatenation of the local-part (Username), domain-part (Domain), and resource-part (Resource) as defined in [Section 2.1/RFC6120] (local-part@domain-part/resource-part), but since the Jabber ID is owned by the first-hop XMPP Server there are cases where the value will be different. - 2.7
Status string R

The current operational state of this Connection (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • Connecting
  • ServerNotPresent
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error_AuthenticationFailure
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Disabled or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Enabled if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive PDUs; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Enabled if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

- 2.7
LastChangeDate dateTime R The date and time at which this Connection entered into its current operational state. - 2.7
ServerConnectAlgorithm string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedServerConnectAlgorithms parameter. The algorithm the Connection uses when connecting with the associated lists of servers. DNS-SRV 2.7
KeepAliveInterval long(-1:) W

The number of seconds that keep alive events as specified in [Section 4.6.1/RFC6120] are sent by this Connection.

A value of 0 disables the keep alive functionality. A value of -1 indicates that the keep alive interval is a vendor specific implementation.

[Section 4.6.4/RFC6120] recommends not checking more frequently than every 5 minutes (or 300 seconds).

-1 2.7
ServerConnectAttempts unsignedInt W

The number of times that this Connection attempts to connect to a given IP address before moving on to the current server’s next IP address, or to the next server if the current server has no more IP addresses.

If ServerConnectAttempts, ServerRetryInitialInterval, ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier and ServerRetryMaxInterval all have their default values, the maximum reconnection wait intervals, in minutes, will be {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 512, 512, 512, 512, 512}. After the initial attempt there are 15 further attempts, making a total of 16. The maximum reconnection wait interval is reached on the 10th retry, i.e. the 11th attempt.

NOTE: If this Connection fails to connect to any of the servers’ IP addresses, fallback behavior SHOULD be as specified in [Section 3.2/RFC6120].

NOTE: If the value of this parameter is 0, server connection and reconnection behavior is implementation-dependent.

16 2.7
ServerRetryInitialInterval unsignedInt(1:65535) W

The maximum first reconnection wait interval, in seconds.

The Device MUST use a random value between 0 and ServerRetryInitialInterval as the first reconnection wait interval.

NOTE: If the value of the ServerConnectAttempts parameter is 0, the value of this parameter is ignored.

60 2.7
ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt(1000:65535) W

The reconnection interval multiplier. This value is expressed in units of 0.001. Hence the values of the multiplier range between 1.000 and 65.535.

For the nth reconnection wait interval, the Device MUST use a random value, in seconds, between 0 and ServerRetryInitialInterval * (ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) ** (n - 1).

NOTE: If the value of the ServerConnectAttempts parameter is 0, the value of this parameter is ignored.

2000 2.7
ServerRetryMaxInterval unsignedInt(1:) W

The maximum reconnection wait interval, in seconds.

If the nth reconnection wait interval calculated from ServerRetryInitialInterval and ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier exceeds the value of this parameter, then the Device MUST use the value of this parameter as the next reconnection wait interval.

NOTE: If the value of the ServerConnectAttempts parameter is 0, the value of this parameter is ignored.

30720 2.7
UseTLS boolean W

This parameter allows a Controller to configure whether or not this XMPP Connection is required to use TLS independent of whether or not the XMPP Server that is being connected to is configured for TLS “mandatory-to-negotiate”.

If the value of UseTLS is true then the CPE will initiate TLS negotiation if not required to by the XMPP Server.

If the value of UseTLS is false then the CPE will not initiate TLS negotiation if not required to by the XMPP Server.

false 2.7
TLSEstablished boolean R

This parameter represents the TLS state of this XMPP Connection.

If this XMPP Connection is established and is secured by TLS then the value of this parameter is true.

If this XMPP Connection is either not established or established but not secured by TLS then the value of this parameter is false.

- 2.7
ServerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Server table. - 2.7
Device.XMPP.Connection.{i}.Server.{i}. object(0:) W

The Server represents an XMPP server to be used for a Connection.

This table is only relevant when Connection.{i}.ServerConnectAlgorithm is set to ServerTable. If Connection.{i}.ServerConnectAlgorithm is set to DNS-SRV then any instances of this table are ignored by this Connection.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for both ServerAddress and Port. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and ServerAddress such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Server.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.7
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.7
Priority unsignedInt(0:65535) W The priority of this Server that is used by the Connection when determining the Server to connect. The Connection MUST contact the Server with the lowest-numbered priority that the Connection can reach as defined in [RFC2782]. The selection of Servers with the same Priority value utilizes the Weight parameter to determine which Server is selected by the Connection. - 2.7
Weight long(-1:65535) W This parameter specifies a relative weight for entries with the same Priority. The mechanism is defined in [RFC2782]. A value of -1 indicates that the implementation of this parameter is specific to the Vendor. - 2.7
ServerAddress string(:256) W

Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the XMPP server for this Connection.

If the value of this Parameter is a FQDN that resolves to multiple addresses then each address SHOULD be attempted (in an implementation-specific order) until a connection can be made or all addresses are exhausted, in which case the next Server instance (based on Priority and Weight) SHOULD be used.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.7
Port unsignedInt(0:65535) W Port number of the XMPP server for this Connection. 5222 2.7
Device.XMPP.Connection.{i}.Stats. object R XMPP Connection statistics information for this resource. - 2.7
ReceivedMessages unsignedInt R The number of XMPP stanzas (iq, presence, or message) that have been received on this Connection. 0 2.7
TransmittedMessages unsignedInt R The number of XMPP stanzas (iq, presence, or message) that have been transmitted by this Connection. 0 2.7
ReceivedErrorMessages unsignedInt R The number of XMPP stanzas (iq, presence, or message) that have been received on this Connection where the type attribute had a value of “error”. 0 2.7
TransmittedErrorMessages unsignedInt R The number of XMPP stanzas (iq, presence, or message) that have been transmitted by this Connection where the type attribute had a value of “error”. 0 2.7
Device.IEEE1905. object R This object represents the management functions for the 1905 capabilities as defined in [IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
Version string R

1905 profile version number of the AL as would be sent in a Higher Layer response message as defined in [Table 6-37: 1905 profile version TLV/IEEE1905.1a].

Enumeration of:

  • 1905.1
  • 1905.1a
- 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL. object R This object represents the management functions for the 1905 Abstraction Layer as defined in [Section 4.4 Abstraction Layer/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
IEEE1905Id string(:17) R [MACAddress] 1905 AL MAC Address. - 2.9
Status string R

The current operational state of the 1905 Abstraction Layer. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Up (NOT RECOMMENDED for use; if used it means Enabled)
  • Down (NOT RECOMMENDED for use; if used it means Disabled)
  • Unknown (NOT RECOMMENDED for use; if used it means Error)
  • Dormant (NOT RECOMMENDED for use; if used it means Error)
  • NotPresent (NOT RECOMMENDED for use; if used it means Error)
  • LowerLayerDown (NOT RECOMMENDED for use; if used it means Error)
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.9
LastChange unsignedInt R

This parameter is NOT RECOMMENDED to be used because IEEE1905 is not an interface. The accumulated time in seconds since the 1905 Abstraction Layer entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.9
LowerLayers string[](:1024) R This parameter is NOT RECOMMENDED to be used because IEEE1905 is not an interface. Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the AL.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.9
RegistrarFreqBand string[](:1024) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. See [Table 6-25: SupportedFreqBand TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 802.11 2.4 GHz
  • 802.11 5 GHz
  • 802.11 60 GHz
- 2.9
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

The 1905 interface table (described in [Sub-clause 5 Abstraction Layer Management/IEEE1905.1a]).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for InterfaceId.

- 2.9
InterfaceId string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address of this interface. This is the value of the intfAddress parameter defined in [Table 5-2: intfDescriptor elements/IEEE1905.1a] - 2.9
Status string R

This parameter is NOT RECOMMENDED to be used because it is not a parameter defined in a 1905 ALME primitive or protocol TLV. The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

It SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD normally be Down when the interface cannot transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.9
LastChange unsignedInt R

This parameter is NOT RECOMMENDED to be used because it is not a parameter defined in a 1905 ALME primitive or protocol TLV. The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.9
LowerLayers string[](:1024) R This parameter is NOT RECOMMENDED to be used because it is not a parameter defined in a 1905 ALME primitive or protocol TLV. Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.9
InterfaceStackReference string(:256) R

Path name of an interface object described by this 1905 Interface. Referenced interface object MUST have a MACAddress and the InterfaceId MUST be the same as the interface object MACAddress.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.9
MediaType string R

Media type of this Interface. This is derived from the value of the intfType parameter defined in [Tables 5.2: intfDescriptor elements/IEEE1905.1a]. Enumeration of:

  • IEEE 802.3u (IEEE 802.3u Fast Ethernet)
  • IEEE 802.3ab (IEEE 802.3ab Gigabit Ethernet)
  • IEEE 802.11b (IEEE 802.11b (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11g (IEEE 802.11g (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11a (IEEE 802.11a (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11n 2.4 (IEEE 802.11n (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11n 5.0 (IEEE 802.11n (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11ac (IEEE 802.11ac (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11ad (IEEE 802.11ad (60GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11af (IEEE 802.11af)
  • IEEE 1901 Wavelet (IEEE 1901 Wavelet)
  • IEEE 1901 FFT (IEEE 1901 FFT)
  • MoCAv1.1 (MoCAv1.1)
  • Generic PHY
- 2.9
GenericPhyOUI string(6) R

OUI of the Generic Phy networking technology of the local interface that would be included in a Generic Phy Device Information Type TLV defined in [Tables 6-29: Generic Phy Device Information type TLV/IEEE1905.1a].

Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}
- 2.9
GenericPhyVariant hexBinary(1) R Variant Index of the Generic Phy networking technology of the local interface that would be included in a Generic Phy Device Information Type TLV defined in [Tables 6-29: Generic Phy Device Information type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
GenericPhyURL string(:2048) R [URL] to the Generic Phy XML Description of the Generic Phy networking technology of the local interface that would be included in a Generic Phy Device Information Type TLV defined in [Table 6-29: Generic Phy device information type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
SetIntfPowerStateEnabled boolean W Enables or disables the Abstraction Layer’s ability to set the power state for the interface. Boolean can be true for “enabled” and false for “disabled”. - 2.9
PowerState string W

The Power State of this Interface. This is derived from the value of the powerState parameter as defined in [Tables 5.3: ALME-SET-INTF-PWR-STATE.request parameters and Table 5.7: ALME-GET-INTF-PWR-STATE.response parameters/IEEE1905.1a]. Enumeration of:

  • On
  • Power_Save (not used when written)
  • Off
  • Unsupported (not used when written)
- 2.9
VendorPropertiesNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VendorProperties table. - 2.9
LinkNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Link table. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}.VendorProperties.{i}. object(0:) R This object defines the vendor specific properties (vendorSpecificInfo field) of this Interface as defined in [Table 5-2: intfDescriptor elements/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
OUI string(6) R

Organizationally unique identifier of a manufacturer of this Interface. Represented as a six hexadecimal-digit value using all upper-case letters and including any leading zeros according to [Table 5-20: VendorSpecificInfo information element/IEEE1905.1a]. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}
- 2.9
Information hexBinary(:65535) R A hexbinary string used to to provide vendor specific information about this Interface. This is the value of the vendorSpecificInfo parameter defined in [Table 5-20: VendorSpecificInfo information element/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}.Link.{i}. object(0:) R

This object defines the 1905 neighbors and link properties.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both InterfaceId and IEEE1905Id.

- 2.9
InterfaceId string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address of the interface of the Neighbor for this Link. This value comes from the neighbor’s Topology discovery message as defined in [Table 6-9: MAC address typeTLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
IEEE1905Id string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address of the 1905 AL entity of the Neighbor device on this Link. This value comes from the neighbor’s Topology discovery message as defined in [Table 6-8: AL MAC address type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
MediaType string R

Media type of this Link. This value is derived from the neighbor’s Topology response message 1905 device information type TLV Media Type field as defined in [Table 6-12: Media type/IEEE1905.1a]. Enumeration of:

  • IEEE 802.3u (IEEE 802.3u Fast Ethernet)
  • IEEE 802.3ab (IEEE 802.3ab Gigabit Ethernet)
  • IEEE 802.11b (IEEE 802.11b (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11g (IEEE 802.11g (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11a (IEEE 802.11a (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11n 2.4 (IEEE 802.11n (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11n 5.0 (IEEE 802.11n (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11ac (IEEE 802.11ac (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11ad (IEEE 802.11ad (60GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11af (IEEE 802.11af)
  • IEEE 1901 Wavelet (IEEE 1901 Wavelet)
  • IEEE 1901 FFT (IEEE 1901 FFT)
  • MoCAv1.1 (MoCAv1.1)
  • Generic PHY
- 2.9
GenericPhyOUI string(6) R

OUI of the Generic Phy networking technology of the interface of the Neighbor for this Link. This value is from a Generic Phy response message field as defined in [Tables 6-29: Generic Phy Device Information type TLV/IEEE1905.1a].

Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}
- 2.9
GenericPhyVariant hexBinary(1) R Variant Index of the Generic Phy networking technology of the interface of the Neighbor for this Link. This value is from a Generic Phy response message variant index field as defined in [Tables 6-29: Generic Phy Device Information type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
GenericPhyURL string(:2048) R [URL] to the Generic Phy XML Description of the Generic Phy networking technology of the interface of the Neighbor for this Link. This value is from a Generic Phy response message URL to Generic Phy field as defined in [Table 6-29: Generic Phy device information type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}.Link.{i}.Metric. object R This object represents the metrics for this Link as defined in [Tables 6-18: 1905 transmitter link metrics and Table 6-20: 1905 receiver link metrics/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
IEEE802dot1Bridge boolean R Indicates whether or not the 1905 link includes one or more IEEE 802.1 bridges. If false, the 1905 link does not include an IEEE 802.1 bridge. If true, the 1905 link does include one or more IEEE 802.1 bridges. - 2.9
PacketErrors unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] Estimated number of lost Packets on the transmit side of the link [Table 6-18: 1905 transmitter link metrics/IEEE1905.1a] during a measurement period.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.9
PacketErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] Estimated number of lost Packets on the receive side of the link [Table 6-20: 1905 receiver link metrics/IEEE1905.1a] during a measurement period.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.9
TransmittedPackets unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] Estimated number of Packets sent to the Neighbor on this Link, in the same measurement period used to estimate PacketErrors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.9
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] Estimated number of Packets received from this Neighbor on this Link [Table 6-20: 1905 receiver link metrics/IEEE1905.1a], in the same measurement period used to estimate PacketErrors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.9
MACThroughputCapacity unsignedInt R

The maximum MAC throughput in Mb/s between this Interface and the Neighbor on this Link that is estimated at this Interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.9
LinkAvailability unsignedInt(0:100) R

The estimated average percent of time that the Link is available for data transmissions.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.9
PHYRate unsignedInt R

The Physical Layer (PHY) rate in Mb/s between this Interface and the Neighbor on this Link that is estimated at this Interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.9
RSSI unsignedInt(0:255) R

The estimated Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) ratio in dB between this Interface and the Neighbor on this Link that is estimated at the receive side of this Interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.ForwardingTable. object R This object represents the rules to forward PDUs between interfaces within the 1905 Abstraction Layer. - 2.9
SetForwardingEnabled boolean W Abstraction Layer ability to set, modify, and remove ForwardingRule entries for interfaces. Boolean can be true for “enabled” and false for “disabled”. - 2.9
ForwardingRuleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ForwardingRule table. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.ForwardingTable.ForwardingRule.{i}. object(0:) W The 1905 forwarding rule for the ALME-SET-FWD-RULE.request and ALME-GET-FWD-RULES.response with classification criteria as defined in [Table 5-9: ClassificationSet elements/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
InterfaceList string(:256)[] W The list of interfaces to which a frame satisfying the following classification criteria should be forwarded (intfAddressList parameter as defined in [Table 5-8: ALME-SET-FWD-RULE.request parameters and Table 5-12: fwdRuleList elements/IEEE1905.1a]). Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the path name of an object, which MUST be a row of an Interface object. If the referenced item is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. <Empty> 2.9
MACDestinationAddress string(:17) W

[MACAddress] Classification criterion.

The destination MAC address.

- 2.9
MACDestinationAddressFlag boolean W If false, the classification criterion MACDestinationAddress is ignored. If true, the classification criterion MACDestinationAddress is used. false 2.9
MACSourceAddress string(:17) W

[MACAddress] Classification criterion.

The source MAC address.

- 2.9
MACSourceAddressFlag boolean W If false, the classification criterion MACSourceAddress is ignored. If true, the classification criterion MACSourceAddress is used. false 2.9
EtherType unsignedInt W

Classification criterion.

Ether Type Field in a frame.

- 2.9
EtherTypeFlag boolean W If false, the classification criterion EtherType is ignored. If true, the classification EtherType is used. false 2.9
Vid unsignedInt(0:4095) W

Classification criterion.

IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID in a frame.

- 2.9
VidFlag boolean W If false, the classification criterion Vid is ignored. If true, the classification Vid is used. false 2.9
PCP unsignedInt(0:7) W

Classification criterion.

IEEE 802.1Q Priority Code Point field.

- 2.9
PCPFlag boolean W If false, the classification criterion PCP is ignored. If true, the classification PCP is used. false 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology. object R This object represents the 1905 Network Topology capabilities of this device. - 2.9
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the 1905 Network Topology reporting (via a Controller). When true, the device clears and (re)populates the IEEE1905Device and ChangeLog tables. When false, the contents of the IEEE1905Device and ChangeLog tables have no meaning. - 2.9
Status string R

When Enable is set to true, this parameter indicates the transient phase of the discovery of the NetworkTopology.

Enumeration of:

  • Incomplete (Indicates that the device is populating the topology object during the transient phase)
  • Available (Indicates that the transient phase is over and the device is maintaining and updating the topology object as changes occur)
  • Error_Misconfigured (NOT RECOMMENDED for use; if used, indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid)
- 2.9
MaxChangeLogEntries unsignedInt(1:) W The maximum number of entries allowed in the ChangeLog table. - 2.9
LastChange string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ChangeLog. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. If the ChangeLog is modified the parameter is modified to reflect the last entry added to the ChangeLog. - 2.9
IEEE1905DeviceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IEEE1905Device table. - 2.9
ChangeLogNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ChangeLog table. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.ChangeLog.{i}. object(0:) R This object represents log entries for changes in the 1905 Network Topology. The Change Log is a First In First Out queue where the oldest entries (defined by values of the TimeStamp parameter) are deleted once the log is full. - 2.9
TimeStamp dateTime R Date and Time at which the entry was added to the ChangeLog table. - 2.9
EventType string R

Type of event for this entry. Enumeration of:

  • NewNeighbor (Entry represents a discovery of a Neighbor)
  • LostNeighbor (Entry represents the loss of a Neighbor)
- 2.9
ReporterDeviceId string(:17) R [MACAddress] 1905 AL MAC Address of device which reported the change. - 2.9
ReporterInterfaceId string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address of the interface of the reporting device on which the change has been detected. - 2.9
NeighborType string R

Type of Neighbor for this event. Enumeration of:

  • IEEE1905
  • Non-IEEE1905
- 2.9
NeighborId string(:17) R

[MACAddress] MAC Address of the Neighbor of this event. If the value of the EventType parameter is NewNeighbor, then the value of this parameter represents the MAC Address of the new Neighbor that joined the network; if the value of the EventType parameter is LostNeighbor, then the value of this parameter represents the MAC Address of the Neighbor that left the network.

If value of the NeighborType parameter is IEEE1905, then the value of this parameter is the 1905 AL MAC Address of the Neighbor.

- 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents an instance of discovered 1905 Devices in the network (received Topology discovery message as defined in [Clause 6.3.1/IEEE1905.1a]).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for IEEE1905Id.

- 2.9
IEEE1905Id string(:17) R [MACAddress] 1905 AL MAC Address. - 2.9
Version string R

1905 profile version number in Higher Layer Response message as defined in [Table 6-37: 1905 profile version TLV/IEEE1905.1a].

Enumeration of:

  • 1905.1
  • 1905.1a
- 2.9
RegistrarFreqBand string[](:1024) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. of frequency bands identified as supported for a registrar role in an AP-autoconfiguration response message as defined in [Table 6-25: SupportedFreqBand TLV/IEEE1905.1a] Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 802.11 2.4 GHz
  • 802.11 5 GHz
  • 802.11 60 GHz .
- 2.9
FriendlyName string(:128) R Friendly Name String received in Higher Layer response message as defined in [Table 6-30: Device Identification Type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
ManufacturerName string(:128) R Manufacturer Name String received in Higher Layer response message as defined in [Table 6-30: Device Identification Type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
ManufacturerModel string(:128) R Manufacturer Model String received in Higher Layer response message as defined in [Table 6-30: Device Identification Type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
ControlURL string(:2048) R Control [URL] received in Higher Layer response message as defined in defined in [Table 6-31: Control URL Type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
AssocWiFiNetworkDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. AssocWiFiNetworkDeviceRef is a reference to a Wi-Fi Network Data Elements Device. Since IEEE 1905.1 is the protocol used by the Wi-Fi Alliance’s EasyMesh specification for communications, this parameter allows the IEEE 1905.1 portion of the data model to reference the associated EasyMesh portion of the data model. - 2.13
VendorPropertiesNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the VendorProperties table. - 2.9
IPv4AddressNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv4Address table. - 2.9
IPv6AddressNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IPv6Address table. - 2.9
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.9
NonIEEE1905NeighborNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the NonIEEE1905Neighbor table. - 2.9
IEEE1905NeighborNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the IEEE1905Neighbor table. - 2.9
L2NeighborNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the L2Neighbor table. - 2.9
BridgingTupleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the BridgingTuple table. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.IPv4Address.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents represents all IPv4 addresses reported for a MAC address (AL or interface) in a Higher Layer response message for the IEEE1905Device as defined in [Table 6-32: IPv4 type TLV/IEEE1905.1a].

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both MACAddress and IPv4Address.

- 2.9
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address. - 2.9
IPv4Address string(:45) R [IPv4Address] IPv4 Address. - 2.9
IPv4AddressType string R

The IPv4 Address Type of this IPv4Address. Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • DHCP
  • Static
  • Auto-IP
- 2.9
DHCPServer string(:45) R [IPAddress] Either IPv4 address of DHCPv4 server or IPv6 address of DHCPv6 server. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.IPv6Address.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents represents all IPv6 addresses reported for a MAC address (AL or interface) in a Higher Layer response message for the IEEE1905Device as defined in [Table 6-34: IPv6 type TLV/IEEE1905.1a].

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both MACAddress and IPv6Address.

- 2.9
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address. - 2.9
IPv6Address string(:45) R [IPv6Address] IPv6 Address. - 2.9
IPv6AddressType string R

The IPv6 Address Type of this IPv6Address. Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • LinkLocal
  • DHCP
  • Static
- 2.9
IPv6AddressOrigin string(:45) R [IPv6Address] “::” or the IPv6 address of the origin of this IPv6 address. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.VendorProperties.{i}. object(0:) R This object represents vendor specific information received in a message with a Vendor specific TLV (as defined in in [Table 6-7: Vendor specific TLV/IEEE1905.1a]). - 2.9
MessageType hexBinary(1) R The Message type of a message received from this IEEE1905Device that contained a Vendor specific TLV, as defined in [Table 6-4: Message type/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
OUI string(6) R

This is the value of the Vendor specific OUI defined in [Table 6-7: Vendor specific TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}
- 2.9
Information hexBinary(0:65535) R A hexbinary string used to provide vendor specific information. This is the value of the Vendor specific information parameter defined in [Table 6-7: Vendor specific TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.Interface.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents an instance of an interface for the IEEE1905Device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for InterfaceId.

- 2.9
InterfaceId string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address of the interface. This comes from the Topology response message as defined in [Table 6-10: 1905 device information type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
MediaType string R

Media type of this Interface. This comes from the Topology response message as defined in [Table 6-10: 1905 device information type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. Enumeration of:

  • IEEE 802.3u (IEEE 802.3u Fast Ethernet)
  • IEEE 802.3ab (IEEE 802.3ab Gigabit Ethernet)
  • IEEE 802.11b (IEEE 802.11b (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11g (IEEE 802.11g (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11a (IEEE 802.11a (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11n 2.4 (IEEE 802.11n (2.4GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11n 5.0 (IEEE 802.11n (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11ac (IEEE 802.11ac (5GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11ad (IEEE 802.11ad (60GHz))
  • IEEE 802.11af (IEEE 802.11af)
  • IEEE 1901 Wavelet (IEEE 1901 Wavelet)
  • IEEE 1901 FFT (IEEE 1901 FFT)
  • MoCAv1.1 (MoCAv1.1)
  • Generic PHY
- 2.9
PowerState string R

The Power State of this Interface. “Off” is used for interfaces identified in a Power Off Interface TLV as defined in [Table 6-38/IEEE1905.1a]. “On” is used for all other interfaces. “Power_Save” and “Unsupported” are not used at this time. Updated as a result of a received Interface Power Change response with “request completed” or “alternate change made” Interface Power Change status as defined in [Table 6-40: Interface Power Change status TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. Enumeration of:

  • On
  • Power_Save
  • Off
  • Unsupported
- 2.9
GenericPhyOUI string(6) R

GenericPhyOUI of this Interface. Possible patterns:

  • [0-9A-F]{6}
- 2.9
GenericPhyVariant hexBinary(1) R Variant Index of the Generic Phy networking technology of this Interface. This value is from a Generic Phy response message variant index field as defined in [Table 6-29: Generic Phy device information type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
GenericPhyURL string(:2048) R [URL] to the Generic Phy XML Description of the Generic Phy networking technology of this Interface. This value is from a Generic Phy response message URL to generic phy field as defined in [Table 6-29: Generic Phy device information type TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
NetworkMembership string(:17) R [MACAddress] MACAddress Field from Media specific information for an 802.11 interface provided in a Topology response message 1905 device information type TLV as defined in [Table 6-13: IEEE 802.11 specific information/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
Role string R

Field from Media specific information for an 802.11 interface provided in a Topology response message 1905 device information type TLV as defined in [Table 6-13: IEEE 802.11 specific information/IEEE1905.1a]. Enumeration of:

  • AP
  • non-AP/non-PCP STA
  • Wi-Fi P2P Client
  • Wi-Fi P2P Group Owner
  • 802.11adPCP
- 2.9
APChannelBand hexBinary(1) R Hexadecimal digit. Field from Media specific information for an 802.11 interface provided in a Topology response message 1905 device information type TLV as defined in [Table 6-13: IEEE 802.11 specific information/IEEE1905.1a] - 2.9
FrequencyIndex1 hexBinary(1) R Field from Media specific information for an 802.11 interface provided in a Topology response message 1905 device information type TLV as defined in [Table 6-13: IEEE 802.11 specific information/IEEE1905.1a] - 2.9
FrequencyIndex2 hexBinary(1) R Field from Media specific information for an 802.11 interface provided in a Topology response message 1905 device information type TLV as defined in [Table 6-13: IEEE 802.11 specific information/IEEE1905.1a] - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.NonIEEE1905Neighbor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents an instance of a Non-IEEE1905 Neighbor for the IEEE1905Device. These fields come from a Topology response message as defined in [Table 6-14: Non-1905 neighbor device TLV/IEEE1905.1a].

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both LocalInterface and NeighborInterfaceId.

- 2.9
LocalInterface string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IEEE1905Device.{i}.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.9
NeighborInterfaceId string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address of the interface for the NonIEEE1905Neighbor. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.L2Neighbor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents an instance of an L2 Neighbor for the IEEE1905Device. These fields come from a Topology response message as defined in [Table 6-41: L2 neighbor device TLV/IEEE1905.1a].

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both LocalInterface and NeighborInterfaceId.

- 2.9
LocalInterface string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IEEE1905Device.{i}.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.9
NeighborInterfaceId string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address of the L2Neighbor. - 2.9
BehindInterfaceIds string(:17)[](:1024) R [MACAddress] Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of MAC Addresses. Behind MAC Addresses of the L2Neighbor. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.IEEE1905Neighbor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents an instance of an IEEE1905Neighbor for the IEEE1905Device. These values are from the Topology response message as defined in [Table 6-15: 1905 neighbor device TLV/IEEE1905.1a].

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both LocalInterface and NeighborDeviceId.

- 2.9
LocalInterface string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IEEE1905Device.{i}.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.9
NeighborDeviceId string(:17) R [MACAddress] 1905 AL MAC Address of the Neighbor. - 2.9
MetricNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Metric table. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.IEEE1905Neighbor.{i}.Metric.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents the metrics included in a Link metric response from the IEEE1905Device where LocalInterface is the MAC address of an interface in the receiving 1905 AL as defined in [Table 6-17: 1905 transmitter link metric TLV/IEEE1905.1a].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for NeighborMACAddress.

- 2.9
NeighborMACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] The MAC address of an interface in a neighbor 1905 device as defined in [Table 6-17: 1905 transmitter link metric TLV or Table 6-19: 1905 receiver link metric TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
IEEE802dot1Bridge boolean R Indicates whether or not the 1905 link includes one or more IEEE 802.1 bridges. If false, the 1905 link does not include an IEEE 802.1 bridge. If true, the 1905 link does include one or more IEEE 802.1 bridges. - 2.9
PacketErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Estimated number of lost Packets on the transmit side of the link [Table 6-18: 1905 transmitter link metrics/IEEE1905.1a] during a measurement period. - 2.9
PacketErrorsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Estimated number of lost Packets on the receive side of the link [Table 6-20: 1905 receiver link metrics/IEEE1905.1a] during a measurement period. - 2.9
TransmittedPackets unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Estimated number of Packets sent to the Neighbor on this link, in the same measurement period used to estimate PacketErrors. - 2.9
PacketsReceived unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Estimated number of Packets received from this Neighbor [Table 6-20: 1905 receiver link metrics/IEEE1905.1a] on this link, in the same measurement period used to estimate PacketErrors. - 2.9
MACThroughputCapacity unsignedInt R The maximum MAC throughput in Mb/s between this Interface and the Neighbor on this link that is estimated at this Interface. - 2.9
LinkAvailability unsignedInt(0:100) R The estimated average percent of time that this link is idle. - 2.9
PHYRate unsignedInt R The Physical Layer (PHY) rate in Mb/s between this Interface and the Neighbor on this link that is estimated at this Interface. - 2.9
RSSI unsignedInt(0:255) R The estimated Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) ratio in dB between this Interface and the Neighbor on this link that is estimated at the receive side of this Interface. Note: This parameter is valid only for IEEE 802.11 Neighbors. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.BridgingTuple.{i}. object(0:) R This object represents an instance of an BridgingTuple for the IEEE1905Device. These values come from the 1905 Device’s Topology response message as defined in [Table 6-11: Device bridging capability TLV/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
InterfaceList string(:256)[] R Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IEEE1905Device.{i}.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. - 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Security. object R This object represents the Security configuration for the 1905 device as defined in [Section 9.2 Security Setup Methods/IEEE1905.1a]. - 2.9
SetupMethod string[](:1024) W

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Supported security setup method(s) for the network. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • UCPK (User Configured Passphrase or Key)
  • PBC (Push Button Configuration)
  • NFCNK (Near-field Communication Network Key)
- 2.9
Password string W

1905 network passphrase for generating security keys.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.9
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkingRegistrar. object R This object represents the detected Network Registrars detection function for the IEEE 1905 network. They are determined by received AP-autoconfiguration response messages with Registrar role, with supported band as defined in [Table 6-25: SupportedFreqBand TLV/IEEE1905.1a] - 2.9
Registrar2dot4 string(:17)[](:1024) R [MACAddress] Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of MAC Addresses. 1905 AL MAC addresses as determined by source MAC address in received AP-autoconfiguration response messages with supported frequency band of 802.11 2.4 GHz. - 2.9
Registrar5 string(:17)[](:1024) R [MACAddress] Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of MAC Addresses. 1905 AL MAC addresses as determined by source MAC address in received AP-autoconfiguration response messages with supported frequency band of 802.11 5 GHz. - 2.9
Registrar60 string(:17)[](:1024) R [MACAddress] Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of MAC Addresses. 1905 AL MAC addresses as determined by source MAC address in received AP-autoconfiguration response messages with supported frequency band of 802.11 60 GHz. - 2.9
Device.MQTT. object R MQTT Base object describing all MQTT related parameters and objects. - 2.10
ClientNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Client table. - 2.10
BrokerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Broker table. - 2.10
Device.MQTT.Capabilities. object R Indicates the MQTT capabilities of the device. - 2.10
ProtocolVersionsSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the supported protocol versions. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • 3.1 (Protocol according to [MQTT31])
  • 3.1.1 (Protocol according to [MQTT311])
  • 5.0 (Protocol according to [MQTT50], added in 2.13)
- 2.10
TransportProtocolSupported string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Indicates the supported transport protocols. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • TCP/IP (Unencrypted MQTT connection)
  • TLS (TLS encrypted MQTT connection)
  • WebSocket (Unencrypted MQTT connection over a WebSocket transport)
  • WebSocketTLS (TLS encrypted MQTT connection over a WebSocket transport, added in 2.15)
- 2.10
MaxNumberOfClientSubscriptions unsignedInt R Indicates the maximum number of subscriptions per MQTT client, which can be stored in the Client.{i}.Subscription table. A value of 0 means no limit. - 2.10
MaxNumberOfBrokerBridges unsignedInt R Indicates the maximum number of bridges, which can be configured in the Broker.{i}.Bridge table. A value of 0 means no limit. - 2.10
MaxNumberOfBrokerBridgeSubscriptions unsignedInt R Indicates the maximum number of subscriptions, which can be stored per bridge instance in the Broker.{i}.Bridge.{i}.Subscription table. A value of 0 means no limit. - 2.10
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}. object(0:) W

MQTT client table. Contains a list of configured MQTT clients.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.10
Name string(:64) W

The textual name of the MQTT client.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.10
Enable boolean W

Allows to enable or disable the MQTT client.

If a MQTT client gets enabled then the MQTT client has first to establish a MQTT broker session and then subscribe for all enabled topics in the Subscription. table.

If the ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1 or 3.1.1 and CleanSession is set to false a subscription MUST only be sent for topics which haven’t been subscribed before (see [Section]).

If the ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0 and CleanStart is set to false a subscription MUST only be sent for topics which haven’t been subscribed before (see [Section]).

If a connected MQTT client gets disabled (Status is either Connecting or Connected) then the MQTT client has to send a MQTT DISCONNECT packet to disconnect from the MQTT broker (see [Section 3.14/MQTT311] or [Section 3.14/MQTT50]), before setting the Status to Disabled.

- 2.10
Status string R

Indicates the status of this MQTT client. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Connecting
  • Connected
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error_BrokerUnreachable
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid (e.g. The MQTT client can not use the defined port, because it is blocked)

The Error_BrokerUnreachable value indicates that the connection to the MQTT broker could not be established.

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.10
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the Client entry.

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

<Empty> 2.16
ProtocolVersion string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.ProtocolVersionsSupported parameter. Specifies the MQTT protocol version used in the communication with the MQTT broker. - 2.10
EnableEncryption boolean W
When true, encryption MUST be used for this MQTT Client instance.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it duplicates the functionality already handled by the TransportProtocol parameter.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
true 2.14
BrokerAddress string(:256) W Host name or IP address of the MQTT Broker. - 2.10
BrokerPort unsignedInt(1:65535) W Port number of the MQTT broker. 1883 2.10
TransportProtocol string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.TransportProtocolSupported parameter. Indicates the transport protocol to be used for the MQTT broker connection. TCP/IP 2.10
CleanSession boolean W

The value of the MQTT clean session flag in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311] and [Section]). If this flag is set to true (default), the MQTT broker will delete all subscription information after a Disconnect.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1 or 3.1.1.

true 2.10
CleanStart boolean W

The value of the MQTT Clean Start flag in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section]. If this flag is set to true (default), the MQTT broker will delete all subscription information after a Disconnect.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed..

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

true 2.13
WillEnable boolean W

Enables or disables the will handling (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]).

If the connection gets enabled and this parameter is set to true and either the parameter WillTopic or WillValue are an empty string, the CPE MUST set the Status to Error_Misconfigured.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed..

- 2.10
WillQoS unsignedInt(0:2) W

The MQTT QoS level assigned with the will message (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). This parameter is only used if WillEnable is set to true.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet.

If will handling is enabled (Parameter WillEnable is set to true) and the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

- 2.10
WillRetain boolean W

Indicate to the MQTT broker to retain the Will over a Disconnect (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). This parameter is only used if WillEnable is set to true.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet.

If will handling is enabled (Parameter WillEnable is set to true) and the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

- 2.10
KeepAliveTime unsignedInt(:65535) W

Keep Alive Time in seconds defines the maximum wait time after which a packet has to be sent to the MQTT broker (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). If no regular packet can be sent a MQTT PINGREQ packet is sent.

A value of zero (0) means no keep alive packets are sent and the MQTT client is not disconnected by the server.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

60 2.10
ForceReconnect() command -

Disconnects the MQTT client from the MQTT broker and reconnects it again (toggle connection). It is only effective if the MQTT client is currently connected to the MQTT broker (Parameter Status is Connected).

If the MQTT client is in a different state, the command has no effect.

This command may be used to immediately apply changes in the MQTT connection settings.

- 2.12
SessionExpiryInterval unsignedInt W

Session expiry interval in seconds defines the wait time before a session expires after the connection has been closed by the MQTT client [Section]).

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

- 2.13
ReceiveMaximum unsignedInt W

The MQTT client uses this value to limit the number of QoS 1 and QoS 2 publications that it is willing to process concurrently (see [Section]).

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

- 2.13
MaximumPacketSize unsignedInt W

The maximum packet size in byte the MQTT client can and will accept from the MQTT broker. A value of 0 means no limit. If the value is set to another value, the MQTT client will inform the broker in the next CONNECT packet [Section]).

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

- 2.13
TopicAliasMaximum unsignedInt(:65535) W

This value indicates the highest value that the MQTT client will accept as a Topic Alias sent by the Server (see [Section]). The MQTT client uses this value to limit the number of Topic Aliases that it is willing to hold on this connection.

A value of 0 indicates that Topic Alias is not supported.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

- 2.13
RequestResponseInfo boolean W

The MQTT client uses this value in a MQTT CONNECT packet to request the Server to return Response Information in the MQTT CONNACK (see [Section]).

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

- 2.13
RequestProblemInfo boolean W

This value indicates whether the Reason String or User Properties are sent in the case of failures.(see [Section]).

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

- 2.13
AuthenticationMethod string(0:256) W

This value defines the extended authentication method to be used (see [Section]).

If the parameter is empty, no extended authentication is performed.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

- 2.13
ClientID string(0:65535) W

The MQTT client identifier used in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]).

If ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1 or 3.1.1, this parameter MUST NOT be an empty string.

If ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0, an empty string is allowed.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

- 2.10
WillDelayInterval unsignedInt W

The delay in seconds after the session is disconnected, before sending the Will message [Section]). A value of 0 indicates that there is no delay.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet.

If will handling is enabled (Parameter WillEnable is set to true) and the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

5 2.13
WillMessageExpiryInterval unsignedInt W

The lifetime in seconds of a Will Message (see [Section]). A value of 0 indicates that no message expiry interval value is specified for in the will message properties of a CONNECT packet.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

- 2.13
WillContentType string(:256) W

Describes the type of the WillValue [Section]).

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet.

If will handling is enabled (Parameter WillEnable is set to true) and the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

- 2.13
WillResponseTopic string(:65535) W

Topic Name for a will response message. The presence of a Response Topic identifies the Will Message as a Request [Section]).

If the WillResponseTopic is an empty string the will response topic will not be sent in a MQTT CONNECT packet.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet.

If will handling is enabled (Parameter WillEnable is set to true) and the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

- 2.13
WillTopic string(:65535) W

The Topic sent in the Will Message (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). This parameter is only used if WillEnable is set to true.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet.

If will handling is enabled (Parameter WillEnable is set to true) and the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

- 2.10
WillValue string(:65535) W

The value sent in the Will Message (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). This parameter is only used if WillEnable is set to true.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet.

If will handling is enabled (Parameter WillEnable is set to true) and the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

- 2.10
Username string(:256) W

Username used to authenticate the MQTT client when making a connection to the MQTT broker. The value is sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section] or [Section]).

If this parameter is an empty string no authentication parameters are sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet.

- 2.10
Password string(:256) W

Password used to authenticate the MQTT client when making a connection to the MQTT broker. The value is sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section] or [Section]).

This password is only sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet if Username is not an empty string.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.10
PublishMessageExpiryInterval unsignedInt W

The lifetime in seconds of a PUBLISH Message (see [Section]). A value of 0 indicates that no message expiry interval value is included in the PUBLISH packet.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

- 2.13
MessageRetryTime unsignedInt(1:) W

Message retry time in seconds defines the wait time before a MQTT message that expects a response (QoS value of message is > 0, or PUBLISH, PUBREL, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE message) is resent, because the response is not received (see [Section 4.2/MQTT311]).

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1.

5 2.10
ConnectRetryTime unsignedInt(1:) W

Connect retry time in seconds defines the wait time before a failed MQTT broker connection is retried.

A failure can either be on the connection level (the TCP/IP or TLS can not be established) or on the Protocol level, the MQTT client does not receive a MQTT CONNACK packet on a MQTT CONNECT packet sent.

If the parameter ConnectRetryIntervalMultiplier is defined, the MQTT client MUST use a random value between ConnectRetryTime*(ConnectRetryIntervalMultiplier/1000)(n-1) and ConnectRetryTime*(ConnectRetryIntervalMultiplier/1000)n for the connect retry time, with n equals the current retry number. The max number of n is 10, starting with the 11th retry always the value n = 10 is used.

If the parameters ConnectRetryIntervalMultiplier and ConnectRetryMaxInterval are defined, the MQTT client MUST use the value of ConnectRetryMaxInterval if the calculated random value exceeds the value of ConnectRetryMaxInterval.

5 2.10
ConnectRetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt(1000:65535) W

Configures the retry interval multiplier.

This value is expressed in units of 0.001. Hence the values of the multiplier range between 1.000 and 65.535.

2000 2.13
ConnectRetryMaxInterval unsignedInt(1:) W The maximum reconnection wait interval, in seconds. 30720 2.13
ResponseInformation string(:65535) R The value of the CONNACK Response Information property supplied by a MQTT 5.0 server. This value is used by a MQTT 5.0 client as the basis for the PUBLISH Response Topic property for all PUBLISH packets that expect a response. If the value of ResponseInformation is not a subset (wildcarded or precise match) of any of the Subscription.{i}.Topic values the MQTT client MUST subscribe to this Topic. - 2.13
SubscriptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Subscription table. - 2.10
UserPropertyNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the UserProperty table. - 2.13
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}.Subscription.{i}. object(0:) W

List of MQTT subscriptions handled by the MQTT client.

The MQTT client MUST subscribe with the MQTT broker for all subscription instances, whose parameter Enable is set to true, when it establishes a new connection to the MQTT broker. Disabled subscription instances with Enable set to false will be ignored during connection establishment.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Topic. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Topic such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.10
Enable boolean W

When a MQTT client connects to a MQTT server, it MUST send a SUBSCRIBE message including all instances with Enable set to true. If the MQTT client is already connected with the MQTT server (Status is Connected), a MQTT SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE message MUST be sent directly when Enable is changed to true or false, respectively.

The actual status of the subscription is indicated with Status.

- 2.10
Status string R

Indicates the status of this subscription. Enumeration of:

  • Unsubscribed
  • Subscribed
  • Subscribing (OPTIONAL)
  • Unsubscribing (OPTIONAL)
  • Error

The Subscribed value indicates that the topic was successfully subscribed with the MQTT broker, the MQTT client received the SUBACK message for this topic from the server.

The Subscribing value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate that the a SUBSCRIBE message for this topic was sent, and the CPE is waiting for a SUBACK message.

The Unsubscribed value indicates that the topic is not registered with the MQTT broker.

The Unsubscribing value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate that an UNSUBSCRIBE message for this topic was sent, and the CPE is waiting for an UNSUBACK message.

If the Enable is set to false the status MUST be either Unsubscribed or if the unsubscription failed Error.

- 2.10
Topic string(:65535) W

Name of the subscribed topic. Topic names may contain wildcards according to the rules specified in [Section Appendix A/MQTT311], [Section 4.7/MQTT311] or [Section 4.7/MQTT50].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
QoS unsignedInt(0:2) W The MQTT QoS level assigned with the subscription (see [Section 4.1/MQTT311], [Section 4.3/MQTT311]) or [Section 4.3/MQTT50]. - 2.10
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}.UserProperty.{i}. object(0:) W

List of user properties used by the MQTT client.

This table only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.13
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.13
Enable boolean W Setting Enable to true means the user property is used in the indicated control packet(s). The user property will be applied to all control packets of the same control packet type (e.g PUBLISH). - 2.13
Name string(:65535) W

Name of the user property

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.13
Value string(:65535) W Value of the user property - 2.13
PacketType string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each entry defines the control packet type(s) in which the user property is included.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.13
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}.Stats. object R

Contains the MQTT client statistics and usage information.

The CPE MUST reset the Stats parameters after the MQTT client gets (re-)enabled or if the MQTT client connects with a new MQTT broker (e.g. BrokerAddress has changed). The CPE MAY retain the values across a reboot if it reconnects with the same MQTT broker.

- 2.10
BrokerConnectionEstablished dateTime R

Time when the MQTT broker connection was established.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
LastPublishMessageSent dateTime R

Time when the last publish message was sent to the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
LastPublishMessageReceived dateTime R

Time when the last publish message was received from the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
PublishSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Number of publish messages sent to the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
PublishReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Number of publish messages received from to the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
SubscribeSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Number of subscribe messages sent to the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
UnSubscribeSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Number of unsubscribe messages sent to the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
MQTTMessagesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Total number of MQTT messages sent to the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
MQTTMessagesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Total number of MQTT messages received from the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
ConnectionErrors unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] Number of connection errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
PublishErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of errors which prevented sending publish messages. - 2.10
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}. object(0:) W

MQTT broker table. Contains a list of configured MQTT brokers.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.10
Name string(:64) W

The textual name of the MQTT broker.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.10
Enable boolean W Allows to enable or disable the MQTT broker. - 2.10
Status string R

Indicates the status of the MQTT broker. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The “Error_Misconfigured” value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid.

The “Error” value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.10
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W Port used by the MQTT Broker. 1883 2.10
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. If an empty string is specified, the CPE MUST bind the MQTT broker to all available interfaces. - 2.10
Username string(:256) W

User name used to authenticate the MQTT clients, which connect to the MQTT broker.

If this parameter is an empty string no authentication is used.

- 2.10
Password string(:256) W

Password used used to authenticate the MQTT clients, which connect to the MQTT broker.

This password is only used if Username is not an empty string.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.10
BridgeNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Bridge table. - 2.10
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}.Bridge.{i}. object(0:) W

Configures MQTT bridges, which are used to communicate with other MQTT brokers.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.10
Name string(:64) W

The textual name of the MQTT bridge used for identification.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.10
Enable boolean W Allows to enable or disable the MQTT Bridge. - 2.10
Status string R

Indicates the status of this MQTT Bridge. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Connecting
  • Connected
  • Enabled (This enumeration was DELETED in 2.11 because it’s covered by Connecting and Connected)
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error_BrokerUnreachable
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

The Disabled value indicates that the MQTT bridge is not in service; parameter Enable is set to false.

The Connecting value indicates that the MQTT bridge is currently established.

The Connected value indicates that the MQTT bridge is currently active.

The Error_Misconfigured value indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid (e.g. No active Server entry, the MQTT broker can not use the defined bridge port, because it is blocked)

The Error_BrokerUnreachable value indicates that the MQTT bridge connection to the remote MQTT broker could not be established.

The Error value MAY be used to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.10
ProtocolVersion string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.ProtocolVersionsSupported parameter. Specifies the MQTT protocol version used in the MQTT bridge connection. - 2.10
TransportProtocol string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Capabilities.TransportProtocolSupported parameter. Indicates the transport protocol to be used for the MQTT bridge connection. TCP/IP 2.10
CleanSession boolean W

The value of the MQTT clean session flag in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311] and [Section]) to establish a MQTT bridge connection. If this flag is set to true (default), the remote MQTT broker will delete all subscription information after a Disconnect.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1 or 3.1.1.

true 2.10
CleanStart boolean W

The value of the MQTT Clean Start flag in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section] to establish a MQTT bridge connection. If this flag is set to true (default), the remote MQTT broker will delete all subscription information after a Disconnect.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed..

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0.

true 2.13
KeepAliveTime unsignedInt(:65535) W

Keep Alive Time in seconds defines the maximum wait time after which a packet has to be sent to the remote MQTT broker (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]). If no regular packet can be sent a MQTT PINGREQ packet is sent.

A value of zero (0) means no keep alive packets are sent and the bridge is not disconnected by the server.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

60 2.10
ForceReconnect() command -

Disconnects the MQTT bridge to the remote MQTT broker and reconnects it again (toggle connection). It is only effective if the MQTT bridge is currently connected to the remote MQTT broker (Parameter Status is Connected).

If the MQTT bridge is in a different state, the command has no effect.

This command may be used to immediately apply changes in the MQTT connection settings.

- 2.12
ClientID string(0:65535) W

The MQTT client identifier used in the CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section]) or [Section]).

If ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1 or 3.1.1, this parameter MUST NOT be an empty string.

If ProtocolVersion is set to 5.0, an empty string is allowed.

A change of this parameter is only communicated to the MQTT server with the next MQTT CONNECT packet. If the change needs to be applied immediately, the command ForceReconnect() has to be executed.

- 2.10
Username string(:256) W

User name used to authenticate the MQTT broker when making a connection over the MQTT bridge. The value is sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section] or [Section]).

If this parameter is an empty string no authentication parameters are sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet.

- 2.10
Password string(:256) W

Password used to authenticate the MQTT broker when making a connection over the MQTT bridge. The value is sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet (see [Section 3.1/MQTT311], [Section] or [Section]).

This password is only sent in the MQTT CONNECT packet if Username is not an empty string.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.10
MessageRetryTime unsignedInt(1:) W

Message retry time in seconds defines the wait time before a MQTT message that expects a response (QoS value of message is > 0, or PUBLISH, PUBREL, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE message) is resent, because the response is not received (see [Section 4.2/MQTT311].

This parameter only applies if ProtocolVersion is set to 3.1.

5 2.10
ConnectRetryTime unsignedInt(1:) W

Connect retry time in seconds defines the wait time before a failed bridge connection is retried.

A failure can either be on the connection level (e.g. the TCP/IP or TLS connection can not be established) or on the Protocol level, the MQTT client does not receive a MQTT CONNACK packet on a MQTT CONNECT packet sent.

30 2.10
ServerSelectionAlgorithm string W

The algorithm used to select a server entry from the Server table

Enumeration of:

  • Priority (Select the server from the Server. table according to the sequence defined with the Server.{i}.Priority and Server.{i}.Weight values)
  • RoundRobin (Select the servers round robin)
  • Random (Select the servers randomly)
- 2.10
ServerConnection string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the Server. instance that is used for this Bridge, while the Status is Connecting or Connected. If the MQTT bridge is not connected the value MUST be an empty string. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.10
ServerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Server table. - 2.10
SubscriptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Subscription table. - 2.10
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}.Bridge.{i}.Server.{i}. object(0:) W

Each Server instance represents a MQTT bridge server to be used for a Bridge. A remote MQTT broker, which is connected by a MQTT bridge can be reachable via several host addresses each represented by its own Server table entry. For an active MQTT bridge at least one enabled entry has to exist.

If a MQTT bridge gets enabled by setting the parameter Bridge.{i}.Enable to true, which either has an empty Server table or the Server table only contains instances whose Enable is set to false, the Bridge.{i}.Status has to be set to Error_Misconfigured.

Any attempt to delete an instance, which is currently in use (Bridge.{i}.ServerConnection refers to the instance to be deleted), has to be rejected.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for both Address and Port. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Address such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Server. false 2.10
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.10
Priority unsignedInt(0:65535) W

The priority of this Server that is used by the Bridge when determining the Server to connect to. The Bridge MUST contact the Server with the lowest-numbered priority that the Bridge can reach as defined in [RFC2782]. The selection of Servers with the same Priority value utilizes the Weight parameter to determine which Server is selected by the Bridge.

This value is only used if Bridge.{i}.ServerSelectionAlgorithm is set to Priority.

- 2.10
Weight long(-1:65535) W

This parameter specifies a relative weight for entries with the same Priority. The mechanism is defined in [RFC2782]. A value of -1 indicates that the implementation of this parameter is specific to the Vendor.

This value is only used if Bridge.{i}.ServerSelectionAlgorithm is set to Priority.

- 2.10
Address string(:256) W

Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the MQTT broker server this Bridge connects to.

If the value of this parameter is a FQDN that resolves to multiple addresses then each address SHOULD be attempted (in an implementation-specific order) until a connection can be made or all addresses are exhausted, in which case the next Server instance (based on rules defined over the selected Bridge.{i}.ServerSelectionAlgorithm) SHOULD be used.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W Port number of the MQTT broker server this Bridge connects to. 1883 2.10
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}.Bridge.{i}.Subscription.{i}. object(0:) W

List of MQTT subscriptions handled over the bridge.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for both Topic and Direction. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, Topic and Direction such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.10
Enable boolean W

Setting Enable to true activates the handling of this subscription instance. In case of incoming directions (Direction is either in or both) the topic is subscribed over the bridge at the remote MQTT broker with a MQTT SUBSCRIBE message if Enable is set to true or unsubscribed from the remote MQTT broker with a MQTT UNSUBSCRIBE message if the value is set to false.

The actual status of the subscription is indicated with Status.

- 2.10
Status string R

Indicates the status of this subscription. Enumeration of:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Error

The Enabled value indicates that the this subscription is active. In case of incoming directions (Direction is either in or both) the topic was successfully subscribed with the remote MQTT broker.

The Disabled value indicates that this subscription is not used.

The Error value indicates that an error occurred (e.g. an subscription could not be made with the remote MQTT broker) and the subscription is not in use.

- 2.10
Topic string(:65535) W

Name of the subscribed topic. Topic names may contain wildcards according to the rules specified in [Section Appendix A/MQTT311], [Section 4.7/MQTT311] or [Section 4.7/MQTT50].

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Direction) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Direction string W

The direction of the subscription. Enumeration of:

  • out (Indicates that all matching topics will be sent over the bridge to the next MQTT broker)
  • in (Indicates that all matching topics will be received over the bridge from the next MQTT broker)
  • both (Indicates that all matching topics will be sent and received over the bridge) .

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Topic) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
QoS unsignedInt(0:2) W The MQTT QoS level assigned with the subscription (see [Section 4.1/MQTT311], [Section 4.3/MQTT311]) or [Section 4.3/MQTT50]. - 2.10
LocalPrefix string(:256) W

The local prefix is used for remapping received topics to the local topics of the MQTT broker and to select the topics to be sent over bridge to the remote MQTT broker.

For remote topics received over the bridge the MQTT broker adds the LocalPrefix in front of the received topic, before processing it.
Topic is “/bus/+”, LocalPrefix is “/local”, Direction is “in”
MQTT broker receives message with topic “/bus/tr181” over bridge => MQTT broker uses topic “/local/bus/tr181” for internal processing
For selection of the topics to be sent over the bridge the MQTT broker uses the combination of LocalPrefix and Topic to match the topics to be sent over bridge, and removes the LocalPrefix from the selected topic before sending it over the bridge.
Topic is “/bus/+”, LocalPrefix is “/local”, Direction is “out”
MQTT broker receives message with topic “/local/bus/tr181” from a MQTT client => MQTT broker sends topic “/bus/tr181” to remote MQTT broker
- 2.10
RemotePrefix string(:256) W

The remote prefix is used for remapping topics to the remote MQTT broker topic lists.

For remote topics received over the bridge the MQTT broker removes the remote prefix topic from the received topic (before handling the LocalPrefix), before processing it.
Topic is “/bus/+”, LocalPrefix is “/local”, RemotePrefix is “/remote”, Direction is “in”
MQTT broker receives message with topic “/remote/bus/tr181” over bridge => MQTT broker uses topic “/local/bus/tr181” for internal processing
During activation of the bridge, the MQTT broker prepends the Topic with RemotePrefix topic and subscribes to the remote MQTT broker with it, in order to receive all applicable remote topics.
Topic is “/bus/+”, RemotePrefix is “/remote”, Direction is “in”
MQTT broker sends a subscription to the remote MQTT broker with the topic “/remote/bus/+”.
For all topics to be sent over the bridge (Direction is either out or both), the RemotePrefix will be prepended to the topic after the LocalPrefix has been processed and before sending the message over the bridge.
Topic is “/bus/+”, LocalPrefix is “/local”, RemotePrefix is “/remote” Direction is “out”
MQTT broker receives message with topic “/local/bus/tr181” from a MQTT client => MQTT broker sends topic “/remote/bus/tr181” to remote MQTT broker
- 2.10
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}.Stats. object R The MQTT broker statistics values. These will reset with each MQTT broker start, either after reboot or if the MQTT broker gets (re-)enabled. - 2.10
TotalNumberOfClients unsignedInt R Total number of MQTT clients registered with the MQTT broker. - 2.10
NumberOfActiveClients unsignedInt R Number of MQTT clients, which have a connection with the MQTT broker established. - 2.10
NumberOfInactiveClients unsignedInt R Number of MQTT clients, which have no connection with the MQTT broker established. - 2.10
Subscriptions unsignedInt R

Number of subscriptions held by the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
PublishSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Number of publish messages sent by the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
PublishReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Number of publish messages received by the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
MQTTMessagesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Total number of MQTT messages sent by the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
MQTTMessagesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Total number of MQTT messages received by the MQTT broker.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
ConnectionErrors unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] Number of connection errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.10
PublishErrors unsignedInt R [StatsCounter32] Number of errors which prevented sending publish messages - 2.10
Device.DynamicDNS. object R Properties for Dynamic DNS. - 2.10
ClientNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Client table. - 2.10
ServerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Server table. - 2.10
SupportedServices string[](:1024) R Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. List of Dynamic DNS service names that are supported by the CPE. - 2.10
Device.DynamicDNS.Client.{i}. object(0:) W

Client properties for Dynamic DNS.

A dynamic DNS client is responsible for verifying IP address changes and updating information from a subscribed account on a Dynamic DNS Server.

For enabled table entries, if Server is not a valid reference then the table entry is inoperable and the CPE MUST set the Status to Error_Misconfigured.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both Server and Username, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Server, Username and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Dynamic DNS Client. - 2.10
Status string R

Status of this Dynamic DNS Client.

Enumeration of:

  • Connecting (The Dynamic DNS Client is trying to connect to the Server)
  • Authenticating (The Dynamic DNS Client is in the authentication phase)
  • Updated (The Dynamic DNS Client has performed an update request since the last IP address change)
  • Error_Misconfigured (Error due to configuration)
  • Error (An error has occurred during the communication with the Server. The LastError parameter is updated with the detail of this error)
  • Disabled (The Client is disabled)
- 2.10
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.10
LastError string R

The last error this Dynamic DNS Client has encountered.

The parameter MAY instead indicate a vendor-specific cause, which MUST use the format defined in [TR-106].

Enumeration of:

- 2.10
Server string(:256) W

The DynamicDNS server associated with this Dynamic DNS Client.

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Server. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Username) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Interface string(:256) W

The IP interface over which update queries to the server are sent.

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

- 2.10
Username string(:256) W

Username used by this Dynamic DNS Client to authenticate with the Server.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Server) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Password string(:256) W

Password used by this Dynamic DNS Client to authenticate with the Server.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.10
HostnameNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Hostname table. - 2.10
Device.DynamicDNS.Client.{i}.Hostname.{i}. object(0:) W

Each table entry represents a fully qualified domain name updated by this Dynamic DNS Client.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Hostname. - 2.10
Status string R

Status of this Hostname.

Enumeration of:

  • Registered (The Hostname has been updated with the current IP address)
  • UpdateNeeded (The IP address has changed since last update)
  • Updating (The Client is trying to update this Hostname)
  • Error (The Hostname doesn’t exist for this Dynamic DNS account)
  • Disabled (The Hostname is disabled)
- 2.10
Name string(:256) W

Fully qualified domain name that has to be updated with the IP address.

If the name is set to another value, the Client MUST immediately send an update request to the Server.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
LastUpdate dateTime R The date time of the last successful update of this name to the Dynamic DNS Server. - 2.10
Device.DynamicDNS.Server.{i}. object(0:) W

Table of Dynamic DNS servers available for this CPE.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Name and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables Dynamic DNS Server.

Note: This parameter was previously wrongly defined as a string.

- 2.10
Name string(:64) W

The textual name of the Dynamic DNS Server.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.10
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.10
ServiceName string(:256) W

Dynamic DNS service used to contact this server.

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Device.DynamicDNS.SupportedServices parameter.

- 2.10
ServerAddress string(:256) W Host name or IP address of the Dynamic DNS server. - 2.10
ServerPort unsignedInt(0:65535) W Port number of the Dynamic DNS server. - 2.10
SupportedProtocols string[] R

Indicates the protocols that are supported by the CPE for sending requests to the Dynamic DNS server. Comma-separated list of strings. This list depends on the Dynamic DNS service defined by the ServiceName parameter.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.10
Protocol string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedProtocols parameter. Indicates the protocol used to send requests to the Dynamic DNS server. - 2.10
CheckInterval unsignedInt W

Interval (in seconds) between two checks for IP change.

A value of zero indicates that the CPE knows when IP changes and doesn’t need to check it periodically.

- 2.10
RetryInterval unsignedInt W Initial retry interval (in seconds) after a failed request. This parameter can be used as a fixed value or as part of a retry interval calculation. - 2.10
MaxRetries unsignedInt W

Maximum number of retries after a failed request. When the maximum number is reached, no further requests are sent until the context changes.

A value of 0 means that there are no retries after a failed request.

- 2.10
Device.LEDs. object R This object describes the LEDs on the device. - 2.11
LEDNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the LED table. - 2.11
Device.LEDs.LED.{i}. object(0:) R

Each instance of this object describes an LED on the device.

The default illumination characteristics (e.g., Color, Brightness) of an in use LED is vendor specific. When a cycle completes (i.e., CyclePeriodRepetitions = 0), the LED reverts back to its default illumination characteristics.

When the value of the Status parameter is Controlled, then the value of CycleElementNumberOfEntries and CycleElementNumberOfEntries parameters SHOULD be 0.

When the value of the RelativeXPosition and RelativeYPosition parameters are 0, this indicates that the position of the LED is unknown.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.11
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.11
Name string W The internal name used to identify this LED. - 2.11
Status string R

The status of the LED.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (The LED is currently not in use)
  • InUse (The LED is currently being used by the CPE)
  • Controlled (Indicates that the LED is controlled from an electronic circuit which cannot be monitored)
  • Error (The LED status cannot be determined by the CPE)
- 2.11
Reason string R

The textual purpose that represents the visual display of the LED (e.g., Broadband Down).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
CyclePeriodRepetitions int(-1:) R

The number of cycle periods left for this LED. As each cycle period is completed this parameter is reduced by 1. A value of -1 indicates an infinite number of cycle period repetitions.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Location string R

The location of the LED as the user looks at the front of the device in its typical orientation (e.g., on-end, flat).

Enumeration of:

  • Front
  • Back
  • Left
  • Right
  • Top
  • Bottom
- 2.11
RelativeXPosition unsignedInt R The relative x position of the LED from left to right (x) and top to bottom (y) as the user looks at the device from the orientation identified in the Location parameter in its typical orientation (e.g., on-end, flat). - 2.11
RelativeYPosition unsignedInt R The relative y position of the LED from left to right (x) and top to bottom (y) as the user looks at the device from the orientation identified in the Location parameter in its typical orientation (e.g., on-end, flat). - 2.11
CycleElementNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CycleElement table. - 2.11
Device.LEDs.LED.{i}.CycleElement.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this object describes the LED characteristics for a portion of the LED cycle period.

The pattern of lighting for the LED corresponding to this table (i.e., the LED cycle period) is defined by the illumination of the LED according to the entries in this table, taken sequentially in the order specified by the Order parameter, with the duration for the portion of the LED illumination corresponding to a given instance specified by the Duration parameter.

The other parameters of the instance of this object (e.g., Color, Brightness) describes the illumination characteristics applied to the LED for this CycleElement instance.

The length of the complete LED cycle is the sum of the Duration parameters for all of the entries in this table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Order, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Order and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.11
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.11
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this CycleElement instance. - 2.11
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

The relative order of this CycleElement in the LED’s cycle period.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.11
Color hexBinary(3) W

The color being displayed by the LED RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088).

Note: If the parameter is set to an unsupported color the CPE MUST NOT infer a different color.

- 2.11
Duration unsignedInt W The duration, in milliseconds, for this element of the cycle period. - 2.11
FadeInterval unsignedInt W

The interval corresponding to this CycleElement instance, in milliseconds, from the starting from the target illumination characteristics of the previous CycleElement instance to the target illumination characteristics of this CycleElement instance.

The transition to the target illumination characteristics is uniformly interpolated “perceptually” over the value of this FadeInterval parameter.

- 2.11
Device.LEDs.LED.{i}.CurrentCycleElement. object R This object describes the status of the current cycle element for this LED. - 2.11
CycleElementReference string R

This object describes the current properties of the CycleElement.{i} object instance that is currently active.

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the CycleElement. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. If the LED instances does not have a current cycle element active, this parameter MUST be set to an empty string.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Color hexBinary(3) R

The color, formatted as RGB hexadecimal notation (e.g., FF0088), that is currently being displayed by the LED.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Duration unsignedInt R

The remaining duration, in milliseconds, for this element of the cycle period.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.11
Device.BASAPM. object R This object represents the objects necessary to manage and control the functionality for tests that utilize the Broadband Access Service Attributes and Performance Metrics measurement test framework as defined in by [TR-304]. - 2.12
MeasurementEndpointNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MeasurementEndpoint table. - 2.12
Device.BASAPM.MeasurementEndpoint.{i}. object(0:) W

This object represents the measurement endpoint that provides additional contextual information regarding the measurement agent.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for MeasurementAgent. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and MeasurementAgent such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this MeasurementEndpoint instance.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
MeasurementAgent string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a LMAP.MeasurementAgent object that is associated with this measurement endpoint.. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
DeviceOwnership string W

This parameter describes the ownership of the device that hosts the measurement endpoint.

Enumeration of:

  • ISP (ISP Owned Device)
  • Customer (Customer Owned Device)
- 2.12
OperationalDomain string(:256) W This parameter describes the operational domain for this measurement endpoint - 2.12
InternetDomain string(:64) W The top level Internet domain used to identify this measurement endpoint. - 2.12
UseMeasurementEndpointInReports boolean W If the value of this parameter is false then the Measurement Endpoint MUST not be included in measurement reports. - 2.12
Device.BASAPM.MeasurementEndpoint.{i}.ISPDevice. object R This object represents the information necessary to utilize an ISP owned device within the measurement endpoint. - 2.12
ReferencePoint string W

This parameter describes the measurement reference point of the measurement endpoint.

Enumeration of:

  • STP (Internet Source Test Point)
  • IDTP (Internet Drain Test Point)
  • RNTP (Regional Network Test Point)
  • IRTP (Internal Regional Test Point)
  • MTP (Metro Test Point)
  • IATP (Internal Access Test Point)
  • UNITP (User Network Interface Test Point)
  • CEDTP (Customer End Device Test Point)
- 2.12
GeographicalLocation string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a DeviceInfo.Location object that describes the geographic location of the measurement endpoint. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.12
Device.BASAPM.MeasurementEndpoint.{i}.CustomerDevice. object R This object represents the information necessary to utilize customer owned device within the measurement endpoint. - 2.12
EquipmentIdentifier string(:64) W This parameter describes the customer equipment identifier of the measurement endpoint. - 2.12
CustomerIdentifier string(:256) W The unique customer identifier within the operational domain for this measurement endpoint. - 2.12
Device.LMAP. object R This object represents the objects necessary to manage and control the functionality for Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance[RFC7594] as defined in by [LMAPIFM]. - 2.12
MeasurementAgentNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MeasurementAgent table. - 2.12
ReportNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Report table. - 2.12
EventNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Event table. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}. object(0:) W

This object represents the measurement agent that performs measurement tasks and reporting functions defined in [RFC7594].

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Identifier. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Identifier such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this MeasurementAgent instance.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Version string R Version of the measurement agent. - 2.12
LastStarted dateTime R Date and time, based on [RFC3339], in UTC that the measurement agent was successfully started. - 2.12
CapabilityTags string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Capabilities of the measurement agent that cannot be expressed elsewhere in the data model. - 2.12
Identifier string(36) W

[UUID] Identifier of the MeasurementAgent instance.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
GroupIdentifier string(:256) W Identifier of the measurement group of interest to which the measurement agent belongs. - 2.12
MeasurementPoint string(:256) W Identifier of the measurement point indicating where the measurement agent is located on a path as defined in [bibref|RFC7398.}} - 2.12
UseAgentIdentifierInReports boolean W If the value of the Identifier parameter is not an empty string and the value of this parameter is false then the value of the Identifier parameter MUST not be included in measurement reports. true 2.12
UseGroupIdentifierInReports boolean W If the value of the GroupIdentifier parameter is not an empty string and the value of this parameter is false then the value of the GroupIdentifier parameter MUST not be included in measurement reports. false 2.12
UseMeasurementPointInReports boolean W If the value of the MeasurementPoint parameter is not an empty string and the value of this parameter is false then the value of the MeasurementPoint parameter MUST not be included in measurement reports. false 2.12
PublicCredential string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a Security.Certificate object that is used to identify this measurement agent. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.12
PrivateCredential string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a Security.Certificate object that is used to contain the private keys for this measurement agent. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.12
EventLog string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile object that is used to record events for this measurement agent. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.12
TaskCapabilityNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the TaskCapability table. - 2.12
ScheduleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Schedule table. - 2.12
TaskNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Task table. - 2.12
CommunicationChannelNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the CommunicationChannel table. - 2.12
InstructionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Instruction table. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.TaskCapability.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents a capabilities, in the context of a task, that are supported by the measurement agent. Types of capabilities include: Report tasks, Configuration Tasks and Instruction Tasks.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 2.12
Name string(:256) R Name of the supported task. - 2.12
Version string(:256) R Version of the task. - 2.12
TaskCapabilityRegistryNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Registry table. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.TaskCapability.{i}.Registry.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents a registry function and an associated list of roles supported by this measurement agent

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RegistryEntry.

- 2.12
RegistryEntry string R A URI ([RFC3986]) that is the value of the task registry entry as defined in [LMAPREG] or a value for a task that is understood by the measurement agent, measurement controller and measurement collector. - 2.12
Roles string(:256)[] R Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256), representing the roles of the function. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Controller. object R This objects represents the measurement controller that is assigned to a measurement agent. - 2.12
ControllerTimeout int(0:) W

The timer, in seconds, that is started after each successful contact with a measurement controller.

When the timer reaches the timeout an event is raised indicating that connectivity to the controller has been lost.

- 2.12
ControlSchedules string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a Schedule object. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

This parameter lists the available control schedules for invoking control tasks by the measurement agent.

- 2.12
ControlTasks string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a Task object. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

This parameter lists the available control tasks that can be invoked by the measurement agent.

- 2.12
ControlChannels string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a CommunicationChannel object. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

The measurement agent to measurement controller channel is used for conveying results of communication sessions with the configuration, instruction status and logging information elements defined in defined in [LMAPIFM].

- 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}. object(0:) W

This object represents a schedule that is associated with a set of scheduled actions to be performed by a measurement agent.

Note: Actions of an occurrence of this Schedule are gracefully terminated by the defining either the End or Duration parameters. Only one of these parameters may be defined at a time.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Schedule instance.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Name string(:256) W

Name of the schedule.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
State string R

The current operational state of the Schedule. Only one instance of the schedule is active. An active schedule is defined where the State parameter has a value of Running.

Enumeration of:

  • Enabled
  • Suppressed
  • Disabled
  • Running
- 2.12
Start string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a Event object that is used define the event to start an occurrence of this Schedule. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.12
End string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a Event object that is used define the event to gracefully terminate all actions associated with an occurrence of this Schedule. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string.. <Empty> 2.12
Duration unsignedInt W When the Duration value is not 0, this parameter is used define the duration, in seconds, where after this duration all actions associated with an occurrence of this Schedule are gracefully terminated. 0 2.12
Tags string[] W Comma-separated list of strings, each entry represents tags that are to be reported together with the measurement results.. - 2.12
SuppressionTags string[] W Comma-separated list of strings, representing the suppression tags to be matched. - 2.12
ExecutionMode string W

This parameter describes the execution method to apply to this schedule for the associated Actions.

Enumeration of:

  • Sequential (Actions are executed in sequence as defined by the value of the Action.{i}.Order parameter. The first Scheduled Action of the DestinationOutput is provided the input)
  • Parallel (Actions are executed in parallel. The all Scheduled Actions of the DestinationOutput are provided the input)
  • Pipelined (Actions are executed in sequence where the output of one Action is used as the input of subsequent Action. The first Scheduled Action of the DestinationOutput is provided the input)
Pipelined 2.12
LastInvocation dateTime R Date and time, based on [RFC3339], in UTC that the Schedule was invoked by the measurement agent. - 2.12
Storage unsignedLong R

The amount of secondary storage, in bytes, allocated to an instance of this Schedule.

The value of this parameter reflects the amount of allocated physical storage and not the storage used by logical data records.

For example the secondary storage can be the storage allocated in a file system holding temporary data.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
ActionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Action table. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}.Stats. object R This object represents the statistics associated with this object. - 2.12
Invocations unsignedLong R

Number of invocations of this schedule. This counter does not include suppressed invocations or invocations that were prevented due to an overlap with a previous invocation of this schedule.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Suppressions unsignedLong R

Number of suppressed executions of this schedule.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Overlaps unsignedLong R

Number of executions prevented due to overlaps with a previous invocation of this schedule.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Failures unsignedLong R

Number of failed executions of this schedule. A failed execution is an execution where at least one action failed.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}.Action.{i}. object(0:) W

This object represents an action that is associated with the this Schedule object.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Schedule.{i}.Action object.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
State string R

The current operational state of the Action. Enumeration of:

  • Enabled
  • Suppressed
  • Disabled
  • Running
- 2.12
Order unsignedInt W The order of the scheduled action. - 2.12
Task string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a Task object used in this scheduled action. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.12
OutputDestination string[] W Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a Schedule object used to receive the output(s) of this scheduled action. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. - 2.12
SuppressionTags string[] W Comma-separated list of strings, representing the suppression tags to be matched. - 2.12
Tags string[] W Comma-separated list of strings, each entry represents tags that are to be reported together with the measurement results.. - 2.12
Storage unsignedLong R

The amount of secondary storage, in bytes, allocated to an instance of this Action.

The value of this parameter reflects the amount of allocated physical storage and not the storage used by logical data records.

For example the secondary storage can be the storage allocated in a file system holding temporary data.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
LastInvocation dateTime R Date and time, based on [RFC3339], in UTC that the Action was invoked by the measurement agent. - 2.12
LastSuccessfulCompletion dateTime R Date and time, based on [RFC3339], in UTC of a successful completion of the Action. - 2.12
LastSuccessfulStatusCode int R The status code returned by successful execution of the Action. A value of 0 indicates successful completion. - 2.12
LastSuccessfulMessage string R The message associated with the successful completion of the Action. - 2.12
LastFailedCompletion dateTime R Date and time, based on [RFC3339], in UTC of a failure to complete the Action. - 2.12
LastFailedStatusCode int R The status code returned by failed execution of the Action. A value of 0 indicates successful completion. - 2.12
LastFailedMessage string R The message associated with the failure to complete the task. - 2.12
OptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Option table. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}.Action.{i}.Stats. object R This object represents the statistics associated with this object. - 2.12
Invocations unsignedLong R

Number of invocations of this action. This counter does not include suppressed invocations or invocations that were prevented due to an overlap with a previous invocation of this schedule.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Suppressions unsignedLong R

Number of suppressed executions of this action.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Overlaps unsignedLong R

Number of executions prevented due to overlaps with a previous invocation of this action.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Failures unsignedLong R

Number of failed executions of this action. A failed execution is an execution where at least one action failed.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}.Action.{i}.Option.{i}. object(0:) W

This object represents an option associated with the Scheduled Action. When an option with the same Name exists between the Seheduled Action’s Option and The Task’s option, the option of the Scheduled Action takes precedence over the option associated with the Task.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Option instance.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Order unsignedInt W The order of the Option. - 2.12
Name string(:256) W

The name of the option.

When the value of this parameter is equal to “channel”, the option value specifies the Communication Channel used for this scheduled task.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Value string W The value associated with the Option. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Task.{i}. object(0:) W

The Task object defines the configuration for a task that can be performed by MeasurementAgent objects.

Tasks are performed by MeasurementAgent objects when a Schedule object invokes the Task.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Task instance.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Name string(:256) W

Name of the task.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Tags string[] W Comma-separated list of strings, each entry represents tags that are to be reported together with the measurement results.. - 2.12
OptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Option table. - 2.12
RegistryNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Registry table. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Task.{i}.Registry.{i}. object(0:) W

This object represents a registry function and an associated list of roles for this task

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RegistryEntry, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for RegistryEntry and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Registry instance.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
RegistryEntry string W

A URI ([RFC3986]) that is the value of the task registry entry as defined in [LMAPREG] or a value for a task that is understood by the measurement agent, measurement controller and measurement collector.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Roles string(:256)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256), representing the roles of the function. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Task.{i}.Option.{i}. object(0:) W

This object represents an option associated with the task.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Option instance.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Order unsignedInt W The order of the Option. - 2.12
Name string(:256) W

The name of the option.

When the value of this parameter is equal to “channel”, the option value specifies the Communication Channel used for this task.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Value string W The value associated with the Option. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.CommunicationChannel.{i}. object(0:) W

This object represents the properties communication channel used to establish communication between a measurement agent and other elements of the LMAP framework (e.g., measurement controller, measurement collector). The value of the Name parameter used for conveying information is defined as an option in the Task’s or scheduled Task’s option parameter.

When this object uses the BulkData capability, a BulkData.Profile.{i} object instance referred to by this object.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this CommunicationChannel instance.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Name string(:256) W

Name of the channel.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
UseBulkDataProfile boolean W Enables or disables the ability to use a bulk data profile for this communication channel - 2.12
BulkDataProfile string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a BulkData.Profile object that is used to represent communication channel. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.12
Target string(:2048) W The [URL] of the LMAP component that is the target of this communication channel. - 2.12
TargetPublicCredential string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a Security.Certificate object that is used to identify the target of this channel. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.12
Interface string W The value MUST be the Path Name of an interface object used to restrict the data transmitted or received using this channel to a specific interface. If the value of this parameter is an empty string the data that is transmitted or received using this channel is able to use any available interface. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Instruction.{i}. object(0:) W

The Instruction object defines the instruction to the measurement agent by the measurement controller. At most one Instruction object for the MeasurementAgent instance is enabled at a time. .

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Instruction instance.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
LastChange dateTime R Date and time, based on [RFC3339], in UTC that the Instruction object or its sub-object’s configuration was changed by a measurement agent’s controller. - 2.12
InstructionSchedules string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a Schedule object. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

This parameter lists the available instruction schedules for invoking control tasks by the measurement agent.

- 2.12
InstructionTasks string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a Task object. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

This parameter lists the available instruction tasks that can be invoked by the measurement agent.

- 2.12
ReportChannels string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a CommunicationChannel object. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

This parameter defines the corresponding report channels to be used when reporting results of tasks to a measurement collector.

- 2.12
MeasurementSuppressionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MeasurementSuppression table. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Instruction.{i}.MeasurementSuppression.{i}. object(0:) W

This object defines the schedules and actions that are suppressed based on criteria defined in the SuppressionMatch parameter.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this MeasurementSuppression instance.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Name string(:256) W

Name of the suppression object.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
State string R

The current operational state of the MeasurementSuppression. Enumeration of:

  • Enabled
  • Active
  • Disabled
- 2.12
StopRunning boolean W When true, the measurement agent is instructed to stop running schedules or actions that have been matched by this object. false 2.12
Start string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a Event object that is used define the event that to start an occurrence of this MeasurementSuppression. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. When an empty string the default behavior is to perform the suspension event immediately. <Empty> 2.12
End string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a Event object that is used define the event to gracefully suspend all actions associated with an occurrence of this MeasurementSuppression. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. When an empty string the default behavior is for the suspension period to be indefinite. <Empty> 2.12
SuppressionMatch string[] W Comma-separated list of strings, representing the match patterns to be used for applying suppression to Schedule.{i} (and their actions) and all Schedule.{i}.Action.{i} object instances that have a matched using their SuppressionTags parameters. The match pattern syntax is defined in [LMAPIFM]. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}. object(0:) R

This Report object instance represents a report that is generated by a reporting task where the reporting task is defined as a MeasurementAgent.{i}.Task.{i} and executed as a scheduled action (MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}.Action.{i}).

The Report replicates the MeasurementAgent.{i} object instance’s data at the time of the action execution.

When a BulkData.Profile.{i} object instance is used to communicate a Report instance, the CPE adds a BulkData.Profile.{i}.Parameter.{i} object instance referring to this Report object instance.

- 2.12
ReportDate dateTime R The report date and time, based on [RFC3339], that the report was sent to the collector. - 2.12
AgentIdentifier string(36) R [UUID] Identifier of the measurement agent at the time the measurement was run. - 2.12
GroupIdentifier string R Identifier of the measurement group of interest to which the MA belongs. - 2.12
MeasurementPoint string(:256) R Identifier of the measurement point indicating where the measurement agent is located on a path as defined in [RFC7398]. - 2.12
ResultNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Result table. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}. object(0:) R

The Result object provides the meta-data of the result report of a single executed action that produced the result.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of ScheduleName, ActionName and StartTime.

- 2.12
TaskName string(:256) R Name of the task that produced the result. - 2.12
ScheduleName string(:256) R Name of the schedule that produced the result. - 2.12
ActionName string(:256) R Name of the action that produced the result. - 2.12
EventTime dateTime R The date and time, based on [RFC3339], that the event that triggered the schedule of the action that produced the reported result values in UTC. - 2.12
StartTime dateTime R The date and time, based on [RFC3339], that the action started in UTC. - 2.12
EndTime dateTime R The date and time, based on [RFC3339], that the action was completed in UTC. - 2.12
CycleNumber string R

The cycle number derived from the EventTime.

The cycle number is the time, in UTC, closest to the EventTime that is a multiple of the cycle interval of the event that triggered the execution of the schedule.

The value is valid if the event that triggered the execution of the schedule has a defined cycle interval. An empty string represents an invalid CycleNumber.

Possible patterns:

- 2.12
Status int R The status code returned by the execution of the action. - 2.12
Tags string[] R Comma-separated list of strings, each entry represents tags defined for the schedule, task and action objects that produced this result. - 2.12
OptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Option table. - 2.12
ResultConflictNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Conflict table. - 2.12
ResultReportTableNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ReportTable table. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}.Option.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents an option associated with the task or action object that produced the result.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 2.12
Order unsignedInt R The order of the Option. - 2.12
Name int R

The name of the Option.

When the value of this parameter is equal to “channel”, the option value specifies the Communication Channel used for this task.

- 2.12
Value string R The value associated with the Option. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}.Conflict.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents actions that might have impacted the results being reported.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of ScheduleName, ActionName and TaskName.

- 2.12
TaskName string(:256) R Name of the task. - 2.12
ScheduleName string(:256) R Name of the schedule. - 2.12
ActionName string(:256) R Name of the action. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}.ReportTable.{i}. object(0:) R This ReportTable object instances represents a row of results. - 2.12
ColumnLabels string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. This parameter contains the column labels used for the result.

The column labels are ordered with the corresponding entries in the ResultRow table.

- 2.12
ResultReportRowNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ResultRow table. - 2.12
RegistryNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Registry table. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}.ReportTable.{i}.ResultRow.{i}. object(0:) R This ResultRow object instances represents a row of results for the report. - 2.12
Values string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. This parameter contains an ordered set of values that align to the columns defined in the ColumnLabels parameter. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}.ReportTable.{i}.Registry.{i}. object(0:) R

This object represents a registry function and an associated list of roles for this result report.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for RegistryEntry.

- 2.12
RegistryEntry string R A URI ([RFC3986]) that is the value of the registry entry as defined in [LMAPREG] or a value for a task that is understood by the measurement agent, measurement controller and measurement collector. - 2.12
Roles string(:256)[] R Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256), representing the roles of the function. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Event.{i}. object(0:) W

This object defines the information associated with an event used within the measurement agent. Event instances may be referenced by various objects within the LMAP model.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Event instance.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Name string(:256) W

Name of the Event.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Type string W

This parameter describes the type of Event for this object instance. The timing of the event occurrence is adjusted based on the value of the RandomnessSpread parameter.

Enumeration of:

  • PeriodicTiming (Periodic Timing Event. When selected one or more event occurrences are emitted based on the parameters defined in the PeriodicTimer object)
  • CalendarTiming (Calendar Timing Event. When selected one or more event occurrences are emitted based on the parameters defined in the CalendarTimer object)
  • OneOffTiming (One-off Timing Event. When selected a single event occurrence is emitted based on the parameters defined in the OneOff object)
  • Immediate (Immediate Timing Event. When selected a single event occurrence is emitted as soon as possible)
  • Startup (Startup Timing Event. When selected a single event occurrence is emitted when the corresponding measurement agent starts up)
  • ControllerLost (Controller Lost Event. When selected a single event occurrence is emitted when the connectivity to the controller is lost)
  • ControllerConnected (Controller Connected Event. When selected a single event occurrence is emitted when the connectivity to the controller is established)
Immediate 2.12
RandomnessSpread int W The spread, in seconds, of the Uniform Discrete random distribution algorithm. A value of 0 means that the random algorithm is not applied. - 2.12
CycleInterval int W The duration of the time interval, in seconds, that used to calculate cycle numbers. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Event.{i}.PeriodicTimer. object R This object defines a periodic timer instance. The periodic timer instance has attributes for when the timer is to begin (StartTime) and end (EndTime) as well as the interval to use. - 2.12
StartTime dateTime W Date and time, based on [RFC3339], that the PeriodicTimer instance is to begin operation. - 2.12
EndTime dateTime W Date and time, based on [RFC3339], that the PeriodicTimer instance is to end operation. - 2.12
Interval unsignedInt W The tolerable duration, in seconds, of the interval for this PeriodicTimer instance. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Event.{i}.CalendarTimer. object R

This object defines a calendar timer instance.

The calendar timer instance has attributes for when the timer is to begin (StartTime) and end (EndTime) as well as the schedule of the recurrence.

The algrorithm that defines how the schedule elements are evaluated is defined in [LMAPIFM].

If the value of any of the ScheduleMonths, ScheduleDaysOfMonth, ScheduleDaysOfWeek, ScheduleHoursOfDay, ScheduleMinutesOfHour or ScheduleSecondsOfMinute is an empty string then any actions that use this object will not be invoked.

- 2.12
StartTime dateTime W Date and time that the CalendarTimer instance is to begin this operation. - 2.12
EndTime dateTime W Date and time that the CalendarTimer instance is to end this operation. - 2.12
ScheduleMonths string W

This parameter represents either a list of the months of year that are applied to the schedule or an asterisk (*) that represents all the elements of the list.

Each entry in the months of the year list can be a numeric value or the name of the month (january (1), february (2), march (3), april (4), may (5), june (6), july (7), august (8), september (9), october (10), november (11), december (12)).

- 2.12
ScheduleDaysOfMonth string W This parameter represents either a list of the days of the month (1-31) that are applied to the schedule or an asterisk (*) that represents all the elements of the list. - 2.12
ScheduleDaysOfWeek string W

This parameter represents either a list of the days of the week that are applied to the schedule or an asterisk (*) that represents all the elements of the list.

Each entry in the days of the week list can be a numeric value or the name of the day (sunday (1), monday (2), tuesday (3), wednesday (4), thursday (5), friday (6), saturday (7)).

- 2.12
ScheduleHoursOfDay string W This parameter represents either a list of the hours of the day (0-23) that are applied to the schedule or an asterisk (*) that represents all the elements of the list. - 2.12
ScheduleMinutesOfHour string W This parameter represents either a list of the minutes of the hour (0-59) that are applied to the schedule or an asterisk (*) that represents all the elements of the list. - 2.12
ScheduleSecondsOfMinute string W This parameter represents either a list of the minutes of the hour (0-59) that are applied to the schedule or an asterisk (*) that represents all the elements of the list. - 2.12
EnableScheduleTimezoneOffset boolean W

When true, the value of the ScheduleTimezoneOffset parameter is applied to the schedule elements.

When false, the device’s system timezone offset is applied to the schedule elements.

- 2.12
ScheduleTimezoneOffset int(-23:23) W The timezone offset, in hours, to be applied to the schedule elements. - 2.12
Device.LMAP.Event.{i}.OneOff. object R This object defines a one off timer instance. - 2.12
StartTime dateTime W Date and time, based on [RFC3339], that the OneOff instance is to begin operation. - 2.12
Device.WWC. object R Base object for Wireline Wireless Convergence. The controller can use this object to learn the supported 5G features and whether the 5G-RG is operating in 5G mode. - 2.14
HwCapabilities string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Wireline Wireless Convergence hardware capabilities supported by the CPE. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • NG-RAN (Able to use the 5G Radio Access Network)
  • E-UTRAN (Able to use the 4G (LTE) Radio Access Network)
  • W-5GAN (Able to use fixed access networks)
- 2.14
SwCapabilities string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Wireline Wireless Convergence software capabilities supported by the CPE. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • FN-RG (Able to use PPPoE or IPoE as specified in [TR-124i5] or earlier)
  • 5G-RG (Able to use 5G capabilities such as specified in [TR-124i6])
  • ATSSS (Able to support multi access PDUs using Access Traffic Steering Switching Splitting (ATSSS))
- 2.14
Mode string W

Sets the mode the CPE is operating in. Whilst the CPE is expected to auto-negotiate, a service provider may need to lock the CPE in FN-RG or 5G-RG mode for stability. Enumeration of:

  • FN-RG (The CPE only attempts to authenticate using PPPoE or IPoE)
  • 5G-RG (The CPE only attempts to register using 5G NAS)
  • Auto (The CPE may operate in either mode)

The factory default value MUST be Auto.

- 2.14
Status string R

The mode the CPE is operating in. A CPE in Negotiating is deemed to be auto-negotiating its operational mode. Enumeration of:

  • FN-RG
  • 5G-RG
  • Negotiating
- 2.14
AccessNetworkNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AccessNetwork table. - 2.14
URSPNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the URSP table. - 2.14
Device.WWC.AccessNetwork.{i}. object(0:) R

Each table entry describes a single access network. The entire table is built by the 5G-RG upon startup. The primary purpose is to show the registration and connectivity status of each access network. Typically a 5G-RG would register on each available access network. A minimum of one access network must be in the CM-CONNECTED state in order to support N1 messaging.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.14
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the Access Network entry as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
Interface string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. Specifies the egress interface associated with this “AccessNetwork” entry. This MUST be a layer 1 interface. - 2.14
RegistrationStatus string R

The registration status of this entry. See [Clause 5.3.2/3GPP-TS.23.501]. Enumeration of:

  • RM_REGISTERED (The 5G-RG has successfully authenticated and has been assigned an AMF to manage it)
  • RM_DEREGISTERED (The 5G-RG is no longer managed by an AMF)
  • RM_UNDEFINED (The access network will always start in this state and indicates that the 5G-RG has never registered to the access network. This state is only used by the 5G-RG and is never present in the AMF)
  • Error (The LastError parameter is updated with the detail of this error)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.14
ConnectionStatus string R

The connection status of this entry. A 5G-RG is deemed in the CM_CONNECTED state if there is a NAS signalling connection established between the 5G-RG and AMF. If RegistrationStatus transitions from RM_REGISTERED to RM_DEREGISTERED, the status of ConnectionStatus must change to CM_UNDEFINED. See [Clause 5.3.3/3GPP-TS.23.501]. Enumeration of:

  • CM_IDLE (The 5G-RG does not have a NAS connection over N1 to the AMF)
  • CM_CONNECTED (The 5G-RG does have a NAS connection over N1 to the AMF)
  • CM_UNDEFINED (The access network will always start in this state and indicates that the 5G-RG is not registered to the access network. This state is only used by the 5G-RG and is never present in the AMF)
  • Error (The LastError parameter is updated with the detail of this error)

The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

- 2.14
AccessNetworkType string R

The access network type of this entry. Enumeration of:

  • NG-RAN
  • W-5GAN
- 2.14
LastError unsignedInt R Error code. See [Clause] - 2.14
Device.WWC.AccessNetwork.{i}.GUTI. object R

A 5G Globally Unique Temporary Identity (GUTI) securely identifes an CPE by keeping the permanent User Equipment (UE identifier (IMSI) hidden. This identity is globally unique and assigned by the AMF at the time of registration.

See [.Clause 2.10/3GPP-TS.23.003].

- 2.14
PLMN unsignedInt R

The Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) globally identifies the service provider. A PLMN consists of a country code (MCC) and a network code (MNC).

See [Clause 12.1/3GPP-TS.23.003].

For example, a PLMN of 50101 refers to MCC 501 (Australia) and MNC 01 (Telstra).

- 2.14
AMFId unsignedInt R

The AMFId identifies an AMF instance within a service provider’s network. In conjunction with the PLMN, it forms a Globally Unique AMF Id (GUAMI) which globally uniquely identifes an AMF.

See [Clause 2.10/3GPP-TS.23.003].

- 2.14
TMSI unsignedInt R

The Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (TMSI) is allocatred by the AMF at the time of registration and uniquely identifies the CPE.

See [Clause 2.4/3GPP-TS.23.003].

- 2.14
Device.WWC.URSP.{i}. object(0:) R

User equipment Router Selection Policy (URSP) is a table of rules used to determine which network slice and data network to route a PDU over. Typically a 5G-RG would search the URSP table in precedence order matching the traffic descriptor types against the service it was setting up. For example a 5G-RG would search for ‘connection capabilities’ matching ‘ims’ in order to establish a dedicated PDU session for telephony.

See [Clause 5.2/3GPP-TS.24.526] for a full description of the URSP data elements.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Precedence.

- 2.14
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
Precedence unsignedInt(0:255) R The precedence value of URSP rule field is used to specify the precedence of the URSP rule among all URSP rules in the URSP. The precedence value in the range from 0 to 255 (decimal). The higher the value of the precedence value field, the lower the precedence of the URP rule is. Multiple URSP rules in the URSP shall not have the same precedence value. - 2.14
TrafficDescriptorNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the TrafficDescriptor table. - 2.14
Device.WWC.URSP.{i}.TrafficDescriptor.{i}. object(0:) R

A set of rules for a given precedence that must be matched in order to select a router in the form of data network and slice. Selection criteria range from destination IP addresses to connection capabilities.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.14
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
Type unsignedInt R Traffic Descriptor Type. See [Clause 5.2/3GPP-TS.24.526]. - 2.14
Value string(:1024) R Traffic descriptor value. See [Clause 5.2/3GPP-TS.24.526]. - 2.14
RouteSelectionDescriptorNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the RouteSelectionDescriptor table. - 2.14
Device.WWC.URSP.{i}.TrafficDescriptor.{i}.RouteSelectionDescriptor.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the URSP Route Selection Descriptor table which provides a table of data networks and network slices used in PDU establishment. Table entries are used in precedence order until a successful PDU session is established.

See ((bibref|3GPP-TS.23.503|Annex A for an example URSP rule traversal.}}

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Precedence.

- 2.14
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
Precedence unsignedInt(0:255) R The precedence value of route selection descriptor field is used to specify the precedence of the route selection descriptor among all route selection descriptors in the URSP rule. The precedence value in the range from 0 to 255 (decimal). The higher the value of the precedence value field, the lower the precedence of the route selection descriptor is. - 2.14
SSC unsignedInt(1:3) R Session and Service Continuity (SSC) Mode: Indicates that the traffic of the matching application shall be routed via a PDU Session supporting the included SSC Mode. See [Clause]. - 2.14
DNN string(:100) R The DNN value contains an APN as defined in [Clause 9.1.1/3GPP-TS.23.003]. - 2.14
PDUSessionType string R

PDU session type. See [Clause]. Enumeration of:

  • IPv4
  • IPv6
  • IPv4v6
  • Unstructured
- 2.14
AccessType string R

The preferred access type for the PDU session. For a 5G-RG non-3GPP refers to any fixed access technology.

See [Clause]. Enumeration of:

  • 3GPP access
  • Non-3GPP access
- 2.14
Device.WWC.URSP.{i}.TrafficDescriptor.{i}.RouteSelectionDescriptor.{i}.NetworkSlice. object R

Describes a S-NSSAI Information element providing network slice specification.

See [Clause]

- 2.14
SliceServiceType string R

[SST] The Slice Service Type (SST). Enumeration of:

  • eMBB (5G Enhanced Mobile Broadband)
  • URLLC (Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications)
  • MIoT (Massive IoT)
  • V2X (Vehicle to Everything)

See [Clause].

- 2.14
SliceDifferentiator unsignedInt R

The Slice differentiator is an optional number used to differentiate network slices with the same SST.

See [Clause].

- 2.14
Device.PDU. object R The logical connection between the 5G-RG and data network is the Protocol Data Unit (PDU). The Device.PDU subtree describes each PDU sessions properties together with the QoS rules specific to that PDU session. - 2.14
SessionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Session table. - 2.14
Device.PDU.Session.{i}. object(0:) R

Contains all the properties of a PDU session instance, ranging from maximum bitrate through to assigned network slice. This object contains the Session table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for SessionID.

- 2.14
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
Interface string(:256) R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the PDU entry. - 2.14
SessionID unsignedInt(1:15) R PDU session identity. See [Clause 9.4/3GPP-TS.24.501]. - 2.14
PTI unsignedInt(1:254) R Procedure transaction identity. See [Clause 9.6/3GPP-TS.24.501]. - 2.14
SessionType string R

The PDU session type indicating the protocol the PDU is capable of carrying. See [Clause]. Enumeration of:

  • IPv4
  • IPv6
  • IPv4v6
  • Unstructured
- 2.14
SSC unsignedInt(1:3) R Session and Service Continuity (SSC) Mode: Indicates that the traffic of the matching application shall be routed via a PDU Session supporting the included SSC Mode. See [Clause] - 2.14
SessionAMBRDownlink unsignedLong R Downlink Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate in bits per second. See [Clause]. - 2.14
SessionAMBRUplink unsignedLong R Uplink Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate in bits per second. See [Clause]. - 2.14
LastError unsignedInt R Error code. See [Clause] - 2.14
PDUIPv4Address string(:45) R [IPv4Address] The IPv4 address allocated to the PDU session by the SMF. This parameter is only valid if SessionType has a value of IPv4 or IPv4v6. See [Clause]. - 2.14
PDUIPv6InterfaceIdentifier string R The interface identifier for the IPv6 link local address allocated to the PDU session by the SMF. This parameter is only valid if SessionType has a value of IPv6 or IPv4v6. See [Clause]. - 2.14
RQTimerValue unsignedInt R Reflective QoS timeout in seconds. See [Clause]. - 2.14
AlwaysOn boolean R

Always on PDU session indication. The purpose of the Always-on PDU session indication information element is to indicate whether a PDU session is established as an always-on PDU session.

See [Clause].

- 2.14
DNN string(:100) R The Data Network Name used by the PDU. The DNN value may be from the optional S-NSSAI specified at the time of PDU establishment or a default determined by the 5G core. A DNN is analogous to an LTE APN used the same format defined in [Clause]. - 2.14
QoSRuleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the QoSRule table. - 2.14
QoSFlowNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the QoSFlow table. - 2.14
Device.PDU.Session.{i}.PCO. object R Policy Configuration Options (PCO) is an optional set of configuration parameters supplied by the network at the request of the 5G-RG as defined in [Clause]. - 2.14
IPv6PCSCF string(:45) R [IPv6Address] The IPv6 address of the P-CSCF used for VoLTE telephony. - 2.14
IPv6DNS string(:256)[] R Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each entry is an IPv6 DNS server. - 2.14
IPv4PCSCF string(:45) R [IPv4Address] The IPv4 address of the P-CSCF used for VoLTE telephony. - 2.14
IPv4DNS string(:256)[] R Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each entry is an IPv4 DNS server. - 2.14
Device.PDU.Session.{i}.NetworkSlice. object R

Describes a S-NSSAI Information element providing network slice specification.

See [Clause]

- 2.14
SliceServiceType string R

[SST] The Slice Service Type (SST). Enumeration of:

  • eMBB (5G Enhanced Mobile Broadband)
  • URLLC (Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications)
  • MIoT (Massive IoT)
  • V2X (Vehicle to Everything)

See [Clause].

- 2.14
SliceDifferentiator unsignedInt R

The Slice differentiator is an optional number used to differentiate network slices with the same SST.

See [Clause].

- 2.14
Device.PDU.Session.{i}.QoSRule.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the PDU QoS Rule table. The purpose of the QoS Rule table is to assign a QFI to mark traffic based on a set of classification rules. The rules are set by the network operator and are specific for each PDU.

For example:

  • A QoS Rule with a default used for general traffic has the following parameters.
  • QFI=1
  • DQR=1 - Default rule
  • Filter 1 for rule
  • Direction=bidirectional
  • Type=1 - Match all
  • A QoS Rule matchihg a voice service.
  • QFI=32
  • DQR=0
  • Filter 1 for rule
  • Direction=bidirectional
  • Type=33 - Destination IPv6 range
  • Value=2001:8000/48 - Destination IPv6 range
  • Filter 2 for rule
  • Direction=bidirectional
  • Type=16 - Destination IPv4 address with netmask
  • Value= - Destination IPv4 address with netmask

A full description can be found at [Clause] QoS Rules

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Identifier.

- 2.14
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
Identifier unsignedInt(1:255) R The QoS rule identifier field is used to identify the QoS rule. - 2.14
Precedence unsignedInt(0:255) R The QoS rule precedence field is used to specify the precedence of the QoS rule among all QoS rules. The higher the value of the QoS rule precedence field, the lower the precedence of that QoS rule is. - 2.14
Segregation boolean R In the UE to network direction the segregation bit indicates whether the UE is requesting the network to bind service data flows described by the QoS rule to a dedicated QoS Flow. When true segregation is requested. - 2.14
QFI unsignedInt(1:63) R QoS Flow identifier. - 2.14
DQR boolean R Default QoS rule flag. When true this QoS rule is the default QoS rule. - 2.14
FilterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Filter table. - 2.14
Device.PDU.Session.{i}.QoSRule.{i}.Filter.{i}. object(0:) R

This object describes the PDU QoS Rule Filter table. As each packet filter is logically anded with the others, there shall not be more than one occurrence of each packet filter component type.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.14
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
Direction string R

The packet filter direction field is used to indicate for what traffic direction the filter applies. See [Clause] Enumeration of:

  • downlink
  • uplink
  • bidirectional
- 2.14
Type unsignedInt R Packet filter component type identifier. See [Clause]. - 2.14
Value string(:1024) R Matching value for the component type. See [Clause]. - 2.14
Device.PDU.Session.{i}.QoSFlow.{i}. object(0:) R

Table of all QoS Flow Indicators (QFI) and their properties supported by the access network for this particular PDU.

For example:

  • A QoS Flow with a QFI of 1 used for general traffic has the following parameters.
  • FiveQI=8
  • A QoS Flow with a QFI of 32 used for voice traffic with a guaranteed bitrate of 150k has the following parameters.
  • FiveQI=1
  • GFBRUplink=150
  • GFBRDownlink=150

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for QFI.

- 2.14
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
QFI unsignedInt(1:63) R QoS Flow Identifier. - 2.14
FiveQI unsignedInt(1:255) R 5G QoS Identifier. See [Clause 5.7.4/3GPP-TS.23.501] for a table of standardised 5QI QoS characteristics. - 2.14
GFBRUplink unsignedLong R Guaranteed Flow Bitrate - Upstream (expressed in bits per second). - 2.14
GFBRDownlink unsignedLong R Guaranteed Flow Bitrate - Downstream (expressed in bits per second). - 2.14
MFBRUplink unsignedLong R Maximum Flow Bitrate - Upstream (expressed in bits per second). - 2.14
MFBRDownlink unsignedLong R Maximum Flow Bitrate - Downstream (expressed in bits per second). - 2.14
AveragingWindow unsignedInt R Averaging window for both uplink and downlink in milliseconds. - 2.14
EPSBearer unsignedInt R EPS Bearer Identity. See [Clause 9.3.2/3GPP-TS.24.301]. - 2.14
Device.FWE. object R 5G Wireline wireless Encapsulation transport for data plane. See [RFC8822]. - 2.14
LinkNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Link table. - 2.14
Device.FWE.Link.{i}. object(0:) R

5G Wireline wireless Encapsulation link layer table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.14
Status string R

The current operational state of the link (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.14
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the link as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.14
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the link entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.14
Device.FWE.Link.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled). Operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

- 2.14
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.14
Device.Logical. object R

Logical object. This object models several Logical interface objects, each representing a different stack layer, including: Interface. Interface is a logical interface which can point to other stackable interface layers.

The intention of the logical interface is to simplify the configuration management of individual [TR-181i2] services. Instead of configuring the individual network services with a physical interface and deal with reconfiguration problems that may arise from switching between WAN interfaces. The intention is that the network services are configured with a logical interface and that this configuration stays unchanged during the switching between WAN interfaces. The software service (For example a WAN mode manger.) responsible for handling the WAN interface changes must then only care about rewriting the LowerLayers parameter of the Logical Interface Objects.

- 2.16
InterfaceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Interface table. - 2.16
Device.Logical.Interface.{i}. object(0:) W

Logical interface table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This table models only logical interfaces.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias and Name such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the interface. This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863]. - 2.16
Status string R

The current operational state of the logical interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up (When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if all the active lower layer interfaces are able to transmit and receive network traffic)
  • Down (When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down)
  • Unknown (It SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of one or more of the active lower interfaces can not be determined for some reason)
  • Dormant (It SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if one ore more of the active lower interfaces is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed))
  • NotPresent (It SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface, or one or more of the active lower interfaces has missing (typically hardware) components)
  • LowerLayerDown (It SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if one or more of the active lower interfaces is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down)
  • Error (It SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected with one more of the active lower layer interfaces, OPTIONAL) This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].
Down 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Name string(:64) W

The textual name of the logical interface as assigned by a static configuration file or dynamically by a controller.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the logical interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
LowerLayers string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2]. - 2.16
Device.Logical.Interface.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface. The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

This information SHOULD be mirrored or aggregated from the active underlying interfaces.

- 2.16
BytesSent unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of packets received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. Note that IPv6 does not define broadcast addresses, so IPv6 packets will never cause this counter to increment. - 2.16
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. Note that IPv6 does not define broadcast addresses, so IPv6 packets will never cause this counter to increment. - 2.16
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
Device.XPON. object R This object models one or more xPON interfaces or ONUs as specified by the ITU based PON standards. It does not address IEEE based PON standards (like EPON). An ONU performs tasks such as traffic classification, VLAN manipulation, GEM port mapping, aggregation and/or forwarding between one or more UNIs and one or more ANIs. - 2.16
ONUNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ONU table. - 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}. object(0:) R

This object models one xPON interface or ONU as specified by the ITU based PON standards.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this ONU. If disabled, the ONU should prevent user traffic from flowing, suppress notifications, and power down as much as possible. - 2.16
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the ONU as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Version string(:14) R

This attribute identifies the version of the ONU as defined by the vendor.

This parameter is based on Version from [Section 9.1.1/G.988].

- 2.16
EquipmentID string(:20) R

This attribute may be used to identify the specific type of ONU.

This parameter is based on Equipment ID from [Section 9.1.2/G.988].

- 2.16
SoftwareImageNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the SoftwareImage table. - 2.16
EthernetUNINumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the EthernetUNI table. - 2.16
ANINumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the ANI table. - 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.SoftwareImage.{i}. object(0:2) R

This table models the software images stored in the ONU.

It is expected this table has two entries: the ONU normally creates two instances of the Software Image ME to model the 2 software images in the ONU.

This object is based on [Section 9.1.4/G.988].

This table MUST contain at least 0 and at most 2 entries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ID.

- 2.16
ID unsignedInt(0:1) R

The ID as assigned by the CPE to this SoftwareImage entry.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Version string(:14) R

A string identifying the software version.

This parameter is based on Version from [Section 9.1.4/G.988].

- 2.16
IsCommitted boolean R

This parameter indicates whether or not the associated software image is committed.

This parameter is based on Is committed from [Section 9.1.4/G.988].

- 2.16
IsActive boolean R

This parameter indicates whether the associated software image is active (true) or inactive (false).

This parameter is based on Is active from [Section 9.1.4/G.988].

- 2.16
IsValid boolean R

This parameter indicates whether the associated software image is valid (true) or invalid (false).

This parameter is based on Is valid from [Section 9.1.4/G.988].

- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.EthernetUNI.{i}. object(0:) R

Ethernet UNI table (a stackable interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2]). This object models User Network Interfaces carrying Ethernet frames.

An EthernetUNI can be a virtual or a physical UNI. If the ONU is managed via OMCI, an EthernetUNI has an associated service, which is either a VEIP (see [Section 9.5.5/G.988]) or a PPTP Ethernet UNI (see [Section 9.5.1/G.988]).

If the associated service is a VEIP, the ONU shows a VEIP ME in the OMCI MIB. If it’s a PPTP Ethernet UNI, the ONU shows a PPTP Ethernet UNI ME in the OMCI MIB. It is expected the associated service is a VEIP for a virtual UNI, and that it is a PPTP Ethernet UNI for a physical UNI. However, some network operators require that the ONU shows a PPTP Ethernet UNI ME instead of a VEIP ME in its OMCI MIB even if the EthernetUNI models a virtual UNI.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.16
Enable boolean R

Indicates whether this interface is enabled (true) or not (false). If the ONU is managed via OMCI, the interface is enabled if the OLT set the parameter Administrative state of the ME managing the associated service to 0. (The value 0 unlocks the functions performed by the ME.) The ME is either the VEIP ME (see [Section 9.5.5/G.988]) or the PPTP Ethernet UNI ME (see [Section 9.5.1/G.988].

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.16
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • LowerLayerDown
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable becomes true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD change to LowerLayerDown if and only if the interface is prevented from entering the Up state because one or more of the interfaces beneath it is down; it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

If the ONU is managed via OMCI, then Status can only be Up if the ONU has been provisioned at OMCI level in such a way that this interface is able to pass traffic.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the interface entry as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
LowerLayers string[](:1024) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of an interface object that is stacked immediately below this interface object, or an empty string. See [Section 4.2.1/TR-181i2].

Note: it is expected that LowerLayers will not be used: if EthernetUNI models a physical UNI, it represents a layer 1 interface; if EthernetUNI models a virtual UNI, it virtualizes a layer 1 interface.

- 2.16
ANIs string[](:1024) R

Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ANI. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. References all associated ANI interfaces.

An ONU is potentially capable of forwarding frames between a UNI and its associated ANI interfaces. This parameter defines such a relationship. However, the list does not mean that the forwarding is actually happening, or the forwarding policies have been provisioned, between the UNI and the associated ANI interfaces. For an ONU with a single TC layer device, the parameter value can be either empty for simplicity, or can be the path name of the associated ANI. For an ONU with multiple TC layer devices, this parameter value may have one or more path names.

- 2.16
InterdomainID string(:256) R

String to identify the associated service in the ONU management domain to the TR-181 management domain. If the ONU is managed via OMCI, it is recommended to format this string as “(service_type,MEID)”, with service_type being an enumeration of VEIP or PPTPEthernetUNI, and MEID the value of the attribute “Managed entity ID” of the ME instance managing the service associated with this EthernetUNI.


  • (VEIP,1025)
  • (PPTPEthernetUNI,257)

An OSS (Operations Support System) having access to both the TR-181 and the OMCI domain can then find out which EthernetUNI instance represents a certain VEIP or PPTPEthernetUNI ME instance in the OMCI domain.

- 2.16
InterdomainName string(:25) R String that provides an additional way to identify the associated service to the TR-181 management domain. If the ONU is managed via OMCI and if the service associated with this EthernetUNI is a VEIP, then the value of this parameter is the value of the attribute “Interdomain name” of the corresponding VEIP ME instance. - 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.EthernetUNI.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

Transmit direction has PON as destination. Receive direction has PON as source.

- 2.16
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound Ethernet frames that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound Ethernet frames that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to the TR-181 domain.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames, delivered by this interface to the TR-181 domain, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound Ethernet frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound Ethernet frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received Ethernet frames, delivered by this interface to the TR-181 domain, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames that the TR-181 domain requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received Ethernet frames, delivered by this interface to the TR-181 domain, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of Ethernet frames received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}. object(0:) R

Access Node Interface (ANI) table. An ANI models the xPON MAC/PHY as defined in the ITU-T PON standards.

This object is not an interface object as described in [Section 4.2/TR-181i2], but it has many of the same core parameters as an interface object, and they follow largely the same conventions. The most important deviations are:

  • This object does not have a LowerLayers parameter.
  • The value LowerLayerDown is not a valid value for its Status parameter.

Because it’s not an interface object, it does not occur in the InterfaceStack table.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the interface.

If disabled, the device should force the ONU state of this ANI to O1 (Initial state).

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

Note: forcing the state to O1 implies the device disables the TX laser of the associated transceiver(s). It’s not required to disable the RX part of the transceivers as well.

- 2.16
Status string R

The current operational state of the interface. Although this object is not an interface object, it follows largely the conventions of [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]. The most important deviation is that LowerLayerDown is not a valid value. Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Unknown
  • Dormant
  • NotPresent
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Down (or NotPresent or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable becomes true then Status SHOULD change to Up if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive network traffic; more specifically, Status should change to Up if TC.ONUActivation.ONUState becomes O5; it SHOULD change to Dormant if and only if the interface is operable but is waiting for external actions before it can transmit and receive network traffic (and subsequently change to Up if still operable when the expected actions have completed); it SHOULD remain in the Error state if there is an error or other fault condition detected on the interface; it SHOULD remain in the NotPresent state if the interface has missing (typically hardware) components; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

This parameter is based on ifOperStatus from [RFC2863].

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Name string(:64) R

The textual name of the ANI entry as assigned by the CPE.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
LastChange unsignedInt R

The accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
PONMode string R

PON mode, defines the detected or configured PON mode of the ANI. Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • G-PON
  • XG-PON
  • NG-PON2

Transceiver has a parameter of the same name. For proper operation, the PON mode of the transceiver(s) corresponding to this ANI must be equal to the PON mode of this ANI. But a user might e.g. accidentally insert a G-PON SFP while the PON mode of the ANI is XGS-PON.

- 2.16
TransceiverNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Transceiver table. - 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.Stats. object R

Throughput statistics for this interface.

The CPE MUST reset the interface’s Stats parameters (unless otherwise stated in individual object or parameter descriptions) either when the interface becomes operationally down due to a previous administrative down (i.e. the interface’s Status parameter transitions to a down state after the interface is disabled) or when the interface becomes administratively up (i.e. the interface’s Enable parameter transitions from false to true). Administrative and operational interface status is discussed in [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2].

Transmit direction has PON as destination. Receive direction has PON as source.

- 2.16
BytesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
BytesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
PacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames transmitted out of the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
PacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames received on the interface.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
ErrorsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound Ethernet frames that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
ErrorsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound Ethernet frames that contained errors preventing them from being forwarded to the UNI(s).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
UnicastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
UnicastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames, forwarded by this interface to the UNI(s), which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
DiscardPacketsSent unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of outbound Ethernet frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
DiscardPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of inbound Ethernet frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
MulticastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
MulticastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received Ethernet frames, forwarded by this interface to the UNI(s), which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
BroadcastPacketsSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of Ethernet frames requested for transmission on the PON and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
BroadcastPacketsReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The total number of received Ethernet frames, forwarded by this interface to the UNI(s), which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] The total number of Ethernet frames received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC. object R This object represents an ITU-T PON TC layer device. - 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.ONUActivation. object R This object shows info related to the activation of this ANI by an OLT. - 2.16
ONUState string R

ONU activation state. Enumeration of:

  • O1
  • O2
  • O3
  • O2-3
  • O4
  • O5
  • O6
  • O7
  • O8
  • O9


- 2.16
VendorID string(:4) R Identifies the vendor of the ONU. See [Section 9.1.1/G.988]. - 2.16
SerialNumber string(:12) R Represents the combination of the Vendor-ID and the Vendor-specific serial number (VSSN). The parameter shows the serial number in a human readable format. Example: if the vendor ID is ABCD and the VSSN encodes the number 1234568, the value of this parameter is ABCD12345678. See [Section 9.1.1/G.988]. - 2.16
ONUID unsignedInt(0:1022) R

Identifier that the OLT assigns to this ANI during the activation. See:

- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.Authentication. object R This object shows info related to authentication of the ONU to the OLT. - 2.17
Password string(:72) W

All ITU based PON standards specify authentication by PLOAM password or registration ID.


All those standards mention that a method to enter the password is beyond their scope. This parameter and the parameter HexadecimalPassword standardize a method to enter the password.

In case of G-PON as PON mode, the password can be up to 10 bytes long. See [Section]. For the other PON modes, the password can be up to 36 bytes long. See:

If HexadecimalPassword is false, the password is in ASCII format. Then all 95 printable characters with decimal codes in the range 32 to 126 inclusive are allowed. Each character corresponds with 1 byte in the password.

If HexadecimalPassword is true, the password is in hexadecimal format. Then only the characters 0 to 9, a to f, and A to F are allowed. Each character corresponds with 1 nibble in the password.

Depending on the value of HexadecimalPassword and the PON mode, a different number of characters are applicable. If HexadecimalPassword is false:

  • In case of G-PON as PON mode, only the 1st 10 characters are applicable.
  • In case of another PON mode, only the 1st 36 characters are applicable.

If HexadecimalPassword is true:

  • In case of G-PON as PON mode, the 1st 20 characters are all relevant. The other characters are not applicable.
  • In case of another PON mode, all 72 characters are relevant.

This parameter is set to an empty string if no authentication via a password is required.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.17
HexadecimalPassword boolean W

If false, Password is in ASCII format. If true, Password is in hexadecimal format.

See Password for more info.

- 2.17
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.PM. object R Performance monitoring (PM) counters. - 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.PM.PHY. object R PHY PM. - 2.16
CorrectedFECBytes unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] The number of bytes that were corrected by the FEC function.


- 2.16
CorrectedFECCodewords unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Count of FEC codewords that contained errors but were corrected by the FEC function.


- 2.16
UncorrectableFECCodewords unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Count of FEC codewords that contained errors and could not be corrected by the FEC function.


- 2.16
TotalFECCodewords unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Count of total received FEC codewords.


- 2.16
PSBdHECErrorCount unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] HEC error in any of the fields of PSBd.


- 2.16
HeaderHECErrorCount unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] HEC errors received in the DS XGTC or FS header.

This counter is called:


- 2.16
UnknownProfile unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] ONU could not transmit because the specified burst profile was not known.


- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.PM.GEM. object R (X)GEM PM. - 2.16
FramesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Total number of (X)GEM frames transmitted.


- 2.16
FramesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Total number of (X)GEM frames received.


- 2.16
FrameHeaderHECErrors unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] XGEM frame header HEC errors.

Number of events involving loss of XGEM channel delineation.


- 2.16
KeyErrors unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] XGEM key errors.

XGEM frames discarded because of unknown or invalid encryption key. Examples include: no unicast or broadcast key established for specified key index, key index indicating encrypted XGEM frame on a XGEM port that is not provisioned for encryption, key index indicating upstream encryption on a XGEM port that is provisioned for downstream encryption only, or invalid key index (11). This count is included in FramesReceived.


- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.PM.PLOAM. object R PLOAM PM. - 2.16
MICErrors unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] PLOAM MIC errors.

Counter of received PLOAM messages with MIC errors.


- 2.16
DownstreamMessageCount unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Downstream PLOAM message count.

Count of PLOAM messages sent by OLT, received by ONU, either broadcast or directed to the specific ONU-ID.


- 2.16
RangingTime unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Count of Ranging_Time PLOAM messages sent by OLT.

It provides a base for transmission time drift estimation.


- 2.16
UpstreamMessageCount unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] Upstream PLOAM message count.

Count of messages (other than Acknowledgement) sent by ONU to OLT.


- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.PM.OMCI. object R OMCI PM. - 2.16
BaselineMessagesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] OMCI baseline message count.


Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
ExtendedMessagesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] OMCI extended message count.


Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
MICErrors unsignedInt R

[StatsCounter32] Count of received OMCI messages with MIC errors.


Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.GEM. object R Info about the GEM ports of this ANI. - 2.16
PortNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Port table. - 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.GEM.Port.{i}. object(0:) R

GEM port table. Each entry gives info about a(n) (X)GEM port.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for PortID.

- 2.16
PortID unsignedInt(0:65534) R

Identifies a GEM port.


This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Direction string R

Type of connection this GEM port is used for. Enumeration of:

  • UNI-to-ANI
  • ANI-to-UNI
  • bidirectional

See: [Section 9.2.3/G.988].

- 2.16
PortType string R

GEM port type.

Enumeration of:

  • unicast
  • multicast
  • broadcast
- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.GEM.Port.{i}.PM. object R Performance monitoring (PM) counters for this (X)GEM port. - 2.16
FramesSent unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] (X)GEM frames transmitted by this (X)GEM port.


- 2.16
FramesReceived unsignedLong R

[StatsCounter64] (X)GEM frames received by this (X)GEM port.


- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.PerformanceThresholds. object R Performance thresholds. - 2.16
SignalFail unsignedInt(3:8) R

Signal fail (SF) threshold.

This parameter specifies the downstream bit error rate (BER) threshold to detect the SF alarm. When this value is y, the BER threshold is 10-y.

This parameter is based on Signal fail (SF) threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].

- 2.16
SignalDegrade unsignedInt(4:10) R

Signal degrade (SD) threshold.

This parameter specifies the downstream BER threshold to detect the SD alarm. When this value is x, the BER threshold for SD is 10-x. The SD threshold must be lower than the SF threshold; i.e., x > y.

This parameter is based on Signal degrade (SD) threshold from [Section 9.2.1/G.988].

- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.TC.Alarms. object R Alarms at TC level for this ANI. - 2.16
LOS boolean R Loss of signal. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
LOF boolean R Loss of frame. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
SF boolean R Signal failed. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
SD boolean R Signal degraded. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
LCDG boolean R Loss of GEM channel delineation. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
TF boolean R Transmitter failure. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
SUF boolean R Start-up failure. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
MEM boolean R Message error message. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
DACT boolean R Deactivate ONU-ID. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
DIS boolean R Disabled ONU. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
MIS boolean R Link mismatching. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
PEE boolean R When the ONU receives a PEE message. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
RDI boolean R Remote defect indication. See [Section 11.1.2/G.984.3]. - 2.16
LODS boolean R Loss of downstream synchronization. See [G.9807.1]. - 2.16
ROGUE boolean R

The ANI behaves rogue: it is not transmitting in a manner consistent with parameters specified in the ITU-T PON standards. Hence it can threaten all upstream transmissions on the PON, causing interference and disrupting communications of other ONUs on the PON. An example of rogue behavior is transmitting in the wrong timeslot.


- 2.16
Device.XPON.ONU.{i}.ANI.{i}.Transceiver.{i}. object(0:2) R

Transceiver table. Each entry models a PON transceiver.

This table MUST contain at least 0 and at most 2 entries.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ID.

- 2.16
ID unsignedInt(0:1) R

The ID as assigned by the CPE to this Transceiver entry.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Identifier unsignedInt(0:255) R Transceiver type. Allowed values are given by [Table 4-1/SFF-8024]. - 2.16
VendorName string(:256) R Vendor name. See [Table 4-1/SFF-8472]. - 2.16
VendorPartNumber string(:256) R Vendor part number. See “Vendor PN” in [Table 4-1/SFF-8472]. - 2.16
VendorRevision string(:256) R Vendor revision. See “Vendor rev” in [Table 4-1/SFF-8472]. - 2.16
PONMode string R

PON mode, reports the PON mode of the transceiver.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • G-PON
  • XG-PON
  • NG-PON2
- 2.16
Connector string R

Connector type.

Enumeration of:

  • Unknown
  • LC (Lucent Connector, Little Connector, or Local Connector)
  • SC (Subscriber connector, square connector or standard connector)
  • ST (Straight tip connector)
  • FC (Ferrule Connector or Fiber Channel)
  • MT-RJ (Mechanical Transfer Registered Jack)
- 2.16
NominalBitRateDownstream unsignedInt R Nominal data rate downstream in kbps. - 2.16
NominalBitRateUpstream unsignedInt R Nominal data rate upstream in kbps. - 2.16
RxPower int R Measured RX power in 0.1 dBm. - 2.16
TxPower int R Measured TX power in 0.1 dBm. - 2.16
Voltage unsignedInt R Measured supply voltage in mV. - 2.16
Bias unsignedInt R Measured bias current in µA. - 2.16
Temperature int(-274:) R

Measured temperature in degrees celsius.

A value of -274 (which is below absolute zero) indicates a good reading has not been obtained.

- 2.16
Device.SSH. object R This object contains global parameters relating to the Secure Shell clients and or servers implementations that are active in the CPE. - 2.16
ServerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Server table. - 2.16
AuthorizedKeyNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the AuthorizedKey table. - 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the SSH service. - 2.16
Status string R

The status of the SSH service. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the SSH service is disabled)
  • Enabled (Indicates that the SSH service is enabled)
  • Error (Indicates that the SSH service has encountered an error, OPTIONAL)
- 2.16
Device.SSH.Server.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to a SSH server instance.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the SSH server instance. When Enable is set to false, any active sessions must be forcibly terminated and the ActivationDate is reset. - 2.16
Status string R

The status of the SSH server instance. Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the SSH server instance is disabled)
  • Enabled (Indicates that the SSH server instance is enabled)
  • Error (Indicates that the SSH server instance has encountered an error, OPTIONAL)
  • Error_Misconfigured (Indicates that a necessary configuration value is undefined or invalid)
- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the IP.Interface. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The IP Interface associated with the Server entry.

If an empty string is specified, the service should listen on all interfaces.

<Empty> 2.16
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W Specify the port used by the SSH server. 22 2.16
IdleTimeout unsignedInt W When the session is inactive, it is automatically terminated after IdleTimeout amount of seconds. A value of 0 disables this feature. 180 2.16
KeepAlive unsignedInt W Every amount of KeepAlive seconds a keep alive message is sent. A value of 0 disables this feature. 300 2.16
AllowRootLogin boolean W Permit SSH users to login as root. false 2.16
AllowPasswordLogin boolean W Permit SSH users to login using a password. false 2.16
AllowRootPasswordLogin boolean W Permit the root SSH user to login using a password. false 2.16
MaxAuthTries unsignedInt W Maximum authentication tries allowed before disconnect 3 2.16
AllowAllIPv4 boolean W Allow access from any IPv4 address. The source prefixes defined in IPv4AllowedSourcePrefix will be ignored. false 2.16
IPv4AllowedSourcePrefix string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Allow only access from the provided list of IPv4 prefixes. - 2.16
AllowAllIPv6 boolean W Allow access from any IPv6 address. The source prefixes defined in IPv6AllowedSourcePrefix will be ignored. false 2.16
IPv6AllowedSourcePrefix string[](:1024) W Comma-separated list (maximum number of characters 1024) of strings. Allow only access from the provided list of IPv6 prefixes. - 2.16
ActivationDate dateTime R Activation date indicates when the server instance has been activated and the Enable is set to true. - 2.16
AutoDisableDuration unsignedInt W The SSH server instance will be disabled when the the AutoDisableDuration elapses, and configuration must be done in minutes. At the end, the coressponding Enable parameter of the SSH server instance is automatically changed to false false. Any active sessions must be forcibly terminated. 0 means the the SSH server instance is always active. 0 2.16
PID unsignedInt R

Current Process Identifier of the SSH server instance.

Note: This parameter was demoted to readOnly in the Device:2.18 version.

0 2.16
SessionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Session table. - 2.16
Device.SSH.Server.{i}.Session.{i}. object(0:) R

Active SSH session list.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
User string(:256) R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Users.User. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The user to whom the session belongs to.

Note: This parameter was demoted to readOnly in the Device:2.18 version.

- 2.16
IPAddress string(:45) R [IPAddress] IP address of the remote SSH client. - 2.16
Port unsignedInt R Port of the remote SSH client. - 2.16
Delete() command - This command is issued to delete the current active session. - 2.16
Device.SSH.AuthorizedKey.{i}. object(0:) W

This object contains parameters relating to a SSH server instance.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
User string(:256) W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Users.User. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The user to whom the authorized key belongs to. <Empty> 2.16
Key string W Public key used for authentication (OpenSSH format). - 2.16
Device.UnixDomainSockets. object R This object contains information related to the Unix Domain Sockets used by USP Agent UDS MTP. - 2.16
UnixDomainSocketNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the UnixDomainSocket table. - 2.16
Device.UnixDomainSockets.UnixDomainSocket.{i}. object(0:) R

This object contains parameters relating to a UnixDomainSocket configuration.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Path.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Mode string R

Describes how the Unix Domain Socket must be used.

Enumeration of:

  • Listen (UNIX Domain Socket Server)
  • Connect (UNIX Domain Socket Client)
- 2.16
Path string(:4096) R

File path of the Unix Domain Socket.

Example: /tmp/broker_controller_path

- 2.16
Device.USPServices. object R This object contains information related to installed USP Services. - 2.16
USPServiceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the USPService table. - 2.16
Device.USPServices.USPService.{i}. object(0:) R

This object contains parameters relating to a USPService configuration.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for EndpointID.

- 2.16
EndpointID string R The unique USP identifier for this USP Agent. - 2.16
Protocol string R

The Message Transfer Protocol (MTP) to be used for communications by a USP Endpoint. Note: This parameter was demoted to readOnly in the Device:2.17 version.

Enumeration of:

- 2.16
DataModelPaths string[1:1024] R Comma-separated list (1 to 1024 items) of strings. Registered data model paths. - 2.16
DeploymentUnitRef string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of the SoftwareModules.DeploymentUnit. object instance that this USP Service is part of.. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

An empty string means that USP service doesn’t have a corresponding software module.

- 2.16
ExecutionUnitRef string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of the SoftwareModules.ExecutionUnit. object instance that this USP Service is part of.. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

An empty string means that USP service doesn’t have a corresponding software module.

- 2.18
HasController boolean R The USP service has controller functionality next to the standard USP Agent functionality. - 2.16
Device.Syslog. object R This object contains global parameters relating to the syslog implementations that is active in the Device. Based on [A YANG Data Model for Syslog Configuration/YANGSYSLOG]. - 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the Syslog service. - 2.17
Status string R

Indicates the syslog service operational state.

Enumeration of:

  • Disabled (Indicates that the Syslog service is disabled)
  • Enabled (Indicates that the Syslog service is enabled)
  • Error (Indicates that the Syslog service has encountered an error, OPTIONAL)
- 2.17
FilterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Filter table. - 2.17
SourceNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Source table. - 2.17
TemplateNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Template table. - 2.17
ActionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Action table. - 2.17
Device.Syslog.Filter.{i}. object(0:) W

This table defines the processing used to select log messages by comparing syslog message with the provided rules.

A rule can consist either of FacilityLevel - Severity and or PatternMatch.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
FacilityLevel string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Only the log messages with following Facility levels must be logged.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Kern (Kernel messages (0))
  • User (User-level messages (1))
  • Mail (Mail system messages (2))
  • Daemon (System daemons messages (3))
  • Auth (Security/authorization messages (4))
  • Syslog (Messages generated internally by syslogd (5))
  • LPR (Line printer subsystem messages (6))
  • News (Network news subsystem (7))
  • UUCP (UUCP subsystem messages (8))
  • Cron (Clock daemon messages (9))
  • AuthPriv (Security/authorization messages (10))
  • FTP (FTP daemon messages (11))
  • NTP (NTP subsystem messages (12))
  • Audit (Log audit messages (13))
  • Console (Log alert messages (14))
  • Cron2 (Second clock daemon messages (15))
  • Local0 (Local use 0 messages (16))
  • Local1 (Local use 1 messages (17))
  • Local2 (local use 2 messages (18))
  • Local3 (local use 3 messages (19))
  • Local4 (local use 4 messages (20))
  • Local5 (local use 5 messages (21))
  • Local6 (local use 6 messages (22))
  • Local7 (local use 7 messages (23))
  • All (All facilities are selected)
All 2.17
Severity string W

Specifies the Severity level filter rules.

Defines the processing used to select log messages by comparing syslog message severity using the following processing rules:

  • if ‘none’, do not match.
  • if ‘all’, match.
  • else compare message severity with the specified severity according to the default compare rule (all messages of the specified severity and greater match).

This must be used inconjuction with SeverityCompare and SeverityCompareAction.

Enumeration of:

  • Emergency (Indicates that the system is unusable)
  • Alert (Indicating that an action must be taken immediately)
  • Critical (Indicates a critical condition)
  • Error (Indicates a errors condition)
  • Warning (Indicates a warning condition)
  • Notice (Indicates a informational message)
  • Debug (Indicates a debug-level message)
  • All (All severities are selected)
  • None (No filtering will be applied)
All 2.17
SeverityCompare string W

Describes the comparison method that must be applied when a syslog message is received. Not applicable when severity All and None is configured.

Enumeration of:

  • Equal (Specifies that the severity comparison operation will be equals)
  • EqualOrHigher (Specifies that the severity comparison operation will be equals or higher.“)
EqualOrHigher 2.17
SeverityCompareAction string W

Specifies the process of handling a syslog message based on specified conditions. It defines the action that will be taken when the criteria of both Severity and SeverityCompare are met, determining the response to the syslog message.

Enumeration of:

  • Log (When the selected comparison is true the syslog message will be logged)
  • Block (When the selected comparison is true the syslog message will not be logged)
  • Stop (When the select comparison is true the syslog message will not be logged and no further processing will occur.“)
Log 2.17
PatternMatch string W Regular expression pattern designed to match a syslog message that must be logged. The format is implementation specific. <Empty> 2.17
Device.Syslog.Source.{i}. object(0:) W

This table describes where and how the syslog service receives log messages.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
KernelMessages boolean W This option enables the collection of kernel log messages that are specific to the Device. true 2.17
SystemMessages boolean W This option enables the collection of the system log messages that are specific to the Device. true 2.17
Severity string W

Specifies the default Severity. When an incoming message lacks a valid syslog header, this parameter can be used to configure the required Severity level.

Enumeration of:

  • Emergency (Indicates that the system is unusable)
  • Alert (Indicating that an action must be taken immediately)
  • Critical (Indicates a critical condition)
  • Error (Indicates a errors condition)
  • Warning (Indicates a warning condition)
  • Notice (Indicates a informational message)
  • Debug (Indicates a debug-level message)
  • All (All severities are selected)
  • None (No filtering will be applied)
All 2.17
FacilityLevel string W

Specifies the default Facility Level. When an incoming message lacks a valid syslog header, this parameter can be used to configure the required Facility level.

Enumeration of:

  • Kern (Kernel messages (0))
  • User (User-level messages (1))
  • Mail (Mail system messages (2))
  • Daemon (System daemons messages (3))
  • Auth (Security/authorization messages (4))
  • Syslog (Messages generated internally by syslogd (5))
  • LPR (Line printer subsystem messages (6))
  • News (Network news subsystem (7))
  • UUCP (UUCP subsystem messages (8))
  • Cron (Clock daemon messages (9))
  • AuthPriv (Security/authorization messages (10))
  • FTP (FTP daemon messages (11))
  • NTP (NTP subsystem messages (12))
  • Audit (Log audit messages (13))
  • Console (Log alert messages (14))
  • Cron2 (Second clock daemon messages (15))
  • Local0 (Local use 0 messages (16))
  • Local1 (Local use 1 messages (17))
  • Local2 (local use 2 messages (18))
  • Local3 (local use 3 messages (19))
  • Local4 (local use 4 messages (20))
  • Local5 (local use 5 messages (21))
  • Local6 (local use 6 messages (22))
  • Local7 (local use 7 messages (23))
  • All (All facilities are selected)
All 2.17
Device.Syslog.Source.{i}.Network. object R This object describes the configuration parameters for receiving syslog information on a network socket. - 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the functionality to receive syslog information on a network socket. - 2.17
Interface string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a table row. The IP or Logical Interface on which the syslog information will be received. When an empty string is specified the syslog service will listen to all available network interfaces. Example:

  • Device.IP.Interface.1
  • Device.Logical.Interface.1

If the value is an empty string, the CPE MUST use its routing policy (IP Forwarding table entries), if necessary, to determine the appropriate interface.

<Empty> 2.17
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W Specifies the port number on which the syslog information will be received. 1099 2.17
Protocol string W

The protocol to be used for receiving syslog information.

Enumeration of:

UDP 2.17
Device.Syslog.Template.{i}. object(0:) W

This table the describes the templates that can be referenced by objects that can use the template syntax. With templates, you have the flexibility to establish uniform message formats or even define standard filenames for different objects.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
Expression string W Describes the template syntax used for transforming the syslog message. The format is implementation specific and can consist of strings, macros, and template functions. <Empty> 2.17
EscapeMessage boolean W Enabling this option will cause the following characters to be escaped ’, “ and . in the syslog message. false 2.17
Device.Syslog.Action.{i}. object(0:) W

This object describes the log action parameters for syslog.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.17
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.17
SourceRef string(:256)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Source. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Mandatory parameter. Specifies one or multiple sources from where the log messages originate. <Empty> 2.17
FilterRef string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Filter. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. The Filter associated with the Action entry.

When referencing multiple Filter rules, it is mandatory to execute them in the order listed within the parameter.

Example: FilterRef=.Syslog.Filter.3,.Syslog.Filter.1 First filter rule 3 must be executed and then filter rule 1.

When no Filter is specified the log message will not be filtered.

<Empty> 2.17
TemplateRef string(:256) W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Template. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The Template associated with the Action entry.

When no Template is specified the log message will not be altered by the template system.

<Empty> 2.17
StructuredData boolean W This feature represents the ability to log messages in structured-data format. Reference [The Syslog Protocol/RFC5424]. false 2.17
LogEvent! event - Syslog event - 2.17
LogLine string R Contains the complete syslog message. - 2.17
Device.Syslog.Action.{i}.LogFile. object R This object describes the configuration parameters for file logging. If file-archive limits are not supplied, it is assumed that the local implementation defined limits will be used. - 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the LogFile functionality. - 2.17
VendorLogFileRef string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The reference to DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile is automatically constructed and the DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile is populated with the information based on FilePath.

E.g. When FilePath = file:///var/log/messages. The following entry is automatically added to DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile: file:///var/log/messages.

- 2.17
FilePath string W Destination path and filename of where to create and keep the logfiles. Which MUST use the uri scheme file [The file URI Scheme/RFC8089]. - 2.17
Device.Syslog.Action.{i}.LogRemote. object R This object describes the configuration parameters for forwarding syslog messages to remote relays or collectors. - 2.17
Enable boolean W Enables or disables the LogRemote functionality. - 2.17
Address string W Host name or IP address of the remote server. <Empty> 2.17
Protocol string W

Protocol to be used to deliver the syslog messages to the remote server.

Note: This parameter was promoted to readWrite in the Device:2.18 version.

Enumeration of:

- 2.17
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W Port number of the remote server. 514 2.17
Certificate string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Security.Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. Certificate that must be used by the syslog service. <Empty> 2.17
PeerVerify boolean W

Ensures authentic and secure connections by validating entity credentials such as certificates or tokens. Only applicable when TLS

In order to validate a certificate, the entire certificate chain, including the CA certificate, must be valid. If any certificate in the chain is found to be invalid, the syslog service must reject the connection.

false 2.17
Device.Schedules. object R This object is responsible for managing the schedules that are embedded within the Device. - 2.18
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables the scheduling. If the scheduling is disabled then the status of any enabled Schedule entries will change to StackDisabled.

The default value SHOULD be true.

- 2.18
ScheduleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Schedule table. - 2.18
Device.Schedules.Schedule.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this object provides a schedule where access is enabled.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.18
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.18
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this Schedule entry. false 2.18
Status string R

Status of the schedule.

Enumeration of:

  • Active
  • Inactive
  • StackDisabled (When the global Enable is false and the Enable parameter is true, the scheduling is disabled and the status of the enabled Schedule entry must change to StackDisabled. The value of the Enable parameter is not changed)
  • Error (OPTIONAL)
- 2.18
Description string(:256) W A description of the schedule (human readable string). - 2.18
Day string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings, the days for which access is enabled. Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
- 2.18
StartTime string(:5) W

Start time of the enable schedule in hh:mm format. [hh] refers to a zero-padded hour between 00 and 23. [mm] refers to a zero-padded minute between 00 and 59.

Start time is in local time zone.

Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • ([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]
- 2.18
Duration unsignedInt(1:) W

The duration, in seconds, which the access is enabled.

If the StartTime is not defined, duration is the total time access is allowed during a calendar day.

If a StartTime is defined, access is allowed for the Duration period starting from StartTime.

- 2.18
InverseMode boolean W When enabled, the Inverse Mode reverses the default behavior of the schedule, creating a dynamic where actions that are typically activated are now deactivated, and vice versa. false 2.18
TimeLeft unsignedInt R

The number of seconds remaining before the next state change will occur. 0 means that schedule is disabled.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.18
Device.LocalAgent. object R

This object contains general information about the USP Agent itself. For information related to the Device that hosts the Agent, please reference the DeviceInfo object.

NOTE: The Vendor Log File table (DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile) details are located on the DeviceInfo object.

- 2.12
EndpointID string R The unique USP identifier for this USP Agent. - 2.12
SoftwareVersion string(:64) R

The current USP Agent software version; not the version of the overall device firmware, which is located in DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion.

To allow version comparisons, this element SHOULD be in the form of dot-delimited integers, where each successive integer represents a more minor category of variation. For example, 3.0.21 where the components mean: Major.Minor.Build.

- 2.12
UpTime unsignedInt R

Time in seconds since the USP Agent was last restarted (either via a reset of the software or reboot of the underlying device).

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.12
Periodic! event - Periodic event configured via the recipient Controller’s Controller.{i}.PeriodicNotifInterval and Controller.{i}.PeriodicNotifTime parameters. - 2.12
SupportedProtocols string[1:] R

Comma-separated list (at least 1 item) of strings. USP Message Transfer Protocols supported by this USP Agent. The USP Agent MUST support at least one Protocol.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • CoAP (See [RFC7252]. This enumeration was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the CoAP MTP was deprecated in USP 1.2. This enumeration was OBSOLETED in 2.17. This enumeration was DELETED in 2.18)
  • WebSocket (See [RFC6455])
  • STOMP (See [STOMP1.2])
  • MQTT (See [MQTT311] and [MQTT50])
  • UDS (See [TR-369], added in 2.16)
- 2.12
SupportedFingerprintAlgorithms string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is an algorithm for calculating fingerprints that is supported by the Agent.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • SHA-1 (As specified in [RFC3174])
  • SHA-224 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-256 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-384 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-512 (As specified in [RFC6234])
- 2.12
SupportedThresholdOperator string[] R

Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is a threshold operation for Threshold.{i}.ThresholdOperator supported by the Agent.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

- 2.13
AdvertisedDeviceSubtypes string[] W Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is a subtype component of the service type that is advertised for the device using mDNS as defined in [RFC6762]. - 2.12
MaxSubscriptionChangeAdoptionTime unsignedInt(5:) W

The acceptable amount of time in seconds between the alteration of the Agent’s Subscriptions (e.g. updated subscription, new subscription, removed subscription, etc.) and the notifications related to those subscriptions being delivered.

For example, if this parameter is set to 30 seconds, then once a Subscription has been updated, the Agent has 30 seconds before it needs to start delivering notifications based on the updated version of the Subscription (instead of the old version of the Subscription).

- 2.12
ThresholdNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Threshold table. - 2.13
MTPNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MTP table. - 2.12
ControllerNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Controller table. - 2.12
CertificateNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Certificate table. - 2.12
WakeUp! event - Wake-up event. - 2.12
TransferComplete! event -

Indicates that a file has been transferred to or from the Device. The event is sent when the transfer has either completed successfully (in which case FaultCode will be zero), or else has failed (in which case FaultCode will be non-zero and FaultString will give further details).

The file transfer can be requested via a USP operation or via some other mechanism. If it’s requested via a USP operation Command, CommandKey and Requestor give further details.

- 2.12
Command string R The Path Name of the command that requested the transfer, or an empty string if the transfer was not requested via a USP operation. - 2.12
CommandKey string R

The command_key supplied when requesting the transfer, or an empty string if the transfer was not requested via a USP operation.

The default value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.12
Requestor string R

The Endpoint ID of the Controller that requested the transfer, or an empty string if no Controller requested it.

The default value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.12
TransferType string R

The type (direction) of the transfer.

Enumeration of:

  • Download (Downstream transfer; to the Agent)
  • Upload (Upstream transfer; from the Agent)

The default value MUST be Download.

- 2.12
Affected string R

The Path Name of the Object or Object Instance that was affected by the transfer, or an empty string if no data model object was affected by the transfer.

The default value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.12
TransferURL string(:2048) R The [URL] from or to which this transfer was performed, or an empty string if no such URL is available. - 2.12
StartTime dateTime R

The date and time in UTC at which the transfer was started. The Device SHOULD record this information and report it in this argument, but if this information is not available, the value of this argument MUST be set to the Unknown Time value.

The default value MUST be 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z.

- 2.12
CompleteTime dateTime R

The date and time in UTC at which the transfer was fully completed. This need only be filled in if the transfer has been fully completed. The Device SHOULD record this information and report it in this argument, but if this information is not available or the transfer has not completed, the value of this argument MUST be set to the Unknown Time value.

The default value MUST be 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z.

- 2.12
FaultCode unsignedInt R

The numerical fault code as defined in [TR-369]. A value of 0 (zero) indicates no fault.

The default value MUST be 0.

- 2.12
FaultString string(:256) R

A human-readable text description of the fault. This field SHOULD be an empty string if the FaultCode equals 0 (zero).

The default value MUST be an empty string.

- 2.12
CheckSumAlgorithm string R

The hash algorithm that was used to generate the checksum for the transferred file.

Enumeration of:

  • SHA-1 (As specified in [RFC3174])
  • SHA-224 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-256 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-384 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-512 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • Unknown (There was no algorithm specified for the transferred file)
- 2.17
CheckSum hexBinary R

The hash value that was used for the transferred file. This hash value was generated using transferred file content and the CheckSumAlgorithm.

If the argument is an empty string, not present, or the CheckSumAlgorithm is Unknown, then the Controller can assume that the checksum is not applicable or was not generated for this transfer.

- 2.17
AddCertificate() command - This command is issued to allow a Controller (with the proper permissions) to add a new certificate to Certificate.{i}. This does not automatically produce a trust relationship with the host identified by the Certificate. To produce a trust relationship, an entry is required to exist in Controller.{i}.Credential or ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}.Credential that references the new Certificate.{i} entry. The Agent will use the Serial Number and Issuer fields from the input Certificate to populate the Certificate.{i}.SerialNumber and Certificate.{i}.Issuer parameters. If Certificate already has an instance with the same Certificate.{i}.SerialNumber and Certificate.{i}.Issuer parameters, this command will fail. To replace an instance with the same Certificate.{i}.SerialNumber and Certificate.{i}.Issuer, the existing instance must first be deleted. - 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Alias string(:64) W [Alias] An optional input the Controller can use to specify the Certificate.{i}.Alias value for the added entry. If provided as an input and the value already exists in Certificate.{i}, this command will fail. - 2.12
Certificate string(:65535) W [MANDATORY] The X.509 certificate in Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) [RFC7468] format. - 2.12
WatchdogNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Watchdog table. - 2.18
SubscriptionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Subscription table. - 2.12
RequestNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Request table. - 2.12
MonitorNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Monitor table. - 2.16
SupportedNumberOfSubscriptions int R

An indication of the maximum number of Subscription instances supported by this implementation or -1 if no hard limit exists.

The default value SHOULD be -1.

- 2.16
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents a MTP used by the local Agent.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enable/Disable this MTP instance.

If this MTP instance is to be disabled and currently used for communication with the requesting controller, the agent has to send the request response first, before disabling it.

false 2.12
Status string R

The current operational state of the MTP instance.

Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Down (Value when this MTP instance cannot establish communication)
  • Error (Value when this MTP instance is misconfigured, OPTIONAL)
- 2.12
Protocol string W

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedProtocols parameter. The Message Transfer Protocol (MTP) to be used for communications by a USP Endpoint.

This parameter discriminates between the CoAP, STOMP, WebSocket, MQTT, UDS union objects.

- 2.12
EnableMDNS boolean W

This parameter, when true, enables the advertisement of DNS-SD services defined for this MTP instance using mDNS as defined in [RFC6762].

This parameter cannot be set to true if there are multiple MTP instances with the same value of the Protocol parameter.

When true, the hostname advertised in the SRV record MUST be a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

The interfaces that advertise these DNS-SD services are restricted to the set of interfaces associated with this MTP instance and the interfaces defined by the DNS.SD.Advertise.{i}.Interface parameter.

true 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}.CoAP. object(0:1) R
If the USP Endpoint uses the CoAP Message Transfer Protocol (MTP), then this object contains CoAP specific configuration parameters.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the CoAP MTP was deprecated in USP 1.2.
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This object was DELETED in 2.18.
This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is CoAP.
This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.
- 2.12
Interfaces string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of the IP.Interface object instance that this server will use as its host address to receive USP messages. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

An empty string will bind this server to all interfaces for this device.

- 2.12
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W The port number used by the CoAP Server to receive USP messages. 5683 2.12
Path string W The path that is used by the CoAP Server in order to receive USP messages. - 2.12
IsEncrypted boolean R
This parameter represents whether or not communications that utilize this CoAP object instance are encrypted.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.14 because the EnableEncryption parameter will dictate whether all connections to this CoAP server instance are or are not encrypted.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.16.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.17.
- 2.12
EnableEncryption boolean W When true, encryption MUST be used for this MTP instance. true 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}.STOMP. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the STOMP Message Transfer Protocol (MTP), then this object contains STOMP Client specific configuration parameters related to how the Agent communicates with the STOMP Server.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is STOMP.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.12
Reference string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the STOMP.Connection. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the STOMP Connection used by this Agent when communicating via the STOMP MTP. <Empty> 2.12
Destination string W The STOMP destination where the Agent will be listening to incoming USP messages. <Empty> 2.12
DestinationFromServer string R

The STOMP destination contained in the subscribe-dest header of the CONNECTED STOMP Frame.

If the Agent doesn’t receive a subscribe-dest header in the CONNECTED STOMP Frame, then the value of this Parameter MUST be set to an empty string.

If this parameter’s value is not empty then this is the STOMP destination address for this Agent, but if the value is empty the Destination Parameter contains the STOMP destination address for this Agent.

<Empty> 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}.WebSocket. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the WebSocket Message Transfer Protocol (MTP) as a WebSocket server, then this object contains WebSocket specific configuration parameters.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is WebSocket.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.12
Interfaces string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of the IP.Interface object instance that this server will use as its host address to receive USP messages. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

An empty string will bind this server to all interfaces for this device.

- 2.12
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W The port number used by the WebSocket Server to receive USP messages. 8443 2.12
Path string W The service path that is provided by the WebSocket Server in order to exchange USP messages. The value MUST be used as defined in [Section 3.3/RFC3986]. - 2.12
EnableEncryption boolean W When true, encryption MUST be used for all connections to this MTP instance. true 2.14
KeepAliveInterval unsignedInt(1:) W The duration in seconds between when WebSocket ping control frames are transmitted by the Agent’s WebSocket server to the Controller’s WebSocket client. 60 2.15
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}.MQTT. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the MQTT Message Transfer Protocol (MTP), then this object contains MQTT Client specific configuration parameters related to how the Agent communicates with the MQTT broker.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is MQTT.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.13
Reference string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the MQTT.Client. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the MQTT Client used by this Agent when communicating via the MQTT MTP. <Empty> 2.13
ResponseTopicConfigured string(:65535) W The Agent’s configured “reply to” topic. When MQTT 5.0 is being used, this value is put in the PUBLISH Response Topic property for all PUBLISH packets with a USP Record, if no Response Information (value recorded in ResponseTopicDiscovered) is included in the CONNACK. When MQTT 3.1.1 is being used, this value is put at the end of the PUBLISH Topic Name property (as specified in [Section “MQTT Binding”/TR-369]. If the value of ResponseTopicConfigured is not a subset (wildcarded or precise match) of any of the Reference MQTT.Client.{i}.Subscription.{i}.Topic values the Agent MUST subscribe to this Topic. The value MUST NOT contain any wild card characters (“+”, “#”). - 2.13
ResponseTopicDiscovered string(:65535) R Duplicate of Reference MQTT.Client.{i}.ResponseInformation. This is the value of the CONNACK Response Information property supplied by a MQTT 5.0 server and is used by a MQTT 5.0 client as the basis for the PUBLISH Response Topic property for all PUBLISH packets that expect a response. If a value is received from the MQTT 5.0 server, it will be used instead of any value configured in ResponseTopicConfigured. - 2.13
PublishQoS unsignedInt(0:2) W

The Agent MUST use this QoS value when sending a USP Record on this MTP.

If the referenced MQTT Client uses MQTT 5.0 and the MQTT server only indicates support for a QoS value in the CONNACK Maximum QoS property lower than this QoS value, the Agent MUST use the highest QoS value that is supported by the server.

- 2.13
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}.UDS. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the Unix Domain Socket (UDS) Message Transfer Protocol (MTP), then this object contains UDS specific configuration parameters related to how this Agent communicates with a Controller on another USP Endpoint.

An example of how to set up this MTP can be found in [ Section “Example Data Models for a USP Broker and USP Services”/TR-369].

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is UDS.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.16
UnixDomainSocketRef string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the UnixDomainSockets.UnixDomainSocket. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the Unix Domain Socket used by this Agent when communicating via the UDS MTP. <Empty> 2.16
Device.LocalAgent.Threshold.{i}. object(0:) W

Each Threshold instance of this table represents a Threshold Event.

ThresholdParam is monitored to determine if it has met the ThresholdOperator condition against ThresholdValue, when it meets the condition a Triggered! Event is sent. ThresholdParam may only reference integer parameters and ThresholdValue only uses integer values. For example:

[*ReferencePath*](#D.Device:2.Device.LocalAgent.Threshold.ReferencePath): Device.Ethernet.Interface.[Enable=="1"].Stats.

[*ThresholdParam*](#D.Device:2.Device.LocalAgent.Threshold.ThresholdParam): BytesSent

[*ThresholdOperator*](#D.Device:2.Device.LocalAgent.Threshold.ThresholdOperator): Rise

[*ThresholdValue*](#D.Device:2.Device.LocalAgent.Threshold.ThresholdValue): 100000

This would trigger a Triggered! Event whenever a value of a parameter matching Device.Ethernet.Interface.[Enable==1].Stats.BytesSent rises from below to above 100000.

When creating a Threshold, if the ReferencePath, ThresholdParam or ThresholdValue are invalid (not in the supported Data Model), the object will not be created.

If the concatenation of ReferencePath and ThresholdParam reference a parameter that isn’t in the instantiated data model, then there will be no Triggered! Event.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.13
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.13
Enable boolean W

Enable/Disable this Threshold instance.

If the Threshold instance is disabled, the Triggered! Event will not be invoked, even if there is a Subscription instance that references it.

false 2.13
OperatingMode string W

Determines whether to disable this Threshold instance after the Triggered! Event has been invoked.

Enumeration of:

  • Normal (The Threshold will execute the action as long as the Enable parameter is true)
  • Single (After invoking the Triggered! Event, the Enable parameter will be automatically set to false)
Normal 2.13
ReferencePath string W

The concatenation of ReferencePath and ThresholdParam refers to the parameter being checked for the threshold test.

ReferencePath can be either an Object Path, Object Instance Path, or and Object Instance Path with a Search Expression instead of an Instance Identifier, as defined in the introduction section of [TR-369].

- 2.13
ThresholdParam string W

The concatenation of ReferencePath and ThresholdParam refers to the parameter being checked for the threshold test.

ThresholdParam is the name of the Parameter in the context of ReferencePath.

- 2.13
ThresholdOperator string W The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Device.LocalAgent.SupportedThresholdOperator parameter. The operator used for the threshold test. Rise 2.13
ThresholdValue string W The Value used for the threshold test. - 2.13
Controller string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of the Controller instance that created Threshold. If the referenced object is deleted, this instance MUST also be deleted (so the parameter value will never be an empty string).

The value of this parameter is automatically populated by the USP Agent upon Threshold creation using the reference to the USP Controller that created the instance.

The USP Controller referenced by this parameter also defines the set of permissions to use when evaluating the threshold. Furthermore, only the USP Controller referenced by this parameter will receive a Triggered! Event (assuming it has an associated Subscription), even if another USP Controller has an associated Subscription.

- 2.15
Triggered! event -

Triggered event requested via a Threshold object.

When the ThresholdParam that is in the ReferencePath changes and the threshold test conditation changes from false to true, then the Triggered Event will be invoked. The Triggered! will only be eligible for retriggering if the test condition is fulfilled again.

- 2.13
ParamPath string R The parameter (ReferencePath and ThresholdParam) for which the threshold has been triggered. - 2.13
ParamValue string R The new (ReferencePath and ThresholdParam) Value. - 2.13
Device.LocalAgent.Monitor.{i}. object(0:) W

Each Monitor instance of this table represents an OnChange Event.

This would trigger a OnChange! Event whenever a value of a parameter(s) matching ReferenceList changed during the time interval specified by Interval.

When creating a Monitor, if the ReferenceList is invalid (not in the supported Data Model), the object will not be created.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
Enable boolean W

Enable/Disable this Monitor instance.

If the Monitor instance is disabled, the OnChange! Event will not be invoked, even if there is a Subscription instance that references it.

false 2.16
Interval unsignedInt W Monitor interval in microseconds. Parameters changed during this time window will be part of the OnChange! Event. When set to 0, the Agent will send the OnChange! Event immediately when it notices a change in one or more of the subscribed parameters. - 2.16
ReferenceList string(:256)[] W Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each entry in the list is a Path Name or Search Path that determines the element(s) of the data model that the Monitor is applicable to. - 2.16
Controller string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of the Controller instance that created Monitor. If the referenced object is deleted, this instance MUST also be deleted (so the parameter value will never be an empty string).

The value of this parameter is automatically populated by the USP Agent upon Monitor creation using the reference to the USP Controller that created the instance.

The USP Controller referenced by this parameter also defines the set of permissions to use when evaluating the to be monitored changes. Furthermore, only the USP Controller referenced by this parameter will receive a OnChange! Event (assuming it has an associated Subscription), even if another USP Controller has an associated Subscription.

- 2.16
OnChange! event -

OnChange event requested via a Monitor object.

When the values of the parameters specified by ReferenceList change within in the configured Interval, the agent MUST send an OnChange event.

- 2.16
ChangeSet.{i}. object(0:) R

Each ChangeSet entry contains the changes for a monitored object. If multiple monitored objects change within the Interval, there will be multiple ChangeSet entries.

When a parameter of an already included object changes multiple times within in the configured Interval. The parameter must be included in the ChangeSet instance, where the ObjectPath was previously used, and a new Parameter.{i} instance MUST be created.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ObjectPath.

- 2.16
ObjectPath string(:256) R Object path of the changed parameters. - 2.16
ChangeSet.{i}.Parameter.{i}. object(0:) R

OnChange parameter(s) table for the report sent by this event. This table contains entries for parameters whose values have been changed during the configured Interval.

This table’s Instance Numbers MUST be 1, 2, 3… (assigned sequentially without gaps).

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both Name and ChangeTime.

- 2.16
Name string(:256) R Name of the changed parameter. - 2.16
Value string(:256) R New value of the parameter specified by Name. - 2.16
OldValue string(:256) R Previous value of the parameter specified by Name. - 2.16
ChangeTime dateTime R The date and time when the parameter was changed in UTC, which MUST be specified to microsecond precision. For example: 2008-04-09T15:01:05.123456Z - 2.16
Device.LocalAgent.Watchdog.{i}. object(0:) W

Each Watchdog instance of this table represents a Watchdog Event. A Watchdog instance is used to detect the lack of an expected update of a parameter value within a certain time window ReloadTimerValue. In case this timer expires, meaning RemainingTimerValue becomes 0, a notification event Watchdog!, will be sent to the Controller. This is because timely parameter updates are required, e.g. for SLA or security reasons.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.18
Alias string(:64) W

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.18
Enable boolean W Enable/Disable this Watchdog instance. If the Watchdog instance is disabled, the Watchdog! will not be invoked, even if there is a Subscription instance that references it. The RemainingTimerValue will be set to 0. If the Watchdog instance is set to enabled, the RemainingTimerValue will be set to the value of ReloadTimerValue. false 2.18
ReloadTimerValue unsignedInt W Watchdog timer reload value in seconds. Every time the Reference value is updated, this ReloadTimerValue is used to reload the RemainingTimerValue. - 2.18
RemainingTimerValue unsignedInt R

This value is decreased every seconds. When 0, the Watchdog timer expires, an Watchdog! event will be generated.

Value Change Notification requests for this parameter MAY be denied.

- 2.18
Status string R

The operational status of the Watchdog instance.

When the value of RemainingTimerValue becomes 0, this Status will become Expired and a Watchdog! event will be triggered. Watchdog will not be restarted, meaning that the RemainingTimerValue will stay at 0 until the Reset() command is invoked.

Enumeration of:

Inactive 2.18
Reference string W The Reference consists of a Path Name or Search Path that determines the element(s) of the data model that the Watchdog is applicable to. When more than one Reference is used, the Watchdog timer will only be stopped if all Parameters, referenced by Reference are updated. If one of the referenced Parameters is not updated, either with the same or different value, an Watchdog! will be generated. If all parameters, referenced by Reference, are updated, the RemainingTimerValue is set to the value of the ReloadTimerValue. - 2.18
SeverityIndication string W

Provides an indication of the severity which will be included in the generated Watchdog! event when the Watchdog instance expires.

Enumeration of:

  • Info
  • Minor
  • Major
  • Critical
Info 2.18
Controller string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of the Controller instance that created Watchdog. If the referenced object is deleted, this instance MUST also be deleted (so the parameter value will never be an empty string).

The value of this parameter is automatically populated by the USP Agent upon Watchdog creation using the reference to the USP Controller that created the instance.

The USP Controller referenced by this parameter also defines the set of permissions to use when evaluating the Watchdog. Furthermore, only the USP Controller referenced by this parameter will receive a Watchdog! Event (assuming it has an associated Subscription), even if another USP Controller has an associated Subscription.

- 2.18
Reset() command - When the Reset() is invoked, the RemainingTimerValue will be set to the ReloadTimerValue and the Status to either Active or Inactive depending on the value of the Enable parameter. - 2.18
Watchdog! event -

Watchdog event requested via a Watchdog object.

When the RemainingTimerValue becomes 0 because the value of the Reference was not updated then the Watchdog Event will be invoked.

- 2.18
Reference string R The parameter Reference for which the Watchdog has been triggered. - 2.18
ReloadTimerValue unsignedInt R The ReloadTimerValue Value in seconds. - 2.18
SeverityIndication string R The SeverityIndication Value. - 2.18
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents a USP Controller that has access to this USP Agent.

On the deletion of an entry from this table, the Agent MUST send the ObjectDeletion notification to all subscribed recipients, even if the recipient is the deleted Controller itself. This notification is the last notification sent to this Controller.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for EndpointID, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
EndpointID string W The unique USP identifier for this USP Controller. <Empty> 2.12
ControllerCode string(:128) W

Information about the configuration state of an Agent as it pertains to the Controller instance. This is not information related to an operator’s installation or usage of the protocol, that information is maintained in ProvisioningCode.

This parameter could be used in scenarios where the Controller needs to perform some kind of initialization or periodic configuration monitoring. For example, a Controller might perform some initial configuration of an Agent on first contact (perhaps to configure the Subscriptions). The Controller could inspect this parameter to determine the current state of the Agent’s configuration, allowing the Controller to streamline the configuration process.

<Empty> 2.12
ProvisioningCode string(:64) W Identifying information which MAY be used by the Controller instance to determine Controller instance specific customization and provisioning parameters. <Empty> 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enable/Disable this Controller instance.

If the Controller instance is to be disabled, the Agent MUST send the ValueChange notification to all subscribed recipients, even if the recipient is the disabled Controller itself. This notification is the last notification sent to this Controller until it is enabled again. The USP Endpoint MUST terminate the MTP connection. When false, messages (notifications) are not sent to the remote endpoint represented by this Controller instance, and any MTP session establishment are refused.

false 2.12
AssignedRole string[] W Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ControllerTrust.Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is a Role that has been assigned to this Controller instance by means other than the ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}.Role parameter. - 2.12
InheritedRole string[] R Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the ControllerTrust.Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is a Role that has been assigned to this Controller instance from the ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}.Role parameter associated with the CA credential (ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}.Credential) used to validate the Controller certificate. - 2.12
Credential string[] W Comma-separated list of strings, the set of certificates from Certificate.{i} that a Controller can present for use in authenticating the identity of this Controller instance. - 2.12
PeriodicNotifInterval unsignedInt(1:) W If a Periodic Event Notification Subscription instance is associated with this USP Controller, then this is the duration in seconds of the interval for which the USP Agent MUST attempt to issue a Periodic Notification to the USP Controller. - 2.12
PeriodicNotifTime dateTime W

If a Periodic Event Notification Subscription instance is associated with this USP Controller, then this is an absolute time reference in UTC to determine when the USP Agent will issue a Periodic Notification. Each Periodic Notification MUST occur at this reference time plus or minus an integer multiple of the PeriodicNotifInterval.

PeriodicNotifTime is used only to set the phase of the Periodic Event Notifications. The actual value of PeriodicNotifTime can be arbitrarily far into the past or future.

For example, if PeriodicNotifInterval is 86400 (a day) and if PeriodicNotifTime is set to UTC midnight on some day (in the past, present, or future) then Periodic Notifications will be sent every day at UTC midnight. These MUST begin on the very next midnight, even if PeriodicNotifTime refers to a day in the future.

The Unknown Time value defined in [Section 3.2/TR-106] indicates that no particular time reference is specified. That is, the USP Agent MAY locally choose the time reference, and needs only to adhere to the specified PeriodicNotifInterval.

If absolute time is not available to the USP Agent, its Periodic Notification behavior MUST be the same as if the PeriodicNotifTime parameter was set to the Unknown Time value.

- 2.12
USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval unsignedInt(1:65535) W

This parameter is related to the retry mechanism for Notifications.

Configures the first retry wait interval, in seconds, as specified in [Section “Responses to Notifications and Notification Retry”/TR-369].

A value of 5 corresponds to the default behavior.

The USP Agent MUST use a random value between USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval * USPNotifRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

5 2.12
USPNotifRetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt(1000:65535) W

This parameter is related to the retry mechanism for Notifications.

Configures the retry interval multiplier as specified in [Section “Responses to Notifications and Notification Retry”/TR-369].

This value is expressed in units of 0.001. Hence the values of the multiplier range between 1.000 and 65.535.

A value of 2000 corresponds to the default behavior.

The USP Agent MUST use a random value between USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (USPNotifRetryMinimumWaitInterval * USPNotifRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

2000 2.12
ScheduleTimer() command -
Schedule a Timer! event on the associated Controller.
This command was DEPRECATED in 2.14 because it was replaced by a more flexible asynchronous ScheduleTimer().
This command was OBSOLETED in 2.16.
This command was DELETED in 2.17.
- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
DelaySeconds unsignedInt(1:) W [MANDATORY] The number of seconds from the time this command is invoked until the Agent initiates a Timer! Event notification (based on the associated subscriptions). - 2.12
MTPNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the MTP table. - 2.12
Timer! event -
Timer event requested via a ScheduleTimer() command invoked on the same Controller instance via an Operate USP message.
This event was DEPRECATED in 2.14 because the associated ScheduleTimer() was replaced by a more flexible asynchronous ScheduleTimer().
This event was OBSOLETED in 2.16.
This event was DELETED in 2.17.
- 2.12
CommandKey string R The command_key supplied when requesting the timer event. - 2.12
AddMyCertificate() command -

This command is issued to allow a Controller to add a new certificate for itself. This can be useful when the current certificate is expiring or has become compromised. This command creates a new entry in Certificate and adds a reference to the new entry to the Controller’s Controller.{i}.Credential. The Agent will use the Serial Number and Issuer fields from the input Certificate to populate the Certificate.{i}.SerialNumber and Certificate.{i}.Issuer parameters. If Certificate already has an instance with the same Certificate.{i}.SerialNumber and Certificate.{i}.Issuer parameters, this command will fail. To replace an instance with the same Certificate.{i}.SerialNumber and Certificate.{i}.Issuer, the existing instance must first be deleted.

This command can only be used by the Controller to whom the object belongs. If the Controller issuing the USP Operate message is a different Controller, the message MUST be denied.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
Alias string(:64) W [Alias] An optional input the Controller can use to specify the Certificate.{i}.Alias value for the added entry. If provided as an input and the value already exists in Certificate.{i}, this command will fail. - 2.12
Certificate string(:65535) W [MANDATORY] The X.509 certificate in Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) [RFC7468] format. - 2.12
SendOnBoardRequest() command - Requests the Agent to send an OnBoardRequest notification to this Controller. This sets the value of OnBoardingComplete to false. - 2.12
BootParameterNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the BootParameter table. - 2.12
OnBoardingComplete boolean W

Signifies whether the onboarding is completed for this Controller.

When set to false, the Controller hasn’t completed its onboarding procedure and the agent MUST send it an OnBoardRequest USP Notification when the Controller’s Enable parameter is true. This OnBoardRequest MUST be retried until the Controller confirms it has received the request as required by [R-NOT.5/TR-369] and [R-NOT.6/TR-369].

The value of this parameter SHOULD be set to true by the Controller when it is done with its onboarding procedure or it can be set by the Agent itself when it knows the onboarding has been completed.

While the value of this parameter is false it will also restart the OnBoardRequest procedure according to the OnBoardingRestartTime parameter.

false 2.17
OnBoardingRestartTime unsignedInt W

This parameter is used to configure a linear retry mechanism for the OnBoardRequest. It represents the time in seconds before the OnBoardRequest is retried.

The OnBoardRequest notification is a USP notification that requires a NotifyResponse message like any other notification that needs to be retried. OnBoardRequest notifications must follow the default retry mechanism as required by [R-NOT.6/TR-369] until the Controller has confirmed the notification with a NotifyResponse message. However, the onboarding procedure typically requires several actions from the Controller before it can be considered as complete and things can go wrong during this procedure. The value of this parameter can be set to configure how long the Agent should wait before it sends another OnBoardRequest. This timer kicks in as soon as the Agent receives the NotifyResponse message for the previous OnBoardRequest. The timer is cancelled when the OnBoardingComplete parameter is set to true.

When the value of this parameter is set to 0, the OnBoardRequest is not retried after the notification retry mechanism has been completed.

0 2.17
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents a MTP used by this Controller.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Protocol, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Protocol and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enable/Disable this MTP instance.

If this MTP instance is to be disabled and currently used for communication with the requesting controller, the agent has to send the request response first, before disabling it.

false 2.12
Protocol string W

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the SupportedProtocols parameter. The Message Transfer Protocol (MTP) to be used for communications by a USP Endpoint.

This parameter discriminates between the CoAP, STOMP, WebSocket, MQTT, UDS union objects.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Order unsignedInt(1:) W

The order (relative priority) to use when determining which MTP to use for communicating to the Controller.

A value of 1 indicates the highest precedence. For each configured MTP, the instance with the lowest value is attempted first.

When more than one MTP instance has the same value, then each instance with the same value SHOULD be attempted at the same time.

The value of Order on creation of a MTP table entry MUST be one greater than the largest current value (initially assigned the lowest precedence).

- 2.15
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.CoAP. object(0:1) R
If the USP Endpoint uses the CoAP Message Transfer Protocol (MTP), then this object contains CoAP specific configuration parameters.
This object was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because the CoAP MTP was deprecated in USP 1.2.
This object was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This object was DELETED in 2.18.
This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is CoAP.
This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.
- 2.12
Host string(:256) W The hostname or IP Address of the Controller’s CoAP server. - 2.12
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W The port number used by the Controller’s CoAP Server to receive USP messages. - 2.12
Path string W The path that is used by the Controller’s CoAP Server in order to receive USP messages. - 2.12
EnableEncryption boolean W When true, encryption MUST be used as specified in [Section “MTP Message Encryption”/TR-369]. true 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.STOMP. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the STOMP Message Transfer Protocol (MTP), then this object contains STOMP Client specific configuration parameters related to how this Controller communicates with the STOMP Server.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is STOMP.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.12
Reference string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the STOMP.Connection. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the STOMP Connection used by this Controller when communicating via the STOMP MTP. <Empty> 2.12
Destination string W The STOMP destination where the Controller will be listening to incoming USP messages. <Empty> 2.12
USPServiceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the USPServices.USPService. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the USP Service associated with this Agent when communicating via the STOMP MTP. <Empty> 2.16
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.WebSocket. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the WebSocket Message Transfer Protocol (MTP) as a WebSocket client, then this object contains WebSocket specific configuration parameters.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is WebSocket.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.12
Host string(:256) W The hostname or IP Address of the Controller’s WebSocket server. - 2.12
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W The port number used by the Controller’s WebSocket server to receive USP messages. - 2.12
Path string W The service path that is provided by the Controller’s WebSocket server in order to exchange USP messages. The value MUST be used as defined in [Section 3.3/RFC3986]. - 2.12
IsEncrypted boolean R
This parameter represents whether or not communications that utilize this WebSocket object instance are encrypted.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.14 because the EnableEncryption parameter will dictate whether this WebSocket is or is not encrypted.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.16.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.17.
- 2.12
EnableEncryption boolean W When true, encryption MUST be used for this MTP instance. true 2.14
KeepAliveInterval unsignedInt(1:) W The duration in seconds between when WebSocket ping control frames are transmitted by the Agent’s WebSocket client to the Controller’s WebSocket server. - 2.12
CurrentRetryCount unsignedInt R The current retry count of the session. When zero (0), the session is not in a retry state. - 2.12
SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval unsignedInt(1:65535) W

Configures the first retry wait interval, in seconds, as specified in [Section “WebSocket Session Retry”/TR-369].

The USP Agent MUST use a random value between SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval * SessionRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

5 2.12
SessionRetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt(1000:65535) W

Configures the retry interval multiplier as specified in [Section “WebSocket Session Retry”/TR-369].

This value is expressed in units of 0.001. Hence the values of the multiplier range between 1.000 and 65.535.

The USP Agent MUST use a random value between SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval * SessionRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

2000 2.12
USPServiceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the USPServices.USPService. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the USP Service associated with this Agent when communicating via the WebSocket MTP. <Empty> 2.16
Reset() command - If enabled, this command will either request to start or restart an WebSocket session with the Controller. - 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.MQTT. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the MQTT Message Transfer Protocol (MTP), then this object contains MQTT Client specific configuration parameters related to how this Controller communicates with the MQTT broker.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is MQTT.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.13
Reference string W
The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the MQTT.Client. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the MQTT Client used by this Controller when communicating via the MQTT MTP.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 because AgentMTPReference was added.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
<Empty> 2.13
Topic string(:65535) W The topic name the USP Controller has subscribed to, to be used for Notify messages send by the USP Agent. - 2.13
PublishRetainResponse boolean W If set to true the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag in MQTT PUBLISH messages carrying a USP Response Message to 1, unless the MQTT server sent Retain Available = 0 (MQTT 5.0) in its CONNACK (in which case, the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag to 0). false 2.13
PublishRetainNotify boolean W If set to true the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag in MQTT PUBLISH messages carrying a USP Notify Message to 1, unless the MQTT server sent Retain Available = 0 (MQTT 5.0) in its CONNACK (in which case, the Agent MUST set the RETAIN flag to 0). false 2.13
AgentMTPReference string W The value MUST be the Path Name of the MTP. object instance containing the Response Topic used by this Controller when communicating via the MQTT MTP. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. <Empty> 2.16
USPServiceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the USPServices.USPService. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the USP Service associated with this Agent when communicating via the MQTT MTP. <Empty> 2.16
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.UDS. object(0:1) R

If the USP Endpoint uses the Unix Domain Socket (UDS) Message Transfer Protocol (MTP), then this object contains UDS specific configuration parameters related to how this Agent communicates with a Controller on another USP Endpoint.

An example of how to set up this MTP can be found in [ Section “Example Data Models for a USP Broker and USP Services”/TR-369].

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Protocol is UDS.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.16
UnixDomainSocketRef string W The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the UnixDomainSockets.UnixDomainSocket. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the Unix Domain Socket used by this Agent when communicating via the UDS MTP. <Empty> 2.16
USPServiceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the USPServices.USPService. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the USP Service associated with this Agent when communicating via the UDS MTP. <Empty> 2.16
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.TransferCompletePolicy. object R The policy defined in this object determines the conditions under which the USP Agent notifies a USP Controller, that has an appropriate Subscription, of the completion of file transfers. - 2.12
ResultTypeFilter string W

Indicates the transfer results that MUST be included when the USP Agent notifies a USP Controller of file transfers. Transfer results omitted from this list MUST NOT be included when the USP Agent notifies a USP Controller.

Enumeration of:

- 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.BootParameter.{i}. object(0:) W

This table provides the Controller with the ability to dictate the Parameters that are delivered via Boot! events.

Any Parameter (identified by ParameterName) contained in this table MUST be included within the param_map element of the Boot! event.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for ParameterName, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enables or disables this BootParameter. false 2.12
ParameterName string(:256) W

A pattern that describes the Parameter(s) to be included in the param_map element of a Boot! event. Specifically, patterns with wildcards (an “*” character) in place of Instance Identifiers are allowed.

If the pattern does not match any existing Parameters at the time that the Agent is creating the Boot! event, then this BootParameter instance is not included in the param_map of the Boot! event.

<Empty> 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.E2ESession. object R The E2ESession object represents the End to End (E2E) Session Context functionality for this Controller.{i} object instance. - 2.12
Enable boolean W
Enable/Disable this E2ESession instance.
When true, Session Context is used when exchanging USP Records with the remote endpoint represented by this Controller.{i} object instance.
When false, Session Context is not used when exchanging USP Records with the remote endpoint represented by this Controller.{i} object instance.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.15 because it is replaced by SessionMode.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.17.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.18.
false 2.12
SessionMode string W

The desired usage mode of an End-to-End Session Context with this particular Controller.

Enumeration of:

  • Require (A Session Context MUST be used and no USP Messages are allowed to be exchanged prior to establishment. Setting the parameter to Require MUST result in the establishment of a Session Context)
  • Allow (A Session Context MAY be used but is not required. When setting the parameter to Allow, the Agent MUST NOT initiate Session Context but MUST perpetuate any existing Session Context or Controller-initiated Session Context)
  • Forbid (A Session Context MUST NOT be used. Setting the parameter to Forbid MUST result in the immediate termination of any established Session Context)
- 2.15
Status string R

The current status of the Session Context.

Enumeration of:

  • Up
  • Negotiating (A new Session Context is being negotiated (i.e., a USP Record with sequence_id of 1 and session_id not previously used with this remote endpoint was sent and response has not yet been received), OPTIONAL)
  • Down
- 2.12
SessionExpiration unsignedInt(0:) W

The duration in seconds in which the current Session Context will expire since the last session-related activity (e.g., Message sent or received, Session Context start or restart).

A value of 0 means session expiration is disabled.

0 2.12
SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval unsignedInt(1:65535) W

Configures the first retry wait interval, in seconds, as specified in [Section “Failure Handling in the Session Context”/TR-369].

A value of 5 corresponds to the default behavior that is described in [TR-369].

The USP Agent MUST use a random value between SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval * SessionRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

5 2.12
SessionRetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt(1000:65535) W

Configures the retry interval multiplier as specified in [Section “Failure Handling in the Session Context”/TR-369].

This value is expressed in units of 0.001. Hence the values of the multiplier range between 1.000 and 65.535.

A value of 2000 corresponds to the default behavior that is described in [TR-369].

The USP Agent MUST use a random value between SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval and (SessionRetryMinimumWaitInterval * SessionRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) as the first retry wait interval. Other values in the retry pattern MUST be calculated using this value as a starting point.

2000 2.12
CurrentRetryCount unsignedInt R The current retry count of the Session Context. When zero (0), the Session Context is not in a retry state. - 2.12
SegmentedPayloadChunkSize unsignedInt(0,512:) W
The maximum size, in bytes, of the Record (payload(s) and headers) that can be transmitted to the remote endpoint. The smallest size, which can be configured is 512 bytes.
A value of 0 means that the segmentation function is effectively disabled.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.16 because it is replaced by MaxUSPRecordSize.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.18.
0 2.12
MaxUSPRecordSize unsignedInt(0,512:) W

The maximum size allowed by the MTP, in bytes, a USP Record (payload(s) and header fields) that can be transmitted to the remote endpoint.

When a size is set, a payload too large to transfer is segmented into smaller payloads according to the maximal size the USP Record can be. The smallest size, which can be configured, is 512 bytes.

A value of 0 means that the segmentation function of payloads is effectively disabled.

0 2.16
MaxRetransmitTries int(-1:10) W

The maximum times that a USP Endpoint attempts to retransmit the requested USP Record to the remote endpoint.

If the maximum tries is met for any requested USP Record, the USP Endpoint will restart the E2E Session.

A value of -1 means that the USP Endpoint will always attempt to retransmit the requested USP Record.

A value of 0 means that the USP Endpoint will not attempt to retransmit the requested USP Record and will restart the E2E Session.

0 2.12
PayloadSecurity string W

The security mechanism to use when exchanging the payload of the Record with the remote endpoint.

Enumeration of:

  • Plaintext
  • TLS (The payload is encrypted at the originating endpoint and decrypted at the receiving endpoint using TLS. The procedures for using TLS in a Session Context is defined in [TR-369])
TLS 2.12
Reset() command -

If the E2ESession is enabled then this command will either request to start or restart a Session Context with the remote endpoint.

If the E2ESession is not enabled and there is an active Session Context then this command will terminate that Session Context with the remote endpoint.

If the E2ESession is not enabled and there is no active Session Context then this command does nothing.

- 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.Certificate.{i}. object(0:) R

Each instance of this table represents information related to a X.509 certificate (see [RFC5280]) of a Controller or Certificate Authority. Instances are referenced from Controller.{i}.Credential and ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}.Credential.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for both SerialNumber and Issuer, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enable/Disable this Certificate instance. - 2.12
SerialNumber string(:64) R The Serial Number field in an X.509 certificate, see [RFC5280]. - 2.12
Issuer string(:256) R The Issuer field in an X.509 certificate, see [RFC5280]; i.e. the Distinguished Name (DN) of the entity who has signed the certificate. - 2.12
Delete() command - This command is issued to allow a Controller (with the proper permissions) to delete an entry from the Certificate.{i}. It also removes references to the Certificate in LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.Credential or LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}.Credential and removes any X.509 certificate data the Agent had stored related to the entry. - 2.12
GetFingerprint() command - This command is issued to allow a Controller to request the value of a fingerprint calculated for the specified table entry using the input FingerprintAlgorithm. - 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
FingerprintAlgorithm string W

[MANDATORY] The algorithm to be used to calculate the requested fingerprint. The value MUST be one the Agent supports, as noted in SupportedFingerprintAlgorithms.

Enumeration of:

  • SHA-1 (As specified in [RFC3174])
  • SHA-224 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-256 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-384 (As specified in [RFC6234])
  • SHA-512 (As specified in [RFC6234])
- 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Fingerprint hexBinary(:128) R The value of the fingerprint. - 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust. object R This object contains information that an Agent applies when establishing a trust relationship with a Controller. - 2.12
UntrustedRole string[:1] W

Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Comma-separated list (up to 1 item) of strings, each entry is a Role that is associated with Controllers whose identity cannot be authenticated. The value of the UntrustedRole parameter is appended to the Controller.{i}.AssignedRole parameter.

In some instances, this policy is set by the Agent and cannot be modified by Controllers. If the Agent does not allow modification of this parameter, the Agent MUST respond with an error to the request to set this parameter.

- 2.12
BannedRole string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. The Role that is associated with Controllers indicate banned access.

When assigned to a Controller or associated with an entry in the Credential table, this MUST be the only value of the BannedRole parameter of the Controller.{i}.AssignedRole parameter.

The Agent SHOULD refuse to accept USP messages from, or send USP messages to, any Controller that has this Role.

- 2.12
SecuredRoles string[] W

Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is a Role that is associated with Controllers to indicate their access to secured parameters (e.g. WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.Security.WEPKey). The value of the SecuredRoles parameter is appended to the Controller.{i}.AssignedRole parameter.

Only Controllers with a secured role assigned (and the appropriate permissions set) MUST be able to have access to secured parameters content.

- 2.16
TOFUAllowed boolean W When true, Agent has active policy that allows for self-signed certificates and certificates from unknown Certificate Authorities (CAs) to be trusted on first use (TOFU). - 2.12
TOFUInactivityTimer unsignedInt W

Inactivity timer in seconds.

This timer is started when trust on first use (TOFU) policy is used to accept a Controller certificate. If no USP Message is received before this timer elapses, the Agent MUST tear down the MTP connection and underlying (D)TLS session.

A value of 0 means that the TOFU inactivity timer is effectively disabled.

- 2.12
RequestChallenge() command -

This command is issued to retrieve the instruction for the referenced challenge.

There is at most one (1) outstanding RequestChallenge for a requesting Controller.

As such, any new challenges with a different value of the ChallengeRef parameter are denied until a successful response to the outstanding challenge is received by the Agent or the current RequestChallenge expires.

When the value of the ChallengeRef parameter defined in the RequestChallenge does not exist, the Agent returns an “Invalid Value” error.

- 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
ChallengeRef string W [MANDATORY] The value MUST be the Path Name of the Challenge object instance for this request. - 2.12
RequestExpiration int(0:) W

The expiration period, in seconds, where the Controller request that this challenge request expire (times-out).

A value of zero indicates that the challenge request will never expire. The default is 900 seconds.

- 2.12
⇐ Output. arguments - Output arguments. -
Instruction base64 R The value of the Challenge.{i}.Instruction parameter associated with the requested challenge in the Input.ChallengeRef parameter. - 2.12
InstructionType string R

The media type with a format as defined by [RFC6838] of the content of the Instruction parameter.

The allowable values of the media type are defined by the Challenge.{i}.InstructionType parameter.

- 2.12
ValueType string R

The media type with a format as defined by [RFC6838] of the content of the Challenge.{i}.Value parameter.

The allowable values of the media type are defined by the Challenge.{i}.ValueType parameter.

- 2.12
ChallengeID string R The challenge identifier the Controller uses in the ChallengeResponse command to correlate this request with a response. - 2.12
RoleNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Role table. - 2.12
CredentialNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Credential table. - 2.12
ChallengeNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Challenge table. - 2.12
ChallengeResponse() command - This command is issued to return the response of challenge. - 2.12
⇒ Input. arguments - Input arguments. -
ChallengeID string W [MANDATORY] The challenge identifier the Controller uses to correlate the challenge request with a response. - 2.12
Value base64 W [MANDATORY] The value of the challenge that is specific to the type of challenge. The challenge value is provided by the external party to the Controller. - 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents a Role that can be assigned to or inherited by a Controller via the Controller Trust mechanism. The Role contains a set of permissions that determine how the Controller can interact with the data model.

If multiple permission entries associated with this table contain a Target that evaluates to the same instantiated Object/Parameter for multiple Roles, then the permissions to be used are a union of the identified permissions.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Name, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Name and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enable/Disable this Role instance. false 2.12
Name string W

The Role assigned to this Role instance.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
PermissionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Permission table. - 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents the permissions that are extended to a set of Targets for a specified Role.

If there are multiple entries in this table for a specific Role where the Targets overlap, the permissions for the entry with the highest value takes priority over all others.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Order, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enable/Disable this Permission instance. false 2.12
Order unsignedInt W

The order (relative priority) to use when determining the permissions for overlapping Targets that are contained within the same Role.

The larger value of this parameter takes priority over a permission with a smaller value (i.e., 0 has the lowest priority).

0 2.12
Targets string[] W

Comma-separated list of strings, each entry is a target to which the value of the permissions parameters are assigned.

When an entry is a value of a Partial Path, the permissions are associated to that Object and any child Object/Parameter.

When the value of an entry is an Object instance then the permissions are associated to all Parameters of the Object instance.

When an entry is a value of a Search Path as defined in [TR-369] that resolves to zero or more Parameter Paths, then all Parameter Paths that result from the evaluation of the Search Path are subject to the permissions assigned by this Permission instance.

<Empty> 2.12
Param string(4) W

The permissions of a Role for the specified Targets.

A string of 4 characters where each character represents a permission (“r” for Read, “w” for Write, “x” for Execute“, and “n” for Notify).

The string is always in the same order (rwxn) and the lack of a permission is signified by a “-” character (e.g., r--n).

The following describes the meaning of the permissions for Parameter type of Targets:

  1. Read: Grants the capability to read the value of the Parameter via Get and read the meta-information of the Parameter via GetSupportedDM.
  2. Write: Grants the capability to update the value of the Parameter via Add or Set.
  3. Execute: Grants no capabilities; Parameters can not be executed.
  4. Notify: Grants the capability to receive Notify Messages of type ValueChange for this Parameter.
---- 2.12
Obj string(4) W

The permissions of a Role for the specified Targets.

A string of 4 characters where each character represents a permission (“r” for Read, “w” for Write, “x” for Execute“, and “n” for Notify).

The string is always in the same order (rwxn) and the lack of a permission is signified by a “-” character (e.g., r--n).

The following describes the meaning of the permissions for Object type of Targets:

  1. Read: Grants the capability to read the meta-information of the Object via GetSupportedDM.
  2. Write: Grants no capabilities for Static Objects. Grants the capability to create a new instance of a Multi-Instanced Object via Add (e.g. Device.LocalAgent.Controller.).
  3. Execute: Grants no capabilities; Objects are not executable and Commands are controlled by the CommandEventPermissions.
  4. Notify: Grants the capability to receive Notify Messages of type ObjectCreation for this Object (multi-instance objects only).
---- 2.12
InstantiatedObj string(4) W

The permissions of a Role for the specified Targets.

A string of 4 characters where each character represents a permission (“r” for Read, “w” for Write, “x” for Execute“, and “n” for Notify).

The string is always in the same order (rwxn) and the lack of a permission is signified by a “-” character (e.g., r--n).

The following describes the meaning of the permissions for Instantiated Object type of Targets:

  1. Read: Grants the capability to read the instance numbers and unique keys of the Instantiated Object via GetInstances and read the value of Parameters related to the Instantiated Object via a Get containing a search expression or wildcard in place of the instance identifier.
  2. Write: Grants the capability to remove an existing instance of an Instantiated Object via Delete (e.g. Device.LocalAgent.Controller.1.).
  3. Execute: Grants no capabilities; Object Instances are not executable and Commands are controlled by the CommandEventPermissions.
  4. Notify: Grants the capability to receive Notify Messages of type ObjectDeletion for this Instantiated Object.
---- 2.12
CommandEvent string(4) W

The permissions of a Role for the specified Targets.

A string of 4 characters where each character represents a permission (“r” for Read, “w” for Write, “x” for Execute“, and “n” for Notify).

The string is always in the same order (rwxn) and the lack of a permission is signified by a “-” character (e.g., r--n).

The following describes the meaning of the permissions for Command and Event type of Targets:

  1. Read: Grants the capability to read the meta-information of the Command (including input and output arguments) and Event (including arguments) via GetSupportedDM.
  2. Write: Grants no capabilities; Commands are executed instead of written to and Events are read only.
  3. Execute: Grants the capability to execute the Command via Operate, but grants no capabilities to an Event.
  4. Notify: Grants the capability to receive Notify Messages of type OperationComplete for this Event or Command.
---- 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Credential.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents a trusted credential. The credential can be that of a certificate authority (CA) for a Controller whose EndpointID is unknown.

When a credential is supplied to the Agent by a Controller during authentication, the credentials in this table are used to determine if any of the supplied certificates (including those in the chain of trust) are considered “trusted”.

If the Controller authenticated via an entry in this table is not previously known to the Agent, the Roles specified in the Role parameter might be automatically applied, depending on the value of the AllowedUses parameter.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Credential, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Credential and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enable/Disable this Credential instance. false 2.12
Role string[] W

Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

Comma-separated list of strings, the (set of) Role(s) applied to a Controller authenticated through this Credential instance.

The roles are added to the Controller’s current list of Roles by replacing the value of the Controller.{i}.InheritedRole parameter.

If the Controller is already known to the Agent, with an associated Role, this parameter has no impact.

- 2.12
Credential string W

The value MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Certificate. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. A reference to the Certificate.{i} instance for use in the authentication of certificates provided by a Controller and authorization of Controllers, and for authentication of certificates used for MTP encryption.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
AllowedUses string W

Identifies what usages the Certificate Authority (CA) authenticated by the associated credential is trusted to authorize.

Enumeration of:

  • MTP-only (The CA can only authorize MTP (domain) connectivity, and cannot authenticate Controllers, i.e. no Roles are automatically applied)
  • MTP-and-USP (The CA can authorize MTP (domain) connectivity and authenticate Controller, i.e. the Role parameter applies)
  • MTP-and-broker (The CA can authorize MTP (domain) connectivity and the presenter of a certificate signed by such CA is trusted to have authenticated the identity of Endpoints whose Records it transmits. Any Controller communicating through such a Broker is automatically authenticated, i.e. the Role parameter applies. See [“Authentication and Authorization”/TR-369] for additional description of the Trusted Broker concept)
- 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Challenge.{i}. object(0:) W

Each instance of this table represents information that is used to challenge a Controller in order to assign a Role to the Controller or to determine the authenticity of a Certificate.

The Controller requests a type of challenge from an Agent using the RequestChallenge command.

The Agent returns the value of the Instruction for that type of challenge to the Controller which the Controller then provides a third-party.

The third-party responds to the Instruction which the Controller then sends to the Agent using the ChallengeResponse command.

The Agent verifies the response to the Challenges and executes an implementation specific Agent logic in order to establish trust with the Controller.

This could include (but is not limited to):

*Assignment of roles to the Controller is done by appending the non-duplicate roles of the Role parameter to the value of the Controller.{i}.AssignedRole parameter.

*Use the Controller’s certificate to which the challenge response was received in order to authenticate the identity of the Controller.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose an initial value for Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Description string W The description of this Challenge instance. - 2.12
Role string[] W

Each list item MUST be the Path Name of a row in the Role. table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list.

Comma-separated list of strings, the (set of) role(s) appended (non-duplicate values only) to the value of the Controller.{i}.AssignedRole parameter.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enable/Disable this Challenge instance. false 2.12
Type string W

The type of challenge that will be verified from the challenge response provided by the third-party through the Controller.

Enumeration of:

  • Passphrase (The challenge uses a passphrase the third-party is expected to match)
- 2.12
Value base64 W

The value of the challenge that is specific to the type of challenge.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.12
ValueType string W

The media type with a format as defined by [RFC6838] of the content of the Value parameter.

Enumeration of:

  • text/plain
  • image/jpeg
- 2.12
Instruction base64 W The instruction that is provided to the external party by the Controller requesting the challenge. - 2.12
InstructionType string W

The media type with a format as defined by [RFC6838] of the content of the Instruction parameter.

Enumeration of:

  • text/plain
  • image/jpeg
  • text/html
- 2.12
Retries unsignedInt W The number of consecutive failed ChallengeResponse() attempts against this Challenge instance (as determined by the RequestChallenge().ChallengeRef associated with ChallengeResponse().ChallengeID parameters) that are allowed before a LockoutPeriod is started for this Challenge instance. Counts of failed attempts for a Challenge instance are reset after a successful ChallengeResponse() for the Challenge instance or after a started LockoutPeriod expires. - 2.12
LockoutPeriod int(0:) W

Once the Retries value has been reached by failed ChallengeResponse() attempts against this Challenge instance (as determined by the RequestChallenge().ChallengeRef associated with ChallengeResponse().ChallengeID parameters), the value of this parameter represents the amount of time (in seconds) that the Agent will prevent any ChallengeResponse() or RequestChallenge() against this Challenge instance from succeeding. Any attempt to issue a RequestChallenge() or ChallengeResponse() command where the associated RequestChallenge().ChallengeRef points to this Challenge instance during the lockout period will result in an Error response with 7002 as the error code. When a started lockout period has expired, the count of failed attempts for this Challenge instance will be reset. If the Agent chooses to delete ChallengeResponse().ChallengeID values for a locked out Challenge, the Agent can send the 7004 error code for values it does not recognize.

A value of zero means that a lockout period doesn’t apply and the RequestChallenge() command can be attempted without the need to wait between failed challenges.

30 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}. object(0:) W

A Subscription dictates how a USP Agent issues USP Notification Messages to a USP Controller, executes an automated configuration action, or both, as controlled by TriggerAction.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with the same values for both Recipient and ID. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Alias, Recipient and ID such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W Enables/disables this Subscription. A disabled entry MUST NOT be processed by the USP Agent. false 2.12
Recipient string R

The value MUST be the Path Name of the Controller instance that will receive the Notification associated with this Subscription. If the referenced object is deleted, this instance MUST also be deleted (so the parameter value will never be an empty string).

The value of this parameter is automatically populated by the USP Agent upon Subscription creation using the reference to the USP Controller that created the instance.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with ID) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
TriggerAction string W

Determines the action to take when the monitored event occurs.

Enumeration of:

  • Notify (Issue a USP message to the controller configured in Recipient)
  • Config (Change the Device’s configuration as detailed in TriggerConfigSettings)
  • NotifyAndConfig (Issue a USP message to the controller configured in Recipient, and change the Device’s configuration as detailed in TriggerConfigSettings)
Notify 2.16
TriggerConfigSettings string[:16] W

Comma-separated list (up to 16 items) of strings. Each entry is a name-value pair representing the name of the data model parameter to configure and the value to configure it with.

Each entry in the comma-separated list will use the following format: =

The Parameter Value will be formatted per the value type, which means that string values will be quoted while unsignedInt values will be unquoted numeric values, etc..

When the monitored event occurs, then the TriggerConfigSettings will be executed if the TriggerAction is set to Config or NotifyAndConfig.

- 2.16
ID string(1:64) W

Unique identifier of the Subscription itself, which is specific to the USP Controller that creates the instance of the Subscription.

This value is used as the subscription_id element of every Notification message from a USP Agent to a USP Controller caused by this subscription entry.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Recipient) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
CreationDate dateTime R

The date and time when this instance of Subscription was created. This is internally used by the TimeToLive parameter to determine the expiration of this Subscription instance.

The value of this parameter is automatically populated by the USP Agent upon Subscription creation.

- 2.12
NotifType string W

Type of Notification message that will be sent to the USP Controller specified by Recipient when this Subscription is triggered.

Enumeration of:

  • ValueChange
  • ObjectCreation
  • ObjectDeletion
  • OperationComplete
  • Event
- 2.12
ReferenceList string(:256)[] W

Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 256). Each entry in the list is a Path Name, Search Path, Command reference, or Event reference that determines the element(s) of the data model that the Subscription is applicable to.

Different values of the NotifType parameter will cause the Subscription to interact with ReferenceList differently. For example, an instance of Subscription with ValueChange will utilize the value of this parameter differently than an instance with Event.

Once the value of the ReferenceList is written, the value cannot be changed as the Subscription instance is considered to be immutable. If the value of a non-empty ReferenceList parameter needs to change, the Subscription instance MUST be deleted and a new Subscription instance created.

The following bullet points describe what is allowed as a value of ReferenceList based on the different values of the NotifType parameter:

  • ValueChange: may be either a Path Name or Search Path; if an Object Path (one type of Path Name) then it is treated like a filter match such that all supported parameters in all objects below this point will be relevant for the subscription.
  • ObjectCreation: may be either a Path Name or Search Path as long as it only refers to a Multi-Instance Object; only the referenced Multi-Instance Objects will be relevant for the subscription.
  • ObjectDeletion: may be either a Path Name or Search Path as long as it only refers to instances of a Multi-Instance Object; only the referenced instances (wildcard references all instances over time) of the Multi-Instance Objects will be relevant for the subscription.
  • OperationComplete: may be either a Path Name, Search Path, or Command reference; if an Object Path (one type of Path Name) then it is treated like a filter match such that all supported data model commands in all objects below this point will be relevant for the subscription.
  • Event: may be either a Path Name, Search Path, or Event reference; if an Object Path (one type of Path Name) then it is treated like a filter match such that all supported Events in all objects below this point will be relevant for the subscription.
- 2.13
Persistent boolean W

Determines whether or not this Subscription remains after the USP Agent is restarted (either via a reset of the software or reboot of the underlying device).

If true, this Subscription stays in existence until either a Delete message removes it or the TimeToLive parameter expires.

If false, this Subscription is automatically removed by the USP Agent whenever it is restarted.

false 2.12
TimeToLive unsignedInt W

Specifies the duration of time (in seconds) that this Subscription remains in existence. After TimeToLive has expired, this Subscription instance is automatically removed by the USP Agent.

If the value of TimeToLive is 0, then this parameter is ignored and this Subscription stays in existence until either a Delete message removes it or the Persistent parameter determines that it needs to be removed.

If the value of TimeToLive is greater than 0, then this parameter determines the length of time (from Subscription creation) until it will be automatically removed by the USP Agent (unless the Persistent parameter is false and the USP Agent is restarted, in which case it will be removed before the TimeToLive expiration). NOTE: This parameter does not count down as time moves forward; it will always read back with the same value that it was last set to.

If the USP Agent is incapable of maintaining absolute time then TimeToLive will automatically expire if the USP Agent is restarted (either via a reset of the software or reboot of the underlying device) before TimeToLive expiration.

0 2.12
NotifRetry boolean W

Specifies whether or not the USP Agent attempts to re-deliver the Notification in the event that it could not be delivered to the USP Controller.

When NotifRetry is true, the USP Agent MUST retry the delivery of the Notification. This implies that the Notification MUST be generated with the “send_resp” flag set to true such that the USP Agent knows when the Notification has been successfully delivered. The retry attempt(s) are performed using the retry algorithm defined in [Section “Responses to Notifications and Notification Retry”/TR-369].

When NotifRetry is false, the USP Agent MUST NOT retry the delivery of the Notification, and SHOULD generate the notification with “send_resp” flag set to false.

false 2.12
NotifExpiration unsignedInt W

Specifies the duration of time (in seconds) that the Notification associated with this Subscription will continue to be retried. After NotifExpiration has expired, if the Notification has still not been successfully delivered then the USP Agent MUST stop attempting to re-deliver the Notification.

If NotifRetry is set to false then this parameter is ignored.

If NotifRetry is set to true and the value of NotifExpiration is 0, then the USP Agent will attempt to re-deliver the Notification until it has been successfully delivered or until the USP Agent is restarted (either via a reset of the software or reboot of the underlying device).

If NotifRetry is set to true and the value of NotifExpiration is greater than 0, then the USP Agent will attempt to re-deliver the Notification until either it has been successfully delivered, until the length of time (from the time the Notification was initially attempted to be delivered) specified in this parameter expires, or until the USP Agent is restarted (either via a reset of the software or reboot of the underlying device).

NOTE: This parameter does not count down as time moves forward; it will always read back with the same value that it was last set to.

0 2.12
Device.LocalAgent.Request.{i}. object(0:) R

Request instances are created using USP Operate messages. Only Operate messages with async=true will create a Request instance in the data model.

New instances of Request are created with Status as Requested. Once the command of the Operate begins to be executed, then the the Status changes to Active.

When the command of the Operate completes, then this Request instance is removed from this table, but not before the Status transitions to either Success or Error depending on whether the command of the Operate completed successfully or not.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Originator, Command and CommandKey, or with a given value for Alias.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Originator string R The USP Endpoint Identifier that originated the command. - 2.12
Command string R

The command to be executed. This parameter is a Path Name that addresses a Command in an Object or Object Instance.

The command is a result of the evaluation of the command argument of an Operate message.

- 2.12
CommandKey string R The command_key from the USP Operate message. - 2.12
Status string R

The operational status of the request to execute the command.

Enumeration of:

  • Requested (The command has been requested but is currently not executing)
  • Active (The command is currently executing)
  • Canceling (The command has been requested to be canceled)
  • Canceled (The command has successfully been canceled)
  • Success (The command has successfully been completed its execution)
  • Error (The command has unsuccessfully completed its execution or has unsuccessfully been canceled)
- 2.12
Cancel() command -

Request cancelation of this Request’s command.

This command completes immediately. If successful, Status will immediately change to Canceling and will change to Canceled when the cancelation is complete.

- 2.12
Device.Standby. object R Capabilities of a Device as it pertains to entering a standby state. - 2.12
NetworkAware boolean R Indicates that the device is capable of maintaining a network connection and responding to communications via the network connection while in a standby state. - 2.12
TimerAware boolean R Indicates that the device is capable of maintaining and responding to timers while in a standby state. - 2.12
Device.CollectionDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

A CollectionDevice is a device in the network that is represented in the Device data model in multiple places. An instance of CollectionDevice represents a physical device that is modeled via a set of data model objects that are distributed throughout the data model, and brings them together into a single Data Model Object. For example an entry with a WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device and a IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device is the same device represented in two places.

When the entry with IsNativeDevice is true, that entry will represent the Native Device which is modeled by the Root Object Device.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.16
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.16
IsNativeDevice boolean R If true this CollectionDevice models the top level Device only one instance can represent the top-level device. If false this CollectionDevice represents another device in the network. - 2.16
ProxiedDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the ProxiedDevice instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the ProxiedDevice table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.16
DataElementsDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the WiFi.DataElements.Network.Device table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.16
IEEE1905DeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.16
LLDPDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the LLDP.Discovery.Device instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the LLDP.Discovery.Device table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.16
UPnPDeviceRef string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of the UPnP.Discovery.Device instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the UPnP.Discovery.Device table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. - 2.16
HostDeviceRef string[] R Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be the Path Name of the Hosts.Host instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the Hosts.Host table. If the referenced object is deleted, the corresponding item MUST be removed from the list. - 2.16
GhnAssociatedDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the Ghn.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the Ghn.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.16
MoCAAssociatedDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the MoCA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the MoCA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.16
HomePlugAssociatedDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the HomePlug.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the HomePlug.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.16
HPNAAssociatedDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the HPNA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the HPNA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.16
UPAAssociatedDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the UPA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the UPA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.16
WiFiAssociatedDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.16
ZigBeeAssociatedDeviceRef string R The value MUST be the Path Name of the ZigBee.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice instance corresponding to this CollectionDevice, or an empty string if this CollectionDevice is not represented in the ZigBee.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. - 2.16
Device.ProxiedDevice.{i}. object(0:) R

Each entry in the table is a ProxiedDevice object that is a mount point. Each ProxiedDevice represents distinct hardware Devices. ProxiedDevice objects are virtual and abstracted representation of functionality, that exists on hardware other than that which the Agent is running.

This object is a mount point, under which mountable objects can be mounted.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Type string R

[IoTDeviceType] Describes the type of Device that the ProxiedDevice instance is representing. Enumeration of:

  • Alarm
  • AntiTheft
  • Bell
  • Clock
  • Door
  • Fan
  • GarageDoor
  • HVAC
  • Light
  • Lock
  • Meter
  • Motor
  • Oven
  • PowerStrip
  • Sensor
  • SensorStrip
  • Siren
  • Thermostat
- 2.13
Description string(:256) R Human-readable description of the ProxiedDevice. e.g. a more detailed description of Type. - 2.13
Name string(:64) W A textual name of the instance, which can be assigned by the user. ProxiedDevice. - 2.13
Online boolean R This parameter provides the state of the ProxiedDevice on the underlying (proxied) connected network. - 2.13
LastTimeContacted dateTime R The date time of the last successful contact. - 2.13
InterfaceReference string R The value MUST be the Path Name of a protocol object that uses the ProxyProtocol.. - 2.13
ProxyProtocol string R

The protocol being used to communicate between the Agent and this Proxied Device. Enumeration of:

Vendors can extend the enumerated values with vendor specific extensions, in which case the rules outlined in [Section 3.3/TR-106] MUST be adhered to.

- 2.13
NodeNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Node table. - 2.13
Device.ProxiedDevice.{i}.Node.{i}. object(0:) R

Each Node instance represents distinct functional devices, which are virtual and abstracted representation of functionality.

This object is a mount point, under which mountable objects can be mounted.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.13
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.13
Type string R

[IoTDeviceType] Describes the type of Device that the Node instance is representing. Enumeration of:

  • Alarm
  • AntiTheft
  • Bell
  • Clock
  • Door
  • Fan
  • GarageDoor
  • HVAC
  • Light
  • Lock
  • Meter
  • Motor
  • Oven
  • PowerStrip
  • Sensor
  • SensorStrip
  • Siren
  • Thermostat
- 2.13
Description string(:256) R Human-readable description of the Node. e.g. a more detailed description of Type. - 2.13
Device.CWMPManagementServer. object R - 2.15
EnableCWMP boolean W

Enables and disables the CPE’s support for CWMP.

false means that CWMP support in the CPE is disabled, in which case the device MUST NOT send any Inform messages to the ACS or accept any Connection Request notifications from the ACS.

true means that CWMP support on the CPE is enabled.

The subscriber can re-enable the CPE’s CWMP support either by performing a factory reset or by using a LAN-side protocol to change the value of this parameter back to true.

The factory default value MUST be true.

- 2.15
Device.STOMP. object R The STOMP represents the STOMP capabilities of the device as described in [TR-369]. - 2.12
ConnectionNumberOfEntries unsignedInt R The number of entries in the Connection table. - 2.12
Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}. object(0:) W

The Connection represents a STOMP connection between the Agent and a STOMP server.

At most one entry in this table can exist with the same values for all of Host, Username and VirtualHost, or with a given value for Alias. On creation of a new table entry, the Agent MUST (if not supplied by the Controller on creation) choose initial values for Host, Username and Alias such that the new entry does not conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.12
Enable boolean W

Enables or disables this Connection.

This parameter is based on ifAdminStatus from [RFC2863].

false 2.12
Status string R

The current operational state of this Connection (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Unknown
  • Connecting
  • ServerNotPresent
  • Error_Misconfigured
  • Error_AuthenticationFailure
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

When Enable is false then Status SHOULD normally be Disabled or Error if there is a fault condition on the interface).

When Enable is changed to true then Status SHOULD change to Enabled if and only if the interface is able to transmit and receive PDUs; it SHOULD change to Unknown if the state of the interface can not be determined for some reason.

- 2.12
LastChangeDate dateTime R The date and time at which this Connection entered into its current operational state. - 2.12
Host string(:256) W

The hostname or IP Address of the STOMP Server.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Username) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Port unsignedInt(1:65535) W The port number of the STOMP Server. 61613 2.12
Username string(:256) W

The username part of the credentials to be used when authenticating this Connection during connection establishment with the STOMP Server.

If the value isn’t assigned by the Controller on creation, the Agent MUST choose an initial value that (together with Host) doesn’t conflict with any existing entries.

- 2.12
Password string(:256) W

The password part of the credentials to be used when authenticating this Connection during connection establishment with the STOMP Server.

When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value.

- 2.12
VirtualHost string(:256) W

The Virtual Host to use when establishing the connection.

Some STOMP Server implementations utilize virtual hosts to place a context around credentials, permissions, and internal resources.

<Empty> 2.12
EnableHeartbeats boolean W

Enable or disable the STOMP Heart-beating mechanism as described in STOMP (for this Connection).

When the STOMP Heart-beat mechanism is enabled, OutgoingHeartbeat and IncomingHeartbeat determine how the heart-beat header within the CONNECT frame is formatted.

When the STOMP Heart-beat mechanism is disabled, OutgoingHeartbeat and IncomingHeartbeat are ignored and the CONNECT frame MUST NOT contain a heart-beat header element.

Any changes to this parameter will not take effect until the next connection.

false 2.12
OutgoingHeartbeat unsignedInt W

Represents the Outgoing heart-beat timing (in milliseconds) of the STOMP Heart-beating mechanism as described in STOMP (for this Connection).

The Outgoing heart-beat represents what the sender of the frame can do. A value of 0 means that it cannot send heart-beats.

Any changes to this parameter will not take effect until the next connection.

0 2.12
IncomingHeartbeat unsignedInt W

Represents the Incoming heart-beat timing (in milliseconds) of the STOMP Heart-beating mechanism as described in STOMP (for this Connection).

The Incoming heart-beat represents what the sender of the frame would like to get. A value of 0 means that it does not want to receive heart-beats.

Any changes to this parameter will not take effect until the next connection.

0 2.12
ServerRetryInitialInterval unsignedInt(1:65535) W

The maximum first reconnection wait interval, in seconds, as specified in [TR-369].

The Device MUST use a random value between 0 and ServerRetryInitialInterval as the first reconnection wait interval.

60 2.12
ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier unsignedInt(1000:65535) W

The reconnection interval multiplier as specified in [TR-369]. This value is expressed in units of 0.001. Hence the values of the multiplier range between 1.000 and 65.535.

For the nth reconnection wait interval, the Device MUST use a random value, in seconds, between 0 and ServerRetryInitialInterval * (ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) ** (n - 1).

The server retry mechanism reaches its upper limit at 10 reconnection attempts. Meaning, that if the number of reconnection attempts exceeds 10, then the Device MUST use a random value, in seconds, between 0 and ServerRetryInitialInterval * (ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier / 1000) ** (10 - 1).

2000 2.12
ServerRetryMaxInterval unsignedInt(1:) W

The maximum reconnection wait interval, in seconds.

If the nth reconnection wait interval calculated from ServerRetryInitialInterval and ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier exceeds the value of this parameter, then the Agent MUST use the value of this parameter as the next reconnection wait interval.

30720 2.12
IsEncrypted boolean R
This parameter represents whether or not communications that utilize this Connection object instance are encrypted.
This parameter was DEPRECATED in 2.14 because the EnableEncryption parameter will dictate whether all connections for this STOMP instance are or are not encrypted.
This parameter was OBSOLETED in 2.16.
This parameter was DELETED in 2.17.
- 2.12
EnableEncryption boolean W When true, encryption MUST be used for this STOMP Connection Connection. true 2.14
Device.GatewayInfo. object R This object contains information associated with a connected gateway. - 2.16
UnknownGatewayDiscovered! event - Gateway discovery event indicating that the device discovered a gateway that is not compliant with CWMP or USP. This event MAY be sent when the parameters are populated after a reboot or when the GatewayInfo has been updated. - 2.16
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC Address of the discovered device. - 2.16
USPGatewayDiscovered! event - Gateway discovery event indicating that the device discovered a compliant USP-enabled gateway. This event MAY be sent when the parameters are populated after a reboot or when the GatewayInfo has been updated. - 2.16
EndpointID string R The unique USP identifier for this USP Agent. - 2.16
CWMPGatewayDiscovered! event - Gateway discovery event indicating that the device discovered a compliant CWMP-enabled gateway. This event MAY be sent when the parameters are populated after a reboot or when the GatewayInfo has been updated. - 2.16
ManufacturerOUI string(:6) R

Organizationally unique identifier of the associated gateway. Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • [0-9A-F]{6}

an empty string indicates that there is no associated gateway that has been detected.

- 2.16
ProductClass string(:64) R Identifier of the product class of the associated gateway. An empty string indicates either that there is no associated gateway that has been detected, or the gateway does not support the use of the product-class parameter. - 2.16
SerialNumber string(:64) R Serial number of the associated gateway. An empty string indicates that there is no associated gateway that has been detected. - 2.16
ManagementProtocol string R

Specifies the management protocol used by the gateway.

Enumeration of:

  • <Empty> (An empty string, in the case that the ManagementProtocol is still being determined or that the DHCP is being renewed and clears the contents of GatewayInfo)
  • CWMP (Gateway was discovered through the DHCP options, and no USP related DNS-SRV details were found)
  • USP (Gateway was discovered through the USP related DNS-SRV details)
  • Unknown (Unable to determine the management protocol type)
- 2.16
EndpointID string R The unique USP identifier for this USP Agent. - 2.16
MACAddress string(:17) R [MACAddress] MAC address of the discovered device. - 2.16
ManufacturerOUI string(:6) R

Organizationally unique identifier of the associated gateway. Possible patterns:

  • <Empty> (an empty string)
  • [0-9A-F]{6}

an empty string indicates that there is no associated gateway that has been detected.

- 2.16
ProductClass string(:64) R Identifier of the product class of the associated gateway. An empty string indicates either that there is no associated gateway that has been detected, or the gateway does not support the use of the product-class parameter. - 2.16
SerialNumber string(:64) R Serial number of the associated gateway. An empty string indicates that there is no associated gateway that has been detected. - 2.16
Device.IoTCapability.{i}. object(0:) R

This list of IoT capability objects.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias, or with a given value for Name.

- 2.13
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.13
Name string(:64) W

A textual name of the instance, which can be assigned by the user.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.13
Class string R

Describes the type of functionality that IoTCapability is representing. Depending on the functionality the corresponding sub-object is instantiated.

Note: Only one of the defined sub-objects can exist in an IoTCapability instance.

This parameter discriminates between the BinaryControl, LevelControl, EnumControl, BinarySensor, LevelSensor, MultiLevelSensor, EnumSensor union objects.

Enumeration of:

  • BinaryControl
  • LevelControl
  • EnumControl
  • BinarySensor
  • LevelSensor
  • MultiLevelSensor
  • EnumSensor
- 2.13
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.BinaryControl. object(0:1) R

This capability provides a boolean function that is mapped to the type of function it represents.

E.g. If the instance represents a door lock (Type is Locked), a Value of true says the door lock is locked.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Class is BinaryControl.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.13
Type string R

Describes the type of functionality that BinaryControl is representing.

Enumeration of:

  • Switch
  • Locked
- 2.13
Description string(:256) R Human-readable description of the BinaryControl. e.g. a more detailed description of Type. - 2.13
Value boolean W Value of true or false that reflects the functionality. - 2.13
Toggle() command - [ASYNC] Toggle the Value. - 2.13
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.LevelControl. object(0:1) R

LevelController is used to model a control with a range of continuous states.

These values are configurable via Value and measured in Unit and are restricted between a Min and Max values.

Intensity profile - Value of intensity and ability to update that level through StepUp() and StepDown() commands with a configurable StepValue.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Class is LevelControl.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.13
Type string R

[IoTLevelType] Describes the type of IoT Level Controller or Sensor that the LevelControl instance is representing. Enumeration of:

  • Acceleration
  • Area
  • Battery
  • Brightness
  • Concentration
  • Conductivity
  • Distance
  • Energy
  • Flow
  • Humidity
  • Intensity
  • Luminance
  • Meter
  • Motion
  • Position
  • Power
  • Pressure
  • Radiation
  • Speed
  • Temperature
  • Volume (Amount of space that an object or substance occupies)
  • Weight
  • Depth
  • Counter
- 2.13
Description string(:256) R Human-readable description of the LevelControl. e.g. a more detailed description of Type. - 2.13
Value decimal W The desired run value that this LevelControl will be between MinValue and MaxValue. - 2.13
Unit string R

Units in which Value, Value, MinValue, MaxValue and StepValue are expressed. [IoTUnitType] Possible Unit types used for decimal values. Enumeration of:

  • - (Dimensionless quantity)
  • % (Percent)
  • deg (Decimal degrees)
  • degC (Celsius)
  • degF (Fahrenheit)
  • K (Kelvin [SI])
  • km (Kilometer [SI])
  • m (Meter [SI])
  • cm (Centimeter [SI])
  • mm (Millimeter [SI])
  • h (Hour)
  • min (Minute)
  • s (Second [SI])
  • ms (Millisecond)
  • sq-km (Square kilometer)
  • sq-m (Square meter)
  • sq-cm (Square cm)
  • cu-m (Cubic meter)
  • l (Liter [SI])
  • cl (Centiliter [SI])
  • ml (Milliliter [SI])
  • kg (Kilogram [SI])
  • g (Gram [SI])
  • mg (Milligram [SI])
  • Wh (Watt hour)
  • kWh (Kilowatt hour)
  • W (Watt [SI])
  • A (Ampere [SI])
  • Hz (Hertz [SI])
  • V (Volt [SI])
  • N (Newton [SI])
  • Pa (Pascal [SI])
  • C (Coulomb [SI])
  • F (Farad [SI])
  • ohm (Ohm [SI])
  • S (Siemens [SI])
  • Wb (Weber [SI])
  • T (Tesla [SI])
  • H (Henry [SI])
  • lm (Lumen [SI])
  • lx (Lux [SI])
  • mps (Meter per second)
  • cd (Candela [SI])
  • mol (Mole [SI])
  • UV (Ultraviolet index)
  • RGB (RGB color, encoded as integer value between 0 (usually represented as 0x000000) and 16777215 (usually represented as 0xFFFFFF), e.g. Blue would be 255 (usually represented as 0x0000FF))
  • ppm (Parts per million (Alternative use percent: 1ppm = 0.0001%))
  • Sv (Sievert (J/kg) [SI])
  • J (Joule [SI])
  • rpm (Rotations per minute)
  • pps (Pulses per second)
  • cu-m/s (Cubic meters per second)
  • liter/s (Liters per second) .
- 2.13
MinValue decimal R Minimum allowed value for Value. - 2.13
MaxValue decimal R Maximum allowed value for Value. - 2.13
StepValue decimal W Number of Unit changes of each StepUp() and StepDown() command. - 2.13
StepUp() command - [ASYNC] Step Up the Value. - 2.13
StepDown() command - [ASYNC] Step Down the Value. - 2.13
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.EnumControl. object(0:1) R

The EnumControl reflects the Enumerated level Control functionality.

The enumeration is defined by the ValidValues parameter. This will provide a comma-separated list of values that are available for configuring via the Value parameter.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Class is EnumControl.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.13
Type string R

[IoTEnumControlType] Describes the type of IoT Enum Controller that the EnumControl instance is representing. Enumeration of:

  • AlarmMode
  • DoorMode
  • FanMode
  • LockMode
  • OperatingMode
  • TemperatureMode
  • ThermostatMode
- 2.13
Description string(:256) R Human-readable description of the EnumControl. e.g. a more detailed description of Type. - 2.13
Value string W Current value representing the EnumControl; MUST be an element of ValidValues. - 2.13
ValidValues string(:64)[] R Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 64). List of valid values from the control represented by the EnumControl. - 2.13
StepUp() command - [ASYNC] Step up the Value to the next allowed value in the enum. - 2.13
StepDown() command - [ASYNC] Step down the Value to the previous allowed value in the enum. - 2.13
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.BinarySensor. object(0:1) R

BinarySensor is used to reflect the functionality of a sensor that reports a Value. The Sensitivity configures the degree of sensitivity that the sensor uses for detection.

Timed BinarySensor profile - To provide the ability to add time based control over the Value attribute. How long the Value remains true is controlled by the HoldTime. RestTime controls how soon, after being activated, the sensor will respond to continuous events.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Class is BinarySensor.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.13
Type string R

Describes the type of functionality that BinarySensor is representing.

Enumeration of:

  • CarbonDioxideDetected
  • CarbonMonoxideDetected
  • DoorOpen
  • MotionDetected
  • SmokeDetected
  • WindowOpen
  • WaterDetected
- 2.13
Description string(:256) R Human-readable description of the BinarySensor. e.g. a more detailed description of Type. - 2.13
Value boolean R If the BinarySensor has been recently activated, the value would be true. For how long the state attribute remain true after being activated depends on the underlying sensor reports. - 2.13
LastChange dateTime R The date and time in UTC when Value has been changed to the current value. - 2.13
LastContactTime dateTime R The date and time in UTC when the BinarySensor has received data. - 2.18
Sensitivity unsignedInt(:100) W A 0 to 100 value indicating how reactive to changes the BinarySensor should be, 0 being not sensible / disabled and 100 max sensitivity. - 2.13
HoldTime unsignedInt W After activation has been detected and the sensing attribute set to true, how soon, in milliseconds should the Value be reset to false. - 2.13
RestTime unsignedInt W After activation has been detected and the Value set to true, how soon, in milliseconds should affected again per subsequent event. - 2.13
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.LevelSensor. object(0:1) R

LevelSensor is used to reflect the functionality of a sensor that reports a Value in Unit.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Class is LevelSensor.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.13
Type string R

[IoTLevelType] Describes the type of IoT Level Controller or Sensor that the LevelSensor instance is representing. Enumeration of:

  • Acceleration
  • Area
  • Battery
  • Brightness
  • Concentration
  • Conductivity
  • Distance
  • Energy
  • Flow
  • Humidity
  • Intensity
  • Luminance
  • Meter
  • Motion
  • Position
  • Power
  • Pressure
  • Radiation
  • Speed
  • Temperature
  • Volume (Amount of space that an object or substance occupies)
  • Weight
  • Depth
  • Counter
- 2.13
Description string(:256) R Human-readable description of the LevelSensor. e.g. a more detailed description of Type. - 2.13
Value decimal R The current value reading of this LevelSensor in units defined in Unit. - 2.13
LastChange dateTime R The date and time in UTC when Value has been changed to the current value. - 2.13
LastContactTime dateTime R The date and time in UTC when the LevelSensor has received data. - 2.18
Unit string R

[IoTUnitType] Possible Unit types used for decimal values. Enumeration of:

  • - (Dimensionless quantity)
  • % (Percent)
  • deg (Decimal degrees)
  • degC (Celsius)
  • degF (Fahrenheit)
  • K (Kelvin [SI])
  • km (Kilometer [SI])
  • m (Meter [SI])
  • cm (Centimeter [SI])
  • mm (Millimeter [SI])
  • h (Hour)
  • min (Minute)
  • s (Second [SI])
  • ms (Millisecond)
  • sq-km (Square kilometer)
  • sq-m (Square meter)
  • sq-cm (Square cm)
  • cu-m (Cubic meter)
  • l (Liter [SI])
  • cl (Centiliter [SI])
  • ml (Milliliter [SI])
  • kg (Kilogram [SI])
  • g (Gram [SI])
  • mg (Milligram [SI])
  • Wh (Watt hour)
  • kWh (Kilowatt hour)
  • W (Watt [SI])
  • A (Ampere [SI])
  • Hz (Hertz [SI])
  • V (Volt [SI])
  • N (Newton [SI])
  • Pa (Pascal [SI])
  • C (Coulomb [SI])
  • F (Farad [SI])
  • ohm (Ohm [SI])
  • S (Siemens [SI])
  • Wb (Weber [SI])
  • T (Tesla [SI])
  • H (Henry [SI])
  • lm (Lumen [SI])
  • lx (Lux [SI])
  • mps (Meter per second)
  • cd (Candela [SI])
  • mol (Mole [SI])
  • UV (Ultraviolet index)
  • RGB (RGB color, encoded as integer value between 0 (usually represented as 0x000000) and 16777215 (usually represented as 0xFFFFFF), e.g. Blue would be 255 (usually represented as 0x0000FF))
  • ppm (Parts per million (Alternative use percent: 1ppm = 0.0001%))
  • Sv (Sievert (J/kg) [SI])
  • J (Joule [SI])
  • rpm (Rotations per minute)
  • pps (Pulses per second)
  • cu-m/s (Cubic meters per second)
  • liter/s (Liters per second)

Unit in which Value is expressed.

- 2.13
LowLevel boolean R Low level indicator. Is set to true if Value is equal or less than the value defined in LowLevelThreshold. - 2.13
LowLevelThreshold decimal W The threshold value in for LowLevel expressed in the same units like Value. - 2.13
HighLevel boolean R High level indicator. Is set to true if Value is equal or higher than the value defined in HighLevelThreshold. - 2.13
HighLevelThreshold decimal W The threshold value in for HighLevel expressed in the same units like Value. - 2.13
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.MultiLevelSensor. object(0:1) R

MultiLevelSensor is used to reflect the functionality of a sensor that reports multiple Values with the same Unit.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Class is MultiLevelSensor.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.13
Type string R

Describes the type of functionality that MultiLevelSensor is representing.

Enumeration of:

  • RGB (RGB color, encoded as integer value between 0 (usually represented as 0x000000) and 16777215 (usually represented as 0xFFFFFF), e.g. Blue would be 255 (usually represented as 0x0000FF))
  • Location (The sensor reports a location with the values of Longitude, Latitude, Altitude as decimal values in km)
- 2.13
Description string(:256) R Human-readable description of the MultiLevelSensor. e.g. a more detailed description of Type. - 2.13
Values decimal[2:]() R Comma-separated list (at least 2 items) (length ) of decimals. The current value reading of this MultiLevelSensor in units defined in Unit. - 2.13
ValueNames string[2:]() R Comma-separated list (at least 2 items) (length ) of strings. The names of the values expressed in Values. - 2.13
LastChange dateTime R The date and time when Values has been changed to the current values. - 2.13
LastContactTime dateTime R The date and time in UTC when the MultiLevelSensor has received data. - 2.18
Unit string R

[IoTUnitType] Possible Unit types used for decimal values. Enumeration of:

  • - (Dimensionless quantity)
  • % (Percent)
  • deg (Decimal degrees)
  • degC (Celsius)
  • degF (Fahrenheit)
  • K (Kelvin [SI])
  • km (Kilometer [SI])
  • m (Meter [SI])
  • cm (Centimeter [SI])
  • mm (Millimeter [SI])
  • h (Hour)
  • min (Minute)
  • s (Second [SI])
  • ms (Millisecond)
  • sq-km (Square kilometer)
  • sq-m (Square meter)
  • sq-cm (Square cm)
  • cu-m (Cubic meter)
  • l (Liter [SI])
  • cl (Centiliter [SI])
  • ml (Milliliter [SI])
  • kg (Kilogram [SI])
  • g (Gram [SI])
  • mg (Milligram [SI])
  • Wh (Watt hour)
  • kWh (Kilowatt hour)
  • W (Watt [SI])
  • A (Ampere [SI])
  • Hz (Hertz [SI])
  • V (Volt [SI])
  • N (Newton [SI])
  • Pa (Pascal [SI])
  • C (Coulomb [SI])
  • F (Farad [SI])
  • ohm (Ohm [SI])
  • S (Siemens [SI])
  • Wb (Weber [SI])
  • T (Tesla [SI])
  • H (Henry [SI])
  • lm (Lumen [SI])
  • lx (Lux [SI])
  • mps (Meter per second)
  • cd (Candela [SI])
  • mol (Mole [SI])
  • UV (Ultraviolet index)
  • RGB (RGB color, encoded as integer value between 0 (usually represented as 0x000000) and 16777215 (usually represented as 0xFFFFFF), e.g. Blue would be 255 (usually represented as 0x0000FF))
  • ppm (Parts per million (Alternative use percent: 1ppm = 0.0001%))
  • Sv (Sievert (J/kg) [SI])
  • J (Joule [SI])
  • rpm (Rotations per minute)
  • pps (Pulses per second)
  • cu-m/s (Cubic meters per second)
  • liter/s (Liters per second)

Unit in which Values are expressed.

- 2.13
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.EnumSensor. object(0:1) R

EnumSensor is used to reflect the functionality of a sensor that reports explicit non-continuous values.

This object MUST be present if, and only if, Class is EnumSensor.

This object is a member of a union, i.e., it is a member of a group of objects of which only one can exist at a given time.

- 2.13
Type string R

[IoTEnumSensorType] Describes the type of IoT Enum Sensor that the EnumSensor instance is representing. Enumeration of:

  • AlarmState
  • DoorState
  • FanState
  • LockState
  • OperatingState
  • TemperatureState
  • ThermostatFanState
- 2.13
Description string(:256) R Human-readable description of the EnumSensor. e.g. a more detailed description of Type. - 2.13
Value string R The actual reading value; MUST be a member of the enumeration defined in ValidValues. - 2.13
LastChange dateTime R The date and time when Value has been changed to the current value. - 2.13
LastContactTime dateTime R The date and time in UTC when the EnumSensor has received data. - 2.18
ValidValues string(:64)[] R Comma-separated list of strings (maximum number of characters per item 64). List of valid values reported from the sensor represented by this EnumSensor. - 2.13
Device.Node.{i}. object(0:) R

Each Node instance represents distinct functional devices, which are virtual and abstracted representation of functionality.

This object is a mount point, under which mountable objects can be mounted.

At most one entry in this table can exist with a given value for Alias.

- 2.13
Alias string(:64) WO

[Alias] A non-volatile unique key used to reference this instance. Alias provides a mechanism for a Controller to label this instance for future reference.

The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced:

  • The value MUST NOT be empty.
  • The value MUST start with a letter.
  • If the value is not assigned by the Controller at creation time, the Agent MUST assign a value with an “cpe-” prefix.

Once it’s been set, this parameter is immutable.

This is a non-functional key and its value MUST NOT change once it’s been assigned by the Controller or set internally by the Agent.

- 2.13
Type string R

[IoTDeviceType] Describes the type of Device that the Node instance is representing. Enumeration of:

  • Alarm
  • AntiTheft
  • Bell
  • Clock
  • Door
  • Fan
  • GarageDoor
  • HVAC
  • Light
  • Lock
  • Meter
  • Motor
  • Oven
  • PowerStrip
  • Sensor
  • SensorStrip
  • Siren
  • Thermostat
- 2.13
Description string(:256) R Human-readable description of the Node. e.g. a more detailed description of Type. - 2.13

Notification Requirements

Parameters for which Value Change Notification MAY be Denied


Profile Definitions


The following abbreviations are used to specify profile requirements:

Abbreviation Description
R Read support is REQUIRED.
W Both Read and Write support is REQUIRED. This MUST NOT be specified for a parameter that is defined as read-only.
P The object is REQUIRED to be present.
C Creation and deletion of instances of the object is REQUIRED.
A Creation of instances of the object is REQUIRED, but deletion is not REQUIRED.
D Deletion of instances of the object is REQUIRED, but creation is not REQUIRED.

MemoryStatus:1 Profile

This table defines the MemoryStatus:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus. P
Total R
Free R

ProcessStatus:1 Profile

This table defines the ProcessStatus:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus. P
CPUUsage R
ProcessNumberOfEntries R
Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.Process.{i}. P
Command R
Size R
Priority R
State R

TempStatus:1 Profile

This table defines the TempStatus:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus. P
TemperatureSensorNumberOfEntries R
Device.DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus.TemperatureSensor.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
ResetTime R
Name R
Value R
LastUpdate R
MinValue R
MinTime R
MaxValue R
MaxTime R

Processors:1 Profile [DEPRECATED]

This table defines the Processors:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.1.

Name Requirement
Device.DeviceInfo.Processor.{i}. P
Architecture R

VendorLogFiles:1 Profile

This table defines the VendorLogFiles:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.1.

Name Requirement
Device.DeviceInfo.VendorLogFile.{i}. P
Name R
MaximumSize R
Persistent R

Location:1 Profile

This table defines the Location:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.DeviceInfo. P
LocationNumberOfEntries R
Device.DeviceInfo.Location.{i}. C
Source R
AcquiredTime R
ExternalSource R
ExternalProtocol R
DataObject W

DeviceImage:1 Profile

This table defines the DeviceImage:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.11.

Name Requirement
Device.DeviceInfo. P
DeviceImageNumberOfEntries R
Device.DeviceInfo.DeviceImageFile.{i}. P
Location R
Image R

Time:1 Profile [OBSOLETED]

This table defines the Time:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.Time. P
Enable W
Status R
NTPServer1 W1
NTPServer2 W2
CurrentLocalTime R
LocalTimeZone W

1 This parameter is OBSOLETED.
2 This parameter is OBSOLETED.

Time:2 Profile

This table defines the Time:2 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.16.

Name Requirement
Device.Time. P
Enable W
Status R
CurrentLocalTime R
LocalTimeZone W

UserInformationBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the UserInformationBasic:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.11.

Name Requirement
Device.UserInterface.Messages. P
Title W
SubTitle W
Text W

UserInformationExtended:1 Profile

This table defines the UserInformationExtended:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.11.

Name Requirement
Device.UserInterface.Messages. P
Title W
SubTitle W
Text W
IconType W
MessageColor W
BackgroundColor W
TitleColor W
SubTitleColor W
RequestedNumberOfRepetitions W
ExecutedNumberOfRepetitions R

ADSL:1 Profile

This table defines the ADSL:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL. P
LineNumberOfEntries R
ChannelNumberOfEntries R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
UpstreamMaxBitRate R
DownstreamMaxBitRate R
UpstreamNoiseMargin R
DownstreamNoiseMargin R
UpstreamAttenuation R
DownstreamAttenuation R
UpstreamPower R
DownstreamPower R
XTURVendor R
XTURCountry R
XTUCVendor R
XTUCCountry R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
TotalStart R
ShowtimeStart R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.Total. P
ErroredSecs R
SeverelyErroredSecs R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats.Showtime. P
ErroredSecs R
SeverelyErroredSecs R
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
UpstreamCurrRate R
DownstreamCurrRate R
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
TotalStart R
ShowtimeStart R
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.Total. P
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats.Showtime. P

ADSL2:1 Profile [DELETED]

This table defines the ADSL2:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL. P
LineNumberOfEntries R
ChannelNumberOfEntries R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
UpstreamMaxBitRate R
DownstreamMaxBitRate R
UpstreamNoiseMargin R
DownstreamNoiseMargin R
UpstreamPower R
DownstreamPower R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.TestParams. P
HLOGpsds R
HLOGpsus R
QLNpsds R
QLNpsus R
SNRpsds R
SNRpsus R
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LinkEncapsulationSupported R
LinkEncapsulationUsed R
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
TotalStart R
ShowtimeStart R

ADSL2:2 Profile [DELETED]

The ADSL2:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the ADSL2:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.8.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL.Line.{i}. P
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}. P

ADSL2:3 Profile

This table defines the ADSL2:3 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.15.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL. P
LineNumberOfEntries R
ChannelNumberOfEntries R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
UpstreamMaxBitRate R
DownstreamMaxBitRate R
UpstreamNoiseMargin R
DownstreamNoiseMargin R
UpstreamPower R
DownstreamPower R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.TestParams. P
HLOGpsds R
HLOGpsus R
QLNpsds R
QLNpsus R
SNRpsds R
SNRpsus R
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LinkEncapsulationSupported R
LinkEncapsulationUsed R
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
TotalStart R
ShowtimeStart R

VDSL2:1 Profile [DELETED]

This table defines the VDSL2:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL. P
LineNumberOfEntries R
ChannelNumberOfEntries R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
AllowedProfiles R
CurrentProfile R
UpstreamMaxBitRate R
DownstreamMaxBitRate R
UpstreamNoiseMargin R
DownstreamNoiseMargin R
UpstreamAttenuation R
DownstreamAttenuation R
UpstreamPower R
DownstreamPower R
SNRMpbds R
SNRMpbus R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.TestParams. P
HLOGpsds R
HLOGpsus R
QLNpsds R
QLNpsus R
SNRpsds R
SNRpsus R
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LinkEncapsulationSupported R
LinkEncapsulationUsed R
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
TotalStart R
ShowtimeStart R

VDSL2:2 Profile [DELETED]

The VDSL2:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the VDSL2:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.8.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL.Line.{i}. P
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}. P

VDSL2:3 Profile [DELETED]

The VDSL2:3 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the VDSL2:2 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL.Line.{i}. P

VDSL2:4 Profile

This table defines the VDSL2:4 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.15.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL. P
LineNumberOfEntries R
ChannelNumberOfEntries R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
AllowedProfiles R
CurrentProfile R
UpstreamMaxBitRate R
DownstreamMaxBitRate R
UpstreamNoiseMargin R
DownstreamNoiseMargin R
UpstreamAttenuation R
DownstreamAttenuation R
UpstreamPower R
DownstreamPower R
SNRMpbds R
SNRMpbus R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
Device.DSL.Line.{i}.TestParams. P
HLOGpsds R
HLOGpsus R
QLNpsds R
QLNpsus R
SNRpsds R
SNRpsus R
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LinkEncapsulationSupported R
LinkEncapsulationUsed R
Device.DSL.Channel.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
TotalStart R
ShowtimeStart R

BondedDSL:1 Profile

This table defines the BondedDSL:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL. P
BondingGroupNumberOfEntries R
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers R
GroupStatus R
BondScheme R
GroupCapacity R
RunningTime R
BondedChannelNumberOfEntries R
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.BondedChannel.{i}. P
Channel R
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.BondedChannel.{i}.Ethernet. P
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.BondedChannel.{i}.Ethernet.Stats. P
UnderflowErrorsSent R
CRCErrorsReceived R
AlignmentErrorsReceived R
ShortPacketsReceived R
LongPacketsReceived R
OverflowErrorsReceived R
PauseFramesReceived R
FramesDropped R
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
TotalStart R
CurrentDayStart R
QuarterHourStart R
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats.Total. P
FailureReasons R
UpstreamRate R
DownstreamRate R
UpstreamPacketLoss R
DownstreamPacketLoss R
FailureCount R
ErroredSeconds R
SeverelyErroredSeconds R
UnavailableSeconds R
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats.CurrentDay. P
FailureReasons R
UpstreamRate R
DownstreamRate R
UpstreamPacketLoss R
DownstreamPacketLoss R
FailureCount R
ErroredSeconds R
SeverelyErroredSeconds R
UnavailableSeconds R
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Stats.QuarterHour. P
FailureReasons R
UpstreamRate R
DownstreamRate R
UpstreamPacketLoss R
DownstreamPacketLoss R
FailureCount R
ErroredSeconds R
SeverelyErroredSeconds R
UnavailableSeconds R
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Ethernet. P
Device.DSL.BondingGroup.{i}.Ethernet.Stats. P
PAFErrors R
PAFSmallFragments R
PAFLargeFragments R
PAFBadFragments R
PAFLostFragments R
PAFLateFragments R
PAFLostStarts R
PAFLostEnds R
PAFOverflows R
PauseFramesSent R
CRCErrorsReceived R
AlignmentErrorsReceived R
ShortPacketsReceived R
LongPacketsReceived R
OverflowErrorsReceived R
FramesDropped R

FAST:1 Profile

This table defines the FAST:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.11.

Name Requirement
Device.FAST. P
LineNumberOfEntries R
Device.FAST.Line.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
AllowedProfiles R
CurrentProfile R
UpstreamMaxBitRate R
DownstreamMaxBitRate R
UpstreamNoiseMargin R
DownstreamNoiseMargin R
UpstreamAttenuation R
DownstreamAttenuation R
UpstreamPower R
DownstreamPower R
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
Device.FAST.Line.{i}.TestParams. P
SNRpsds R
SNRpsus R

Optical:1 Profile

This table defines the Optical:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.Optical. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.Optical.Interface.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
OpticalSignalLevel R
TransmitOpticalLevel R
Device.Optical.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R

CellularInterfaceBase:1 Profile

This table defines the CellularInterfaceBase:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.8.

Name Requirement
Device.Cellular. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
AccessPointNumberOfEntries R
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
NetworkInUse R
CurrentAccessTechnology R
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.USIM. P
Status R
Device.Cellular.AccessPoint.{i}. C
Enable W
Interface W

CellularInterfaceExtended:1 Profile

The CellularInterfaceExtended:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the CellularInterfaceBase:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.8.

Name Requirement
Device.Cellular. P
RoamingEnabled W
RoamingStatus R
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}. P
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
SupportedAccessTechnologies R
PreferredAccessTechnology W
NetworkRequested R
AvailableNetworks R
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.USIM. P

CellularInterfaceStats:1 Profile

This table defines the CellularInterfaceStats:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.8.

Name Requirement
Device.Cellular.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R

ATMLink:1 Profile

This table defines the ATMLink:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.ATM. P
LinkNumberOfEntries R
Device.ATM.Link.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers W
LinkType W
DestinationAddress W
Encapsulation W
FCSPreserved W
VCSearchList W
Device.ATM.Link.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
DiscardPacketsSent R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived R
TransmittedBlocks R
ReceivedBlocks R
CRCErrors R
HECErrors R

PTMLink:1 Profile

This table defines the PTMLink:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.PTM. P
LinkNumberOfEntries R
Device.PTM.Link.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers W
MACAddress R
Device.PTM.Link.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
DiscardPacketsSent R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived R

EthernetRMONStats:1 Profile

This table defines the EthernetRMONStats:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.Ethernet. P
RMONStatsNumberOfEntries R
Device.Ethernet.RMONStats.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Interface R
Bytes R
Packets R
CRCErroredPackets R

VLANTermination:1 Profile

This table defines the VLANTermination:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.Ethernet. P
VLANTerminationNumberOfEntries R
Device.Ethernet.VLANTermination.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers W
Device.Ethernet.VLANTermination.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
DiscardPacketsSent R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived R

EthernetLink:1 Profile

This table defines the EthernetLink:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.Ethernet. P
LinkNumberOfEntries R
Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers W
MACAddress R
Device.Ethernet.Link.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
DiscardPacketsSent R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived R

EthernetInterface:1 Profile

This table defines the EthernetInterface:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.Ethernet. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
MACAddress R
MaxBitRate W
DuplexMode W
Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
DiscardPacketsSent R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived R

EthernetInterface:2 Profile

The EthernetInterface:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the EthernetInterface:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.7.

Name Requirement
Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}. P
CurrentBitRate R

USBHostsBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the USBHostsBasic:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.USB.USBHosts. P
HostNumberOfEntries R
Device.USB.USBHosts.Host.{i}. P
Enable W
Name R
Type R
USBVersion R
DeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.USB.USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}. P
DeviceNumber R
USBVersion R
DeviceClass R
DeviceSubClass R
DeviceVersion R
DeviceProtocol R
ProductID R
VendorID R
Manufacturer R
ProductClass R
SerialNumber R
Port R
Rate R
Parent R
MaxChildren R

USBInterface:1 Profile

This table defines the USBInterface:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.USB. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.USB.Interface.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
MACAddress R
MaxBitRate R
Port R
Device.USB.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
DiscardPacketsSent R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived R

USBPort:1 Profile

This table defines the USBPort:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.USB. P
PortNumberOfEntries R
Device.USB.Port.{i}. P
Name R
Standard R
Type R
Receptacle R
Rate R
Power R

HPNA:1 Profile

This table defines the HPNA:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.HPNA. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.HPNA.Interface.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
MACAddress R
FirmwareVersion R
MaxBitRate R
NetworkUtilization R
PossibleConnectionTypes R
ConnectionType R
PossibleSpectralModes R
SpectralMode R
NoiseMargin R
MinMulticastRate R
NegMulticastRate R
MasterSelectionMode R
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.HPNA.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
Device.HPNA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. P
MACAddress R
NodeID R
IsMaster R
Synced R
TotalSyncTime R
Active R
MaxBitRate R
PHYDiagnosticsEnable W


This table defines the MoCA:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
MACAddress R
FirmwareVersion R
MaxBitRate R
HighestVersion R
CurrentVersion R
NetworkCoordinator R
PrivacyEnabledSetting W
PrivacyEnabled R1
FreqCapabilityMask R
FreqCurrentMaskSetting W
FreqCurrentMask R
CurrentOperFreq R
KeyPassphrase W
NodeID R
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R

1 This parameter is DEPRECATED.

MoCA_Status:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_Status:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}. P
Status R
LastChange R
FirmwareVersion R
HighestVersion R
CurrentVersion R
MACAddress R
NodeID R
Name R
NumNodes R
NetworkCoordinator R
BackupNC R
CurrentOperFreq R
NetworkTabooMask R
NodeTabooMask R
SupportedBands R
PacketAggregationCapability R
TxBcastRate R
NcVersion R
LinkState R
ConnectedNodesInfo R
MgntEntityNetIePayloadRx R
Moca25PhyCapable R
MpsInitScanPayload R
MpsState R
NetworkNamePayload R
PrivacyNc R
PowerStateResp R
PowerStateStatus R
ConnectedNodesDropReason R

MoCA_Stats:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_Stats:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.QoS. P
EgressNumFlows R
IngressNumFlows R

MoCA_FlowStats:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_FlowStats:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.QoS. P
FlowStatsNumberOfEntries R
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.QoS.FlowStats.{i}. P
FlowID R
PacketDA R
MaxRate R
MaxBurstSize R
LeaseTime R
Tag R

MoCA_Node:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_Node:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}. P
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. P
HighestVersion R
MACAddress R
TxBcastRate R
PreferredNC R
BondingCapable R
PacketAggregationCapability R

MoCA_Mesh:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_Mesh:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}. P
MeshNumberOfEntries R
TxNodeIndex R
RxNodeIndex R
TxRate R
TxRateNper R
TxRateVlper R

MoCA_AccessControl:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_AccessControl:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}. P
AccessControlNumberOfEntries R
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.AccessControl.{i}. P
MACAddress W

MoCA_Rlapm:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_Rlapm:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}. P
RlapmNumberOfEntries R
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Rlapm.{i}. C
Profile W
Frequency W
GlobalAggrRxPwrLevel W
PhyMargin W
Status R

MoCA_Sapm:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_Sapm:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}. P
SapmNumberOfEntries R
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Sapm.{i}. C
Profile W
Frequency W
AggrRxPwrLevelThreshold W
PhyMargin W
Status R

MoCA_Reset:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_Reset:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Reset. P
NodeMask W
StartTime W
StatusTrapEnable W
NetworkTrapEnable W

MoCA_StatusAdv:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_StatusAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}. P
TxBcastPowerReduction R
MaxIngressBW R
FreqCapabilityMask R
PasswordHash R
AggregationSize R
AeNumber R
SupportedIngressPqosFlows R
AvbSupport R
ResetCount R
LinkDownCount R
LmoNodeID R
NetworkState R
PrimaryChannelOffset R
SecondaryChannelOffset R

MoCA_StatsAdv:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_StatsAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
DiscardPacketsSent R
RxCorrectedErrors R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R

MoCA_FlowStatsAdv:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_FlowStatsAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.QoS.FlowStats.{i}. P
LeaseTimeLeft R
FlowPackets R
IngressGuid R
EgressGuid R
MaximumLatency R
ShortTermAvgRatio R
FlowPer R
IngressClassify R
VlanTag R
DscpMoca R
Dfid R

MoCA_LinkStats:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_LinkStats:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. P
TxPackets R
TxDrops R
EgressNodeNumFlows R
IngressNodeNumFlows R

MoCA_NodeAdv:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_NodeAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. P
RxBcastPowerLevel R
RxPackets R
RxCorrected R
RxErroredAndMissedPackets R
SupportedIngressPqosFlows R
SupportedEgressPqosFlows R
AggregationSize R
AeNumber R
PowerState R
PowerStateCapability R
PDelay R
EnhancedPrivacyCapable R
LinkType R
Moca25PhyCapable R
RxPwrList R
TxPwrList R
TxPwrReductionList R

MoCA_Bridge:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_Bridge:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}. P
BridgeNumberOfEntries R
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Bridge.{i}. P
NodeIndex R
MACAddresses R

Ghn:1 Profile

This table defines the Ghn:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.Ghn. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.Ghn.Interface.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
MACAddress R
FirmwareVersion R
TargetDomainNames W
DomainName R
DomainNameIdentifier R
DomainId R
DeviceId R
MaxBitRate R
NodeTypeDMCapable R
NodeTypeSCCapable R
NodeTypeDMConfig R
NodeTypeDMStatus R
NodeTypeSCStatus R
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.Ghn.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
Device.Ghn.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. P
MACAddress R
DeviceId R
TxPhyRate R
RxPhyRate R
Active R

HomePlug:1 Profile

This table defines the HomePlug:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.HomePlug. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.HomePlug.Interface.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
MACAddress R
LogicalNetwork W
Version R
FirmwareVersion R
ForceCCo W
NetworkPassword W
OtherNetworksPresent R
MaxBitRate R
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.HomePlug.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
MPDUTxFailed R
MPDURxFailed R
Device.HomePlug.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. P
MACAddress R
TxPhyRate R
RxPhyRate R
SNRPerTone R
AvgAttenuation R
EndStationMACs R
Active R

UPA:1 Profile

This table defines the UPA:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.UPA. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.UPA.Interface.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
Upstream R
MACAddress R
FirmwareVersion R
MaxBitRate R
NodeType W
LogicalNetwork W
EncryptionMethod W
EncryptionKey W
EstApplicationThroughput R
ActiveNotchEnable W
ActiveNotchNumberOfEntries R
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.UPA.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
Device.UPA.Interface.{i}.ActiveNotch.{i}. C
Enable W
StartFreq W
StopFreq W
Depth W
Device.UPA.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. P
MACAddress R
Port R
LogicalNetwork R
PhyTxThroughput R
PhyRxThroughput R
RealPhyRxThroughput R
EstimatedPLR R
MeanEstimatedAtt R
Active R

WiFiRadio:1 Profile

This table defines the WiFiRadio:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.WiFi. P
RadioNumberOfEntries R
Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
Upstream R
MaxBitRate R
SupportedFrequencyBands R
OperatingFrequencyBand W
SupportedStandards R
OperatingStandards W
RegulatoryDomain W
PossibleChannels R
Channel W
AutoChannelSupported R
AutoChannelEnable W
TransmitPowerSupported R
TransmitPower W
ExtensionChannel W
GuardInterval W
IEEE80211hSupported R
IEEE80211hEnabled W
ChannelsInUse R
Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R

WiFiSSID:1 Profile

This table defines the WiFiSSID:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.WiFi. P
SSIDNumberOfEntries R
Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LowerLayers W
MACAddress R
Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R

WiFiSSID:2 Profile

The WiFiSSID:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the WiFiSSID:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.WiFi.SSID.{i}. C

WiFiAccessPoint:1 Profile

This table defines the WiFiAccessPoint:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.WiFi. P
AccessPointNumberOfEntries R
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
SSIDReference W
SSIDAdvertisementEnabled W
WMMCapability R
UAPSDCapability R
WMMEnable W
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.Security. P
ModesSupported R
ModeEnabled W
PreSharedKey W
KeyPassphrase W
RekeyingInterval W
RadiusServerIPAddr W
RadiusServerPort W
RadiusSecret W
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.WPS. P
Enable W
ConfigMethodsSupported R
ConfigMethodsEnabled W
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. P
MACAddress R
AuthenticationState R
LastDataDownlinkRate R
LastDataUplinkRate R

WiFiAccessPoint:2 Profile

The WiFiAccessPoint:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the WiFiAccessPoint:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.9.

Name Requirement
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}. C
MACAddressControlEnabled W
AllowedMACAddress W

WiFiEndPoint:1 Profile

This table defines the WiFiEndPoint:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.WiFi. P
EndPointNumberOfEntries R
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
ProfileReference W
SSIDReference R
ProfileNumberOfEntries R
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.Stats. P
LastDataDownlinkRate R
LastDataUplinkRate R
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.Security. P
ModesSupported R
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.Profile.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Location W
Priority W
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.Profile.{i}.Security. P
ModeEnabled W
PreSharedKey W
KeyPassphrase W
Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}.WPS. P
Enable W
ConfigMethodsSupported R
ConfigMethodsEnabled W

ZigBeeInterface:1 Profile

This table defines the ZigBeeInterface:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.ZigBee. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.ZigBee.Interface.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers W
IEEEAddress R
NetworkAddress R
ZDOReference R

ZigBeeAssociatedDevices:1 Profile

The ZigBeeAssociatedDevices:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the ZigBeeInterface:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.ZigBee.Interface.{i}. P
AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.ZigBee.Interface.{i}.AssociatedDevice.{i}. P
IEEEAddress R
NetworkAddress R
Active R
ZDOReference R

ZigBeeDisc:1 Profile

This table defines the ZigBeeDisc:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.ZigBee.Discovery. P
AreaNetworkNumberOfEntries R
Device.ZigBee.Discovery.AreaNetwork.{i}. C
Enable W
LastUpdate R
Status R
Coordinator W
ZDOReference R

ZDOBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the ZDOBasic:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.ZigBee. P
ZDONumberOfEntries R
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}. P
IEEEAddress R
NetworkAddress R
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.NodeDescriptor. P
LogicalType R
ComplexDescriptorSupported R
UserDescriptorSupported R
FrequencyBand R
MACCapability R
ManufactureCode R
MaximumBufferSize R
MaximumIncomingTransferSize R
MaximumOutgoingTransferSize R
ServerMask R
DescriptorCapability R
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.PowerDescriptor. P
CurrentPowerMode R
AvailablePowerSource R
CurrentPowerSource R
CurrentPowerSourceLevel R

ZDOAdv:1 Profile

The ZDOAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the ZDOBasic:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}. P
BindingTableNumberOfEntries R
GroupNumberOfEntries R
ApplicationEndpointNumberOfEntries R
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.UserDescriptor. P
DescriptorAvailable R
Description R
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.ComplexDescriptor. P
DescriptorAvailable R
Language R
CharacterSet R
ManufacturerName R
ModelName R
SerialNumber R
DeviceURL R
Icon R
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.Security. P
TrustCenterAddress R
SecurityLevel R
TimeOutPeriod R
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.Network. P
NeighborNumberOfEntries R
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.Network.Neighbor.{i}. P
Neighbor R
Relationship R
PermitJoin R
Depth R
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.NodeManager. P
RoutingTableNumberOfEntries R
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.NodeManager.RoutingTable.{i}. P
DestinationAddress R
NextHopAddress R
Status R
MemoryConstrained R
ManyToOne R
RouteRecordRequired R
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.Binding.{i}. C
Enable W
SourceEndpoint W
SourceAddress W
ClusterId W
DestinationAddressMode W
DestinationEndpoint W
IEEEDestinationAddress W
GroupDestinationAddress W
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.Group.{i}. C
Enable W
GroupId W
EndpointList W
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.ApplicationEndpoint.{i}. C
Enable W
EndpointId W
Device.ZigBee.ZDO.{i}.ApplicationEndpoint.{i}.SimpleDescriptor. P
ProfileId W
DeviceId R
DeviceVersion R
InputClusterList W
OutputClusterList W

ZigBeeStats:1 Profile

The ZigBeeStats:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the ZigBeeInterface:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.ZigBee.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
DiscardPacketsSent R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R
UnknownPacketsReceived R

Bridge:1 Profile

This table defines the Bridge:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.Bridging. P
MaxBridgeEntries R
MaxDBridgeEntries R
BridgeNumberOfEntries R
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
PortNumberOfEntries R
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.Port.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers W
ManagementPort W
PortState R
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.Port.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
DiscardPacketsSent R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived R

VLANBridge:1 Profile

This table defines the VLANBridge:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.Bridging. P
MaxBridgeEntries R
MaxDBridgeEntries R
MaxQBridgeEntries R
MaxVLANEntries R
BridgeNumberOfEntries R
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Standard W
PortNumberOfEntries R
VLANNumberOfEntries R
VLANPortNumberOfEntries R
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.Port.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers W
ManagementPort W
DefaultUserPriority W
PriorityRegeneration W
PortState R
AcceptableFrameTypes W
IngressFiltering W
PriorityTagging W
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.Port.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
DiscardPacketsSent R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived R
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.VLAN.{i}. C
Enable W
Name W
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.VLANPort.{i}. C
Enable W
Port W
Untagged W

BridgeFilter:1 Profile

This table defines the BridgeFilter:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.Bridging. P
MaxFilterEntries R
FilterNumberOfEntries R
Device.Bridging.Filter.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Bridge W
Order W
Interface W
EthertypeFilterList W
EthertypeFilterExclude W
SourceMACAddressFilterList W
SourceMACAddressFilterExclude W
DestMACAddressFilterList W
DestMACAddressFilterExclude W
SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilter W
SourceMACFromVendorClassIDFilterExclude W
SourceMACFromVendorClassIDMode W
DestMACFromVendorClassIDFilter W
DestMACFromVendorClassIDFilterExclude W
DestMACFromVendorClassIDMode W
SourceMACFromClientIDFilter W
SourceMACFromClientIDFilterExclude W
DestMACFromClientIDFilter W
DestMACFromClientIDFilterExclude W
SourceMACFromUserClassIDFilter W
SourceMACFromUserClassIDFilterExclude W
DestMACFromUserClassIDFilter W
DestMACFromUserClassIDFilterExclude W

BridgeFilter:2 Profile

The BridgeFilter:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the BridgeFilter:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.Bridging.Filter.{i}. C

BridgeL3L4Filter:1 Profile

The BridgeL3L4Filter:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the BridgeFilter:2 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.6.

Name Requirement
Device.Bridging.Filter.{i}. C
DestIP W
DestMask W
DestIPExclude W
SourcePort W
SourcePortRangeMax W
SourceIP W
SourceMask W
SourceIPExclude W
SourcePortExclude W
Protocol W
ProtocolExclude W
DestPort W
DestPortExclude W

ProviderBridge:1 Profile

This table defines the ProviderBridge:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.7.

Name Requirement
Device.Bridging. P
MaxProviderBridgeEntries R
ProviderBridgeNumberOfEntries R
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.Port.{i}. C
ServiceAccessPrioritySelection W
ServiceAccessPriorityTranslation W
Type W
Device.Bridging.Bridge.{i}.Port.{i}.PriorityCodePoint. P
PCPSelection W
RequireDropEncoding W
PCPEncoding W
PCPDecoding W
Device.Bridging.ProviderBridge.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Type W
SVLANcomponent W
CVLANcomponents W
Device.Ethernet.VLANTermination.{i}. C

UDPEcho:1 Profile

This table defines the UDPEcho:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UDPEchoConfig. P
Enable W
Interface W
SourceIPAddress W
PacketsReceived R
PacketsResponded R
BytesReceived R
BytesResponded R
TimeFirstPacketReceived R
TimeLastPacketReceived R
EchoPlusSupported R

UDPEchoPlus:1 Profile

This table defines the UDPEchoPlus:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics.UDPEchoConfig. P
EchoPlusEnabled W

TWAMPReflectorBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the TWAMPReflectorBasic:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Interface.{i}. C
TWAMPReflectorNumberOfEntries R
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.TWAMPReflector.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Port W
MaximumTTL W
IPAllowedList W
PortAllowedList W

LLDPBaseline:1 Profile

This table defines the LLDPBaseline:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.8.

Name Requirement
Device.LLDP. P
Device.LLDP.Discovery. P
DeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.LLDP.Discovery.Device.{i}. P
Interface R
ChassisIDSubtype R
ChassisID R
Host R
PortNumberOfEntries R
Device.LLDP.Discovery.Device.{i}.Port.{i}. P
PortIDSubtype R
PortID R
PortDescription R
LastUpdate R
MACAddressList R

LLDPRemOrgDefInfo:1 Profile

This table defines the LLDPRemOrgDefInfo:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.8.

Name Requirement
Device.LLDP.Discovery.Device.{i}.Port.{i}.LinkInformation. P
InterfaceType R
MACForwardingTable R
Device.LLDP.Discovery.Device.{i}.DeviceInformation. P
DeviceCategory R
ManufacturerOUI R
ModelName R
ModelNumber R
VendorSpecificNumberOfEntries R
Device.LLDP.Discovery.Device.{i}.DeviceInformation.VendorSpecific.{i}. P
OrganizationCode R
InformationType R
Information R

IPsec:1 Profile

This table defines the IPsec:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.5.

Name Requirement
Device.IPsec. P
AHSupported R
IKEv2SupportedEncryptionAlgorithms R
ESPSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms R
IKEv2SupportedPseudoRandomFunctions R
SupportedIntegrityAlgorithms R
SupportedDiffieHellmanGroupTransforms R
MaxFilterEntries R
MaxProfileEntries R
FilterNumberOfEntries R
ProfileNumberOfEntries R
TunnelNumberOfEntries R
Device.IPsec.Stats. P
NegotiationFailures R
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
UnknownSPIErrors R
DecryptionErrors R
IntegrityErrors R
OtherReceiveErrors R
Device.IPsec.Filter.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Order W
Interface W
AllInterfaces W
DestIP W
DestMask W
DestIPExclude W
SourceIP W
SourceMask W
SourceIPExclude W
Protocol W
ProtocolExclude W
DestPort W
DestPortRangeMax W
DestPortExclude W
SourcePort W
SourcePortRangeMax W
SourcePortExclude W
ProcessingChoice W
Profile W
Device.IPsec.Profile.{i}. C
MaxChildSAs W
RemoteEndpoints W
ForwardingPolicy W
Protocol W
IKEv2AuthenticationMethod W
IKEv2AllowedEncryptionAlgorithms W
ESPAllowedEncryptionAlgorithms W
IKEv2AllowedPseudoRandomFunctions W
IKEv2AllowedIntegrityAlgorithms W
ESPAllowedIntegrityAlgorithms W
IKEv2AllowedDiffieHellmanGroupTransforms W
Device.IPsec.Tunnel.{i}. P
TunnelInterface R
TunneledInterface R
Device.IPsec.Tunnel.{i}.Stats. P
DecryptionErrors R
IntegrityErrors R
OtherReceiveErrors R

IPsecAdv:1 Profile

The IPsecAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IPsec:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.5.

Name Requirement
Device.IPsec. P
IKEv2SANumberOfEntries R
Device.IPsec.IKEv2SA.{i}. P
Tunnel R
LocalAddress R
RemoteAddress R
CreationTime R
ChildSANumberOfEntries R
Device.IPsec.IKEv2SA.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
DecryptionErrors R
IntegrityErrors R
OtherReceiveErrors R
Device.IPsec.IKEv2SA.{i}.ChildSA.{i}. P
InboundSPI R
OutboundSPI R
CreationTime R
Device.IPsec.IKEv2SA.{i}.ChildSA.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
DecryptionErrors R
IntegrityErrors R
OtherReceiveErrors R

GREBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the GREBasic:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.8.

Name Requirement
Device.GRE. P
TunnelNumberOfEntries R
Device.GRE.Tunnel.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
RemoteEndpoints W
KeepAlivePolicy W
KeepAliveTimeout W
KeepAliveThreshold W
DeliveryHeaderProtocol W
ConnectedRemoteEndpoint R
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.GRE.Tunnel.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
Device.GRE.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers R
ProtocolIdOverride W
UseChecksum W
Device.GRE.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R

GREAdv:1 Profile

The GREAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the GREBasic:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.8.

Name Requirement
Device.GRE. P
FilterNumberOfEntries R
Device.GRE.Tunnel.{i}.Stats. P
KeepAliveSent R
KeepAliveReceived R
Device.GRE.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}. C
KeyIdentifierGenerationPolicy W
KeyIdentifier W
UseSequenceNumber W
Device.GRE.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
DiscardChecksumReceived R
DiscardSequenceNumberReceived R
Device.GRE.Filter.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Order W
Interface W
AllInterfaces W
DSCPMarkPolicy W

L2TPv3Basic:1 Profile

This table defines the L2TPv3Basic:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.L2TPv3. P
TunnelNumberOfEntries R
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
RemoteEndpoints W
KeepAlivePolicy W
KeepAliveTimeout W
KeepAliveThreshold W
DeliveryHeaderProtocol W
TunnelEncapsulation W
ConnectedRemoteEndpoint R
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}.UDP. P
SourcePort W
RemotePort W
EnableChecksum W
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers R
SessionID W
CookiePolicy W
Cookie W
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R

L2TPv3Adv:1 Profile

The L2TPv3Adv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the L2TPv3Basic:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.L2TPv3. P
FilterNumberOfEntries R
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}. C
DefaultDSCPMark W
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}.Stats. P
KeepAliveSent R
KeepAliveReceived R
Device.L2TPv3.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
DiscardChecksumReceived R
DiscardSequenceNumberReceived R
Device.L2TPv3.Filter.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Order W
Interface W
AllInterfaces W
DSCPMarkPolicy W

VXLANBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the VXLANBasic:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.VXLAN. P
TunnelNumberOfEntries R
Device.VXLAN.Tunnel.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
RemoteEndpoints W
KeepAlivePolicy W
KeepAliveTimeout W
KeepAliveThreshold W
DeliveryHeaderProtocol W
ConnectedRemoteEndpoint R
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
SourcePort W
RemotePort W
Device.VXLAN.Tunnel.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
Device.VXLAN.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers R
Device.VXLAN.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R

VXLANAdv:1 Profile

The VXLANAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the VXLANBasic:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.VXLAN. P
FilterNumberOfEntries R
Device.VXLAN.Tunnel.{i}. C
DefaultDSCPMark W
Device.VXLAN.Tunnel.{i}.Stats. P
KeepAliveSent R
KeepAliveReceived R
Device.VXLAN.Tunnel.{i}.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
DiscardChecksumReceived R
DiscardSequenceNumberReceived R
Device.VXLAN.Filter.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Order W
Interface W
AllInterfaces W
DSCPMarkPolicy W

MAPBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the MAPBasic:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.8.

Name Requirement
Device.MAP. P
Enable W
DomainNumberOfEntries R
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
TransportMode R
WANInterface R
IPv6Prefix W
BRIPv6Prefix W
RuleNumberOfEntries R
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}.Rule.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
IPv6Prefix W
IPv4Prefix W
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}.Interface. P

MAPAdv:1 Profile [DELETED]

The MAPAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the MAPBasic:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.8.

Name Requirement
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}. P
PSIDOffset W1
PSIDLength W2
IncludeSystemPorts W4
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}.Rule.{i}. C
EABitsLength W

1 This parameter is DELETED.
2 This parameter is DELETED.
3 This parameter is DELETED.
4 This parameter is DELETED.

MAPAdv:2 Profile

The MAPAdv:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the MAPBasic:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.15.

Name Requirement
Device.MAP.Domain.{i}.Rule.{i}. C
EABitsLength W
PSIDOffset W
PSIDLength W
IncludeSystemPorts W

CaptivePortal:1 Profile

This table defines the CaptivePortal:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.CaptivePortal. P
Enable W
Status R
AllowedList W

Routing:1 Profile

This table defines the Routing:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.Routing. P
RouterNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.RIP. P
Enable W
SupportedModes R
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.RIP.InterfaceSetting.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Interface W
AcceptRA W
SendRA W
Device.Routing.Router.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
IPv4ForwardingNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.Router.{i}.IPv4Forwarding.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
DestIPAddress W
DestSubnetMask W
GatewayIPAddress W
Interface W
ForwardingMetric W
StaticRoute R

Routing:2 Profile

The Routing:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Routing:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.Routing.Router.{i}.IPv4Forwarding.{i}. C
Origin R

IPv6Routing:1 Profile

This table defines the IPv6Routing:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.Routing. P
RouterNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.RIP. P
Enable W
SupportedModes R
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.RIP.InterfaceSetting.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Interface W
AcceptRA W
SendRA W
Device.Routing.RouteInformation. P
Enable W
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.RouteInformation.InterfaceSetting.{i}. P
Status R
Interface R
SourceRouter R
PreferredRouteFlag R
Prefix R
RouteLifetime R
Device.Routing.Router.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
IPv6ForwardingNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.Router.{i}.IPv6Forwarding.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
DestIPPrefix W
NextHop W
Interface W
ForwardingMetric W
Origin R

Babel:1 Profile

This table defines the Babel:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.15.

Name Requirement
Device.Routing.Babel. P
Enable W
ImplementationVersion R
SelfRouterID R
SupportedMetricCompAlgorithms R
SupportedSecurityMechanisms R
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries R
RouteNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.Babel.Constants. P
Device.Routing.Babel.InterfaceSetting.{i}. P
InterfaceReference R
InterfaceMetricAlgorithm R
NeighborNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.Babel.InterfaceSetting.{i}.Neighbor.{i}. P
NeighborAddress R
TXCost R
ExpectedMCastHelloSeqno R
ExpectedUCastHelloSeqno R
Device.Routing.Babel.Route.{i}. P
RoutePrefix R
SourceRouterID R
Neighbor R
ReceivedMetric R
CalculatedMetric R
RouteSeqno R
NextHop R
RouteFeasible R
RouteSelected R

BabelMAC:1 Profile

The BabelMAC:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Babel:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.15.

Name Requirement
Device.Routing.Babel. P
SupportedMACAlgorithms R
MACKeySetNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.Babel.InterfaceSetting.{i}. P
MACEnabled W
InterfaceMACKeySets W
MACVerify W
Device.Routing.Babel.MACKeySet.{i}. C
DefaultApply W
MACKeyNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.Babel.MACKeySet.{i}.MACKey.{i}. C
KeyUseSend W
KeyUseVerify W
KeyValue R
MACKeyAlgorithm W

BabelDTLS:1 Profile

The BabelDTLS:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Babel:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.15.

Name Requirement
Device.Routing.Babel. P
SupportedDTLSCertTypes R
DTLSCertSetNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.Babel.InterfaceSetting.{i}. P
DTLSEnabled W
InterfaceDTLSCertSets W
Device.Routing.Babel.DTLSCertSet.{i}. C
DefaultApply W
DTLSCertNumberOfEntries R
Device.Routing.Babel.DTLSCertSet.{i}.DTLSCert.{i}. C
CertValue R
CertType W
CertPrivateKey R

NeighborDiscovery:1 Profile

This table defines the NeighborDiscovery:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.NeighborDiscovery. P
Enable W
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries R
Device.NeighborDiscovery.InterfaceSetting.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Interface W
RetransTimer W
RtrSolicitationInterval W
MaxRtrSolicitations W
NUDEnable W
RSEnable W

RouterAdvertisement:1 Profile

This table defines the RouterAdvertisement:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.RouterAdvertisement. P
Enable W
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries R
Device.RouterAdvertisement.InterfaceSetting.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Interface W
MaxRtrAdvInterval W
MinRtrAdvInterval W
AdvDefaultLifetime W
AdvManagedFlag W
AdvOtherConfigFlag W
AdvMobileAgentFlag W
AdvPreferredRouterFlag W
AdvNDProxyFlag W
AdvLinkMTU W
AdvReachableTime W
AdvRetransTimer W
AdvCurHopLimit W
OptionNumberOfEntries R
Device.RouterAdvertisement.InterfaceSetting.{i}.Option.{i}. C
Enable W
Tag W
Value W

IPv6rd:1 Profile

This table defines the IPv6rd:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.IPv6rd. P
Enable W
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries R
Device.IPv6rd.InterfaceSetting.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
BorderRelayIPv4Addresses W
AllTrafficToBorderRelay W
SPIPv6Prefix W
IPv4MaskLength W
AddressSource W
TunnelInterface R
TunneledInterface R

DSLite:1 Profile

This table defines the DSLite:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.DSLite. P
Enable W
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries R
Device.DSLite.InterfaceSetting.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
EndpointAssignmentPrecedence W
EndpointName W
EndpointAddress W
Origin R
TunnelInterface R
TunneledInterface R

DSLite:2 Profile

The DSLite:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the DSLite:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.5.

Name Requirement
Device.DSLite.InterfaceSetting.{i}. P
EndpointAddressTypePrecedence W
EndpointAddressInUse R

ProviderBridgeQoS:1 Profile

This table defines the ProviderBridgeQoS:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.7.

Name Requirement
Device.QoS. P
DefaultInnerEthernetPriorityMark W
Device.QoS.Classification.{i}. C
InnerEthernetPriorityCheck W
InnerEthernetPriorityExclude W
InnerEthernetPriorityMark W
EthernetDEICheck W
EthernetDEIExclude W

QoS:1 Profile

This table defines the QoS:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.QoS. P
MaxClassificationEntries R
ClassificationNumberOfEntries R
MaxAppEntries R
AppNumberOfEntries R
MaxFlowEntries R
FlowNumberOfEntries R
MaxPolicerEntries R
PolicerNumberOfEntries R
MaxQueueEntries R
QueueNumberOfEntries R
ShaperNumberOfEntries R
DefaultForwardingPolicy W
DefaultPolicer W
DefaultQueue W
DefaultDSCPMark W
DefaultEthernetPriorityMark W
AvailableAppList R
DefaultTrafficClass W
Device.QoS.Classification.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Order W
Interface W
AllInterfaces W
DestIP W
DestMask W
DestIPExclude W
SourceIP W
SourceMask W
SourceIPExclude W
Protocol W
ProtocolExclude W
DestPort W
DestPortRangeMax W
DestPortExclude W
SourcePort W
SourcePortRangeMax W
SourcePortExclude W
SourceMACAddress W
SourceMACExclude W
DestMACAddress W
DestMACExclude W
DSCPExclude W
EthernetPriorityCheck W
EthernetPriorityExclude W
EthernetPriorityMark W
ForwardingPolicy W
Policer W
TrafficClass W
Device.QoS.Policer.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
CommittedRate W
CommittedBurstSize W
MeterType W
PossibleMeterTypes R
ConformingAction W
NonConformingAction W
TotalCountedPackets R
TotalCountedBytes R
ExcessBurstSize W
PeakRate W
PeakBurstSize W
PartialConformingAction W
Device.QoS.Queue.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Interface W
AllInterfaces W
BufferLength R
Weight W
Precedence W
REDThreshold W
REDPercentage W
DropAlgorithm W
SchedulerAlgorithm W
ShapingRate W
ShapingBurstSize W
TrafficClasses W
Device.QoS.Shaper.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Interface W
ShapingRate W
ShapingBurstSize W
Device.Routing.Router.{i}.IPv4Forwarding.{i}. -
ForwardingPolicy W

QoS:2 Profile

The QoS:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the QoS:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
ForwardingPolicy W

QoSDynamicFlow:1 Profile

This table defines the QoSDynamicFlow:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.QoS.App.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
ProtocolIdentifier W
Name W
DefaultForwardingPolicy W
DefaultPolicer W
DefaultDSCPMark W
DefaultEthernetPriorityMark W
DefaultTrafficClass W
Device.QoS.Flow.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Type W
TypeParameters W
Name W
App W
ForwardingPolicy W
Policer W
EthernetPriorityMark W
TrafficClass W
Device.QoS.Classification.{i}. -
App W

QoSStats:1 Profile

This table defines the QoSStats:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.QoS. P
QueueStatsNumberOfEntries R
Device.QoS.Policer.{i}. -
TotalCountedPackets R
TotalCountedBytes R
ConformingCountedPackets R
ConformingCountedBytes R
NonConformingCountedPackets R
NonConformingCountedBytes R
Device.QoS.QueueStats.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Queue W
Interface W
OutputPackets R
OutputBytes R
DroppedPackets R
DroppedBytes R
QueueOccupancyPackets R
QueueOccupancyPercentage R

Hosts:1 Profile [DELETED]

This table defines the Hosts:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.Hosts. P
HostNumberOfEntries R
Device.Hosts.Host.{i}. P
IPAddress R
AddressSource R1
LeaseTimeRemaining R2
PhysAddress R
HostName R
Active R
Layer1Interface R
Layer3Interface R

1 This parameter is DELETED.
2 This parameter is DELETED.

Hosts:2 Profile [DELETED]

The Hosts:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Hosts:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.Hosts.Host.{i}. P
DHCPClient R
AssociatedDevice R
IPAddress R
IPAddress R

Hosts:3 Profile

This table defines the Hosts:3 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.15.

Name Requirement
Device.Hosts. P
HostNumberOfEntries R
Device.Hosts.Host.{i}. P
IPAddress R
PhysAddress R
HostName R
Active R
Layer1Interface R
Layer3Interface R
DHCPClient R
AssociatedDevice R
IPAddress R
IPAddress R

AccessControl:1 Profile [DEPRECATED]

This table defines the AccessControl:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.14.

Name Requirement
Device.Hosts. P
AccessControlNumberOfEntries R
Device.Hosts.AccessControl.{i}. P
PhysAddress W
AccessPolicy W
Enable W
ScheduleNumberOfEntries R1
Device.Hosts.AccessControl.{i}.Schedule.{i}. P2
Alias WO
Enable W
Day W
StartTime W
Duration W

1 This parameter is DEPRECATED.
2 This object is DEPRECATED.

AccessControl:2 Profile

This table defines the AccessControl:2 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.18.

Name Requirement
Device.Hosts. P
AccessControlNumberOfEntries R
Device.Hosts.AccessControl.{i}. P
PhysAddress W
AccessPolicy W
Enable W
ScheduleRef R

DNSRelay:1 Profile

This table defines the DNSRelay:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DNS. P
Device.DNS.Relay. P
Enable W
Status R
ForwardNumberOfEntries R
Device.DNS.Relay.Forwarding.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
DNSServer W
Interface W
Type R

DNS_SD:1 Profile

This table defines the DNS_SD:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.6.

Name Requirement
Device.DNS.SD. P
Enable W
ServiceNumberOfEntries R
Device.DNS.SD.Service.{i}. P
InstanceName R
ApplicationProtocol R
TransportProtocol R
Domain R
Port R
Target R
Priority R
Weight R
TimeToLive R
Status R
LastUpdate R
Host R
TextRecordNumberOfEntries R
Device.DNS.SD.Service.{i}.TextRecord.{i}. P
Key R
Value R

NAT:1 Profile

This table defines the NAT:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.NAT. P
InterfaceSettingNumberOfEntries R
PortMappingNumberOfEntries R
Device.NAT.InterfaceSetting.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Interface W
Device.NAT.PortMapping.{i}. C
Enable W
Interface W
AllInterfaces W
LeaseDuration R
RemoteHost W
ExternalPort W
InternalPort W
Protocol W
InternalClient W
Description W

DHCPv4Server:1 Profile

This table defines the DHCPv4Server:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DHCPv4. P
Device.DHCPv4.Server. P
Enable W
PoolNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}. C
Enable W
Order W
Interface W
MinAddress W
MaxAddress W
ReservedAddresses W
SubnetMask W
DNSServers W
DomainName W
IPRouters W
LeaseTime W
OptionNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}.Option.{i}. C
Enable W
Tag W
Value W

DHCPv4CondServing:1 Profile

The DHCPv4CondServing:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the DHCPv4Server:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}. C
VendorClassID W
ClientID W
UserClassID W
Chaddr W
ChaddrMask W

DHCPv4Relay:1 Profile

This table defines the DHCPv4Relay:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DHCPv4. P
Device.DHCPv4.Relay. P
Enable W
ForwardingNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv4.Relay.Forwarding.{i}. C
Enable W
Order W
Interface W
LocallyServed W
DHCPServerIPAddress W
VendorClassID W
ClientID W
UserClassID W
Chaddr W
ChaddrMask W

DHCPv4ServerClientInfo:1 Profile

This table defines the DHCPv4ServerClientInfo:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}. C
ClientNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}. P
Alias WO
Chaddr R
Active R
IPv4AddressNumberOfEntries R
OptionNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}.IPv4Address.{i}. P
IPAddress R
LeaseTimeRemaining R
Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}.Option.{i}. P
Tag R
Value R

DHCPv6Server:1 Profile

This table defines the DHCPv6Server:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.DHCPv6. P
Device.DHCPv6.Server. P
Enable W
PoolNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Order W
Interface W
IANAEnable W
IAPDEnable W
IANAPrefixes R
IAPDAddLength W
OptionNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}.Option.{i}. C
Enable W
Tag W
Value W

DHCPv6ServerAdv:1 Profile

The DHCPv6ServerAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the DHCPv6Server:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}. C
VendorClassID W
UserClassID W
SourceAddress W
SourceAddressMask W

DHCPv6ServerClientInfo:1 Profile

This table defines the DHCPv6ServerClientInfo:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}. C
ClientNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}. P
SourceAddress R
Active R
IPv6AddressNumberOfEntries R
IPv6PrefixNumberOfEntries R
OptionNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}.IPv6Address.{i}. P
IPAddress R
PreferredLifetime R
ValidLifetime R
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}.IPv6Prefix.{i}. P
Prefix R
PreferredLifetime R
ValidLifetime R
Device.DHCPv6.Server.Pool.{i}.Client.{i}.Option.{i}. P
Tag R
Value R

IEEE8021xAuthentication:1 Profile

This table defines the IEEE8021xAuthentication:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.IEEE8021x. P
SupplicantNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE8021x.Supplicant.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
PAEState R
EAPIdentity W
MaxStart W
StartPeriod W
HeldPeriod W
AuthPeriod W
AuthenticationCapabilities R
Device.IEEE8021x.Supplicant.{i}.Stats. P
ReceivedFrames R
TransmittedFrames R
TransmittedStartFrames R
TransmittedLogoffFrames R
TransmittedResponseIdFrames R
TransmittedResponseFrames R
ReceivedRequestIdFrames R
ReceivedRequestFrames R
ReceivedInvalidFrames R
ReceivedLengthErrorFrames R
LastFrameVersion R
LastFrameSourceMACAddress R
Enable W
SharedSecret W
Enable W
MutualAuthenticationEnable W

IEEE8021xAuthentication:2 Profile

The IEEE8021xAuthentication:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IEEE8021xAuthentication:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.7.

Name Requirement
Device.IEEE8021x.Supplicant.{i}. C
Interface W

User:1 Profile

This table defines the User:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.Users. P
UserNumberOfEntries R
Device.Users.User.{i}. C
Enable W
Username W
Password W

User:2 Profile

The User:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the User:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.15.1.

Name Requirement
Device.Users. P
RoleNumberOfEntries R
Device.Users.Role.{i}. C
Enable W
RoleName W

UPnPDev:1 Profile

This table defines the UPnPDev:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.UPnP. P
Device.UPnP.Device. P
Enable W
UPnPMediaServer W
UPnPMediaRenderer W
UPnPWLANAccessPoint W
UPnPQoSDevice W
UPnPQoSPolicyHolder W
Device.UPnP.Device.Capabilities. P
UPnPArchitecture R
UPnPMediaServer R
UPnPMediaRenderer R
UPnPWLANAccessPoint R
UPnPBasicDevice R
UPnPQoSDevice R
UPnPQoSPolicyHolder R

UPnPDiscBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the UPnPDiscBasic:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.UPnP. P
Device.UPnP.Discovery. P
RootDeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.UPnP.Discovery.RootDevice.{i}. P
Status R
LeaseTime R
Location R
Server R

UPnPDiscAdv:1 Profile

The UPnPDiscAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the UPnPDiscBasic:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.UPnP.Discovery. P
DeviceNumberOfEntries R
ServiceNumberOfEntries R
Device.UPnP.Discovery.Device.{i}. P
Status R
LeaseTime R
Location R
Server R
Device.UPnP.Discovery.Service.{i}. P
Status R
LeaseTime R
Location R
Server R

UPnPDiscAdv:2 Profile

The UPnPDiscAdv:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the UPnPDiscAdv:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.6.

Name Requirement
Device.UPnP.Discovery.Device.{i}. P
LastUpdate R
Host R
Device.UPnP.Discovery.Service.{i}. P
LastUpdate R
Host R
ParentDevice R

SimpleFirewall:1 Profile

This table defines the SimpleFirewall:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.Firewall. P
Config W
Version R
LastChange R

AdvancedFirewall:1 Profile

The AdvancedFirewall:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the SimpleFirewall:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.Firewall. P
AdvancedLevel W
Type R
LevelNumberOfEntries R
ChainNumberOfEntries R
Device.Firewall.Level.{i}. C
Alias WO
Name R
Order W
Chain R
DefaultPolicy W
DefaultLogPolicy W
Device.Firewall.Chain.{i}. C
Enable W
Alias WO
Name W
Creator R
RuleNumberOfEntries R
Device.Firewall.Chain.{i}.Rule.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Order W
Alias WO
Target W
TargetChain W
SourceInterface W
SourceInterfaceExclude W
SourceAllInterfaces W
DestInterface W
DestInterfaceExclude W
DestAllInterfaces W
IPVersion W
DestIP W
DestMask W
DestIPExclude W
SourceIP W
SourceMask W
SourceIPExclude W
Protocol W
ProtocolExclude W
DestPort W
DestPortRangeMax W
DestPortExclude W
SourcePort W
SourcePortRangeMax W
SourcePortExclude W

PeriodicStatsBase:1 Profile

This table defines the PeriodicStatsBase:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.PeriodicStatistics. P
MinSampleInterval R
MaxReportSamples R
SampleSetNumberOfEntries R
Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}. C
Name W
SampleInterval W
ReportSamples W
ReportStartTime R
ReportEndTime R
SampleSeconds R
ParameterNumberOfEntries R
Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.Parameter.{i}. C
Reference W
SampleSeconds R
SuspectData R
Values R

FaultMgmtSupportedAlarms:1 Profile

This table defines the FaultMgmtSupportedAlarms:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.FaultMgmt. P
SupportedAlarmNumberOfEntries R
Device.FaultMgmt.SupportedAlarm.{i}. P
EventType R
ProbableCause R
SpecificProblem R
PerceivedSeverity R
ReportingMechanism W

FaultMgmtActive:1 Profile

This table defines the FaultMgmtActive:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.FaultMgmt. P
CurrentAlarmNumberOfEntries R
Device.FaultMgmt.CurrentAlarm.{i}. P
AlarmIdentifier R
AlarmRaisedTime R
AlarmChangedTime R
EventType R
ProbableCause R
PerceivedSeverity R

FaultMgmtHistory:1 Profile

This table defines the FaultMgmtHistory:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.FaultMgmt. P
HistoryEventNumberOfEntries R
Device.FaultMgmt.HistoryEvent.{i}. P
EventTime R
AlarmIdentifier R
NotificationType R
EventType R
ProbableCause R
PerceivedSeverity R

FaultMgmtExpedited:1 Profile

This table defines the FaultMgmtExpedited:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.FaultMgmt. P
ExpeditedEventNumberOfEntries R
Device.FaultMgmt.ExpeditedEvent.{i}. P
EventTime R
AlarmIdentifier R
NotificationType R
EventType R
ProbableCause R
PerceivedSeverity R

FaultMgmtQueued:1 Profile

This table defines the FaultMgmtQueued:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.FaultMgmt. P
QueuedEventNumberOfEntries R
Device.FaultMgmt.QueuedEvent.{i}. P
EventTime R
AlarmIdentifier R
NotificationType R
EventType R
ProbableCause R
PerceivedSeverity R

FAP_GPS:1 Profile

This table defines the FAP_GPS:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.FAP.GPS. P
ScanOnBoot W
ScanPeriodically W
PeriodicInterval W
PeriodicTime W
ContinuousGPS W
ScanTimeout W
ScanStatus R
ErrorDetails R
LastScanTime R
LastSuccessfulScanTime R
LockedLatitude R
LockedLongitude R
NumberOfSatellites R

FAP_PerfMgmt:1 Profile

This table defines the FAP_PerfMgmt:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.FAP.PerfMgmt. P
ConfigNumberOfEntries R
Device.FAP.PerfMgmt.Config.{i}. P
Enable W
Username W
Password W
PeriodicUploadInterval W
PeriodicUploadTime W

FAP_ApplicationPlatform:1 Profile

This table defines the FAP_ApplicationPlatform:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform. P
Version R
Enable W
MaxNumberOfApplications R
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Control. P
AuthenticationMethod W
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Control.FemtoAwareness. P
APIEnable W
MaxAPIUsersNumber W
FemtozoneID W
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Control.SMS. P
APIEnable W
MaxAPIUsersNumber W
MinSendSMSTimeInterval W
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Control.MMS. P
APIEnable W
MaxAPIUsersNumber W
MinSendMMSTimeInterval W
Device.FAP.ApplicationPlatform.Control.TerminalLocation. P
APIEnable W
MaxAPIUsersNumber W
QueryMobileLocationResponseAddress W
QueryMobileLocationResponseLongitudeLatitude W

BulkDataColl:1 Profile

This table defines the BulkDataColl:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.5.

Name Requirement
Device.BulkData. P
Enable W
Status R
MinReportingInterval R
Protocols R
EncodingTypes R
ProfileNumberOfEntries R
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}. C
Enable W
Alias WO
Protocol W
EncodingType W
ReportingInterval W
TimeReference W
ParameterNumberOfEntries R
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.Parameter.{i}. C
Reference W

BulkDataReports:1 Profile

The BulkDataReports:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the BulkDataColl:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.BulkData. P
ParameterWildCardSupported R
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}. C
Name W
NumberOfRetainedFailedReports W
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.Parameter.{i}. C
Name W

BulkDataJSONEncoding:1 Profile

The BulkDataJSONEncoding:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the BulkDataColl:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.JSONEncoding. P
ReportFormat W
ReportTimestamp W

BulkDataCSVEncoding:1 Profile

The BulkDataCSVEncoding:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the BulkDataColl:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.CSVEncoding. P
FieldSeparator W
RowSeparator W
EscapeCharacter W
ReportFormat W
RowTimestamp W

BulkDataHTTP:1 Profile

The BulkDataHTTP:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the BulkDataColl:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.HTTP. P
Username W
Password W
CompressionsSupported R
Compression W
MethodsSupported R
Method W
UseDateHeader W
RetryEnable W
RetryMinimumWaitInterval W
RetryIntervalMultiplier W
RequestURIParameterNumberOfEntries R
Device.BulkData.Profile.{i}.HTTP.RequestURIParameter.{i}. C
Name W
Reference W

XMPPBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the XMPPBasic:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.7.

Name Requirement
Device.XMPP. P
ConnectionNumberOfEntries R
Device.XMPP.Connection.{i}. C
Enable W
Username W
Password W
Domain W
Resource W
JabberID R
Status R
LastChangeDate R

XMPPAdvanced:1 Profile

The XMPPAdvanced:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the XMPPBasic:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.7.

Name Requirement
Device.XMPP.Connection.{i}. C
ServerConnectAlgorithm W
KeepAliveInterval W
ServerNumberOfEntries R
TLSEstablished R
Device.XMPP.Connection.{i}.Server.{i}. C
Enable W
Priority W
Weight W
ServerAddress W
Port W
Device.XMPP.Connection.{i}.Stats. P
ReceivedMessages R
TransmittedMessages R
ReceivedErrorMessages R
TransmittedErrorMessages R

XMPPReconnect:1 Profile

This table defines the XMPPReconnect:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.7.

Name Requirement
Device.XMPP.Connection.{i}. C
ServerConnectAttempts W
ServerRetryInitialInterval W
ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier W
ServerRetryMaxInterval W

IEEE1905Device:1 Profile

This table defines the IEEE1905Device:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.9.

Name Requirement
Device.IEEE1905. P
Version R
Device.IEEE1905.AL. P
IEEE1905Id R
Status R
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}. P
InterfaceId R
MediaType R
GenericPhyOUI R
GenericPhyVariant R
GenericPhyURL R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Security. P
SetupMethod W
Password W

IEEE1905TopologyMetric:1 Profile

The IEEE1905TopologyMetric:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IEEE1905Device:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.9.

Name Requirement
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology. P
Enable W
Status R
IEEE1905DeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}. P
IEEE1905Id R
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
IEEE1905NeighborNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.IEEE1905Neighbor.{i}. P
LocalInterface R
NeighborDeviceId R
MetricNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.IEEE1905Neighbor.{i}.Metric.{i}. P
NeighborMACAddress R
IEEE802dot1Bridge R
PacketErrors R
PacketErrorsReceived R
TransmittedPackets R
PacketsReceived R
MACThroughputCapacity R
LinkAvailability R

IEEE1905TopologyNeighbor:1 Profile

The IEEE1905TopologyNeighbor:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IEEE1905Device:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.9.

Name Requirement
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology. P
Enable W
Status R
IEEE1905DeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}. P
IEEE1905Id R
Version R
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
NonIEEE1905NeighborNumberOfEntries R
IEEE1905NeighborNumberOfEntries R
L2NeighborNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.IEEE1905Neighbor.{i}. P
LocalInterface R
NeighborDeviceId R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.Interface.{i}. P
InterfaceId R
MediaType R
PowerState R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.NonIEEE1905Neighbor.{i}. P
LocalInterface R
NeighborInterfaceId R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.L2Neighbor.{i}. P
LocalInterface R
NeighborInterfaceId R
BehindInterfaceIds R

IEEE1905TopologyHigherLayer:1 Profile

The IEEE1905TopologyHigherLayer:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IEEE1905Device:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.9.

Name Requirement
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology. P
Enable W
Status R
IEEE1905DeviceNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}. P
IEEE1905Id R
Version R
FriendlyName R
ManufacturerName R
ManufacturerModel R
ControlURL R
IPv4AddressNumberOfEntries R
IPv6AddressNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.IPv4Address.{i}. P
MACAddress R
IPv4Address R
IPv4AddressType R
DHCPServer R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.IPv6Address.{i}. P
MACAddress R
IPv6Address R
IPv6AddressType R
IPv6AddressOrigin R

IEEE1905Power:1 Profile

The IEEE1905Power:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IEEE1905Device:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.9.

Name Requirement
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}. P
SetIntfPowerStateEnabled W
PowerState W
VendorPropertiesNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}.VendorProperties.{i}. P
Information R

IEEE1905InterfaceSelection:1 Profile

The IEEE1905InterfaceSelection:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IEEE1905Device:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.9.

Name Requirement
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}. P
SetIntfPowerStateEnabled W
PowerState W
VendorPropertiesNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}.VendorProperties.{i}. P
Information R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.ForwardingTable. P
SetForwardingEnabled R
ForwardingRuleNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.ForwardingTable.ForwardingRule.{i}. C
InterfaceList W
MACDestinationAddress W
MACDestinationAddressFlag W
MACSourceAddress W
MACSourceAddressFlag W
EtherType W
EtherTypeFlag W
Vid W
VidFlag W

IEEE1905LinkMetric:1 Profile

The IEEE1905LinkMetric:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IEEE1905Device:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.9.

Name Requirement
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}. P
SetIntfPowerStateEnabled W
PowerState W
LinkNumberOfEntries R
VendorPropertiesNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}.VendorProperties.{i}. P
Information R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}.Link.{i}. P
InterfaceId R
IEEE1905Id R
MediaType R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.Interface.{i}.Link.{i}.Metric. P
PacketErrors R
PacketErrorsReceived R
TransmittedPackets R
PacketsReceived R
MACThroughputCapacity R
LinkAvailability R

IEEE1905NetworkTopology:1 Profile

The IEEE1905NetworkTopology:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IEEE1905Device:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.9.

Name Requirement
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology. P
Enable W
Status R
MaxChangeLogEntries W
LastChange R
IEEE1905DeviceNumberOfEntries R
ChangeLogNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.ChangeLog.{i}. P
TimeStamp R
EventType R
ReporterDeviceId R
ReporterInterfaceId R
NeighborType R
NeighborId R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}. P
IEEE1905Id R
Version R
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
NonIEEE1905NeighborNumberOfEntries R
IEEE1905NeighborNumberOfEntries R
BridgingTupleNumberOfEntries R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.BridgingTuple.{i}. P
InterfaceList R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.IEEE1905Neighbor.{i}. P
LocalInterface R
NeighborDeviceId R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.Interface.{i}. P
InterfaceId R
MediaType R
PowerState R
Device.IEEE1905.AL.NetworkTopology.IEEE1905Device.{i}.NonIEEE1905Neighbor.{i}. P
LocalInterface R
NeighborInterfaceId R

MQTTClientCon:1 Profile

This table defines the MQTTClientCon:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.MQTT. P
ClientNumberOfEntries R
Device.MQTT.Capabilities. P
ProtocolVersionsSupported R
TransportProtocolSupported R
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
ProtocolVersion W
BrokerAddress W
BrokerPort W
CleanSession W
KeepAliveTime W
Name W
ClientID W
Username W
Password W
TransportProtocol W
MessageRetryTime W
ConnectRetryTime W
ConnectRetryIntervalMultiplier W
ConnectRetryMaxInterval W
ResponseInformation R

MQTTClientBase:1 Profile

This table defines the MQTTClientBase:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.MQTT. P
ClientNumberOfEntries R
Device.MQTT.Capabilities. P
ProtocolVersionsSupported R
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
ProtocolVersion W
BrokerAddress W
BrokerPort W
CleanSession W
KeepAliveTime W
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}.Stats. P
BrokerConnectionEstablished R
MQTTMessagesSent R
MQTTMessagesReceived R
ConnectionErrors R

MQTTClientSubscribe:1 Profile

The MQTTClientSubscribe:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the MQTTClientBase:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}. P
SubscriptionNumberOfEntries R
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}.Subscription.{i}. P
Topic W
Enable W

MQTTBrokerBase:1 Profile

This table defines the MQTTBrokerBase:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.MQTT. P
BrokerNumberOfEntries R
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}. P
Name W
Enable W
Status R
Interface W
Port W
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}.Stats. P
TotalNumberOfClients R
NumberOfActiveClients R
MQTTMessagesSent R
MQTTMessagesReceived R
ConnectionErrors R

MQTTBrokerBridgeBase:1 Profile

The MQTTBrokerBridgeBase:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the MQTTBrokerBase:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}. P
BridgeNumberOfEntries R
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}.Bridge.{i}. P
Name W
Enable W
Status R
ServerConnection R
ServerNumberOfEntries R
SubscriptionNumberOfEntries R
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}.Bridge.{i}.Server.{i}. P
Enable W
Priority W
Address W
Port W
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}.Bridge.{i}.Subscription.{i}. P
Topic W
Direction W
Enable W

MQTTBrokerExtended:1 Profile

The MQTTBrokerExtended:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the MQTTBrokerBase:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}. P
Username W
Password W
Device.MQTT.Broker.{i}.Stats. P
NumberOfInactiveClients R
PublishSent R
PublishReceived R
PublishErrors R

LEDBasic:1 Profile

This table defines the LEDBasic:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.11.

Name Requirement
Device.LEDs. P
LEDNumberOfEntries R
Device.LEDs.LED.{i}. P
Name R
Status R
Reason R
CyclePeriodRepetitions R
Location R
RelativeXPosition R
RelativeYPosition R
CycleElementNumberOfEntries R
Device.LEDs.LED.{i}.CycleElement.{i}. P
Order R
Color R
Duration R
FadeInterval R
Device.LEDs.LED.{i}.CurrentCycleElement. P
CycleElementReference R
Color R
Duration R

LEDAdv:1 Profile

This table defines the LEDAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.11.

Name Requirement
Device.LEDs. P
LEDNumberOfEntries R
Device.LEDs.LED.{i}. P
Name W
Status R
Reason R
CyclePeriodRepetitions R
Location R
RelativeXPosition R
RelativeYPosition R
CycleElementNumberOfEntries R
Device.LEDs.LED.{i}.CycleElement.{i}. C
Enable W
Order W
Color W
Duration W
FadeInterval W
Device.LEDs.LED.{i}.CurrentCycleElement. P
CycleElementReference R
Color R
Duration R

BASAPM:1 Profile

This table defines the BASAPM:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.BASAPM. P
MeasurementEndpointNumberOfEntries R
Device.BASAPM.MeasurementEndpoint.{i}. C
Alias WO
MeasurementAgent W
DeviceOwnership W
OperationalDomain W
InternetDomain W
UseMeasurementEndpointInReports W
Device.BASAPM.MeasurementEndpoint.{i}.ISPDevice. P
ReferencePoint W
GeographicalLocation W
Device.BASAPM.MeasurementEndpoint.{i}.CustomerDevice. P
EquipmentIdentifier W
CustomerIdentifier W

LMAPPreconfiguration:1 Profile

This table defines the LMAPPreconfiguration:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.LMAP. P
MeasurementAgentNumberOfEntries R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
Version R
CapabilityTags R
Identifier W
PublicCredential W
PrivateCredential W
EventLog R
TaskCapabilityNumberOfEntries R
ScheduleNumberOfEntries R
TaskNumberOfEntries R
CommunicationChannelNumberOfEntries R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Controller. P
ControllerTimeout W
ControlSchedules W
ControlTasks W
ControlChannels W
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.TaskCapability.{i}. P
Name R
Version R
TaskCapabilityRegistryNumberOfEntries R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.TaskCapability.{i}.Registry.{i}. P
RegistryEntry R
Roles R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
Name W
Start W
End W
Duration W
Tags W
SuppressionTags W
ExecutionMode W
ActionNumberOfEntries R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}.Action.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
Order W
Task W
SuppressionTags W
Tags W
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}.Action.{i}.Option.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
Order W
Name W
Value R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Task.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
Name W
Tags W
OptionNumberOfEntries R
RegistryNumberOfEntries R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Task.{i}.Registry.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
RegistryEntry W
Roles W
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Task.{i}.Option.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
Order W
Name W
Value R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.CommunicationChannel.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
Name W
UseBulkDataProfile W
Target W
TargetPublicCredential W
Interface W
Device.LMAP.Event.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
Name W
Type W
RandomnessSpread W
Device.LMAP.Event.{i}.PeriodicTimer. P
StartTime W
EndTime W
Interval W
Device.LMAP.Event.{i}.CalendarTimer. P
StartTime W
EndTime W
ScheduleMonths W
ScheduleDaysOfMonth W
ScheduleDaysOfWeek W
ScheduleHoursOfDay W
ScheduleMinutesOfHour W
ScheduleSecondsOfMinute W
EnableScheduleTimezoneOffset W
ScheduleTimezoneOffset W
Device.LMAP.Event.{i}.OneOff. P
StartTime W

LMAPController:1 Profile

The LMAPController:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the LMAPPreconfiguration:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}. C
LastStarted R
GroupIdentifier W
MeasurementPoint W
UseAgentIdentifierInReports W
UseGroupIdentifierInReports W
UseMeasurementPointInReports W
InstructionNumberOfEntries R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Controller. P
ControllerTimeout W
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}. C
State R
LastInvocation R
Storage R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}.Stats. P
Invocations R
Suppressions R
Overlaps R
Failures R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}.Action.{i}. C
State R
LastInvocation R
Storage R
LastSuccessfulCompletion R
LastSuccessfulStatusCode R
LastSuccessfulMessage R
LastFailedCompletion R
LastFailedStatusCode R
LastFailedMessage R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Schedule.{i}.Action.{i}.Stats. P
Invocations R
Suppressions R
Overlaps R
Failures R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Instruction.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
LastChange R
InstructionSchedules W
InstructionTasks W
ReportChannels W
MeasurementSuppressionNumberOfEntries R
Device.LMAP.MeasurementAgent.{i}.Instruction.{i}.MeasurementSuppression.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
Name W
State R
StopRunning W
Start W
End W
SuppressionMatch W
Device.LMAP.Event.{i}. C
CycleInterval W

LMAPCollector:1 Profile

This table defines the LMAPCollector:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}. P
ReportDate R
AgentIdentifier R
GroupIdentifier R
MeasurementPoint R
ResultNumberOfEntries R
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}. P
TaskName R
ScheduleName R
ActionName R
EventTime R
CycleNumber R
Status R
Tags R
OptionNumberOfEntries R
ResultConflictNumberOfEntries R
ResultReportTableNumberOfEntries R
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}.Option.{i}. P
Order R
Name R
Value R
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}.Conflict.{i}. P
TaskName R
ScheduleName R
ActionName R
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}.ReportTable.{i}. P
ColumnLabels R
ResultReportRowNumberOfEntries R
RegistryNumberOfEntries R
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}.ReportTable.{i}.ResultRow.{i}. P
Values R
Device.LMAP.Report.{i}.Result.{i}.ReportTable.{i}.Registry.{i}. P
RegistryEntry R
Roles R

Logical:1 Profile

This table defines the Logical:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.16.

Name Requirement
Device.Logical. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.Logical.Interface.{i}. P
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers W
Device.Logical.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R

Schedules:1 Profile

This table defines the Schedules:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.18.

Name Requirement
Device.Schedules. P
ScheduleNumberOfEntries R
Device.Schedules.Schedule.{i}. P
Alias WO
Enable W
Day W
StartTime W
Duration W

GatewayInfo:1 Profile

This table defines the GatewayInfo:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.16.

Name Requirement
Device.GatewayInfo. P
ManufacturerOUI R
ProductClass R
SerialNumber R
EndpointID R
ManagementProtocol R

BinaryControl:1 Profile

This table defines the BinaryControl:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device. P
IoTCapabilityNumberOfEntries R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}. P
Class R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.BinaryControl. P
Type R
Value W

LevelControl:1 Profile

This table defines the LevelControl:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device. P
IoTCapabilityNumberOfEntries R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}. P
Class R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.LevelControl. P
Type R
Value W
Unit R
MinValue R
MaxValue R

LevelControlIntensity:1 Profile

The LevelControlIntensity:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the LevelControl:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.LevelControl. P
StepUp() -
StepDown() -
StepValue W

EnumControl:1 Profile

This table defines the EnumControl:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device. P
IoTCapabilityNumberOfEntries R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}. P
Class R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.EnumControl. P
Type R
Value W
ValidValues R

BinarySensor:1 Profile

This table defines the BinarySensor:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device. P
IoTCapabilityNumberOfEntries R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}. P
Class R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.BinarySensor. P
Type R
Value R

LevelSensor:1 Profile

This table defines the LevelSensor:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device. P
IoTCapabilityNumberOfEntries R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}. P
Class R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.LevelSensor. P
Type R
Value R
Unit R

LevelSensorLowThreshold:1 Profile

The LevelSensorLowThreshold:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the LevelSensor:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.LevelSensor. P
LowLevel R
LowLevelThreshold W

LevelSensorHighThreshold:1 Profile

The LevelSensorHighThreshold:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the LevelSensor:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.LevelSensor. P
HighLevel R
HighLevelThreshold W

MultiLevelSensor:1 Profile

This table defines the MultiLevelSensor:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device. P
IoTCapabilityNumberOfEntries R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}. P
Class R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.MultiLevelSensor. P
Type R
Values R
ValueNames R
Unit R

EnumSensor:1 Profile

This table defines the EnumSensor:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device. P
IoTCapabilityNumberOfEntries R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}. P
Class R
Device.IoTCapability.{i}.EnumSensor. P
Type R
Value R
ValidValues R

MoCA_Aca:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_Aca:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}.Aca. P
Aca() -
Input. -
NodeID -
Type -
Channel -
ReportNodeMask -
Output. -
Status -
TotalRxPower -
PowerProfile -

MoCA_Trap:1 Profile

This table defines the MoCA_Trap:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.MoCA.Interface.{i}. P
BelowPhyThresholdTrap! -
AbovePhyThresholdTrap! -
MrRstSuccessTrap! -
StatusChangeTrap! -
NumNodesChangeTrap! -
MrNetworkSuccessTrap! -
MrNetworkFailTrap! -
PowerStateBcstRecTrap! -
PowerStateM0NcTrap! -
PowerStateNc1xTrap! -
PowerStateRespTrap! -
PowerStateUcstPenTrap! -
PowerStateTrnsReqTrap! -
PowerStateWupUrTrap! -
LmoStatusTrap! -
LinkFailureTrap! -
ConnectedNodesChangeTrap! -
MgntEntityNetwIePayloadRecTrap! -
MpsInitScanRecTrap! -
MpsPairFailTrap! -
MpsPrivacyChangedTrap! -
NcPrivacySupportedRecTrap! -
NetworkNameRecTrap! -
NodeDropAdmFailureTrap! -
NodeDropNcTrap! -
NodeDropMpsTriggeredTrap! -
NodeDropNcChgTrap! -

MoCA_Mandatory:1 Profile

The MoCA_Mandatory:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the MoCA_Status:1, MoCA_Stats:1, MoCA_FlowStats:1, MoCA_Node:1 and MoCA_Mesh:1 profiles and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement

Download:1 Profile

This table defines the Download:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
IPv4DownloadDiagnosticsSupported R
IPv6DownloadDiagnosticsSupported R
DownloadTransports R
DownloadDiagnostics() -
Input. -
Interface -
DownloadURL -
EthernetPriority -
Output. -
Status -
ROMTime -
BOMTime -
EOMTime -
TestBytesReceived -
TotalBytesReceived -

IPLayerCapacity:1 Profile [DELETED]

This table defines the IPLayerCapacity:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.14.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
IPLayerCapacitySupported R
IPLayerMaxConnections R
IPLayerMaxIncrementalResult R
IPLayerCapSupportedMetrics R
IPLayerCapacity() -
Input. -
Interface -
Role -
Host -1
Port -2
JumboFramesPermitted -
NumberOfConnections -3
EthernetPriority -
ProtocolVersion -
UDPPayloadMin -
UDPPayloadMax -
PortMin -
PortMax -
TestType -
PreambleDuration -
StartSendingRate -
NumberTestSubIntervals -
TestSubInterval -
StatusFeedbackInterval -
TimeoutNoTraffic -4
Tmax -
TmaxRTT -
TimestampResolution -
LowerThresh -
UpperThresh -
HighSpeedDelta -
SlowAdjThresh -
HSpeedThresh -
Output. -
BOMTime -
EOMTime -
Tmax -
TestInterval -
MaxIPLayerCapacity -
TimeOfMax -
LossRatioAtMax -
RTTRangeAtMax -
PDVRangeAtMax -
MinOnewayDelayAtMax -
ReorderedRatioAtMax -
IncrementalResult.{i}. -
IPLayerCapacity -
TimeOfSubInterval -
LossRatio -
RTTRange -
PDVRange -
MinOnewayDelay -
ReorderedRatio -

1 This parameter is DELETED.
2 This parameter is DELETED.
3 This parameter is DELETED.
4 This parameter is DELETED.

IPLayerCapacityTest:1 Profile [OBSOLETED]

This table defines the IPLayerCapacityTest:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.15.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
IPLayerCapacitySupported R
IPLayerCapSupportedSoftwareVersion R
IPLayerCapSupportedControlProtocolVersion R
IPLayerCapSupportedMetrics R
IPLayerCapacity() -
Input. -
Role -
Host -1
JumboFramesPermitted -
TestType -
IPDVEnable -
TestSubInterval -
StatusFeedbackInterval -
SeqErrThresh -
ReordDupIgnoreEnable -
LowerThresh -
UpperThresh -
HighSpeedDelta -
SlowAdjThresh -
Output. -
BOMTime -
MaxIPLayerCapacity -
TimeOfMax -
LossRatioAtMax -
RTTRangeAtMax -
PDVRangeAtMax -
MaxETHCapacityNoFCS -
MaxETHCapacityWithFCS -
MaxETHCapacityWithFCSVLAN -
IPLayerCapacitySummary -
LossRatioSummary -
MinRTTSummary -

1 This parameter is OBSOLETED.

IPLayerCapacityTest:2 Profile

This table defines the IPLayerCapacityTest:2 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
IPLayerCapacitySupported R
IPLayerCapSupportedSoftwareVersion R
IPLayerCapSupportedControlProtocolVersion R
IPLayerCapSupportedMetrics R
IPLayerCapacity() -
Input. -
Role -
ServerList -
JumboFramesPermitted -
TestType -
IPDVEnable -
TestSubInterval -
StatusFeedbackInterval -
SeqErrThresh -
ReordDupIgnoreEnable -
LowerThresh -
UpperThresh -
HighSpeedDelta -
SlowAdjThresh -
Output. -
BOMTime -
MaxIPLayerCapacity -
TimeOfMax -
LossRatioAtMax -
RTTRangeAtMax -
PDVRangeAtMax -
MaxETHCapacityNoFCS -
MaxETHCapacityWithFCS -
MaxETHCapacityWithFCSVLAN -
IPLayerCapacitySummary -
LossRatioSummary -
MinRTTSummary -
ActiveFlows -

DownloadTCP:1 Profile

This table defines the DownloadTCP:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
DownloadDiagnostics() -
Output. -
Status -
TCPOpenRequestTime -
TCPOpenResponseTime -

Upload:1 Profile

This table defines the Upload:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
IPv4UploadDiagnosticsSupported R
IPv6UploadDiagnosticsSupported R
UploadTransports R
UploadDiagnostics() -
Input. -
Interface -
UploadURL -
EthernetPriority -
Output. -
Status -
ROMTime -
BOMTime -
EOMTime -
TestFileLength -
TotalBytesSent -

UploadTCP:1 Profile

This table defines the UploadTCP:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
UploadDiagnostics() -
Output. -
Status -
TCPOpenRequestTime -
TCPOpenResponseTime -

SelfTestDiag:1 Profile

This table defines the SelfTestDiag:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device. P
SelfTestDiagnostics() -
Output. -
Status -
Results -

NSLookupDiag:1 Profile

This table defines the NSLookupDiag:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.DNS.Diagnostics. P
NSLookupDiagnostics() -
Input. -
Interface -
HostName -
DNSServer -
Timeout -
NumberOfRepetitions -
Output. -
Status -
SuccessCount -
Result.{i}. -
Status -
AnswerType -
HostNameReturned -
IPAddresses -
DNSServerIP -
ResponseTime -

Baseline:1 Profile [DELETED]

This table defines the Baseline:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device. P
InterfaceStackNumberOfEntries R
Device.DeviceInfo. P
Manufacturer R
ManufacturerOUI R
ModelName R
Description R
SerialNumber R
HardwareVersion R
SoftwareVersion R
ProvisioningCode W
UpTime R
Device.DNS. P
Device.DNS.Client. P
Enable W
Status R
ServerNumberOfEntries R
Device.DNS.Client.Server.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
DNSServer W
Interface W
Type R

Baseline:2 Profile [DELETED]

The Baseline:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Baseline:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device. P
InterfaceStackNumberOfEntries R
Device.DeviceInfo. P
Manufacturer R
ManufacturerOUI R
ModelName R
Description R
SerialNumber R
HardwareVersion R
SoftwareVersion R
ProvisioningCode W
UpTime R
Device.DNS. P
Device.DNS.Client. P
Enable W
Status R
ServerNumberOfEntries R
Device.DNS.Client.Server.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
DNSServer W
Interface W
Type R
Device.InterfaceStack.{i}. P
HigherLayer R
LowerLayer R
SupportedRecordTypes R

Baseline:3 Profile [DELETED]

The Baseline:3 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Baseline:2 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.4.

Name Requirement
Device. P
InterfaceStackNumberOfEntries R
Device.DeviceInfo. P
Manufacturer R
ManufacturerOUI R
ModelName R
Description R
SerialNumber R
HardwareVersion R
SoftwareVersion R
ProvisioningCode W
UpTime R
Device.DNS. P
Device.DNS.Client. P
Enable W
Status R
ServerNumberOfEntries R
Device.DNS.Client.Server.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
DNSServer W
Interface W
Type R
Device.InterfaceStack.{i}. P
HigherLayer R
LowerLayer R
SupportedRecordTypes R
RootDataModelVersion R

Baseline:4 Profile

This table defines the Baseline:4 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.15.

Name Requirement
Device. P
RootDataModelVersion R
InterfaceStackNumberOfEntries R
Device.DeviceInfo. P
Manufacturer R
ManufacturerOUI R
ModelName R
Description R
SerialNumber R
HardwareVersion R
SoftwareVersion R
ProvisioningCode W
UpTime R
Device.InterfaceStack.{i}. P
HigherLayer R
LowerLayer R
Device.DNS. P
SupportedRecordTypes R
Device.DNS.Client. P
Enable W
Status R
ServerNumberOfEntries R
Device.DNS.Client.Server.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
DNSServer W
Interface W
Type R

IPPingDetailed:1 Profile

This table defines the IPPingDetailed:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
IPPing() -
Input. -
Interface -
Host -
NumberOfRepetitions -
Timeout -
DataBlockSize -
Output. -
Status -
SuccessCount -
FailureCount -
AverageResponseTimeDetailed -
MinimumResponseTimeDetailed -
MaximumResponseTimeDetailed -

IPPingDetailed:2 Profile

The IPPingDetailed:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IPPingDetailed:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.16.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
IPPing() -
Input. -
ProtocolVersion -

IPPing:1 Profile

This table defines the IPPing:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
IPPing() -
Input. -
Interface -
Host -
NumberOfRepetitions -
Timeout -
DataBlockSize -
Output. -
Status -
SuccessCount -
FailureCount -
AverageResponseTime -
MinimumResponseTime -
MaximumResponseTime -

IPPing:2 Profile

The IPPing:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IPPing:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.16.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
IPPing() -
Input. -
ProtocolVersion -

TraceRoute:1 Profile

This table defines the TraceRoute:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
TraceRoute() -
Input. -
Interface -
Host -
NumberOfTries -
Timeout -
DataBlockSize -
MaxHopCount -
Output. -
Status -
ResponseTime -
RouteHops.{i}. -
Host -
HostAddress -
ErrorCode -
RTTimes -

TraceRoute:2 Profile

The TraceRoute:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the TraceRoute:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.16.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
TraceRoute() -
Input. -
ProtocolVersion -

ATMLoopback:1 Profile

This table defines the ATMLoopback:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.ATM.Diagnostics. P
F5Loopback() -
Input. -
Interface -
NumberOfRepetitions -
Timeout -
Output. -
Status -
SuccessCount -
FailureCount -
AverageResponseTime -
MinimumResponseTime -
MaximumResponseTime -

DSLDiagnostics:1 Profile

This table defines the DSLDiagnostics:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL.Diagnostics. P
ADSLLineTest() -
Input. -
Interface -
Output. -
Status -
HLINpsds -
QLNpsds -
SNRpsds -
BITSpsds -

ADSL2Diagnostics:1 Profile

This table defines the ADSL2Diagnostics:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL.Diagnostics. P
ADSLLineTest() -
Input. -
Interface -
Output. -
Status -
HLINpsds -
HLINpsus -
HLOGpsds -
HLOGpsus -
QLNpsds -
QLNpsus -
SNRpsds -
SNRpsus -
LATNpbds -
LATNpbus -
SATNds -
SATNus -

VDSL2Diagnostics:1 Profile

This table defines the VDSL2Diagnostics:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL.Diagnostics. P
ADSLLineTest() -
Input. -
Interface -
Output. -
Status -
HLINpsds -
HLINpsus -
HLOGpsds -
HLOGpsus -
QLNGds -
QLNGus -
QLNpsds -
QLNpsus -
SNRGds -
SNRGus -
SNRpsds -
SNRpsus -
LATNpbds -
LATNpbus -
SATNds -
SATNus -

SELTDiagnostics:1 Profile

This table defines the SELTDiagnostics:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.DSL.Diagnostics. P
Input. -
UERMaxMeasurementDuration -
Output. -
Status -
UERScaleFactor -
UERGroupSize -
UERVar -
Input. -
QLNMaxMeasurementDuration -
Output. -
Status -
QLNGroupSize -

HPNADiagnostics:1 Profile

This table defines the HPNADiagnostics:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.HPNA.Diagnostics. P
PHYThroughput() -
Input. -
Interface -
NumPacketsInBurst -
BurstInterval -
TestPacketPayloadLength -
PayloadEncoding -
PayloadDataGen -
PayloadType -
PriorityLevel -
Output. -
Status -
Result.{i}. -
SrcMACAddress -
DestMACAddress -
PHYRate -
BaudRate -
PacketsReceived -

UPADiagnostics:1 Profile

This table defines the UPADiagnostics:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.UPA.Diagnostics. P
InterfaceMeasurement() -
Input. -
Type -
Interface -
Port -
Output. -
Status -
Measurements -
RxGain -

UDPEchoDiag:1 Profile

This table defines the UDPEchoDiag:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
UDPEchoDiagnostics() -
Input. -
Interface -
Host -
NumberOfRepetitions -
EnableIndividualPacketResults -
Timeout -
DataBlockSize -
InterTransmissionTime -
Output. -
Status -
SuccessCount -
FailureCount -
AverageResponseTime -
MinimumResponseTime -
MaximumResponseTime -
IndividualPacketResult.{i}. -
PacketSuccess -
PacketSendTime -
PacketReceiveTime -
TestGenSN -
TestRespSN -
TestRespRcvTimeStamp -
TestRespReplyTimeStamp -
TestRespReplyFailureCount -

UDPEchoDiag:2 Profile

The UDPEchoDiag:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the UDPEchoDiag:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.16.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
UDPEchoDiagnostics() -
Input. -
Port -

ServerSelectionDiag:1 Profile

This table defines the ServerSelectionDiag:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
ServerSelectionDiagnostics() -
Input. -
Interface -
HostList -
NumberOfRepetitions -
Timeout -
Output. -
Status -
FastestHost -
AverageResponseTime -

ServerSelectionDiag:2 Profile

The ServerSelectionDiag:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the ServerSelectionDiag:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.16.

Name Requirement
Device.IP.Diagnostics. P
ServerSelectionDiagnostics() -
Input. -
ProtocolVersion -
Protocol -

STOMPConn:1 Profile

This table defines the STOMPConn:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.STOMP. P
ConnectionNumberOfEntries R
Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}. C
Alias WO
Enable W
Status R
Host W
Port W
VirtualHost W
ServerRetryInitialInterval W
ServerRetryIntervalMultiplier W
ServerRetryMaxInterval W

STOMPHeartbeat:1 Profile

The STOMPHeartbeat:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the STOMPConn:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.STOMP.Connection.{i}. C
EnableHeartbeats W
OutgoingHeartbeat W
IncomingHeartbeat W

TempStatusAdv:1 Profile

The TempStatusAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the TempStatus:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus.TemperatureSensor.{i}. P
Reset() -
LowAlarmValue W
LowAlarmTime R
HighAlarmValue W
HighAlarmTime R

TempStatusAdv:2 Profile

The TempStatusAdv:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the TempStatusAdv:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.1.

Name Requirement
Device.DeviceInfo.TemperatureStatus.TemperatureSensor.{i}. P
PollingInterval W

USBHostsAdv:1 Profile

The USBHostsAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the USBHostsBasic:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.USB.USBHosts.Host.{i}. P
Reset() -
PowerManagementEnable W
Device.USB.USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}. P
IsSuspended R
IsSelfPowered R
ConfigurationNumberOfEntries R
Device.USB.USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}.Configuration.{i}. P
ConfigurationNumber R
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.USB.USBHosts.Host.{i}.Device.{i}.Configuration.{i}.Interface.{i}. P
InterfaceNumber R
InterfaceClass R
InterfaceSubClass R
InterfaceProtocol R

PeriodicStatsAdv:1 Profile [OBSOLETED]

The PeriodicStatsAdv:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the PeriodicStatsBase:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R1
TimeReference W
FetchSamples W
ForceSample() -
Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.Parameter.{i}. C
Enable W
SampleMode W
CalculationMode W
LowThreshold W
HighThreshold W
Failures R

1 This parameter is OBSOLETED.

PeriodicStatsAdv:2 Profile

The PeriodicStatsAdv:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the PeriodicStatsBase:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.16.

Name Requirement
Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}. C
Enable W
TimeReference W
FetchSamples W
ForceSample() -
Push! -
Device.PeriodicStatistics.SampleSet.{i}.Parameter.{i}. C
Enable W
SampleMode W
CalculationMode W
LowThreshold W
HighThreshold W
Failures R

IPInterface:1 Profile

This table defines the IPInterface:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.IP. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.IP.Interface.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers W
Type R
Reset() -
IPv4AddressNumberOfEntries R
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.IPv4Address.{i}. C
Enable W
IPAddress W
SubnetMask W
AddressingType R
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
DiscardPacketsSent R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived R

IPInterface:2 Profile

The IPInterface:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the IPInterface:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.IP. P
IPv4Enable W
IPv4Status R
Device.IP.Interface.{i}. C
IPv4Enable W
Device.IP.Interface.{i}.IPv4Address.{i}. C
Status R

IPv6Interface:1 Profile

This table defines the IPv6Interface:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.IP. P
IPv6Capable R
IPv6Enable W
IPv6Status R
ULAPrefix W
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.IP.Interface.{i}. C
Enable W
IPv6Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers W
Type R
ULAEnable W
Reset() -
IPv6AddressNumberOfEntries R
IPv6PrefixNumberOfEntries R

PPPInterface:1 Profile

This table defines the PPPInterface:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.PPP. P
InterfaceNumberOfEntries R
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Alias WO
Name R
LastChange R
LowerLayers W
Reset() -
Username W
Password W
ConnectionTrigger W
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.PPPoE. P
SessionID R
ACName W
ServiceName W
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}.Stats. P
BytesSent R
BytesReceived R
PacketsSent R
PacketsReceived R
ErrorsSent R
ErrorsReceived R
UnicastPacketsSent R
UnicastPacketsReceived R
DiscardPacketsSent R
DiscardPacketsReceived R
MulticastPacketsSent R
MulticastPacketsReceived R
BroadcastPacketsSent R
BroadcastPacketsReceived R
UnknownProtoPacketsReceived R

PPPInterface:2 Profile

The PPPInterface:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the PPPInterface:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.PPP. P
SupportedNCPs R
Device.PPP.Interface.{i}. C
LocalInterfaceIdentifier R
RemoteInterfaceIdentifier R

DHCPv4Client:1 Profile

This table defines the DHCPv4Client:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.DHCPv4. P
ClientNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv4.Client.{i}. C
Enable W
Interface W
Status R
Renew() -
IPAddress R
SubnetMask R
IPRouters R
DNSServers R
LeaseTimeRemaining R
DHCPServer R
SentOptionNumberOfEntries R
ReqOptionNumberOfEntries R
Enable W
Tag W
Value W
Enable W
Order W
Tag W
Value R

DHCPv6Client:1 Profile

This table defines the DHCPv6Client:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.DHCPv6. P
ClientNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv6.Client.{i}. C
Enable W
Status R
Interface W
RequestAddresses W
RequestPrefixes W
RapidCommit W
Renew() -
SuggestedT1 W
SuggestedT2 W
SupportedOptions R
RequestedOptions W
SentOptionNumberOfEntries R
ReceivedOptionNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv6.Client.{i}.SentOption.{i}. C
Enable W
Tag W
Value W
Device.DHCPv6.Client.{i}.ReceivedOption.{i}. P
Tag R
Value R

DHCPv6ClientServerIdentity:1 Profile

The DHCPv6ClientServerIdentity:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the DHCPv6Client:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.2.

Name Requirement
Device.DHCPv6.Client.{i}. C
ServerNumberOfEntries R
Device.DHCPv6.Client.{i}.Server.{i}. P
SourceAddress R
InformationRefreshTime R
Device.DHCPv6.Client.{i}.ReceivedOption.{i}. P
Server R

MQTTClientExtended:1 Profile

The MQTTClientExtended:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the MQTTClientBase:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.10.

Name Requirement
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}. P
Name W
ClientID W
Username W
Password W
TransportProtocol W
MessageRetryTime W
ConnectRetryTime W
ForceReconnect() -
WillEnable W
WillTopic W
WillValue W
WillQoS W
WillRetain W
Device.MQTT.Client.{i}.Stats. P
LastPublishMessageSent R
LastPublishMessageReceived R
PublishSent R
PublishReceived R
SubscribeSent R
UnSubscribeSent R
PublishErrors R

HPNAQoS:1 Profile

This table defines the HPNAQoS:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.0.

Name Requirement
Device.HPNA.Interface.{i}.QoS. P
FlowSpecNumberOfEntries R
Device.HPNA.Interface.{i}.QoS.FlowSpec.{i}. C
FlowType W
Priority W
Latency W
Jitter W
PacketSize W
MinRate W
AvgRate W
MaxRate W
Timeout W

DeviceInfo:1 Profile

This table defines the DeviceInfo:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.DeviceInfo. P
Manufacturer R
ManufacturerOUI R
ProductClass R
SerialNumber R
ModelName R
HardwareVersion R
FriendlyName R

PacketCaptureDiagnostics:1 Profile

This table defines the PacketCaptureDiagnostics:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device. P
PacketCaptureDiagnostics() -
Input. -
Interface -
Duration -
FileTarget -
Output. -
PacketCaptureResult.{i}. -
FileLocation -

Reboot:1 Profile

This table defines the Reboot:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device. P
Reboot() -
Boot! -
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.BootParameter.{i}. C
Enable W
ParameterName W

Firmware:1 Profile

This table defines the Firmware:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.DeviceInfo. P
ActiveFirmwareImage R
BootFirmwareImage W
FirmwareImageNumberOfEntries R
Device.DeviceInfo.FirmwareImage.{i}. P
Alias WO
Name R
Version R
Available W
Status R
BootFailureLog R
Download() -
Device.LocalAgent. P
TransferComplete! -

LocalAgent:1 Profile

This table defines the LocalAgent:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent. P
EndpointID R
AdvertisedDeviceSubtypes R
Periodic! -
MTPNumberOfEntries R
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}. P
Alias R
Protocol R

CoAPAgent:1 Profile [DELETED]

The CoAPAgent:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the LocalAgent:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}.CoAP. P1
Port R
Path R

1 This object is DELETED.

STOMPAgent:1 Profile

The STOMPAgent:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the LocalAgent:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}.STOMP. P
Reference R
Destination R
DestinationFromServer R

WebSocketAgent:1 Profile

The WebSocketAgent:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the LocalAgent:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}.WebSocket. P
Port R
Path R

MQTTAgent:1 Profile

The MQTTAgent:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the LocalAgent:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}.MQTT. P
Reference R
ResponseTopicConfigured W
ResponseTopicDiscovered R

Controllers:1 Profile

This table defines the Controllers:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent. P
ControllerNumberOfEntries R
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}. P
Enable R
Alias R
EndpointID R
AssignedRole R
PeriodicNotifInterval R
MTPNumberOfEntries R
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}. P
Enable R
Alias R
Protocol R

CoAPController:1 Profile [DELETED]

The CoAPController:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Controllers:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.CoAP. P1
Host R
Port R
Path R

1 This object is DELETED.

STOMPController:1 Profile

The STOMPController:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Controllers:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.STOMP. P
Reference R
Destination R

WebSocketController:1 Profile

The WebSocketController:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Controllers:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.WebSocket. P
Host R
Port R
Path R

MQTTController:1 Profile [OBSOLETED]

The MQTTController:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Controllers:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.MQTT. P
Reference R1
Topic W

1 This parameter is OBSOLETED.

MQTTController:2 Profile

The MQTTController:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Controllers:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.16.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.MQTT. P
AgentMTPReference R
Topic W

Subscriptions:1 Profile

This table defines the Subscriptions:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent. P
SubscriptionNumberOfEntries R
Device.LocalAgent.Subscription.{i}. C
Enable W
Alias WO
Recipient R
CreationDate R
NotifType W
ReferenceList W
Persistent W

Challenge:1 Profile

This table defines the Challenge:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust. P
RequestChallenge() -
ChallengeResponse() -
ChallengeNumberOfEntries R
Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Challenge.{i}. P
Alias R
Description R
Role R
Value R
ValueType R
Instruction R
InstructionType R

ControllerTrust:1 Profile

This table defines the ControllerTrust:1 profile for the Device:2 data model. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.13.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust. P
UntrustedRole R
Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}. P
Alias WO
Enable W
Name W
PermissionNumberOfEntries R
Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission.{i}. P
Alias WO
Enable W
Targets R
Param R
Obj R
InstantiatedObj R
CommandEvent R

ControllerTrust:2 Profile

The ControllerTrust:2 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the ControllerTrust:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.16.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.ControllerTrust.Role.{i}.Permission.{i}. P
Order W

UDSAgent:1 Profile

The UDSAgent:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the LocalAgent:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.MTP.{i}.UDS. P
UnixDomainSocketRef R
Device.UnixDomainSockets. P
UnixDomainSocketNumberOfEntries R
Device.UnixDomainSockets.UnixDomainSocket.{i}. P
Alias WO
Mode R
Path R

UDSController:1 Profile

The UDSController:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the Controllers:1 profile and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.17.

Name Requirement
Device.LocalAgent.Controller.{i}.MTP.{i}.UDS. P
UnixDomainSocketRef R
USPServiceRef R
Device.UnixDomainSockets. P
UnixDomainSocketNumberOfEntries R
Device.UnixDomainSockets.UnixDomainSocket.{i}. P
Alias WO
Mode R
Path R

USPAgent:1 Profile

The USPAgent:1 profile for the Device:2 data model is defined as the union of the DeviceInfo:1, Reboot:1, Firmware:1, LocalAgent:1, Controllers:1, Subscriptions:1 and Challenge:1 profiles and the additional requirements defined in this table. The minimum REQUIRED version for this profile is Device:2.12.

Name Requirement

Generated by Broadband Forum bbfreport v2.2.0 (2024-07-23 version) on 2024-09-04 at 09:41:59 UTC. –output –format markdown tr-181-2-18-0-usp.xml

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